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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Buster Keaton nos bastidores do sonho e da indústria cinematográfica: uma análise de The Playhouse (1921) / Buster Keaton in the backstage of dream and film industry: an analysis of The Playhouse (1921)

Godoy, Carolina Fiori 10 May 2019 (has links)
Sendo o curta com uma das gags impossíveis mais famosas de Buster Keaton, The Playhouse (1921) trabalha com a relação existente entre o mundo onírico e a realidade, iniciando com um sonho da personagem de Keaton em que ele interpreta todos os papéis de um espetáculo, de atores e membros da orquestra aos espectadores da apresentação. Em seguida, acompanhamos Keaton em seu dia de trabalho após ser despertado pelo chefe, e vemos que diversos elementos de seu sonho ainda estão presentes na realidade desse faz-tudo do teatro. Lançado no segundo ano de trabalho de Keaton como diretor de suas próprias obras, o curta coloca como tema central a questão do trabalho no teatro e no cinema, apresentando diferentes possibilidades e experimentações no campo social e cinematográfico. Deste modo, esta dissertação propõe uma análise acerca da construção dessa temática no curta, refletindo sobre os escritos de Walter Benjamin e Michael Löwy sobre a relação entre o cinema, a comédia muda norte-americana em especial o trabalho de Keaton e uma crítica feita à sociedade capitalista industrial; e a teoria de Bertolt Brecht sobre o teatro épico. / As the short movie that holds one of the most famous impossible gags made by Buster Keaton, The Playhouse (1921) works with the relation between the oneiric world and reality, beginning with a sequence dreamed by Keaton\'s character in which he plays all the roles in the spectacle, from actors and musicians in an orchestra to the spectators of the show. After this dream, we follow Keaton during his day at work since the moment he was woken up by his boss and we notice that various elements of his dream are still present in the reality of this handyman from the theater. Released in the second year of Keaton\'s work as a director of his own films, this short movie presents as its main theme the working world in the theater and the cinema, putting forward different possibilities and experimentations in the social and cinematographic fields. Therefore, the following master\'s dissertation brings an analysis of the way this theme is presented in the short movie, considering the writings of Walter Benjamin and Michael Löwy about the relation between cinema, American silent comedy - especially Buster Keaton\'s work - and the criticism of capitalistic industrial society; and Bertolt Brecht\'s theory about epic theater.

The search for character: servant-leadership in an Australian organisation

WHITMORE, Margaret, whittys2002@yahoo.com.au January 2004 (has links)
This study is in response to globalisation, changing world values and the call in modern literature for leaders of good character. Servant-leadership is offered to fill this requirement because its effectiveness is said to be reliant on the good character of the leader. In the literature this type of leadership is said to represent a new paradigm. The work of servant-leadership's proponent, Robert Greenleaf, is thoroughly examined to explain how his understanding of trust as faith is linked to spirituality and this is the key to understanding the character of servant-leaders. Greenleaf's work is compared with the modern servant-leadership literature and identifies a gap in the literature explaining Greenleaf's spirituality.This is a qualitative analysis using classical Grounded Theory and uses the work of Anthony Giddens to give it a modern sociological grounding. Classical Grounded Theory uses typologies or

'This Place of Exile': The Lockean Problem and Theology of Labor in Rerum Novarum

Sheridan, Adam D. 20 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.


吳建騁 Unknown Date (has links)
在1960年為《理性與革命》寫的序言中,馬庫塞就曾提過所謂的「既定事實的力量」(the authority of established fact),他認為「這是一種壓迫的力量」。 馬庫塞在其著作當中已多次提及所謂「既定的現實」(the established reality),所意指的不外乎是身處於先進工業社會中的個體受到既定體制的壓迫(oppression)與制約,換言之,先進工業社會充滿著非解放的因素。 「現今,自由(freedom)與奴役(servitude)的結合變得『理所當然』(“natural”),它已成為進步的一種手段(a vehicle of progress)。」此一論點馬庫塞在《愛欲與文明》一書中已提出,並在《單向度的人》一書中更充分地開展。 《單向度的人》的主要論點在於整體社會的意識受制於後期資本主義社會的結構,致使人們的思維無法覺醒,「現實即是合理」已經成為社會的正常看法,也就是大多數人皆依循此種模式過生活,而不去變革現狀(the status quo)。因為這一種消費與生產已形成人們的固定思維模式,即單向度的思維,由於人們不再反省現實社會的單向度現象,因此人們無法從單向度的現象中解放出來,大多數人仍處於不自覺的狀態,受到操控,社會中的成員共同架構出壓迫性的思維方式(oppressive mode of thinking),「人的意識受制於社會的存在」,人心加重現實的趨勢致使「單向度」(one-dimensionality)的態勢逐步成形。

