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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomie korupce: korupcí k chudobě nebo k bohatství nebo jinam? / Analysis of the link between corruption and general government deficits

Michálek, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This paper discovers the link between corruption and general government deficits in European countries. A short review of concepts such as agency theory and principal-agent problem is made. After introducing a simple model of corruption-deficit relationship, the correlation is tested by regression analysis for years 2003-2009. Besides the year 2008 (the first year of financial crisis) are the results significant on the 5% confidence level. The regression of means is significant on 1% confidence level. The deficits are statistical significantly correlated with the level of perceived corruption.

Determinantes de estrutura de capital na tomada de decisão em grupo sob a ótica da teoria da agência / Capital structure determinants in group decision from the perspective of agency theory

Silva, Fabio Henrique Rodrigues da 11 December 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é aplicar um método multicritério baseado na teoria dos jogos para a escolha da estrutura de capital de uma empresa de capital aberto, decisão estratégica que carrega elementos de conflitos de interesse entre os agentes, além de assimetria de informação, resumidos pela teoria da agência. Em decisões em grupo, a abordagem via teoria dos jogos tem se mostrado bastante fecunda no oferecimento de soluções de equilíbrio. No entanto, um de seus principais pilares de resolução, o Equilíbrio de Nash (1951), assume o conhecimento mútuo das estratégias alheias entre os tomadores de decisão, o que não acontece nos cenários reais de gerenciamento. Questões sobre a estrutura de capital, decisões de financiamento, aplicação de recursos e seus riscos são exemplos de pautas para tais decisões. Como resultados, foi possível identificar que a utilização do Equilíbrio de Nash via execução do método, alinhado com a constituição de cenários, foi capaz de fornecer bom ferramental de apoio à tomada de decisão em grupo na esfera corporativa, o que sugere que tais ferramentas podem apoiar tal tipo de decisão / The objective of the work is to apply a multicriteria method based on game theory to choose the capital structure of a publicly traded company, a strategic decision that carries elements of conflicts of interest among agents, as well as information asymmetry, summarized by the theory the agency. In group decisions, the game theory approach has proved to be very fruitful in offering equilibrium solutions. However, one of its main pillars of resolution, the Nash equilibrium (1951), assumes the mutual knowledge of the strategies of among decision makers, which is not the case in real management scenarios. Questions about capital structure, financing decisions, the application of resources and their risks are examples of guidelines for such decisions. As a result, it was possible to identify that the use of Nash equilibrium through the execution of the method, in line with the constitution of scenarios, was able to provide good tools to support group decision making in the corporate sphere, suggesting that such tools can support such decision

Teoria de agência aplicada à análise de relações entre os participantes dos processos de cooperação tecnológica universidade-empresa. / Agency theory applied to analysis of relations among the participants of technological cooperation processes between universities and companies.

Segatto-Mendes, Andrea Paula 21 May 2001 (has links)
Esta pesquisa demonstrou ser possível aplicar a teoria de agência às relações entre participantes de cooperações entre universidades e empresas para desenvolvimento tecnológico de seus produtos e/ou processos. O estudo baseou-se na premissa de que a existência de separação entre a propriedade e o controle do capital em cooperações tecnológicas universidade-empresa conduziria à presença de variáveis que representariam a possibilidade de surgimento de conflitos de interesses entre os participantes. Desse modo, seria possível a aplicação de conceitos desenvolvidos pela teoria de agência para o aperfeiçoamento desses arranjos de pesquisa cooperativa. Assim, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental, baseada em levantamento de dados primários constituídos de contrato firmados entre as instituições participantes de cooperações tecnológicas universidade-empresa. A análise desses dados permitiu identificar cláusulas contratuais que demonstraram a existência de variáveis pertencentes à teoria de agência, ou seja, técnicas de monitoramento e controle, existência de interesses divergentes, controle sobre resultados não pecuniários e fontes de assimetria informacional, revelando assim, características da teoria que poderiam ser observadas nas cooperações. Desse modo, relevantes contribuições puderam ser elaboradas para o aperfeiçoamento desse processos de cooperação tecnológica. / This Ph. D. research work has demonstrated that is possible to apply the agency theory to relations among participants of cooperations between universities and companies for technological development of products and/or processes. The study was based on the premise that if there was a separation between capital property and control in cooperative research works between universities and companies it could occur interest conflicts among participants; therefore it would be possible to improve these processes by applying the concepts developed by the agency theory. Hence, it was accomplished a documental research, based on primary data gathered from established contracts between university–company technological cooperations. The analysis of these data allowed to identify contractual clauses that demonstrated the belonging variables existence to the agency theory, i.e., monitor and control techniques, divergent interests existence, no-pecuniary results controls and asymmetric information sources, showing theory characteristics that could be observed in technological cooperation processes, giving them a relevant contribution.

