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Information, systems and water management : Information systems which support water management - cases from rural water supply in Uganda and WFD implementation in the North Baltic River Basin District, SwedenQuin, Andrew January 2012 (has links)
Successfulwater management implies tackling multi-level governance and improvingintegration between sectors. Sound information and related processes will berequired to support water management decision-making at these various levels.Additionally, considering Principle 10 of the UN’s Agenda 21, actors shouldhave access to information to enable their involvement in shaping watermanagement outcomes. This thesis draws on the results of two separate caseswhere information systems support action: (i) rural water supply in Uganda;and, (ii) water management according to the Water Framework Directive in Sweden.A research approach was formed based on: (a) a model conceptualising how informationsystems support organisational processes which lead to action; and, (b) asystems-thinking methodology. The results reveal that there are numerous,similar challenges to achieving information support for action in both theUgandan and Swedish cases. In both cases, information quantity and quality islimited; consequentially, the use of information to support action is inhibited.Furthermore, not all actors are involved in information system processes; in particular,local-level actors. Overall, there is limited support of strategic decision-makingand weak support of operational, or local, decision-making. The results suggestthat it might be possible to tailor strategic-level information processes tolocal needs, hopefully encouraging active involvement of local actors. Improvedinvolvement, together with a suitable systems approach, could be used to furtherdevelop information systems, improving integration between multiple levels ofgovernance and across sectors – suiting not just the needs ofstrategic decision-making but also the needs of operational, or local,decision-making. / QC 20120822
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Disability discrimination and reasonable accommodation in the South African workplace.Hurling, Dawn Nadine. January 2008 (has links)
<p>  / </p>
<p align="left">People with disabilities are a minority group who has suffered disadvantage especially in the workplace. They currently enjoy Constitutional and legislative protection in a democratic South Africa.</p>
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An Investigation of the Effect of After-Action Reviews on Teams' Performance-Efficacy RelationshipsSchurig, Ira 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Performance and efficacy are reciprocally causal; however, the effect of performance on subsequent perceptions of efficacy has received little attention, especially in the context of team training. In addition, the moderating effect of feedback accuracy on the relationship between team performance and team-efficacy is largely unexplored. As such, the objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between team performance and team-efficacy in the context of after-action reviews (AARs). Specifically, this study examined the conjoint influence of (a) the accuracy of performance feedback available to trainees during AARs, and (b) time on the predictive validity of team performance on team-efficacy. Data were obtained from 492 undergraduate students assigned to 123 teams in a 5 hr team training protocol using a 3 (training condition: non-AAR, versus subjective AAR, versus objective AAR) x 3 (sessions) repeated measures design.
Contrary to the first set of hypotheses, the positive relationship between performance and efficacy was strongest for teams trained without AARs and weakest for teams trained using subjective AARs. Although team-efficacy was predicted more strongly by more proximal team performance than by more distal team performance, this pattern of results was found only for teams trained either without AARs or with objective AARs. The predictive validity of performance on efficacy decreased as performance episodes became more proximal among teams trained using subjective AARs. Finally, within-team agreement of team-efficacy ratings decreased over time for teams that engaged in AARs and remained constant over time for teams that did not engage in AARs.
The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed. It is anticipated that this research will provide insight into the roles of feedback accuracy and time in the performance-efficacy relationship and provide guidance to researchers and practitioners in effectively integrating AAR design characteristics into team training environments.
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The Predators of Junnar: Local Peoples' Knowledge, Beliefs and Attitudes towards Leopards and Leopard ConservationShingote, Ramaa Jhamvar 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Conflicts between humans and leopards have intensified in the Junnar Forest Division (JFD), India due to a combination of factors: loss of natural habitats, increasing rural human densities, and increasing leopard populations. These rural and agrarian communities that have large sugarcane plantations are vulnerable to these conflicts in the form of livestock depredation and attacks on humans, which decrease the tolerance of locals towards leopards and may undermine local wildlife conservation activities. This study used structured interviews to explore local resident's views, knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and behavioral intentions towards leopards and their conservation. The mean attitudes and behavioral intentions of respondents (N = 154) was found to be positive towards leopards and their conservation. To understand behaviors towards leopards and their conservation, a socio-psychological theory, Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), was used. Results indicate a stronger attitudinal influence on locals' behavioral intention towards leopards and leopard conservation. Although several socioeconomic and demographic variables were found to be statistically significant in relation to attitudes, this study revealed the existence of social, psychological, and cultural variables that shape the locals' perceptions of leopards and their conservation. The current study shows that local peoples' attitudes toward leopards are complex, with the view held by the same person often being characterized by both negative and positive aspects. This study does reveal positive dimensions to the local peoples' perceptions of leopards, which are relevant to conservation of this animal and serve as a foundation for recommendations regarding regulatory interventions and educational and management strategies for the future.