Étude exploratoire de la détérioration du lien parent-enfant : contexte d’apparition, caractéristiques et comportements des couples parentaux séparés impliqués dans ces dynamiques

Cyr-Villeneuve, Catherine 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse de doctorat est de déterminer, à l’aide d’une grille d’observation des comportements parentaux après la séparation , si des catégories de la grille permettent de distinguer entre eux les couples parentaux où le risque de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant en contexte de séparation conflictuelle (DLPE) est très élevé des couples parentaux où le risque de DLPE est très faible. De plus, trois objectifs secondaires s’ajoutent à notre objectif principal. Premièrement, nous avons tenté de voir s’il était possible de prédire les cas où les risques de DLPE sont très élevés. Deuxièmement, nous avons exploré comment la DLPE s’inscrit dans les conséquences pouvant découler de la séparation parentale. Et enfin, troisièmement, nous avons brièvement exploré la question des allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant dans les contextes de DLPE. Cette thèse est composée de deux articles et d’une note de recherche brève. Le premier article s’intitule En quoi et pourquoi les hommes et les femmes sont-ils affectés différemment par la séparation conjugale? Cet article est une recension critique de la littérature traitant des conséquences du divorce chez les adultes ainsi que des conséquences différentielles du divorce pour les hommes et les femmes. Dans cet article, des hypothèses explicatives quant à l’origine de ces diverses conséquences sont discutées et nous proposons de les conceptualiser sous la forme d’un éventail rendant compte des impacts tant positifs que négatifs, notamment à une extrémité du continuum où se retrouvent les dynamiques DLPE. Ce continuum sur lequel s’inscrit la DLPE permet de conceptualiser et de discuter de l’adaptation ou de la mésadaptation des individus face à la séparation. Dans cet article, notre regard sur la DLPE fait ressortir les lacunes de la recherche actuelle sur ce phénomène. Il ressort un manque flagrant de connaissances du contexte d’apparition du phénomène, de connaissances empiriques sur la question des allégations d’abus sexuel se produisant dans le cadre de telles dynamiques ainsi que de connaissances des caractéristiques et des comportements des individus qui y sont impliqués. Conséquemment, notre article met l’emphase sur la nécessité qu’une tradition de recherche se développe dans le domaine de la DLPE afin de clarifier tous ces aspects. Enfin, cet article met en lumière différents facteurs de risque et différents facteurs de protection susceptibles d’expliquer que le divorce ait des conséquences différentes chez les hommes et les femmes. Le deuxième article s’intitule Étude exploratoire des caractéristiques et des comportements de couples parentaux séparés engagés dans une dynamique de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant. Cet article cherchait à déterminer si les couples parentaux séparés hautement à risque d’être engagés dans une dynamique de DLPE se distinguent des couples parentaux séparés dont le risque de DLPE est faible sur certaines variables. Nous avons étudié cette question auprès de notre échantillon de 82 couples parentaux séparés pour lesquels le risque de DLPE est évalué comme étant soit très faible (groupe de comparaison) ou soit très élevé (en tenant compte du fait que la mère ou le père soit le parent dénigrant). À cette fin, nous avons utilisé un instrument de mesure, la Grille d’observation de la Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant après la séparation (GODLPE), adapté de celui développé par Johnston, Walters, & Olesen, (2005). Les résultats obtenus à l’aide de tests d’analyse de variance et de khi-deux démontrent que les ex-couples du groupe de comparaison se distinguent des ex-couples du groupe où le risque de DLPE est très élevé par un mariage significativement plus long et un niveau de conflit plus élevé. Également, les résultats démontrent que les parents du groupe de comparaison, les parents dénigrés et les parents dénigrants se distinguent entre eux quant à leurs comportements coparentaux aliénants, à leur relation coparentale supportante, à leur relation coparentale méfiante et à leurs comportements de renversement de rôle. Finalement, notre étude révèle que la durée du mariage et l’intensité des conflits permettent de prédire le risque de DLPE. La note de recherche brève s’intitule Étude exploratoire des allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant dans un contexte de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant. Cet note de recherche s’intéresse à ce qui a longtemps été considéré comme l’une des caractéristiques déterminantes des dynamiques de DLPE, soit les allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant professées par un parent à l’endroit de l’autre parent ou d’un membre de son entourage proche. Nous avons étudié cette question chez 82 couples parentaux séparés pour lesquels le risque de DLPE était évalué comme étant très faible ou très élevé. Les résultats indiquent qu’il n’existe aucune différence significative entre les groupes relativement à cette caractéristique. Cependant, les mères auraient davantage tendance à alléguer de tels abus que les pères. Enfin, aucune des allégations professées n’a été jugée suffisamment crédible pour que la Directeur de la protection de la Jeunesse (DPJ) juge nécessaire d’intervenir. Plusieurs hypothèses sont soulevées pour expliquer ces résultats. / The main goal of the present doctoral thesis was to determine whether certain items of an observation grid assessing parental behaviors following separation allow to distinguish parents whose risk of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship (DPCR) is very high from those whose risk of DPCR is very low. This goal led to secondary objectives regarding the prediction of such dynamics, the issue of sexual abuse allegation toward the child in such situations, and the context in which this phenomenon appears in the context of parental separation. This thesis includes two articles and a brief note of research. The first article is entitled: How and Why Are Men and Women Affected Differently by Marital Separation? This article is a critical literature review regarding the consequences of divorce for adults as well as its differential impact on men and women. Explanatory hypotheses regarding the origin of these diverse impacts are discussed. Furthermore, this article offers a conceptualization of such impacts as a continuum, which takes into account the positive and as well as the negative consequences of divorce, such as the dynamics of DPCR following separation. Different risk factors and protective factors are also suggested. The second article is entitled: Exploratory Study of the Characteristics and Behaviors of Separated Couples Engaged in a Dynamic of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship. This article discusses whether it is possible to distinguish, on certain variables, separated couples who are at high risk of being engaged in a dynamic of DPCR from those who are at low risk. This issue was studied among 82 separated couples for which the risk of DPCR was assessed as being very low or very high (in the latter case was distinguished the group where the mother was the denigrating parent from the group where the father was the denigrating parent). An instrument called the Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship Observation Grid (DPCROG), adapted from an instrument developed by Johnson, Walters, & Olesen, 2005, was used in the present study. Analyses of variance and chi-squared analyses were carried out and revealed that ex-couples in the group at high risk for DPCR distinguished themselves from ex-couples in the comparison group by a significantly longer marriage and a higher level of conflict. In addition, results of 2 X 2 repeated measures analyses of variance, as well as results of Tukey’s post-hoc tests, revealed that parents in the comparison group, denigrated parents, and denigrating parents differed from one another in terms of their alienating coparenting behaviors, their supportive coparenting relationship, their mistrustful coparenting relationship and their role reversal behaviors. Finally, results of Tukey’s post-hoc analyses and chi-squared analyses indicated that the length of marriage and the intensity of conflict allow to predict the risk of DPCR. The brief note of research is entitled: Exploratory Study of Child Sexual Abuse Allegations in the context of a Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship. This note of research is concerned with what has long been considered as one of the characteristics of the dynamics of DPCR: the allegation of child sexual abuse declared by a parent against the other parent or against people close to the other parent. This issue was studied among 82 separated couples for which the risk of DPCR was assessed as being very high or very low. The results indicated that there were no significant differences between groups in regards to these allegations. Furthermore, mothers seemed to have a greater tendency to allege such abuse in comparison to fathers. Finally, whereas none of these allegations were judged as sufficiently credible in order for the Direction de la Protection de la Jeunesse (DPJ) to intervene, several hypotheses were raised to explain this finding.

Formação Profissional na construção civil: experiências em busca da \'desalienação\' do trabalho. / Vocational Education in civil construction: experiences in search of work \'disalienation\'.

