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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výstavy pořádané v prostorách Československé akademie věd a Akademie věd České republiky / Exhibitions held in the spaces of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Šandová, Nela January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis will focus on the exhibition activities of institutes of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences (ČSAV) from the 1970s until nowadays exhibition activities of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR). The institutes of the ČSAV were among a few places where unofficial and often also politically undesirable artists could exhibit their work. One of the main chapters in my thesis will deal with the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, in particular, where exhibitions in the entrance hall are still held until nowadays. Furthermore I will focus on architect of The Macromolecular institute and the artists whose work has been presented here, eg. V. Boštík, A. Šimotová, O. Zoubek etc., as well as the particular places serving as alternative galleries. The aim of my thesis will be also showing the function of those places in these days and investigating the overall public interest in the cultural activities of the AV ČR. Keywords Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences (ČSAV), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR), Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Karel Prager, Makráč, Gallery 4P, Philosophical club, Alternative exhibition places, Prohibited art

Dopad reformy financování na vědu v ČR / Impact of funding reform on science in the Czech Republic

Cvejnová, Jaroslava January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of science. It examines the benefits of science to the economy and society. It deals with the methods that are used for evaluation of science and examines their advantages and disadvantages. It uses macroeconomic indicators to evaluate science in the Czech Republic. It also discusses the reform that took place in the Czech Republic in the research and development and evaluation of science is one part of the reform. The thesis examines the benefits and shortcomings of the reform, including the impact of the reform on government expenditures on R&D. The final part examines the potential impact of the reform on the future work of the Archaeological Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Prague.

Maupertuis et ses critiques : textes et controverses / Maupertuis and his critics : texts and controversies

