Spelling suggestions: "subject:"annealing."" "subject:"nnealing.""
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Contribution à l'optimisation globale : approche déterministe et stochastique et application / Contribution to global optimization : deterministic, stochastic approachs and applicationEs-Sadek, Mohamed Zeriab 21 November 2009 (has links)
Dans les situations convexes, le problème d'optimisation globale peut être abordé par un ensemble de méthodes classiques, telles, par exemple, celles basées sur le gradient, qui ont montré leur efficacité en ce domaine. Lorsque la situation n'est pas convexe, ces méthodes peuvent être mises en défaut et ne pas trouver un optimum global. La contribution de cette thèse est une méthodologie pour la détermination de l'optimum global d'une fonction non convexe, en utilisant des algorithmes hybrides basés sur un couplage entre des algorithmes stochastiques issus de familles connues, telles, par exemple, celle des algorithmes génétiques ou celle du recuit simulé et des algorithmes déterministes perturbés aléatoirement de façon convenable. D'une part, les familles d'algorithmes stochastiques considérées ont fait preuve d'efficacité pour certaines classes de problèmes et, d'autre part, l'adjonction de perturbations aléatoires permet de construire des méthodes qui sont en théorie convergents vers un optimum global. En pratique, chacune de ces approches a ses limitations et insuffisantes, de manière que le couplage envisagé dans cette thèse est une alternative susceptible d'augmenter l'efficacité numérique. Nous examinons dans cette thèse quelques unes de ces possibilités de couplage. Pour établir leur efficacité, nous les appliquons à des situations test classiques et à un problème de nature stochastique du domaine des transports. / This thesis concerns the global optimization of a non convex function under non linear restrictions, this problem cannot be solved using the classic deterministic methods like the projected gradient algorithm and the sqp method because they can solve only the convex problems. The stochastic algorithms like the genetic algorithm and the simulated annealing algorithm are also inefficients for solving this type of problems. For solving this kind of problems, we try to perturb stocasicly the deterministic classic method and to combine this perturbation with genetic algorithm and the simulated annealing. So we do the combination between the perturbed projected gradient and the genetic algorithm, the perturbed sqp method and the genetic algorithm, the perturbed projected gradient and the simulated annealing, the Piyavskii algorithm and the genetic algorithm. We applicate the coupled algorithms to different classic examples for concretited the thesis. For illustration in the real life, we applicate the coupled perturbed projected gradient end the genetic algorithm to logistic problem eventuelly transport. In this view, we sold the efficient practices.
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Réalisation de jonctions ultra-minces par recuit laser : applications aux détecteurs UV / Ultra-shallow junctions realization by laser annealing : applications to UV sensorsLarmande, Yannick 23 November 2010 (has links)
Depuis les années 1970, la taille des composants n’a cessé de diminuer. La réalisation de jonctions ultra-minces et fortement dopées est devenue un point clef dans la réduction des dispositifs microélectroniques. Les techniques de production doivent évoluer afin de répondre aux spécifications drastiques, en termes de taille des zones dopées et de leurs propriétés électriques, des prochains noeuds technologiques. Dans ce travail de thèse nous avons étudié le procédé d’activation au laser de dopants implantés par immersion plasma. Le laser à excimère utilisé (ArF) est absorbé dans moins de 10 nmde silicium, ce qui va permettre un recuit local. De plus, la courte durée d’impulsion va assurer un faible budget thermique, limitant la diffusion des dopants. En associant cette technique à l’implantation ionique par immersion plasma, dont l’intérêt est de pouvoir travailler à de très basses tensions d’accélération (quelques dizaines d’eV), nous pouvons réaliser des jonctions avec un fort taux d’activation sans diffusion. Après avoir présenté les différentes techniques de dopage pouvant être utilisées, nous