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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da cinética de crescimento de células de inseto Sf21 e infecção por baculovírus Anticarsia gemmatalis (AgMNPV) para a produção de bioinseticida. / Kinect study of Sf21 insect cells growth and infection by Anticarsia gemmatalis (agMNPV) baculovirus for bioinsecticicle production.

Guilherme Augusto Del Padre 04 December 2015 (has links)
O interesse em estudar o cultivo das células de inseto está relacionado entre outros usos a sua utilização na produção de biopesticidas. Há muitos anos os pesticidas químicos vêm contribuindo no controle de pragas na agricultura. Entretanto, o uso desses compostos prolongadamente tem resultado na seleção de insetos resistentes e em poluição ambiental. Diante disso, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento dos bioinseticidas. No Brasil, o baculovírus Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV) foi o principal agente de controle biológico da praga da soja Anticarsia gemmatalis. Assim, estudos que viabilizem a produção desses vírus in vitro possibilitariam uma produção mais controlada e de melhor qualidade desses biopesticidas. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a suscetibilidade à infecção por AgMNPV de diferentes linhagens celulares de Sf21 e o crescimento dessas células em diferentes sistemas: cultivos em schotts, em spinner e em biorreator, variando-se a idade do inóculo (IA) e a concentração celular inicial (X0). Constatou-se variação no perfil de infecção das linhagens, sendo as linhagens mais adequadas para a produção de bioinseticida as linhagens de Sf21 denominadas EMBRAPA, UFRN e GibcoG, uma vez que estas apresentaram mais do que 40 % das células com poliedros em cultivos em suspensão, enquanto a linhagem denominada GibcoSF teve menos de 2 % das células infectadas com poliedros. Ao se estudar o efeito do número de subcultivos na morfologia e crescimento celular, foi averiguado um aumento no diâmetro de 10 % e no volume de 26 % das células UFRN em relação às células GibcoSF. Além disso, o crescimento das células UFRN foi 49% menor do que das células GibcoSF. Quando realizado o Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR) para se analisar o efeito da IA e a X0 na taxa de crescimento específica máxima (?max) e na concentração celular máxima (Xvmax) em cultivos em schott com células UFRN, obteve-se um modelo empírico. Quando analisadas as variáveis IA e X0 separadamente, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas para as respostas Xvmax e ?max em relação a X0. Para a IA, entretanto, obteve-se os resultados mais satisfatórios para os inóculos com IA de 72 e 96 horas: Xvmax de 5,97.106 cel/mL e 5,99.106 cel/mL, e ?max de 0,70 dia-1 e 0,63 dia-1, respectivamente. Nos cultivos em spinner com células UFRN, foi observada a formação de grumos, o que levou a Xvmax de 2,00.106 cel/mL. No cultivo em biorreator com células UFRN, foi obtido um Xvmax de 6,21.106 cel/mL, ?max de 0,70 dia-1, Qo2 na fase exponencial de 67,3 ± 3,6 .10-18 molO2/cel/s, rendimento de glicose em célula igual a 1,0.109 cel/g de glicose e um rendimento de glutamina em células de 3,0.109 cel/mL. Comprovou-se, portanto, a existência de alterações na infecção entre diferentes linhagens de Sf21; a importância do estado fisiológico da célula nos subcultivos, a ocorrência de mudanças no crescimento celular de acordo com os sistemas de cultivo e o efeito do número de subcultivos na morfologia e crescimento de células Sf21. / Investigate the cultivation of insect cells is related to its use in the production of biopesticides among others. For many years, chemical pesticides have contributed in pest control in agriculture. However, the use of these compounds for prolonged periods has resulted in the selection of resistant insects and environmental pollution. Therefore, it is necessary the development and improvement of biopesticides. In Brazil, the baculovirus Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV) is the main biological control agent of the plague of soy Anticarsia gemmatalis. Thus, studies that enhance the production of these viruses in vitro would allow a more controlled production and better quality of biopesticides. In the present research, it was investigated the susceptibility of different Sf21 cell lines to infection by AgMNPV and the growth of these cells in different systems: cultivations in schotts, in spinner flasks and in bioreactor, varying the inoculum age (IA) and initial cell concentration (X0). Variation was observed in the lineage\'s infection profile. The most appropriate lineage for the production of biopesticida where the ones denominated EMBRAPA, UFRN and GibcoG, since these showed more than 40% of the infected cells with polyhedra, while the one denominated GibcoSF had less than 2% of the infected cells with polyhedra. When studying the effect of the number of subcultures in morphology and in cell growth, an increase of 10% of the diameter and 26% in the volume of the UFRN cells was observed compared to the GibcoSF cells. Moreover, the cell growth of UFRN was 49% lower than the GibcoSF\'s. When performed the Rotational Central Composite Design (RCCD) to analyze the effect of IA and X0, the maximum specific growth rate (?max) and the maximum cell concentration (Xvmax) in cultures in schott with UFRN cells, it was obtained an empirical model. When the IA and X0 were separately analysed, it was not found significant differences for Xvmax and ?max in relation to X0. For IA, however, it was achieved the most satisfactory results for inocula with IA of 72 and 96 hours: Xvmax equals to 5.97x106 cells/mL and to 5.99x106 cells/ml, and ?max of 0.70 day-1 and 0.63 day-1, respectively. Cultures in spinner with UFRN cells clumped what led to Xvmax of 2.00x106 cells/mL. In cultivation in bioreactor with UFRN cells, was reached Xvmax of 6.21x106 cells/mL, ?max of 0.70 day-1, Qo2 in the exponential phase of 67.3 ± 3.6x10-18 molO2/cell/s, glucose to the cell yield equal to 1.0x109 cell/g of glucose and glutamine to cell yield of 3.0x109 cell/g of glutamine. It was shown, therefore, the existence of the infection alterations among different lineages of Sf21, the importance of the physiological state of the cell for the subcultivation, the occurrence of changes in cell growth according to the cultivation systems and the effect of the number of subcultivation in morphology and in growth of Sf21 cells.

