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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Land use and Giardia in Otago

Winkworth, Cynthia Lee, n/a January 2008 (has links)
Agriculture is key to New Zealand�s economy with land-use conversions in response to market forces occurring regularly. Recently, high-intensity dairy farming has replaced low-density livestock farming, often degrading surrounding waterways. Of particular concern is that dairy cattle can be a source of the parasite Giardia, which in humans is a common cause of gastrointestinal infection. Thus, this thesis evaluated whether dairy farm conversions posed significant consequences for public health. First I examined the prevalence of Giardia in calves in a rapidly intensifying dairying region of New Zealand. A total of 1190 faecal samples were collected from calves one to seven weeks old during two spring calving seasons and screened by direct immunofluorescent microscopy. Giardia cysts were detected in 31% of samples. To evaluate the potential risk that this environmental source of Giardia posed to the human population, molecular genotyping was used to compare forty Giardia strains isolated from calves with thirty isolates from humans collected in the same region and period. Sequencing the β-giardin gene, Giardia duodenalis assemblages A and B were identified from both hosts, with genotype comparisons revealing substantial overlap of identical genotypes for both assemblages, implying zoonotic transmission. Environmental agencies routinely promote the planting of streamside edges to decrease nonpoint pollution from dairy farms entering waterways. However, current methods for tracking pathogens across farmland and into waterways via surface runoff are limited and typically have been developed using artificially created landscapes. Furthermore, no studies have investigated how Giardia moves across the landscape in farm surface runoff. I developed a field-based tracking method specific for Giardia and used this technique to compare the ability of recently planted vegetation strips with bare soil strips cleared of vegetation at decreasing pathogen concentrations; a typical scenario when planting barriers to reduce waterway contamination. A spike containing a bromide tracer and inactivated Giardia cysts was applied in drip-irrigated surface runoff, with one-minute samples collected from the bottom of the plot. A significant treatment effect was identified for Giardia, with 26% fewer detected in runoff from the planted strip, highlighting the immediate benefit of vegetation planting in removing pathogens. Next I evaluated the effects of four riparian treatments on Giardia runoff: exotic pasture grass and weeds growing in the absence of cattle grazing due to fencing, in comparison to monocultural plantings of three New Zealand native grassland species. Runoff experiments were performed after planting, both prior to and following the main summer growing season. Bromide recovery was high from all four treatments (54 - 99%), with no significant treatment effects. By comparison, Giardia recovery was low (1 - 13%). Prior to summer, two native species reduced Giardia in runoff more than the pasture grass/weed treatment which was almost vegetation-free at this time. After summer, Giardia recoveries were uniformly lower in all treatments. These results demonstrate that after one growing season, fencing waterways produces riparian buffers, via the growth of exotic pasture plants released from grazing, that decrease pathogen concentrations in surface runoff to concentrations indistinguishable from native plantings. Given infectious organisms are known to be in the environment, it is important to assess the risk these pose to human populations. Findings from this research can be used to improve currently available risk-assessment models for Giardia transmission from infected dairy animals via water to humans.

Parcerias estratégicas entre propriedades rurais para a geração de bioenergia / Strategic partnerships between rural properties for the generation of bioenergy