Storni, Marco 26 June 2018 (has links)
Si la pensée des lumières a parfois été célébrée par l’historiographie pour sa contribution significative au développement culturel et scientifique de la modernité, elle a le plus souvent été critiquée pour sa superficialité spéculative, ainsi que pour sa confiance aveugle dans les résultats des enquêtes scientifiques. La figure de Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759), à laquelle notre travail est consacré, rentre de plein droit dans ce cadre interprétatif : mentionné dans quelques récits historiques comme scientifique de premier plan, notamment pour sa contribution décisive à la diffusion des théories newtoniennes en France, il est relégué au second plan dans les travaux d’histoire de la philosophie et de l’épistémologie. L’un des objectifs principaux de notre travail est précisément de proposer une relecture de l’œuvre de Maupertuis qui emphatise l’intérêt spéculatif de ses doctrines, afin de montrer la place éminente qu’il occupe dans l’histoire de la pensée moderne. Nous nous pencherons ainsi sur quelques textes importants de Maupertuis, en soulignant le rôle capital qu’y jouent les questions épistémologiques et métaphysiques. L’analyse critique de la pensée scientifique et philosophique de Maupertuis n’est pourtant pas le seul aspect significatif de notre recherche : notre ambition est de proposer un récit plus vaste que la simple étude des travaux de Maupertuis, qui puisse contextualiser son œuvre dans les dynamiques de la République des Lettres au début du XVIIIe siècle. En ce sens, nous attribuons une importance toute particulière à l’étude des controverses de Maupertuis avec d’autres savants et philosophes. Il sera notamment question de deux controverses. La première, qui concerne la forme de la Terre, éclate au sein de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris entre 1733 et 1740. La deuxième, qui porte sur les monades et la philosophie wolffienne, a pour cadre l’Académie de Berlin entre 1746 et 1750. L’intérêt du travail sur les controverses de Maupertuis est double. Tout d’abord, il s’agit d’un aspect de la vie et de l’œuvre du savant que les commentateurs ont peu étudié : certes, il existe quelques études particulières sur les controverses maupertuisiennes, notamment de celle qui porte sur la figure de la Terre, mais la question n’est jamais thématisée de manière systématique dans les monographies publiées jusqu’ici. Ensuite, les controverses de Maupertuis nous paraissent intéressantes comme étude de cas pour comprendre le fonctionnement concret des controverses scientifiques et philosophiques. Nous ne prétendons évidemment pas présenter les conclusions que nous allons tirer de l’examen de ces controverses en tant que normes universelles pour l’étude de toute controverse scientifique ou philosophique du passé. Toutefois, comme les historiens travaillant sur les controverses privilégient souvent les scientifiques et les philosophes du XVIIe siècle, il nous semble intéressant de présenter une étude de cas provenant du XVIIIe siècle, qui appartient à un contexte intellectuel et social profondément différent de celui du siècle précédent. Nous pourrons ainsi apporter de nouveaux éléments de réflexion sur la nature du désaccord scientifique et philosophique, qui puissent intégrer et compléter les travaux existants. Ce que nous présentons ici, en définitive, n’est pas seulement une étude sur Maupertuis, mais un travail qui, à travers l’analyse de sa pensée et des controverses qu'elle a suscitées, vise à la reconstruction des rapports et des échanges qui constituent le réseau de la République des Lettres au début du XVIIIe siècle. L’œuvre de Maupertuis est ainsi envisagée comme un prisme, à travers lequel nous observons les lignes principales de développement de la science et de la philosophie de son époque. / Whereas historians have sometimes acknowledged the momentous contribution the Enlightenment provided to the cultural and scientific development of the modern world, more often they have criticized its speculative shallowness, and its overconfidence in the results of the scientific inquiry. The figure of Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759), holding a central place in our study, suffered the same fate as many other Enlightenment thinkers: mentioned in some historical narratives as a leading scientist and experimenter, most notably for the decisive contribution he gave to the circulation of Newtonian theories in France, he is relegated to the background in histories of modern philosophy and epistemology. One of the main objectives of the present research is to advance an interpretation of Maupertuis’ works which insists on the speculative depth of his doctrines, in order to display the preeminent place epistemological and metaphysical stakes occupy therein. The critical analysis of Maupertuis’ texts, however, is not the only important aspect of our study: we aim indeed at creating a wider narrative, which might contribute to clarify Maupertuis’ place within the intellectual network of the early 18th-century Republic of Letters. In this sense, we attribute a special importance to the study of Maupertuis’ controversies with other scientists and philosophers. The two controversies on which we concentrate are the controversy over the shape of the Earth, which took place at the Paris Academy of Sciences between 1733 and 1740, and the controversy over monads and Christian Wolff’s philosophy, taking place at the Berlin Academy of Sciences between 1746 and 1750. The interest of studying Maupertuis’ controversies is twofold. Firstly, it is an aspect of Maupertuis’ life and work commentators have overlooked: although there are a few essays dealing with Maupertuis’ controversies, which are for the most part focused on the question of shape of the Earth, monographs hitherto published do not discuss this aspect in detail. Secondly, Maupertuis’ controversies are an interesting case study to understand how scientific and philosophical controversies concretely work. We do not intend to claim that our study of Maupertuis’ controversies might function as a universally valid model for the study of each and every controversy in the history of science and philosophy. However, since historians studying controversies privilege case studies drawn from the 17th century, it seems useful to discuss an episode from another century, which belongs therefore to a different intellectual and social context. In this way, we will provide new elements of reflection on the nature of philosophical and scientific disagreement, which might integrate the existing literature on the subject. Ultimately, our study is not only a work on Maupertuis’ thought, but a survey that, through the analysis of Maupertuis’ texts and controversies, reconstructs the network of relations and exchanges which constitute the early 18th-century Republic of Letters. The work of Maupertuis functions therefore as a prism through which we observe the main lines of development of science and philosophy of his time.

Assessment of the Endangered Species <i>Podarcis carbonelli</i> on a Microgeographic Scale: A Molecular, Morphological and Physiological Approach