avons décrit les dispositifs expérimentaux de traitement et de caractérisation utilisés. Des simulations ont permis de comprendre le rôle des paramètres laser sur le profil de température du siliciumen surface. Après avoir choisi le laser le plus adapté parmi les lasers ArF, KrF et XeCl (respectivement: 193 nm - 15 ns, 248 nm - 35 ns, 308 nm - 50 ns), nous avons observé l’effet du nombre de tirs et de la mise en forme de faisceau afin d’optimiser le procédé. Pour terminer, des inhomogénéités dues aux bords de faisceau ont été mises en évidence et étudiées afin d’enlimiter l’effet. / Since the 1970’s, the components size has steadily declined. The realization of highly-dopedultra shallow junctions became a key point in the reduction of microelectronic devices. Them anufacturing processes must evolve to meet the stringent specifications of the next technologynodes, in particular in terms of dimension and electrical properties of the doped area.In this thesis we have studied the process of laser annealing of dopants implanted by plasmaimmersion. The ArF excimer laser we used is absorbed in less than 10 nm of silicon, whichallows a local heating. Moreover, the short pulse duration provides a low thermal budget whichreduces the dopant diffusion. By combining this technique with plasma immersion ion implantation, which is interesting because of the very low acceleration voltage (few tens of eV), we can produce highly activated junctions without diffusion. After a presentation of the different doping techniques that may be used, we describe the experimental treatment and the characterization tools that we used. We have used numerical simulations to understand the role of the laser parameters on the temperature profile of the silicon surface. After choosing the most suitable laser between ArF, KrF and XeCl (respectively :193 nm - 15 ns, 248 nm - 35 ns, 308 nm - 50 ns), we studied the influence of the number of shots and beam shaping to optimize the process. Finally, inhomogeneities caused by the beam edgeshave been studied and identified in order to improve the laser scan process.
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Optimization of Operational Overhead based on the Evaluation of Current Snow Maintenance System : A Case Study of Borlänge, SwedenRaihana, Nishat January 2019 (has links)
This study analyzes snow maintenance data of Borlänge municipality of Sweden based on the data of 2017 to 2018. The goal of this study is to reduce operational overhead of snow maintenance, for example, fuel and time consumption of the snow maintenance vehicles, work hour of dedicated personnel, etc. Borlänge Energy equipped the snow maintenance vehicles with GPS devices which stored the record of the snow maintenance activities. The initial part of this study obtained insights out of the GPS data by using spatiotemporal data analysis. Derivation of the different snow maintenance treatments (plowing, sanding and salting) as well as the efficiency of the sub-contractors (companies which are responsible for snow maintenance) and inspectors (personnel who are liable to call the subcontractors if they think it is time for snow maintenance) are performed in the beginning of this study. The efficiency of the subcontractors and inspectors are measured to compare their performance with each other. The latter part of this study discusses a simulated annealing-based heuristics technique to find out optimal location for dispatching snow maintenance vehicles. In the existing system of snow maintenance, drivers of the maintenance vehicles decide to start location of maintenance work based on their experience and intuition, which might vary from one driver to another driver. The vehicle dispatch locations are calculated based on the availability of the vehicles. For example, if a subcontractor has three vehicles to perform snow maintenance on a specific road map, the proposed solution would suggest three locations to dispatch those vehicles. The purpose of finding the optimal dispatch location is to reduce the total travel distance of the maintenance vehicles, which yield less fuel and time consumption. The study result shows the average travel distance for 1, 3, and 5 vehicles on 15 road networks. The proposed solution would yield 18% less travel than the existing system of snow maintenance.