Desenvolvimento de biomarcador específico de células beta pancreáticas (incretina radiomarcada) para imagem da massa beta funcional em diabéticos e obesos: estudo em modelo animal / Development of biomarker specific of pancreatic beta cells (incretin radiolabelled) for image of beta functional mass in diabetic and obese: study in animal model

SEO, DANIELE 09 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-10-09T13:37:26Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T13:37:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O aumento nos casos de obesidade em todo o mundo tem gerado grande preocupação e estimulado pesquisas na prevenção e tratamento dessa condição patológica. A combinação de diabetes tipo 2 ou resistência insulínica com obesidade agrava o potencial evolutivo da enfermidade. Mesmo pacientes submetidos com sucesso à cirurgia bariátrica ou metabólica, podem não se curar do diabetes, pois a melhora das taxas circulantes de glicose e insulina nem sempre corresponde à recuperação da massa beta pancreática. Até o momento, não há consenso sobre como medir a massa de células beta in vivo. As ferramentas disponíveis padecem de baixa sensibilidade e especificidade, muitas vezes revelando-se também complexas e dispendiosas. Incretinas radiomarcadas ,como os análogos do peptídeo glucagon-like-peptide-1 / GLP-1, têm-se revelado promissoras para avaliação de células beta pancreáticas, em diabetes e insulinoma. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de dois conjugados de análogo de incretina GLP-1, marcados com tecnécio-99m, a fim de propor um método não invasivo de imagem, para monitoração da massa de células beta pancreáticas, em organismos afetados por obesidade. O estudo foi conduzido em diferentes modelos animais, incluindo obesidade induzida por dieta hiperlipídica, estado pós-obesidade em que o distúrbio inicialmente gerado foi parcialmente corrigido, e como controle, diabetes induzido com aloxana. Nos resultados, os radiotraçadores alcançaram um rendimento radioquímico superior a 97%. O melhor radiomarcador, dentre os dois análogos ensaiados, foi o 99mTc-HYNIC-βAla-Exendin-4. Animais com obesidade induzida por dieta revelaram captação reduzida nas células beta pancreáticas. A restrição dietética (estado pós-obesidade) não se seguiu de recuperação completa, embora notável melhora de glicemia haja sido observada. Estudos futuros são indicados em modelos de obesidade, diabetes tipo 2 e tratamento dietético, incluindo cirurgia bariátrica e metabólica. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Vias de sinalização e efeito biológico da corticotropina (ACTH), do peptídeo NH2-terminal da pró-opiomelanocortina (N-POMC) e do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos (FGF2) em culturas primárias de células da suprarrenal de rato. / Signaling pathways and biological effects of corticotropin (ACTH), pro-opiomelanocortin NH2-terminal peptide (N-POMC) and fibroblast growth factor type 2 (FGF2) in rat adrenal primary culture cells.

