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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

高齡社會下 O2O 商業模式之研究 -以某連鎖藥局為例 / The study of O2O business model in aging society- a case of chain drugstore Y

蔡嘉凌 Unknown Date (has links)
聯合國人口基金會(UNFPA) 於 2013 指出,21 世紀最重要的趨 勢之一就是人口老化。台灣也隨著社會進步、醫藥發達,出生率及死 亡率逐年降低,老年人口的比例也大幅增加,進入高齡化社會,人口 老化的問題更是值得重視,高齡社會的醫療服務也受到極大關注;除 了過去傳統的面對面實體藥局服務,因應數位化時代,也發展出以線 上到線下的 O2O (Online to Offline)商業模式,將實體藥局與電子商務 做結合,透過網路無遠弗屆的力量尋找高齡消費者,再藉由行銷活動 或購買行為將高齡消費者帶至實體藥局。在醫療業與科技業的界線越 來越模糊情況下,連鎖藥局的競爭也日益激烈,因此以高齡消費者為 主體的 O2O 商業模式之研究,則是當前連鎖藥局轉型與擴充的機會。 本研究擬以個案藥局為例,分析其商業模式及經營策略,􏰀出在 迎向高齡化社會,個案藥局應如何透過線上行銷及線上購買進而帶動 線下經營和線下消費,並歸納出連鎖藥局產業在 O2O (Online to Offline)之創新商業模式如下: 1.發展熟齡生活支援站,經營客戶關係,􏰀高黏著度。 2.建立銀髮生活照顧資料庫,為照顧者及銀髮者解決生活障礙。 3.透過交流互動聚集平台流量並加強曝光度,進而􏰀高成交。 4.分析醫療大數據,讓醫療服務突破地域限制。 / United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) publicly reported in 2013, one of the most important trends in 21st century is population aging. With developments of society and medicines in Taiwan, both of birth and death rates are declining year by year. The elderly population’s rapid size increase turns Taiwan into an aged society; therefore, the issues of aging population and medical service for aged population are worth our attention. Besides traditional face-to-face service in physical pharmacy, O2O (Online to Offline) business model is emerged for dealing with digital generation. The combination of physical pharmacy and boundless network E-commerce makes it easily to reach aged consumers everywhere, the assistance of E-marketing and purchasing behavior would be a stimulation to impel aged consumers to visit physical pharmacy. The boundary between medical and technology industries is getting blurred so the chain pharmacy industry is getting highly competitive nowadays. Base on aforementioned factors, the study of aged-consumers-targeted O2O business model will be an opportunity which can drive chain pharmacies to do enterprise transformation and expansion. This research takes certain chain pharmacy as an example and analyzes this pharmacy’s business model and competitive strategies, and discusses how to attract aged consumers to do offline purchase behavior through stimulation from online marketing and online purchase behavior. Furthermore, this research also explores O2O (Online to Offline) feasible strategies which can create customer value for enhancing the overall competitive advantages. The purposes of this research are listed below: 1. Enhancing offline stores to be community health centers, which can provide health counseling, for strengthening customer relationship and stickiness of store. 2. Establishing Q&A database to help caregivers and senior citizens get free and correct health answers and tips from existing paramedic-reviewed content. 3. By interacting with customers to increase the flow of online platform, visibility and turnover. 4. Analyzing medical big data to break territorial restrictions of medical service. Keywords:O2O, Aging Society, Chain Pharmacy