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Determinação de espectros de energia de elétrons clínicos do eixo central a partir de curvas de porcentagem de dose em profundidade de feixes largos / Determination of central axis energy spectra of clinical electron beam from percentage depth dose curves of broad beamsVisbal, Jorge Homero Wilches 15 August 2018 (has links)
Em radioterapia, o espectro de energia é o componente mais importante dos feixes de elétrons. Espectros de energia de elétrons são relevântes para o cálculo acurado da dose, aplicações do sistema de planejamento e simulações realistas. Reconstrução inversa consiste na derivação do espectro de energia de elétrons a partir de curvas de porcentagem de dose em profundidade utilizando um apropiado modelo matemático. Reconstrução inversa é considerada a melhor dentre muitas abordagens porque: i) não requer nenhum equipamento suplementar ou do conhecimento detalhado da geometria e composição do cabeçote do acelerador; ii) equipamentos para a medição de curvas de porcentagem de dose em profundidade estão disponíveis em qualquer clínica e iii) é computacionalmente rápida. Neste trabalho, usou-se o método de reconstrução inversa baseado na sinergia recozimento simulado generalizado-regularização de Tikhonov. A validação da reconstrução foi realizada através do índice gama sob critérios clínicos de aceitação restritivos. Resultados mostraram que os espectros de energia reconstruídos reproduzem com precisão a porcentagem de dose em profundidade clínica bem como valores de dose fora do eixo central. Assim, concluí-se que o método empregado é ecaz para reconstruir espectros de energia que representam efetivamente espectros de energia do acelerador que atingem na supercie do fantoma. Consequentemente, sob certos limites, eles poderiam auxiliar em simulações realistas do tratamento. / In radiotherapy, energy spectrum is the most critical component of any electron beam. Knowledge of energy spectrum is important for accurate dose calculation, treatment planning applications and realistic simulations. Inverse reconstruction derives energy spectrum from the measured percentage depth dose using an appropriate mathematical model. There are several advantages to using inverse reconstruction: i) it does not require any supplementary equipment or detailed knowledge of the geometry head and composition; ii) the equipment for measurement of the percentage depth dose is standard and already available in any clinic and iii) it is computationally fast. In this work, we used the inverse reconstruction method based on the synergy simulated annealing generalized-Tikhonov regularization. Validation of inverse reconstruction was done by comparing the measured and reconstructed percentage depth dose via the gamma index. Results show the reconstructed electron energy spectra accurately reproduce the clinical dose percentage as well as o-axis dose values. Therefore, it was concluded that the method employed is eective to reconstruct energy spectra that eectively represent accelerator energy spectra reaching the phantom surface. Consequently, under certain limits, they could aid in realistic simulations of treatment.
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Stress evolution during growth on InAs on GaAs measured by an in-situ cantilever beam setupHu, Dongzhi 23 February 2007 (has links)
Der Einfluss der Verspannung während des Wachstums von InAs auf GaAs(001) mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht. Eine Biegebalkenapparatur wurde benutzt, um den Verlauf der Filmkraft während des Wachstums und dem nachfolgenden Anlassen bei Wachstumstemperaturen zu messen. Die Steigung in einer Darstellung von Filmkraft gegen Filmdicke ist gleich der Verspannung, die sich während des heteroepitaktischen Wachstums bildet. Während des Wachstums von InAs auf GaAs(001) unter As-reichen Bedingungen zeigt die Filmkraft zuerst eine lineare Steigung. Dieser lineare Verlauf entspricht dem Aufdampfen der Benetzungsschicht (WL). Nach Erreichen der kritischen Schichtdicke verläuft die Filmkraft mit geringerer Steigung, was auf einen Abbau der Verspannung durch das Auftreten von Quantenpunkten (QP) hindeutet. Werden die QP nachfolgend angelassen, nimmt die Filmkraft wieder ab was durch Reifung der QDs und durch Desorption von InAs hervorgerufen wird. Modelle wurden entwickelt um die Filmkraft-Kurven, die während des Anlassens gemessen wurden, anzupassen. Die QP reifen unter Standard-Ostwald-Bedingungen für Temperaturen unterhalb 470°C. Verschiedene