Gabriele Ebling Mattos 24 May 2011 (has links)
Um dos fatores que regula o córtex adrenal é o hormônio adrenocorticotrópico, ACTH, no entanto, o fator de crescimento de fibroblastos do tipo 2, FGF2, e os peptídeos N-terminais da pro-opiomelanocortina, N-POMC, também podem estar envolvidos. As vias de sinalização das proteínas quinases: ERK, JNK e p38, juntamente com outras vias como PKA, PKC e PI3K/Akt são importantes para a definição trófica das células. Nós analisamos a importância destas vias de sinalização e sua influência na viabilidade, proliferação e morte celular, induzidas pelo ACTH, FGF2 e N-POMC, utilizando inibidores farmacológicos e moleculares em culturas primárias de células adrenocorticais, células glomerulosa e fasciculadas/reticulares. Nossos resultados mostram que as vias mediadoras envolvidas na resposta proliferativa do FGF2 e da N-POMC são, respectivamente, as vias ERK/JNK e ERK/JNK/Akt. Por outro lado, a resposta pró-apoptótica promovida pelo ACTH é mediada pela via p38, provavelmente associada à ausência de ativação das vias relacionadas com a sobrevivência, como as vias ERK e JNK. / One of the factors that regulate adrenal cortex is the adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH, however, the fibroblast growth factor type 2, FGF2) and pro-opiomelanocortin N-terminal peptides, N-POMC, might also be involved. The mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways: ERK, JNK and p38, together with other signaling pathways such as PKA, PKC and PI3K/Akt are important for cells trophic definition. We analyze the importance of these pathways and their influence in viability, proliferation and cell death stimulated by ACTH, FGF2 and N-POMC, using pharmacological and molecular inhibitors in primary culture of adrenocortical cells, glomerulosa and fasciculata/reticularis cells. Our results show that the mediating signaling pathways involved in FGF2 and N-POMC proliferative effects are, respectively, ERK/JNK and ERK/JNK/Akt. On the other hand, the pro-apoptotic response promoted by ACTH is through p38 signaling, probably associated with the absence of activation of other pathways involved with cell survival, like ERK and JNK.

Cultivos de células animais visando a altas concentrações celulares: processo em perfusão e suplementação com aminoácidos. / Animal cell cultures aiming high cell concentrations: perfusion process and amino acids supplementation.

