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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adolessente seuns se houding ten opsigte van seksuele losbandigheid : 'n sosio- opvoedkundige perspektief / Adolescent boys’ attitudes towards sexual licentiousness : a socio educational perspective

Nelson, Thalita 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Adolescent behaviour is characterised as a cognitive, social and personality developing phase. Hormones can have a big influence on the cognitive and social developing of an adolescent boy. Adolescent boy’s behaviour can influence their attitudes towards developing of values. Moral values develop during adolescence. Limitations in the developing of cognitive skills in adolescent boys can lead to immoral experimenting. Attitudes of anxiety and a low self confidence can develop. Licentiousness is when a person acts outside the norm of moral values of an environment. Sexual licentiousness is behaviour that is unacceptable in social norms of the environment. Moral values are behaviour that is acceptable in a social environment. An Adolescent with a larcenous lifestyle does not have any moral values. The descriptive research method is used for the problem statement and to enquire into the objectives of the research. The Social Development Theory possesses to the enormous power to elevate and accelerate the expansion and development of human capabilities in any field. Social development organises human energies and activities at higher levels to achieve greater results. Development increases the utilisation of human potential. The question that is being asked is: Which factors influence adolescent boys’ attitudes towards sexual licentiousness and which socio educational situations can decrease the complex problem. The adolescent, however, still experiences problems in making the appropriate decisions in life. Decisions that may have far reaching implications for their future. / Adolessensie is ‘n fase van kognitiewe, sosiale en persoonlikheidontwikkeling. Hormone in die adolessente fase by seuns kan ‘n invloed hê op die kognitiewe en sosiale ontwikkeling van die adolessent. Dit kan veroorsaak dat adolessente op ‘n baie vroeë ouderdom gekonfronteer word met hul houdings tot ontwikkeling. Morele waardes ontwikkel tydens adolessensie. Morele onrypheid by die adolessent kan bly voortbestaan as gevolg van kognitiewe beperkings. Dit veroorsaak houdings van minderwaardigheid en vrees. Losbandigheid word in die morele sin gebruik as ’n persoon onsedelik lewe. ’n Adolessent met ’n losbandige leefstyl het ’n gebrek aan sedelike kodes. Sedes is gewoontes en gedrag wat deur ’n sosiale gemeenskap as normaal beskou word. Seksuele losbandigheid is gedrag in stryd met goeie waardes van die sosiale omgewing. Die beskywende kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode is gebruik om die probleemstelling en doelwitte te ondersoek. Die sosiale ontwikkelingsteorie is gebruik as ‘n komponent om die proses waar die adolessent menslike vaardighede en houdings ontwikkel te beskryf. Die vrae wat ontstaan is dus: Eertens: Watter faktore gee aanleiding tot adolessente se houdings ten op sigte van seksuele losbandigheid Tweedens: Is daar sosio-opvoedkundige situasies wat die verskynsel kan verminder? Die adolessent ondervind steeds probleme om regte besluite in die allerdaagse lewe te neem. Besluite wat vêrrykende gevolge vir die toekoms inhou. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Sosio-Opvoedkunde)

Faktore wat verband hou met swart tienderjariges se gebruik van kontraseptiewes

Meyer-Weitz, Anna. 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In an exploratory study variables influencing the intention to use contraceptives and contraceptive use of teenagers and the association between these variables were determined.A random quota sample consisting of 231 and 224 school boys and girls (14 - 18 years) were selected and the final investigating group were 315 sexually active teenagers. According to loglinear analyses the following variables showed a significant relationship with the intention to use contraceptives: attitudes towards the use of contraceptives, perceptions of accessibility and locus of control. Variables that showed a significant relationship with actual contraceptive use were gender, knowledge about reproduction and contraceptives, beliefs and attitudes towards the use of contraceptives, traditional values such as proving fertility before marriage and family size, perceptions of social approval of contraceptive use as well as perceptions of accessibility to contraceptives. An important conclusion was that an urgent need exists for effective sex education programmes and better access to contraceptives. / In 'n verkennende veldstudie is faktore wat verband hou met swart tienderjariges se intensie om kontraseptiewes te gebruik en werklike kontraseptiewe gebruik ge'identifiseer en die verhoudings tussen die faktore is bepaal. 'n Ewekansige kwotasteekproef van 231 en 224 plattelandse skoolseuns en meisies ( 14 - 18 jaar) is betrek en die finale ondersoekgroep was 315 seksueel aktiewe tienderjariges. Volgens logitmodelontledings het die volgende veranderlikes 'n beduidende verband getoon met die intensie om van kontraseptiewes gebruik te maak: houding teenoor die gebruik van kontraseptiewes, persepsies van toeganklikheid tot kontraseptiewes en lokus van beheer. Veranderlikes wat 'n beduidende verband getoon het met werklike kontraseptiewe gebruik was geslag, kennis oor menslike reproduksie en kontraseptiewes, menings en houdings oor die gebruik daarvan, tradisionele waardeor'ientasies soos die bewys van fertiliteit voor die huwelik en gesinsgrootte, persepsies van sosiale ondersteuning vir kontraseptiewe gebruik asook persepsies van toeganklikheid tot kontraseptiewes. 'n Belangrike gevolgtrekking was dat daar 'n dringende behoefte bestaan na effektiewe seksuele voorligtingsprogramme en grater toeganklikheid tot kontraseptiewes. / Psychology / M.A.(Psychology)