Mechanismen bestimmen den Reifungsprozess. Beim Anlassen bei höheren Temperaturen zeigt sich ein anderes Verhalten. Die Verspannung der QP baut sich auf Werte unterhalb der Verspannung ab, die durch das Aufbringen der Benetzungsschicht entstanden ist. Rasterkraftmikroskop-Aufnahmen zeigen, dass die QP zuerst reifen und sich dann nach ca. 450s bis 600s wieder auflösen. Im Unterschied zum Wachstum unter As-reichen Bedingungen führt das Wachstum unter In-reichen Bedingungen nicht zur Ausbildung von QP sondern verläuft im Lagenwachstumsmodus. Filmkraft-Kurven wurden ebenfalls unter diesen Bedingungen gemessen und zeigen, wie erwartet, eine deutliche Abweichungen von Kurven, die während des Stranski-Krastanov-Wachstums gemessen wurden. Eine erste vorläufige Analyse dieser Filmkraftkurven wird beschrieben. / The influence of stress on the growth of InAs on GaAs(001) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is investigated in this thesis. An in-situ cantilever beam measurement (CBM) setup was used to measure the evolution of the film force during deposition and subsequent annealing at the growth temperature. The slope in a plot of film force versus film thickness is equal to the stress that builds up during heteroepitaxial growth. During the growth of InAs on GaAs(001) under As-rich conditions, the film force shows a linear slope up to a value of 2.3 N/m. This linear increase in film force corresponds to the deposition of the wetting layer. Beyond the critical thickness of 1.5-1.6 monolayers, the film force proceeds with a decreasing slope, indicating a strain release by the formation of quantum dots. When the samples are subsequently annealed, the film force decreases again due to the ripening of the quantum dots and the desorption of InAs. Models were developed to fit and explain the relaxation of the film force measured during the annealing of InAs quantum dots. At temperatures lower than 470°C, quantum dots undergo standard Ostwald ripening. Different mechanisms determine the ripening process. Fits of the models based on these mechanisms were made to the film force relaxation curves. Annealing of quantum dots at temperatures higher than 500°C shows a very different behavior. The film force accumulated during the quantum dot formation relaxes below the value which was built-up by the wetting layer growth. Atomic force microscopy images reveal that the quantum dots ripen first and then dissolve after 450s to 600s annealing. In contrast to the growth under As-rich conditions, the growth under In-rich conditions does not lead to the formation of quantum dots but proceeds rather in a layer-by-layer growth mode. The film force curves were also measured during this deposition mode. A preliminary analysis of the film force curves is presented.
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Stochastic algorithms for optimal placements of flexible objects. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 1999 (has links)
by Cheung, Shing Kwong. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-143). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Designing PU resins for fibre composite applicationsAl-Obad, Zoalfokkar January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on designing thermoplastic composites with high mechanical properties and a low processing temperature. Thermoplastic composites, which are used in this work, are composed of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) matrices and plain woven E-glass fabrics (GFs). TPUs were synthesised with large quantities of hard segments (HS), including 70% and 90%wt HS. The GF-TPU composites manufactured in this study have a melting point of around 175oC. As such, 180oC represents the processing temperature, which was used to produce GF-TPU composites. The influences of HS content and annealing treatment at 80oC on the thermal, dynamic mechanical and mechanical properties of TPU samples and GF-TPU composites with 25% fibre volume fraction (Vf) have been investigated. The highest crystallinity, storage modulus, Tg, yield strength, tensile strength and tensile modulus of all the TPU samples are seen in the TPU/90 samples annealed for 4 days. The TPU/90 samples display higher tensile properties than the TPU/70 and polypropylene (PP) samples, while the PP samples show the greatest elongation at break point. Furthermore, the tensile properties of the TPU/70 and TPU/90 samples are much higher than those of commercial TPUs. As such, annealed GF-TPU/90 composites with 25% Vf present