Bruno Labate Vale da Costa 20 March 2013 (has links)
Células animais são alvo de pesquisas visando sua utilização como plataforma para a expressão de proteínas recombinantes, desde vacinas veterinárias até fatores de coagulação para hemofílicos. Exemplos incluem células de inseto Drosophila melanogaster S2 e células de mamífero BHK-21, que vêm sendo estudadas visando a sua utilização para a produção da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva. Independentemente da estratégia de cultivo utilizada, altas concentrações celulares são em geral associadas a uma maior produção da proteína de interesse. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de investigar estratégias que possibilitariam o cultivo de células animais em altas concentrações celulares. Células de inseto Drosophila melanogaster S2 produtoras da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva foram cultivadas em frascos agitados a 100 rpm e 28, em meio livre de soro SF 900 II suplementado com os aminoácidos asparagina, cisteína, prolina e serina. A adição dos quatro aminoácidos no meio de cultura refletiu em um aumento da concentração celular máxima (XV MÁX) em 16%. Cisteína, quando adicionada isoladamente no meio de cultura, refletiu em uma velocidade específica máxima de crescimento celular (MÁX) 56% maior. Nessa condição, o fator de conversão glicose a célula (YX/GLC) foi 47% maior, indicando um metabolismo de glicose mais eficiente na geração de células. Esses resultados indicam que cisteína é provavelmente substrato limitante do cultivo de células S2AcGPV em meio SF 900 II. Já células de mamífero BHK-21 (C13), adaptadas ao crescimento em suspensão, foram cultivadas em processo de perfusão, processo contínuo em que há retenção celular, o que permite alcançar concentrações celulares mais altas que processos em batelada ou em modo contínuo sem retenção celular. Foi utilizado um biorreator do tipo tanque agitado com 1,5 L de volume de trabalho e spin-filter interno, com poro de diâmetro igual a 10 m, acoplado ao eixo do impelidor. Durante o cultivo, o pH foi controlado em 7,2, a agitação em 80 rpm, a temperatura em 37 e o oxigênio dissolvido em 50% da saturação com o ar. A concentração celular máxima alcançou 15,7 x 106 céls mL-1, muito superior à do cultivo em batelada (aproximadamente 5 x 106 céls mL-1). A viabilidade celular foi superior a 90% durante os 48 dias de cultivo. Na fase batelada do cultivo em perfusão, as velocidades de consumo de glicose (qGLC) e de glutamina (qGLN) foram 84% e 32% maiores, respectivamente, em relação às velocidades observadas no cultivo em batelada. Analogamente, as velocidades de produção de lactato (qLAC) e de amônio (qNH4) foram 78% e 102% maiores, respectivamente. Ainda, o coeficiente de manutenção celular não foi desprezível, e o consumo de glicose associado à manutenção celular foi de 83%. Esses dados indicam que a presença do spin-filter interno pode estar associada a estresse celular. Na perfusão, a concentração celular foi cerca de 3 vezes maior do que no cultivo contínuo sem reciclo de células. Provou-se que é possível cultivar células BHK-21 adaptadas a crescimento em suspensão em altas concentrações celulares em escala laboratorial, utilizando biorreator de bancada e spin-filter interno como sistema de retenção celular. / Animal cells have been under research as a platform for the expression of recombinant proteins, ranging from veterinary vaccines to blood coagulation factors for treating hemophilia. Examples include insect Drosophila melanogaster S2 and hamster BHK-21 cells, currently being studied for the production of rabies virus glycoprotein. Regardless of the cultivation strategy, high cell concentrations are usually associated to a higher protein production. Thus, the aim of this research was to investigate animal cell cultivation strategies that would allow higher cell concentrations than those previously reported. Cells of Drosophila melanogaster S2 expressing the rabies virus glycoprotein (S2AcGPV) were cultivated in shake flasks at 100 rpm and 28 , in SF 900 II serum-free medium supplemented with the following amino acids: asparagine, cysteine, proline, and serine. The addition of the four amino acids to the medium increased the maximum cell concentration (XV MAX) in 16%. When only cysteine was added to the medium, the maximum specific growth rate (ÊMAX) was 56% higher. In this condition, the cell yield on glucose (YX/GLC) was 47% higher, indicating a more efficient glucose metabolism. These results show that cysteine is likely a limiting substrate of S2AcGPV cells growing in SF 900 II medium. In turn, baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21/C13), adapted to growth in suspension culture, were cultivated in perfusion, a continuous process with cell retention that allows higher cell concentration than batch or continuous cultures without cell retention. A stirred tank bioreactor with a working volume of 1.5 L was used, with an internal spin-filter with 10 µm diameter pores attached to the impeller shaft. Temperature was controlled at 37 , pH at 7.2, agitation at 80 rpm and dissolved oxygen at 50% of air saturation. The maximum cell concentration reached 15.7 x 106 cells mL-1, much higher than the cell concentration achieved in a standard batch cultivation (5 x 106 cells mL-1). Cell viability was above 90% during the 48-day cultivation period. During the batch phase of the perfusion cultivation, specific rates of glucose (qGLC) and glutamine (qGLN) consumption were 84% and 32% higher, respectively, when compared to the batch cultivation. Similarly, the specific rates of lactate (qLAC) and ammonium (qNH4) formation were 78% and 102% higher, respectively. During perfusion, the cell maintenance coefficient was not negligible and represented 83% of total glucose consumption. These data indicate that the presence of an internal spin-filter may be associated to cell stress. In perfusion, cell concentration was about 3 times higher than that in continuous culture without cell recycle. In conclusion, it was proved that suspension-adapted BHK-21 cells can be cultivated in a laboratory-scale bioreactor with an internal spin-filter, in order to achieve high cell concentrations.

