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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Gefühlsgemeinschaft der AfD: Narrative, Praktiken und Räume zum Wohlfühlen

Spissinger, Florian 12 July 2024 (has links)
Wie gelingt es der AfD, dass sich deren Unterstützer*innen bei einer für viele Menschen abstoßenden Partei wohlfühlen? Florian Spissinger hat Vortragsveranstaltungen, Stammtische und Wahlkampfstände der AfD ethnografisch beobachtet und Gespräche vor Ort geführt. Sichtbar geworden ist eine neurechte Gefühlsgemeinschaft, an der kritische Einwände wirkungslos abprallen und für die sich die Ablehnung von Zuwanderung und Klimaschutz gut und clever anfühlt. Die ethnografisch fundierte Studie entfaltet die normalisierende Gefühlsarbeit der AfD. Dafür nutzt Spissinger emotionssoziologische und affekttheoretische Konzepte und beleuchtet Narrative, Praktiken und Räume. Sichtbar werden moralisch entlastende Selbstnarrative und ermächtigende Gefühlspositionen für AfD-Sympathisant*innen. Die Untersuchung zeigt auch, wie sich rassistische und anti-klimapolitische Untergangsszenarien zu einer selbst bestätigenden Gefühlswelt verdichten. Außerdem interpretiert Spissinger das kollektive Schimpfen und spöttische Gelächter bei AfD-Veranstaltungen als ein neurechtes Identitäts- und Gefühlstraining. Nicht zuletzt wird deutlich, wie AfD-Unterstützer*innen Kritik abwehren und daraus die Bestätigung ziehen, ‚die Wahrheit‘ zu vertreten und ‚frei‘ zu denken. Wer es sich in der neurechten Gefühlsgemeinschaft erst einmal bequem gemacht hat, lässt sich daher nur noch schwer zur Umkehr bewegen.

L’aide au développement au Mali : une étude comparative d’un bailleur français et d’un bailleur suédois

Johansson, Malin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Le but de ce mémoire est de comparer l’aide publique au développement de la Suède et de la France offerte au Mali. La comparaison est axée autour des plus grands bailleurs ; l’Asdi (Agence suédoise de coopération Internationale au Développement) et l’AFD (Agence Française de Développement) et leur aide au développement pour le Mali. Les questions de recherche posées sont ; quels sont les buts principaux de l’Asdi et de l’AFD avec leur aide au développement au Mali, et quelles sont leurs méthodes utilisées pour les atteindre?</p><p>La recherche montre que le but est le même pour les deux agences. Elles mettent l’accent sur la lutte contre la pauvreté, les inégalités ainsi que sur un développement durable.</p><p>Cependant les méthodes appliquées divergent. Les actions suédoises au développement réalisent les conditions demandées par la théorie promouvant la démocratie et cela probablement parce les quatre grandes lignes directrices de l’aide au développement du gouvernement suédois correspondent à la théorie appliquée.</p><p>Les actions accomplies par l’AFD ne correspondent pas à toutes les actions exigées par la théorie, probablement parce que les grandes lignes de l’AFD n’y correspondent pas et que l’agence suit une autre théorie. L’aide au développement de l’Asdi en comparaison avec celles de l’AFD, est clairement plus complexe de ce point de vue. Donc les méthodes divergent distinctement, probablement parce que les deux agences suivent des théories différentes.</p>

L’aide au développement au Mali : une étude comparative d’un bailleur français et d’un bailleur suédois

Johansson, Malin January 2008 (has links)
Le but de ce mémoire est de comparer l’aide publique au développement de la Suède et de la France offerte au Mali. La comparaison est axée autour des plus grands bailleurs ; l’Asdi (Agence suédoise de coopération Internationale au Développement) et l’AFD (Agence Française de Développement) et leur aide au développement pour le Mali. Les questions de recherche posées sont ; quels sont les buts principaux de l’Asdi et de l’AFD avec leur aide au développement au Mali, et quelles sont leurs méthodes utilisées pour les atteindre? La recherche montre que le but est le même pour les deux agences. Elles mettent l’accent sur la lutte contre la pauvreté, les inégalités ainsi que sur un développement durable. Cependant les méthodes appliquées divergent. Les actions suédoises au développement réalisent les conditions demandées par la théorie promouvant la démocratie et cela probablement parce les quatre grandes lignes directrices de l’aide au développement du gouvernement suédois correspondent à la théorie appliquée. Les actions accomplies par l’AFD ne correspondent pas à toutes les actions exigées par la théorie, probablement parce que les grandes lignes de l’AFD n’y correspondent pas et que l’agence suit une autre théorie. L’aide au développement de l’Asdi en comparaison avec celles de l’AFD, est clairement plus complexe de ce point de vue. Donc les méthodes divergent distinctement, probablement parce que les deux agences suivent des théories différentes.