the greatest dynamic mechanical, flexural, and tensile properties. GF-TPU/90 composites with 25% Vf show higher flexural strength than GF-PP composites or GF-polyamide 6 (PA6) composites with the same Vf. The effects of fibre surface treatments on the mechanical properties of GF and GF-TPU/70 composites with 25% Vf have also been studied in this investigation. GF treated with burn-off treatment is found to exhibit the lowest tensile properties. The interfacial adhesion between GF treated by NaOH for 0.5hrs and a TPU/70 matrix is greater than between GF treated by acetone for 5hrs and a TPU/70 matrix. Silanised GF presents greater tensile properties than desized GF. Thus, enhanced interfacial adhesion and tensile, flexural, ILSS and GIC properties are observed in the silanised GF-TPU/70 composites than in the desized GF-TPU/70 composites. GF-TPU/70 composites based on GFs treated by NaOH for 0.5hrs then sized with 0.15%wt. aminosilane display the greatest interfacial adhesion, flexural properties, ILSS and GIC, damage tolerance and impact-damage resistance. Conversely, the lowest interfacial adhesion, GIC, damage tolerance and impact-damage resistance are seen in the GF-PP composites based on 25% Vf as-received GF. There is a significant increase in the tensile and flexural properties of GF-TPU/90 composites with increasing the Vf from 25% to 50%. Moreover, the flexural strength of GF-TPU/90 composites with 50% Vf is not only higher than that of GF-EP composites or GF-vinyl ester composites with normalised 50% Vf, but is also much higher than that of GF-PP composites with 50% Vf. Despite this result, GF-TPU/90 composites with 50% Vf show the lowest fracture toughness, impact-damage resistance and damage tolerance, which are improved by adding 25% and 50%wt. of TPU/70 to the TPU/90 matrix. GF-TPU/90 composites based on a modified matrix have higher GIC, GIIC, impact-damage resistance and damage tolerance than GF-TPU/90 composites based on an unmodified matrix. The GIC, GIIC, impact-damage resistance and damage tolerance of GF-TPU/90 composites based on a modified matrix increase with increasing the percentage of TPU/70. Hence, the highest GIC, GIIC, impact-damage resistance and damage tolerance are seen in the GF-TPU/90 composites based on a modified matrix with 50%wt. of TPU/70.
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Étude d'un protocole de régénération thermique de composants électroniques soumis à un rayonnement ionisant / Study of thermal annealing of electronic component subjected to ionizing radiationDhombres, Stéphanie 11 December 2015 (has links)
De nos jours, les caméras sont de plus en plus utilisées lors de missions spatiales ou en centrale nucléaire pour des missions d'observations (civiles ou militaires) et de surveillance (vérification du déploiement de panneaux solaires, opérations extravéhiculaires, accident nucléaire, site de stockage). L'environnement spatial, les réacteurs civils nucléaires ou les lieux de stockage de déchets radioactifs sont des milieux radiatifs qui peuvent très fortement perturber les composants électroniques et les systèmes. Dans ces environnements, les rayonnements ionisants dégradent les paramètres électriques des composants électroniques. La dose totale ionisante conduit à l'apparition d'un nombre significatif de charges dans les oxydes des matériaux constituant les composants électroniques, modifiant leurs propriétés électriques. Il en résulte qu'une exposition à la dose totale ionisante peut entraîner une défaillance partielle ou totale d'un composant voire d'un système électronique embarqué.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons une méthode de régénération pour guérir les paramètres électriques dégradés par la dose totale ionisante de composants électroniques soumis aux rayonnements ionisants. Cette méthode consiste à appliquer des cycles de recuit isothermes à un composant électronique. Dans un premier temps, cette méthode est appliquée sur des transistors MOS, et une étude est menée sur l'impact des différents paramètres clés du recuit (polarisation, température, durée de recuit, pas en dose entre chaque recuit). Dans un second temps, nous nous intéressons à des composants plus intégrés et plus récents tels que des capteurs d'images de type CMOS APS. Nous montrons expérimentalement l'impact d'un recuit sur ce type de composant et enfin, nous adaptons la méthode de régénération pour l'appliquer à ces capteurs APS afin d'augmenter leur durée de vie. / Nowadays, cameras are more and more used in space