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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A representação social da adolescente grávida no ambiente escolar: uma abordagem Winnicottiana / The Social Representation of pregnant teenagers in the school environment: an approach of Winnicott’s Psychoanalysis

Goellner, Maila Beatriz [UNIFESP] 29 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:49:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-04-29 / Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo com base na abordagem das Representações Sociais, que teve por objetivo conhecer as representações de adolescentes acerca do estar grávida e as subjetividades emergentes deste processo no ambiente da escola. Os sujeitos deste estudo constituíram-se por dois grupos: o primeiro grupo formado por adolescentes e jovens do sexo feminino que estiveram grávidas, com idade delimitada na faixa etária de 10 a 19 anos; o segundo, por adolescentes e jovens de ambos os sexos que fizeram parte do grupo da adolescente na escola. Foi realizado junto ao campo de ação do Projeto de Extensão Universitária “Corporalidade e Promoção da Saúde” da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, que é desenvolvido em três escolas de ensino fundamental e médio e na Unidade Básica de Saúde de referência, situadas na região de Santo Eduardo, município de Embu, São Paulo. Os instrumentos utilizados para coleta dos dados foram a técnica de entrevista individual e a do grupo focal. Optamos pela utilização da técnica de análise de dados das Representações Sociais para tratamento dos dados desvelados pelos discursos dos sujeitos, e a interpretação dos mesmos foi realizada com base nos pressupostos winnicottianos. O Núcleo Central delimitado foi o estar grávida no ambiente escolar, no qual emergiram os seguintes Núcleos Periféricos: A representação do estar grávida; A repercussão da gravidez no ambiente escolar na visão da adolescente; A representação da família segundo a adolescente; A repercussão da gravidez na adolescente segundo o grupo; A relação do grupo com a adolescente grávida. Identificamos que o estar grávida em ambiente escolar apresenta representações e subjetividades no âmbito psicossocial, envolve questões relativas ao relacionamento da adolescente grávida com sua família, com os professores, com a escola e repercute na sua relação com o grupo. / TEDE

A experiência de adolescentes abandonados e institucionalizados frente ao desligamento institucional / The experience of abondoned and institutionalized adolescents in face of being disconnected from the institution

Severino Ramos Lima de Souza 27 March 2001 (has links)
Sabemos que muitas das crianças abrigadas em instituições para abandonados, infelizmente, não serão beneficiadas pelos Programas de Colocação em Lar Substituto (guarda, tutela e adoção). Desse modo, passam a viver na instituição até que completem a maioridade quando, inevitavelmente, terão que ser desligadas. Este estudo vem focalizar, portanto, a experiência de adolescentes abandonados e institucionalizados frente ao desligamento institucional, em função da maioridade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de base fenomenológica onde buscamos trabalhar com depoimentos de jovens que estão vivenciando o processo de desligamento. A partir da perspectiva destes, estabelecemos uma discussão/reflexão em torno do significado/representação do desligamento na vida dos adolescentes e do papel dos educadores no conjunto das práticas institucionais, encaminhando-nos para possíveis alternativas que viabilizem processos de desligamentos mais satisfatórios tanto para os adolescentes quanto para a equipe de profissionais que com eles trabalham / We are aware that the substitute home placement programs (Keepers, guardianshipo or adoption) will not, unfortunately, benefit many of the children living in abandoned/child institutions. For that reason, they remain at the institution until they are legally of age (majority), when they will be, inevitable, dismissed. The present study focuses, therefore, on the experience of abandoned and institutionalized adolescents in face of being disconnected from the institution due to becoming legally adults. This will be a qualitative research, based on the phenomenology approach, analyzing depositions of teen-agers who are experiencing the disconnection process. Considering their perspective, we establish a discussion/reflection on the meaning/representation the adolescents have of the institutional disconnection and on the role played by the educators in the complex of institutional practices. We point to possible alternatives which will enable more satisfactory disconnection processes for the adolescents as well as for the professionals that work with them

Tribos urbanas e construção da identidade adolescente / Tribos urbanas e construção da identidade adolescente / Tribes and urban construction of adolescent identity / Tribes and urban construction of adolescent identity