Emotional support for secondary school children in Umzumbe

Mkhize, H. B. 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the research was to determine the extent by wt)ich the home, school and community can provide emotional support to secondary school children. A literature survey focused on these variables. This was followed by the empirical investigation and it was found that there was a significant and positive correlation in the scores of males and females and for all age groups in relation to emotional problems experienced by secondary school children in their homes, schools and communities as a result of external forces (such as their experiences with family members, teachers at school, peer group members and other community members) and internal forces (such as their own physical, social, intellectual, moral and emotional development). This was followed by findings and recommendations for family, teachers at school, community members and the government. / Psychology of Education / Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of South Africa, 1998.

Effek van ouerlike begunstiging op die leefwêreld van die adolessent / The effect of parental favoritism on the life world of the adolescent

Botha, Margaretha Johanna 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word die effek van ouerlike begunstiging op die leefwereld van die adolessent aangespreek. Uit die literatuurstudie blyk dit dat die kwaliteit van die ouerkindverhouding, asook die verskil in 'n ouer se houding teenoor en behandeling van sy kinders daartoe bydra dat 'n kind begunstiging in die gesin beleef. Oorsake van ouerlike begunstiging setel in projektiewe identifikasie deur die ouer(s), persoonlike behoeftes en verwagtinge van die ouer(s), geboorte-orde, en die grootte en sarnestelling van die gesin. In die empiriese ondersoek is die leefwereld van adolessente wat ouerlike begunstiging beleef, verken. Volgens die resultate blyk dit dat van hierdie adolessente angs en minderwaardigheid beleef, 'n lae selfbeeld het en dat hul relasies problernaties is. / This study addresses the effect of parental favoritism on the life world of the adolescent. From the literature study it is evident that the quality of the parent-child relationship as well as. the difference in the parent's attitude and treatment of his children contributes to the fact that a child experiences favoritism in the family. Causes of parental favoritism reside in projective identification by the parent ( s) , parental needs and expectations, the birth order, and size and set up of the family. The empirical study investigates the life world of adolescents who experience parental favoritism. According to the results it seems that some of these adolescents experience anxiety and a sense of inferiority, have a low self-image and experience problematic relationships. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Effek van vaderlike werkloosheid op die leefwêreld van die adolessent / Father's unemployment : its effect on adolescent development

Bouwer, Magdalena Alida 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel hoe vaderlike werkloosheid die leefwereld van die adolessent beinvloed. In 'n poging om die adolessent se leefwereld te verstaan, was dit nodig om die adolessent-in-totaliteit aan te spreek. Daar is aangedui hoe emosionele trauma soos die skielike werkloosheid van die vader nie net die adolessent se fisieke-, kognitiewe-, affektiewe-, sosiale- en normatiewe wording rem nie, maar dat dit ook 'n negatiewe invloed op skolastiese prestasie het. Vaderlike werkloosheid het 'n besondere invloed op die relasies binne die gesin. Die adolessent se leefwereld, wat die Gestalt is van al die relasies wat hy/sy gevorm het, word beduidend deur die vader se werkloosheid geraak. Die empiriese studie toon dat die adolessent wie se vader werkloos geraak het, se betekenisgewing, belewing en betrokkenheid negatief is en derhalwe word sy selfaktualisering gerem en is hy uiteindelik op terapeutiese ingryping aangewese. / The aim of this study was to determine the effect of fathers unemployment on the adolescent's life world. In an attempt to understand the adolescent's life world, it was necessary to address the adolescent in totality. It has been shown how emotional trauma, such as the unexpected unemployment of the father, not only impairs the adolescent's physical-, cognitive-, affective-, social- and normative development but also has a negative influence on scholastic performance. The unemployment of a father has a particular influence on the relations within the family. The adolescent's life world, which is the Gestalt of all the relations that he or she formed, is also particularly influenced by the father's unemployment. The empirical research reveals that the adolescent who's father is unemployed is much more inclined to negative meaning, involvement and experience. Thus this adolescent is restraint on his way to self - actualisation and becomes receptive to therapeutic intervention. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Ondersoek na die leefwêreld van die leergestremde adolessent met die oog op riglyne vir hulpverlening

