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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The value of using rapid rural appraisal techniques to generate and record indigenous knowledge : the case of indigenous vegetables in Uganda

Hart, Tim George Balne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent decades increasing attention has been paid to the idea of sustainable development and in particular to sustainable agricultural practices. Studies in the seventies, eighties and nineties indicated that many resource-poor farmers were practising low external input sustainable practices by virtue of their resource-poor status. Despite this status these farmers were developing sustainable practises that enabled them to survive even the harshest conditions. It was believed that an understanding of their local practices and associated knowledge, called indigenous technical knowledge by conventional scientists, could provide agricultural development workers with a greater understanding of how to achieve sustainable agricultural development. This awareness would ensure the optimal and sustainable use of local livelihood sources. Following this interest a number of complementary research methods were developed to generate and record indigenous knowledge. Many of these methods fall within the participatory research paradigm of the Social Sciences. Using one of the earlier complementary methods, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), this study considers its value as a method to collect indigenous knowledge about the local cultivation and use of indigenous vegetables in a parish in Uganda. The basic RRA tools are described and the position of RRA within the participatory research paradigm is discussed, indicating that the method probably has a lower-middle of the road position when placed on a continuum of participation. In this study the use of the method enabled the generation of information relating to the context in which agriculture was practised in the parish; specifically the production and use of plants known as indigenous vegetables. At the same time the tools enabled a broad understanding of indigenous knowledge regarding the production, associated practises and beliefs, as well as the use of indigenous vegetables in the parish. This information included technical and socio-cultural information indicating that indigenous knowledge is not only about technical knowledge. In recent years debate has emerged with regard to the value, use and misuse of indigenous knowledge. The debate has questioned the ability of various participatory complementary methods to accurately generate and record this knowledge. One of the main concerns is that most of these methods, like those associated with the quantitative and qualitative paradigms, tend to have inherent biases which detract from their value. Reflection on the use of RRA in the Ugandan study indicated that it was subject to a number of contextual constraints, namely: the assumption and treatment of indigenous knowledge as a stock of knowledge which can neatly conform to scientific categorisation; the unawareness of the powerladen interactions in which knowledge is generated; the consequences of local power struggles on the generation of knowledge; the significance that the presence of researchers during the knowledge generating process has on the resultant knowledge; the relevance of the time, timing and location where knowledge is generated; and the effect that local social differences, such as gender, age, wealth, class, etc. have on who has access to what sort of knowledge. More recently developed and refined methods such as Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Participatory Technology Development (PTD) include some tools and strategies that overcome some of these constraints. However, these methods are often subject to similar constraints, given the context in which they are used. In the final analysis, the use of the RRA method in Uganda is considered to be a useful tool for collecting contextual data and indigenous knowledge given the circumstances in which it was used. These circumstances included financial constraints, a lack of skills in the complementary methods within the research team, insufficient time and other resources. These hindrances are common in many agricultural development contexts. Based on the results of the study it is recommended that where circumstances permit it, participatory methods such as PRA and PTD should be used. However, users must remain aware that these methods can suffer from some contextual constraints if they are not used with care and if this use is not regularly reflected upon. Despite a number of shortcomings, the use of the RRA method indicated that it is a suitable method in certain contexts. It also indicated that indigenous knowledge is extremely important for agricultural development, but that care must be taken as to how it is generated, understood, recorded and subsequently used. The data generated by means of the RRA method enabled some preliminary reflections on the current understanding of indigenous knowledge. These were reflections on the following: it is a system of knowledge; it originates in and is exclusive to a particular location; it has the ability to include knowledge developed in other locations; and it is deeply entwined within the context in which it is developed. In conclusion a number of possible areas for future research on indigenous knowledge and participatory methods are identified which will allow us to develop a deeper understanding of the value of participatory methods and the significance of indigenous knowledge. