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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Colegio de Alto Rendimiento en San Vicente de Cañete

Massari Laurie, Piero Gustavo 03 May 2019 (has links)
En el presente estudio se propone la Construcción de un Colegio de Alto Rendimiento (COAR) en la Ciudad de San Vicente de Cañete, Provincia de Cañete, Departamento de Lima, en el cual estudiarán los alumnos de los últimos tres grados de secundaria que tengan las mejores calificaciones para que puedan recibir una educación de alta calidad y exigencia, potenciando al máximo sus capacidades para beneficio de los estudiantes, sus familias y de la región donde habitan. La infraestructura propuesta está a nivel de escuelas similares de clase Mundial, con aulas implementadas con las últimas tecnologías, habitaciones y servicios para todos los alumnos, losas deportivas, cafeterías, comedor, biblioteca y áreas de recreación para crear un ambiente ideal para los estudiantes. El proyecto ha sido desarrollado respetando las Normas Arquitectónicas vigentes y requeridas para Colegios e Internados, buscando una integración con el ambiente natural que es una zona eminentemente agrícola y con mucha vegetación. Consta de seis volúmenes totalmente integrados. La infraestructura propuesta, además de ser usada por los alumnos, ha sido diseñada para que pueda ser utilizada por la población durante la temporada de vacaciones, dando así este importante aporte a la comunidad. / The present study proposes the Construction of a High Performance College (COAR) in the City of San Vicente de Cañete, Province of Cañete, Department of Lima, in which the students of the last three grades of high school who have the best grades will study so that they can receive high quality education, maximizing their capacities for the benefit of the students, their families and the region where they live. The proposed infrastructure is at the level of similar World Class schools, with classrooms implemented with the latest technologies, rooms and services for all students, sports facilities, cafeterias, dining room, library and recreation areas to create an ideal environment for students. The project has been developed respecting the current and mandatory Architectural Standards for schools and boarding schools, looking for an integration with the natural environment that is an eminently agricultural area with lots of vegetation. It consists of dix fully integrated volumes. The infrastructure implemented, besides being used by the students, has been designed so that it can be used by the population during the holiday season, thus giving this important contribution to the community. / Tesis


唐嘉才 Unknown Date (has links)
休閒農業區係具備了豐富的農業生產與農村文化特色,以及在地獨特農業自然環境資源,開啟其自然、生態與景觀美學潛力,並帶動居民自我認同的理想型農業園區。然各地休閒農業區與鄰近都會型城市相距不遠,加上休憩機會密集下,勢必衝擊休閒農業區環境資源的保育。農業型生態旅遊之推動,亦兼顧農業生態保育及休閒觀光發展等雙重效益,惟如何在休閒農業區內提供更佳的旅遊方式,其先決條件在於地方居民對「生態旅遊」的認知與接受程度。因此,本研究擬針對此一問題加以探討。   本研究從居民面向切入,依據生態旅遊及認知與態度等理論之相關文獻探討,建立本研究居民之基本特性與生態旅遊認知與態度等變項間之架構,並以中壢市設籍居民為受訪對象,桃園縣中壢市大崙自然生態休閒農業區計劃案為研究範圍,探討地方居民對休閒農業區推動農業型生態旅遊之認知與態度,並分析不同屬性之居民對生態旅遊之認知與評價,以及其認知與態度間之差異與相關性,俾供政府於休閒農業區規劃政策中,注入生態旅遊活動模式之參考。本研究係採問卷調查方式進行,已回收有效問卷計300份。   經本研究實證分析結果發現:   休閒農業區亦適合發展成為農耕生態體驗與地方農業人文類之生態旅遊重地,並依受訪居民之問卷後瞭解,中壢居民對農業型生態旅遊之意涵與特性已有相當程度之認知,在接受態度上亦呈現正面與認同,故值得吾等儘早推廣與執行規劃。   基於不同基本資料與屬性之居民,對本研究生態旅遊意涵及特性之認知與反應態度間均有些許差異,經營與管理者實應針對不同屬性之中壢居民進行個別教育,並增加相關活動及資訊傳輸,籲請大眾於區內確實負起環境保育之重責大任來。   另外,中壢居民對於本研究之休閒農業區內推動生態旅遊之認知與接受態度各界面間是具有顯著相關性的,當認知面之效能愈高時,其反應評價之態度面亦呈現愈高,故印證兩者間具有正向預測作用,即居民透過宣導與教育亦愈能認同農業型生態旅遊涵義,必然能產生更積極與負責任之態度參與生態旅遊相關工作,進而共同努力提昇區內旅遊品質,朝永續性土地利用與精緻旅遊發展策略前進。 / Based on the trend of promoting ecotourism as well as the exploitation of an otherwise agricultural area, a study of the effects of converting an agricultural area into a recreational one and its conservation of environmental resources, along with the recognition and attitude of diversified residents in the area.   The subjects in this study were on those household-registered residents in Chung-li City of Tao-yung County. Residents in this area were involved in a questionnaire, being questioned about setting a recreational agricultural area in Da-lung Natural Ecosystem Resort Center of Chung-li City as a research field. This study collected opinions from diversified residents examines the recognition and attitude of local residents, analyzes their identification and evaluation about the ecotourism, and illustrates the correlation between recognition and attitude. From the findings, local residents recognize and identify with the ecosystem, accept the idea of pulling out the potential of the recreational arbitral area, and indicate positive attitude toward the utilization of the agricultural land as well. Nevertheless, the instillation of the significance of the ecotourism into the residents is necessary. By doing so, the significance of the conservation of environmental resources and the recognition of the exploitation of agricultural land will be highly accepted.   This study shows the value and feasibility of promoting and carrying out the ecotourism in Chung-li City. It also serves as a reference for the government to refine an ecotourism plan in transformational agricultural land and resources.

