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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving the organisational and social work environment : A case study in Swedish construction industry

Rydell, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Our physical, social and mental health are all important for our wellbeing and no one should feel ill or mistreated because of their work situation. Despite this, an increasing number of people are suffering from unhealthy workload or victimization at work. Mental illness is an increasing problem and cost society around 70 billion SEK each year, 50 % of which can be related to loss in production caused by sick-leave. In addition to the immeasurable human costs, Sweden now faces one of its greatest challenges in modern time. In order to counteract this development, the Swedish Work Environmental Authority released new provisions regarding the organisational and social work environment called AFS 2015:4 which are aimed at all activities where an employee perform work on the employers account. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of difficulties and possibilities when revising current work practices to fulfil the provisions. The thesis uses a case study approach taking place in an organisation within Svevia, a Swedish construction company, using a literature review, a document analysis, interviews and a questionnaire. The findings indicate that even though the organisation had major efforts put into their work environment management, there were improvements to be made regarding the organisational and social work environment. Furthermore, what can be improved and how the organisation can support the improvements to fulfill the provisions and work towards a better work environment is concluded. The results are of great practical use not only to the case organisation but to all organisations similar in nature.

Metal mobility during metamorphism and formation of orogenic gold deposits: Insights from the Dalradian of Scotland

Engström, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Orogenic gold deposits occur within metamorphic belts throughout the world and have through time represented the source for over 25% of the world’s gold production. Although orogenic gold deposits are of great economic importance, controversies exist on the subject of fluid and metal sources and there have been few studies of gold´s distribution and mobility outside of large economic deposits. Research made by Pitcairn et al. (2006), on the Mesozoic Otago and Alpine schists of New Zealand, observed systematic depletion of Au and a suite of 6 associated elements with increasing metamorphic grade. This depletion was identical to the suite of elements enriched in the Otago gold deposits and provided strong evidence that orogenic gold deposits form due to metamorphic processes. The mobilization of metals was attributed to the recrystallization of sulfide minerals during prograde metamorphism causing dehydration and release of metal-rich metamorphic fluids.  This thesis is part of a larger project aimed at testing the “Otago model” in a classic metamorphic terrain: The Dalradian metamorphic belt of Scotland. Rocks in the study are from the southern higlands group and the Appin and Argyll group which range in metamorphic grade from chlorite zone greenschist facies to sillimanite zone amphibolite facies. Three main aspects, which supplement earlier research, are addressed in this study: 1) Investigation of the sulfide paragenesis at Loch Lomond and Stonehaven was carried out to map the evolution of sulfides with metamorphic grade and the possible relations to the distribution of gold. Using SEM scanning to quantify the abundance of different sulfide minerals together with previous data on the Glen Esk region, a complex sulfide evolution pattern for the Dalradian Supergroup is identified. The sulfide evolution describes the same changes in texture and chemistry as observed in the Otago Schists but is made complex by the difference in geological evolution for the different regions. 2) Reinvestigation of the higher grade zones of Glen Esk (staurolite to sillimanite) was carried out as samples from the previous study were very weathered. Results from ultralow detection limit methods (HG-AFS and a gold detection method developed by Pitcairn et al. 2006) showed significant systematic depletion of Au and As with metamorphic grade. From chlorite to sillimanite zone average values of Au and As were showed to decrease by 65% and 88% respectively. Furthermore, a suite of 10 major and 12 trace elements were analyzed using ICP methods showing no trends of systematic depletion with increased metamorphic grade.  3) Investigation of Pb-Ag Veining and vein samples from each of the metamorphic index mineral zones in the Glen Esk area was carried out to identify fluid composition and ore mineralogy. Using microthermometry and Raman laser spectroscopy two distinct fluids were identified. The first type is a H2O-CO2-N2-salt fluid of low salinity (0-15 weight percent NaCl equivalent) and medium temperature (150 to 250 °C) locally containing minor amounts of CH4. It is found in the veins from the mineral index zones of Glen Esk and was formed in the ductile regime most likely related to late stage metamorphic devolatilization released during Caledonian uplift of the Dalradian. Pb-Ag veins from the locality of Hardhill host the second fluid type which was formed in the brittle regime  accompanied by brecciation as a high salinity (15 to 20 weight percent NaCl equivalent) low temperature (70-140°C) H2O-salt fluid with calcic composition was precipitated. This fluid bears much resemblance to Carboniferous calcic brines responsible for economic base-metal precipitation with widespread occurrence in southwest Scotland and Northern Ireland. Results of this thesis show many similarities with the Otago study, with a connection between metal mobility and metamorphic grade, providing support for the dehydration model as a viable mechanism for the generation of orogenic gold deposits.