臺灣地區老人自殺問題之研究 / The Elderly Suicide in Taiwan Area

張立安, Chang, Li-An Unknown Date (has links)
在臺灣地區我們發現,自殺率年齡層愈高,自殺率也會愈高,而65歲以上老人的高自殺率,主要是集中於75-84歲此一年齡層的老人。在性別方面,男性老人之自殺率顯然高於女性,男性約為女性的一.五倍。而在自殺者所採用的方法上,我們發現一般人口多採用溫和而致死性較低的方法,老人則多採用劇烈而致死性較高的方法,顯示出老人自殺的意願要較 勢而言,自1985年後不論男性或女性老人自殺率便急速下降,且其下降的速度要快於其他年齡層。另外我們也分析了老人自殺率與婚姻狀況、省籍及居住地區等因素的相關。就不同婚姻型態的老人自殺率比較而言,離婚者的自殺率最高並且也是上升最快速的。由於社會變遷的快速,離婚老人的比例要比過去增加,而離婚老人缺乏來自家庭的照顧與社會支持因此離婚老人的自殺率在這十年間增加了三倍之多。再者我們就省籍的比較來看,在 1980 年時外省籍老人的自殺率高於本省籍老人,但到了1990 年時前者卻低於後者。但我們認為當隨著政府遷台的外省籍軍民(尤其是老榮民),其自殺率會高於其他群體。首先外省籍老人多數為男性,再者其由於經歷戰亂時期,健康狀況較差,且其未婚的比例為台籍老人的十三倍,因而也較少受到家庭及婚姻的保護,缺乏來自配偶及兒女的社會支持。而在加上其獨居的比例亦為台籍老人的四倍之多,顯見外省籍老人要比台籍老人更亦陷入社會孤立的狀態。另外在居住地區方面,不同地域地區之間的自殺率則無明顯一致的差別,以臺南市、澎湖縣與桃園縣之老人自殺率較高。 在本論文中我們也採用了多重累積生命表的分析,經過生命表的計算,我們發現自殺此一死亡因在老人人口中所站的百分比愈來愈低,即自殺之重要性愈來愈低。顯示隨著年齡的增加,其他慢性病死因增加的速度比自殺更為快速,而成為老年人的主要死因。但值得注意的是,意外死亡在老人中有明顯增加的趨勢,而通常意外與自殺兩者之間(尤其是老人)並無法做一清楚的區分,亦即老人自殺被誤判為意外的可能性相當高。此外我們也將自殺率與其他社會指標做一時間序列的分析,發現中等教育程度以上的人口比例愈多,以及平均每人國民生產毛額愈多,則老人自殺率便會愈低;而離婚率愈高,老人自殺率則愈高。

Job Satisfaction of Indonesian Workers in Taiwan

林莉雅, Setyaningsih, Rita Pawestri Unknown Date (has links)
Among workers from four Southeast Asian countries in Taiwan, Indonesian workers constitute of the biggest group, especially those working in the care service sector. The trend of these workers has been associated with the growing number of the older population in Taiwan. As an Indonesian student studying in Taiwan, I took this opportunity to conduct research on the Indonesian care workers in Taiwan. This study tries to search whether the Indonesian workers are satisfied with their job as caretakers. It includes an overview of their job content, wage, personality job fitness, and supportive work condition. Data was collected by using survey and interviews, with a result of 42 respondents living in Taipei City by using a snowball approach, as well as interviews with an Indonesian representative and Taiwanese government officer. The data collected was analyzed by using cross tabulation and organizational behavior approaches. The study found some relationships between job satisfaction and other variables: i.e.: job contents or characteristics of the caretaking job (such as spends much energy, aggravates health condition, stressful, and restricts social contact with outside of the home), wage (expectation, regularity payment), personality job fit and supportive working condition (no days off and separated room). This study is very comprehensive. The interview results enriched the analyses. It will give much information not only to students, but also to lecturers, researchers and scholars who are interested in the field. It is also a useful resource for the Indonesian and Taiwanese governments to improve working conditions and worker satisfaction. / Among workers from four Southeast Asian countries in Taiwan, Indonesian workers constitute of the biggest group, especially those working in the care service sector. The trend of these workers has been associated with the growing number of the older population in Taiwan. As an Indonesian student studying in Taiwan, I took this opportunity to conduct research on the Indonesian care workers in Taiwan. This study tries to search whether the Indonesian workers are satisfied with their job as caretakers. It includes an overview of their job content, wage, personality job fitness, and supportive work condition. Data was collected by using survey and interviews, with a result of 42 respondents living in Taipei City by using a snowball approach, as well as interviews with an Indonesian representative and Taiwanese government officer. The data collected was analyzed by using cross tabulation and organizational behavior approaches. The study found some relationships between job satisfaction and other variables: i.e.: job contents or characteristics of the caretaking job (such as spends much energy, aggravates health condition, stressful, and restricts social contact with outside of the home), wage (expectation, regularity payment), personality job fit and supportive working condition (no days off and separated room). This study is very comprehensive. The interview results enriched the analyses. It will give much information not only to students, but also to lecturers, researchers and scholars who are interested in the field. It is also a useful resource for the Indonesian and Taiwanese governments to improve working conditions and worker satisfaction.