Le Roux, Anna Christina 05 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die ondersoek was om insig in die leefwereld van die leergestremde adolessent te bekom, ten einde probleemareas wat doeltreffende aanpassing in die leefwereld verhinder, bloot te le. In die probleemontleding het die volgende aspekte na vore getree: Daar is 'n groeiende bewuswording onder navorsers dat die sosiaalemosionele probleme wat die leergestremde adolessent ervaar, duideliker aangespreek moet word. Die noodsaaklikheid om die leergestremde adolessent vir volwassenheid voor te berei, word toenemend besef. In die literatuurstudie is die tydperk van adolessensie, leergestremdheid as fenomeen, en die leefwereld van die leergestremde adolessent onderskeidelik bespreek. Enkele gevolgtrekkinge word aangestip: Adolessensie word gekenmerk deur fisiese, kognitiewe, affektiewe, sosiale en morele ontwikkeling. Hierdie veranderinge hou implikasies in vir die adolessent se uitvoer van ontwikkelingstake, die ontplooiing van die selfkonsep en die groei na onafhanklikheid. Die fenomeen leergestremdheid openbaar 'n komplekse aard wat 'n persoon in sy totaliteit raak. Die manifestasies van leergestremdheid betrek die akademiese vordering sowel as die sosiaal-emosionele ontwikkeling van die individu. Die leergestremde adolessent se aanpassing in sy leefwereld word nadelig beinvloed deur sosiale vaardigheidstekorte, interpersoonlike verhoudingsprobleme, 'n gebrekkige selfkonsep, emosionele probleme, die gebruik van verdedigingsmeganismes en 'n verminderde strewe na onafhanklikheid. In die empiriese ondersoek is inligting oor die leergestremde adolessent se interpersoonlike verhoudinge, selfkonsep en emosionaliteit bekom. In die interpretasie van die data is veranderlikes waar die leergestremde ado l essente swakker aanpassing as die normal e populasie getoon het, eerstens geidentifiseer. Verskille wat by die leergestremde adolessente ten opsigte van geslag en ouderdomsgroep voorgekom het, is vervolgens uitgelig. Ten slotte is 'n faktorontleding uitgevoer ten einde 'n gemeenskaplikheid tussen die onderskeie veranderlikes te bepaal. Op grond van die bevindinge uit die literatuur en die empiriese studie, is riglyne vir hulpverlening geformuleer. Die navorsingsbevindinge is veral van belang vir onderwysers, ouers en ander opvoeders wat met die leergestremde adolessent gemoeid is. / The purpose of the study was to gain insight into the life-world of the learning disabled adolescent in order to reveal problems which prevent effective adjustment in the life-world. In the analysis of the problem the following aspects were prominent: It is recognised that the social-emotional problems experienced by the learning disabled adolescent should be addressed in greater depth. The need to prepare the learning disabled adolescent for adulthood is realised. In the literature study the period of adolescence, learning disabilities as a phenomenon, and the life-world of the learning disabled adolescent were discussed. The following conclusions can be mentioned: Adolescence is characterised by physical, cognitive, emotional, social and moral development. These changes have implications for the adolescent's accomplishment of developmental tasks, the development of the self-concept and the grow towards independence. Learning disabilities as a phenomenon reveals a complex nature that affects the total person. The manifestations of learning disabilities involve the academic progress and the social-emotional development of the individual. The adjustment of the learning disabled adolescent in his lifeworld is adversely affected by deficits in social skills, problematic interpersonal relationships, an inadequate self-concept, emotional problems, the use of defence mechanisms and an insufficient strive towards independence. In the empirical investigation information was obtained about the learning disabled adolescent's interpersonal relationships, self-concept and emotionality. In the interpretation of the data variables were identified where the learning disabled adolescents showed poorer adjustment than the normal population. Differences between learning disabled adolescents with regard to age and sex were highlighted next. Finally, a factor analysis was carried out to determine whether a communality exists among the respective variables. On the basis of the findings of the literature and the empirical study, guidelines for the rendering of aid were formulated. The research findings are especially important to teachers, parents and other educators involved with the learning disabled adolescent. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Parent-adolescent relationship and adolescents' adjustment problems: adolescents' voices.