Talitha Lúcia Macêdo da Silva Arruda 09 April 2008 (has links)
Percebe-se, na contemporaneidade, um crescente movimento, no meio adolescente, de busca de mecanismos identificatórios através do pertencimento a grupos formais e/ou informais. Neste contexto, situam-se as Tribos Urbanas que, segundo Michel Maffesoli (2006) configuram-se como um fenômeno cultural, agregando adolescentes de diferentes níveis sócioeconômicos com os mais variados interesses. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa objetivou investigar o sentido de pertença a uma Tribo Urbana para a construção da identidade adolescente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa em que, a partir de uma análise metodológica na perspectiva fenomenológica existencial, utilizando entrevistas semidirigidas, abordou adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, numa faixa etária compreendida entre 18 a 20 anos, de qualquer nível sócio-econômico, pertencentes à Tribo Urbana de Metaleiros recifenses. Os resultados obtidos trouxeram ricas contribuições para a compreensão do sentido desta pertença e sua importância no universo simbólico do adolescente. Contrariando o senso comum que as Tribos Urbanas agregam "desocupados" e/ou "marginais"; percebemos que estas se constituem como espaços propiciadores de crescimento pessoal, social e cultural. Além disso, as entrevistas revelaram que as Tribos Urbanas desempenham um relevante papel, para os adolescentes metaleiros, como mediadora entre o "desligamento" do ambiente familiar e a inserção no meio social. Esta pertença, ainda, configura-se como um dispositivo para a construção de mecanismos de identificação e diferenciação, fundamentais na estruturação da identidade adolescente. Acredita-se que este trabalho possa oferecer subsídios para um maior entendimento dos mecanismos que operam na construção da identidade adolescente, possibilitando uma melhor compreensão acerca da necessidade gregária dos jovens, minimizando, assim, a representação social negativa das Tribos Urbanas de adolescentes / On percoit, dans la culture contemporaine, un mouvement croissant, dans les milieux dadolescents, de recherche de mécanismes didentification par lappartenance à des groupes formels et/ou informels. Dans ce contexte sinscrivent les Tribus Urbaines qui, selon Michel Maffesoli (2006) se configurent comme un phénomène culturel, agrégeant des adolescents/adolescentes de divers niveaux socio-économiques avec les intérêts les plus variés. Dans cette foulée, la présente recherche sest fixé comme objectif détudier le sens de lappartenance à une Tribu Urbaine pour la construction de lidentité adolescente. Il sagit dune recherche qualitative dans laquelle, à partir dune analyse méthodologique dans la perspective de la phénoménologie existentielle on a utilisé des entrevues semi-dirigées avec des adolescents des deux sexes dans la tranche dâge des 18-20 ans, de tout niveau socioéconomique et appartenant à la Tribu Urbaine des Metaleiros (Rock Heavy Metal) de Recife. Les résultats obtenus ont apporté de riches contributions pour la compréhension du sens de cette appartenance et de son importance dans lunivers symbolique de ladolescent. Au contraire du sens commun pour qui les Tribus Urbaines réunissent des faînéants e/ou des marginaux, nous avons perçu quelles constituent des espaces propices à la croissance personnelle, sociale et culturelle. En plus, les entrevues ont révélé que les Tribus Urbaines accomplissent un rôle pertinent pour les adolescents metaleiros, dintermédiaire entre la séparation de lentourage familial et linsertion dans le milieu social. Cette appartenance se présente en plus comme un dispositif pour la construction de mécanismes didentification et de différentiation, fondamentaux pour la structuration de lidentité adolescente. Nous pensons que ce travail peut offrir des subsides pour un meilleur entendement des mécanismes en jeu dans la construction de lidentité adolescente, permettant une meilleure compréhension de la nécessité grégaire des jeunes, tout en minimisant ainsi la représentation négative des Tribus Urbaines dadolescents

A psychodiagnostic study of adolescent stealing

Lewis, Deborah A January 1979 (has links)
Studies on delinquency fall into two groups, a statistical orientation and a qualitative approach. This study adopted the latter approach using Maslow's theory to investigate the relationship between unmet needs and stealing. It also attempted to explicate the function of stealing for each individual and focused upon interpersonal and intrapersonal aspects. The Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test and the Draw a Person Test were administered to four white male adolescents who had stolen. Their ages ranged from 14 to 17 years. An analysis of each test was completed focusing upon the needs of the individual. In addition the case history and impressions gained during testing were included. It was found that unmet needs had resulted in stealing. Their personalities displayed common characteristics but differences were also evident. A summary was provided and the implications for therapy were then discussed.

