Spelling suggestions: "subject:"applicatications)"" "subject:"applicationoptions)""
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Vibrationsmätningar : Uppföljning av negativa trender / Vibration measurements : Follow-up of negative trendsVikström, Lars January 2021 (has links)
In this study, data on vibration measurements from Forsmark - Vattenfall AB's database has been studied, the goal has been to see how it can be reworked so that it becomes easier to interpret and more transparent for more people in maintenance.The idea has been to use all the data available to create graphs or graphs over a longer period to look for trends in systems that are similar to each other. Which is because there is redundancy in the systems and blocks 1 & 2 are sibling blocks with identical components, so it is possible to compare them.Furthermore, it is intended to implement the results from this work in balanced scorecards that are already used at Forsmark at present. This is done to obtain data on how the maintenance is going and how many machines need to be maintained compared to previous periods.The work has consisted of retrieving data files from Forsmark's database and via an Excel script that reworks all data so that graphs can be created of the various measurements performed regularly by the Maintenance Group NMM 1-3 (Mechanical Maintenance) at Forsmark.The results of the work have been verified through the special software that NMM 1–3 uses but in which other groups have no experience. In this special software all graphs and data are already available, something that is not as easy, however, is the ability to compare different machines at the same time, something that this thesis work tries to create.As others in maintenance do not have experience in the specialized software, Excel is used instead, as it is a program all groups have access to and good knowledge in. What emerges from the work is that the amount of data is very large but the possibility to get to the goal is good, the data files need some reworking to be easily used for graph creation and some things are unfortunately not included in the data files but must be downloaded from the special software NMM 1- 3 have. / I denna studie har data över vibrationsmätningar från Forsmark – Vattenfall AB:s databas studerats, målet har varit att se hur den ska kunna omarbetas så att den blir lättare att tolka och mer överskådlig för flera inom underhåll.Idén har varit att använda all den data som finns tillgänglig för att skapa graf eller grafer över längre tid för att leta efter trender inom system som är snarlika varandra, vilket finns eftersom det finns redundans i systemen och block 1 & 2 är syskonblock, så det går att jämföra mellan dem.Vidare är det tänkt att implementera resultatet från detta arbete i balanserade styrkort (Scorecard) som redan används på Forsmark i dagsläget, detta görs för att få in data över hur underhållet går och hur många maskiner som behöver underhållas jämfört med tidigare perioder.Arbetet har gått ut på att hämta datafiler från Forsmarks databas och via ett Excel script som omarbetar all data så att grafer kan skapas över de olika mätningar som utförs regelbundet av Underhållsgruppen NMM 1–3 (Mekaniskt underhåll) på Forsmark.Arbetets resultat har verifierats genom den speciella programvara som NMM 1–3 använder men som övriga grupper inte har erfarenhet av. Där finns alla grafer och all data redan att tillgå, något som inte finns lika enkelt är dock möjligheten att jämföra olika maskiner samtidigt, något som detta arbete försöker skapa.Då övriga inom underhåll inte har erfarenhet inom den programvaran så används Excel i stället, då det är ett program alla har tillgång till och god kunskap inom. Det som framkommer av arbetet är att mängden data är väldigt stor men möjligheten att komma till målet är goda, datafilerna behöver viss omarbetning för att enkelt kunna användas för graf skapande och vissa saker finns tyvärr inte med i datafilerna utan måste hämtas från specialprogramvaran NMM 1–3 har.