Pandemier och populism : En komparativ idéanalys om hur populistiska partiers syn på covid-19 pandemins restriktioner har ändrats.

Lindmark, Axel January 2021 (has links)
The covid-19 pandemic has hit every part of life hard. From visiting the supermarket to halting world trade. One of the most obvious effects of the pandemic has been the political one. All across the world political parties have been competing for power during these unusual times.  This paper will analyze whether populistic parties around Europe have changed their views on the covid-19 pandemic restrictions. In order to analyze this a comparative idea analysis will be used in order to compare and analyze political parties views on this subject. In order to conduct this analysis the studie compare four different populistic parties around europé. These parties are as followed, AFD and Die Linke in germany, PVV in the Netherlands followed by Syriza in Greece. The study will be using material from the four different parties to conduct the analysis and compare the material. The analysis shows that only one out of four parties has had a change in their views on the pandemic restrictions. This study is an important contribution the field of populism. It will grant a unique opportunity to study such a unique time of our the world that the covid-19 pandemis really is.

Die letzte Rettung: Eine ethnographische Analyse von Einstellungen sächsischer AfD-WählerInnen und deren Wahlentscheidungen

Beck, Hannah Katinka 27 November 2020 (has links)
Mit einer Feldforschung im digitalen Raum hat die Autorin Einstellungen und Wahlentscheidungen von vier AfD-WählerInnen aus Sachsen untersucht und in ihren jeweiligen Kontext eingeordnet. Die Interpretation der Ergebnisse zeigt: Alle ForschungsteilnehmerInnen konstruieren mehrdimensionale Notstände - auf leiblicher, sozioökonomischer, soziokultureller und politischer Ebene. Die AfD wird in den individuellen Erzählungen zu dem politischen Akteur gemacht, der sich dieser Notstände annimmt. Die Arbeit gibt dem wissenschaftlichen Diskurs um die Erfolge rechtspopulistischer Parteien in liberalen Demokratien neue Impulse und macht weiterführende Forschungen notwendig.:1 Einleitung: 'Wer ist die AfD?' 2 Diskussion bestehender Erklärungsansätze 2.1 Die AfD als rechtspopulistische Partei 2.2 Kritik an der Globalisierungsverlierer-These 2.3 Kritik an der cultural-backlash-Theorie 2.4 Repräsentative Demokratie in der Krise 2.5 Erklärungsansätze im Überblick 3 Forschungsdesign und Methode 3.1 Konzeptspezifikation 3.2 Fallstudiendesign 3.3 Fallauswahl 3.4 Qualitative Datenerhebung 3.5 Forschen auf Facebook 3.6 Datenanalyse mit grounded theory 4 Willkommen in Sachsen 4.1 Grenzen des Forschungsfelds 4.2 Zugang zum Feld: Digitale Begegnungen 4.3 Ostdeutschland: Hochburg der AfD? 5 Ergebnisse der digitalen Ethnographie 5.1 Martin Sinn: Wenn Kontrolle, Menschenwürde und politischer Raum verloren gehen 5.2 Forschung ins Ungewisse 5.3 Helmut Kinz: Der Traum einer deutschen Urgesellschaft 5.4 Henrik Döll: Die Ideologie eines egoistischen Rationalisten 5.5 Rebekka Nowak: Reaktive Islamophobie und die Macht der Stigmatisierung 6 Interpretation der digitalen Ethnographie: Narrative des Notstands 6.1 Notstand als analytische Kategorie 6.2 Gefahr für Leib und Leben 6.3 Soziale und politische Hilflosigkeit 6.4 Demokratischer Notstand 6.5 Ökonomischer Notstand 6.6 Wer ist das Volk? 6.7 Angst vor der Zukunft? 7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick

Sprachliche Wissensrepräsentationen der AfD: Eine framesemantische Analyse von parlamentarischen Debatten

Jamjumrus, Phongsakorn 20 November 2023 (has links)
Zuwanderungs- bzw. Migrationsdiskurse stehen seit langer Zeit im Mittelpunkt der öffentlich-politischen Kommunikation in Deutschland. Sie werden auch in der jeweiligen Phase der Diskussion von neu entstandenem Wissen und einem bestimmten Zeitgeist geprägt. Besonders seit 2015, als in Reaktion auf die Flüchtlingsbewegung politisch rechte Parteien in vielen europäischen Ländern wie Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, Dänemark, Schweden usw. sowie in den USA in Parlamente gewählt wurden, gewann auch die deutsche, rechtspopulistische Partei Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) allmählich eine enorme Popularität. Dies führte schließlich dazu, dass sie 2017 in den deutschen Bundestag einziehen konnte, wodurch sich ihr neue Möglichkeiten der Selbstdarstellung eröffneten. Eine Gemeinsamkeit aller rechtspolitischen Parteien in den europäischen Staaten besteht im Widerstand gegen das Anderssein. Mittlerweile führt dies zu heftigen Diskussionen und es bilden und verfestigen sich negative Einstellungen gegenüber ausländischen Zuwanderer:innen.1 2 Diese befinden sich infolge von Krieg, Gewalt, Verfolgung und Mord auf der Flucht, weshalb sie auf Schutz angewiesen sind. Darüber hinaus gehören auch diejenigen dazu, die die Chance auf einen besseren Lebensstandard ergreifen und von der deutschen Absicherung der alltäglichen Bedürfnisse profitieren möchten. Für rechtspopulistische Bewegungen fungieren Zuwanderer:innen als einer ihrer politischen Sündenböcke, weshalb sie zum unverzichtbaren Instrument rechtspopulistischer Rhetorik gehören (vgl. Wodak 2016: 20). Dementsprechend stellt dieses heikle, aktuelle Thema einen brisanten Diskurs zur Erschließung und Erfassung relevanten Wissens über diese Menschengruppe dar, aus dem eine Reflexion zur Selbstdarstellung der AfD erfolgen kann.

The Framing of the Alternative für Deutschland’s Election Result in the German Print Media after the Federal Election 2017

Rust, Lara-Tanita January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Diagnóstico hiperespectral da relação textural entre horizontes de solo: construindo índices / Hyperspectral diagnostic of textural ratio between soil horizons: building indices