Ação da jararagina na expressão gênica e protéica de mediadores pró-inflamatórios por células endoteliais humanas. / Action of jararhagin in gene and protein expression of proinflammatory mediators by human endothelial cells.

Daiana Silva Lopes 24 February 2011 (has links)
A jararagina, isolada do veneno de Bothrops jararaca, possui efeito pró-inflamatório caracterizado por edema, liberação de citocinas e migração celular. Neste estudo, demonstramos o aumento na expressão gênica da quimiocina IL-8, moléculas de adesão (E-Selectina, V-CAM-1, I-CAM-1), CD-69, Angiopoetina-2 e MMP-10 em HUVECs estimuladas com jararagina. Também investigamos o efeito da jararagina na expressão protéica de moléculas de adesão e da quimiocina IL-8. A molécula de adesão PECAM-1 foi expressa na superfície das HUVECs em todos os tratamentos e intervalos de tempo analisados. Entretanto não observamos aumento da expressão de E-selectina e VCAM-1 após estímulo com a jararagina. A jararagina também não induziu a liberação de IL-8. Nossos resultados sugerem que a jararagina se liga nas células endoteliais, mas o receptor celular envolvido neste efeito ainda não está claro. Este trabalho contribui com a literatura na medida em que elucida a participação de importantes genes dentro do contexto inflamatório desencadeado pela jararagina em células endoteliais. / Jararhagin, from Bothrops jararaca venom, causes a local reaction manifested by edema, cytokine release and inflammatory cells recruitment. In this study we evaluated by real time PCR the expression of 9 genes involved in inflammatory response, triggered by jararhagin in HUVECs. Our results showed a significant increase in the gene expression of chemokine IL-8, adhesion molecules (E-selectin, V-CAM-1, I-CAM-1), CD-69, angiopoietin-2 and MMP-10. We also investigated the effect of jararhagin on expression of adhesion molecules in the surface of HUVECs by flow cytometry. We did not observe increased expression of E-selectin and VCAM-1 molecules on the surface of HUVECs compared with control. Jararhagin did not increase the release of soluble chemokine IL-8 in HUVECs supernatant. Our results suggest that jararhagin binds to endothelial cells, but the cellular receptor involved in this effect remains unclear. This work contributes to the literature highlighting the participation of important genes within the inflammatory context triggered by jararhagin on endothelial cells.

Hydrogen peroxide-mediated oxidative stress disrupts calcium binding on calmodulin: more evidence for oxidative stress in vitiligo

Wood, John M., Gibbons, Nick C., Abou Elloof, M.M., Schallreuter, Karin U. 14 July 2009 (has links)
No / Patients with acute vitiligo have low epidermal catalase expression/activities and accumulate 10 -3 M H 2O 2. One consequence of this severe oxidative stress is an altered calcium homeostasis in epidermal keratinocytes and melanocytes. Here, we show decreased epidermal calmodulin expression in acute vitiligo. Since 10 -3M H 2O 2 oxidises methionine and tryptophan residues in proteins, we examined calcium binding to calmodulin in the presence and absence of H 2O 2 utilising 45calcium. The results showed that all four calcium atoms exchanged per molecule of calmodulin. Since oxidised calmodulin looses its ability to activate calcium ATPase, enzyme activities were followed in full skin biopsies from lesional skin of patients with acute vitiligo (n = 6) and healthy controls (n = 6). The results yielded a 4-fold decrease of ATPase activities in the patients. Computer simulation of native and oxidised calmodulin confirmed the loss of all four calcium ions from their specific EF-hand domains. Taken together H 2O 2-mediated oxidation affects calcium binding in calmodulin leading to perturbed calcium homeostasis and perturbed L-phenylalanine-uptake in the epidermis of acute vitiligo.