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die afgelope dekades is verhoogde aandag geskenk aan die idee van volhoubare ontwikkeling en spesifiek aan volhoubare landboupraktyke. Studies gedurende die sewentigs, tagtigs en negentigs wys daarop dat verskeie hulpbronbeperkte boere lae eksterne inset, volhoubare praktyke be-oefen het na aanleiding van hulle hulpbronbeperkte status. Nieteenstaande hierdie boere se stand van sake het hulle nietemin standhoudende praktyke ontwikkel wat hulle in staat gestel het om selfs die moeilikste omstandighede te oorleef. Daar was geglo dat deur van hulle plaaslike praktyke en die daarmee saamgaande kennis, bekend as Inheemse Tegniese Kennis onder konvensionele wetenskaplikes, te begryp, dit landbouontwikkelingswerkers kan voorsien van ‘n beter begrip rakende, hoe om standhoudende landbou-ontwikkeling te bereik. Hierdie bewustheid sal die optimale en volhoubare gebruik van plaaslike lewens- en huishoudingsbronne verseker. As gevolg van hierdie belangstelling is ‘n hele aantal komplimenterende navorsingsmetodes ontwikkel om inheemse kennis in te win en op te teken. Verskeie van hierdie metodes val binne die deelnemende navorsingsparadigma van die Geesteswetenskappe. Deur gebruik te maak van een van die vroeëre aanvullende metodes, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), lê die waarde van RRA daarin dat dit ‘n metode is om inheemse kennis in te samel rakende die plaaslike verbouïng en gebruik van inheemse groentes in ‘n wyk in Uganda. Die basiese RRA tegnieke word omskryf asook die posisie van RRA binne die deelnemende navorsings paradigma en dan word daar aangedui dat die metode heel moontlik ‘n lae-middelposisie het wanneer dit geplaas word in terme van ‘n kontinuüm van deelname. In hierdie studie het die metode dit moontlik gemaak om inligting in te win wat verband hou met die konteks waarbinne landbou be-oefen is in die wyk; spesifiek wat produksie en die gebruik van plante, bekend as inheemse groentes, aanbetref. Terselfdertyd het die tegnieke ‘n breër begrip daargestel van inheemse kennis rakende die produksie, daarmee saamgaande praktyke en plaaslike menings, sowel as die gebruik van inheemse groentes in die wyk. Hierdie inligting het ingesluit die tegniese en sosio-kulturele inligting en aangedui dat inheemse kennis nie net oor tegniese kennis handel nie. In die pas afgelope jare het die debat ontstaan rakende die waarde, gebruik en misbruik van inheemse kennis. Die debat het die vermoë van die verskeie deelnemende komplimentêre metodes om akkuraat hierdie kennis in te win en op te skryf, bevraagteken. Een van die hoof bekommernisse is dat die meeste van hierdie metodes, soos die verbonde aan kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe paradigmas, daarna neig om inherent bevooroordeeld te wees wat hulle van hul waarde laat verminder. ‘n Refleksie op die gebruik van RRA in die Uganda-studie wys daarop dat dit onderhewig was aan ‘n aantal kontekstuele beperkings naamlik: die aanname en hantering van inheemse kennis as ‘n inventaris van kennis wat netjies omgeskakel kan word in wetenskaplike katagorisering; onbewustheid van die magsonewewigtigheid interaksies waarbinne kennis ingewin word; die gevolge van plaaslike magstryde op die insameling van kennis; die effek wat die teenwoordigheid van navorsers tydens die proses van kennis insameling het op die resultaatgewende kennis, die relevansie van tyd, tydsberekening en plek waar kennis ingewin word; en die effek wat plaaslike sosiale verskille, soos geslag, ouderdom, rykdom, klas, ens. het op wie toegang het tot watter soort van kennis. Meer onlangs ontwikkelde en verfynde metodes soos Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) en Participtory Technology Development (PTD) sluit van die tegnieke en strategieë in wat sommige van hierdie beperkings oorkom. Maar sommige van hierdie metodes is gereëld onderworpe aan soortgelyke beperkings, gegewe die konteks waarbinne dit gebruik word. In die finale analise is die gebruik van die RRA metode in Uganda beskou as ‘n bruikbare tegniek vir die insameling van kontekstuele data en inheemse kennis, gegewe die omstandighede waarbinne dit gebruik is. Hierdie omstandighede sluit in, finansiele beperkings, ‘n gebrek aan vaardigheid met die komplimentêre metodes binne die navorsingspan, onvoldoende tyd en ander bronne. Hierdie hindernisse is algemeen in verskeie landbouontwikkelingskontekste. Gebasseer op die resultate van die studie word aanbeveel dat waar omstandighede hul daartoe leen, deelnemende metodes soos PRA en PTD, gebruik moet word. Maar gebruikers moet daarvan bewus bly dat hierdie metodes kan ly aan kontekstuele tekortkomings indien hulle nie met sorg gebruik word en daar nie gereeld oor die gebruik daarvan gereflekteer word nie. Ten spyte van ‘n aantal tekortkomminge het die gebruik van die RRA metode aangewys dat dit ‘n toespaslike metode binne ‘n sekere konteks is. Dit het ook aangewys dat inheemse kennis uiters belangrik is vir landbouontwikkeling, maar dat sorg gedra moet word rakende hoe dit ingewin, verstaan, opgeskryf en daarna gebruik word. Die data wat ingewin is deur middel van die RRA metode het voorlopige refleksies moontlik gemaak rakende die huidige begrip van inheemse kennis. Hierdie was refleksies op die volgende: dit is ‘n stelsel van kennis, dit ontstaan in en is eksklusief aan ‘n spesifieke gebied, dit het die vermoë om kennis in te sluit wat in ander gebiede ontwikkel is, en dit is diep ingeweef in die konteks waarbinne dit ontwikkel is. Ten slotte ‘n hele aantal moontlike areas vir toekomstige navorsing rakende inheemse kennis en deelnemende metodes is geidentifiseer wat ons in staat sal stel om ‘n beter begrip te ontwikkel van die waarde van deelnemende metodes en die belangrikheid van inheemse kennis.

