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Autonomia universit?ria: o que revelam os representantes de institui??es p?blicas e privadas de ensino superior / University s autonomy: what is reveled by representatives from both publics and privates institutions of higher educationPreviatti, Areta Held 20 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-20 / The subject matter of this study aims to context the university s autonomy regarding superior organs, considering the actual neoliberal scenario. Therefore, we have acknowledged the history of higher education in Brazil, investigating the factors that guide and interfere in the university s autonomy. Moreover, we aimed to investigate how social, political and economic factors influence and interfere in these institutions, indicating until what point the universities have autonomy in their educative, administrative and financial actions. Objecting to collect real data we did six interviews with both public and private university presidents in Sao Paulo state. This collected data was articulated with our theoretical referential in order to develop a critical and problematical analysis. The results obtained reflects that the universities still don t have the autonomy level desired by the majority of the people interviewed and the area experts. However, the fight for a more autonomous university is alive. The university s autonomy is a process that can be taken. We expect by the end of this research to contribute to the discussions regarding the higher education in Brazil. / O presente estudo tem como principal problem?tica a contextualiza??o da autonomia das universidades em rela??o aos ?rg?os superiores, dentro do atual ide?rio neoliberal. Procuramos conhecer a hist?ria da educa??o superior, investigar os fatores que regem e interferem na autonomia das universidades, analisar como os elementos sociais, pol?ticos e econ?micos influenciam e interv?m nessas institui??es e por fim, constatar at? que ponto as universidades t?m autonomia nas suas a??es educativas, administrativas e financeiras. A fim de coletar dados da realidade realizamos seis entrevistas com gestores de universidades p?blicas e privadas do estado de S?o Paulo. Esses dados foram articulados com nosso referencial te?rico para uma an?lise cr?tica da problem?tica. Os resultados mostraram que as universidades ainda n?o possuem o grau de autonomia desejado pela maioria dos entrevistados e estudiosos da ?rea, mas a luta por uma universidade mais aut?noma est? viva. A autonomia universit?ria constitui-se como um processo poss?vel de realiza??o. Esperamos, com o t?rmino deste trabalho, contribuir para as discuss?es em rela??o ao ensino superior brasileiro.
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Diplomacia militar - Antônio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira: autonomia e interferências, o Itamaraty e o regime militar 1974-1979 / Military diplomacy Antônio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira: autonomy and interferences, the Itamaraty and the dictatorship 1974 - 1979Fernandes, Thomas Dreux Miranda 31 October 2016 (has links)
O tema proposto para estudo é investigar, delimitar e compreender os graus de autonomia e interferência existentes dentro do Itamaraty durante o regime militar brasileiro. O objeto central da análise é, para tanto, a vida, carreira e atuação do ex-membro do corpo diplomático brasileiro, Antônio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira, Ministro das Relações Exteriores durante o governo de Ernesto Geisel, entre 1974-1979. As fontes utilizadas são basicamente o arquivo pessoal do diplomata disponibilizado e digitalizado pelo CPDOC/FGV além de documentação oficial da Comissão Nacional da Verdade disponível online, também são consultados periódicos. A base teórica parte de David do Nascimento Batista que aponta como Habitus Diplomático sendo capaz de indicar a reformulação de práticas pela qual o Itamaraty passou durante o regime militar, entretanto, sem encerrar a discussão sobre autonomia e identidade nacional dentro do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, a pesquisa procura ajudar a preencher uma lacuna na historiografia brasileira no que diz respeito a atuação diplomática brasileira durante o regime militar. / The subject proposed for study in this research is to investigate, delimitate and understand the different levels of autonomy and interference that existed inside the Itamaraty during the brazilian dictatorship. The main object of analysis is the life, career and performance of an ex-member of the brazilian diplomacy, Antônio Azeredo da Silveira, Foreign Relations Minister during the administration of Ernesto Geisel, in the years of 1974-1979. The sources used in this investigation are basically the Personal Archive of the diplomat, avaiable and digitalized at CPDOC/FGV. Besides that, are also used offical documents of the Comissão Nacional da Verdade avaiable online, were consulted as well some periodics and secundary sources. The theorical basis have as fundamental mark what David do Nascimento Batista points out as Habitus Diplomático being capable of indicate an reformulation of practices wich Itamaraty had been through during the dictatorship, nevertheless, do not put an end in the discussion about autonomy and national identity. This research intends to help to fullfill an important blank in the brazilian historiography about the performance of the brazilian diplomacy during the dictatorship.
