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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Previsão de ações em atividades diárias para assistir pessoas com declínio cognitivo através de um modelo ontológico probabilístico / Prediction of actions in daily activities to assist people with cognitive decline through a probabilistic ontological model

Lunardi, Gabriel Machado January 2017 (has links)
A população idosa mundial está crescendo e, com ela, o número de diagnósticos de doenças relacionadas à velhice como, por exemplo, declínios cognitivos também. Essas doenças costumam afetar a autonomia do idoso no seu lar, especialmente no que se refere à realização de atividades diárias. Com isso em vista, é preciso empregar cuidadores e serviços de saúde que acabam por implicar em altos custos. Nesse sentido, surge a necessidade de conceber sistemas robustos, automatizados, utilizáveis e de baixo custo para a assistência pessoal. A concepção desses sistemas faz menção à área de Ambientes de Vivência Assistida. Portanto, esta dissertação propõe uma abordagem que beneficia os sistemas para Ambientes de Vivência Assistida com a capacidade de prever ações humanas para a facilitação de atividades diárias, particularmente quando declínios cognitivos relacionados à elas ocorrerem. Nesse sentido, foi concebido um meta-modelo semântico para a geração de modelos conceituais de contexto e de comportamento, compostos pelas ações humanas. A partir disso, a previsão de ações (informação de suporte) é realizada por um mecanismo de predição e inferência composto por um modelo semântico probabilístico. A abordagem é demonstrada através de um estudo de caso cujo cenário representa uma situação de declínio cognitivo, enfrentada por um usuário, que impede a condução de uma atividade diária. Então, o mecanismo de predição e inferência, utilizando o modelo semântico probabilístico, prevê qual a ação mais adequada que facilite a conclusão da atividade. Essa previsão é avaliada para aferir o quão bem um usuário seria auxiliado, isto é, se a operação prevista foi por ele realizada. Para isso, foi utilizado um dataset relacionado ao cenário do estudo de caso e medidas de desempenho como a precisão, a revocação e a medida-F. Os resultados dessa avaliação se mostraram promissores sendo, em média, 69,5% para a precisão, 100% para a revocação e 81% para a medida-F. As principais contribuições deste trabalho dizem respeito ao meta-modelo semântico a partir do qual pesquisas na área deste trabalho podem utilizar para gerar modelos de comportamento, e ao modelo semântico probabilístico que realiza predição através de raciocínio incerto sobre os modelos de comportamento, propiciando decisões mais precisas para auxiliar usuários com declínio cognitivo. / The world’s elderly population is growing and, with it, the number of diagnoses of diseases related to old age, such as cognitive declines as well. These diseases usually affect the autonomy of the elderly in their home, especially when it comes to performing daily activities. With this in mind, it is necessary to employ caregivers and health services that end up implying high costs. In this sense, the need arises to design robust, automated, usable and low-cost systems for personal assistance. The design of these systems makes reference to the area of Ambient Assisted Living. Therefore, this dissertation proposes an approach that benefits the Ambient Assisted Living systems with the ability to predict human actions for the facilitation of daily activities, particularly when cognitive declines related to them occur. In this sense, a semantic meta-model was conceived for the generation of conceptual models of context and behavior, composed by human actions. From this, the prediction of actions (information of support) is realized by a mechanism of prediction and inference composed by a probabilistic semantic model. The approach is demonstrated through a case study whose scenario represents a situation of cognitive decline, faced by a user, that prevents the conduct of a daily activity. Then, the prediction and inference mechanism, using the probabilistic semantic model, predicts the most appropriate action that facilitates the conclusion of the activity. This forecast is evaluated to gauge how well a user would be assisted, that is, if the intended operation was performed by him. For this, a dataset related to the case study scenario and performance measures such as precision, recall, and F-measure were used. The results of this evaluation are promising, averaging 69.5% for precision, 100% for recall and 81% for F-measure. The main contributions of this work are related to the semantic meta-model from which research in the area of this work can be used to generate behavioral models, and to the probabilistic semantic model that performs prediction through uncertain reasoning over behavior models, providing better decisions to help users with cognitive decline.