Diederichsen, Francisco Toledo Barros 05 July 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado registra as atividades de pesquisa aplicada em três experiências de formação profissional da Construção Civil em diferentes escolas. Os trabalhos de pesquisa visam contribuir com as ações pedagógicas dialógicas inseridas nos três processos formativos. O objetivo dessas ações é a contribuição com a ampliação da autonomia, a emancipação coletiva e a liberdade dos educandos, no sentido da busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho que realizam. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas abordadas inserem-se nas: 1. Atividades de Formação Integral do Ser, e Organização da Produção da Construção Civil - experiências de elaboração de desenhos e projetos de construção e a problematização das condições de desigualdade social e exploração do trabalho - nos cursos de pintura, alvenaria, instalações elétricas e hidráulicas e decoração, da Escola Municipal de Ensino Profissional em Construção Civil / Madre Celina Polci, Prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Atividades de aproximação do processo de produção da arquitetura - experiências de elaboração coletiva de projeto executivo de arquitetura e sua construção, com as próprias mãos, como parte do futuro espaço de apoio do Canteiro Experimental da escola - como exercícios da disciplina optativa \'Técnicas Alternativas de Construção\' do curso de graduação da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, SP. 3. Atividades de re-união e re-integração dos trabalhos de projeto e construção por meio da \'assembleia de obra\', como contribuição a formação dos integrantes da brigada de construção - composta por educandos da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), brigadistas permanentes e coordenadores da ENFF, profissionais assentados convidados e coletivo de estudantes e profissionais de arquitetura e urbanismo da USP - para a reforma da casa da brigada permanente, \'casa do teto verde\' da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas demonstraram efetividade ao passo que, ao mesmo tempo em que eram apreendidas as diversas atividades profissionais da construção, ampliava-se, em graus variados, a compreensão dos educandos e egressos sobre os limites e barreiras impostas pelo Capital sobre a classe trabalhadora. Nesse sentido, é que se mantém a busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho, já que sua realização plena só será possível por meio de transformações sociais de ampla e irrestrita democratização dos direitos de acesso à apropriação, pela sociedade como um todo, dos produtos, dos processos e da fruição social resultantes do trabalho coletivo. / This master thesis describes the activities of research applied to three experiences of professional learning of Civil Construction in different schools. The research work is expected to contribute to the pedagogical actions dialogicaly inserted in the three formative processes. The purpose of these actions and contributions are the expansion of autonomy, collective emancipation and the freedom of the students, in the sense of a search for \'desalienation\' of the work they carry out. The pedagogical actions dialogical addressed are as: 1. Activities for \'integral formation of being\', and \'organization of production of Civil Construction\' - experiments in preparation of drawings and construction projects and the questioning of the conditions of social inequality and exploitation of labor - in courses in painting, masonry, electrical, hydraulic installations and decoration, at the Municipal School of Vocational Education in Civil Construction / Madre Celina Polci, Prefecture of São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Activities of approximation of the production process of architecture - experiences of drawing up collective of executive project of architecture and construction, with their own hands, as part of the future area of support of Experimental Construction from the school - as exercises of optional discipline \'Alternative techniques of construction\" of the Graduate School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, SP. 3. Activities of re-union and re-integration of the work of project and construction by means of \'house of work\', as a contribution to the training of members of the brigade of construction - composed by students of the National School Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), permanent brigadiers and coordinators from ENFF, professionals guests and collective of students and professionals from the architecture and urbanism school, USP - for the reform of the house of permanent brigade, \'house of green roof\' of the National School Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. The pedagogical actions dialogical demonstrated effectiveness to the step that, at the same time that were seized the various professional activities of construction, it broadened, to varying degrees, the understanding of students and alumni on the limits and barriers imposed by capital on the working class. In this sense, and that remains the search for work \'disalienation\', now that its full realization is possible only by means of social transformation of broad and wide and unrestricted democratization of access rights to ownership, by the society as a whole of products, processes and social enjoyment resulting from the collective work.

Formação Profissional na construção civil: experiências em busca da \'desalienação\' do trabalho. / Vocational Education in civil construction: experiences in search of work \'disalienation\'.