Ekonomické a sociální dopady migrace : Případ Spojeného království / Economic and social impacts of migration : The case of the United Kingdom

Béres, Dóra January 2022 (has links)
From 2015, a huge influx of refugees came from the Middle East, the Balkans, Central Asia and Africa to Europe. It is triggered by various persecutions, armed wars, economic impossibility. The majority of those arrived were refugees, those who had fled their country due to imminent threat or persecution and were even trying to reach the European continent at the risk of their lives. The others are economic immigrants who have migrated to the European Union in the hope of a better life - to work, study or reunite. The UK has been a major destination for both migrants and refugees for many decades. The dissertation draws attention to the complex effects of migration, with a particular focus on the host country, and highlights, especially in the UK, the need for migrants in an aging society in Europe, even if the public thinks otherwise. With the Brexit, the UK has exited the European Union, cut back on previous benefits for EU migrants and is opening up to former Commonwealth members as sending countries.

Ageing Society on Bicycles: Nationaler Radverkehrsplan - Fahrradportal - Cycling Expertise

Thiemann-Linden, Jörg, Mettenberger, Tobias 03 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Inventory of Aging-Friendly Pedestrian Environment

Zeng, Qijun 01 June 2019 (has links) (PDF)
The dimension of humanization has been neglected for decades. Planning themes such as automobile and transportation have erroneously occupied a dominant position. While public space, pedestrian activities and urban space as a gathering place for urban residents have been placed in a very minor position. As motorization in contemporary cities develops, the overall pedestrian environment of cities is deteriorating, and the street spaces are seriously lacking in the care and consideration of pedestrians, especially the vulnerable groups. Urban design generally, and pedestrian environment in particular, has a significant influence on pedestrian activity. Also, with the aging of the Baby Boomer generation (and Generation X, to a lesser degree), the older adult population will increase significantly over the next few decades in California and the United States as a whole. For most people, walking is a social equal mode of transportation, involving all levels, including children and the elderly. For the elderly, walking is the most common way to travel, and also the most convenient and economical way to exercise and participate in public activities, so streets are often the most commonly used outdoor space for walking. Streets should be designed to encourage walking, cycling, and interaction. The core content of this study is how to construct urban street space suitable for the elderly. Specifically speaking, what are the needs of the elderly regarding street designs that allows them to walk and participate in public activities. The study will also looks at whether the existing urban street environments meet these needs, for comfort level and interest level and how to create street space to meet these needs, so that urban streets can better serve the elderly.

Moderní technologie v životě seniora / Modern technology in the lives of seniors

Pfeilerová, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
Investigator: Bc. Iveta Pfeilerová Supervisor: prof. PhDr. Beáta Krahulcová CSc Modern technology in the lives of seniors The thesis titled "Modern technology in the lives of seniors" is focused on a target group of seniors living in a retirement home and their abilities and potential utilization of modern technologies such as cell phone, computer and credit card. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the relationship that the seniors have to the modern technologies, such as cell phones, computers and credit cards. The thesis and the research was approached with the aspect that these are the seniors who live in a retirement home. In recent years the issue of quality of life of seniors is becoming increasingly hot topic and work with a cell phone, a computer and the Internet can very significantly affect the lives of seniors. The goal was to determine if these visions are reflected in the lives of seniors in housing facilities and if it is possible that the respondents are interested in these technologies. The research was conducted in both theoretical and practical framework. The theoretical part deals with the demographic changes in society, with the aging population and with the old age itself. Further described is the general information lireracy, information needs of seniors and...