Proposta de um sistema de assistência personalizada para ambientes inteligentes

Vargas, Maurício Fontana de January 2016 (has links)
O fenômeno global de envelhecimento populacional está sendo acompanhado pelo rápido crescimento do número de pessoas com algum tipo de deficiência mental ou física, assim como diversas doenças crônicas relacionadas à idade. Devido ao fato de que a maioria dos idosos prefere ficar no conforto de suas residências, é essencial o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que auxiliem os idosos a terem uma vida independente e confortável em seus lares. Em especial, Ambientes Assistidos buscam agir proativamente de forma a auxilar de maneira correta o usuário na execução das suas Atividades de Vida Diária. Devido à grande variabilidade nos níveis de deficiência dos usuários, é fundamental que o Ambiente Assistido seja capaz de fornecer a assistência levando em consideração diversos aspectos relacionados ao usuário, como suas dificuldades, limitações e atividade sendo realizada. Este trabalho propõe um sistema que utiliza uma abordagem baseada nas tecnologias da Web Semântica e no paradigma multiagentes com o objetivo de fornecer assistência personalizada a pessoas idosas e com diversidades funcionais. As características do usuário foram modeladas por uma ontologia OWL, enquanto o mecanismo de reasoning responsável por inferir as preferências relacionadas aos serviços do ambiente foi implementada utilizando a linguagem SWRL. Ainda, os componentes presentes na arquitetura proposta são implementados na forma de agentes com funções específicas. Entre as característica inovadoras da proposta estão a incorporação de um modelo padronizado e internacionalmente conhecido para representar as deficiências, dificuldades e limitações dos usuários e a utilização de uma arquitetura distribuída que possui as características inerentes ao paradigma multiagentes, tais como escalabilidade, flexibilidade e dinamismo. A validação do sistema foi realizada através de sua integração com uma Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços que utiliza uma solução comercial de automação residencial e um simulador de Ambientes Inteligentes, e da sua utilização em três casos de usos definidos pelo projeto AAL Joint Programme. / The global phenomenon of population aging has been followed by the fast growth in the number of people with some kind of mental or physical disability and chronic illnesses associated with old age. Given the fact that the majority of older adults prefer to stay in the comfort of their own homes, it is crucial to develop technologies that help the elderly to live independently and comfortably in their homes. Specifically, Ambient Assisted Living environments aims to act proactively in order to properly assist the elderly and people with functional diversity to perform their Activities of Daily Living. Since these users tend to be greatly variable in regards to functioning and disability levels, it is essential that the ambient provides personalized assistance based on the user’s unique requirements, limitations, preferences, and activity being performed. This work proposes a system that uses an approach based on the Web Semantic technologies and the multiagent paradigm with the goal of providing personalized assistance to the elderly and people with functional diversity. The user’s characteristics were modeled using an OWL ontology and a reasoning mechanism responsible to infer the preferences related to the ambient services was implemented using SWRL rules. Furthermore, the proposed architecture components were implemented as agents with specific roles. Among the proposed system innovative features are the incorporation of a standardized and international model used to represent the user’s functional and disability information, and the use of a distributed architecture having the multiagent paradigm features, such as scalability, flexibility, and dynamism. The system’s validation was accomplished by its integration with a Service Oriented Architecture that uses a commercial automation solution and a smart environment simulator, and by its use in three use cases developed by the AAL Joint Programme.