Francisco Toledo Barros Diederichsen 05 July 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado registra as atividades de pesquisa aplicada em três experiências de formação profissional da Construção Civil em diferentes escolas. Os trabalhos de pesquisa visam contribuir com as ações pedagógicas dialógicas inseridas nos três processos formativos. O objetivo dessas ações é a contribuição com a ampliação da autonomia, a emancipação coletiva e a liberdade dos educandos, no sentido da busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho que realizam. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas abordadas inserem-se nas: 1. Atividades de Formação Integral do Ser, e Organização da Produção da Construção Civil - experiências de elaboração de desenhos e projetos de construção e a problematização das condições de desigualdade social e exploração do trabalho - nos cursos de pintura, alvenaria, instalações elétricas e hidráulicas e decoração, da Escola Municipal de Ensino Profissional em Construção Civil / Madre Celina Polci, Prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Atividades de aproximação do processo de produção da arquitetura - experiências de elaboração coletiva de projeto executivo de arquitetura e sua construção, com as próprias mãos, como parte do futuro espaço de apoio do Canteiro Experimental da escola - como exercícios da disciplina optativa \'Técnicas Alternativas de Construção\' do curso de graduação da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, SP. 3. Atividades de re-união e re-integração dos trabalhos de projeto e construção por meio da \'assembleia de obra\', como contribuição a formação dos integrantes da brigada de construção - composta por educandos da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), brigadistas permanentes e coordenadores da ENFF, profissionais assentados convidados e coletivo de estudantes e profissionais de arquitetura e urbanismo da USP - para a reforma da casa da brigada permanente, \'casa do teto verde\' da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas demonstraram efetividade ao passo que, ao mesmo tempo em que eram apreendidas as diversas atividades profissionais da construção, ampliava-se, em graus variados, a compreensão dos educandos e egressos sobre os limites e barreiras impostas pelo Capital sobre a classe trabalhadora. Nesse sentido, é que se mantém a busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho, já que sua realização plena só será possível por meio de transformações sociais de ampla e irrestrita democratização dos direitos de acesso à apropriação, pela sociedade como um todo, dos produtos, dos processos e da fruição social resultantes do trabalho coletivo. / This master thesis describes the activities of research applied to three experiences of professional learning of Civil Construction in different schools. The research work is expected to contribute to the pedagogical actions dialogicaly inserted in the three formative processes. The purpose of these actions and contributions are the expansion of autonomy, collective emancipation and the freedom of the students, in the sense of a search for \'desalienation\' of the work they carry out. The pedagogical actions dialogical addressed are as: 1. Activities for \'integral formation of being\', and \'organization of production of Civil Construction\' - experiments in preparation of drawings and construction projects and the questioning of the conditions of social inequality and exploitation of labor - in courses in painting, masonry, electrical, hydraulic installations and decoration, at the Municipal School of Vocational Education in Civil Construction / Madre Celina Polci, Prefecture of São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Activities of approximation of the production process of architecture - experiences of drawing up collective of executive project of architecture and construction, with their own hands, as part of the future area of support of Experimental Construction from the school - as exercises of optional discipline \'Alternative techniques of construction\" of the Graduate School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, SP. 3. Activities of re-union and re-integration of the work of project and construction by means of \'house of work\', as a contribution to the training of members of the brigade of construction - composed by students of the National School Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), permanent brigadiers and coordinators from ENFF, professionals guests and collective of students and professionals from the architecture and urbanism school, USP - for the reform of the house of permanent brigade, \'house of green roof\' of the National School Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. The pedagogical actions dialogical demonstrated effectiveness to the step that, at the same time that were seized the various professional activities of construction, it broadened, to varying degrees, the understanding of students and alumni on the limits and barriers imposed by capital on the working class. In this sense, and that remains the search for work \'disalienation\', now that its full realization is possible only by means of social transformation of broad and wide and unrestricted democratization of access rights to ownership, by the society as a whole of products, processes and social enjoyment resulting from the collective work.