Workshop Metacomputing 96

25 March 1996 (has links)
Vortragsfolge Prof. Uwe Huebner: Metacomputing - neue Aufgabenverteilung im Netz Dr. Wolfgang Riedel: Was nuetzt uns SGML Sven Graupner: What's up in Operating System Research Sven Koehler: IP Security (nach RFC 1825) Holger Trapp: Kryptographisch gesicherte Kommunikation und Datenhaltung Dr. Joerg Anders: ATM-Eine kritische Betrachtung Guenther Fischer: Cacheserver-Hierarchien Frank Richter: Ein neuer WWW-Server fuer www.tu-chemnitz.de Steffen Brose: Web-Zugang zu DQS Jens Kraizci, Volker Holfeld: Wie weiter mit dem CSN? Jan Wunderlich: Harvest Michael Hasenstein: Datenbank-Klienten auf Java-Basis Andreas Koehler: Form-based File Upload in HTML Gerd Heide: BROADWAY - Interaktivitaet im WWW mittels X-Protokoll Matthias Ehrig: NFS 2 - Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen Ronald Koehler: NFS 3 Christoph Ziegler: HSM - Was verbirgt sich dahinter? Kai Zscheile: Hardware-Loesungen fuer HSM Matthias Clauss: Vergleich und Bewertung von HSM-Loesungen Thomas Mueller: Fileserving an der TUCZ Karsten Baensch: AFS-Loesung fuer die Softwareumgebung der Parsytec-Maschinen Joern Wohlrab: Alternative verteilte Filesysteme Jens Junghaenel: Integration von PC's mittels Samba Merten Schumann: Archivierung elektronisch publizierter Dokumente Michael Tautenhahn: Fast Ethernet Jens Wagner: Firmenadressverwaltung am URZ Dr . Wolfgang Riedel: Neues aus der TeX-Welt (METAPOST, lyx) Carsten Mund: Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf SPEC CINT- und CFP-Benchmarks

Gouvernance d’entreprise, diversification et efficience des banques de six pays de l’ASEAN / Corporate governance, diversification, and bank efficiency in six asean countries

