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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Development and Validation of the M.A.W.W.: A Measure to Assess Men's Allyhood toward Women in the Workplace

Sullivan, Edward J 27 March 2019 (has links)
In the workplace, women can experience stereotyping and marginalization as a result of their gender (Eagly & Carli, 2007; Gipson, Pfaff, Mendelsohn, Catenacci, & Burke, 2017). Having allies, or people who are supportive of or who advocate for an oppressed group can help members of marginalized communities to achieve personal and social success (Drury, 2014; Evans & Washington, 1991). The Men’s Allyhood toward Women in the Workplace (M.A.W.W.) measure seeks to evaluate men’s supportiveness of women in the workplace, enabling researchers and practitioners to understand and improve the climate for women at work. The M.A.W.W. was first developed with the input of five subject matter experts who commented on the clarity and relevance of a list of 84 proposed items. The item pool was pared down from 84 items to 59 which were then subjected to an exploratory factor analysis. The exploratory factor analysis narrowed the item pool from 59 to seventeen items. Although it was hypothesized that the M.A.W.W. would yield six factors, only three factors were supported by the analysis: Knowledge & Awareness, Action, and Skills & Capacity. These three factors showed internal consistency reliabilities that ranged from acceptable to excellent. A confirmatory factor analysis then led to the deletion of two more items, yielding a total of fifteen items for the final, three-factor version of the M.A.W.W. Convergent validity of this final measure was demonstrated by positive correlations with scales assessing affirming attitudes toward women in general. Evidence of divergent validity was shown with negative correlations with scales assessing negative and prejudicial attitudes against women. Furthermore, construct evidence was demonstrated with statistical analysis showing no correlation between the M.A.W.W. and a personality scale.

Écoutez voir : revisiter le genre par les voix des femmes dans les séries télévisées américaines contemporaines / Watch and Listen : Reconsidering Gender through women's voices in contemporary American TV series

Le Fèvre-Berthelot, Anaïs 05 December 2015 (has links)
Certaines séries télévisées américaines proposent un traitement riche et problématique des voix féminines. Ainsi, Ally McBeal (Fox, 1997-2002), Sex and the City (HBO, 1998-2004), Desperate Housewives (ABC, 2004-2012) et Gossip Girl (The CW, 2007-2012) utilisent une voix-off féminine, mettent en scène des discussions entre femmes et ont pour personnages principaux des femmes qui prennent la parole dans la sphère publique. L’analyse de ces voix multiples démontre comment les dispositifs centrés sur la voix et le discours participent de la représentation des femmes, de la féminité et des rapports de genre à la télévision américaine. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans les études télévisuelles féministes en proposant une synthèse des courants qui constituent cette approche. L’analyse des contenus est associée à une prise en compte du contexte de production tout en ébauchant une étude des processus de réception. Ces trois dimensions permettent d’envisager les séries comme des « actes-en-société ». Les études filmiques et télévisuelles, l’histoire et les sciences de l’information et de la communication notamment sont convoquées pour étudier les représentations du genre dans un corpus d’épisodes de séries, d’entretiens avec des professionnels et de réactions de téléspectatrices et téléspectateurs.Si les voix des femmes n’ont pas toujours eu droit de cité dans les médias américains, elles émergent massivement dans les séries depuis les années 1990 notamment grâce à l’héritage du soap opera, genre audiovisuel féminin mettant au premier plan des relations interpersonnelles et des dilemmes moraux. La pratique du commérage apparaît comme un modèle pour de nombreux récits sériels mettant en scène l’intimité. Les séries inscrivent ainsi les voix des femmes dans une économie médiatique en réseaux proposant une réactualisation des représentations du genre. / Several recent American TV series offer an original treatment of women’s voices. Ally McBeal (Fox, 1997-2002), Sex and the City (HBO, 1998-2004), Desperate Housewives (ABC, 2004-2012) and Gossip Girl (The CW, 2007-2012) use female voiceovers, emphasize women’s talk and center on female characters who have a public voice. Analyzing these voices shows how audiovisual apparatuses centered on voice and speech convey specific representations of women, femininity and gender on American television.This research mobilizes feminist televisual studies in focusing not only on contents, but also on production and reception. Thus TV series can be understood as « social acts », that have a direct impact on society. Borrowing tools from film and television studies, history and media studies is necessary to analyze the series’ episodes, several interviews conducted with TV writers and online reactions from viewers.American media contained women’s voices for a long time. They started to appear in TV series in the 1990s, in part through the influence of the soap opera genre, which focuses on interpersonal relations and moral dilemmas. Gossip is a gendered practice linked to the soap opera, it is a model for many contemporary serial narratives that foreground intimacy. The series set women’s voices in a networked economy and thus re-actualize gendered representations.