Intérêts des hydrolysats de levure dans les procédés de culture de cellules CHO productrices d'anticorps : analyse cinétique, fractionnements et caractérisation des composés actifs / Benefit of yeast hydrolysates in culture processes of antibody-producing CHO cells : kinetics, fractionation and characterization of active compounds

Mosser, Mathilde 01 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail étudie l'intérêt de l'ajout d'hydrolysats de levure dans un procédé de culture de cellules CHO productrices d'anticorps en vue, d'une part, de déterminer leur condition d'utilisation et leur rôle, et, d'autre part, de caractériser les composés actifs. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, une démarche intégrant des études cinétiques, des stratégies de fractionnement et l'analyse biochimique des hydrolysats et de leurs fractions a été développée. En premier lieu, il a été montré que les hydrolysats de levure présentent des effets significatifs sur les cultures selon leur composition et les conditions d'ajout. De même, des effets synergiques ont été mis en évidence par le mélange d'hydrolysats générés à partir de différents procédés. D'autre part, des études cinétiques ont permis de corréler l'influence positive des hydrolysats sur la croissance cellulaire à l'amélioration du métabolisme énergétique. Dans un deuxième temps, la nature biochimique et le rôle des composés actifs ont été étudiés par la mise en oeuvre d'un procédé de nanofiltration membranaire et la reconstitution de mélanges de molécules contenues dans un extrait de levure (EXL). Ces résultats ont mis en évidence l'intérêt des di- et tri-peptides pour approvisionner le métabolisme énergétique et de molécules non nutritives, de poids moléculaire supérieur à 500 Da, pour stimuler la vitesse spécifique de croissance des cellules. Finalement, le rétentat issu de la nanofiltration de l'EXL a été fractionné à l'aide de divers procédés chromatographiques, unitaires ou associés, pour caractériser les propriétés physico-chimiques des composés actifs. L'effet des fractions sur la culture de cellules a alors souligné l'intérêt des molécules chargées positivement, et plus particulièrement, des peptides hydrophiles et cationiques pour stimuler la croissance des cellules. Ainsi, nos travaux permettent de mieux appréhender les mécanismes d'action des hydrolysats de levure sur les cellules CHO productrices d'anticorps et proposent des voies d'optimisation pour la simplification d'additifs complexes dans les milieux de culture dédiés à la culture de cellules animales / This work studies the interest of the addition of yeast hydrolysates in culture medium of CHO cell producing antibody, to determine the operating conditions and their role, but also to improve the characterization of active compounds. In this way, an integrated approach including kinetic studies, fractionation strategies and biochemical analysis of hydrolysates and of their fractions was developed. First, we showed that yeast hydrolysates exhibited various properties depending on their composition and the operating conditions. In addition, synergistic effects were observed with different hydrolysate mixtures. Besides, kinetic studies underlined that the positive influence of hydrolysates on cell growth is correlated with energetic metabolism improvement. Then, the biochemical nature and the role of active compounds were studied by the implementation of a nanofiltration process and the reconstitution of mixtures of molecules contained in a yeast extract (YE). The results highlighted the interest of di- and tri-peptides to supply energetic metabolism, and of non-nutritive molecules, exhibiting a molecular weight greater than 500 Da, to stimulate the specific cell growth rate. Finally, the retentate fraction of nanofiltrated YE was fractionated by various chromatographic processes to characterize the physico-chemical properties of active compounds. The effect of fractions on cell culture emphasized the positive effect of positively charged molecules, especially hydrophilic and cationic peptides, to stimulate the cell growth. Thus, our work provides important insights in yeast hydrolysate mechanisms on CHO cells and suggests procedures to simplify such a complex additive of media dedicated to mammalian cell culture

Réponse biologique de cellules animales à des contraintes hydrodynamiques : simulation numérique, expérimentation et modélisation en bioréacteurs de laboratoire / Biological response of animal cell to hydrodynamic stresses : numerical simulation, experimentation and modelling in bench-scale bioreactors