Comitê de auditoria: uma análise baseada na divulgação das informações de empresas brasileiras / Audit committee: an analysis based on the disclosure information of Brazilian companies

Santos, Aldomar Guimarães dos 25 September 2009 (has links)
Em virtude de sucessivas crises e fraudes envolvendo grandes empresas ocorridas nos últimos anos, a sociedade e os governos passaram a buscar novas formas de controle, além de revitalizar antigas formas que haviam sido deixadas de lado. Sendo o Comitê de Auditoria (CA) uma das fontes mais importantes de controle dentro das atuais necessidades das organizações, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os aspectos mais relevantes que o caracterizam. Diversos regulamentos e orientações para regular este órgão (CA), tal como a lei Sarbanes-Oxley, foram criados tanto no Brasil como no exterior e uma comparação entre os normativos e orientações das autoridades e organismos brasileiros com os normativos internacionais foi efetuada. Como contribuição ao conhecimento sobre o tema, uma pesquisa documental foi desenvolvida em 112 empresas de grande porte no Brasil, identificando as principais informações sobre o comitê de auditoria, evidenciadas por essas organizações, utilizando o canal de comunicação da internet. Um índice para efetuar comparações entre as empresas foi criado: o Índice de Disclosure do Comitê de Auditoria (IDCA). Os resultados mostraram que a maioria das empresas componentes da amostra não apresentou um grau de evidenciação sobre o Comitê de Auditoria que permita uma visualização efetiva sobre esse organismo nas organizações pesquisadas. / Successive crises and frauds involving large companies in recent years have driven the society and the governments to seek new forms of control and to revive old forms previously set aside. Since the Audit Committee (AC) is one of the most important sources of control within present needs of the organizations, this research aims to identify and analyze the most relevant aspects that characterize audit committees. Various regulations and guidelines, such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act, were created to regulate AC in Brazil and other countries as well, so a comparison was performed between the Brazilian regulations and guidelines produced by Brazilian and international authorities and regulatory bodies. As a contribution to the knowledge on the subject, a documental research was performed in 112 large companies in Brazil to identify the main information on audit committees disclosed by these organizations using the Internet communication channel. An index to compare companies disclosure on audit committees was created (IDCA). The findings show that most companies of the sample did not present a level of disclosure on the IDCA index to allow an effective view of the audit committee in these organizations.

Revision : En Fråga om Förtroende / Audit : A Question of Trust

Johansson, Kerstin, Roswall, Agnes, Wenner, Idha January 2014 (has links)
Förtroende är ett mångfacetterat begrepp och har många referensramar. Det går att skilja påförtroende till text, transaktion och förtroende ur ett socialt perspektiv, som kommunikationoch ömsesidig interaktion. Revision är inte bara en granskningsprocess, utan en mänskligaktivitet som ska bygga på samspel med användare av redovisnings information, därmed blirrevisionen en etisk handling som måste bygga på förtroende. För att erhålla förtroende måsterevisorn bemöta de förväntningar som finns på dem idag. Näringslivets utveckling samtförändringar i omvärlden har skapat behov av utveckling och förändring i revisorns funktion,vilket har bidragit till förväntningar från nya intressegrupper och samhället i stort. Tidigareforskning har visat på att det finns olika uppfattningar gällande rollfördelningen mellanrevisorn och företaget, vilket i sin tur bidrar till missuppfattningar. Den globala finanskrisenoch företagsskandaler i många länder har lyft viktiga frågor om effektiviteten för finansiellrapportering och revision, där revisorsbyråer ofta får stå föremål för kritik och bemöta tryckpå att återställa förtroendet för revisionen. 2010 avskaffades revisionsplikten för mindre bolagi Sverige. Den nya lagstiftningen har i viss mån förflyttat ansvaret från revisorn tillföretagsledningen.Syftet med vår studie har varit att analysera och tolka begreppet förtroende förrevisionsarbetet. Vi har belyst begreppet förtroende i samband med avskaffandet avrevisionsplikten, samt reflekterat över hur det påverkat revisorns funktion och förtroendet irelation till användare av redovisningsinformation. För att kunna uppnå syftet ochforskningsfrågorna har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ och tolkande metod samt genomförtsamtal med kompetenta respondenter i form av revisorer, kreditgivare och småföretagare föratt få del av deras syn på begreppen.Vi har i denna studie kunnat bidra med ökad förståelse för det mångfacetterade begreppetförtroende och vilken effekt avskaffandet av revisionsplikten har haft på relationerna mellanrevisorer, småföretagare och banker, samt om förväntningarna på revisionens funktion harförändrats. Vårt resultat i denna studie bevisade att det finns brister i kommunikationenmellan de olika parterna, vilket påverkar förtroendet. Vi har kunnat identifiera ettförväntningsgap i det avseendet. Revisorerna behöver därför bli bättre på att nå ut tillsmåföretagarna om vilken roll och vilka tjänster de kan utföra. Vi har inte i vår studie kunnatse hur förtroendet har påverkats av den frivilliga revisionen. MenBolagsverket ochSkatteverket upplever att kvalitén på årsredovisningen har försämrats efter införandet avfrivillig revision, vilket visar att revisionen fortfarande har en viktig funktion förkvalitetssäkring av redovisningsinformation vilket höjer förtroendet för den.