基於社群聯盟並有地理輔助之耐延遲網路的路由協定 / A novel DTN routing by social ally with geographic enhancement

羅文卿 Unknown Date (has links)
在DTN(Delay Tolerant Networks)這類的網路架構下,無線節點之 間的通訊連線是採非連續性建立的。DTN 路由協定中, 決定中繼節點 方式大致可以分成兩類:依地理位置考量的路由協定(Geographic Routing Protocal)和依社交模式考量的路由協定(Social-based Routing Portocal)。 由於人與人間的互動是透過社交關係, 但是真實的資訊傳遞又須 仰賴當時的地理位置。因此我們提出的演算法將網路拓墣分成社交層與地理層, 在社交層中利用Social Ally Selection Algorithm 挑選出合適的社交盟友(Social Ally)。在地理層中利用Geographic Messenger Forwarding Algorithm 挑選合適的節點將訊息傳送給朝向目的地或是社交中繼站的節點。根據實驗模擬結果, 我們的路由協定能有較佳的傳遞成功率, 並降低了延遲時間。 / Delay Tolerant networks (DTN) may lack continuous network connectivity. Most of these DTN routing protocol, which attempt to make better routing decision, could be divided in two categories: Geographic routing protocols and Social-based routing protocols. Due to the interaction between people through social behaviors and message transmissions rely on geographic position information, we proposed a routing protocol which network topology is divided into two sub layers: social layer and geographic layer. In social layer, we propose a Social Ally Selection Algorithm to decide social allies that are controlled to improve delivery performance. In geographic layer, we propose a Geographic Messenger Forwarding Algorithm to transmit message to the nodes moving toward to social ally or destination. According to the simulation results, we could show that our routing protocol have higher delivery ratio and lower delay latency compare to other protocols.

Moments of realization : the experiences, development, motivations and actions of student social justice allies

Owney, Catherine Sanders 09 February 2011 (has links)
Social justice allies make important contributions to fighting oppression in campus environments and in their communities after college. However, knowledge of how one becomes a social justice ally is limited. This qualitative, phenomenological study was designed in an effort to better understand the social justice ally development process and advances the pioneering work of Broido (1997, 2000). Examination of student’s understanding of her/his formative and college experiences helped determine how each alone and in combination with other factors or experiences, contributed to her/his ally development process. The role of student affairs professionals and programs in this process was also examined. This study was conducted at The University of Texas at Austin, which was selected because of the historical context, institutional environment and diversity-related initiatives implemented over the past 10 years. Review of the literature on ally development reveals that a majority of the existing research focuses on allies who take action against heterosexism or sexism. Through this research project I addressed this gap by including student allies who focus on other areas of privilege/oppression including classism and citizenship status. This study also expands the analysis of social justice allies by including examination of the influence of gender on the development, motivations and actions of allies. / text

Experiencing Allyhood: the complicated and conflicted journey of a spiritual-Mestiza-Ally to the land of colonization/decolonization