A reprodu??o do espa?o da pequena produ??o rural familiar em Canguaretama/RN

Marinho, F?bio Daniel Pereira 20 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FabioDPM_DISSERT.pdf: 4280110 bytes, checksum: 0c638d4a6c63f6d47b12ec8d6e553807 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-20 / This study aimed to explore the process of reproduction of space from the small family farm production in the municipality of Canguaretama, specifically focused on foodstuffs of plant origin, seeking to understand the changes in agrarian space canguaretamense and its impact on small family farms the last 35 years. Since colonization, during the seventeenth century, the production of space agrarian Canguaretama was founded under a structure based on large ownership and cultivation of cane sugar. Secondly, it was being built a small space reserved for food production to meet both the consumption of property, but also for local marketing. In the centuries following the changes in the capitalist system imposed a new dynamic for small food production, mostly in the early twentieth century, with processing plants and mills in the area extending toward the cultivation of sugarcane. In the second half of that century, mainly in the 1980s, the cultivation of cane sugar was encouraged to produce alcohol, which led to a further expansion of sugar cane toward the areas targeted for the production of foodstuffs. Currently, the framework of small food production differs little from the period of colonization in relation to the difficulties faced by this segment of agriculture. Thus, we have a reality based on socio-spatial inequality, and the near absence of the Government, which requires urgent implementation of public policies for the production and organization of small producers into associations or cooperatives to improve the productivity and hence in their standards of living and their families / Esta pesquisa objetivou estudar o processo de reprodu??o do espa?o da pequena produ??o rural familiar no munic?pio de Canguaretama, especificamente, a voltada para g?neros aliment?cios de origem vegetal, procurando compreender as transforma??es ocorridas no espa?o agr?rio canguaretamense e seus impactos na pequena produ??o familiar, nos ?ltimos 35 anos. Desde a coloniza??o, durante o s?culo XVII, a produ??o do espa?o agr?rio de Canguaretama esteve alicer?ada sob uma estrutura baseada na grande propriedade e no cultivo da cana-de-a??car. Secundariamente, foi sendo constru?do um pequeno espa?o voltado a produ??o de alimentos capaz atender tanto o consumo da propriedade, quanto a comercializa??o no mercado local. Nos s?culos seguintes, as mudan?as ocorridas com o sistema capitalista impuseram uma nova din?mica ? pequena produ??o de alimentos, sobretudo, no in?cio do s?culo XX, com a transforma??o dos engenhos em usinas e a amplia??o da ?rea voltada para o cultivo da cana. Ainda na segunda metade do s?culo XX, principalmente na d?cada de 1980, o cultivo de cana-de-a??car foi incentivado para a produ??o de ?lcool, provocando uma nova expans?o das lavouras de cana em dire??o ?s ?reas voltadas para a produ??o de g?neros aliment?cios. Atualmente, o quadro da pequena produ??o de alimentos pouco se difere do per?odo da coloniza??o, em rela??o a dificuldades enfrentadas por este segmento da agricultura. Desta forma, tem-se uma realidade socioespacial baseada na desigualdade, e de quase aus?ncia do Poder P?blico, sendo necess?ria com urg?ncia a implementa??o de pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas para a produ??o e organiza??o dos pequenos produtores em associa??es ou cooperativas para melhoria da produtividade e, consequentemente, nos seus padr?es de vida e de seus familiares