Barbosa, Gabriela Diedrichs 16 February 2018 (has links)
O setor agropecuário gera uma enorme quantidade de resíduos que constituem um grave problema ambiental quando não são corretamente dispostos ou reaproveitados. A busca pela sustentabilidade nesse setor e os problemas associados à crise energética e ao aquecimento global incentivam o uso de resíduos agropecuários como fonte de energia. Porém, a instalação de uma central para a geração da bioenergia requer altos investimentos e volume de resíduos. Estes acabam sendo estímulos para a cooperação entre produtores rurais. No Brasil, a geração conjunta de energia por meio de fontes renováveis é autorizada pela Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar alternativas de parcerias estratégicas entre propriedades rurais para a geração de bioenergia. O estudo foi realizado em propriedades rurais criadoras de bovinos e/ou suínos, associadas a uma cooperativa agroindustrial, localizadas no município de Castro-Paraná-Brasil. A metodologia baseou-se na criação de um cenário de parcerias, levando em consideração as variáveis consumo de energia, potencial de geração de bioenergia e localização geográfica das propriedades rurais. O potencial de geração de bioenergia foi calculado por meio de uma média entre os índices obtidos na literatura. O método Elbow definiu o número ideal de agrupamentos. Os cenários de parcerias foram criados pelo algoritmo kmeans, por meio do software de geoprocessamento QGIS e do software estatístico SPSS. Foram obtidos três cenários de parcerias entre as propriedades rurais. A sobreposição deles resultou em um cenário final de parcerias, composto por três agrupamentos. As propriedades que constituem o agrupamento 1 tem potencial para atender 36% de sua demanda energética; as propriedades do agrupamento 2 tem potencial para atender 32% de sua demanda energética; e, por fim, as propriedades do agrupamento 3 tem potencial para atender 72% de sua demanda energética. A metodologia desenvolvida neste trabalho possibilitou encontrar alternativas de parcerias para a geração de bioenergia entre as propriedades rurais estudadas, podendo ser replicada em outras amostras. A produção conjunta de bioenergia contribui com a sustentabilidade e a segurança energética do setor rural. / The agricultural sector generates a lot of residues. These residues are a serious environmental problem when they are not properly disposed or reused. The search for sustainability in this sector and the problems associated with the energy crisis and global warming encourage the use of agricultural waste as an energy source. However, the installation of a plant for the generation of bioenergy requires high investments and volume of waste. These are stimuli for cooperation between rural producers. In Brazil, the joint generation of energy through renewable sources is authorized by the National Electric Energy Agency. In this sense, the objective of this work was to identify alternatives of strategic partnerships between rural properties for the generation of bioenergy. The study was carried out on cattle and/or pigs farms, associated to an agroindustrial cooperative, located in the municipality of Castro-Paraná-Brazil. The methodology was based on the creation of a partnership scenario. The variables energy consumption, bioenergy generation potential and geographic location of rural properties were taken into account. The bioenergy generation potential was calculated by means of a mean between the indices obtained in the literature. The Elbow method defined the optimal number of clusters. The partnership scenarios were created by the k-means algorithm, using the QGIS geoprocessing software and the SPSS statistical software. Three scenarios of partnerships between rural properties were obtained. The overlap of the scenarios generated a final scenario of partnerships, composed of three groups. The group 1 has the potential to meet 36% of its energy demand; the group 2 has the potential to meet 32% of its energy demand; and, finally, the group 3 has the potential to meet 72% of its energy demand. The methodology developed in this work made it possible to find alternative partnerships for the generation of bioenergy among the rural properties studied. This methodology can be applied in other samples. The joint production of bioenergy contributes to the sustainability and energy security of the rural sector.

Uso da cama de aviário como fertilizante orgânico na produção de aveia preta e milho