Exploring the organizational stress process in sport performers : from theory to practice

Didymus, Faye F. January 2012 (has links)
The increasing evidence of the organizational demands encountered by sports performers provides a fertile ground for research. There is now a requirement to move beyond describing the organizational stressors that performers encounter in order to understand the complex appraisal and coping processes that athletes engage in when experiencing organizational stress. This thesis aimed to conduct a detailed examination of these processes in high-level sport performers. Chapter 2 describes a narrative review of the extant appraisal literature that has examined the roles of situational and personal influences on appraising. In order to generate a detailed understanding of this literature, the review includes findings from the general, occupational, organizational, and sport psychology literatures. This review was instrumental in determining the direction of the research described in later chapters. Chapter 3 aimed to narrow the focus of the thesis to organizational stress transactions in sport performers and therefore, describes a diary study that explored swimmers appraisals of organizational stressors. The findings of this study provided insight into the complex process of appraisal and suggested that appraisals are related to the situational property of the stressor encountered. In addition, the results pointed to the importance of exploring the coping strategies that athletes use to manage organizational stressors in future research. Chapter 4 describes a narrative review of the literature that has examined athletes ways of coping with organizational stressors. Due to the limited sport psychology research in this area and in order to extend current knowledge in sport, prominent findings from the organizational and occupational psychology domains were considered. Chapter 5 was designed to extend the findings of Chapter 3 and the existing literature by examining the coping strategies that swimmers use in response to organizational stressors. This chapter highlighted the complexity of coping and suggested that appraisal mechanisms are linked to the coping family employed. Chapter 6 aimed to take a more complete approach to examining organizational stress transactions by exploring various components of stress transactions. The study presented in this chapter suggested that the appraisal an athlete makes is influential in determining the performance outcome that they will experience. Collectively, the chapters described above highlighted appraising as the pivotal element in stress transactions and established a rationale for the cognitive-behavioral based intervention that is described in Chapter 7. The study presented in Chapter 7 aimed to alleviate some of the negative outcomes of organizational stress by optimizing sport performers appraisals. The findings suggested that cognitive restructuring was a useful technique for achieving this aim. The program of research presented in this thesis suggests that appraising is the pivotal element of organizational stress transactions in sport and that appraising can be optimized in order to alleviate the negative emotional and performance outcomes of maladaptive appraisals. In addition, the research highlights the importance of considering the situational properties of stressors, the complexity of coping, and the relationships between components of stress transactions in future research. Further, the findings presented within this thesis suggest that future research should aim to make methodological and measurement advances and examine, in detail, performers appraisal and coping processes.