Senstanti visuomenė: konkurencingumo veiksniai ir priemonės Europoje / Aging society: factors and means of competitiveness in europe

Skrebutėnaitė, Ingrida 26 June 2014 (has links)
SENSTANTI VISUOMENĖ: KONKURENCINGUMO VEIKSNIAI IR PRIEMONĖS EUROPOJE SANTRAUKA Informacinėje visuomenėje demografinių procesų dinamika paspartino senstančios visuomenės procesą ir pakeitė visuomenės amžiaus struktūrą. Technologijų pažanga, globalizacija ir demografinis senėjimas keičia Europos visuomenę ir skatina politikos kūrėjus atsižvelgti į įvairius skirtingų kartų poreikius. Europoje, kurioje labai ryškios senėjimo tendencijos ypač jaučiami socialiniai ir ekonominiai pokyčiai: globalinės užimtumo, kompetencijos bei gebėjimų naudotis informacinėmis technologinėmis stoka, sveikatos, politinės ir bendruomeninio aktyvumo galimybės. Senstančios visuomenės augimas yra kompleksinė problema, kuri pasireiškia nacionaliniu, regioniniu, įmonių ir individualiu lygmeniu. Stiprinant senstančios visuomenės konkurencingumą ir socialinę sanglaudą, remiantis strategijomis kuriamos efektyvios priemonės siekiant kokybiško integravimo į socialinę bei ekonominę politiką. Tezė Europoje senstančios visuomenės problemos sukelia sudėtingus socialinius ir ekonominius pokyčius, kuriuos itin svarbu tikslingai įvertinti ir numatyti, kad būtų galima laiku imtis veiksmų, kurių tikslas – suformuoti naujas realijas, atitinkančias, senstančios visuomenės globaliojo konkurencingumo sampratas. / AGING SOCIETY: FACTORS AND MEANS OF COMPETITIVENESS IN EUROPE SUMMARY Dynamics of demographic processes in information society has accelerated the process of aging society and changed the structure for the age of society. The advancement of technologies, globalization and demographic aging change the European society and encourage the policy makers to regard the demands of different generations. Social and economic alterations are especially felt in Europe where there are very vivid aging tendencies: global employment, a lack of competence and ability to use information technologies, health, possibilities of political and communal activity. The growth of aging society is a complex problem which asserts in national, regional, enterprise and individual level. The effective measures are created by strengthening the competitiveness of aging society and social cohesion as well as referring to strategies in pursuance of integration to social and economic politics. Thesis Problems of aging society in Europe initiates complicated social and economy changes which must be thoroughly appraised and predicted in order to take timely measures aimed at formation of global competitiveness concepts for the aging society which fit to new reality.

人口高齡化下之金融服務探討 : 以F金融控股公司為例 / Financial Services for an Aging Population : A Study of Examples from F Financial Holding Company