Sensibilidade à situação em ambientes de vivência assistida : uma abordagem reativa, proativa e extensível / Situation awareness in ambient assisted living : a reactive, proactive and extensible approach

Machado, Alencar January 2015 (has links)
No futuro, espera-se que residências se tornem Ambientes Inteligentes capazes de assistir as pessoas que nelas habitam. Sistemas desenvolvidos para esses Ambientes de Vivência Assistida poderiam manipular o dinamismo existente dentro das residências. Estas normalmente são organizadas de acordo com o perfil do usuário, sendo que objetos, ao longo do tempo, são atualizados ou alterados em relação à localização, principalmente equipamentos eletrônicos. O perfil do usuário também pode se alterar ao longo do tempo. Por exemplo, diferentes doenças podem envolver o usuário e fazer com que a relação dele com os objetos da residência se alterem, sendo que, quando esta relação é alterada devido a problemas cognitivos (como esquecimentos), às vezes, o próprio usuário pode se colocar em situações indesejadas. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem para apoiar sistemas para Ambientes de Vivência Assistida (casas inteligentes) a identificar e prever situações que coloquem em risco a saúde dos usuários, tornando esses sistemas capazes de reagir frente a uma situação em curso, bem como se antecipar a uma situação de uma forma proativa, tentando eliminar ou suavizar seu impacto. Tal abordagem considera que, ao longo do tempo, o perfil do usuário pode mudar, sendo que diferentes situações podem surgir, as quais podem não terem sido previstas inicialmente na concepção do sistema. Nesse sentido, uma capacidade para a extensibilidade dos sistemas é inserida para identificação, predição e tomada de decisão para agir frente a essas novas situações. A abordagem é verificada através de experimentos empíricos, em um estudo de caso desenvolvido. As situações são simuladas e, posteriormente, detectadas pelo sistema para a escolha das ações mais apropriadas a serem executadas, resultando na utilização de funcionalidades dos dispositivos da residência, assim buscando agir frente à situação de interesse (i.e., indesejada). Nesse estudo de caso, novas situações indesejadas são injetadas no ambiente de vivência do usuário e a característica extensível são aplicadas, fazendo com que o sistema evolua para atuar frente a essas novas situações. / In the future, it is expected that the houses become intelligence environment able of assist the people who inhabit it. Systems developed for theses environments of assisted living could manipulate the dynamism existent inside of houses. These are usually organized according to the user profile, and over the time objects are updated or changed of location, mainly appliances. The user profile may change over time, for instance different diseases can involve the user and making the user’s relationship with household objects change over the time, and when that relation is changed due to cognitive impairments (forgetfulness), sometimes the user can place himself in unwanted situations. To this end, this thesis developed an approach to aid the systems for Ambient Assisted Living (smart houses) to identify and predict situations that endanger the user’s health in their living environment, thus becomes these systems able of react to a current situation, as well as to anticipate a situation in a proactive way, thus trying to eliminate or manipulate its impact. This approach takes into account that over the time the user’s profile can change, and different situations can arise, which maybe not have been initially planned in a first phase of development of the systems, therefore an extensible capability is applied to identify, predict and make decision for act against these new situations. This approach is verified by the developed case study, and situations are simulated for the system detect and choose the most appropriated actions. This approach is verified by the developed case study, and situations are simulated and subsequently detected by the system for choosing the most appropriate actions to be performed, resulting in the consumer of functionalities of the house devices, thus seeking to act against the unwanted situation.

Sensibilidade à situação em ambientes de vivência assistida : uma abordagem reativa, proativa e extensível / Situation awareness in ambient assisted living : a reactive, proactive and extensible approach