Probabilistic Risk Analysis in Transport Project Economic Evaluation

Lieswyn, John January 2012 (has links)
Transport infrastructure investment decision making is typically based on a range of inputs such as social, environmental and economic factors. The benefit cost ratio (BCR), a measure of economic efficiency (“value for money”) determined through cost benefit analysis (CBA), is dependent on accurate estimates of the various option costs and net social benefits such as reductions in travel time, accidents, and vehicle operating costs. However, most evaluations are deterministic procedures using point estimates for the inputs and producing point estimates for the outputs. Transport planners have primarily focused on the cost risks and treat risk through sensitivity testing. Probabilistic risk analysis techniques are available which could provide more information about the statistical confidence of the economic evaluation outputs. This research project report investigated how risk and uncertainty are dealt with in the literature and guidelines. The treatment of uncertainty in the Nelson Arterial Traffic Study (ATS) was reviewed and an opportunity to apply risk analysis to develop probabilities of sea level rise impacting on the coastal road options was identified. A simplified transport model and economic evaluation case study based on the ATS was developed in Excel to enable the application of @RISK Monte Carlo simulation software. The simplifications mean that the results are not comparable with the ATS. Seven input variables and their likely distributions were defined for simulation based on the literature review. The simulation of seven variables, five worksheets, and 10,000 iterations takes about 30 seconds of computation time. The input variables in rank order of influence on the BCR were capital cost, car mode share, unit vehicle operating cost, basic employment forecast growth rate, and unit value of time cost. The deterministically derived BCR of 0.75 is associated with a 50% chance that the BCR will be less than 0.6, although this probability is partly based on some statistical parameters without an empirical basis. In practice, probability distribution fitting to appropriate datasets should be undertaken to better support probabilistic risk analysis conclusions. Probabilities for different confidence levels can be reported to suit the risk tolerance of the decision makers. It was determined that the risk analysis approach is feasible and can produce useful outputs, given a clear understanding of the data inputs and their associated distributions.

The impact of a performance management system on service delivery in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality / Patrick Qena Radebe

Radebe, Patrick Qena January 2013 (has links)
Performance management is a process through which employees‟ performance is evaluated in order to reward such performance that meets the required standards, and to develop employees who fail to attain the required expectations. The overall organisational performance hinges on the effectiveness with which a performance management system is developed and implemented. The current study focuses on the extent to which performance management is effectively developed and implemented at the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and the correlation that this has with service delivery. To achieve this objective a number of research questions and objectives were posed and formulated in chapter one. The hypotheses for the study are: a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures can improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg; and a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures cannot improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg. In order to validate the hypotheses, the structured questionnaires on the performance management system and service delivery were compiled. A questionnaire for employees consisted of close-ended questionnaire statements and open-ended questions. Another questionnaire with only close-ended questionnaire statements was issued to residents to elicit responses on service delivery by the City of Johannesburg. Frequency analysis, which lends itself to correlation analysis, of employees‟ responses and residents‟ feedback was conducted. The correlation analysis between employees‟ responses to performance management system and residents‟ responses to service delivery was conducted using the Pearson Correlation. The findings of the study are: Growth and Development Strategy and the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) are not adhered to in the daily operations in the municipality. Managers and subordinates set objectives jointly but are, however, not participants in the evaluation of the municipality’s performance. The employees of the municipality are aware of the existence of the performance management system but it is applied only to more senior officials. Employees and managers are not involved in the evaluation of the municipality‟s performance. Training does not capacitate employees to work effectively with the Balanced Scorecard. The information technology architecture is not supportive of the implementation of the performance management system. Key performance areas were found to lack uniformity in the municipality and therefore created „silos‟ in the municipality. The key performance indicators are developed without the involvement of the communities, including employees, especially at the lower level of management. The critical success factors are understood by employees and are linked to major tasks and job responsibilities. Tax and rates accounts are issued in time. Tax and rates accounts are inaccurate. The municipality does not maintain street lights regularly. The municipality does not maintain sewage systems regularly. There is no relationship between the performance management system and service delivery. The recommendations for improving the performance management system were made and the researcher developed an appropriate model of performance that is oriented to effective service delivery. / Thesis (PhD (Public Management and Governance))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