Souza, Arnaldo Barros e 20 January 2016 (has links)
A adoção de medidas afinadas à conservação do solo não é apenas uma necessidade, há muito passou a ser estratégico desenvolver técnicas que preencham as lacunas de informação e maximizem o uso adequado do solo. A diferenciação textural entre horizontes de solos é um dos principais aspectos a ser considerado quando do planejamento do uso do solo, pois se relaciona estreitamente com fatores como o enraizamento, a percolação e disponibilidade de água e a susceptibilidade dos solos à erosão. Diante disso, objetivou-se desenvolver Índices Espectroscópicos de Relação Textural (IERT) que estabeleçam quantitativamente o grau de diferenciação textural em perfis de solos via espectroscopia VisNIR-SWIR (350-2.500 nm) e MidIR (4000 - 400 cm-1). Foram utilizados dados espectrais de 150 perfis de solos descritos morfologicamente pertencentes a nove municípios das regiões Sudeste e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Três modelos espectrais, VisNIR-SWIR, MidIR e VisNIR-SWIR-MidIR foram associados aos teores analíticos de matéria orgânica dos horizontes A e B, totalizando nove modelos, afim de se verificar o potencial daqueles puramente espectrais. Todos os modelos foram estudados por análises de funções discriminantes (CP-AFD) e regressão por mínimos quadrados (PLSR). A construção dos IERT\'s, num total de 15, cinco para cada modelo espectral, considerou a diferença de reflectância em bandas específicas ou associações entre elas, as quais foram selecionadas com base no estudo qualitativo e quantitativo das curvas espectrais. De modo geral, a diferenciação entre horizontes é ditada pelas regiões espectrais associadas principalmente aos óxidos de Fe, minerais de argila e quartzo. É possível determinar o grau de diferenciação textural entre horizontes de perfis de solos com excelente acurácia através de dados espectrais com taxa de acerto global de até 100 %, R2 de 0,76 a 0,82 e RPD de 2,02 a 2,35 nos modelos puramente espectrais, com destaque à região MidIR. O uso de IERT\'s produz bons a excelentes resultados, com R2 de 0,71 a 0,80 e RDP de 1,84 a 2,21 para os melhores índices de cada região espectral. O uso de índices espectrais reduz a dependência de métodos estatísticos avançados e dá suporte ao desenvolvimento de equipamentos óticos que trabalhem em regiões espectrais específicas, reduzindo custos e maximizando a aplicabilidade da técnica. Estudos abrangentes e exaustivos são indispensáveis antes que novos métodos como este se estabeleçam, particularmente em ciência do solo, na qual o objeto de estudo é, por natureza, complexo e intrigante. / The adoption of measures related to soil conservation is not only a necessity, long it has become strategic to develop techniques that meet the information deficits and maximize the appropriate use of land. The textural differentiation between soil horizons is one of the main aspects to be considered dealing with land use planning as it closely relates to factors such as rooting, percolation and water availability and the susceptibility of soils to erosion. Therefore, it was aimed to develop Spectral Textural Ratio Indices (STRI) that quantitatively establish the degree of textural differentiation in soil profiles through VisNIR-SWIR (350-2500 nm) and MidIR (4000- 400 cm-1) spectroscopy. Spectral data of 150 soil profiles morphologically described belonging to nine municipalities in the Southeast and Midwest of Brazil were used. Three spectral models, VisNIR-SWIR, MidIR and VisNIR-SWIR-MidIR were associated with analytical organic matter content of the A and B horizons, comprising nine models in order to verify the potential of those purely spectral. All models were studied by discriminant functions analysis (CP-DFA) and Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR). The construction of the STRIs, a total of 15, five for each spectral model, considered the reflectance difference in specific bands or associations between them, which were selected based on the qualitative and quantitative study of spectral curves. In general, the differentiation between horizons is dictated primarily by spectral regions associated with iron oxides, clay minerals and quartz. It is possible to determine the degree of textural differentiation between soil profile horizons with great accuracy through spectral data with overall accuracy rate of up to 100%, R2 from 0.76 to 0.82 and RPD from 2.02 to 2.35 in the purely spectral models, with emphasis on MidIR region. The use of STRIs produces good to excellent results, with R2 ranging from 0.71 to 0.80 and RPD ranging from 1.84 to 2.21 for the best rates of each spectral region. The use of spectral indices reduces reliance on advanced statistical methods and supports the development of optical devices that work in specific spectral regions, reducing costs and maximizing the applicability of the technique. Large and exhaustive studies are imperatives before new methods like this are established, particularly in soil science, in which the object of study is by nature complex and intriguing.

Diagnóstico hiperespectral da relação textural entre horizontes de solo: construindo índices / Hyperspectral diagnostic of textural ratio between soil horizons: building indices