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The development of imagery has been found in intervention studies. No previous study was found with the purpose of the development of imagery experiences without the influence of an intervention. Therefore the present paper monitored five ice hockey players’ imagery experiences during a season and examined the following objectives: a) The dynamicity and stability of the ice hockey players’ imagery patterns; b) The factors influencing the development of ice hockey players’ imagery experiences; c) Individual differences concerning the imagery experiences. A combination between qualitative and quantitative methods was used in the study. The results showed that the players experienced both stable and dynamic imagery patterns. Based on the Action theory (Nitsch, 1985), personal, environmental and performance/task factors were shown to influence the stability and dynamicity of the players’ idiosyncratic imagery experiences. The results of this study show why imagery experiences are changed and offer great implications to applied work. / Forskning har visat att visualisering kan vara dynamisk över tid. Ingen studie har dock funnits som studerat dynamiken av visualisering utan påverkan av en intervention. Denna studie undersökte därfor fem ishockeyspelares visualiseringsupplevelser under en säsong utan påverkan av en intervention med följande syften: a) dynamiken och stabiliteten hos ishockeyspelarnas visualiseringsmönster; b) vilka faktorer som påverkar utvecklingen av visualiseringsupplevelserna; c) individuella skillnader i visualiseringsupplevelserna. En kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod behandlades i studien. Resultatet visade att visualiseringsmönstern upplevdes vara stabila och dynamiska över tid. Utifrån Action Theory (Nitsch, 1985) visade studien att personliga, miljö- och prestations/uppgiftsfaktorer påverkade stabiliteten i spelarnas visualiseringsupplevelser. Resultatet från denna studie visar varför visualiseringsupplevelserna förandrades över tid och är en fördelaktig kunskap för idrottspsykologer att tillämpa i det pratiska arbetet med visualisering.
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Anhörigvårdares upplevelser av ACTION-IT-baserat anhörigstöd i Västerås : - en intervjustudieWidegren, Ann January 2008 (has links)
I Sverige ökar antalet anhörigvårdare, detta leder till ökande behov av stöd och information. Att vara anhörigvårdare är oftast en livsuppgift där de positiva upplevelserna är övervägande. Dock upplever många anhörigvårdare känslor som ensamhet, stress, oro, skuld och minskat socialt umgänge. Det finns olika typer av anhörigstöd. I Västerås pågår sedan 2006 projektet ACTION-IT-baserat anhörigstöd. Projektet utvärderas på olika sätt under hösten 2008 och där ingår denna uppföljning. Syftet var att beskriva anhörigvårdares upplevelser av ACTION-IT-baserat anhörigstöd i Västerås. Data insamlades genom intervjuer med sju anhörigvårdare som använt ACTION i 1-2 år och analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet presenteras utifrån analysens nio kategorier av upplevelser, där dessa redovisas och förklaras: Behov av stödet, Eget ansvar, Förkovran, Gemenskap, Kraftkälla, Oro att förlora stödet, Samspel, Tidsprioritering och Tillgänglighet. Slutsatserna visar att ACTION är ett välfungerande anhörigstöd som till vis del handlar om att främja hälsa hos anhörigvårdarna. Uppföljning har belyst styrkor med anhörigstödet ACTION men även belyst de områden som behöver vidareutvecklas.