Machado, Alencar January 2015 (has links)
No futuro, espera-se que residências se tornem Ambientes Inteligentes capazes de assistir as pessoas que nelas habitam. Sistemas desenvolvidos para esses Ambientes de Vivência Assistida poderiam manipular o dinamismo existente dentro das residências. Estas normalmente são organizadas de acordo com o perfil do usuário, sendo que objetos, ao longo do tempo, são atualizados ou alterados em relação à localização, principalmente equipamentos eletrônicos. O perfil do usuário também pode se alterar ao longo do tempo. Por exemplo, diferentes doenças podem envolver o usuário e fazer com que a relação dele com os objetos da residência se alterem, sendo que, quando esta relação é alterada devido a problemas cognitivos (como esquecimentos), às vezes, o próprio usuário pode se colocar em situações indesejadas. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem para apoiar sistemas para Ambientes de Vivência Assistida (casas inteligentes) a identificar e prever situações que coloquem em risco a saúde dos usuários, tornando esses sistemas capazes de reagir frente a uma situação em curso, bem como se antecipar a uma situação de uma forma proativa, tentando eliminar ou suavizar seu impacto. Tal abordagem considera que, ao longo do tempo, o perfil do usuário pode mudar, sendo que diferentes situações podem surgir, as quais podem não terem sido previstas inicialmente na concepção do sistema. Nesse sentido, uma capacidade para a extensibilidade dos sistemas é inserida para identificação, predição e tomada de decisão para agir frente a essas novas situações. A abordagem é verificada através de experimentos empíricos, em um estudo de caso desenvolvido. As situações são simuladas e, posteriormente, detectadas pelo sistema para a escolha das ações mais apropriadas a serem executadas, resultando na utilização de funcionalidades dos dispositivos da residência, assim buscando agir frente à situação de interesse (i.e., indesejada). Nesse estudo de caso, novas situações indesejadas são injetadas no ambiente de vivência do usuário e a característica extensível são aplicadas, fazendo com que o sistema evolua para atuar frente a essas novas situações. / In the future, it is expected that the houses become intelligence environment able of assist the people who inhabit it. Systems developed for theses environments of assisted living could manipulate the dynamism existent inside of houses. These are usually organized according to the user profile, and over the time objects are updated or changed of location, mainly appliances. The user profile may change over time, for instance different diseases can involve the user and making the user’s relationship with household objects change over the time, and when that relation is changed due to cognitive impairments (forgetfulness), sometimes the user can place himself in unwanted situations. To this end, this thesis developed an approach to aid the systems for Ambient Assisted Living (smart houses) to identify and predict situations that endanger the user’s health in their living environment, thus becomes these systems able of react to a current situation, as well as to anticipate a situation in a proactive way, thus trying to eliminate or manipulate its impact. This approach takes into account that over the time the user’s profile can change, and different situations can arise, which maybe not have been initially planned in a first phase of development of the systems, therefore an extensible capability is applied to identify, predict and make decision for act against these new situations. This approach is verified by the developed case study, and situations are simulated for the system detect and choose the most appropriated actions. This approach is verified by the developed case study, and situations are simulated and subsequently detected by the system for choosing the most appropriate actions to be performed, resulting in the consumer of functionalities of the house devices, thus seeking to act against the unwanted situation.

A Human-Centered Activity Aware Framework for Adaptive Ambient Assisted Living

Thakur, Nirmalya 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

SmartWall: Novel RFID-enabled Ambient Human Activity Recognition using Machine Learning for Unobtrusive Health Monitoring

Oguntala, George A., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Noras, James M., Hu, Yim Fun, Nnabuike, Eya N., Ali, N., Elfergani, Issa T., Rodriguez, Jonathan 05 1900 (has links)
Yes / Human activity recognition from sensor readings have proved to be an effective approach in pervasive computing for smart healthcare. Recent approaches to ambient assisted living (AAL) within a home or community setting offers people the prospect of more individually-focused care and improved quality of living. However, most of the available AAL systems are often limited by computational cost. In this paper, a simple, novel non-wearable human activity classification framework using the multivariate Gaussian is proposed. The classification framework augments prior information from the passive RFID tags to obtain more detailed activity profiling. The proposed algorithm based on multivariate Gaussian via maximum likelihood estimation is used to learn the features of the human activity model. Twelve sequential and concurrent experimental evaluations are conducted in a mock apartment environment. The sampled activities are predicted using a new dataset of the same activity and high prediction accuracy is established. The proposed framework suits well for the single and multi-dwelling environment and offers pervasive sensing environment for both patients and carers. / Tertiary Education Trust Fund of Federal Government of Nigeria and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 SECRET-722424

Graded possibilistic clustering of non-stationary data streams

Abdullatif, Amr R.A., Masulli, F., Rovetta, S., Cabri, A. 27 January 2020 (has links)
Yes / Multidimensional data streams are a major paradigm in data science. This work focuses on possibilistic clustering algorithms as means to perform clustering of multidimensional streaming data. The proposed approach exploits fuzzy outlier analysis to provide good learning and tracking abilities in both concept shift and concept drift.