Nguyen, Thi Lam Anh 30 January 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est construite autour de trois essais empiriques examinant les niveaux d’efficience et les effets de la gouvernance d’entreprise et de la diversification sur l’efficience des banques de l’ASEAN. Avec le premier essai, le modèle AFS de Kumbhakar et al. (2014) est utilisé pour mesurer les niveaux d’efficience des banques commerciales de l’ASEAN. Les résultats font apparaître que les banques de l’ASEAN sont très économiques mais peu rentables. Les banques malaisiennes sont les plus rentables mais les moins économiques, alors que les banques indonésiennes sont les moins rentables mais les plus économiques. Aucune tendance générale à la progression ou au recul du niveau d’efficience ne se dégage sur l’ensemble del’échantillon. Le second essai utilise le modèle Dynamic System GMM pour estimer les effets de différents aspects de la gouvernance d’entreprise sur l’efficience des banques, afin de vérifier toutes les formes d’endogénéité. Il en ressort que les banques ayant les plus fortes participations de l’État et la plus faible indépendance de l’organe de direction ont un meilleur rapport coût-efficience. En outre, on ne trouve pas d’élément de preuve déterminant quant aux effets de la structure de proprieté et des caractéristiques du conseil sur l’efficience profits. Le dernier essai estime l’influence de la diversification sur l’efficience des banques. Les résultats généraux font apparaître une relation positive entre diversification et rapport coût-efficience, mais une relation négative entre diversification et rentabilité. D’autre part, les banques ayant un financement diversifié et une participation de l’État ont un meilleur rapport coût-efficiencemais une rentabilité inférieure à celle des autres banques. De plus, la diversification des financements et des actifs pourrait rendre les banques étrangères moins rentables. / This thesis consists of three empirical essays examining the efficiency levels and the effects of corporate governance and diversification on efficiency of ASEAN banks. Chapter 1 uses Kumbhakar et al.’s (2014) SFA to measure the efficiency levels of ASEAN commercial banks. The results show that ASEAN banks are highly cost efficient but very low profit efficient. Malaysian banks are found to be the most profit efficient but the least cost efficient, while Indonesian banks are the least profit efficient but the most cost efficient. No general trend of increasing or decreasing in efficiency levels is found for the whole sample. In chapter2, to estimate the impacts of various aspects of corporate governance on bank efficiency, the Dynamic System GMM is used with the purpose of control for all forms of endogeneity. The results suggest that banks with higher degrees of government ownership and lower levels of board independence exhibit higher levels of cost efficiency. In addition, no significant evidence is found for the effects of ownership structure and board characteristics on profit efficiency. Chapter 3 estimates the influence of diversification on bank efficiency. The general findings suggest a positive relationship between diversification and cost efficiency buta negative relationship between diversification and profit efficiency. On the other hand, funding-diversified banks associated with government ownership demonstrate higher cost efficiency but lower profit efficiency compared to other banks. While, funding and asset diversification could make foreign banks less profit efficient.

Mitteilungen des URZ 4/1996

Baensch,, Brose,, Clauss,, Dippmann,, Mueller,, Richter,, Riedel,, Schier,, Schmidtchen,, Wolf,, Ziegler, 16 May 1997 (has links)
Das Campusnetz - neue Strukturen und Funktionen Neues vom WWW-Server Umstellung der HOME-Verzeichnisse vom NFS ins AFS AFS löst NFS ab! Neue Rechnersysteme - zur allgemeinen Nutzung Superskalarrechner - Inbetriebnahme und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten PC-Integration via SAMBA-Server CD-ROM im Netz Die Programmpakete MATHEMATICA und ANSYS Ueberblick ueber /uni/global-Software Ein weihnachtliches Problem?

Implantation von Nitinol-Stents in der Arteria femoralis superficialis - langfristige Effektivität und Einflussfaktoren -: Implantation von Nitinol-Stents in der Arteria femoralis superficialis- langfristige Effektivität und Einflussfaktoren -