Adolescencia e drogas : um estudo clinico-qualitativo da perspectiva da mãe do adolescente

Castro, Marcelo Jose de 29 August 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Mauricio Knobel / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T18:18:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Castro_MarceloJosede_M.pdf: 2305336 bytes, checksum: c94d403551984bc241172b7d79b0c6ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / Resumo: INTRODUÇÃO: O uso de drogas por adolescentes tem sido predominantemente abordado nos meios de comunicação e em ações preventivas pela ênfase ideológica do ¿combate às drogas¿, em detrimento da devida consideração dos fatores individuais e familiares e dos aspectos socioculturais de sua demanda e ocorrência. Considerada a importância dos papéis parentais na adolescência, objetivou-se investigar qualitativamente o tema na perspectiva da mãe do adolescente e formular hipóteses a respeito de fatores subjetivos possivelmente relacionáveis a dificuldades de prevenção do problema. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo qualitativo e exploratório sobre uma amostra intencional, fechada por saturação e variedade de tipos, composta por 10 mães de adolescentes matriculados em instituição privada de ensino. Foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas de questões abertas, cujo conteúdo transcrito foi submetido à análise qualitativa de conteúdo temática e interpretado à luz de referenciais teóricos psicanalíticos e psicossociais. RESULTADOS: As entrevistadas evidenciaram uma visão predominantemente negativa do mundo e da sociedade em que vivem, bem como muitas angústias e dificuldades de reformulação do papel materno diante da sexualidade adolescente e das transformações físicas e emocionais da adolescência de seus filhos. Estes foram ambivalentemente percebidos como ingênuos e vulneráveis, para os quais a droga, reificada no discurso das entrevistadas, representaria um mal onipresente e um perigo iminente. Neste contexto, predominaram atitudes de medo e condenação das drogas ilegais e de discriminação dos seus usuários, reproduzindo aspectos ideológicos típicos do ¿combate às drogas¿. O consumo de álcool e tabaco revelou-se, porém, bem mais tolerado, enquanto o início dos problemas relacionados às drogas na adolescência foi predominantemente identificado pelas entrevistadas somente a partir do uso de maconha. CONCLUSÕES: O enfoque repressivo da ideologia de combate às drogas reproduziu-se na fala das entrevistadas, revelando-se prejudicial à sua percepção da amplitude e complexidade do problema, e comprometendo seu papel potencial na prevenção do uso de drogas por seus filhos. Os resultados do estudo indicam que a atenção às angústias maternas relacionadas à adolescência de seus filhos deve ser considerada na formulação de programas voltados para a saúde do adolescente e da família, e que as estratégias preventivas do uso de drogas na adolescência poderiam ser maximizadas através da abordagem dos aspectos psicodinâmicos e psicossociais do adolescente e de sua família. Algumas categorias e subcategorias formuladas indicaram possibilidades abertas para novas pesquisas quantitativas e qualitativas. As limitações do estudo foram assinaladas / Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Drug use by adolescents has been predominantly mentioned through communication media and preventive actions by the ideological emphasis of the ¿drug combat¿, despite the righteous consideration of the individual and familiar factors and the social and cultural aspects of its occurrence. Once the importance of the parental role was considered, this investigation focused qualitatively on the topic regarding the perspective of the adolescent¿s mother, formulating hypotheses on subjective factors possibly related to the difficulties of its prevention. METHODS: An exploratory and qualitative study was conducted based on an intentional sample (selected through saturation and variety of types) of 10 mothers whose teenage children were enrolled in private schools. In-depth open-question semi- structured interviews were conducted. Transcribed data underwent qualitative thematic analysis in light of psychoanalytical and psychosocial theoretical references. RESULTS: The women interviewed showed not only a predominantly negative view of the world and society they live in, but also their anxiety and difficulties to the reformulation of the maternal role when facing the adolescent¿s sexuality and the physical and emotional transformations of their children¿s teenagehood. The children were ambivalently perceived as naive and vulnerable, to whom drugs, and this was ratified by the mothers¿ answers, would represent an omnipresent evil and imminent danger. In this context, the predominant attitudes were those of fear and condemnation of illegal drugs and the discrimination of its users, reproducing typical ideological aspects of the ¿drug combat¿. The consumption of alcohol and tobacco was however better tolerated whilst the beginning of the drug problems in the teenagehood was mainly identified by the interviewed mothers as the commencement of marijuana use. CONCLUSIONS: The repressive emphasis of the drug combat ideology was reproduced throughout the interview which turned out to be prejudicial to the perception of the amplitude and complexity of the problem, compromising the potential role it has in the prevention of drug use by their children. Special attention to mothers¿ anxieties related to the adolescence of their children should be considered when formulating programs destined for adolescents and family health. Any preventive strategy of use of drugs in the adolescence can be maximized by approaching the psychodynamic and psychosocial aspects of the teenager and his or her family. Some categories and subcategories that had been formulated indicated open possibilities to new qualitative and quantitative researches. The limitations of this study have been marked. / Mestrado / Saude Mental / Mestre em Ciências Médicas