Bireda, Asamenew Demessie 31 March 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine parent-adolescent relationships as perceived by adolescents and its relationship with adolescents’ adjustment. In order to measure parent-adolescent relationships psychological control, involvement, parental warmth and communication have been used as variables. Furthermore, self-esteem, school adjustment, substance use and depression are used as measures of adolescents’ adjustment outcomes. The study’s cross sectional survey design utilized a stratified random sample with structured questionnaires for the collection of quantitative data involving multiple variables that are examined to detect patterns of association and prediction. The participants comprise 809 adolescents (Males = 427 and Females = 382) from four private and government high schools and the average age of participants is 16.8. The participants were randomly selected from Grade Level 9, 10, 11 and 12. Independent t-test, correlation, and regression analyses are used to analyse the data in this research. The results of the independent sample t-test on the perception of adolescents’ relationship with their parents showed that male adolescents perceive their mothers and fathers as more psychologically controlling than female adolescents. On the other hand, female adolescents perceive their mothers and fathers as warmer; more involved in their schooling; and engage in a more positive communication than do the male adolescents. In addition, the independent sample t-test also shows that male adolescents exhibit more adjustment problems than do female adolescents. Specifically, male adolescents seem to show more substance use behaviour, have lower self-esteem, more school adjustment problems and a higher depression level as compared to female adolescents. The correlation analysis reveals that there is a significant relationship among the four-parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent adjustment variables. The regression analysis also demonstrates that the four-parent-adolescent relation predictor variables account for adolescent adjustment though their contribution to the prediction was varied by the gender of the adolescents’ parents. This research; however, does not consider father-adolescent communication as a significant predictor to adolescent school adjustment and mother-adolescent communication as a significant predictor to adolescent depression. Theoretically, the present findings provide evidence that positive parent-adolescent relationships can be considered as a relevant protective factor for adolescents. For policy consideration, it is suggested that efforts be made to establish quality after school youth programs to engage adolescents in several mentoring activities, and family based coping programs should be established based on the centrality of the family for better family functioning. / Von Krosigk, Beate. / Psychology

