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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geodatasamverkan - nyttan för en kommun att delta / Geodatasamverkan - benefits for a municipality to participate

Törebrand, Johan, Thilén, Ulf January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish model for developing the national infrastructure is based on increasing the cooperation between municipalities, government and businesses. The method to establish the infrastructure in Sweden is the geodatastrategin. The effort to implement the geodatastrategin has resulted in an interaction model, Geodatasamverkan.   The purpose of this study is to alert municipalities and to investigate the usefulness of their participation in Geodatasamverkan. The study also presents examples of different applications where geodata can be used within a municipality.   The report is based on literature reviews, surveys and interviews. Online Surveys were sent to some of Sweden's municipalities to get an overall idea of ​​how they make use of geodata and their general attitude towards Geodatasamverkan. Two different custom made questionnaires were sent out, one adapted to those municipalities that participate in Geodatasamverkan and one adapted to those who do not. Those who were asked are staff responsible for GIS at a total of 62 municipalities in Västra Götalands län, Dalarnas län, Örebro län and Värmlands län, which sums up to a total of 39 people.   For a more detailed investigation, staff responsible for GIS at five different municipalities in Värmland were chosen for interviews. The interviewed persons were selected on the criteria that most municipalities can relate to the investigation. Within the selected municipalities the study includes municipalities with varying GIS activities and situations according to their participation in Geodatasamverkan.   The result concludes that municipalities can benefit greatly from participating in Geodatasamverkan. However, it is necessary that geodata is used in a substantial way within the municipality, and that geodata is implemented in several administrations. Participation in Geodatasamverkan results in access for municipalities to a large amount of geodata for a minor fee. The survey shows that participating municipalities order more of the set-covering images, basic maps and elevation data compared to before. This is due to the previously high expenditures of this type of data. The administrative process to manage contracts and invoices decrease, since only one contract and one invoice needs to be dealt with for participation. / Den Svenska modellen för att utveckla den nationella infrastrukturen bygger på att utveckla samverkan mellan kommuner, staten och näringslivet. Metoden som ska etablera infrastrukturen i Sverige är geodatastrategin. Arbetet med genomförandet av geodatastrategin har resulterat i en samverkansmodell, Geodatasamverkan.   Syftet med examensarbetet är att uppmärksamma kommuner samt att undersöka nyttan för dem att delta i Geodatasamverkan. I arbetet presenteras även exempel på olika arbetsområden som GIS kan användas inom en kommun.   Rapporten baseras på litteraturstudier, enkäter och intervjuer. Webbenkäter skickades ut till några av Sveriges kommuner för att få en övergripande uppfattning om hur de använder sig av geodata och deras generella inställning till Geodatasamverkan. Två olika enkäter skickades ut anpassade efter om kommunen deltar i Geodatasamverkan eller inte. De som tillfrågades var GIS-ansvarig personal på totalt 62 kommuner i Västra Götalands län, Dalarnas län, Örebro län och Värmlands län, var av 39 personer besvarade enkäten.   För en fördjupande undersökning valdes att intervjua personal som ansvarar för GIS på 5 olika kommuner i Värmland. Intervjupersoner valdes ut så att flertalet kommuner kan relatera till undersökningen. Med de utvalda kommunerna omfattar undersökningen kommuner med varierande GIS-verksamheter och situationer kring ett deltagande i Geodatasamverkan.   Ur resultatet dras slutsatserna att kommuner kan dra stor nytta av att delta i Geodatasamverkan, det krävs dock att geodata används i relativt stor utsträckning inom kommunen och att geodata implementeras på flera förvaltningar. Ett deltagande i Geodatasamverkan resulterar i att kommuner får tillgång till en stor mängd geodata för en mindre kostnad än om det datan skulle köpas separat. Undersökningen visar att kommuner som deltar i samverkan beställer mer av arealtäckande bilder, baskartor och höjddata än vad de gjorde tidigare. Detta beror på att data av dessa slag tidigare inneburit stora utgifter. Det administrativa kring att hantera avtal och fakturor minskar då endast 1 avtal och 1 faktura behöver behandlas vid ett deltagande.

Fractal pattern recognition and recreation

Lindén, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
It speaks by itself that in order to find oil, one must know where to look for it. In this thesis I have investigated and created new tools to find salt in the bedrock, and to recreate images according to some parameters, (fractal dimension and lacunarity). The oil prospecting company Schlumberger gathers nowadays a huge amount of seismic information. It is very time consuming to interpret the seismic data by hand. My task is to find a good way to detect salt in the seismic images of the underworld, that can then be used to classify the seismic data. The theory indicates that the salt behaves as fractals, and by studying the fractal dimension and lacunarity we can make a prediction of where the salt can be located. I have also investigated three different recreation techniques, so that one can go from parameters values (fractal dimension and lacunarity) back to a possible recreation. It speaks by itself that in order to find oil, one must know where to look for it. In this thesis I have investigated and created new tools to find salt in the bedrock, and to recreate images according to some parameters, (fractal dimension and lacunarity). The oil prospecting company Schlumberger gathers nowadays a huge amount of seismic information. It is very time consuming to interpret the seismic data by hand. My task is to find a good way to detect salt in the seismic images of the underworld, that can then be used to classify the seismic data. The theory indicates that the salt behaves as fractals, and by studying the fractal dimension and lacunarity we can make a prediction of where the salt can be located. I have also investigated three different recreation techniques, so that one can go from parameters values (fractal dimension and lacunarity) back to a possible recreation.