Étude exploratoire de la détérioration du lien parent-enfant : contexte d’apparition, caractéristiques et comportements des couples parentaux séparés impliqués dans ces dynamiques

Cyr-Villeneuve, Catherine 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse de doctorat est de déterminer, à l’aide d’une grille d’observation des comportements parentaux après la séparation , si des catégories de la grille permettent de distinguer entre eux les couples parentaux où le risque de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant en contexte de séparation conflictuelle (DLPE) est très élevé des couples parentaux où le risque de DLPE est très faible. De plus, trois objectifs secondaires s’ajoutent à notre objectif principal. Premièrement, nous avons tenté de voir s’il était possible de prédire les cas où les risques de DLPE sont très élevés. Deuxièmement, nous avons exploré comment la DLPE s’inscrit dans les conséquences pouvant découler de la séparation parentale. Et enfin, troisièmement, nous avons brièvement exploré la question des allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant dans les contextes de DLPE. Cette thèse est composée de deux articles et d’une note de recherche brève. Le premier article s’intitule En quoi et pourquoi les hommes et les femmes sont-ils affectés différemment par la séparation conjugale? Cet article est une recension critique de la littérature traitant des conséquences du divorce chez les adultes ainsi que des conséquences différentielles du divorce pour les hommes et les femmes. Dans cet article, des hypothèses explicatives quant à l’origine de ces diverses conséquences sont discutées et nous proposons de les conceptualiser sous la forme d’un éventail rendant compte des impacts tant positifs que négatifs, notamment à une extrémité du continuum où se retrouvent les dynamiques DLPE. Ce continuum sur lequel s’inscrit la DLPE permet de conceptualiser et de discuter de l’adaptation ou de la mésadaptation des individus face à la séparation. Dans cet article, notre regard sur la DLPE fait ressortir les lacunes de la recherche actuelle sur ce phénomène. Il ressort un manque flagrant de connaissances du contexte d’apparition du phénomène, de connaissances empiriques sur la question des allégations d’abus sexuel se produisant dans le cadre de telles dynamiques ainsi que de connaissances des caractéristiques et des comportements des individus qui y sont impliqués. Conséquemment, notre article met l’emphase sur la nécessité qu’une tradition de recherche se développe dans le domaine de la DLPE afin de clarifier tous ces aspects. Enfin, cet article met en lumière différents facteurs de risque et différents facteurs de protection susceptibles d’expliquer que le divorce ait des conséquences différentes chez les hommes et les femmes. Le deuxième article s’intitule Étude exploratoire des caractéristiques et des comportements de couples parentaux séparés engagés dans une dynamique de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant. Cet article cherchait à déterminer si les couples parentaux séparés hautement à risque d’être engagés dans une dynamique de DLPE se distinguent des couples parentaux séparés dont le risque de DLPE est faible sur certaines variables. Nous avons étudié cette question auprès de notre échantillon de 82 couples parentaux séparés pour lesquels le risque de DLPE est évalué comme étant soit très faible (groupe de comparaison) ou soit très élevé (en tenant compte du fait que la mère ou le père soit le parent dénigrant). À cette fin, nous avons utilisé un instrument de mesure, la Grille d’observation de la Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant après la séparation (GODLPE), adapté de celui développé par Johnston, Walters, & Olesen, (2005). Les résultats obtenus à l’aide de tests d’analyse de variance et de khi-deux démontrent que les ex-couples du groupe de comparaison se distinguent des ex-couples du groupe où le risque de DLPE est très élevé par un mariage significativement plus long et un niveau de conflit plus élevé. Également, les résultats démontrent que les parents du groupe de comparaison, les parents dénigrés et les parents dénigrants se distinguent entre eux quant à leurs comportements coparentaux aliénants, à leur relation coparentale supportante, à leur relation coparentale méfiante et à leurs comportements de renversement de rôle. Finalement, notre étude révèle que la durée du mariage et l’intensité des conflits permettent de prédire le risque de DLPE. La note de recherche brève s’intitule Étude exploratoire des allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant dans un contexte de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant. Cet note de recherche s’intéresse à ce qui a longtemps été considéré comme l’une des caractéristiques déterminantes des dynamiques de DLPE, soit les allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant professées par un parent à l’endroit de l’autre parent ou d’un membre de son entourage proche. Nous avons étudié cette question chez 82 couples parentaux séparés pour lesquels le risque de DLPE était évalué comme étant très faible ou très élevé. Les résultats indiquent qu’il n’existe aucune différence significative entre les groupes relativement à cette caractéristique. Cependant, les mères auraient davantage tendance à alléguer de tels abus que les pères. Enfin, aucune des allégations professées n’a été jugée suffisamment crédible pour que la Directeur de la protection de la Jeunesse (DPJ) juge nécessaire d’intervenir. Plusieurs hypothèses sont soulevées pour expliquer ces résultats. / The main goal of the present doctoral thesis was to determine whether certain items of an observation grid assessing parental behaviors following separation allow to distinguish parents whose risk of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship (DPCR) is very high from those whose risk of DPCR is very low. This goal led to secondary objectives regarding the prediction of such dynamics, the issue of sexual abuse allegation toward the child in such situations, and the context in which this phenomenon appears in the context of parental separation. This thesis includes two articles and a brief note of research. The first article is entitled: How and Why Are Men and Women Affected Differently by Marital Separation? This article is a critical literature review regarding the consequences of divorce for adults as well as its differential impact on men and women. Explanatory hypotheses regarding the origin of these diverse impacts are discussed. Furthermore, this article offers a conceptualization of such impacts as a continuum, which takes into account the positive and as well as the negative consequences of divorce, such as the dynamics of DPCR following separation. Different risk factors and protective factors are also suggested. The second article is entitled: Exploratory Study of the Characteristics and Behaviors of Separated Couples Engaged in a Dynamic of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship. This article discusses whether it is possible to distinguish, on certain variables, separated couples who are at high risk of being engaged in a dynamic of DPCR from those who are at low risk. This issue was studied among 82 separated couples for which the risk of DPCR was assessed as being very low or very high (in the latter case was distinguished the group where the mother was the denigrating parent from the group where the father was the denigrating parent). An instrument called the Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship Observation Grid (DPCROG), adapted from an instrument developed by Johnson, Walters, & Olesen, 2005, was used in the present study. Analyses of variance and chi-squared analyses were carried out and revealed that ex-couples in the group at high risk for DPCR distinguished themselves from ex-couples in the comparison group by a significantly longer marriage and a higher level of conflict. In addition, results of 2 X 2 repeated measures analyses of variance, as well as results of Tukey’s post-hoc tests, revealed that parents in the comparison group, denigrated parents, and denigrating parents differed from one another in terms of their alienating coparenting behaviors, their supportive coparenting relationship, their mistrustful coparenting relationship and their role reversal behaviors. Finally, results of Tukey’s post-hoc analyses and chi-squared analyses indicated that the length of marriage and the intensity of conflict allow to predict the risk of DPCR. The brief note of research is entitled: Exploratory Study of Child Sexual Abuse Allegations in the context of a Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship. This note of research is concerned with what has long been considered as one of the characteristics of the dynamics of DPCR: the allegation of child sexual abuse declared by a parent against the other parent or against people close to the other parent. This issue was studied among 82 separated couples for which the risk of DPCR was assessed as being very high or very low. The results indicated that there were no significant differences between groups in regards to these allegations. Furthermore, mothers seemed to have a greater tendency to allege such abuse in comparison to fathers. Finally, whereas none of these allegations were judged as sufficiently credible in order for the Direction de la Protection de la Jeunesse (DPJ) to intervene, several hypotheses were raised to explain this finding.

