Spelling suggestions: "subject:"agility"" "subject:"gility""
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Culture of Control and its Relationship to Successful Large Scale Agile TransformationsMartin, Steven A. 11 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Påverkan av biologisk ålder på hopp-, sprint- och agility förmågan hos unga basketspelarePistofidis, Ilias, Gabert, Julian January 2021 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur den biologiska åldern varierar i ett basketlag med 13-åriga pojkar samt se om den biologiska åldern är associerat med förmågor som är viktigainom basket såsom hopp, sprint och agility. Frågeställningarna som besvarades i den studievar: Hur mycket varierar den biologiska åldern inom ett basketlag med 13-åriga pojkar? Finns det en skillnad i hopp, agility och snabbhet mellan de som har en låg respektive hög biologisk ålder? Finns det en korrelation mellan biologisk ålder och prestation i de testerna för snabbhet, agility, och hoppförmåga hos 13-åriga basketspelare? Metod: Studie har en kvantitativ ansats och baseras på analys av insamlade data. För att beräkna deltagarnas biologiska ålder gjordes antropometriska mättningar och med hjälp av två ekvationer beräknades deltagarnas Predictive adult height (PAH) och Peak high velocity (PHV). Deltagarna genomförde två hopptester, ett sprinttest och ett agilitytest för att mäta prestationen och undersöka om det fanns någon korrelation med den biologiska åldern. Deltagarna delades in i två grupper; ”hög” respektive ”låg” beroende på deras biologiska ålder. Datan analyserades med fyra oberoende T-tester och åtta regressionsanalyser. Resultat: I snitt hade deltagarna nått 91± 2% av sin beräknade vuxna längd. Gruppen med hög biologisk ålder var 0,5 år äldre kronologiskt men 1,3 år äldre biologiskt enligt PHV. Det skilde 6,2 cm i beräknad längd men vid mättillfället var gruppen med hög biologisk ålder 12,5 cm längre och 14,5 kg tyngre. I hopptesterna och sprinttesterna presterade gruppen med hög biologisk ålder bättre men skillnaderna var inte signifikanta (p = 0,16–0,19). Däremot var korrelationen mellan PHV och SJ samt 10m sprint signifikant och samtliga hopp och sprinttester gav låga p-värden (0,017-.0,070). Det fanns inga skillnader i agility-testet mellan grupperna. Slutsats: Biologiska åldern kan skilja sig upp till tre år och de som är biologisk äldre är mer fysisk utvecklade. Resultaten tyder på att biologisk ålder är en viktig faktor när det gäller prestationsförmågan hos unga basketspelare men studien hade behövt fler deltagare för att ge entydiga svar. / <p>Ämneslärarprogrammet, Specialidrott</p>
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Vad är träningseffekten av ett femveckors styrketräningsprogram kontra ett agilityträningsprogram för unga fotbollsspelande pojkar?Eriksson, Natalie January 2020 (has links)
Background Power, sprint and agility abilities are important capacities in modern soccer and are often decisive for the outcome of the game. Finding ways to develop these as effective as possible and improve game related performance is important to optimize further physical development. Aim The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a five-week strength (SG) versus an agility training program (AG) regarding power, sprinting and agility performance in youth postpubertal soccer players. The purpose with the study plan was to be able to implement the results in training programs among the tested population. Methods 15 post-pubertal non-elite male soccer players participated in the study; average age 16.6 ± 0.6 years, weight 65.8 ± 5.8 kg and height 176.4 ± 5.7 cm. Participants were randomized in two groups and followed science based training programs for five weeks. Power development, sprint and agility performance were tested through a test battery of four tests: drop jump (DJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), sprint 20-m (S-20) and T-test. Reactive strength index (RSI) was calculated by dividing DJ height (cm) with contact time (s). The tests were conducted before and after the training programs to evaluate the efficiency of the training programs. Results The results demonstrated no significant difference between the groups. No significant improvement was measured for DJ in any group. Though significant improvements in CMJ for both groups (p > 0.05). Significant improvements were also noted for sprint ability for AG (p < 0.01) while moderate and non-significant changes