Bratti, Fabio Cesar 05 August 2013 (has links)
Dissertação composta por 2 artigos. / CNPq / A cama aviária vem sendo estudada na produção agrícola e de pastagens, como alternativa de adubação orgânica e para correção de solos. Com este trabalho objetivou-se estimar a quantidade e o destino da produção de resíduos orgânicos a partir da cama de aviário gerada na região de Dois Vizinhos-PR, e com essa determinação estimar a quantidade de resíduos de cama de frangos de corte no Paraná, juntamente com essa avaliação foi analisado a taxa de decomposição da cama e a produção da aveia preta com diferentes doses de cama de frangos de corte, e de matrizes de frangos de corte, na sequencia foi avaliado a produção do milho Zea mays, utilizando o efeito residual da cama. O trabalho foi realizado em duas etapas, a primeira no período compreendido entre abril e dezembro de 2012. A coleta de dados para a estimativa da quantificação de resíduos de cama, realizada com a colaboração de uma empresa multinacional produtora de aves localizada na região sudoeste do Paraná. A segunda parte que estimou a decomposição da cama de aviário bem como a produção da aveia e de milho foi realizada em área experimental da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Dois Vizinhos, no período total compreendido entre abril de 2012 a abril de 2013. Para a determinação da decomposição da cama foram realizadas 10 coletas, de sacos de tecido voal que continham amostras de 100 gramas de ambos os tipos do resíduo orgânico, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Para estimar a produção da aveia preta Avena strigosa cv. IAPAR 61, foram utilizadas as doses de 0; 6,5; 13 e 19,5 t ha-1 de cama de frango de corte e matrizes de frango de corte, sendo aplicados também tratamentos com fertilizante mineral: 100 kg ha-1 de P2O5; 100 kg ha-1 de K2O e 150 ha-1 de N, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições em esquema fatorial. Para a cultura do milho, cultivada após cultivo da aveia preta, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial com parcela subdividida. A maior produção de resíduo por m2/ciclo de produção da avicultura na região de Dois Vizinhos foi constatada na produção de frango de corte, seguido pela produção de matrizes e recria de matrizes, sendo 91,6667; 72,2222;34,5622 kg m-2 respectivamente. Isso pode ser atribuído a alimentação ad libidum dos frangos de corte. O destino de cada cama é a utilização em lavouras e venda para empresas especializadas. A produção de resíduos para o sistema de criação de frangos de corte no Paraná foi de 991.372.000,915 kg/ciclo no ciclo de um ano.Quanto a decomposição da cama a velocidade de decomposição de cama de frango de corte foi mais acelerada que a cama matrizes, sendo que com 153 dias de incubação cerca de 60% do resíduo de aviários de frango de corte se decompôs,enquanto para a outra apenas 40% nesse mesmo tempo de incubação. A produção da aveia foi maior quando usada cama de aviário de frango de corte se comparado à cama de aviário de matrizes, superando a produção de forragem obtida com adubação mineral nas doses acima de 6,5 t ha-1 de cama e com máxima produção na dose de 13 t ha-1 de cama. Quanto à produção de milho, foi encontrado uma maior produção de grãos com adubação de cama de aviário de frango de corte na dosagem de 13 t.ha-1, apresentando uma média de produção de 8432,41 Kg.ha-1 , enquanto que para a mesma dosagem de cama de matrizes a média foi de 8562,5 Kg.ha-1. Porém, para cama de matrizes a dosagem que apresentou maior produção de grãos foi a de 19,5 t.ha-1. Isso pode ser devido ao efeito residual da cama de aviário, que no caso da cama de frango, apresentou a taxa de decomposição mais rápida que a cama de matrizes. Portanto a adubação com 13 t.ha-1 de cama aviária de frango de corte para aveia e milho seria uma interessante estratégia para controle dos resíduos, de acordo com a disponibilidade dos nutrientes e dos diferentes sistemas de produção. / Poultry litter has been studied in agricultural and pasture, as an alternative organic fertilizer and soil correction. The amount of litter generated in poultry production in Dois Vizinhos, southwest of Paraná, was assessed and used this measurement to estimate the waste poultry litter in Paraná, along with that assessment was analyzed the production of oats Oats strigosa and corn Zea mays using the residual effect of the litter, with different doses of litter from broilers and breeders. The study was conducted in two stages, the first in the period between April and December 2012. Data collection for an estimated quantification of litter was made with the collaboration of a multinational poultry industry located in the southwest region of Paraná. The second part which estimated the decomposition of litter and the production of oats and corn was conducted in the experimental area of the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (Campus Dois Vizinhos), the total period between April 2012 to April 2013. For the decomposition of the litter 10 samples were taken from voile fabric bags that contained 100 g samples of both types of organic waste. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications, treatments composed of two types of residue obtained from poultry production. To estimate the production of oat Avena strigosa cv. IAPAR 61, we used doses of 0, 6.5, 13 and 19.5 t ha-1 of poultry litter and breeders litter, being also applied mineral fertilizer: 100 kg ha-1 P2O5 and 100 kg ha-1 K2O ha-1 and 150 N.The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications in a factorial design. For maize, grown after oat cultivation, the experimental design was a randomized block design in a subdivided factorial. The major production of poultry litter by m2/ciclo in the region of Dois Vizinhos was found in the production of broilers, followed by the production of layers and breeders, with 91.6667, 72.2222,34.5622 kg m-2, respectively. The decomposition rate of broiler litter was faster that the breeders, of which were 153-day incubation 60% of the residue of poultry broiler decomposed, while the other residue only 40% in the same incubation time. The production of oats was greater when used litter from broiler compared to poultry breeders, surpassing the production of forage obtained with mineral fertilizer doses above 6.5 t ha-1litter and maximum production at a dose of 13 t ha-1 litter. Regarding the production of corn, found a higher grain yield with fertilization of breeders litter in the dosage of 13 t ha-1, with an average production of 8562,5 kg ha-1, while for the same dosage of brolier litter the average was 8432,41 kg ha-1. But the higher grain yield was 19,5 t ha-1with breeders litter. This may be due to the residual effect of litter, in the case of poultry litter showed the decomposition rate faster than the breeders litter. So fertilization with 13 t ha-1 litter from poultry to oats and corn would be an interesting strategy for the destination of litter, according to the availability of nutrients and different production systems. / 5000

