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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficient and Accurate Volume Rendering on Face-Centered and Body-Centered Cubic Grids

Smed, Karl-Oskar January 2015 (has links)
The body centered cubic grid (BCC) and face centered cubic grid (FCC) offer improved sampling properties when compared to the cartesian grid. Despite this there is little software and hardware support for volume rendering of data stored in one of these grids. This project is a continuation of a project adding support for such grids to the volume rendering engine Voreen. This project has three aims. Firstly, to implement new interpolation methods capable of rendering at interactive frame rates. Secondly, to improve the software by adding an alternate volume storage format offering improved frame rates for BCC methods. And thirdly, because of the issues when comparing image quality between different grid types due to aliasing, to implement a method unbiased in terms of post-aliasing. The existing methods are compared to the newly implemented ones in terms of frame rate and image quality and the results show that the new volume format improve the frame rate significantly, that the new BCC interpolation method offers similar image quality at better performance compared to existing methods and that the unbiased method produces images of good quality at the expense of speed.

InfoMart Reporting : The process of developing a data discovery tool for Genesys InfoMart

Vestling, Olof January 2015 (has links)
Customer relationship management (CRM) is gaining momentum around the world and a majority of the organizations view customer experience provided by contact-centers as a competitive differentiator. Thus is the importance of understanding these systems very big. The purpose of the thesis is to create a cohesive solution, a prototype, to gather, aggregate and present viable business reports for a number of channels in such a system. The CRM-platform handled in this thesis is called Genesys InfoMart, which is developed by Genesys Telecommunications. The thesis defines the use-cases and reports to be compiled. It does also give a description of how data is cross- correlated across the database and how it was gathered. By involving domain-experts and using a scenario based- approach, requirements have been derived and reports have been developed. It is concluded that the conceptual scenarios were feasible. There are no limitations within the InfoMart data mart with respect to the functionality that the domain-experts demand. A cooperative-evaluation session showed that the conceptual design was approved and that it provided the functionality that the evaluation group requested. Thus concluded that the methodological approach was overall successful and that the requirements were met. It is however recommended to continue the development process by exposing the prototype to end-users evaluation. This can provide insights and information that can be very useful when developing the final product.

Choices and characters in roleplaying games : How types of choices affect the player/character connection

Berglind, Jens January 2014 (has links)
The connection that players can feel toward their characters in pen-and-paper roleplaying games is a known phenomenon that has been previously studied and is recognized among roleplaying enthusiasts. Pen-and-paper roleplaying games are a complex form of games, with three distinct frames which are ludological, social, and diegetic (also called narrative). The frames are different aspects of the game as well as the base of different motivations for players, who value the frames in a varied degree. The goal of this thesis is to examine if in-game choices based on the diegetic frame in contrast to the ludological frame are correlated with the player/character connection. The method used for data collection is distribution of a quantitative questionnaire on the internet, spread to Swedish roleplayers through social media and associations tied to SVEROK. With their answers, the analysis identifies correlations between the player/character connection and the three frames of pen-and-paper roleplaying games, as well as other correlations noted in the data analysis. The literature revolves around the two core concepts; the player/character connection and the three frames of roleplaying games. The result shows that diegetic choices in contrast to ludological are weakly correlated with the player/character connection.

Computer virus : design and detection

Arding, Petter, Hedelin, Hugo January 2014 (has links)
Computer viruses uses a few different techniques, with various intentions, toinfect files. However, what most of them have in common is that they wantto avoid detection by anti-malware software. To not get detected and stay unnoticed,virus creators have developed several methods for this. Anti-malwaresoftware is constantly trying to counter these methods of virus infections withtheir own detection-techniques. In this paper we have analyzed the differenttypes of viruses and their infection techniques, and tried to determined whichworks the best to avoid detection. In the experiments we have done we havesimulated executing the viruses at the same time as an anti-malware softwarewas running. Our conclusion is that metamorphic viruses uses the best methodsto stay unnoticed by anti-malware software’s detection techniques.