Avila Sakar, Andrea 20 December 2012 (has links)
Ally literature suggests processes and guidelines that non-Indigenous researchers can follow in order to establish respectful relationships (Battiste, 1998; Wilson, 2008; Edward, 2006; Margaret, 2010). It also states the importance of preparedness for engaging and sustaining long term alliances (Lang, 2010; Brophey, 2011); however specific training methods; modalities that support long-term relationships; practices to develop desired qualities; or self-care approaches for Allies have not been addressed in the literature. Through autoethnographic work I sought to explore this gap in literature. This study is situated within decolonizing methodologies looking to contribute to legitimizing traditional ways of knowing; and within Anzaldúas (1987) philosophical view of “Doing Mestizaje” (1987). My work is a personal account of the complicated and conflicted situation of working as an Ally, being both Mestiza and Buddhist in a culture of colonization/decolonization. Unique to this exploration are modalities I chose to help with a deeper understanding, and as possible approaches to address emotional stress and prevent burnout in Ally work: art, meditation, mindfulness practice, prayer, dream work, and narrative/poetry. My findings show that a Mestizo view of Allyhood presents differences with those of White Allies; that implementation of the Buddhist concepts of interdependence and selflessness can support Allies during a painful or stressful process of self-reflection, as well as through out the relationship; and that doing research as ceremony, and ceremony as research contributes to the revitalization of Indigenous traditional ways of knowing and its importance in Decolonizing work. / Graduate

Van snyerspak tot voorskoot : analise van die veranderinge in feminisme en uitbeeldings van vroulikheid in hedendaagse televisie vanaf 1997 tot vandag (Afrikaans)

Van der Walt, Martine 03 December 2012 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die teenwoordigheid van vroue in die massamedia, en spesifiek in televisie, is vroeg in die een-en-twintigste eeu groter as ooit vantevore. Reekse waarin uitbeeldings van vroue beperk was tot dié van meestal onderontwikkelde, periferale of sekondêre karakters, is iets van die verlede. Die wyse waarop vroue in televisie uitgebeeld word is dus uiters belangrik aangesien so ’n groot hoeveelheid televisiereekse spesifiek die vrouegehoor teiken wat, hetsy aktief of passief, met wat hulle in hierdie reekse sien omgaan. Boodskappe wat deur televisiereekse versprei word, sal waarskynlik onbewustelik ’n uitwerking hê op hoe vroue hulleself beskou, hoe hulle ander vroue beskou, sowel as op hulle houding jeens kwessies soos feminisme en vroulikheid. Die doel van hierdie studie is om dominante diskoerse oor feminisme en vroulikheid wat deur hedendaagse televisiereekse aan die samelewing voorgehou word, te ondersoek. Die studie konsentreer spesifiek op drie gewilde en veelbekroonde Amerikaanse televisiereekse van 1997 tot 2012, naamlik Ally McBeal (Kelley 1997- 2002), Sex and the City (Starr 1998-2004) en Desperate Housewives (Cherry 2004- 2012) – reekse wat al drie as sogenaamde zeitgeist-televisie beskryf kan word. Die artikulering van feministiese doelstellings, hetsy dié afkomstig uit die tweede generasie of uit meer onlangse bewegings in feminisme, val onder die soeklig en die wyse waarop hierdie doelstellings aangespreek word, word bespreek. Deur aspekte wat teoreties nóύ verband hou met feminisme (aspekte soos melodrama as ’n vroulik-geïdentifiseerde genre en verbruikerswese) te identifiseer, word daar aangvoer dat die drie reekse beslis in ’n feministiese sfeer geposisioneer is. Die teenwoordigheid van hierdie aspekte in die drie reekse het dan ook dieperliggende narratiewe oor feminisme blootgelê – narratiewe waarvan die alledaagse kyker waarskynlik nie bewus sal wees nie, maar wat onderbewustelik moontlik ’n invloed kan hê op kykers se denke oor en begrip van feminisme. Die belangrikste gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat die drie gekose televisiereekse op verskillende en uiteenlopende wyses met feminisme en vroulikheid omgaan. Verder ondersteun die studie die uitgangspunt dat daar ’n behoefte is aan kritiese debat rakende die uitbeeldings van feminisme en vroulikheid in hedendaagse voorbeelde van populêre massamedia. ENGLISH: The presence of women in mass media, specifically in television, in the twenty-first century is larger than ever and the days of series featuring women that are generally underdeveloped, peripheral or secondary characters is a thing of the past. The way in which females are portrayed in television is thus of the utmost importance since such a large number of television series cater to an extensive female audience, who engage (whether actively or passively) with that which they see. Messages received from popular television series are likely to inadvertently have an effect on how women view themselves, how they view other women, as well as their attitudes towards issues like feminism and femininity. The purpose of this study is to examine dominant discourses on feminism and feminity that are being propagated by contemporary television series. The specific focus of the study falls on three highly successful and critically acclaimed television series running from 1997 until 2012, namely Ally McBeal (Kelley 1997-2002), Sex and the City (Starr 1998-2004) and Desperate Housewives (Cherry 2004-2012) – series that have all been described as so-called Zeitgeist television. The articulation of feminist goals, whether from the second wave or more recent feminist movements, is examined and the ways in which these goals are addressed are discussed. By identifying aspects that are theoretically related to feminism (aspects like melodrama as a female identified genre and consumerism), it is argued that these three series are definitely positioned in a feminist sphere. The presence of these aspects also uncovered deep-seated feminist narratives – narratives that the everyday audience member will most likely not be aware of, but which could unconsciously influence viewers’ thoughts on and understanding of feminism. The main conclusion of this study entails that the three chosen television series deal with feminism and femininity in very different and diverse ways. Furthermore, the study supports the view that there is a need for critical debates on the representation of feminism and femininity in contemporary examples of popular mass media / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Visual Arts / unrestricted