do Amaral, Maria Clara Figueirinhas 01 August 2009 (has links)
The lizard Podarcis carbonelli is an endangered species endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. One location where this species occurs is at the Berlengas Natural Preserve, an Atlantic archipelago off the coast of Portugal. These island populations are geographically separated from nearby mainland populations. The fundamental question is, are these insular individuals distinct from the mainland populations? Four localities were chose for comparison: two island populations and two nearby coastal populations. We assessed this question using three distinct approaches: molecular, morphological and physiological approach. We sequenced the 12S RNA, the mtDNA Control Region and the 7th intron of the !-fibrinogen gene and determined genetic diversity values as well as several parameters of population structure and differentiation. Individuals from these populations were also measured for several biometric characters and their blood lactate concentration was sampled. There was no genetic variation in both the mtDNA regions analyzed. The nuclear intron revealed high levels of genetic variation, with islands having in general lower values than the mainland regions. The four populations sampled had low levels of divergence; the populations of Berlenga and Peniche were the most distinct and the populations of Farilhão and Baleal were the most similar from the four populations sampled. Morphometric analyses revealed a different pattern of similarity among populations with the population of Farilhão being the only population statistically distinct from all other populations based on mass and SVL. Furthermore, island populations were in general more similar to each other than to mainland populations, with the exception of Berlenga males which in size are more similar to the Peniche males. The analysis of the blood lactate concentration revealed that the population of Peniche has significantly lower blood lactate levels than the populations of Farilhão and Berlenga. The lack of genetic differentiation found in the populations under study is most likely due to the recent divergence of these populations. Furthermore, the genetically most different populations (Berlenga and Peniche) are not the most distinct in terms of morphology, particularly the males. This suggests that genetic drift, the most likely mechanism behind the genetic differentiation seen, is not responsible for the morphological differences observed. The morphological differences seen can be attributed to: a possible difference in age of the individuals in each population; mechanisms of natural selection that are favoring specific phenotypes in each of the populations, or phenotypic plasticity. The differences in blood lactate levels found between the population of Peniche and the island populations can be attributed to differences in predatory pressure or home range size. It is suggested that the island populations are closely monitored due to their likely isolation, low mtDNA diversity and possible higher predatory pressure than initially predicted.

La réception de l'Égypte dans les arts et les sciences à Toulouse du XVIIe siècle au milieu du XXe siècle. / The reception of Egypt in arts and sciences in Toulouse between the XVIIth and the XXth century

Meneghetti, Livia 12 March 2016 (has links)
Cette étude des éléments égyptiens dans les arts et dans les sciences à Toulouse du XVIIe siècleau XXe siècle s’appuie sur un corpus d’archives et un corpus iconographique appartenant auxacadémies savantes et artistiques, et aux musées de la ville. Elle permet d’interroger la manièredont les académiciens toulousains créent, transmettent et modifient des représentations del’Égypte ancienne durant quatre siècles. Certains éléments sont privilégiés, comme la pyramide,l’obélisque, le sphinx et les dieux, tels Isis et Osiris. Leur sens et leur fonction, dans ladynamique des constructions identitaires et patrimoniales, permettent d’éclairer le rôle deséléments antiques dans les champs sociaux. Tout en conservant une symbolique forte et stableau fil du temps, ils sont sans cesse réinterprétés pour s’insérer dans des rhétoriques spécifiques.Le croisement des savoirs artistiques et savants sur l’Égypte ont permis de dégager troisdomaines privilégiés pour l’emploi de références égyptiennes : le rapport à la nature, le rapportau savoir et le rapport au pouvoir. Au sein de chacun d’entre eux, l’ancienne Égypte joue unrôle de liant, de médiateur entre les évènements du passé et la réinterprétation contemporainequi est traduit et mis en scène dans les différents musées de la ville. / This study of the Egyptian elements in the arts and sciences in Toulouse, from the seventeenthto the twentieth century is based on a corpus of archives and an iconographic corpus belongingto both scholarly and artistic academies and the city’s museums. It makes it possible to lookinto the way Toulouse scholars have created, trasmitted and modified representations of ancientEgypt over four centuries. Certain elements are favoured such as the pyramid, the obelisk, theSphinx as well as the gods Isis and Osiris. Their meaning and function in the dynamics of thefashioning of identities and heritage, shed light on the role played by antique elements in thesocial fields. While maintaining a strong and stable symbolic over time, they are constantlyreinterpreted to fit into a specific rhetoric. The crossing of the artistic and academic knowledgesof Egypt has yielded three choice fields to be used in Egyptian references: the relationship tonature, the relationship to knowledge and the relationship to power. Within each of them,ancient Egypt acts as a binder, a mediator between the events of the past and the contemporaryreinterpretation that is translated and staged in the city’s various museums.