Návrh kritérií a tvorba metodiky pro stanovení výše nájmů z pozemků v zemědělských areálech v konkrétních lokalitách / Design of criteria and creation of methodology for determining the size of rents from land in agricultural grounds in concrete localities

Tesařová, Zdeňka January 2018 (has links)
In the doctoral thesis deals with a problem situation, which is based on the lack of a clarified methodology for determining the rents from land in agricultural grounds. Criteria are proposed that could affect the amount of land rents in agricultural grounds. One is the type of water source. The created database consists of a variety of data that are subsequently evaluated. The data for the selected locations was statistically evaluated. Furthermore, the percentage of rentals was determined as against the usual (market) price of the leased land. The proposed coefficients were quantified and verified at the same time in practical cases. The output of the thesis is a methodology developed to determine the usual rental rates from land in agricultural grounds.

Análise da dinâmica espaço-temporal de culturas agrícolas no Brasil: uma abordagem metodológica. / Analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics of agricultural crops Brazil: a methodological approach.

Angel Filiberto Mansilla Baca 11 October 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Atualmente, o Brasil se apresenta como um grande produtor agrícola mundial com finalidade alimentícia e bioenergética. Ano a ano recordes de produção são batidos pelo setor agropecuário. Por outro lado, tem-se uma perspectiva de problemas alimentícios e energéticos no mundo, em especial no continente africano onde muitos vivem na miséria e na fome. Neste contexto, esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma proposta para a análise da dinâmica espaço-temporal de culturas agrícolas empregando os conceitos e instrumentos da Geomática em busca do desenvolvimento sustentável. Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para a geração de indicadores da produção agrícola em diferentes níveis da estrutura territorial brasileira que permite a apresentação sintética, por meio de cartogramas e animações digitais, das dinâmicas espacial e espaço-temporal das principais culturas. Para isto foi criada uma base de dados da produção das principais culturas, desenvolvidos indicadores que representem a dinâmica espacial da produção agrícola e desenvolvidas ferramentas de apresentação destes indicadores através da dinâmica espaço-temporal. Finalmente, foram relacionadas as áreas voltadas à produção de alimentos e de expansão agrícola para a bioenergia (etanol e óleo de palma). Pretende-se, através deste trabalho, contribuir na tomada de decisão com ferramentas de visualização da realidade agropecuária brasileira. O trabalho estabelece ligações com os zoneamentos agroecológicos, os instrumentos de segurança alimentar e a pegada ecológica, com a apresentação da produção agrícola das culturas como cana-de-açúcar, milho, soja, palma de óleo e algodão. / At present, Brazil presents itself as a major agricultural producer for food and bio-energy purposes in the entire world. Year-to-year, production records are hit by the agricultural sector. On the other hand, there is a perspective for severe problems in food and energy supply in the world, especially in Africa, where many people live in poverty and hunger. In this context, this masters dissertation presents a proposal for the analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the agricultural production using the concepts and tools of Geomatics in pursuit of sustainable development. It was developed a methodology for the generation of agricultural production indicators at different levels of Brazilian territorial structure which allows the synthetic presentation, through cartograms and digital animations, of the spatial and spatio-temporal dynamics of the main crops. For this, a database of the production of main crops was created, indicators that represent the spatial dynamics of agricultural production and presentation tools for these indicators through the space-temporal dynamics were developed. Finally, the areas with focus in the food production and agricultural expansion for bio-energy (ethanol and palm oil) production were related. It is intended, through this work, to contribute to the decision making with visualization tools of the reality of Brazilian agriculture. Links were developed with agro-ecological zoning, with the instruments of food security and with the ecological footprint, with the presentation of the agricultural production of crops such as sugar cane, corn, soybeans, palm oil and cotton.