TRABALHO INFANTIL DOMÉSTICO: perfil e vivência de meninas trabalhadoras em São Luís / DOMESTIC CHILD LABOR: profile and experience of working girls in São Luis

Silva, Carla Cecília Serrão 03 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T18:55:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CARLA CECILIA SERRAO SILVA.pdf: 430912 bytes, checksum: 97dbfdfd303c9e7f30f41da83d7ee440 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-03 / In this dissertation the problem of child labored girls in São Luís is presented. Emphasizing aspects of Brazilian and international history that show the social path of the labored teenagers and children, its causes and consequences focusing child domestic labor. The child labor is studied from its complexity and historical, cultural and economic determinations. We made bibliographic researches in secondary fountains and gathered information about domestic labored young girls through a questionnaire realized in 2006 in São Luís s public schools. We wish to find important elements for the comprehension of child domestic labor, demystify the culturally established concept of help and, also, call attention of society for to the child domestic labor. / Este trabalho aborda o problema do trabalho infantil doméstico de meninas em São Luís. Enfatiza-se aspectos da história mundial e brasileira que retratam a trajetória social da criança e do adolescente trabalhadores, as causas e conseqüências do trabalho infantil para suas vidas, com foco específico no trabalho infantil doméstico. O trabalho infantil doméstico é estudado a partir de sua complexidade e das determinações históricas, culturais e econômicas que o envolvem. Para construção da dissertação realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica em fontes secundárias, levantamento de dados acerca do perfil de meninas trabalhadoras domésticas através de questionário de pesquisa aplicado no ano de 2006 em escolas públicas municipais e estaduais de São Luís. Deseja-se, com este trabalho, resgatar elementos significativos para a compreensão do fenômeno do trabalho infantil, para desmistificação do mito da ajuda e, ainda, para a sensibilização da sociedade no tocante à situação das meninas trabalhadoras domésticas.