Search path generation with UAV applications using approximate convex decomposition

Öst, Gustav January 2012 (has links)
This work focuses on the problem that pertains to area searching with UAVs. Specifically developing algorithms that generate flight paths that are short with- out sacrificing flyability. For instance, very sharp turns will compromise flyability since fixed wing aircraft cannot make very sharp turns. This thesis provides an analysis of different types of search methods, area decompositions, and combi- nations thereof. The search methods used are side to side searching and spiral searching. In side to side searching the aircraft goes back and forth only making 90-degree turns. Spiral search searches the shape in a spiral pattern starting on the outer perimeter working its way in. The idea being that it should generate flight paths that are easy to fly since all turns should be with a large turn radii. Area decomposition is done to divide complex shapes into smaller more manage- able shapes. The report concludes that with the implemented methods the side to side scanning method without area decomposition yields good and above all very reliable results. The reliability stems from the fact that all turns are 90 degrees and that algorithm never get stuck or makes bad mistakes. Only having 90 degree turns results in only four different types of turns. This allows the airplanes behav- ior along the route to be predictable after flying the first four turns. Although this assumes that the strength of the wind is a greater influence than the turbulences effect on the aircraft’s flight characteristics. This is a very valuable feature for an operator in charge of a flight. The other tested methods and area decompositions often yield a shorter flight path, however, despite extensive adjustments to the algorithms they never came to handle all cases in a satisfactory manner. These methods may also generate any kind of turn at any time, including turns of nearly 180 degrees. These turns can lead to an airplane missing the intended flight path and thus missing to scan the intended area properly. Area decomposition proves to be really effective only when the area has many protrusions that stick out in different directions, think of a starfish shape. In these cases the side to side algo- rithm generate a path that has long legs over parts that are not in the search area. When the area is decomposed the algorithm starts with, for example, one arm of the starfish at a time and then search the rest of the arms and body in turn.

Web-based ERP Systems : With a focus on SMEs

Bogojevski, Aleksandar, Buanahagi, Edelson, Svensson, Patrik January 2010 (has links)
Web-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems deployed through theSoftware-as-a-Service (SaaS) model are a major disruptive technology in the fieldof ERP systems. The defining features of the SaaS are that they are hosted remotelyand are completely used through the web; they are subscription-payment basedand they operate on a multi-tenant fashion. This technological innovation redefinestraditional technical and economic ERP paradigms. This Bachelor’s thesis aims through interviews with vendors, users and consultants,as well as by researching various academical and professional publications onthe subject of Web-based (SaaS) ERPs to study these pehomena, and produce a listof their benefits to SMEs. It also analyses their opportunities and challenges via anumber of interesting facts, thus allowing for thought-provoking observations andspawning of stirring discussions. The benefits of Web-based ERPs were reported to be similar to the ones characteristicfor the On-premise ERPs. They furthermore included remote data access, costefficiency,flexibility, scalability, as well as the esublishment of a new customerdrivenrelationship with the ERP vendor. The major disadvantages of SaaS wereconsidered to be security, cost (in the long run), and customizability. These disadvantages,which were first reported years ago, are continuously dismissed by theadavncements and innovations made in Web-based solutions. Findings from previousstudies and trends suggest that issues of security, cost and customizabilityare gradually disappearing as technology improves and industry dynamics becomesmore customer-centric. Security, which was a major issue in 2007 slowlyfaded and is not regarded as the concern it used to be. From 2008 till now the issuesof customizability and TCO have been heavily disputed about Web-based ERPsolutions. The problem of customizability has also been found to be diminishingdue to technologically advanced capabilities of these systems; new systems haveemerged and old systems have improved enough to provide this feature. Cost hasnever been a transparent issue when it comes to IT investments and has beenshown to be higher in On-Premise solutions through the TVO approach whichlooks at other hidden and non-financial costs. All of the above sheds new light intothe once-‘static’ benefits and drawbacks of Web-based solutions, and provides afresh insight into this developing phenomenon.