Verkligt värde i förvaltningsfastigheter : En studie om den orealiserade värdeförändringen vid värdering till verkligt värde. / Fair value in Investment Properties : A study about the unrealized change in value in fair value accounting

Lergård, Andreas, Möller, Sanne January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Tidigare studier som utförts visar vilken betydelse värdering till verkligt värde fått för redovisningen. Det har däremot inte jämförts hur värdeförändringen skiljer sig åt mellan noterade och onoterade bolag, samt om eventuella skillnader beror på om externvärdering tillämpas. Vidare är avsikten att undersöka huruvida bolag redovisar större orealiserade uppvärderingar eller nedvärderingar vid värdering till verkligt värde. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur storleken på de orealiserade värdeförändringarna vid värdering till verkligt värde varierar beroende på upp- eller nedvärdering. Vidare är syftet att studera hur de orealiserade värdeförändringarna påverkas beroende på om bolaget är noterat eller inte, samt om bolaget tillämpar externvärdering. Metod: Studien bygger på en deduktiv ansats, där hypoteser byggts upp ifrån befintlig teori. Genom en tvärsnittsanalys för tre jämförande år har kvantitativ data samlats in för att se vad som kan påverka den orealiserade värdeförändringen vid värdering till verklig värde. Detta har kompletterats med uppföljningsintervjuer för att få en bättre förståelse för hur värderingen påverkas av bland annat externvärdering. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att uppvärderingarna vid värdering till verkligt värde var större än nedvärderingarna och att den orealiserade värdeförändringen blev större vid förekomsten av externvärdering. Om bolaget är noterat eller inte hade i studien ingen betydelse för tillgångsvärderingen. / Introduction: Previous studies have shown the impact of fair value. However, there is a lack of comparison in the academic field, between listed and unlisted companies, and how external appraisers affect the fair value. Further, we will also investigate if the appreciations differ in size from the depreciations. Aim: The aim of the study is to examine how the size of the unrealized change in value in fair value accounting differ between appreciations and depreciations, listed and unlisted companies, and if it is affected by external appraisers. Method: The study was conducted through a deductive approach, where the hypotheses derive from existing theories. With a cross-sectional method, three years have been compared using quantitative data, to see what influences the unrealized change in value. To get a better understanding of our results a number of interviews were conducted. Conclusion: The results show that the size of the appreciations was bigger than the depreciations, and the involvement of external appraisers had a positive effect on the unrealized change in value. If the companies were listed or not did not have any impact on the result of our study.

國民中學教職員工人格特質對反生產行為之影響:以績效考核公平為調節 / Research on the influence of teaching and administrative staffs' personality characteristics on counterproductive work behavior : Performance appraisal justice as a moderator

曾繁揚, Tzeng, Fan Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討人格特質、績效考核公平感與反生產行為之間相互關係,透過匿名的問卷,調查342位任職於臺北市及新北市的教職員工。分析結果指出,嚴謹性、友善性、開放性及神經質人格,皆能有效地預測反生產行為。 進一步檢視績效考核公平各構面在人格特質與反生產行為間的調節效果,研究發現分配公平能有效調節。本研究運用結構方式模型測試,分析各公平構面的調節情形,分析結果分配公平具有最佳的調節效果。 建議教育主管機關及人員可透過增進組織之公平相關政策,降低反生產行為之發生。 / The study examined the interrelation of personality characteristics, performance appraisal justice and counterproductive work behavior(CWB). An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted, with 342 teaching and administrative staffs in Taipei and New Taipei city. Statistical analysis indicated that CWB can be predicted by the following personality characteristics; conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness and neuroticism. Moderation analysis discovered that the association between personality characteristics and CWB is moderated by distributive justice. Structural Equation Modelling was adopted in order to examine the efficacy of the identified moderators, and revealed that distributive justice has the strongest moderating effect. Implications of the findings to organizational management and personnel practitioners are discussed accordingly, including; that the occurrence of CWB could be reduced through the implementation of organizational justice enhancement policies.