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Nanocomposites interactifs supportes en tant que photocatalyseurs contemporains et materiaux germicides : concepts et applicationsGärban, Razvan Vasile 12 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La recherche actuelle est entreprise dans l'optique de la révision complète du design chimique et des principes d'élaboration des photocatalyseurs composites supportés (PCCS) afin d'améliorer considérablement leurs capacités réactionnelles, la durabilité de leur action en temps et de résoudre le problème de pollution secondaire des milieux à traiter. Les travaux effectués ont permis la mise en œuvre d'un nouveau modèle de PCCS interactifs dont les composants photosensibles sont en fortes interactions chimiques avec leurs supports appartenant au groupe d'acides de Lewis. Cette particularité assure une grande sélectivité d'action des produits développés, leur fonctionnement durable en régime stationnaire, évite la pollution secondaire des effluents à traiter et garanti une performance photocatalytique comparable à celle du produit de référence Degussa P25.Les travaux réalisés ont permis d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances scientifiques concernant le rôle de l'acidité de surface dans l'action photocatalytique et du taux de dissociation de l'eau adsorbée sur le produit actif. De plus, un ensemble de huit paramètres principaux assurant les meilleures conditions d'exploitation des PCCS a été établi.Les PCCS développés peuvent être appliqués, tout d'abord, dans le domaine de l'incinération photocatalytique des COV. Un prototype de filtre dynamique capable de traiter 50 m3/h de l'air avec une consommation d'énergie modérée, est conçu. Un nouveau type de matériaux composites à vocation germicide à base de polymères synthétiques fait également l'objet de la partie applicative de ces travaux de thèse.
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Public home care professionals’ experiences of being involved in food distribution to home-living elderly people in Sweden : a qualitative study with an action research approachPajalic, Zada, Persson, Lena, Westergren, Albert, Skovdahl, Kirsti January 2012 (has links)
Background: Research focusing on Food Distribution (FD) from various professionals’ and organisational perspectivesare lacking. The aim of this study was therefore to explore various professionals’ experiences of involvement in FD inorder to get comprehensive understanding of the organisation, responsibilities and roles. Methods: This qualitative study is a part of a larger project with an action research approach focusing on FD in themunicipal home service and care for home-living elderly persons in a municipality in southern Sweden. The data wascollected through participatory observations (n=90 occasions and in total 480 hours), repeated focus group interviews (n =4) with different professionals (n =10) involved in the FD process and one individual interview. The material was analysedby qualitative manifest and latent content analysis. Results: The study indicates that Food Distribution is a fragmentary intervention where a comprehensive perspective andclear roles of responsibility are lacking. The FD organisation seemed to be strictly divided and limited by constraintsregarding time and money. The fragmented organisation led partly to staff only taking responsibility for their part of thechain and no one having the full picture of and responsibility for the FD process, but also to some professionals takingmore responsibility than they were supposed to. Conclusions: The aim of the study was met by using an action research approach. The study was however limited by thatno home help officers were represented. The FD appeared as an extremely complex chain of different but connectedactivities. It is not merely the distribution of a product, i.e. the meal box. The fragmentation of FD means that staff onlytakes responsibility for their part of the chain, and that no one has the full picture of or responsibility for the FD process.Consequently, there is a need for an outline of responsibilities. The findings have implications for nursing, gerontology,and in the care for the elderly. / <p><strong></strong> </p>
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The experiences of elderly people living at home related to their receiving meals distributed by a municipality in SwedenPajalic, Zada, Persson, Lena, Westergren, Albert, Berggren, Vanja, Skovdahl, Kirsti January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of elderly people, living at home who receive hot meals that are distributed by their municipality. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the (n=13) interviews. The results showed that feelings of dependency, loneliness and gratitude were expressed by the participants in the study related to their meals being delivered home. Dependency was expressed as not having influence over the food products the meals were made from. Loneliness was expressed as being isolated and being confined at home alone due to difficulties getting out of the house, which was associated with the costs of taxis transportation. Gratitude was expressed by the sincere thanks for the possibility of receiving traditional meals delivered daily. The major conclusion of the study was the indication that greater attention should be paid to meet both the practical and psychological needs of elderly people.
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Att beskrivas som misstänkt gärningsman i media : En undersökning om nyhetsbevakningen av en misstänkt styckmördare i fyra svenska tidningarLindh, Charlotta January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is how a suspected criminal has been described in written swedish media. The topic of the articles is the investigation of a man suspected for murder and for dismembering the victim during the winter of 2011. The purpose of this thesis is to try to answer the question of what the newspapers actually write to describe a suspect before he or she has been trialed in court. For the analyse of the articles, published in four of Swedens largest newspapers, critical discourse analysis has been used. The results have been compared with other analyses made on other cases and have been discussed with Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of action. Results of the thesis show that there are similarities beetween this study and others, in a number of ways. The descriptions of the suspect are influenced by wich agent is allowed to speak in the text, by the words that are used in the articles and if the agents in the texts are known to the reader or not.
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