Parent-adolescent relationship and adolescents' adjustment problems: adolescents' voices.

Asamenew Demessie Bireda 31 March 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine parent-adolescent relationships as perceived by adolescents and its relationship with adolescents’ adjustment. In order to measure parent-adolescent relationships psychological control, involvement, parental warmth and communication have been used as variables. Furthermore, self-esteem, school adjustment, substance use and depression are used as measures of adolescents’ adjustment outcomes. The study’s cross sectional survey design utilized a stratified random sample with structured questionnaires for the collection of quantitative data involving multiple variables that are examined to detect patterns of association and prediction. The participants comprise 809 adolescents (Males = 427 and Females = 382) from four private and government high schools and the average age of participants is 16.8. The participants were randomly selected from Grade Level 9, 10, 11 and 12. Independent t-test, correlation, and regression analyses are used to analyse the data in this research. The results of the independent sample t-test on the perception of adolescents’ relationship with their parents showed that male adolescents perceive their mothers and fathers as more psychologically controlling than female adolescents. On the other hand, female adolescents perceive their mothers and fathers as warmer; more involved in their schooling; and engage in a more positive communication than do the male adolescents. In addition, the independent sample t-test also shows that male adolescents exhibit more adjustment problems than do female adolescents. Specifically, male adolescents seem to show more substance use behaviour, have lower self-esteem, more school adjustment problems and a higher depression level as compared to female adolescents. The correlation analysis reveals that there is a significant relationship among the four-parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent adjustment variables. The regression analysis also demonstrates that the four-parent-adolescent relation predictor variables account for adolescent adjustment though their contribution to the prediction was varied by the gender of the adolescents’ parents. This research; however, does not consider father-adolescent communication as a significant predictor to adolescent school adjustment and mother-adolescent communication as a significant predictor to adolescent depression. Theoretically, the present findings provide evidence that positive parent-adolescent relationships can be considered as a relevant protective factor for adolescents. For policy consideration, it is suggested that efforts be made to establish quality after school youth programs to engage adolescents in several mentoring activities, and family based coping programs should be established based on the centrality of the family for better family functioning. / Von Krosigk, Beate. / Psychology

A Comparison of the Perceptions of Future Adult Functioning of Adolescents with Spina Bifida, Their Parents, and Adolescents without an Identified Disability

Cain, Hal M. (Hal Martin) 12 1900 (has links)
A study was conducted to investigate factors associated with the perceived future self-efficacy in adolescents with spina bifida. Thirteen adolescents with spina bifida and their parents were surveyed. Seventeen adolescents without an identified disability and their parents were also surveyed. The Questionnaire of Future Adult Activities (QFAA) and the Health Attribution Test (HAT) were administered. Parent responses were compared to those of adolescents and adolescent responses were compared between groups. There was no overall correlation between parent and adolescent responses. Differences were found between responses of adolescents with spina bifida and adolescents without an identified disability. Limited correlations were found between the QFAA and the HAT.

The influence of parental separation on the social attachments of adolescent girls in a Johannesburg school

Zaidman, Rachel 27 January 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Social Work) / This dissertation centers on attachment. The focus is on four adolescent girls and how their attachment style is impacted by the experience of parental separation. A qualitative research process is applied by means of a two-part semi-structured interview. The first interview focuses more on the experience of the parental separation, and the second interview on the present social attachments of the adolescent girl. This study is informed by phenomenology as it analyses the adolescent experience of the parental separation by means of the change in the physical and emotional presence of her mother and father. It then explores her subjective experiences with and perception of her attachment to others. The study endeavours to reach a deeper understanding of how a break in the relationship with a parent as a consequence of a parental separation, even at the adolescent phase of development, can impact the adolescent's inner sense of security and in turn, other present social attachments. In light of the above, past literature together with attachment theory research on initial attachments with one's main care-givers is reviewed, looking at the development of a secure versus insecure attachment style. It is hoped that this dissertation serves to enrich the existing body of knowledge on attachment with regards to parental separation, and is of use to clinical professionals in the field.