Fontes de dÃvida como instrumento de sinalizaÃÃo entre acionistas minoritÃrios e gestores majoritÃrios: evidÃncias no Brasil / Debt sources such as signaling instrument between minority and majority shareholders managers: Evidence in Brazil

Ariane Firmeza Mota 23 January 2015 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Este trabalho investigou, numa amostra de 656 observaÃÃes, correspondente a 207 companhias abertas no Brasil, a relaÃÃo entre fontes de dÃvida e conflitos de agÃncia, no perÃodo de 2009 a 2013. A emissÃo de dÃvida tende a sinalizar informaÃÃes positivas sobre a empresa, tendendo reduzir a probabilidade de conflitos de agÃncia. Gestores, portanto, captariam recursos com base na percepÃÃo do mercado e investidores, por sua vez, usariam as fontes de dÃvida na composiÃÃo de suas expectativas. Indagou-se se hà sinalizaÃÃo para os gestores das reaÃÃes de acionistas minoritÃrios em suas decisÃes de investimento, no sentido de orientar sua escolha de dÃvida. Concomitantemente, verificou-se o efeito da escolha da dÃvida em relaÃÃo à atenuaÃÃo de custos de agÃncia potenciais e, consequentemente, de reduÃÃo de tais conflitos. Foram consideradas fontes de dÃvida bancÃria privada, bancÃria governamental e de colocaÃÃo pÃblica. A percepÃÃo de conflitos de agÃncia foi verificada atravÃs do valor de mercado das firmas, da liquidez na negociaÃÃo de suas aÃÃes e do nÃvel de assimetria informacional; proxies de risco e de investimento minoritÃrio, portanto, da probabilidade de conflitos de agÃncia. A literatura propugna que os bancos teriam vantagens sobre a dÃvida de colocaÃÃo pÃblica no monitoramento das firmas; investidores pegariam carona dessas vantagens como forma de minimizar o risco de seus investimentos. A relaÃÃo entre as variÃveis representativas das fontes de dÃvida e da percepÃÃo de conflitos foi testada por meio de anÃlise de regressÃo com dados em painel. Nesta anÃlise, diferentes argumentos levam a crer que a percepÃÃo de conflitos pode influenciar as polÃticas de financiamento; isto pode ser questionado na medida em que o investidor minoritÃrio pode ter utilizado a existÃncia de determinada fonte como determinante da sua decisÃo de investimento. Uma fonte comum de problemas de endogeneidade à a provÃvel determinaÃÃo simultÃnea das variÃveis que torna enviesados e inconsistentes os estimadores. Para tanto, foi utilizada abordagem por MQ3E que leva em conta as variÃveis endÃgenas. As evidÃncias mostram que os gestores tomam suas decisÃes de financiamento com base na percepÃÃo do mercado, uma vez que o valor de mercado e a liquidez das aÃÃes foram significantes sobre suas decisÃes. Por outro lado, investidores minoritÃrios utilizam-se das fontes de dÃvida na composiÃÃo de suas expectativas em relaÃÃo à firma. No entanto, no cenÃrio brasileiro, nÃo se constata preferÃncia explÃcita por dÃvida bancÃria ou emissÃo pÃblica de dÃvida, no sentido preconizado pela literatura. O sentido das relaÃÃes evidenciadas conduz à interpretaÃÃo de que a percepÃÃo do mercado nÃo à relevante na captaÃÃo por dÃvida bancÃria governamental, enquanto apresenta sentido positivo para as fontes bancÃria privada e de colocaÃÃo pÃblica, indicando que gestores optam por ambas as fontes frente à reaÃÃo positiva do mercado. Na ocorrÃncia de reaÃÃes negativas, nÃo se justificaria utilizar fontes de dÃvidas na perspectiva de sinalizar decisÃes voltadas a garantir direitos de minoritÃrios. Os achados corroboram ainda que o ambiente brasileiro, com forte atuaÃÃo de bancos governamentais, pode ter inibido funÃÃo de sinalizaÃÃo da fonte bancÃria, bem como o desenvolvimento da emissÃo e colocaÃÃo pÃblica de tÃtulos corporativos. / This work investigated in a sample of 656 observations, corresponding to 207 public companies in Brazil, the relationship between debt and agency conflicts, from 2009 to 2013. Issuance of debt tends to signal positive information about the company, tending to reduce the probability of agency conflicts. Managers therefore borrow funds based on the perception of the market and investors, in turn, would use the debt sources in the composition of your expectations. Asked whether there are signs for the managers of minority shareholders reactions in their investment decisions, to guide your debt choice. There was the effect of the debt choice with regard to mitigating potential agency costs and hence reduce such conflicts. Sources of private bank debt, government banking and public placement were considered. The perception of agency conflicts was checked by the market value of firms, the liquidity in the trading of its shares and the level of information asymmetry, proxies of risk and minority investment and therefore of agency conflicts. The literature argues that the banks would have advantages