Educable Mentally Retarded: Classification of Students and Texas State Guidelines

Bonner, Angela Denise 12 1900 (has links)
In Texas, placement of educable mentally retarded (EMR) students has required three factors-- intellectual assessment, educational appraisal, and adaptive behavior. This study examined 28 reclassified EMR students to determine which assessment factor is least stable in defining EMR and to determine significance of change in assessment scores. Data were secured from school records. Type of intellectual assessment test used varied greatly and was found to be the most inconsistent placement factor. However, educational appraisal scores contributed to over half the reclassifications. Adaptive behavior did not contribute to any reclassification. Due to limited sampling and variety of assessment tests, significance of change in scores was not determined. Generally, on retest,performance IQ scores were elevated while verbal IQ scores remained the same.

Řízení pracovního výkonu a hodnocení pedagogických pracovníků v mateřské škole / Work performance management and evaluation of kindergarden pedagogical workers

Rydvalová, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
The main target of this thesis is to describe and explore the process of performance management and evaluation of teachers in nursery school. The theoretical part looks into the basics of personal work, especially its core activities - the performance management and evaluation of work performance of employees. As a component of this theoretical part is the specifications of these personnel activities in schools and school facilities. When it was found in literature also in nursery schools. The analytical part is related to the research in an environment of nursery schools, its target was to analyze whether and how is the process of performance management implemented to teachers and how is set up a system of evaluation. The survey was chosen as an exploratory questionnaire method. For data collection were used two methods: Individual standardized interview and analysis of school documents. The study was finished with a short questionnaire survey of staff in the monitored school. The conclusion contains a summary and evaluation to the main target of this thesis. The significance of the thesis consists in extending of the theoretical knowledge and practical benefits to executives, students of school management and education management in the implementation of performance management and evaluation of...

Uplatnění 360stupňové zpětné vazby / The Use of 360-Degree Feedback

Sýkorová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the topic of the 360-Degree Feedback with the emphasis on the application of this technique. In the theoretical part of the thesis is described the process of the 360-Degree Feedback with the accent on implementation of this tool to the company. The thesis also contains short description of the design of the 360- Degree Feedback questionnaire; and presentation how the data can be collected. Last but not least it is mentioned, how the final output of this method can be used. The application of the tool is described in the complexity of different personal activities and processes, with the combination of other personal tools (such as Assessment centers or Employee Surveys). The empirical part contains a description of the implementation of the 360- Degree Feedback into a personal and counseling company. The appropriate implementation is here taken like an important part of effective use of this tool. The data of the empirical study were collected by attempted observation.

Performance Appraisal of Estimation Algorithms and Application of Estimation Algorithms to Target Tracking

Zhao, Zhanlue 22 May 2006 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two parts. The first part deals with the performance appraisal of estimation algorithms. The second part focuses on the application of estimation algorithms to target tracking. Performance appraisal is crucial for understanding, developing and comparing various estimation algorithms. In particular, with the evolvement of estimation theory and the increase of problem complexity, performance appraisal is getting more and more challenging for engineers to make comprehensive conclusions. However, the existing theoretical results are inadequate for practical reference. The first part of this dissertation is dedicated to performance measures which include local performance measures, global performance measures and model distortion measure. The second part focuses on application of the recursive best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) or lineae minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimation to nonlinear measurement problem in target tracking. Kalman filter has been the dominant basis for dynamic state filtering for several decades. Beyond Kalman filter, a more fundamental basis for the recursive best linear unbiased filtering has been thoroughly investigated in a series of papers by Dr. X. Rong Li. Based on the so-called quasirecursive best linear unbiased filtering technique, the constraints of the Kalman filter Linear-Gaussian assumptions can be relaxed such that a general linear filtering technique for nonlinear systems can be achieved. An approximate optimal BLUE filter is implemented for nonlinear measurements in target tracking which outperforms the existing method significantly in terms of accuracy, credibility and robustness.

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