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Limites à negociação individual no contrato de trabalho / Limits to the individual negotiation on employment contractVieira, Adriana de Souza 30 March 2012 (has links)
O contrato de trabalho é expressão da autonomia privada individual dos sujeitos da relação de emprego. Como poder de autorregulamentar os próprios interesses, referida autonomia submete-se às disposições do ordenamento jurídico desde a formação, até a extinção da relação contratual. Na prática, tais disposições impõem muitas limitações ao poder de livre estipulação das partes, pois resultam da conjugação de inúmeros fatores, especialmente de ordem econômica e social, os quais demonstraram a precariedade dos dogmas do liberalismo, levando-o ao seu naufrágio. A partir de então, com o objetivo de realizar a função social dos contratos, o Estado interveio nas relações entre os particulares, moldando amplamente o conteúdo dos pactos laborais por meio da lei. Há quem afirme, nesse sentido, que, no âmbito das relações de trabalho, o Estado tudo pretendeu regular, uma vez que limites à autonomia privada estariam evidentes no ordenamento jurídico. Destaque-se que não apenas a lei, em sentido estrito, é considerada fonte de limitação, sendo esse papel desempenhado por todas as normas, positivadas ou não; autônomas ou heterônomas, que integram o ordenamento jurídico e estão relacionadas à ordem pública. Mais além, no âmbito das relações de trabalho, os avanços tecnológicos, científicos e econômicos revelaram situações nas quais é completa a omissão do legislador, desaparecendo a evidência dos limites a serem observados. Nessas hipóteses, incumbe ao operador do direito investigar eventual (in)existência de restrições à livre pactuação no ordenamento jurídico como um todo. / The employment contract reflects the individual private autonomy of each party in a laboral relationship. As a power of self-regulate their own interests, the individual private autonomy submits itself to the legal provisions since the formation until the end of the contract. In practice, these provisions impose many limitations on the power of free stipulation of the parties. Limitations came from many factors, especially economic and social order, what demonstrated the precariousness of liberalism and led to the sinking of this doctrine dogmas. Thereafter, the State, in order to perform the social function of contracts, intervened in relations between individuals, largely shaping the content of employment agreements by law. Some say that the State intended, by this gesture, to regulate everything in employment relationships because the limits of individual private autonomy would be evident in the legal system. It is noteworthy that not only the law, strictly speaking, is considered a source of limitation, once this role is played by all rules - positive or not, autonomous or heteronomous that belong to the legal system and are related to public order. Further, in the context of labor relations, technological, scientific and economic advances revealed situations in which is the complete omission of the legislator, disappearing evidence of limits to be observed; in these cases, the operator is responsible for the investigation about the existence or lack of restrictions on power of self-regulation in entire legal system.