Barbouche, Naziha 13 November 2008 (has links)
La réponse globale de cellules animales à des contraintes hydrodynamiques lors de leur culture en suspension dans des réacteurs agités a été étudiée grâce à une approche intégrative couplant les outils du génie biochimique à ceux de la mécanique des fluides numérique. En premier lieu, la description de l’hydrodynamique moyenne et locale de deux systèmes de culture agités de laboratoire, spinner et bioréacteur, a été réalisée. Puis, l'étude des cinétiques macroscopiques de cellules CHO cultivées en suspension, en milieu sans sérum et sans protéine, a été réalisée avec différentes vitesses d’agitation, pour évaluer l'impact de l'agitation sur les vitesses de croissance et de mort cellulaires, ainsi que de consommation des substrats et de production des métabolites et de l'interféron-gamma recombinant. Des caractérisations supplémentaires des cellules (apoptose, protéines intracellulaires) et de l'interféron ont également été réalisées. Les effets de l'intensification de l'agitation ont été représentés avec plusieurs corrélations globales reliant : (i) en milieu contenant du pluronic, l'intégrale des cellules viables au nombre de Reynolds, et la proportion de cellules lysées à la valeur moyenne de l'énergie de dissipation, <[epsilon]? (ii) en milieu sans pluronic, les vitesses spécifiques de croissance et de mort cellulaires à <[epsilon]. De plus, l'analyse par CFD de la distribution spatio-temporelle des contraintes indique que la lyse cellulaire, observée dans le réacteur aux conditions extrêmes d'agitation, serait plutôt liée à des valeurs locales très élevées de [epsilon], ainsi qu’à la fréquence d'exposition des cellules dans ces zones énergétiques. Un modèle hydro-cinétique original, couplant l’hydrodynamique locale aux cinétiques cellulaires de croissance et de mort, et basé sur l’intermittence de la turbulence permet la prédiction de la lyse massive observée en réacteur sous certaines conditions. Pour confirmer le fait que les effets liés à l'intensification de l'agitation sont bien le résultat d'une augmentation des contraintes hydrodynamiques, et non d'une amélioration du transfert d'oxygène, ce dernier a été mesuré et modélisé par couplage avec une simulation numérique de type Volume Of Fluid , concluant en une absence de limitation d'oxygène. Enfin, la conception, le dimensionnement et la caractérisation hydrodynamique d'un réacteur innovant de type Couette-Taylor, sont proposées pour la mise en œuvre de cultures perfusées dans un environnement hydrodynamique mieux contrôlé / The global response of animal cells to hydrodynamic stress when cultivated in suspension in stirred tank reactors was studied. To do this, an integrative approach coupling biochemical engineering and fluid mechanics tools were used. First, the description of the global and local hydrodynamics of two bench-scale agitated reactors, a spinner flask and a bioreactor, was carried out. Then, macroscopic kinetics of CHO cells cultivated in a serum and protein-free medium were obtained at various agitation rates, in order to evaluate the impact of agitation on cellular growth and death, as well as substrates consumption and metabolites and recombining IFN-[gamma] production. IFN-[gamma] and cells physiological state were more precisely characterised by glycosylation, apoptosis state and intracellular proteins measurements. The effects of the agitation increase were represented by several global correlations that related: (i) in a medium containing Pluronic F68, the Integral of the Viable Cells Density to the Reynolds number, and the proportion of lysed cells with the average value of energy dissipation rate <[epsilon]? (ii) in a medium without pluronic, specific cell growth and death rates to <[epsilon]. Moreover, CFD analysis of the stress distribution indicated that the cellular lysis observed in the bioreactor at the highest agitation rate, would be related to very high local values of [epsilon], and to the exposure frequency of the cells in these energetic zones. An original hydro-kinetic model based on the intermittency of turbulence and coupling the local hydrodynamics with cell growth and death kinetics, allowed the prediction of the massive cell lysis observed in the bioreactor under some mixing conditions. To decouple shear stress effects from oxygen transfer improvement, the oxygen transfer coefficient was experimentally measured and modelled using a Volume Of Fluid numerical simulation. Our results indicated the absence of an oxygen limitation, which confirmed that this cell response resulted from the hydrodynamic stress increase alone. Lastly, an innovative continuous and perfused Couette-Taylor reactor, allowing a better-controlled hydrodynamic environment was designed and sized. Its hydrodynamic description was carried out using CFD calculations