Análise da dinâmica espaço-temporal de culturas agrícolas no Brasil: uma abordagem metodológica. / Analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics of agricultural crops Brazil: a methodological approach.

Angel Filiberto Mansilla Baca 11 October 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Atualmente, o Brasil se apresenta como um grande produtor agrícola mundial com finalidade alimentícia e bioenergética. Ano a ano recordes de produção são batidos pelo setor agropecuário. Por outro lado, tem-se uma perspectiva de problemas alimentícios e energéticos no mundo, em especial no continente africano onde muitos vivem na miséria e na fome. Neste contexto, esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma proposta para a análise da dinâmica espaço-temporal de culturas agrícolas empregando os conceitos e instrumentos da Geomática em busca do desenvolvimento sustentável. Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para a geração de indicadores da produção agrícola em diferentes níveis da estrutura territorial brasileira que permite a apresentação sintética, por meio de cartogramas e animações digitais, das dinâmicas espacial e espaço-temporal das principais culturas. Para isto foi criada uma base de dados da produção das principais culturas, desenvolvidos indicadores que representem a dinâmica espacial da produção agrícola e desenvolvidas ferramentas de apresentação destes indicadores através da dinâmica espaço-temporal. Finalmente, foram relacionadas as áreas voltadas à produção de alimentos e de expansão agrícola para a bioenergia (etanol e óleo de palma). Pretende-se, através deste trabalho, contribuir na tomada de decisão com ferramentas de visualização da realidade agropecuária brasileira. O trabalho estabelece ligações com os zoneamentos agroecológicos, os instrumentos de segurança alimentar e a pegada ecológica, com a apresentação da produção agrícola das culturas como cana-de-açúcar, milho, soja, palma de óleo e algodão. / At present, Brazil presents itself as a major agricultural producer for food and bio-energy purposes in the entire world. Year-to-year, production records are hit by the agricultural sector. On the other hand, there is a perspective for severe problems in food and energy supply in the world, especially in Africa, where many people live in poverty and hunger. In this context, this masters dissertation presents a proposal for the analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the agricultural production using the concepts and tools of Geomatics in pursuit of sustainable development. It was developed a methodology for the generation of agricultural production indicators at different levels of Brazilian territorial structure which allows the synthetic presentation, through cartograms and digital animations, of the spatial and spatio-temporal dynamics of the main crops. For this, a database of the production of main crops was created, indicators that represent the spatial dynamics of agricultural production and presentation tools for these indicators through the space-temporal dynamics were developed. Finally, the areas with focus in the food production and agricultural expansion for bio-energy (ethanol and palm oil) production were related. It is intended, through this work, to contribute to the decision making with visualization tools of the reality of Brazilian agriculture. Links were developed with agro-ecological zoning, with the instruments of food security and with the ecological footprint, with the presentation of the agricultural production of crops such as sugar cane, corn, soybeans, palm oil and cotton.