Boseniuk, Arne 28 May 2015 (has links)
Hintergrund: Diese Studie wurde initiiert, um die langfristige Wertigkeit der Implantation von selbstexpandierenden Nitinol-Stents in der Arteria femoralis superficialis zu untersuchen. Die Effektivität wurde anhand von Primärerfolg, Offenheitsraten und klinischem Erfolg überprüft. Komplikationsraten und unerwünschte Folgeereignisse definierten die Sicherheit dieser interventionellen Therapiemethode. Methoden: Retrospektiv wurden 278 Zielextremitäten von 263 Patienten über durchschnittlich 4,7 ± 1,9 Jahre hinweg beobachtet. Die Daten wurden aus internen Krankenakten sowie externen Befunden gewonnen. Gruppenvergleiche wurden mit t-Test, Fisher-Exact-Test und multivariater logistischer Regression durchgeführt. Überlebenszeitanalysen wurden mit der Kaplan-Meier-Methode berechnet. Univariate Risikofaktoren wurden mit dem Log-Rank-Test bestimmt und anschließend in das multivariate Cox-Model eingeschlossen. Ergebnisse: Das Durchschnittsalter der Patienten betrug 67,2 ± 9,5 Jahre, 74,1 % waren männlich, 21,2 % litten an einer kritischen Extremitätenischämie. Die mittlere Läsionslänge maß 11,5 ± 7,9 cm. Es handelte sich in 21,1 % um Restenosen und in 31,6 % um TASC-II-C/D-Läsionen. Der primäre technische Erfolg der Stentimplantation belief sich auf 96,8 %. Nach ein, drei und fünf Jahren lagen die primären Offenheitsraten bei 77 %, 56 % und 46 %, die sekundären Offenheitsraten bei 98 %, 94 % und 89 % sowie die Majoramputations-raten bei 0,4 %, 1,4 % und 4,2 %. Das Rutherford-Stadium ist von 3 ± 0,9 auf 1,8 ± 1,8 gesunken. Ein Todesfall war Folge eines Stentverschlusses. Signifikante Risikofaktoren für verkürzte Stentoffenheiten waren lange Gefäßläsionen, TASC-II-C/D-Läsionen sowie Luminexx®-Stents. Diabetes mellitus, Adipositas und kritische Extremitätenischämie waren mit erhöhten Amputationsraten assoziiert. Fazit: Hohe technische Erfolgsraten, relativ niedrige Komplikationsraten, befriedigende kurz- und mittelfristige Offenheitsraten sowie zufriedenstellender klinischer Erfolg zeichnen die Stentimplantationen in der Arteria femoralis superficialis aus. Langfristig stellen die Entstehung von In-Stent-Restenosen und damit verbundene Folgen jedoch ein Problem dar. Allerdings ist die Einführung von medikamenten-freisetzenden Ballons zur Sekundärbehandlung in dieser Hinsicht erfolgversprechend.

Aspekte der Langzeitspeicherung - Das Speicherungskonzept in MONARCH

Ziegler, Christoph 05 July 1999 (has links)
Es werden Probleme der Langzeitarchivierung diskutiert, sowohl aus Anwendersicht als auch Betreibersicht. Konkret wird das Speicherungskonzept von MONARCH vorgestellt, mit dem versucht wird, die aufgeworfenen Probleme der Langzeitarchivierung zu loesen.

Mitteilungen des URZ 3/2008

Clauß, Matthias, Riedel, Wolfgang, Heide, Gerd, Trapp, Holger 03 September 2008 (has links)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums:Virtual Private Server Hosting (VPSH) Übersicht öffentliche Computerpools Software-Update von Firefox auf die Version 3 Weiterbildungsangebot des URZ - Wintersemester 2008/2009 Neues aus der UB Kurzinformationen: Scientific Linux, Türzugangssystem 'DACS', Kodierung von Dateinamen in OpenAFS 1.5.5x (Windows), Zwei weitere Pools mit Windows Vista Software-News: Update Intel-Compiler, Neue Version von SPSS und AMOS, Citavi, MindManager Pro, Neue Software-Handbücher

MIMS - Multi Integrated Management Systems for Quality, Environment and Systematic Work Environment : A General management system, based on large Swedish companies