An assessment of the psychological needs and problems of standard six pupils

Abrahamse, Petra 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd.) -- Stellenbosch University, 1993. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this investigation was to determine the needs and problems of Standard six pupils in schools controlled by the Department of Education and Culture (Administration: House of Representatives) and the extent to which these are being addressed by existing educational structures. The investigatior: consists of two parts, a literature study and an empirical investigation. The literature study consists of an examination of South African and international research relevant to the investigation. An analysis of South African and international school guidance programmes aimed at meeting the needs and solving possible problems is included and an overview is given of the role that the school, both nationally and internationally, can, is and should be playing to meet these needs and help solve these problems. The empirical investigation examined standard six pupils' problems and needs concerning extra-mural activities, relationships with peers and older pupils, teachers and parents and personal adjustment. A questionnaire to determine these needs and problems was administered to a representative random sample of secondary school pupils in the Cape Peninsula. To determine what is being done to address these needs and problems, a second questionnaire was sent to the 58 dual-medium state controlled schools in thE~ Cape Peninsula for standard Six guidance teachers. A third questionnaire was sent to the Department of Education and culture (Administration: House of Representatives) to determine whether the Department agreed that the school guidance programme for Standard six pupils had been adequately applied by the school guidance teachers. Both South African and internati.onal research indicates that many adolescents experience adjustment problems on entering secondary school. Education authorities worldwide address these problems in various ways. In South l~frica, guidance and counselling services are available through elll the education departments, but their effectiveness and implementation need to be clarified because uniform control is not being exercised. The present research showed that most of the secondary schools in the survey do not have an orientation programme to assist pupils to bridge the gap between the primary and the secondary schools. Although this research does not offer conclusive evidence that Standard Six pupils are adversely affected by their present circumstances, the following needs were established: pupils • need to belong, supported by their opinion that extra-mural activities should be compulsory pupils' need for parent~; to be more lnvolved in school activities pupils' need for satisfactory relationships with teachers pupils' need for satisfactory peer relationships. Bas~~ on the~e findings, a number of recommendations have been made. These include: a sound orientation programme and the Careful selection of teachers who are sensitive to the needs of standard six 1Jupils an extra-mural programme where teachers and senior pupils can play a significant role to enhance the formation of constructive social groups and engender a sense of belonging a guidance programme incorporating group work and which teaches coping and problem-solving skills one non-racial education department with equal financing for all pupils and a uniform system of examination and certifica.tion the establishment of "mini-schools" or "middle schools" and the adoption of extended support for pupils to reduce adjustment problems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om die behoeftes en probleme van Standerd Ses-Ieerlinge in skole onder die Departement van Onderwys en Kultuur (Administrasie: Huis van Verteenwoordigers) te bepaal asook die mate waarin hierdie behoeftes en probleme deur bestaande onderwysstrukture aangespreek word. Die ondersoek bestaan uit twee dele, 'n literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek. Die literatuurstudie bestaan uit 'n ondersoek van relevante suidAfrikaanse en internasionale navorsing. Dit sluit ook in 'n ontleding van beide Suid-Afrikaanse en internasionale skoolvoorligtingsprogramme wat op behoeftebevrediging asook probleemoplossing gemik is. 'n Oorsig word ook gegee van die rol wat die skool, op nasionale asook internasionale vIak, kan, moet en reeds speel om behoeftebevrediging teweeg te bring. Die empiriese ondersoek het standerd Ses-leerlinge se behoeftes en probleme met betrekking tot hul houding jeens die skool, akademiese prestasie, buitemuurse aktiwiteite, verhouding met die portuurgroep en ouer leerlinge, onderwysers en ouers, en persoonlike aanpassing ondersoek. 'n Vraelys om hierdie behoeftes en probleme vas te stel is deur 'n verteenwoordigende ewekansige monster van sekondêre skool leerlinge in die Kaapse Skiereiland ingevul. Om vas te stel wat reeds gedoen word om hierdie behoeftes en probleme aan te spreek, is vraelyste aan standerd Sesvoorligtingonderwysers van die 58 dubbelmedium staatsbeheerde skole in die Kaapse Skiereiland gestuur. 'n Derde vraely- is aan die Departement van Onderwys (Administrasie: Huis van Verteenwoordigers) gestuur met die doel om vas te stel of die skoolvoorligtingsprogram vir standerd sesleerlinge doeltreffend aangewend is deur die skoolvoorligtingsonderwysers. Beide suid-Afrikaanse en internasionale navorsing toon dat baie adolessente aanpassingsprobleme ondervind by toetrede tot die sekondAre skool. Onderwysowerhede wêreldwyd spreek hierdie probleme verskillend aan. In suid-Afrika is voorligtings- en raadgewende dienste deur middel van al die onderwysdepartemente beskikbaar, maar hul effektiwiteit en implementering moet ondersoek word aangesien eenvormige kontrole nie uitgeoefen word nie. Die onderhawige navorsing het getoon dat die meeste sekondere skole in die opname nie oor 'n orienteringsprogram beskik om leerlinge te help om die gaping tussen die primere en die sekondere skool te oorbrug nie. Alhoewel hierdie ondersoek nie afdoende bewys lewer dat Standerd Ses-leerlinge deur hul huidige omstandighede benadeel word nie, is die volgende behoeftes vasgestel: - leerlinge se behoefte om in te skakel, wat ondersteun word deur hul mening dat buitemuurse aktiwiteite verpligtend behoort te wees - leerlinge se behoefte dat ouers meer betrokke moet wees by skoolaktiwiteite - leerlinge se behoefte aan bevredigende verhoudings met hul onderwysers - leerlinge se behoefte aan In bevredigende verhouding met hul portuurgroep. 'n Aantal aanbevelings is op grond van hierdie bevindinge gedoen. Dit sluit in: - 'n goeie orienteringsprogram en die omsigtige seleksie van onderwysers wat sensitief is vir die behoeftes van Standerd Ses-leerlinge - 'n buitemuurseprogram waar onderwysers en senior leerlinge 'n doeltreffende rol kan speel om konstruktiewe sosiale groepe te bevorder sowel as In gevoel van samehorigheid - 'n voorligtingsprogram wat groepwerk insluit en wat lewens-en probleemoplossingsvaardighede onderrig - een nie-rassige onderwysdepartement met gelyke finansiering vir aIle leerlinge asook In uniforme eksamen- en sertifiseringstelsel - die oprig van "miniskole" of "middelskole" en die daarstel van aanvullende ondersteuning vir leerlinge om aanpassingsprobleme te verminder