Processos de obtenção de quitosana a partir de exoesqueleto de camarão (Litopenaeus vannamei) e aplicação biotecnológica

Vanessa Pimentel Santos 14 June 2017 (has links)
A quitosana é um polímero catiônico obtido da desacetilação da quitina, encontrada abundantemente nos exoesqueletos de crustáceos, utilizada como um biomaterial por apresentar propriedades biológicas de biocompatibilidade, biodegradabilidade, atoxicidade e atividade antimicrobiana. Neste sentido, o tema desenvolvido neste trabalho foi dirigido para a extração de quitosana a partir de resíduos de camarão com diferentes tamanhos de partículas usando a técnica do micro-ondas, comparação de tempos diferentes de irradiação, caracterização físico-química e biológica da quitosana obtida e avaliação da aplicação biotecnológica considerando a sua versatilidade de aplicações. Os resíduos foram triturados (16, 32 e 60 mesh), despigmentados, desmineralizados e desproteinizados para obtenção de quitina. E em seguida desacetiladas com NaOH a 45% sob irradiação do micro-ondas a 600w, 15 ou 30 min. As quitosanas foram caracterizadas e os resultados mostraram que a partícula com 32 mesh apresentou maior rendimento de quitosana (52,2%) e grau de desacetilação de 92%. Em relação a ação antimicrobiana obtivemos uma CIM entre 0,23 μg.mL-1 e 30 μg.mL-1 para o gênero Candida e 0,46 μg.mL-1 e 60 μg.mL-1 para as bactérias. Foram preparados hidrogéis de quitosana a 2,5% (w/v), que apresentaram pH 3.3 e viscosidade de 119,2 a 38,7 cP e condutibilidade de ondas ultrassônicas. Com base nos resultados a irradiação por micro-ondas pode ser utilizada como um método de aquecimento simples e rápido para a extração de quitosana. Os resíduos de camarão foram uma excelente fonte de quitina e quitosana. O grau máximo de desacetilação foi obtido a partir de amostras de quitina irradiadas com seis pulsos e tamanho de partícula de 32 mesh. Os efeitos inibitórios diferiram dependendo do micro-organismo testado. Os hidrogéis de quitosana apresentaram uma viscosidade adequada e um pH compatível para a aplicação na pele, o que sugere a sua utilização como condutores para terapia ultrassônica. / Chitosan is a cationic polymer obtained from the deacetylation of chitin, found abundantly in the exoesqueletos of crustaceans, used as a biomaterial because of its biocompatibility, biodegradability, toxicity and antimicrobial activity. In this sense, the theme developed in this work was directed to chitosan extraction from shrimp residues with different particle sizes using the microwave technique, compaction of different irradiation times, physico-chemical and biological characterization of the obtained chitosan And evaluation of the biotechnological application considering its versatility of applications. The residues were clasified according to the particle sizes in 16, 32 and 60. Subsequently the samples were ground, depigmented, demineralized and deproteinized in order to obtain chitin. Afterward the products were deacetylated with 45% NaOH under microwave irradiation at 600w, for 15 or 30 min to obtain chitosan. Then the products were characterized and showed the best results when it was used particle size of 32, with 92% deacetylation degree with the higher chitosan yield (52.2%). The antimicrobial activity was tested using Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) between 0.23 μg.mL-1- 30 μg.mL-1, and 0.46 μg.mL-1 - 60 μg.mL-1 against Candida sp. and bacteria respectively. Chitosan hydrogels were prepared at 2.5% (w/v), pH 3,3, viscosity from 119.2 to 38.7 cP and ultrasonic wave conductivity. Based on the results, the microwave irradiation may be used as a simple and rapid heating method for chitosan extraction. Shrimp residues were an excellent source of chitin and chitosan. The maximum degree of deacetylation was obtained from chitin samples irradiated with six pulses and particle size of 32 according to the used mesh. The inhibitory effects differed depending on the microorganism tested. The chitosan hydrogels showed a suitable viscosity and compatible pH for the skin application which suggests its used as conductors for ultrasonic therapy.