Utveckling och förnyelse av yrket arkivarie inom ABM-samarbetet i Västernorrland

Olsson, LiAnn January 2013 (has links)
In recent years it has become more and more common with discussions concerning professionalization in professions such as archivists. Professionalization means that a profession strengthens, develops, innovates and monopolize their business. In order to strengthen the profession you can also use a variety of strategies and these strategies emphasises the process where a profession is being professionalized or is about to be professionalized. This development of an occupation could start within ABM-cooperation’s. ABM stands for Archive, Library and Museum. The purpose of this paper is to examine how an ABM-cooperation has influenced and developed the institutions involved and their professions, job roles and tasks. As an example study to examine this I have chosen an ABM-cooperation in Västernorrland that consists of Riksarkivet Landsarkivet, Länsbiblioteket Västernorrland and Murberget Länsmuseet Västernorrland. To do this, I have contacted and sent questionnaires to employees in these three institutions. Three of these employees, I have also met in person to go over their answers. Prior to these meetings, I also conducted a literature review in which I have found out information about the background to the cooperation. The results show that none of the employees that I have interviewed think that their participation in the ABM-cooperation has led to major changes within their respective institutions. But when you read their answers to the questionnaires you can see that this is not the case. Duties have changed, been added, and the cooperation with the other institutions should be considered as a change in itself. One reason that these changes are not considered changes may be that cooperation has a long history and they have become part of everyday life in the workplace. There is no evidence in my results that an institution intentionally have used a strategy to develop and strengthen their workplace or professions though there are some points of contact. Instead, one can see signs that it has created a whole new strategy and a whole new approach to the co-operation started when the institutions and their employees in connection with the collaboration has strengthened their positions in their own institutions and with other participating institutions.

Performance Evaluations of Cisco ASA and Linux iptables Firewall Solutions

Xu, Junjie, Su, Wenhui January 2013 (has links)
A firewall is an essential component to provide network security and traffic control. It is widely used to prevent illegal accesses to private or corporate networks from external unsafe source like Internet. Firewalls are basically classified into two types, hardware firewalls and software firewalls. Hardware-based is a single external hardware to a system, but software-based is installed on a computer inside a system. Two such firewalls, Cisco ASA 5505 and Linux iptables are implemented and practical evaluated theirs performance. The performance test in this paper work primarily focuses on Network layer, and the main parameters include Throughput, Latency, and Concurrent Sessions. Different performance monitoring tools are also introduced in this paper. As a network layer firewall, the most impressive feature is through inspecting the packets to manage the traffic from the higher Layer 4-7 of OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, which inevitably has a certain impact on the performance. The bottleneck of the whole network is determined by what extent the impact is. The primary objective of this thesis is through analyzing the test reports to evaluate the two type firewalls’ performance. Thus the results reported in this paper gives some ideas to new firewall customers about what aspects should be considered before selecting a suitable firewall product.

Arkivteoretiska krav på informationen i molnet : En studie om vilka kunskaper som leverantörer av molntjänster har angående arkivteoretiska kvalitetskrav på information

Samuelsson, Erika January 2013 (has links)
Idag pratas det mycket om ett fenomen som kallas Cloud Computing, vilket kan kort beskrivas som tillhandahållning av datorresurser så som informationslagring, processorkraft och applikationer via Internet. Begreppet Cloud Computing har ingen direkt motsvarighet på svenska men kan översättas till exempelvis molnbaserade datortjänster eller molntjänster. Vanligtvis så innebär Cloud Computing att it-företag hyr ut en del av en server samt annan datorservice till en organisation. Cloud Computing är ett attraktivt alternativ för både den privata och offentliga sektorn och efterfrågas i allt större utsträckning.   Från ett arkivvetenskapligt perspektiv associeras Cloud Computing med många fördelar, men kanske med ännu fler nackdelar. De centrala problemföreställningarna relateras till tillit i en digital miljö. Frågor om hur information kan förbli autentisk, tillgänglig och fri från insyn från icke behöriga personer genom hela dess livscykel är framträdande i den arkivvetenskapliga debatten.   Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka medvetenheten hos svenska leverantörer av molntjänster gällande de särskilda krav som ställs på arkivinformation, som kvalitetskraven pålitlighet, autenticitet samt tillgänglighet. Detta är något som inte har diskuterats i så stor utsträckning inom arkivvetenskapen.   För att samla in det empiriska materialet genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med företag som på något sätt tillhandahåller molntjänster. Resultaten av intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av teoretiskt material huvudsakligen baserat på The International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems (InterPARES) forskning och begreppsbildningar.   Resultat från studien visar att de tillfrågade företagen som tillhandahåller molntjänster arbetar mycket med säkerhet för att på så vis kunna så långt det är möjligt säkerställa att informationen förvarat i molnet förblir enligt vad de definierar som autentiskt och att kundens krav säkerställs. De har skilda uppfattningar om vad autenticitet innebär och vilket även delvis skiljer sig från den arkivteoretiska tolkningen. Tillgänglighet är ett av de främsta kraven som kunden ställer på informationen och som således är något som it-företagen prioriterar i deras tjänster.