Das belas-letras ao arquivo documental: os escritos biográficos da Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa (1788-1835)

Oliveira Júnior, José Alves de 05 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Onia Arantes Albuquerque (onia.ufg@gmail.com) on 2018-10-18T15:06:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Alves de Oliveira Júnior - 2018.pdf: 1511024 bytes, checksum: a8fdba0bb00152f006e04a8d4e501927 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-10-19T10:49:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Alves de Oliveira Júnior - 2018.pdf: 1511024 bytes, checksum: a8fdba0bb00152f006e04a8d4e501927 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-19T10:49:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Alves de Oliveira Júnior - 2018.pdf: 1511024 bytes, checksum: a8fdba0bb00152f006e04a8d4e501927 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Thais paper examines the rhetoric and the introduction of documentary criticism in the biographical writing of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. This group, created in the reign of Queen Maria I in 1779, instituted in its program the writing of Vidas, Elogios Históricos e Memórias Históricas that served to narrate the life of historical personages of the kingdom and the deceased partners of the institution. In this context, biographical writings were valued for their ability to extol the history of "great men" and their moralizing efficacy. In this research, we conceive the biographies of the Academy as traditional forms of representation of the past, incorporated into the Illustrated regime of writing history in the passage from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century. Having the historiographic text as object, we problematize the writing of history in its conceptual and methodological aspects, emphasizing the textual construction and the forms of validation of the historiographic discourse. Considering this, we elucidate the incorporation of the biographical writings of the Academy to the regime of scholarly historicity, showing how rhetoric and erudition focused on the construction of certain notions of historical evidence. We verified the relation between the biographical writings and the project of Philosophical History elaborated by the members of the association, indicating the coexistence of different notions of history in the biographical writing. In the Academy, history would be conditioned by different traditions and movements, being able to be understood at the same time as gender, science and experience of the time. / O presente trabalho examina a retórica e a introdução da crítica documental na escrita biográfica da Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa. Essa agremiação, criada no reinado da rainha D. Maria I em 1779, instituiu em seu programa a escrita de Vidas, Elogios Históricos e Memórias Históricas que serviam para narrar a vida de personagens históricos do reino e dos sócios falecidos da instituição. Nesse contexto, os escritos biográficos eram valorizados por sua capacidade de enaltecer a história dos “grandes homens” e pela sua eficácia moralizante. Nessa pesquisa, concebemos as biografias da Academia como formas tradicionais de representação do passado, incorporadas ao regime Ilustrado de escrita da história na passagem do século XVIII para o XIX. Tendo o texto historiográfico como objeto, problematizamos a escrita da história em seus aspectos conceituais e metodológicos, dando ênfase à construção textual e às formas de validação do discurso historiográfico. A partir disso, elucidamos a incorporação dos escritos biográficos da Academia ao regime de historicidade erudito, evidenciando de que modo a retórica e a erudição incidiam na construção de determinadas noções de evidência histórica. Verificamos ao final, a relação entre os escritos biográficos e o projeto de História Filosófica elaborado pelos membros da associação, indicando a coexistência de distintas noções de história na escrita biográfica. Na Academia, a história estaria condicionada por distintas tradições e movimentos, podendo ser entendida ao mesmo tempo como gênero, ciência e experiência do tempo.

La pensée technique de l'Académie Royale des Sciences (1699-1750) / A new approach of thinking the techniques : the French "Académie Royale des Sciences" (1699-1750)