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Etude et modélisation d'un modulateur à électro-absorption pour des applications de transmission radio sur fibre de signaux ULB aux fréquences centimétriques. Simulation système et caractérisation d'une liaison radio sur fibre à modulation externe / Research and modeling of an electro-absorption modulator for signals of radio over fiber transmission applications UWB frequencies centimétriques. System simulation and characterization of a radio over fiber link to external modulationGirondin, Victor 19 May 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse, consiste à étudier les performances d'une liaison Radio sur Fibre simplifiée mettant en ¿uvre une modulation extérieure de la source optique avec des signaux OFDM. La source laser est couplée sur une même puce avec un modulateur à électro-absorption, développée par Alcatel III-V LaB été modélisée à l'aide du logiciel ADS( Advanced Design System) et caractérisée au laboratoire.Dans une première partie, nous présenterons une introduction de la technologie Radio sur Fibre avec ses applications, et son intérêt pour les technologies futures.Dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéresserons à la modélisation électrique du modulateur à électro-absorption utilisée pour effectuer la modulation numérique de type OFDM.Dans une troisième partie, sera proposée un modèle complet de la chaine de transmission intégrant tous les composants de la liaison, de manière à effectuer une analyse comportementale du système.La quatrième partie, présentent les performances mesurées réalisées au laboratoire sur le banc de caractérisation de la chaine en modulation numérique OFDM Ultra Large Bande et simulées sous ADS et les corrélations entre les résultats. / This thesis is to study the performance of a radio link over fiber simplified implementing an external modulation of the optical source with OFDM signals. The laser source is coupled on a single chip with an electro-absorption modulator, developed by Alcatel III-V LaB been modeled using software ADS (Advanced Design System) and characterized in the laboratory. In the first part, we will present an introduction to the Radio on Fiber technology with its applications, and its interest in future technologies.In the second part, we will focus on the electrical modeling of the electro-absorption modulator used to make the digital OFDM type. In the third part, will be offered a complete model of the transmission chain incorporating all components of the link, so as to perform behavioral analysis system. The fourth part, have measured performance in the laboratory on the chain of characterization bench in digital OFDM Ultra Wideband and simulated in ADS and correlations between the results.
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Mining user similarity in online social networks : analysis,modeling and applications / Fouille de similarité de l'utilisateur dans les réseaux sociaux : analyse, modélisation et applicationsHan, Xiao 21 May 2015 (has links)
Réseaux sociaux (RS) (par exemple, Facebook, Twitter et LinkedIn) ont gagné en popularité écrasante et accumulé des données numériques massives sur la société humaine. Ces données massives, représentant de l’information personnelle et sociale des individus, nous offrent des possibilités sans précédent pour étudier, analyser et modéliser la structure de réseau complexe, les relations humaines, les gens similitude, etc. Pendant ce temps, les RS ont déclenché un grand nombre d’applications et de services qui rentables chercher à maintenir des liens de vibrer et l’expérience des utilisateurs d’avance. Dans ce contexte, comment concevoir ces applications et les services, en particulier comment extraire et d’exploiter des fonctionnalités sociales efficaces à partir des données massives disponibles pour améliorer les applications et les services, a reçu beaucoup d’attention. Cette thèse, visant à améliorer les applications et les services sociaux, étudie trois questions essentielles et pratiques RS: (1) Comment pouvons-nous explorer les amis potentiels pour un utilisateur d’établir et d’élargir ses liens sociaux? (2) comment pouvons-nous découvrir un contenu intéressant pour un utilisateur pour satisfaire ses goûts personnels? (3) comment pouvons-nous informer un utilisateur du risque d’exposition de son information privée pour préserver sa vie privée? S’appuyant sur les idées sur la similarité de personnes dans les sciences sociales, cette thèse étudie les effets et les applications de l’utilisateur similitude dans les RS pour résoudre les problèmes mentionnés ci-dessus. Plus précisément, les sociologues suggèrent que la similitude engendre connexion et induit principe homophilie que les gens similaires (par exemple, même âge, l’éducation ou la profession) sont plus susceptibles de communiquer, de confiance et de partager l’information avec l’autre que ceux dissemblables. Inspiré par ces résultats, cette thèse étudie le principe de similitude répandue dans RS en termes de savoir si les utilisateurs similaires seraient proches dans leurs relations sociales, similaire dans leurs intérêts, ou approximative dans leur géo distance, en se appuyant sur 500K profils d’utilisateurs recueillies auprès de Facebook; il explore en outre des solutions pour exploiter efficacement le principe de similitude observée pour concevoir les quatre applications et des services sociaux suivantes: • Effets de Similarité de L’utilisateur sur Lien Prévision pour les Nouveaux Utilisateurs : nous analysons la prédiction de liaison pour les nouveaux utilisateurs qui n’ont pas créé de lien. Basé sur l’information limitée obtenu lors de votre inscription la procédure de nouveaux utilisateurs, ainsi que les