Die effek van ‘n psigososiale opleidingsprogram op die liggaamsbeoordeling, liggaamskonsep en lewenstevredenheid van ‘n groep adolessente meisies

31 July 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The search for identity is an important developmental task during adolescence. During this period teenagers also evaluate their physical identity against existing external standards. Evaluation of the body is often done in comparison with the Western norms of beauty. These norms are however not universally attainable and can lead to negative evaluations of the body’s attractiveness, resulting in both negative evaluations of the body and body dissatisfaction, which creates concern due to the link that exists between body dissatisfaction and dieting. Diet behaviour has also been established as an etiological factor in the development of certain eating disorders. On the other hand positive evaluations of the body’s appearance and abilities are associated with higher levels of life-satisfaction. It is therefore necessary to develop interventions that could enhance female adolescents’ body evaluations, body-esteem and possibly also life-satisfaction albeit indirectly. Interventions that focused on more realistic evaluations of the self and attempted to enhance teenage girls’ self-esteem have already been implemented in the USA and Australia, but with mixed results. Existing research within the South African context that focus on female adolescents’ body evaluations, body-esteem and life-satisfaction are also limited and no studies could be found that investigated all three facets. The aims of this study were to develop and evaluate a psychosocial training programme (PTP), to enhance female adolescents’ body evaluations, body-esteem and life-satisfaction. A group of adolesscent girls (experimental group)(n = 39) participated in the PTP, while the control group (n = 33) looked at magazine photos and then answered questions about these photos. Both groups completed the following measurement scales before and after the completion of the PTP: Body evaluations (Body-Image Self-evaluation Colouring Lens, BISCL) (Gusella, Clark & van Roosmalen, 2003), body-esteem (Body Esteem Scale for Adolescents and Adults, BES) vi (Mendelson, White & Mendelson, 1996) and life-sattisfaction (Satisfaction with Life Scale,SWLS) (Diener, Emmons, Larson & Griffen, 1985). Firstly the experimental group’s mean averages on all measuring instruments were calculated before and after the completion of the PTP then compared to get an indication of the significance of differences in mean scores within the group. The programme resulted in statistically meaningful changes on al three the measured fascets. After the PTP the body evaluations of participants in the experimental group were less negative towards the form and function of their bodies (BISCL-v (p= .00) and BISCL-f (p= .00). The change in mean scores on the BES full scale (p= .003) and the subscales appearance (p= .01), attribution (p= .03) and weight (p= .00) indicated that evaluation of body- esteem was also more positive. Participants’ life-satisfaction was significantly higher after they participated in the PTP (p= .03). Effects sizes for the significance of difference in mean scores were also calculated, yielding a large effect on effect body evaluation (0.19 tot 0.20), a medium to large effect on body-esteem (0.12 tot 0.20) and medium effect on life satisfaction (0.11). These effect sizes suggest that the results also have practical significance. Secondly the mean scores of the experimental and control groups prior to and after the PTP were compared. No statistically meaningful difference was noted between the mean values of these two groups in terms of body evaluations, body-esteem or life- satisfaction. This is possibly due to the small sample size and variables such as age and ethnicity. In conclusion the psychosocial training programme shows promise as an intervention to enhance female adolescents’ body evaluations, body-esteem and life-satisfaction.

The empowerment of Lesotho adolescents experiencing stress

Machela, Mapitso Innocentia 03 1900 (has links)
M. Ed. (Psychology of Education) / This study investigated stress prevalence among high school adolescents in Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho. The aim was to suggest guidelines on how to deal with adolescents’ stress. A total of 300 respondents were purposively chosen from 5 high schools in Maseru. The subjects completed a self adopted instrument based on reviewed literature and Adolescence Stress Questionnaire (ASQ). The results showed that most adolescents in the sample experienced stress. There was no significant difference in the experience of stress between female and male adolescents. The adolescents in the higher grade reported more stress than those in the lower grade. Home problems were perceived as the most stressful factors while academic and other factors were seen as lesser concerns. Availability of money was considered as the least important source of stress. Most adolescents preferred to be alone when they were under stress and a few used drugs. Implications of the findings for adolescents, parents, teachers and educational psychologists are discussed. / Teacher Education

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