Delaunay, Bernard 11 December 2013 (has links)
Fondée en 1666, «Renouvelée» par un règlement royal en 1699, devenue une institution de la monarchie absolue, l'Académie Royale des Sciences réunit les meilleurs savants du XVIIIe siècle. Etre un acteur majeur dans le champ de la technique n'allait pas de soi pour une Académie des sciences. Cette thèse analyse les raisons et les modalités de cette présence et en mesure la place. De l'examen des inventions aux études techniques, en passant par les expertises et les descriptions des arts, une nouvelle pensée apparaît caractérisée par l'émergence du régime de la technologie de la pensée opératoire. Dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle ce régime de pensée s'installe et se caractérise par une nouvelle relation entre sciences et techniques. Délaissant progressivement les techniques des métiers réglés pour se tourner vers les techniques nouvelles pour en rechercher les principes, les causes de leur fonctionnement plutôt que de le décrire, l'Académie applique les méthodes de la science moderne à la technique. Cette pensée technique se diffuse, elle est partagée et enseignée dans des lieux nouveaux. De là, l'enseignement des techniques va quitter le mode de la transmission et de l'apprentissage pour entrer dans un modèle spécifiquement français de la formation scientifique des ingénieurs. Dans cette période des liens particuliers unissent l'Académie aux écoles des armes savantes, ainsi qu'à une école de « mathématiques pratiques ». Les savants qui ont pris le contrôle d'une technique devenant scientifique vont, alors, céder la place à des ingénieurs qui deviennent aussi des scientifiques. / As an institution of the absolute French Monarchy first founded in 1666 and later "renewed' by royal decree in 1699, the "Académie Royale des Sciences" brings together the best scientific minds of the Eighteenth Century. Becoming a major player in the technical field did not represent an obvious task for a scientific Academy. The present thesis analyzes how and why such an action came to be while measuring its importance. Starting with an examination of inventions and moving on to technical studies, taking into consideration technical assessments as well as the descriptions of currently employed techniques, we see the emergence of a new type of operational thinking characterized by the rule of technology. Once established during the first half of the 18th century, such a conceptual régime enables a new relationship to develop between science and techniques. Progressively abandoning the current techniques with the aim of studying new techniques and uncovering the principles and causes of their functioning rather than merely describing the latter, the Academy thus began to apply the methods of early modem science to techniques. Gaining currency in ever wider circles, this way of thinking was both taught and shared in new places. Hence technical training moves from transmission and apprenticeship to a specifically French way of training engineers scientifically. During this period special links are established between the Academy and military engineering schools as well as with a school of "practical mathematics” founded in Reims. Those scientists who first endowed technical thinking with a scientific outlook will in tum give way to engineers who become scientists.

Safety Limit Warning Levels for the Avoidance of Excessive Sound Amplification to Protect Against Further Hearing Loss

Johnson, Earl E. 02 November 2017 (has links)
Objective: To determine safe output sound pressure levels (SPL) for sound amplification devices to preserve hearing sensitivity after usage. Design: A mathematical model consisting of the Modified Power Law (MPL) (Humes & Jesteadt, 1991) combined with equations for predicting temporary threshold shift (TTS) and subsequent permanent threshold shift (PTS) (Macrae, 1994b) was used to determine safe output SPL. Study sample: The study involves no new human subject measurements of loudness tolerance or threshold shifts. PTS was determined by the MPL model for 234 audiograms and the SPL output recommended by four different validated prescription recommendations for hearing aids. Results: PTS can, on rare occasion, occur as a result of SPL delivered by hearing aids at modern day prescription recommendations. The trading relationship of safe output SPL, decibel hearing level (dB HL) threshold, and PTS was captured with algebraic expressions. Better hearing thresholds lowered the safe output SPL and higher thresholds raised the safe output SPL. Conclusion: Safe output SPL can consider the magnitude of unaided hearing loss. For devices not set to prescriptive levels, limiting the output SPL below the safe levels identified should protect against threshold worsening as a result of long-term usage.

A Study on the Transition of China¡¦s Technology Innovation System

Weng, Rui-hong 04 September 2008 (has links)
This study will discuss with the transition of China¡¦s technology innovation system before and after ¡§Open door policy¡¨. Because I want to know how many characters between those two phases? Why China chose transition before ¡§Open door policy¡¨? When China upgrades their innovative capabilities, do any factors affect outcomes? This study will use more macroscopic to face transition of China¡¦s technology innovation system since established PRC. To survey the institution and interaction between governments, research institutes, universities, native companies and foreign-invested companies. Finally, this study consider that China¡¦s achievement is not clearly because the shortage of talent, basic research capability between research institute is weak, government have ¡§strong control¡¨ in this system, the market mechanism is not maturity so that Chinese native companies do not have skilful in innovation. Consequently, China¡¦s technology innovation system seems to have long way to go.

Historische Akademieschriften online

Baudisch, Susanne 19 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das 2009 freigeschaltete Portal „Wissenschaftskultur“ der SLUB Dresden bietet nun mehr als 450 Artikel der Schriftenreihen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften im Volltext digital an, die von 1850 bis 1945 erschienen sind. Auch andere deutsche Akademien haben zwischenzeitlich ihre älteren Schriftenreihen online gestellt. In den Akademie-Abhandlungen veröffentlichten die seinerzeit wichtigsten Gelehrten ihres Fachs, deren Schriften auch heute noch nicht nur rein wissenschaftshistorisch interessant sind.

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