Eliasson, Hugo January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes mature Multi Integrated Management System (MIMS), mainly within Swedish companies, certified against three or more certificates. Other criteria have been to have a business system, usually SAP R/3 and that the companies investigated have had more than 200 employees. The two main reasons to implement have been customer demands and company Group requirements. The most common standards, besides ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and AFS 2001:1/OHSAS 18001 (9K, 14K and 18K) are EMAS, FSC (wood, paper standard), PEFC (wood) with two cases. The following similarities describes the “Core in MIMS”, i.e. similarities between different standards. The most important parts are to have a policy, a manual and review. Policy Statement – 4.2 (14K and 18K) 5.3 (9K) Objectives - 4.3.3 (14K and 18K) 5.4.1 (9K) Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority – 4.4.1 (14K and 18K) 5.5.1 and 6.1 (9K) Documentation - 4.4.4 (14K and 18K) 4.2.1 (9K) Control of Documents – 4.4.5 (14K and 18K) 4.2.3 (9K) Control of Records – 4.5.3 (18K) 4.5.4 (14K) 4.2.4 (9K) Competence; Training and Awareness – 4.4.2 (14K) 6.2.2 (9K) Internal Audit – 4.5.4 (18K) 4.5.5 (14K) 8.2.2 (9K) Management Review – 4.6 (14K and 18K) 5.6 (9K) The most common approaches are that the Graphical User Interface is based on a “Manual” or the “Deming Wheel”, but there are also other examples. A general management system is described and there are examples of content in a manual. In 2007 focus seems to be on audits and implementation of new standards (mainly systematic work environment) and SOX is mentioned for the first time. In academic literature successful examples of integration of management systems, with Lean production are described. ISO 9001:2008 is now available, but there is not that dramatic changes from previous version, and all changes make the standard easier to integrate with other standards than ISO 9001:2000. / ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Diese Thesis behandelt ausgereifte, mehrfach integrierte Managementsysteme (Multi Integrated Management Systems, MIMS), hauptsächlich in schwedischen Unternehmen, die mindestens dreifach zertifiziert wurden. Andere Kriterien waren dass die Unternehmen ein Business-System haben, in der Regel SAP R / 3, und dass die betrachteten Unternehmen mehr als 200 Mitarbeiter haben. Die zwei wichtigsten Gründe für die Einführung von Managementsystemen waren Kundenwünsche und Anforderungen des eigenen Konzerns. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Standards, neben der ISO 9001, ISO 14001 und AFS 2001:1 / OHSAS 18001 (9K, 14K und 18K), sind EMAS, FSC (Holz-, Papier-Standard) und PEFC (Holz), mit je zwei Fällen. Die folgenden Gemeinsamkeiten machen den "Kern der MIMS" aus, dh. Berührungspunkte zwischen den verschiedenen Standards. Die wichtigsten Aspekte sind Policy, Handbücher und Revisionen. • Ausgesprochene Policy – 4.2 (14K und 18K) 5.3 (9K) • Ziele - 4.3.3 (14K und 18K) 5.4.1 (9K) • Ressourcen, Rollen, Verantwortung und Befugnisse - 4.4.1 (14K und 18K) 5.5.1 und 6.1 (9K) • Dokumentation - 4.4.4 (14K und 18K) 4.2.1 (9K) • Dokumentensteuerung - 4.4.5 (14K und 18K) 4.2.3 (9K) • Datensteuerung - 4.5.3 (18K) 4.5.4 (14K) 4.2.4 (9K) • Kompetenz, Schulung und Aufmerksamkeit - 4.4.2 (14K) 6.2.2 (9K) • Internationale Audits - 4.5.4 (18K) 4.5.5 (14K) 8.2.2 (9K) • Management Revision - 4,6 (14K und 18K) 5.6 (9K) Die am häufigsten anzutreffenden Ansätze sind, dass das Graphical User Interface auf einem "Handbuch“ basiert, oder auf dem "Deming-Kreis", aber es gibt auch andere Beispiele. Ein generelles Managementsystem wird beschrieben und es gibt Beispiele vom Inhalt eines Handbuches. Im Jahr 2008 scheint der Fokus auf Audits und Entwicklung neuer Standards zu liegen (vor allem systematisches Arbeitsmanagement) und SOX wird zum ersten Mal erwähnt. In der akademischen Literatur werden erfolgreiche Beispiele der Integration von Management-Systemen mit Lean Production Beschrieben. Die ISO 9001:2008 ist jetzt zugänglich, aber ohne grosse Veränderungen im Vergleich zu älteren Versionen, und alle Veränderungen machen es leichter diesen Standard mit anderen Standards als den ISO 9001:2000 integrieren. Schlüsselwörter: Management-Systeme, Integriertes Management, Multi, Integration, Qualität, Umwelt, systematische Umweltarbeit, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AFS 2001:1 und OHSAS 18001.