Arnaldo Barros e Souza 20 January 2016 (has links)
A adoção de medidas afinadas à conservação do solo não é apenas uma necessidade, há muito passou a ser estratégico desenvolver técnicas que preencham as lacunas de informação e maximizem o uso adequado do solo. A diferenciação textural entre horizontes de solos é um dos principais aspectos a ser considerado quando do planejamento do uso do solo, pois se relaciona estreitamente com fatores como o enraizamento, a percolação e disponibilidade de água e a susceptibilidade dos solos à erosão. Diante disso, objetivou-se desenvolver Índices Espectroscópicos de Relação Textural (IERT) que estabeleçam quantitativamente o grau de diferenciação textural em perfis de solos via espectroscopia VisNIR-SWIR (350-2.500 nm) e MidIR (4000 - 400 cm-1). Foram utilizados dados espectrais de 150 perfis de solos descritos morfologicamente pertencentes a nove municípios das regiões Sudeste e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Três modelos espectrais, VisNIR-SWIR, MidIR e VisNIR-SWIR-MidIR foram associados aos teores analíticos de matéria orgânica dos horizontes A e B, totalizando nove modelos, afim de se verificar o potencial daqueles puramente espectrais. Todos os modelos foram estudados por análises de funções discriminantes (CP-AFD) e regressão por mínimos quadrados (PLSR). A construção dos IERT\'s, num total de 15, cinco para cada modelo espectral, considerou a diferença de reflectância em bandas específicas ou associações entre elas, as quais foram selecionadas com base no estudo qualitativo e quantitativo das curvas espectrais. De modo geral, a diferenciação entre horizontes é ditada pelas regiões espectrais associadas principalmente aos óxidos de Fe, minerais de argila e quartzo. É possível determinar o grau de diferenciação textural entre horizontes de perfis de solos com excelente acurácia através de dados espectrais com taxa de acerto global de até 100 %, R2 de 0,76 a 0,82 e RPD de 2,02 a 2,35 nos modelos puramente espectrais, com destaque à região MidIR. O uso de IERT\'s produz bons a excelentes resultados, com R2 de 0,71 a 0,80 e RDP de 1,84 a 2,21 para os melhores índices de cada região espectral. O uso de índices espectrais reduz a dependência de métodos estatísticos avançados e dá suporte ao desenvolvimento de equipamentos óticos que trabalhem em regiões espectrais específicas, reduzindo custos e maximizando a aplicabilidade da técnica. Estudos abrangentes e exaustivos são indispensáveis antes que novos métodos como este se estabeleçam, particularmente em ciência do solo, na qual o objeto de estudo é, por natureza, complexo e intrigante. / The adoption of measures related to soil conservation is not only a necessity, long it has become strategic to develop techniques that meet the information deficits and maximize the appropriate use of land. The textural differentiation between soil horizons is one of the main aspects to be considered dealing with land use planning as it closely relates to factors such as rooting, percolation and water availability and the susceptibility of soils to erosion. Therefore, it was aimed to develop Spectral Textural Ratio Indices (STRI) that quantitatively establish the degree of textural differentiation in soil profiles through VisNIR-SWIR (350-2500 nm) and MidIR (4000- 400 cm-1) spectroscopy. Spectral data of 150 soil profiles morphologically described belonging to nine municipalities in the Southeast and Midwest of Brazil were used. Three spectral models, VisNIR-SWIR, MidIR and VisNIR-SWIR-MidIR were associated with analytical organic matter content of the A and B horizons, comprising nine models in order to verify the potential of those purely spectral. All models were studied by discriminant functions analysis (CP-DFA) and Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR). The construction of the STRIs, a total of 15, five for each spectral model, considered the reflectance difference in specific bands or associations between them, which were selected based on the qualitative and quantitative study of spectral curves. In general, the differentiation between horizons is dictated primarily by spectral regions associated with iron oxides, clay minerals and quartz. It is possible to determine the degree of textural differentiation between soil profile horizons with great accuracy through spectral data with overall accuracy rate of up to 100%, R2 from 0.76 to 0.82 and RPD from 2.02 to 2.35 in the purely spectral models, with emphasis on MidIR region. The use of STRIs produces good to excellent results, with R2 ranging from 0.71 to 0.80 and RPD ranging from 1.84 to 2.21 for the best rates of each spectral region. The use of spectral indices reduces reliance on advanced statistical methods and supports the development of optical devices that work in specific spectral regions, reducing costs and maximizing the applicability of the technique. Large and exhaustive studies are imperatives before new methods like this are established, particularly in soil science, in which the object of study is by nature complex and intriguing.