attributs et les liens des utilisateurs existants dans un RS, nous étudions la façon dont beaucoup de similitude entre deux utilisateurs affecterait la probabilité qu’ils se lient d’amitié. En conséquence, nous proposons un modèle de prédiction de liaison efficace pour les nouveaux utilisateurs. • Similarité Minière de L’utilisateur pour la Découverte de Contenu en Réseaux P2P Sociale : nous examinons comment similarité et connaissances des participants dans RS pourraient bénéficier leur découverte de contenu dans les réseaux P2P. Nous construisons un modèle de réseau P2P sociale où chaque pair attribue plus de poids à ses amis dans RS qui ont similarité supérieur et plus de connaissances. Utilisation de marche aléatoire avec la méthode de redémarrage, nous présentons un nouveau contenu algorithme de découverte le dessus du modèle de réseau P2P sociale proposé. • Inspection intérêt similarité - Prédiction et Application : nous présentons des études empiriques détaillées sur les intérêts similitude et de révéler que les gens sont susceptibles de présenter des goûts similaires s’ils ont des informations démographiques similaires (par exemple, âge, lieu), ou s’elles sont amis. Par conséquent, étant donné un nouvel utilisateur dont les intérêts (...) / Online Social Networks (OSNs) (e.g., Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) have gained overwhelming popularity and accumulated massive digital data about human society. These massive data, representing individuals' personal and social information, provide us with unprecedented opportunities to study, analyze and model the complex network structure, human connections, people similarity, etc. Meanwhile, OSNs have triggered a large number of profitable applications and services which seek to maintain vibrate connections and advance users' experience. In this context, how to devise such applications and services, especially how to extract and exploit effective social features from the massive available data to enhance the applications and services, has received much attention. This dissertation, aiming to enhance the social applications and services, investigates three critical and practical issues in OSNs: (1) How can we explore potential friends for a user to establish and enlarge her social connections? (2) How can we discover interesting content for a user to satisfy her personal tastes? (3) How can we inform a user the exposure risk of her private information to preserve her privacy? Drawing on the insights about people's similarity in social science, this dissertation studies the widespread similarity principle in OSN in terms of whether similar users would be close in their social relationships, similar in their interests, or approximate in their geo-distance, relying on 500K user profiles collected from Facebook; it further explores solutions to effectively leverage the observed similarity principle to address the aforementioned practical issues
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Development of an Atmospheric Pressure Laser Induced Fluorimeter (AP-LIF) for NO₂ and Application of AP-LIF for Study of Heterogeneous NO₂ ChemistryParra, Jeremy 01 January 2012 (has links)
Nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) is a pollutant of interest for study both because of its controlling role in the oxidant capacity of the atmosphere and the health risks it poses. Concerns about the health effects of NO₂ and its role in forming deleterious atmospheric species have made it desirable to have low-cost, sensitive ambient measurements of NO₂. A continuous-wave laser-diode laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) system for NO₂ was developed here which operates at ambient pressure, thereby eliminating the need for an expensive pumping system. The current prototype system has achieved sensitivity several orders of magnitude beyond previous efforts at ambient pressure (limit of detection of 2 ppb, 60 s averaging time). Ambient measurements of NO₂ were made in Portland, Oregon using both the standard NO₂ chemiluminescence method and the LIF instrument and showed good agreement (r² = 0.92). In addition, investigations into surface mediated chemistry involving oxides of nitrogen (namely, NO₂) have stimulated new inquiry into potential heterogeneous sources of NO₂ as well as challenged the stability of permanent sinks for NO₂. The possibility that surface mediated chemistry plays a significant role in NOy chemistry in urban air has for the past few decades received considerable attention. The AP-LIF NO₂ instrument is uniquely suited to measure surface chemistry under near ambient conditions. The so called 'renoxification' reaction of gaseous NO with surface bound HNO₃ yielding NO₂ (2HNO₃(surface) + NO--> 3NO₂ +H₂O(surface)) was suggested as a potentially important source of NO₂ which also degraded the stability of nitric acid as a sink of active oxides of nitrogen. Yet, there is disagreement in the literature as to the importance of this reaction. The disagreement stems from differing measurements of the rate for the renoxification reaction. Because there are differences in experimental setups no one research group has studied the renoxification reaction under ambient conditions, i.e., at moderate concentrations of NOy and in a static cell held at 1 atm. In this work, the production of NO₂ was measured using a novel AP-LIF. This setup made it possible to measure the rate of production of NO₂ due to the heterogeneous reaction of NO with HNO₃ under ambient conditions. Under these conditions it was found that renoxification due to gas-phase NO on surface HNO₃ is not a significant source of NO₂. However, this study did show the importance of water vapor in the renoxification of surface HNO₃.