Elementos para análise da viabilidade de sistemas agroflorestais em assentamentos rurais: um estudo de caso no Pontal do Paranapanema - SP / An analysis for the viability of agroforestry systems in rural settlements: a case study in the Pontal do Paranapanema - SP

Ferrarini, Otavio Gadiani 31 October 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho se insere no debate atual sobre sistemas de produção que, baseados nos princípios da agroecologia, fazem um contraponto ao atual modelo de agricultura produtivista preconizado pela Revolução Verde. O desenvolvimento de Sistemas Agroflorestais (SAFs) se apresenta como uma alternativa capaz de atender as perspectivas de uma agricultura multifuncional. No entanto, ainda são muitos os desafios para a sua consolidação, sobretudo quando implantados em assentamentos rurais. Este estudo buscou analisar, portanto, os SAFs desenvolvidos com famílias de assentados rurais na região do Pontal do Paranapanema a partir de dois projetos distintos: \"Projeto Café com Floresta\" e \"Projeto Bioenergia com Biodiversidade e Segurança Alimentar\". O objetivo do trabalho foi de examinar a viabilidade desses sistemas sob a ótica da multifuncionalidade da agricultura, buscando levantar além dos seus resultados produtivos e econômicos, também os seus impactos ambientais, sociais e culturais. De maneira complementar, também se buscou uma compreensão em torno do papel que as políticas públicas voltadas para a agricultura familiar vêm desempenhando no desenvolvimento de sistemas de produção de bases ecológicas na região de estudo. Logo, a visão das famílias sobre os seus sistemas produtivos foi o elemento que prevaleceu no levantamento de dados, somado às observações realizadas em visitas nas áreas de SAFs. Em paralelo, entrevistas com atores envolvidos com o desenvolvimento rural da região, construíram o material de base para entender em que medida as ações públicas fomentam e contribuem com o desenvolvimento de sistemas produtivos de caráter mais multifuncional. Como resultado, foi constatado que os SAFs representam uma alternativa viável para os assentamentos rurais, constituindo um modelo de produção capaz de gerar renda e também desempenhar suas funções socioambientais. Entretanto, o reconhecimento da insuficiência das políticas públicas na construção da agroecologia no território do Pontal do Paranapanema impõe limites à efetividade de ações mais estruturais e de longo prazo para que propostas desse tipo ganhem fôlego enquanto alternativas para o desenvolvimento rural da região. / This work falls within the current debate on production systems which is based on the principles of agroecology. It also does a counterpoint to the current industrial agriculture model preconized by the Green Revolution. The development of Agroforestry Systems (AFS) is presented as an alternative able to meet the prospects of a multifunctional agriculture. However, there are still many challenges to its consolidation, especially when it is deployed in rural settlements. Therefore, this study investigates the AFSs developed with families of rural settlers in the Pontal do Paranapanema region which are part of two different projects: \"Coffee with Forest Project\" and \"Bioenergy with Biodiversity and Food Security Project\". The main objective of the work was to examine the feasibility of such systems from the perspective of the multifunctionality of agriculture, aiming, beyond their productive and economic outcomes, also its environmental, social and cultural impacts. In a complementary way, it was also sought an understanding about the role that public policies for family farming have been fulfilling the development of ecological production systems in the studied region. Accordingly, the families view about their production systems was the element that prevailed in the data collection, combined with observations during visits in the areas of agroforestry. In parallel, interviews with key-actors involved with the rural development of the region helped build the source material to understand to what extent the public actions encourage and contribute to the development of more multifunctional productive systems. As a result, it was found that the AFSs represent a viable alternative for rural settlements, constituting a production model capable of generating income and also fulfill their social and environmental functions. However, the recognition of the insufficiency of public policies in the construction of agroecology in the territory of Pontal do Paranapanema imposes limits to the effectiveness of more structural and long-term actions for that such proposals can gain space as alternatives for rural development in the region.

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