for SG (p = 0.05). Significant improvements were measured in agility for both groups (p > 0.01). Further, significant improvements in calculated RSI were noted for AG (p < 0.05) but not for SG (p < 0.05). Conclusion The implementation of a five week strength training program induces a significant improvement in power development through CMJ and agility ability. The implementation of a five week agility training program induces a significant improvement on jumping, sprint and agility abilities. The practical implication is that since both training programs brought improvements, you as a coach can apply what best suits your group and resources. / Bakgrund Effektutveckling, sprint- och agilityförmåga är centrala, ofta matchavgörande förmågor inom dagens fotboll. Att hitta sätt att utveckla dessa förmågor så effektivt som möjligt och förbättra matchrelaterad prestationsförmåga blir viktigt för att optimera fortsatt fysisk utveckling. Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka effekten av ett femveckors styrke- (SG) kontra ett agilityträningsprogram (AG) gällande hopp-, sprint- och agilityförmåga hos unga fotbollsspelare. Avsikten med studiens upplägg var att det med enkelhet ska kunna implementeras i träningsplaneringen för den undersökta populationen. Metod 15 postpubertala fotbollsspelande pojkar på breddnivå deltog i studien; medelålder 16,6 ± 0,6 år, vikt 65,8 ± 5,8 kg och längd 176,4 ± 5,7 cm. Deltagarna randomiserades i två grupper och fick i fem veckor följa vetenskapligt förankrade träningsprogram. Effektutveckling, sprintoch agilityförmåga testades genom ett testbatteri av fyra tester: drop jump (DJ), counter movement jump (CMJ), sprint 20-m och T-test. Reaktiv styrkeindex (RSI) beräknades genom att dividera hopphöjd i DJ (cm) med markkontakttiden (s). Testerna genomfördes innan och efter genomförandet av träningsprogrammen för att utvärdera träningsprogrammen. Resultat Resultatet påvisade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna. Ingen signifikant förbättring uppmättes för DJ i någon av grupperna. Däremot en signifikant förbättring av CMJ för båda grupperna (p > 0.05). Signifikanta förbättringar noterades även på sprintförmåga för AG (p < 0.01) medan måttliga, och icke-signifikanta förändringar för SG (p = 0.051). Signifikanta förbättringar uppmättes i agilityförmåga för båda grupper (p <0.01). Vidare noterades signifikanta förbättringar i beräknat RSI för AG (p < 0.05) men ej för SG (p < 0.05). Slutsats Genomförandet av ett femveckors styrketräningsprogram ger signifikanta förbättringar på effektutveckling genom CMJ och agilityförmåga genom t-test på unga fotbollsspelare. Ett femveckors agilityträningsprogram ger signifikanta förbättringar på hopp-, sprint- och agilityförmåga. Den praktiska implikationen är att då båda träningsprogrammen medförde förbättringar kan man som tränare tillämpa det som passar bäst in för sin grupp och resurser. / <p>Ämneslärarprogrammet, Specialidrott</p>
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Pohybová aktivita a její kvalita u dětí s ADHD / Physical activity and its quality in children with ADHDMartínek, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
Author: Bc. Ondřej Martínek Title: Physical activity and its quality in children with ADHD Objectives: The aim of the theoretical part of the work was to process the issue of ADHD, especially in children of younger school age. The work also aimed to present the possibilities of testing and therapy in physiotherapeutic practice. The aim of the practical part was to obtain information about the subjective evaluation of children's motor skills by the DCDQ questionnaire from the point of view of their parents, to get an idea of leisure activities and physiotherapy care and to compare test results (One Leg Stance Test and The Ladder Agility Test) of experimental group with control group. Methods: The research group consisting of 22 probands and the control group of 25 probands completed 2 standardized tests (The Ladder Agility Test, One Leg Stance Test). Their parents completed The Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire and answered 2 open questions. The obtained data were evaluated in Microsoft Excel. A two-sample t-test (Welch version) was used for statistical processing. Results: Statistically significant differences were found in the evaluation of probands by their parents with the ADHD questionnaire, but in practical motor tests no significant differences were found between the...