Razão e revolução: de Herbert Marcuse, por uma dialética de alteração institucional

Dias Gadanha, Alberto 17 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2015-11-23T13:23:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1484170 bytes, checksum: 4438c4dcffe6cded29457aa7c70d86b8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-23T13:23:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1484170 bytes, checksum: 4438c4dcffe6cded29457aa7c70d86b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / “Herbert Marcuse‟s „Reason and Revolution‟ towards a institutional changing‟s dialectic” expounds the philosophical reasons of a revolutionnary‟s praxis. The argument is developed by the reciprocity of two dialectic‟s criteria: the historic understanding of the libertarian aims and of its institutional actuality. The freedom as an ontological category, first criterion, and the political process of human liberation, the second, accomplish the elements of the reciprocity‟s dynamics as expounded in “Reason and Revolution” at 1941. The 1960‟s preface, “A note on dialectic” develops the reciprocity between the freedom‟s consciousness and the process of its actuality, as a alternative discourse instead of surrendering to the establishment. The text also recognizes in the Marcuse‟s work of 1966, the analogy between the essential criteria of the dialectic perspective and the understanding that the affluent capitalism‟s negation demands two types of strategies, one stood by the concept of negation one as a internal power and the other as an external one. The internal negation reveals the unaccepetable contradictions of the capitalist system and the external permits understanding the protest for justice and for the human good, universal values, beyond the capitalist system. / “„Raison et Révolution' pour une dialectique de changement institutionel" déploit une fondement philosophique pour la practique révolutionnaire. L'argumentation était déployée par la réciprocité entre deux critères de la dialectique: la compréhension historique des objetives libertaires et la compréhension de sa éféctivité institutionel. La liberté comme catégorie ontologique, prémier critère et le processus politique de libération humaine, le second, constituent les éléments de la dynamique de la réciprocité exposés dans l'oeuvre de 1941, "Raison et Révolution". La réciprocité entre le procesus de connaissance de la libération et le processus de sa éféctivité est confirmée au préface."A note on dialectic" tant comme une language alternative à la capitulation à l'établissement comme le déploiement de l'argumentation à l'année de 1960. Le texte de 1966 "Le concept de négation dans la dialectique" on fait reconnaître l'analogie entre les critères essentiels pour une perspective dialectique et la compréhension que la négation du capitalisme développé demande deux types de stratégies, une fondée sur la négation comme supération interne et l'autre fondée sur la négation extérieure, la première révélée par les contradictions internes d'une totalité-part, la seconde, supération extérieure, que permet de comprendre la clameur de la justice e du bien, éléments universels de la totalité-majeure que la totalité-part capitaliste. / “Razão e Revolução de Herbert Marcuse, por uma Dialética de Alteração Institucional”, expõe a fundamentação filosófica de uma práxis revolucionária. A argumentação é desenvolvida a partir da reciprocidade entre dois critérios da dialética: a compreensão histórica dos objetivos libertários e a compreensão de sua efetivação institucional. A liberdade como categoria ontológica, primeiro critério e o processo político de libertação humana, o segundo, constituem-se elementos da dinâmica de reciprocidade como expostos na obra de 1941, “Razão e Revolução”. No prefácio “A note on dialectic” de 1960, a reciprocidade entre o processo de conscientização da liberdade e o processo de sua efetivação, constitue-se num discurso alternativo à capitulação ao estabelecido. Em 1966, reconhecemos a analogia dos critérios essenciais de uma perspectiva dialética com a compreensão de que a negação do capitalismo tardio exige dois tipos de estratégias, uma fundada na negação enquanto superação interna, e a outra fundada na negação como superação externa, a primeira expressa a partir das contradições internas de um todo-parte e a segunda, a superação externa, permite compreender o clamor por justiça e pelo bem, elementos universais de uma totalidade maior do que o todo-parte capitalista.

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