over the debt of public placement; investors would take ride these advantages in order to minimize the risk of their investments. The relationship between the variables representing sources of debt and the perception of conflict was tested by regression analysis with panel data. In this analysis, different arguments suggest that the perception of conflict can influence the funding policies; this may be questioned to the extent that the minority investor may have used the existence of the source as decisive investment decision. A common source of endogeneity is the simultaneous determination of the variables that makes biased and inconsistent estimators. Therefore, it was used by MQ3E approach that considers the endogenous variables. Evidence shows that managers make their funding decisions based on the perception of the market, since the market value and the liquidity of the shares were significant on their decisions. On the other hand, minority investors are used for debt sources in the composition of their expectations for the firm. However, the Brazilian environment, are not found explicit preference for bank debt or public debt issuance, as advocated in the literature. The meaning of the demonstrated relationship leads to the interpretation that the market perception is not relevant in the capture by government bank debt, while presenting positive direction for private and public placement bank sources, indicating that managers opt for both front sources the positive reaction market. When the reactions are negative, there is no justification to use sources of debt in view of signaling decisions aimed at ensuring minority rights. The results corroborate although the Brazilian environment, with strong performance of government banks, may have inhibited the banking source signaling function, and the development of the issue and public placement of corporate bonds.

Teoria de agência aplicada à análise de relações entre os participantes dos processos de cooperação tecnológica universidade-empresa. / Agency theory applied to analysis of relations among the participants of technological cooperation processes between universities and companies.

Andrea Paula Segatto-Mendes 21 May 2001 (has links)
Esta pesquisa demonstrou ser possível aplicar a teoria de agência às relações entre participantes de cooperações entre universidades e empresas para desenvolvimento tecnológico de seus produtos e/ou processos. O estudo baseou-se na premissa de que a existência de separação entre a propriedade e o controle do capital em cooperações tecnológicas universidade-empresa conduziria à presença de variáveis que representariam a possibilidade de surgimento de conflitos de interesses entre os participantes. Desse modo, seria possível a aplicação de conceitos desenvolvidos pela teoria de agência para o aperfeiçoamento desses arranjos de pesquisa cooperativa. Assim, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental, baseada em levantamento de dados primários constituídos de contrato firmados entre as instituições participantes de cooperações tecnológicas universidade-empresa. A análise desses dados permitiu identificar cláusulas contratuais que demonstraram a existência de variáveis pertencentes à teoria de agência, ou seja, técnicas de monitoramento e controle, existência de interesses divergentes, controle sobre resultados não pecuniários e fontes de assimetria informacional, revelando assim, características da teoria que poderiam ser observadas nas cooperações. Desse modo, relevantes contribuições puderam ser elaboradas para o aperfeiçoamento desse processos de cooperação tecnológica. / This Ph. D. research work has demonstrated that is possible to apply the agency theory to relations among participants of cooperations between universities and companies for technological development of products and/or processes. The study was based on the premise that if there was a separation between capital property and control in cooperative research works between universities and companies it could occur interest conflicts among participants; therefore it would be possible to improve these processes by applying the concepts developed by the agency theory. Hence, it was accomplished a documental research, based on primary data gathered from established contracts between university–company technological cooperations. The analysis of these data allowed to identify contractual clauses that demonstrated the belonging variables existence to the agency theory, i.e., monitor and control techniques, divergent interests existence, no-pecuniary results controls and asymmetric information sources, showing theory characteristics that could be observed in technological cooperation processes, giving them a relevant contribution.