Fonctionnalisation enzymatique de chitosane par des composés phénoliques : évaluation des propriétés biologiques et physico-chimiques de ces nouveaux biopolymères / Enzymatic functionalization of chitosan by phenolic compounds : evaluation of biological and physico-chemical properties of these new biopolymers

Aljawish, Abdulhadi 08 July 2013 (has links)
L'oxydation de l'acide férulique et de son ester (le férulate d'éthyle) par la laccase de Myceliophtora thermophila a été étudiée en milieu aqueux et dans des conditions expérimentales douces (30 °C et pH 7,5) afin de synthétiser de nouvelles molécules naturelles grâce à un procédé vert. L'oxydation enzymatique a permis l'obtention d'intermédiaires colorés pour l'acide férulique et incolores pour le férulate d'éthyle. En outre, le férulate d'éthyle a été plus rapidement totalement oxydé que l'acide férulique. De plus, cette procédure a abouti à des produits majoritairement dimériques avec MM = 443 g/mol et MM = 386 g/mol pour le férulate d'éthyle et l'acide férulique, respectivement. Les nouvelles molécules synthétisées ont présenté des propriétés antioxydantes importantes avec de faibles propriétés antibactériennes et cytotoxiques. En présence du chitosane insoluble dans le milieu réactionnel, la laccase a été protégée de l'inhibition liée aux produits d'oxydation et le degré de polymérisation de ces produits a été contrôlé. De plus, les produits d'oxydation ont réagi avec les groupements NH2 libres permettant la formation de liaisons covalentes de type base de Schiff (C=N) au niveau du C2 sur le chitosane. La majorité des produits d'oxydation greffés sur le chitosane était de forme dimérique. Cette procédure a permis d'obtenir du chitosane coloré avec l'acide férulique et incolore avec le férulate d'éthyle tout en présentant de nouvelles propriétés dues au greffage de composés phénoliques. Ces chitosanes dérivés ont présenté des propriétés fonctionnelles intéressantes telles que antioxydantes, physico-chimiques (stabilisation thermique) et biologiques (adhésion cellulaire) ainsi que la conservation des propriétés antibactériennes du chitosane natif / Oxidation of ferulic acid and its ester (ethyl ferulate) by Myceliophtora thermophila laccase has been studied in aqueous medium under mild experimental conditions (30°C and pH 7.5) as a green process to synthesize natural neo-molecules. Enzymatic oxidation led to colored and colorless intermediaries for ferulic acid and ethyl ferulate, respectively. Additionally, ethyl ferulate was oxidized faster than ferulic acid. This procedure has led to dimeric major products with MM = 443 g/mol and MM = 386 g/mol for ethyl ferulate and ferulic acid, respectively. New synthesized molecules demonstrated important antioxidants properties with weak antibacterial and cytotoxic properties. With insoluble chitosan particles in the reaction medium, laccase was protected from inhibition due to oxidation products and the polymerization degree of these products was checked. In addition, the oxidation products reacted with the free NH2 groups forming covalent bonds of Schiff base type (C=N) at C-2 region. The majority of the oxidation products grafted onto chitosan was of dimeric form. This procedure led to colored and colorless chitosans by ferulic acid and ethyl ferulate, respectively, with new properties due to grafting of phenolic compounds. These chitosan derivatives presented interesting functional properties such as antioxidant, physico-chemical (thermal stability) and biological (cell adhesion) as well as the preservation of antibacterial properties of native chitosan

Correção fenotípica do nanismo avaliada por diferentes parâmetros de crescimento após administração de DNA plasmidial em modelo animal de deficiência isolada do hormônio do crescimento / Phenotypic correction of dwarfism mediated by different growth parameters after plasmid DNA administration in an animal model of isolated growth hormone deficiency

HIGUTI, ELIZA 22 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-06-22T11:39:54Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-22T11:39:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP / FAPESP:11/21708-6

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