SLIM – Design och validering av en kostnadseffektiv inspektionsmetod för lärbarhet

Dahlén, Anders January 2012 (has links)
För att nybörjaranvändare enklare ska kunna påbörja felfri interaktion med ett system är systemets grad av lärbarhet en viktig aspekt att ta hänsyn till. Trots detta finns inga självklara alternativ till hur lärbarhet ska mätas och utvärderas, framför allt inte på ett snabbt och kostnadseffektivt sätt. Det här examensarbetet har därför bidragit med att lägga en grund för en ny utvärderingsmetod för lärbarhet, SLIM - Simplified Learnability Inspection Method, baserad på relevanta faktorer från befintliga metoder och Linja-ahos (2005) riktlinjer för lärbarhet. Två grupper, experter och icke-experter inom användbarhetsdesign, testade metodens huvudfas individuellt på en prototyp av ett system som ska användas för att skicka SMS via webben. Resultaten från en första validering har visat att metoden i allra högsta grad är tidseffektiv, samt har indikerat att personer så väl med som utan expertkunskaper om användbarhet och lärbarhet kan tillämpa metoden för att i likvärdig utsträckning upptäcka lärbarhetsproblem. SLIM kan därför vara en inkörsport till ett ökat användarfokus hos företag med begränsade medel och att dessa ser nyttan med att designa för användbarhet och lärbarhet.


Vitale, Pasquale January 2012 (has links)
The Kinect device is commonly associated to videogames, but this is not the only purpose of this device. Going into more depth, it could be a powerful tool to accomplish several goals, not only related to simple games. One such example could be Serious Games. Above all, Kinect device is a group of sensors and as such it is an attraction point in order to do experiments and measurements. This thesis tries to understand the potentiality and specifically tries to understand the precision and accuracy in the explicit area of rehabilitation. Taking advantage of the Kinect functionality, the thesis tries to enter in a young area, composed by two principal field of interest: catching and recognizing movements without the help of tool to wear, and the movements in order to do physical therapy. The result of this thesis is that the accuracy and precision of the Kinect device is sufficient for detecting therapeutic movements. Further work is however needed to be able to use Kinect for automatic discrimination of correct and incorrect physical movements.


Hamim, Hamza January 2012 (has links)
The development of serious games, requires the participation and collaboration of several disciplines; as in the following thesis, showing the collaboration between physiotherapists and developers. Obviously good collaboration and understanding requires a tool that allows passage of information from one discipline to another. One example of such a tool is the concept of patterns. The concept has been adopted in many communities, one of which is game design where they have been called game design patterns, to offer the same advantages with additional benefits. In the following thesis we use game design patterns in order to translate the requirements of physiotherapists into a serious game. Or more precisely, the aim is to satisfy the requirements of physiotherapists as movements, motivation, and other features and map them into patterns and translate them in a serious game. The validation of the mapping was carried out in three different ways: with the physiotherapists, patients, and finally with game designers. The work carried out, shows an example of how game design patterns can be used to satisfy the requirements of physiotherapists in a game for rehabilitation.

Silent Install

Thor, Christer January 2012 (has links)
Det här arbetet har gjorts på Infor, som idag har problem med krångliga och långsamma installationer av en produktsvit. Exjobbet beskriver en automatiserad installation av denna produktsvit med några få möjligheter till konfigurering. Skriptet som sköter installationen är skrivet i Ruby. Installationstiden kortades från 4-5 timmar till cirka 30 minuter.

Castrix : Utveckling av webbsidan Sundsvall42

Vafadar, Bahador January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this Bachelor project was to develop the Sundsvall42 website,whose name originates from the conference held in week 42 and during whichall the IT-companies in Sundsvall gather and hold a number of different lectures.The website has been designed to accommodate both speakers and partipicants.All partipicants and lecturers will receive a personalized page inwhich there are a number of functions which are available for use, including ablog for each workshop and a calendar. The program used to create this isLiferay and the operating system is Linux. The entire website is encoded usingLiferay and Java, but the website is not adapted for use with the smaller screensize of the Smartphone. However, because of the Responsive Design technology,the website is able to adapt to various devices such as the Ipad and Smartphonesand the website will be able to adapt to the screen sizes of these devices.As it has all been processed using open-source, everyone has the right to accessthe source code. It is also possible for anyone to make changes to the code ifsuch changes are required. It is very important that two solutions are chosen asit is possible that one of the solutions will not prove to work adequately. Theconclusion was between the solutions given by both Liferay and HTML in ResponsiveDesign and it was determined that Liferay's version of ResponsiveDesign works better in its own environment.

Diskontinuerliga Galerkinmetoder för initialvärdesproblem och prissättning av optioner / Discontinuous Galerkin methods for initial value problems and option pricing

Nilsson, Victor January 2012 (has links)
Efficient numerical methods for option pricing is an active field of research. This project has the goal to examine possible ways to improve an established method of numerical pricing. The method is based on an adaptive finite difference method in price and uses the backwards differentiation formula of order 2, BDF2, in time. The project will focus on improvements to the time integration through implementation of discontinuous Galerkin methods, dG. Empirical convergence and accuracy results are obtained for equidistant dG-methods up to order 3 and performance is compared to BDF2. The dG-methods do not succeed in outperforming the BDF2-method when comparing accuracy to time for computation, but they do match the performance. Possible ways for improvements are suggested.

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