Réintroduire la multifonctionnalité des paysages en zone d’intensification agricole : contribution des approches intégrées en écologie du paysage

Ruiz, Julie 11 1900 (has links)
Depuis l’avènement de l’agriculture productiviste, les paysages des zones d’intensification agricole des pays industrialisés ont été marqués par la perte sévère de leur diversité et la dégradation de leurs fonctions environnementales, récréatives, esthétiques et sociales. Au moment où la qualité des paysages constitue un facteur clé du dynamisme des collectivités rurales, il devient urgent de développer des stratégies d’aménagement aptes à réintroduire le caractère multifonctionnel de ces paysages. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse propose un éclairage sur les enjeux d’aménagement de ces paysages sous l’angle des approches dialectiques en paysage issues de la Holistic Landscape Ecology. En développant un modèle conceptuel des trajectoires des paysages s’inscrivant dans les approches intégrées en paysage, elle établit une double lecture des dynamiques physico-spatiale et socioculturelle des paysages des zones d’intensification agricole afin d’en arriver à qualifier les écarts entre celles-ci. Pour y parvenir, elle prend appui sur une étude de cas d’un bassin versant agricole du sud du Québec. En puisant tantôt dans l’écologie du paysage, tantôt dans la sociologie du paysage, les résultats de cette thèse soulignent d’une part le poids des forces politiques et économiques dans le façonnement de ces paysages. Mais ils révèlent également le rôle des valorisations paysagères des agriculteurs dans la modulation de ces forces. Plus encore, l’étude des dynamiques socioculturelles révèle une diversité au sein des populations locales au plan des valorisations de ces paysages et des pratiques qui les façonnent qui vient renouveler l’image d’uniformité de ces territoires. Le maintien et l’accentuation de cette diversité apparaissent susceptibles de contribuer significativement à la réintroduction du caractère multifonctionnel des paysages au sein des zones d’intensification agricole. Des pistes concrètes pour l’aménagement concluent cette thèse. / Since the advent of productivist agriculture, the landscapes in areas of intensive agriculture of industrialized countries have been affected by a drastic reduction in their diversity and the degradation of their environmental, recreational and aesthetic functions. At a time when the quality of landscapes is a key factor in the vitality of rural communities, it is becoming urgent to develop management strategies designed to reintroduce the multifunctional nature of these landscapes. Within this context, this thesis proposes to address the landscape management issues of areas of intensive agriculture under the perspective of dialectic approaches in landscape studies originating from Holistic Landscape Ecology. By developing a conceptual model of landscape trajectories, based on integrated landscape methods, it establishes a double interpretation of the physical-spatial and the social-cultural dynamics of the landscapes in areas of intensive agriculture in order to assess the degree of divergence between the two. To achieve this, an agricultural watershed of southern Québec was used as a case study. Sometimes using landscape ecology, sometimes using landscape sociology, the results of this thesis underline the strong influence of political forces in the shaping of these landscapes. However, they also reveal the important role of the landscape values of farmers in altering these forces. Moreover, the study of the social-cultural dynamics reveals that a diversity of landscape valuations, and of practices affecting landscapes, coexist within local populations, thus shedding new light on the usual image of uniformity of these landscapes. The maintenance and increase of this diversity appears likely to contribute significantly to the reintroduction of the multifunctional character of landscapes within areas of intensive agriculture. Concrete management recommendations conclude this thesis.

Vers des aménagements multifonctionnels en zone d'intensification agricole : portée et limites des politiques et pratiques québécoises