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Autonomia docente: trajetórias e desafios na implementação de um projeto interdisciplinar / Teaching autonomy: trajectories and challenges in the implementation of an interdisciplinary ProjectMarques, Francine de Fátima da Cunha 01 February 2016 (has links)
As exigências atuais em relação ao professor se estabelecem em torno de sua capacidade e sensibilidade de construir, planejar e gerir um currículo capaz de formar um cidadão em condições de, além de tomar atitudes socialmente responsáveis, também consiga produzir mudanças em busca de soluções para problemas que enfrentam em seu cotidiano. Espera-se, portanto, que o professor desenvolva, planeje e elabore projetos educacionais. No entanto, as pesquisas mostram que a maioria dos professores nem sempre está em condições de implementar, executar e gerir tais projetos e, de forma geral, reproduz o ensino que teve nas experiências que vivenciou enquanto aluno. Em nossa pesquisa, buscaremos investigar a trajetória percorrida por dois professores de Física, participantes de um grupo de professores que buscaram pôr em prática um projeto de caráter interdisciplinar, visando compreender como o resgate da dimensão intelectual docente pode ou não contribuir para o desenvolvimento da autonomia profissional do professor de Ciências. Nossa pesquisa parte da hipótese de que muitas das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos professores relacionam-se com a identidade docente de cada professor, bem como suas concepções acerca do exercício de sua autonomia profissional. Assim sendo, escolhemos adotar a modalidade de pesquisa qualitativa denominada estudo de caso, por estarmos mais interessados na identificação de aspectos próprios da realidade docente e do âmbito escolar que interferem decisivamente na maneira como o ensino é praticado, para, assim, analisar como os aspectos intrapessoais, interpessoais e institucionais dos professores interferiram na execução do projeto; caracterizar a autonomia dos docentes de física e analisar se a mesma se desenvolveu ao longo da trajetória do resgate intelectual do ofício de professor. Portanto, na metodologia de coleta de dados, a pesquisa se constituirá de três fases: o planejamento, a tomada de decisão e a análise que os professores fazem das medidas pedagógicas adotadas. Para análise, utilizaremos os referenciais que estudam a autonomia docente relacionando-a com a identidade profissional do professor, fixando nossas atenções, principalmente, nos processos reflexivos a partir do estabelecimento do quádruplo diálogo e do desenvolvimento da alteridade. / The current demands on the teacher are established around their ability and sensitivity to build, plan and manage a curriculum capable of forming a citizen in a position, in addition to taking socially responsible attitudes, can also produce changes in search of solutions to problems they face in their daily lives. It is expected, therefore, that the teacher develop, plan and develop educational projects. However, research shows that most teachers are not always able to deploy, run and manage such projects and, generally, reproduce education who had the experiences they experienced as students. In our research, we will seek to investigate the career trajectory by two professors of physics, members of a group of teachers who, in a work of action research, sought to implement an interdisciplinary project in order to understand how the rescue of teaching intellectual dimension can or not contribute to the development of professional autonomy of science teacher. Our research starts from the hypothesis that many of the difficulties faced by teachers are related to the teaching identity of each teacher and their conceptions of the exercise of their professional autonomy. Therefore, we chose to adopt the method of qualitative research called case study, because we are more interested in identifying specific aspects of the teaching reality and the school environment that interfere decisively in the way teaching is practiced, to thus analyze how aspects intrapersonal, interpersonal and institutional interfered of teachers in project implementation; characterize the autonomy of physics teachers and consider whether it developed along the path of intellectual rescue Teacher craft. Therefore, data collection methodology, the research will consist of three phases: planning, decision making and analysis that teachers do pedagogical measures adopted. For analysis, we will use the benchmarks studying teaching autonomy relating it to the professional identity of the teacher, fixing our attention mainly on the reflective processes from establishment of the quad dialogue and the development of otherness.
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Autonomia de planejamento no modelo organizacional MOISE. / Planning autonomy in the MOISE organizational model.Artur Vidal Maia 29 October 2018 (has links)
Essa dissertação apresenta um mecanismo para incorporar autonomia de planejamento em modelos organizacionais multiagentes. Para tanto, propõe-se um modelo formal para representar a presença e ausência de autonomia de planejamento, utilizando dois tipos de objetivos: procedurais e declarativos. O modelo é implementado na plataforma JaCaMo na qual se realiza um estudo de caso de uma organização, onde coexistem agentes que possuem ou não possuem autonomia de planejamento. / This dissertation presents a mechanism to incorporate planning autonomy in multiagent organizational models. Therefore, we propose a formal model to represent presence or absence of planning autonomy, using two types of objectives: procedural and declarative ones. The model is implemented using the JaCaMo platform, in which an organization case study is proposed, where agents who have or do not have planning autonomy co-exist.