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Agiles Entwerfen – Lektionen aus einem ExperimentRichter, Sven January 2012 (has links)
Erfolg macht attraktiv – das gilt auch für die Prinzipien und Methoden der agilen Softwareentwicklung. Diese finden momentan eine weite Verbreitung, denn sie geben offenbar gute oder zumindest bessere Antworten auf die Probleme, mit denen die herkömmlichen Projektmethoden nicht zurande kommen (Royce 1970). Agile, manchmal auch »leichtgewichtig« genannte Methoden vermeiden übermäßige Planung und Spezifikation, sie ersetzen sie durch eine schnelle Abfolge von Zyklen aus Aktion-Reflexion und Neuausrichtung. Sie bevorzugen die Kollaboration unter gleichberechtigten Experten, die Kommunikation statt Weisung. Und sie beziehen den Kunden und späteren Nutzer bereits in die Entwicklungsarbeit mit ein, denn der Kunde ist die wichtigste Informationsquelle, er bestimmt, inwiefern das Produkt für ihn nützlich ist. Durch solche Prinzipien ist es möglich, Zeit- und Budgetüberschreitungen besser zu vermeiden, einen produktiven Umgang mit Ungewissheit und wechselnden Situationen zu entwickeln und schonender mit der menschlichen Arbeitskraft umzugehen (Abrahamsson et al. 2003). So hat sich das Konzept der »Agilität« auch auf andere Bereiche übertragen, z.B. auf die Gründung von Unternehmen (»Lean Start Up«, Ries 2011) oder die Gestaltung von Organisationsstrukturen (»Agile Organisation«, Richardson 2005). [... aus dem Text]
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Impact of Digitalization on the Publlc Sector Organizations' Business Model : A case study of Ljungby MunicipalityAbubakar, Nuhuman, Shrestha, Rumee January 2020 (has links)
Background: The public sector like all other sectors of the economy has been influenced by digitalization. Governments and policy makers are forced to rethink their operational models and business logics. Digitalization offers organizations new ways of creating, delivering and capturing values at the same time new relationships are ensured. However, to leverage these opportunities and to avoid being stagnant, organizations need to rethink their strategies and adapt their operations to suit the digital technologies. Purpose: This paper aims to understand the digitalization impact on the public organizations’ business models and managing the impact. The identified limited empirics in this context informed the purpose of this study. Design/methodology/approach: This study was designed as exploratory with a case study carried out. In total four semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives of a municipality. A combined data and concept driven strategies were used to analyse the data collected to identify how digitalization impact the way the municipality create, deliver and capture value and subsequently how they innovate their business model to adopt to digitalization Findings: The findings revealed that digitalization is relevant to the municipality and impacts the majority of the business model components of the municipality. Thus, it was identified the municipality engaged in business model innovation to be able to adapt. The strategic agility meta-capabilities appeared to be relevant in managing the changes to the business model components.
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The dynamic management revolution of Big Data : A case study of Åhlen’s Big Data Analytics operationRystadius, Gustaf, Monell, David, Mautner, Linus January 2020 (has links)
Background: The implementation of Big Data Analytics (BDA) has drastically increased within several sectors such as retailing. Due to its rapidly altering environment, companies have to adapt and modify their business strategies and models accordingly. The concepts of ambidexterity and agility are said to act as mediators to these changes in relation to a company’s capabilities within BDA. Problem: Research within the respective fields of dynamic mediators and BDAC have been conducted, but the investigation of specific traits of these mediators, their interconnection and its impact on BDAC is scant. This actuality is seen as a surprise from scholars, calling for further empirical investigation. Purpose: This paper sought to empirically investigate what specific traits of ambidexterity and agility that emerged within the case company of Åhlen’s BDA-operation, and how these traits are interconnected. It further studied how these traits and their interplay impacts the firm's talent and managerial BDAC. Method: A qualitative case study on the retail firm Åhlens was conducted with three participants central to the firm's BDA-operation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with questions derived from the conceptual framework based upon reviewed literature and pilot interviews. The data was then analyzed and matched to literature using a thematic analysis approach. Results: Five ambidextrous traits and three agile traits were found within Åhlen’s BDA-operation. Analysis of these traits showcased a clear positive impact on Åhlen’s BDAC, when properly interconnected. Further, it was found that in absence of such interplay, the dynamic mediators did not have as positive impact and occasionally even disruptive effects on the firm’s BDAC. Hence it was concluded that proper connection between the mediators had to be present in order to successfully impact and enhance the capabilities.