Paquin, Claude 01 1900 (has links)
Certains territoires caractérisés par une concentration et une intensification de l’agriculture se trouvent aujourd’hui devant des défis environnementaux et sociaux, notamment en ce qui a trait à la qualité des cadres de vie. À cet effet, une panoplie de mesures agroenvironnementales et de cohabitation (lois, programmes, etc.) sont aujourd’hui à la disposition des professionnels de l’aménagement au Québec. Cette recherche s’interroge sur le potentiel de ces outils à réintroduire le caractère multifonctionnel des territoires, c'est-àdire à assurer la prise en compte simultanée de plusieurs fonctions. Pour ce faire, la mise en oeuvre hypothétique de scénarios d’aménagement multifonctionnel issus d’une recherche antérieure est utilisée comme test. La première étape identifie et analyse les outils favorisant la multifonctionnalité des territoires agricoles et formule des hypothèses quant aux blocages qui pourraient limiter la mise en oeuvre des scénarios multifonctionnels. La deuxième étape teste ces hypothèses en faisant intervenir des groupes de discussion rassemblant divers professionnels de l’aménagement à l’échelle supra locale (municipalité régionale de comté). Les résultats témoignent du potentiel des projets d’aménagement conçus à l’échelle du territoire, notamment ceux visant des regroupements de producteurs. Toutefois, l’étude montre que les blocages ne tiennent pas seulement aux caractéristiques des outils en place, mais aussi à la réticence des professionnels à prendre en compte la notion de cadre de vie en zone d’intensification agricole. Quant à l’utilité pour le monde de la pratique de scénarios d’aménagement multifonctionnel issus d’une recherche universitaire, elle s’en trouverait grandement accrue dans un contexte où les professionnels de l’aménagement participeraient à leur construction. / Territories of intensive agriculture present environmental and social concerns which challenge their ability to provide a living space quality. To address this issue, a range of agri-environment schemes and planning measures (laws, programs, etc.) are used by planning and development professionals in Quebec. This research evaluates the potential of these tools to simultaneously address the different functions of territories, hence promoting their multifunctional character. To this end, hypothetic implementation of multifunctional scenarios resulting from anterior research has been used as a test. The first step of the present research analysed these tools and formulated several hypotheses concerning elements impeding scenarios’ implementation. The second step compared these hypotheses to the opinions and practices of planning and development professionals who participated in focus groups at the supra-local scale (regional county municipality). Results show the potential of landscape planning projects conceived at the territory scale, particularly those projects which bring together agricultural producers. However, focus groups reveal that factors impeding the scenarios’ implementation not only include the characteristics of the tools used, but also the reticence of professionals to consider territorial functions pertaining to the quality of living space as a relevant issue of their responsibility in industrial agriculture zones. Also, it seems that multifunctional scenarios resulting from academic research would be significantly more useful if professionals participated in their creation.

Vers des aménagements multifonctionnels en zone d'intensification agricole : portée et limites des politiques et pratiques québécoises

Paquin, Claude 01 1900 (has links)
Certains territoires caractérisés par une concentration et une intensification de l’agriculture se trouvent aujourd’hui devant des défis environnementaux et sociaux, notamment en ce qui a trait à la qualité des cadres de vie. À cet effet, une panoplie de mesures agroenvironnementales et de cohabitation (lois, programmes, etc.) sont aujourd’hui à la disposition des professionnels de l’aménagement au Québec. Cette recherche s’interroge sur le potentiel de ces outils à réintroduire le caractère multifonctionnel des territoires, c'est-àdire à assurer la prise en compte simultanée de plusieurs fonctions. Pour ce faire, la mise en oeuvre hypothétique de scénarios d’aménagement multifonctionnel issus d’une recherche antérieure est utilisée comme test. La première étape identifie et analyse les outils favorisant la multifonctionnalité des territoires agricoles et formule des hypothèses quant aux blocages qui pourraient limiter la mise en oeuvre des scénarios multifonctionnels. La deuxième étape teste ces hypothèses en faisant intervenir des groupes de discussion rassemblant divers professionnels de l’aménagement à l’échelle supra locale (municipalité régionale de comté). Les résultats témoignent du potentiel des projets d’aménagement conçus à l’échelle du territoire, notamment ceux visant des regroupements de producteurs. Toutefois, l’étude montre que les blocages ne tiennent pas seulement aux caractéristiques des outils en place, mais aussi à la réticence des professionnels à prendre en compte la notion de cadre de vie en zone d’intensification agricole. Quant à l’utilité pour le monde de la pratique de scénarios d’aménagement multifonctionnel issus d’une recherche universitaire, elle s’en trouverait grandement accrue dans un contexte où les professionnels de l’aménagement participeraient à leur construction. / Territories of intensive agriculture present environmental and social concerns which challenge their ability to provide a living space quality. To address this issue, a range of agri-environment schemes and planning measures (laws, programs, etc.) are used by planning and development professionals in Quebec. This research evaluates the potential of these tools to simultaneously address the different functions of territories, hence promoting their multifunctional character. To this end, hypothetic implementation of multifunctional scenarios resulting from anterior research has been used as a test. The first step of the present research analysed these tools and formulated several hypotheses concerning elements impeding scenarios’ implementation. The second step compared these hypotheses to the opinions and practices of planning and development professionals who participated in focus groups at the supra-local scale (regional county municipality). Results show the potential of landscape planning projects conceived at the territory scale, particularly those projects which bring together agricultural producers. However, focus groups reveal that factors impeding the scenarios’ implementation not only include the characteristics of the tools used, but also the reticence of professionals to consider territorial functions pertaining to the quality of living space as a relevant issue of their responsibility in industrial agriculture zones. Also, it seems that multifunctional scenarios resulting from academic research would be significantly more useful if professionals participated in their creation.