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Information and support seeking for teenagers in pain : the role of the InternetHenderson, Ellen January 2013 (has links)
Health care providers see patient information provision as one objective they must meet in an endeavour to provide good patient care. Received wisdom suggests that the more information a patient has available to them about their illness, its progression and treatment, the better their healthcare will be (Suzuki & Calzo, 2004; Information Strategy Team & Department for Health, 2010). However, this may not be the case. Some studies have shown that certain patients may not want information on their disease and patients may differ in the types of information they find most helpful depending in their information processing style (Miller, Fang, Diefenbach, & Bales, 2001; Suzuki & Calzo, 2004). In contrast, others may prefer certain types of information depending on the ways in which they cope with illness (Seale, Ziebland, & Charteris-Black, 2006) and the ways in which they process information once they have access to it (Caes, Vervoort, Eccleston, & Goubert, 2012; Eysenbach, Powell, Englesakis, Rizo, & Stern, 2004). One common source of information is through peer-to-peer interactions especially in hospital waiting rooms and ward areas, as these provide patients with the means to access others suffering from similar problems and ask to about their lives (Miller et al., 2001). However, in the digital age the internet is now emerging as the primary medium for both information gathering and peer-to-peer interactions of patient groups (Eysenbach et al., 2004). At present we know very little about how children use this mode of information gathering and support seeking in order to cope with illness, and more specifically with pain. At the very least the change of what we mean by space and place online alters the ways in which children may communicate with each other (Fox, Morris, & Rumsey, 2007). In this PhD thesis I begin, in chapter one by reviewing what limited research has been carried out on child pain information seeking. In chapter two, the first empirical study assesses what children who seek information and support online find when they search. This study is a content analysis of pain websites found by using search terms generated by teenagers. The second empirical study, in chapter three, assesses how adolescents access and use this information in the context of their wider pain coping. A questionnaire is utilised to assess these coping mechanisms. The third empirical study assesses what frequent users of the internet think of online health information. I accessed frequent users of the internet through an online message board Let’s Chat Pain. In the development of this message board a number of key ethical and methodological issues were brought to light and this study presented a solution to many of these issues. A paper describing some of the solutions presented by this case is presented in chapter four followed by the results of the study itself in chapter five. The final study assesses what impedes non-users of online health information and support in a focus group of non-users of online information and support in chapter six. The final chapter, chapter seven will draw some conclusions of the thesis.
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A teoria freudiana do fênomeno moral e a filosofia moral de Kant: é o superego um imperativo categórico?Lara, Luciana Maccari 30 March 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho pretende utilizar a filosofia moral de Kant, em especial o conceito de autonomia, para a melhor compreensão da teoria freudiana do fenômeno moral, ou seja, a teoria do superego. Propõe, com este objetivo, três questões: a) qual a legitimidade de uma instância psíquica moral como conceito de uma teoria que tem como fundamento o determinismo inconsciente? b) qual a pertinência da comparação, por Freud, do superego com o imperativo categórico kantiano? c) qual a utilidade da filosofia moral de Kant para o entendimento da teoria freudiana do superego? O trabalho procura demonstrar a limitação da comparações, por Freud, entre o superego e o imperativo categórico, considerando que tais comparações ocorrem em momentos em que o conceito de superego estava em elaboração. Procura também destacar a raiz comum do pensamento de ambos os autores no conceito iluminista de razão, e as decorrências disto para a teoria freudiana do superego, em especial no sentido de responder à pergunta: é possível um superego a / This work intends to make use of Kant’s moral philosophy, specially the concept of autonomy, in order to get a better unsderstanding of Freud’s moral phenomenon theory, what means the superego theory. Aiming at this purpose, the work proposes three questions: a) what’s the legitimacy of a moral psychic instance as a concept of a theory that has in its basis the unconscious determinism? b) what’s the adequacy of the Freud’s parallel between the superego and Kant’s categorical imperative? c) what’s the use of Kant’s moral philosophy to a better understanding of Freud’s superego theory? The work tries to demonstrate the limitation of Freud’s parallels between the superego and the categorical imperative, considering that this paralles occurs in a moment of elaboration of the superego concept. It also looks to emphasize the shared bases of both Freud and Kant theories in the iluministic concept of reason, and the consequences of this fact for Freud’s superego theory, specially in order to answer the question: is