陳盈如, Chen, Ying Ju Unknown Date (has links)
高齡化社會是全球都將面對的問題,預估2018年我國將進入高齡社會,2026年將為超高齡社會,高齡者之經濟以及長期照護規劃更顯刻不容緩。本研究目的為探討目前我國金融市場現有之退休財務規劃商品,依台灣平均家戶所得區分成高中低三個層級,以個案金融控股公司為例,探討不同資產階層之族群該如何妥適安排退休財務規劃。 本研究以我國人口結構趨勢分析高齡化社會對金融市場的影響,進而了解高齡者之主要經濟來源及目前社會福利制度,以及高齡化社會之金融商品發展現況及風險分析。 在分析個案金融控股公司現有之金融商品對不同資產階層之適性配置後,針對個案公司提供建議包括:一、應開辦逆向抵押貸款服務;二、研發多元的信託服務,協助管理並將協助將其資本利得及利息收益用於安排高齡者生活、醫療及長照所需。同時建議政府機關應有相關因應措施:一、放寬開發結合安養照護、醫療及社會福利的商品;二、研議相關監理誘因;三、應予放寬賦稅優惠;四、師法國外先進制度及機制。 / An aging society is an issue the globe will need to deal with. Taiwan is expected to move into an aged society in 2018, and further a hyper-aged society in 2026, making it critical to plan for economic support and long-term care for the aged population. This article is to examine financial products designed for retirement available in the market and then explore how different groups of people, categorized as high, medium, or low level by the standard of Taiwan average household income, can better prepare for their retirement by making reference to examples from a financial holding company. This article starts with understanding the potential impact from an aging society on the financial market and then the main income source of and social welfare system for the aged population, and continues with analyzing the development and associated risks of financial products designed for an aged society. After analysis of the product offering to different asset level clients by the financial holding company under study, suggestions to this company included (1) introduction of reverse mortgage product, and (2) innovation for more diversified trust service, in order to support the aged for preparing for their life and needs for medical and long-term care. In the meantime, corresponding actions suggested to the government authorities included (1) relaxation on product development to bundle long-term and medical care and social welfare, (2) provision of relevant regulatory incentives, (3) more tax benefits, and (4) introduction of better system and program from other countries.

Senior Housing in China : Investigating Critical Success Factors for China’s CCRC projects / Seniorbostäder i Kina : undersökning av kritiska framgångsfaktorer för Kinas CCRC-projekt

Hao, Zhi January 2021 (has links)
As one result of the higher expected lifespan and lower fertility rate, an aging society has become an inevitable trend in many countries worldwide. According to the prediction of the newest census outcomes, China will confront an aging society around2022. An aging society requires the development and improvement of the domestic elderly care system to match the increasing caring need for all the aging people in China. This research aims to explore the critical success factors for a typical community-based aging care project – the Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in China from the perspectives of private developers. Based on the theory of the decision-making environment and the theory of planned behavior (TPB), qualitative method (semi-structured interviews) and quantitative method (questionnaire survey) are applied to collect and analyze the potential Critical Success Factors. Twenty-five critical success factors are identified and verified for China’s CCRC projects and categorized into three components. Furthermore, most private developers’ attitudes toward CCRC in China are positive and believe in a bright outlook. The findings might help private developers better understand the decision-making environment of developing and operating a CCRC in China. It may also inspire policymakers with more practical policies for the future development and operation of CCRC projects in China. / Som ett resultat av den högre förväntade livslängden och lägre fertiliteten har ett åldrande samhälle blivit en oundviklig trend i många länder världen över. Enligt förutsägelsen av de senaste folkräkningsresultaten kommer Kina att möta ett åldrande samhälle runt 2022. Ett åldrande samhälle kräver utveckling och förbättring av det inhemska äldreomsorgssystemet för att matcha det ökande omsorgsbehovet för alla åldrande människor i Kina. Denna forskning syftar till att utforska de kritiska framgångsfaktorerna för ett typiskt samhällsbaserat åldrandevårdsprojekt - Fortsatt vårdpensionsgemenskap (CCRC) i Kina ur privata utvecklares perspektiv. Baserat på teorin om beslutsmiljön och teorin om planerat beteende (TPB) tillämpas kvalitativ metod (semistrukturerade intervjuer) och kvantitativ metod (enkätundersökning) för att samla in och analysera potentiella kritiska framgångsfaktorer. Tjugofem kritiska framgångsfaktorer identifieras och verifieras för Kinas CCRC-projekt och kategoriseras i tre komponenter. Dessutom är de flesta privata utvecklares attityder till CCRC i Kina positiva och de tror på goda framtidsutsikter. Resultaten kan hjälpa privata utvecklare att bättre förstå den beslutsfattande miljön för att utveckla och driva ett CCRC i Kina. Det kan också inspirera beslutsfattare till mer praktisk politik för framtida utveckling och drift av CCRC i Kina.

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