Avaliação agronômica de fertilizantes sólidos e fluidos a base de dejetos de suínos e aves / Agronomic effectiveness of fertilizer at solid and fluid forms made from swine and chicken manures

Rebellatto, Agostinho 16 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T15:50:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGMS13DA017.pdf: 647101 bytes, checksum: 347ecf142915d679de73e6a352e22b47 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-16 / The solid or fluid forms of organomineral fertilizer represent a promising alternative for the safe disposal of animal waste and to obtain high efficiency fertilizers. The present study aimed to evaluate the agronomic potential of solid and fluid forms of organomineral fertilizers made from swine and chicken manures, regarding the N, P and K availabilities in the soil and to the crops compared with the standard mineral fertilizer. The trial was conducted under field conditions in two southern Brazil soils in Concordia, SC, comprising two successive crops of corn and oat at no-till system. The treatments were a control and the four types of fertilizers as follows: organomineral fluid (OF), organomineral solid (OS), mineral fluid (MF) and mineral solid (MS), all with the 03-12-06 (N-P2O5-K2O) composition. These treatments were applied in two areas, one with Nitisol and another with Cambisol in a randomized blocks design. The fertilizers OS, OF and MF in general have provided available contents of N, P and K in the soil similar to those obtained with the standard soluble solid fertilizers (MS). However, the residual effect on the availability of these nutrients in the soil to the subsequent culture was generally higher in organomineral than the mineral fertilizers. At the doses applied in this study, all fertilizers evaluated showed no risks relating to soil pollution by excess of nitrate, however, the OF showed greater phosphorus movement to deeper layers of the soil. The fertilizers evaluated have increased crop yields, especially the OF for corn and oat biomass in Cambisol and OS and MF for corn and oat biomass, respectively in Nitisol / A tecnologia dos fertilizantes organominerais sólidos ou fluidos representa uma alternativa promissora, tanto para a destinação segura dos resíduos animais, quanto para a obtenção de fertilizantes de alta eficiência. Assim, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o desempenho agronômico de fertilizantes organominerais sólidos e fluídos elaborados com base em dejetos de suínos e aves em relação à disponibilidade dos nutrientes N, P e K no solo e sua absorção pelas plantas e à produtividade das culturas, comparativamente a fertilizantes minerais. A experimentação foi realizada a campo em dois tipos de solos em Concórdia, SC, compreendendo dois cultivos sucessivos de milho e aveia em sistema plantio direto no período de 2010 a 2012. Os tratamentos foram um controle e os quatro tipos de fertilizantes a seguir: organomineral fluido (OF), organomineral sólido (OS), mineral fluido (MF) e mineral sólido (MS), todos na formulação 03-12-06 (N-P2O5- K2O). Esses tratamentos foram aplicados em duas áreas, sendo uma com Nitossolo Vermelho Eutroférrico e outra com Cambissolo Háplico Eutroférrico, em delineamento experimental de grupos de experimentos com blocos casualizados. Os fertilizantes OS, OF e MF em geral proporcionam teores de N, P e K disponíveis no solo semelhantes à forma sólida solúvel tradicional (MS). Já, o efeito residual na disponibilidade desses nutrientes no solo para a cultura subsequente foi geralmente maior nos fertilizantes organominerais, relativamente aos minerais. Nas doses aplicadas nesse estudo, todos os fertilizantes avaliados não evidenciaram riscos de contaminação da solução do solo por excesso de nitrato, porém, o OF evidenciou maior deslocamento do P em profundidade no solo em relação aos demais. Os fertilizantes avaliados aumentaram a produtividade das culturas, com destaque para o OF que proporcionou maiores rendimentos de grãos de milho e biomassa de aveia no Cambissolo e para o OS e MF que proporcionaram os maiores rendimentos de grão de milho e biomassa de aveia, respectivamente no Nitossolo