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Autonomia em Kant e alteridade em Levinas, um diálogo (im)possível para uma ética necessáriaKunzler, Merci Therezinha 27 March 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 27 / Bolsa para curso e programa de Pós Graduação / A questão ética permeia a vida do ser humano e, segundo Kant, se há uma realidade absoluta neste mundo, esta é a realidade de nosso senso moral, da obrigação ética que conduz a nossa consciência para distinguir entre o certo e o errado. A ética kantiana consiste na descoberta do sujeito como valor e na ação do mesmo como responsável pela prática dos seus deveres. É a chamada moral do dever-ser, formada por um conjunto de princípios e regras comportamentais, deduzidas de máximas universais. Para ele, a ética é uma experiência da autonomia do sujeito que é governado por uma razão prática, permitindo a construção de uma lei universal. Kant pensa uma ética finita que envolve um dever e corresponde a um ser humano capaz de autonomia e, por isso, digno de respeito. Por outro lado, Levinas introduz o conceito de alteridade para embasar o seu projeto ético, que se funda na exterioridade, ou seja, a responsabilidade moral nos vem de fora, do outro, nosso próximo. Ele faz uma inversão radical, substituindo o ser pelo / The ethical matter traverses the life of the human being and, according to Kant, if there is an absolute reality worldwide, it is the reality of our moral sense, of the ethical obligation which leads our conscience to distinguish between the right and the wrong. The Kant ethics consists on the discovery of the individual as value, and in his action as the one who is responsible for practicing his duties. It is called “duty - to be” moral, formed by a set of principles and behavior rules, emerged from universal maxima. For him, the ethics is an experience of the autonomy of the individual who is governed by a pratical reason, by allowing the construction of a universal law. Kant thinks a finite ethics which involves a duty and corresponds to a human being capable to autonomy and, for that reason, worthy of respect. On the other hand, Levinas introduces the alterity concept to base his ethical project, which is based on the exteriority, it means, the moral responsibility comes to us from outside, from the oth
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Svoboda a autonomie v díle Jeana Paula Sartra / Freedom and autonomy in work of Jean-Paul SartrePolánka, David January 2019 (has links)
Master essay "Freedom and autonomy in work of Jean-Paul Sartre" engages Sartre's literature and drama. It is trying to find some elements of the author's philosophy, which are included in his stories. Because of that, I indicated some significant thematic spheres based on author s phil- osophical works - Freedom and responsibility of human; Feeling of anxiety and subsequent insincerity; Freedom in interpersonal relationships. Significantly I observed the presence of mentioned themes during detailed analysis of Sartre's fictions and dramas. I managed to prove that Sartre's literature and dramas don't just include mentioned thematic elements, but it is even adapted to display these philosophical themes in the stories, novels or dramas. It confirms the thesis that Sartre was creating his literature and dramas to spread his own philosophical ideas to whole society. Personally, I evaluate this as the big contribution of the author.
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Life Stress, Maternal Inhibitory Control, and Quality of Parenting BehaviorsFarrar, Jessica 11 January 2019 (has links)
Negative life stress and maternal inhibitory control are both critical ingredients involved in the shaping and maintaining of the quality of parenting behaviors. This study explored both how the experience of stressful life events and inhibitory control relate to two particular types of parenting behaviors: harsh/controlling and autonomy-supportive. Given that these two types of parenting have broad implications for children’s developmental trajectories, it is important to further enhance our understanding of the etiological factors that both shape and maintain parenting practices. Utilizing a high-risk sample (i.e. low SES, high presence of documented child maltreatment) of mothers with pre-school aged children, this study did not support the relationship between the experience of stressful life events, maternal inhibitory control and quality of parenting. However, post hoc analyses of life stress using a measure of objective SES did yield a significant link between stress and the presence of autonomy-supportive parenting. This study expands the current understanding of how stress and inhibitory control relate to parenting behaviors. Implications of this study for practice and research are discussed.
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