Influence of trust in Ambient Assisted Living technologies

Steinke, Frederick 13 March 2015 (has links)
Zwischenmenschliches Vertrauen spielt in Beziehungen eine wichtige Rolle und beinhaltet die Erwartung, dass auf das Wort des Anderen Verlass ist (Rotter, 1967). Auch im Zusammenhang mit Automation und Mensch-Maschine-Systemen erlangt die Betrachtung von Vertrauen in den vergangenen Jahren immer größere Bedeutung. In den Bereichen automatisierte Fahrzeugsteuerung oder militärische Freund-Feind-Erkennung wurde bereits eine Vielzahl von Erhebungen durchgeführt. Einen Forschungsgegenstand, der bislang jedoch weitestgehend unbeachtet geblieben ist, stellen Heim-Automatisierungen und Unterstützungstechnologien für ältere Personen dar. Die vorliegende Dissertation möchte einen Anstoß für die Forschungsaktivitäten im Kontext von Vertrauen in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Systeme geben und gleichzeitig die Möglichkeiten von Unterstützungs-technologien (für beeinträchtigte Personen) im Wohnumfeld aufzeigen. Im Fokus der Untersuchung steht dabei das Vertrauen älterer Personen, als potentielle Endnutzer, in AAL Systeme. Nach Durchführung der Literaturanalyse, wurden mittels einer Fragebogenstudie zunächst verschiedene Einflussfaktoren auf das Vertrauen in AAL sowie die Nutzungsabsicht der senioren Zielgruppe erforscht. Unter Einbeziehung der Variablen des Technology Acceptance Modells (TAM) (Davis, 1989) werden Personen mit und ohne täglichem Unterstützungsbedarf befragt. Basierend auf den dadurch gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wurden zwei Experimente durchgeführt. Die Probanden der beiden Experimente, die jeweils eine seniore Testgruppe und eine junge Kontrollgruppe umfassten, sollten mittels eines Mock-Ups auf einem Tablet-Computer verschiedene Aufgaben im Wohnumfeld bearbeiten. Im ersten Experiment wurde zusätzlich zu der Standard-Bedienoberfläche der AAL Technologie, entweder persönliche Unterstützung via Operateur oder eine technische Unterstützung zur Verfügung gestellt. Das zweite Experiment untersuchte drei unterschiedliche Stufen von Zuverlässigkeit einer AAL Applikation. / Interpersonal trust as “expectancy that the verbal statements of others can be relied upon” (Rotter, 1967; p. 651) plays an important role in human relationships. But even in the context of automation and man-machine systems, the consideration of trust has acquired even greater importance in recent years. In the field of automated vehicle control systems or military friend-or-foe recognition, a large number of surveys relating to trust have been conducted. An area of research that, to date, has not been well-investigated is home automation, such as smart home and assistive technologies for older people. The present thesis aims to initiate such research activities in the context of trust in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems, as well as to demonstrate the opportunities that assistive technologies present for impaired persons in the living environment. The focus of the present survey is on the trust of older people, as potential end-users, in AAL systems. To establish an understanding of the state of this research field, a literature review has been conducted. Subsequently, the various factors influencing trust in AAL and usage intention of the elderly target group are examined via a written questionnaire study. Taking into account the variables of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989), persons with and without need for daily support are interviewed. Based on the obtained results, two subsequent experiments were carried out. The participants in the two experiments, each including a senior test group and a young control group, worked on various tasks through a mock-up on a tablet-computer in the living environment. In the first experiment, in addition to the standard user interface of the AAL technology, either personal support via operator or a technical embedded support was provided to test the differential impact on the trust of the participants in AAL. The second experiment included three different levels of reliability of an AAL application.