Réintroduire la multifonctionnalité des paysages en zone d’intensification agricole : contribution des approches intégrées en écologie du paysage

Ruiz, Julie 11 1900 (has links)
Depuis l’avènement de l’agriculture productiviste, les paysages des zones d’intensification agricole des pays industrialisés ont été marqués par la perte sévère de leur diversité et la dégradation de leurs fonctions environnementales, récréatives, esthétiques et sociales. Au moment où la qualité des paysages constitue un facteur clé du dynamisme des collectivités rurales, il devient urgent de développer des stratégies d’aménagement aptes à réintroduire le caractère multifonctionnel de ces paysages. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse propose un éclairage sur les enjeux d’aménagement de ces paysages sous l’angle des approches dialectiques en paysage issues de la Holistic Landscape Ecology. En développant un modèle conceptuel des trajectoires des paysages s’inscrivant dans les approches intégrées en paysage, elle établit une double lecture des dynamiques physico-spatiale et socioculturelle des paysages des zones d’intensification agricole afin d’en arriver à qualifier les écarts entre celles-ci. Pour y parvenir, elle prend appui sur une étude de cas d’un bassin versant agricole du sud du Québec. En puisant tantôt dans l’écologie du paysage, tantôt dans la sociologie du paysage, les résultats de cette thèse soulignent d’une part le poids des forces politiques et économiques dans le façonnement de ces paysages. Mais ils révèlent également le rôle des valorisations paysagères des agriculteurs dans la modulation de ces forces. Plus encore, l’étude des dynamiques socioculturelles révèle une diversité au sein des populations locales au plan des valorisations de ces paysages et des pratiques qui les façonnent qui vient renouveler l’image d’uniformité de ces territoires. Le maintien et l’accentuation de cette diversité apparaissent susceptibles de contribuer significativement à la réintroduction du caractère multifonctionnel des paysages au sein des zones d’intensification agricole. Des pistes concrètes pour l’aménagement concluent cette thèse. / Since the advent of productivist agriculture, the landscapes in areas of intensive agriculture of industrialized countries have been affected by a drastic reduction in their diversity and the degradation of their environmental, recreational and aesthetic functions. At a time when the quality of landscapes is a key factor in the vitality of rural communities, it is becoming urgent to develop management strategies designed to reintroduce the multifunctional nature of these landscapes. Within this context, this thesis proposes to address the landscape management issues of areas of intensive agriculture under the perspective of dialectic approaches in landscape studies originating from Holistic Landscape Ecology. By developing a conceptual model of landscape trajectories, based on integrated landscape methods, it establishes a double interpretation of the physical-spatial and the social-cultural dynamics of the landscapes in areas of intensive agriculture in order to assess the degree of divergence between the two. To achieve this, an agricultural watershed of southern Québec was used as a case study. Sometimes using landscape ecology, sometimes using landscape sociology, the results of this thesis underline the strong influence of political forces in the shaping of these landscapes. However, they also reveal the important role of the landscape values of farmers in altering these forces. Moreover, the study of the social-cultural dynamics reveals that a diversity of landscape valuations, and of practices affecting landscapes, coexist within local populations, thus shedding new light on the usual image of uniformity of these landscapes. The maintenance and increase of this diversity appears likely to contribute significantly to the reintroduction of the multifunctional character of landscapes within areas of intensive agriculture. Concrete management recommendations conclude this thesis.

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