missions or nuclear plant for observation (civil or military) and monitoring missions (checking the deployment of solar panels, extravehicular operations, nuclear accident, and area storage). The space environment, nuclear reactors or radioactive waste storage areas are radiative environments that can greatly disturb electronic components and systems. In these environments, ionizing radiation degrades the electrical parameters of electronic components. The total ionizing dose induces significant charge build-up in oxides, degrading the electrical properties of the materials of electronic devices. That can result in the loss of functionality of the entire electronic system.In this thesis, we propose a regeneration method to recover the electrical parameters degraded by total ionizing dose of electronic components subjected to ionizing radiation. In this method isothermal annealing cycles are applied to electronic devices. In a first step, this method is applied on MOS transistors, and a study is conducted on the impact of various key parameters of annealing (bias, annealing temperature, annealing time, dose step between each annealing). In a second step, we focus on components more integrated and newer such as CMOS APS image sensors. We experiment what is the impact of annealing on this type of component and finally, the regeneration method is modified to be suitable on these APS sensors to increase their lifetime.
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Influência da temperatura e corrente de trabalho, nas características elétricas e mecânicas do cobre eletrolíticoBarcelos, Sérgio Martins January 2010 (has links)
Fatores críticos no controle de um sistema elétrico, sem dúvida alguma, são os desafios de manter-se toda a sua estrutura física em plenas condições de operação. A infra-estrutura passiva, materiais e acessórios, devem manter suas propriedades elétricas e mecânicas, minimizados aos impactos da descaracterização por excedentes de correntes elétricas circulantes. Um dos elementos passivos nas redes de distribuição de energia elétrica é motivo deste estudo, sendo o condutor de corrente elétrica, por meio de fios de cobre eletrolíticos – ETP C110 têmpera meio-duro, seção circular, 101% IACS. As condições operacionais dos fios de cobre instalados numa rede estão sujeitos a intensidade da corrente elétrica de trabalho em períodos e eventos diversos; as correntes podem variar desde a mínima corrente de carga, carga média, carga pesada, sobrecarga ou sobrecorrentes por curto circuitos; todos esses eventos são relacionados a difusidade térmica do material, sendo relacionado para cada um deles uma temperatura obtida. No total foram investigadas 6 amostras, sendo 5 delas denotando um evento de intensidade de corrente elétrica, objetivando apontar os resultados das análises realizadas sobre os efeitos da temperatura imposta pela corrente elétrica circulante em fios. As amostras, originadas de produto, “material base” foram caracterizados, em fio de cobre nu rígido de diâmetro de 4,515 mm (≈16,00 mm²), utilizando-se dispositivo gerador de corrente elétrica, produziu-se intensidade da mesma para cada espécime; cinco amostras foram caracterizadas, sendo respectivamente, em 143 Amper (capacidade nominal do fio), 214.5 Amper, 286 Amper, 400 Amper e 700 Amper; cada qual denotando um evento com duração de tempo específica, sendo efetuado o monitoramento do gradiente de temperatura, individualmente, obtendo-se como resultado estruturas de material recristalizado, bem como produtos com recozimento severo. Inicialmente foi investigada a composição química percentual do material encruado pelo processo de trefilação do cobre puro ETP, e também a tração unidirecional e obtenção da estrutura metalográfica de todas as amostras, bem como a resistividade/condutibilidade de ambas. / Critical factor in the control of an electrical system, undoubtedly, are the provocation in maintain it all your physical structure in total operation conditions. Static infrastructure, materials and complement, must to maintain it’s electrical and mechanicals proprieties reduced at impacts loss characteristic for excess of electrical current. One of those statics elements in the electrical power distribution system it’s reason this work, being conductor of electrical current, through de electrolytic copper wire – ETP C110 hardness half-hard, cross-section, 101% IACS. Operations conditions of the copper wire installed in network are subjects to intensity of electrical current in cycle and several