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Retaining Organizational Agility : How to Stay Competitive Without CompetingKarlstedt, Jens, Hellenborg, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
While conventional approaches of managing organizations have been considered to be outdated, Organizational Agility has been acclaimed for its prowess to cope with today's increasingly volatile and dynamic environment. Yet the predominant focus has been directed towards how agility is achieved, while its retention as organizations grow has to a great extent been unexplored. Through a qualitative case study of a renowned organization for its unorthodox approach, this study aims to contribute with an extension to the current scope of organizational agility by stretching beyond the focus on mere transformations in an attempt to understand in what ways organizational agility is retained as they grow. The findings of this study challenge the common conceptions found within literature suggesting that changes in the external environment are what drives organization’s to be agile in order to sustain its competitiveness. Organizational agility has thus primarily been considered to be constituted by dynamic adaptations in accordance to forces of the external environment. In contrast, this study finds that the retention of organizational agility during growth is an evolutionary process that is internally driven by placing indispensable value on the employees and by focusing on the organization itself, its desire and community. Retaining organizational agility is thus something that grows “from the inside and out”.
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Vliv rozcvičení na výkon fotbalistů / Effect of warm-up on performance of football playersKřížová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Title: The Effects of a warm-up on the performance of football players Objectives: The comparison of influence of two types of warm-up before and after a physical activity on performance of U19 football players. Testing of subsequent post-warm-up performance focused on acceleration, explosive power and agility. Methods: In this empirical-theoretical thesis, a total of twenty-four U19 football players, divided in two experimental groups, is tested. The players within each group undertook either a complete dynamic warm-up or a shorter warm-up without the dynamic component. The performance was tested after the warm-up utilizing four tests - an acceleration run test on 30 m, a standing long jump, a foul throw and a shuttle run. The same tests were conducted again after an interlaid physical activity. The same procedure was repeated after a week when the two groups swapped the warm-up methods. Statistical analyses were employed to evaluate the results. Results: The hypothesis 1, assuming a positive effect of a complete dynamic warm-up on the performance before the physical activity was on one hand supported in the acceleration run on 30 m and the foul throw. On the other hand, no distinctive advantage of a complete dynamic warm-up was observed for the standing long jump and the shuttle run. Hypothesis 2...
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Mechanical Analysis of the Acute Effects of a Heavy Resistance Exercise Warm-up on Agility Performance in Court-Sport AthletesSole, Christopher J., Moir, Gavin L., Davis, Shala E., Witmer, Chad A. 01 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the acute effects of heavy resistance exercise on agility performance in court-sport athletes. Five men (age: 20.6 ± 1.9 years; body mass: 79.36 ± 11.74 kg; body height: 1.93 ± 0.09 m) and five women (age 21.2 ± 2.7 years; body mass: 65.8 ± 10.18 kg; body height 1.77 ± 0.08 m) volunteered to participate in the present study. All subjects were NCAA Division II athletes who currently participated in tennis or basketball and all had previous resistance training experience of at least one year. In a counterbalanced design, agility performance during a 10 m shuttle test was assessed following either a dynamic warm-up (DW) or heavy resistance warm-up (HRW) protocol. The HRW protocol consisted of three sets of squats at 50, 60, and 90% of 1-RM. Agility performance was captured using an eight camera motion analysis system and the mechanical variables of stride length, stride frequency, stance time, flight time, average ground reaction force, as well as agility time were recorded. No significant differences were reported for the HRW and DW protocols for any of the mechanical variables (p>0.05), although there was a trend towards the HRW protocol producing faster agility times compared to the control protocol (p = 0.074). Based on the trend towards a significant effect, as well as individual results it is possible that HRW protocols could be used as an acute method to improve agility performance in some court-sport athletes.
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