Localisation dans les bâtiments des personnes handicapées et classification automatique de données par fourmis artificielles / Indoor localization of disabled people and ant based data clustering

Amadou Kountché, Djibrilla 22 November 2013 (has links)
Le concept du « smart » envahit de plus en plus notre vie quotidienne. L’exemple type est sans doute le smartphone. Celui-ci est devenu au fil des ans un appareil incontournable. Bientôt, c’est la ville, la voiture, la maison qui seront « intelligentes ». L’intelligence se manifeste par une capacité d’interaction et de prise de décision entre l’environnement et l’utilisateur. Ceci nécessite des informations sur les changements d’états survenus des deux côtés. Les réseaux de capteurs permettent de collecter ces données, de leur appliquer des pré-traitements et de les transmettre aux applications. Ces réseaux de par certaines de leurs caractéristiques se rapprochent de l’intelligence collective, dans le sens, où des entités de faibles capacités se coordonnent automatiquement, sans intervention humaine, de façon décentralisée et distribuée pour accomplir des tâches complexes. Ces méthodes bio-inspirées ont servi à la résolution de plusieurs problèmes, surtout l’optimisation, ce qui nous a encouragé à étudier la possibilité de les utiliser pour les problèmes liés à l’Ambient Assisted Living ou AAL et à la classification automatique de données. L’AAL est un sous-domaine des services dits basés sur le contexte, et a pour objectifs de faciliter la vie des personnes âgées et handicapées dans leurs défis quotidiens. Pour ce faire, il détermine le contexte et, sur cette base, propose divers services. Deux éléments du contexte nous ont intéressé : le handicap et la position. Bien que la détermination de la position (localisation, positionnement) se fasse à l’extérieur des bâtiments avec des précisions très satisfaisantes, elle rencontre plusieurs difficultés à l’intérieur des bâtiments, liées à la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques dans les milieux difficiles, aux coûts des systèmes, à l’interopérabilité, etc. Nos travaux se sont intéressés au positionnement des personnes handicapées à l’intérieur de bâtiments en utilisant un réseau de capteurs afin de déterminer les caractéristiques de l’onde électromagnétique (puissance, temps, angle) pour estimer la position par méthodes géométriques (triangulation, latération), méthodes de fingerprinting (k plus proches voisins), par des filtres baysiens (filtre de Kalman). L’application est d’offrir des services types AAL tel que la navigation. Nous avons élargi la notion de réseau de capteurs pour prendre en compte tout appareil capable d’émettre et de recevoir une onde électromagnétique et se trouvant dans l’environnement. Nous avons aussi appliqué l’algorithme API sur la classification automatique de données. Enfin, nous avons proposé une architecture à middleware pour la localisation indoor. / The concept of « smart » invades more and more our daily life. A typical example is the smartphone, which becames by years an essential device. Soon, it’s the city, the car and the home which will become « smart ». The intelligence is manifested by the ability for the environment to interact and to take decisons in its relationships with users and other environments. This needs information on state changes occurred on both sides. Sensor networks allow to collect these data, to apply on them some pre-processings and to transmit them. Sensor network, towards some of their caracteristics are closed to Swarm Intelligence in the sense that small entities with reduced capababilities can cooperate automatically, in unattended, decentralised and distributed manner in order to accomplish complex tasks. These bio-inspired methods have served as basis for the resolution of many problems, mostly optimization and this insipired us to apply them on problems met in Ambient Assisted Living and on the data clustering problem. AAL is a sub-field of context-aware services, and its goals are to facilitate the everyday life of elderly and disable people. These systems determine the context and then propose different kind of services. We have used two important elements of the context : the position and the disabilty. Although positioning has very good precision outdoor, it faces many challenges in indoor environments due to the electromagnetic wave propagation in harsh conditions, the cost of systems, interoperabilty, etc. Our works have been involved in positioning disabled people in indoor environment by using wireless sensor network for determining the caracteristics of the electromagnetic wave (signal strenght, time, angle) for estimating the position by geometric methods (triangulation, lateration), fingerprinting methods (k-nearest neighbours), baysiens filters (Kalman filter). The application is to offer AAL services like navigation. Therefore we extend the definition of sensor node to take into account any device, in the environment, capable of emiting and receiving a signal. Also, we have studied the possibility of using Pachycondylla Apicalis for data clustering and for indoor localization by casting this last problem as data clustering problem. Finally we have proposed a system based on a middleware architecture.