Relationship between Corporate Governance and Information Security Governance Effectiveness in United States Corporations

Davis, Robert Elliot 01 January 2017 (has links)
Cyber attackers targeting large corporations achieved a high perimeter penetration success rate during 2013, resulting in many corporations incurring financial losses. Corporate information technology leaders have a fiduciary responsibility to implement information security domain processes that effectually address the challenges for preventing and deterring information security breaches. Grounded in corporate governance theory, the purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between strategic alignment, resource management, risk management, value delivery, performance measurement implementations, and information security governance (ISG) effectiveness in United States-based corporations. Surveys were used to collect data from 95 strategic and tactical leaders of the 500 largest for-profit United States headquartered corporations. The results of the multiple linear regression indicated the model was able to significantly predict ISG effectiveness, F(5, 89) = 3.08, p = 0.01, R-² = 0.15. Strategic alignment was the only statistically significant (t = 2.401, p <= 0.018) predictor. The implications for positive social change include the potential to constructively understand the correlates of ISG effectiveness, thus increasing the propensity for consumer trust and reducing consumers' costs.

我國新上市承銷公開揭露體系之研究 / On Public Disclosure System of Initial Public Offerings

謝孟君, Hsieh, Meng Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國新上市承銷制度中公開揭露體系之最適管制體系,所使用之理論架構與方法為代理理論。為充份瞭解本研究所提出的問題,本研究首先深入探討我國現行的承銷制度,並依據相關研究理論與結果探究我國目前的承銷問題,其間對於公開揭露體系應有資訊內容之探討,係以理性預期均衡理論為依據。本研究以為無論係現制下的承銷制度或擬議中之競價拍賣制,其主要問題在於公開揭露體系的格式與內容不妥善。其次,我國股市中財務資訊(包括所有公開揭露資訊)的使用效率亦不高。在如許環境下,不知情投資者往往需要支付可觀的市場逆選擇機會成本。   本研究假設承銷商為代理人,發行公司為主理人,亟按雙方於通過上市審查後利害衝突之代理關係,分析我國新上市承銷制度中公開揭露體系之最適管制體系。首先以代理理論求得承銷獎酬契約之柏拉圖最適解,並以此結果為基礎,探討因道德危險所產生的次佳解,亦即,在代理人有道德危險的可能性下,最適承銷獎酬契約之特徵方程式。最後則利用充份統計量的概念證明,在次佳解下,代理契約若能增加額外資訊,可降低道德危險的機會成本。也就是在主理人或代理人一方之預期效用維持不變的情況下,相對的另一方其預期效用不會因而變差(會變好)。據此,在代理契約中增加額外資訊,對契約的結果係有價值的。本研究以為,承銷代理契約的設計亦應包括有價值額外資訊之設計,是項有價值額外資訊,本研究定義為承銷商制定承銷價的基礎與所使用之資訊。   是以,承銷商制定承銷價的基礎與所使用之資訊應公開披露於公開說明書,是種資訊因直接與投資者之利益相關,所以投資者較有動機使用是種資訊以從事新上市股票申購的決策並據以為上市後買賣決策之基礎。因此,是種資訊不但與股價決策攸關,且可增加新上市股票市場中之資訊使用效率。

自行組織更新團體實施都市更新事業之研究 / The study of organizing the urban renewal group to operate the urban renewal work