A model for the reintegration of marginalised adolescents into the community to facilitate the restoration, promotion and maintenance of their mental health

Moloto, Joyce Clara 22 August 2012 (has links)
D.Cur. / South Africa, like many other countries, is charged with ensuring that her adolescents are mobilised to believe in the power of their own dignity in order for their life-world to change. Hundreds of thousands of adolescents were forced to experience political upheavals, violence, neglect, incarceration and family disorganisation. Many of these adolescents were forced onto the margins of society in their strive for understanding and survival. Many dropped out of school, are unskilled and therefore unemployed. They feel hopeless as they struggle for a place in society, because society has no faith in them - "they are lost to society". The purpose of this study was to generate a psychiatric nursing model to facilitate the reintegration of marginalised adolescents into the community. This study therefore has profound social, political and economic implications for the South African community. Through this model, which is a theoretical framework to be utilized by the advanced practitioner in psychiatric nursing, adolescents will be empowered to believe in themselves, to engage in meaningful relationships and activities with their families, peer groups and the broader community. The model provides a theoretical framework that attempts to rekindle and inspire the adolescents from a state of hopelessness and disillusionment, to integrated individuals who are respected, valued and accepted as integral members of their families, peer groups and communities. The model will assume a problem solving and preventative approach. Based on this discussion, the following questions were addressed in this research: What obstacles exist that hamper marginalised adolescents' reintegration into the community? What could be done to assist marginalised adolescents' reintegration into the community? A theory generative, qualitative, contextual, exploratory and descriptive design was followed. The research was conducted in four steps with a pilot-study that preceded step one of the research. In step one, focus group discussions were conducted with five groups of respondents to explore and describe obstacles that hamper the reintegration of marginalised adolescents into the community, as well as their views on how marginalised adolescents can be assisted to be reintegrated into the community. Data was analysed using Tesch's method. Based on the results of analyzed data, disempowerment, characterized by hopelessness, alienation/isolation, anger, frustration and worthlessness - related to poor socialisation, lack of support and services, family disorganisation, peer pressure and fragmented services - was identified as a main theme among stumbling blocks. Empowerment, characterized by improved self-image, feelings of worth, belief in own dignity - related to a sense of wellbeing, belonging and respect - resulting in personal growth and societal change with ultimate reintegration, was identified as major strategy to address marginalisation. In step two, the defined concepts were related to each other to show interrelationships. Classification of central and relational concepts followed to formulate relationship-statements, the result being to depict related concepts in structural form. In step three, a visual model to be utilized as a theoretical framework by the advanced psychiatric nurse practitioner to facilitate the marginalised adolescents as recipients and the advanced psychiatric nurse as agent, was designed to facilitate reintegration into the community. The model was evaluated by a panel of experts. Step four dealt with guidelines to operationalise the model in practice, education and research. Recommendations and limitations of the research were also discussed.

A Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Study of Adolescents and Religion: Views of Risk and Resiliency

Miesse, Colette Ann 08 1900 (has links)
The research literature within the past decade has documented the importance of religiosity and spirituality in helping many adults around the world cope with major life stressors and events. Still, the role of religiosity and spirituality in adolescence is not well-known as research during this developmental period has been limited by sample size, homogeneity of samples, ethnic restrictions, and use of scales with few items. The goal of the current study is to identify and understand adolescent levels of religiousness and spirituality, as well as their roles on later social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes. The current study relied upon data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and utilized confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in order to generate models of the relationships between the various latent variables. The religiosity and spirituality factors in the current study adequately measure religious perceptions and practices of adolescents over time. These constructs also play a role in later emotional well-being and self-esteem. Analyses also found adequate predictive abilities in the other model factors of delinquency, psychological well-being, self-esteem, and the social support. It is concluded from this study that religiosity and spirituality are not interchangeable constructs, and that more robust measures of both factors yield richer results. It is recommended that more comprehensive scales of religiosity and spirituality be developed and investigated in the future.

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