Os créditos tributários e seus impactos nas carteiras de crédito dos bancos no Brasil frente à entrada em vigor das regras de Basileia III

Helpe, Ronaldo Medrado 11 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ronaldo Medrado Helpe (ronaldo.helpe@gmail.com) on 2018-01-05T14:28:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Financas_AFD-Helpe-projeto_vFinal.pdf: 1604607 bytes, checksum: 1cdf4c588e2dd515324016561da5baa4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Mayara Costa de Sousa (mayara.sousa@fgv.br) on 2018-01-10T23:17:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Financas_AFD-Helpe-projeto_vFinal.pdf: 1604607 bytes, checksum: 1cdf4c588e2dd515324016561da5baa4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-11T13:40:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Financas_AFD-Helpe-projeto_vFinal.pdf: 1604607 bytes, checksum: 1cdf4c588e2dd515324016561da5baa4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-11 / A iminência da entrada em vigor das regras estabelecidas pelo acordo da Basileia III, motivado pela crise do subprime em 2009, desperta preocupação ao redor do mundo, inspirando inúmeros estudos que tentam antecipar potenciais efeitos desta regulamentação sobre a economia (BERROSPIDE e EDGE, 2010). O Brasil vive uma das piores recessões de sua história e as provisões para créditos ruins nos balanços dos bancos se avolumam, gerando um aumento do estoque de créditos tributários. Em linha com diversos estudos já realizados, este trabalho explorou efeitos decorrentes da implantação do acordo da Basileia III em relação ao capital mínimo regulatório exigido, com o diferencial de dar ênfase ao impacto da exclusão dos créditos tributários da base de capital dos bancos. O objetivo foi identificar se a restrição de capital trazida por tais deduções, no âmbito do novo acordo, poderia impactar o volume de créditos concedidos pelos bancos, impactando, portanto, o processo de recuperação econômica do Brasil. Verificou-se, através de uma pesquisa exploratória, que abordou uma amostra relevante de 38 bancos, que os avanços dos ajustes prudenciais de créditos tributários terão alto impacto sobre a base de capital das instituições financeiras. Tais deduções, geraram impactos em 28 bancos da amostra, chegando a representar mais de 100% da necessidade agregada de capital principal e 59% da necessidade agregada de capital nível 1 dos bancos analisados. Do ponto de vista de influência das deduções dos créditos tributários sobre as carteiras de crédito dos bancos, foi possível constatar que o impacto tende a ser pequeno, chegando a 1,5% de redução sobre o total da carteira de crédito dos bancos analisados. Essa conclusão, apesar de parecer incoerente à primeira vista, justifica-se pela capacidade dos bancos em atrair mais capital, em função de suas rentabilidades acima do custo de capital próprio. Essa análise nos permitiu confirmar a relevância dos créditos tributários das instituições financeiras sobre suas políticas de gestão de capital e verificar que as deduções de créditos tributários, apesar de representar restrições importantes de capital, não deverão impactar de forma relevante o crescimento das carteiras de crédito no sistema financeiro brasileiro. / The imminence of fully application of the rules established by Basel III, motivated by the subprime crisis in 2009, arouses concern around the world, motivating several papers trying to anticipate potential effects of this regulation (BERROSPIDE e EDGE, 2010). Brazil is facing one of the worst recessions in its history and the increase in provisions for bad credits, led to an increase in tax credits in the banks' balance sheets in Brazil. Aligned with several studies, this research explored the effects arising from the implementation of Basel III agreement in relation to minimum regulatory capital, with the differential of emphasizing the impact of the exclusion of tax credits from the capital base of banks. The objective was to identify if the restriction of capital brought by Tax Credits under the new agreement could impact the volume of credits granted by the banks, thus impacting the process of economic recovery in Brazil. It was verified through a relevant sample of 38 banks that tax credits will have a high impact on the banks' capital base. These deductions generated impacts on 28 sample banks, accounting for more than 100% of the aggregate principal capital requirement and 59% of the aggregate capital requirement of the banks analyzed. From the point of view of the influence of tax credit deductions on banks' credit portfolios, it was possible to verify that the impact tends to be small, reaching a reduction of 1.5% on the total loan portfolio of the banks analyzed. This conclusion, despite seeming at first glance to be inconsistent, is justified by the ability of banks to attract more capital, due to their profitability above the cost of equity. This analysis allowed us to confirm the relevance of tax credits of financial institutions on their capital management policies and to verify that deductions of tax credits, despite representing significant capital constraints, should not have a significant impact on the growth of credit portfolios in Brazil.

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