賴凱俐, Lai, Kai Li Unknown Date (has links)
按都市更新條例第10 條第1 項,經劃定應實施更新之地區,土地及合法建築物所有權人,得依法自行組織更新團體,實施都市更新事業。政府推動都市更新已行之多年,近年更將都市更新事業列為主要土地政策,惟申請自辦更新者甚少。以新北市為例,自辦更新案例多為921、331 地震受災之震損戶,其更新實具有高急迫性,但所有權人之間、與銀行、政府溝通時,卻面臨許多困境,不僅震損戶須負擔高額的貸款,也延遲災後重建與更新完成之時程,爰引發本研究探討自行組織更新團體實施都市更新事業之動機。   因此,本研究希冀透過文獻分析、個案研究、理論分析等方法,以代理理論為基礎,以土城延和里金城路社區自辦更新案為例,探討自辦更新案例甚少之原因,分析此過程中所有權人與更新會、其他參與業者之關係,釐清自辦更新相關資訊、代理問題,與自辦更新運作相關困境,進而提出相關因應建議,以作為日後震損戶自辦更新者推動工作之參考,協助具高急迫性的個案能順利且儘速完成更新,希冀提高自辦更新之成功率。   經探討上述議題後,本研究認為自辦更新成功的關鍵,包含以下條件:(1)所有權人間及對更新會具有較高的信任感,(2)所有權人與更新會確實掌握相關資訊,(3)更新會具備較佳的解決問題能力,及積極付出的心態,(4)所有權人與更新會具備較佳的財力或取得足夠的融資貸款,(5)政府機關的積極協助,(6)經驗足夠、本於職責的規劃團隊協助。自辦更新案例唯有具備以上條件,方能以較低成本及較短時間取得所有權人間的共識,盡可能地縮短更新時程,減少資訊問題、代理問題的發生,降低更新成本,進而使自辦更新過程具有效率。   據此,本研究提出以下建議:(1)政府應增加震災戶更新的容積獎勵,(2)政府應公開更新的資訊,並教育及輔導所有權人及更新會,(3)政府應提供自辦更新的優惠低利貸款,(4)政府應建立優良專業代理人的評選機制,(5)更新會與專業代理人應定期向所有權人彙報工作情形,(6)更新會與所有權人應建立信任關係,共同協力合作,(7)更新會與規劃團隊應盡心盡責,積極推動更新工作,以供政府與其他自辦更新推動工作者參酌。 / According to the Article 10 of the Urban Renewal Act, the owners of the lands and legal buildings of an area that has been designated for renewal implementation may organize a renewal group to implement the urban renewal business of that area. The government has carried out the urban renewal policy for years, and recently, it regards the urban renewal group as main land policy. But applying to organize the urban renewal group is not much. Take New Taipei City for example, most of the urban renewal group cases are stricken households of 921 and 331 earthquake. The urban renewal work of theirs is urgent, but the communication among the land owners, the bank, and the government is difficult. The stricken households not only have to bear highly loan but also delay the rebuilding work after the earthquake and the process of the urban renewal work. Therefore, this study is going to discuss the motive of organizing the urban renewal group to operate the urban renewal work.   This study is based on Agency Theory and through reference analysis, case study and theory analysis and take Tu Cheng District Jin Cheng Road Community for example, to discuss the reason why the renewal group is rare. In addition, the study is going to analyze the relationship among the land owners, renewal group and other participating members to define clearly the information and agency problems of the urban renewal group. This study also provides some suggestions to be the reference resources of the stricken households in the future, and help urgent cases to implement the urban renewal work rapidly and successfully.   This study considers that the keys to organizing the urban renewal group to operate the urban renewal work successfully are: (1) the land owners highly trust the renewal group; (2) the land owners and the renewal group know information well; (3) the renewal group have excellent ability to solve problems and try it best to devote; (4) the land owners and the renewal group have good financial capability or can get enough loan; (5) the government can provide assistance; (6) the professional and experimental team can provide assistance. Above-mentioned, the renewal group can get common consensus among the land owners by less time and lower cost, and shorter the process and time of renewal work, reduce information and agency problems and lower down renewal cost as far as possible, and then the renewal work can be efficiency.   Thus, this study proposes the following suggestions : (1) the government should increase additional building bulk of stricken households’ renewal work; (2) the government should make public the renewal information and teach and guide the land owners and the renewal group; (3) the government should provide low-rate loan for the renewal group; (4) the government should set up the evaluation of excellent professional agency team; (5) the renewal group and agency team should make a collective report regularly to the land owners; (6) the renewal group and the land owners should trust each other and cooperate; (7) the renewal group and agency team should implement the urban renewal work positively and responsibly.

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