Akzeptanz von Ambient-Assisted-Living-Lösungen: Befragung von Seniorinnen und Senioren im Landkreis Görlitz

Preißler, Joachim, Unger, Cindy, Honekamp, Ivonne, Hoff, Andreas, Thiele, Gisela, Lässig, Jörg, Honekamp, Wilfried 12 August 2016 (has links)
Hintergrund. Der Anteil älterer Menschen an der Bevölkerung nimmt stetig zu. Einer der Ansätze zur Bewältigung der zunehmenden Alterung ist der Einsatz von technischen Hilfsmitteln (Ambient Assisted Living – AAL), die es ermöglichen, dass alternde Menschen möglichst lange in ihrer gewohnten Umgebung wohnen bleiben können und die zu einer Entlastung der Health Professionals beitragen sollen. Hier wird eine Befragung zu den Nutzerpräferenzen von Senioren im Kreis Görlitz, Sachsen vorgestellt. Methodik. Um die AAL-Akzeptanz der Senioren zu untersuchen, wurde eine Befragung durch die Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz durchgeführt, die Aufschluss über die Bedürfnisse, Präferenzen und mögliche Barrieren älterer Menschen bezüglich assistierender Technologien geben soll. Es wurden insgesamt 29 Senioren befragt. Ergebnisse. Es zeigte sich, dass besonders Technologien, die die Sicherheit erhöhen, von den Befragten gewünscht werden (Rauchmelder, Wärmesensor). Hohe Akzeptanz erfahren auch der Transponder zur Türöffnung, die Klingel mit optischem Signal, die Geräteabschaltung und die automatische Flurbeleuchtung. Wenig Zustimmung erhalten die Terminerinnerung, das Informationsdisplay und die automatische Lüftung. Auch die Messung der Luftfeuchte mit Alarm und die Vitalerkennung mit Notruf werden kaum akzeptiert. Diskussion. Bezüglich der Akzeptanz durch einzelne Personengruppen (Einfluss soziodemographischer Faktoren), konnte nicht immer eindeutige Tendenzen erkannt werden. Die Ergebnisse sollen im Zuge einer Umfrage durch die Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz mit 1.000 Personen (Projekt: „Vertrauen in Assistenz-Technologien zur Inklusion - VATI“) entsprechend überprüft und verifiziert werden. / Background. The proportion of older people in the population is steadily increasing. One of the approaches to the management of aging is the use of technical aids (Ambient Assisted Living - AAL), which make it possible that aging people to remain living in their familiar surroundings as long as possible and to contribute to relief of Health Professionals. Here a survey on user preferences of seniors in the district Görlitz, Saxony is presented. Methodology. To investigate the AAL acceptance of the seniors, a survey by the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz was performed, the information on the needs, preferences and potential barriers older people should give respect to assistive technologies. 29 seniors were interviewed. Results. It was found that most technologies, enhance its security, desired by the respondents (smoke detectors, heat sensor). High acceptance will also learn the transponder to the door opening bell with optical signal, the unit shutdown and automatic corridor lighting. Little agreement receive the appointment reminder, the information display and automatic ventilation. The measurement of humidity with alarm and detection with Vital Emergency hardly be accepted. Discussion. Regarding the acceptance by particular groups of people (influence of sociodemographic factors), could not be detected always clear tendencies. The results are expected in the course of a survey by the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz with 1.000 persons (Project: 'Trust in assistance technologies for inclusion - VATI') are checked and verified accordingly.

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