Bioflocculant dissolved air flotation system for the reduction of suspended solids-lipids-Proteinaceous matter from poultry slaughterhouse wastewater

Dlangamandla, Cynthia January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. / Poultry slaughterhouse wastewater (PSW) contains organic matter that can be degraded by microorganisms. Such matter can further be used by the microbial community as a nutrient source for growth. Moreover, this type of wastewater also contains a high quantity of particulate matter, lipids and proteins, including antimicrobial compounds such as triclosan (TCS) and trichlorocarbanilide (TCC) used during cleaning and sanitising of processing facilities. Lipids and particulate matter lead to clogging of pipes and fouling of diffusers in the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). To overcome this problem, a pre-treatment system such as a dissolved air flotation system (DAFs) in which synthetic flocculants are used, is commonly used prior to the biological treatment of the wastewater. Synthetic flocculants add to the environmental burden associated with the use of synthetic compounds, particularly when these compounds are used in WWTPs. This study focused on the reduction of suspended solids, lipids and proteinaceous matter using a bioflocculant- supported DAF for the treatment of PSW.

Studie složení a produkce domovních odpadů v ČR / Study of the composition and production of household waste in the Czech Republic

Šmíd, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
In many countries they set targets formunicipal waste reuse and for reduction of the amount landfilled. To develop effective strategies requires knowledge of reliable information on the composition of municipal waste. At present, however, in most European countries and the rest of theworld use different methods for the analysis of the composition of waste, which vary considerably, not only in scale but also a focus. As a part of this work has been carried out research on total waste production in households with anemphasis on organic waste, using new research methods. It was determined during production regard less of any subsequent disposal method. This research was supplemented by questionnaire surfy focused on household waste management. There search results showed that the average proportion of individual components in household waste is 25% for paper, 7% for plastic, 12%for glass, 2% for metal, 28% for organic waste, 10% for animal waste, another 16% of waste and 1% for.hazardous waste . It was also not found that the production of individual components of household waste differed significantly between various types of dwelling. They have not been demonstrated a signifiant relationship between waste production and number of members in the household. There search results show that, if...

Simulação do balanço e transporte de nitrogênio e fósforo provenientes de dejetos animais aplicados em áreas agrícolas - estudo de caso: bacia do Rio Toledo - Paraná - Brasil. / Simulation of balance and transport of nitrogen and phosphorus from manure applied in agricultural areas - case study: Toledo river watershed - Paraná - Brazil.