Projektledarens förutsättningar för kunskapsöverföring mellan produktutvecklingsprojekt / The Project Manager´s prerequisites for Knowledge Transfer between Product Development Projects

Rignell, Elisabeth January 2013 (has links)
Kunskapsöverföring mellan projekt är ett ansvarsområde inom projektledning. Arbetsformen projekt är mycket kunskapsintensiv och det är av största vikt för organisationer att omhänderta kunskap som genereras inom projektverksamheten. Det finns dokumenterade svårigheter kring kunskapsöverföring från både framgångrika samt problemfyllda projekt och oftast förblir kunskapen individbunden och odokumenterad. För att genomföra kunskapsöverföring mellan projekt på ett effektivt sätt krävs att projektledare har kunskap om specifika metoder samt pedagogiska färdigheter ihop med bred projektledarkunskap. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa projektledares uppfattning om kunskapsöverföring mellan produktutvecklingsprojekt och vilka metoder som används. Den kvalitativa ansatsen fenomenografi har används för att analysera resultatet. Studien omfattar totalt sex intervjuer av seniora projektledare verksamma inom produktutvecklingsprojekt på ett högteknologiskt företag i mellansverige. Projektledarna i denna studie använder metoder vid kunskapsöverföring som är dokumenterat framgångsrika vid kunskapsöverföring och organisatoriskt lärande. Projektledarna anser att kunskapsöverföring är en viktig aktivitet men deras utövandet bygger endast på erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap utan en teoretisk, pedagogisk förankring. Varken projektorganisationen eller linjeorganisationen prioriterar aktivteter kopplat till kunskapsöverföring i verksamheten. Projektverksamheten är i huvudsak fokuserad kring produktframtagning och kunskapsöverföring sker övervägande i samband med att problem uppstår i verksamheten. Projektteamens möjligheter att ta till sig kunskap under problemlösning är begränsade på grund av hög stressnivå. Dokumenteringen av kunskapsöverföring har ingen given mottagare i linjeorganisationen. De framgångsrika mjuka ledaregenskaperna vid kunskapsöverföring värderas inte explicit av verksamheten. Många aktiviteter kring kunskapsöverföring sker omedvetet i projektverksamheten. Fallstudien visar att det finns en förbättringspotential i det högteknologiska företagets projekt- och linjeverksamhet genom att öka fokuseringen på kunskapsöverföring och projektledares förutsättningar.

Learning Through Level Design : Using a learning taxonomy to map level design to pedagogy

Ekholm, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Entertainment games are known for their motivational and engaging benefits when it comes to teaching the player how to play games. Still, there is little research about the connection between pedagogy and entertainment games. This knowledge could be used to develop educational games that utilize those sought after benefits of engagement and motivation. The purpose of this research is therefore to conduct a case study that identifies the underlying pedagogical elements in the level design components game progression and pacing in the entertainment game Space Team: Pocket Planets. The results show that by breaking down gameplay into level design components, used to teach the player how to play the game, and mapping them to a learning taxonomy, the pedagogical elements that corresponds to those components can be identified. This information can be used as a method when it comes to evaluating the pedagogy present in other games and to bridge the knowledge gap between game designers of educational and entertainment games.

Bluetooth Low Energy and Smartphones for Proximity-Based Automatic Door Locks

Andersson, Tim January 2014 (has links)
Bluetooth Low Energy is becoming increasingly popular in mobile applications due to the possibility of using it for proximity data. Proximity can be estimated by measuring the strength of the Bluetooth signal, and actions can then be performed based on a user's proximity to a certain location or object. One of the most interesting applications of proximity information is automating common tasks; this paper evaluates Bluetooth Low Energy in the context of using smartphones to automatically unlock a door when a user approaches the door. Measurements were performed to determine signal strength reliability, energy consumption and connection latency. The results show that Bluetooth Low Energy is a suitable technology for proximity-based door locks despite the large variance in signal strength.

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