events; the currents can alter it from current minim, middle, absolute, overload or short circuit; all those events it’s connected to thermal diffusity of material, being connected to each and all a temperature have achieved. In total was investigated six samples, being five indicating an event of intensity of electrical current, intending obtain results of the analyses made with effects of temperature achieved by electrical current in wires. The samples, made of “base material” were characterized, in copper wire, without isolation, hardness half-hard, diameter 4.515mm (≈16,00 mm²), using it electrical current generator device, makes to circulate intensity of electrical current for each sample; five sample was characterized, being respectively, 143 Amper (nominal capacity of product), 214.5 Amper, 286 Amper, 400 Amper e 700 Amper; every one denoting an event with specific duration, being made the monitoring temperature rate of change, individually, obtaining as resulted structure of recrystallized material, and too severe annealing. Previously was investigated the percentage chemical composition of hardened material by drawing process of pure copper ETP, and too unidirectional tensile strength and metallography of all sample, and too the resistivity/conductivity in every one.
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Determinação de espectros de energia de elétrons clínicos do eixo central a partir de curvas de porcentagem de dose em profundidade de feixes largos / Determination of central axis energy spectra of clinical electron beam from percentage depth dose curves of broad beamsJorge Homero Wilches Visbal 15 August 2018 (has links)
Em radioterapia, o espectro de energia é o componente mais importante dos feixes de elétrons. Espectros de energia de elétrons são relevântes para o cálculo acurado da dose, aplicações do sistema de planejamento e simulações realistas. Reconstrução inversa consiste na derivação do espectro de energia de elétrons a partir de curvas de porcentagem de dose em profundidade utilizando um apropiado modelo matemático. Reconstrução inversa é considerada a melhor dentre muitas abordagens porque: i) não requer nenhum equipamento suplementar ou do conhecimento detalhado da geometria e composição do cabeçote do acelerador; ii) equipamentos para a medição de curvas de porcentagem de dose em profundidade estão disponíveis em qualquer clínica e iii) é computacionalmente rápida. Neste trabalho, usou-se o método de reconstrução inversa baseado na sinergia recozimento simulado generalizado-regularização de Tikhonov. A validação da reconstrução foi realizada através do índice gama sob critérios clínicos de aceitação restritivos. Resultados mostraram que os espectros de energia reconstruídos reproduzem com precisão a porcentagem de dose em profundidade clínica bem como valores de dose fora do eixo central. Assim, concluí-se que o método empregado é ecaz para reconstruir espectros de energia que representam efetivamente espectros de energia do acelerador que atingem na supercie do fantoma. Consequentemente, sob certos limites, eles poderiam auxiliar em simulações realistas do tratamento. / In radiotherapy, energy spectrum is the most critical component of any electron beam. Knowledge of energy spectrum is important for accurate dose calculation, treatment planning applications and realistic simulations. Inverse reconstruction derives energy spectrum from the measured percentage depth dose using an appropriate mathematical model. There are several advantages to using inverse reconstruction: i) it does not require any supplementary equipment or detailed knowledge of the geometry head and composition; ii) the equipment for measurement of the percentage depth dose is standard and already available in any clinic and iii) it is computationally fast. In this work, we used the inverse reconstruction method based on the synergy simulated annealing generalized-Tikhonov regularization. Validation of inverse reconstruction was done by comparing the measured and reconstructed percentage depth dose via the gamma index. Results show the reconstructed electron energy spectra accurately reproduce the clinical dose percentage as well as o-axis dose values. Therefore, it was concluded that the method employed is eective to reconstruct energy spectra that eectively represent accelerator energy spectra reaching the phantom surface. Consequently, under certain limits, they could aid in realistic simulations of treatment.
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