Malta, Luiz Ricardo dos Santos 01 June 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um modelo computacional que visa servir de apoio ao processo de licenciamento de áreas para criação intensiva de animais. Trata-se de um modelo que descreve o comportamento do nitrogênio e do fósforo, oriundos da aplicação em solos agrícolas de dejetos da criação de animais e seu impacto nas bacias hidrográficas. Este modelo apóia-se em um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) e foi utilizado o ambiente ARCVIEW. O modelo define a quantidade de nitrogênio e de fósforo que ficam disponíveis no solo para serem arrastados pelo escoamento superficial para os corpos hídricos. Para tal, o modelo utilizará um balanço de massa destes nutrientes (entradas: por adubação orgânica, resultante dos dejetos de animais da bacia, adubação inorgânica, deposição atmosférica e fixação do nitrogênio) e (saídas: por remoção pela cultura, volatilização, desnitrificação, lixiviação e escoamento superficial). Sendo as perdas por lixiviação e escoamento superficial consideradas como as disponíveis nos solos para serem carreadas para os corpos hídricos. Em seguida o modelo define o escoamento da água pela bacia, ou seja, uma modelagem hidrológica. Finalmente, o modelo irá predizer o que resultará do transporte dos nutrientes disponíveis apoiando-se em modelagem hidrológica. O resultado disto será mostrado em um mapa de concentração acumulado ao longo da bacia. O estudo de caso será aplicado em áreas de suinocultura na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Toledo no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Os resultados observados foram coerentes com os obtidos no monitoramento realizado em dois pontos da bacia de estudo. / This work presents a computer-programmed model, which aims to aid environmental agencies in issuing licenses regarding hog farms. It helps to describe the nitrogen and phosphorus behavior impacts in a watershed, when manure is applied in the soil. The algorithm is programmed on a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool ARCVIEW. The model defines the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus that remains available in the soil to be transported by runoff. The model calculates the balance of all nitrogen and phosphorus sources (organic and inorganic fertilizers, atmospheric accumulation and nitrogen fixation) and losses (plants use, volatilization and denitrification, soil lixiviation and runoff). The result of this balance is the amount of these elements available to be transported along of the watershed. A hydrological simulation model is used to calculate the runoff. The final result is a nitrogen and phosphorus concentration map, accumulated along the basin. The case study to test the model is the Toledo River, state of Paraná, Brazil due to its high concentration of hog farming. The model was able to reproduce data observed in this basin.

Effects of dietary fibre on pig excreta characteristics and odours from slurry.

Mpendulo, Conference Thando. 02 December 2013 (has links)
A study was conducted to test the effects that different high fibre sources and their varying inclusion levels had on the characteristics of the excreta (faeces, urine and the slurry), and on odour from the slurry of growing pigs. Faeces and urine characteristics were tested from 52 pigs fed rations containing grass hay (GH), lucerne hay (LH), maize cobs (MC), maize stover (MS) and sunflower husk (SH) diets at inclusion levels up to 400 g/kg as fed basis. Faecal output, faecal consistency and nitrogen were influenced by fibre type (P <0.01) and inclusion level (P <0.01). Nitrogen content in faeces and urine was also affected by dietary fibre inclusion. Increasing fibre inclusion levelled to a reduction in urinary nitrogen content, indicating nitrogen repartitioning from urine to faeces, thereby minimizing nitrogen volatilization. The slurry from pigs fed on LH, MC and SH at levels up to 160 g/kg was tested for chemical composition and odour offensiveness. The slurry was incubated for 16 days. The pH and nitrogen content varied among fibre types and incubation period (P <0.05). Isobutyrate and butyrate concentrations varied with fibre type and the incubation period tested (P <0.01). Using panellists, the SH containing rations resulted in low odour offensiveness score. Maize cob-containing diets resulted in the largest odour scores, with (mean rank of 2.2 and 4.3 for SH and MC, respectively). To reduce odour offensiveness from piggeries, sunflower husk was recommended as an alternative feed ingredient for growing pigs. / Thesis (M.Sc.Agric.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

Applications of dairy wastewater as a fertilizer to agricultural land : an environmental management perspective

Torr, Leigh Christine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / As with any form of intensive agriculture, there are potential environmental impacts associated with the management and housing of livestock on dairy farms. Within the field of dairy farming, particular focus falls to the issue of environmental degradation of water resources, as this form of pollution is currently a major environmental issue around the world. Conventional agricultural practices involving the application of chemical fertilizers to land and crops are causing environmental problems as a result of poor management practices. Dairy wastewater and manures could however be a valuable resource for agricultural producers in the form of an alternate fertilizer for their crops. Waste application as a fertilizer is more environmentally friendly than chemical fertilizers, and could drastically reduce costs for farmers, whilst alleviating storage and management problems often associated with farmyard manures (FYM). The application of organic wastes, notably livestock manures, to land has historically been important for maintaining soil fertility on farms in terms of nutrient status and organic matter levels, as well as helping to reduce soil erosion and improve waterholding capacity. The research sought to investigate the environmental and economical feasibility of using dairy wastewater and manures as an alternative form of fertilizer within agriculture in South Africa.

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