The Process to Political Mobilization in Five College Capitalism: Forms of Antiracism, Personal Reflection and Community-Building

Homrich, Caitlin B. 24 March 2017 (has links)
The town of Amherst, Massachusetts is home to the flagship campus of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst College, and Hampshire College, institutions that have greatly influenced the town’s prolific history of political activism as well as the high educational attainment and economic status of the majority of its residents. Often hailed as a liberal utopia, research on the political mobilization occurring in this town provides insight into the process and limitations of ally politics: when most of the residents of Amherst are White, how do they engage in racial justice activism? When most of the residents are wealthy and/or highly educated, how do they engage in challenges to capitalism’s structural inequalities? In this thesis, I approach these questions by examining the political mobilization process of myself and others in three organizations: Coming Together, Re-Evaluation Counseling (RC), and the student organization, UMass Alliance for Community Transformation (UACT). I explore how Coming Together focused on antiracism in a process of focused personal reflection about racial identity and personal antiracism practices, and how that process silenced the people of color in the organization, was vii detrimental to my own mental health, and demobilized many potential-activists. In an effort to understand this organization better, I explore the practices of personal reflection and the vision of social change in RC, an organization which greatly influenced Coming Together. I argue that the more holistic and rigorous personal reflection in RC was more empowering, although taxing of energy. Finally, I contrast these experiences with the political mobilization I experienced in the UACT introductory course, Grassroots Community Organizing (GCO). I argue that the ongoing facilitation in critical personal reflection, relationship- and community-building, and practice in activism work in GCO was politically mobilizing and simultaneously produced a community culture of anti oppression. Ultimately, this thesis argues that effective activism against racism requires activism against capitalism, and vice-versa, and that highly intentional anti-oppression community-building can denaturalize, and mobilize participants against, the capitalist ideologies of alienation and competition. In order to do this comparative work, I rely heavily on the methods of participation observation and, rooted in Black feminist anthropology, autoethnography.

Developing Collaborative Leadership: A Study Of Organizational Change Toward Greater Collaboration And Shared Leadership

Clark, Jonathan Tyler 23 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Privileged Students: White Men as Social Justice Allies

Bridges, Christopher E. 25 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

"The Hidden Ally: How the Canadian Supreme Court Has Advanced the Vitality of the Francophone Quebec Community"

Roberts, Douglas Stuart 18 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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