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Synthèses, analyses et applications de systèmes à base de nanoparticules hybrides Or/Thiol / Synthesis, analysis and application based systems hybrid nanoparticles Metal/OrganicBouyon Yenda, Tracy Christ 16 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse développe la synthèse contrôlée et la purification de nanoparticules d’or hybrides, AuNPs stabilisées par des thiols organiques modulant leurs propriétés de surface. Les applications visent la catalyse et le domaine biomédical, impliquant un contrôle poussé des nanoobjets introduits. Les synthèses des AuNPs organiques sont développées à partir de la méthode de Brust, avec le 4-hydroxythiophénol et le 4-méthylthiophénol. Elles conduisent à des nanoparticules hybrides stables d’environ 2 nm. Les fractions de purifications sont analysées par MET, UV-visible, RMN et ATG, caractérisant le cœur d’or, la couche de ligands et leurs interactions. Il apparaît que les AuNPs hybrides présentent un assemblage de thiols en monocouche ou en multicouche. Une nouvelle voie de synthèse directe en phase aqueuse d’AuNPs d’environ 4 nm, stabilisées par le 4-hydroxythiophénol, est ensuite développée. Ces AuNPs sont purifiées par dialyse et caractérisées par MET, UV-visible, RMN et ATG. Les fractions d’AuNPs organiques, présentant différents états de surface, sont imprégnées dans la silice mésoporeuse SBA-15. Les isothermes d’adsorption et la manométrie sous diazote indiquent une bonne dispersion des AuNPs et une insertion dans les canaux. Nous introduisons l’exploration d’applications ciblées. L’utilisation des AuNPs organiques lors de l'oxydation d’alcènes tend à améliorer la sélectivité du sel de manganèse catalytique. Pour le domaine biomédical, les AuNPs aqueuses présentent une bonne dispersibilité en milieux aqueux biocompatibles. Les premiers tests in-vitro sur des cellules de sarcomes humains montrent une faible cytotoxicité et une bonne pénétration intracellulaire. / This Ph.D. work developed the controlled synthesis and purification of hybrid gold nanoparticles AuNPs, stabilized by organic thiols that are tuning their surface properties. The targeted applications are the catalysis and in the biomedical field, requiring a thorough control of the introduced nanoobjects. Syntheses of the organic AuNPs were developed from the Brust method, using 4-hydroxymercaptophenol or 4-methylmercaptophenol, leading to stable hybrid gold nanoparticles of size 2 nm. Purified fractions were characterized using TEM, UV-visible, NMR and TG analysis, issuing key data about the gold core, the organic layer and their interactions. Among the different fractions of AuNPs, the organic thiol ligands appeared to be assembled either as a monolayer or a multilayer pattern. A new direct route for synthesis of aqueous AuNPs of size 4 nm, stabilized by 4-hydroxymercaptophenol, has been developed. The AuNPs were purified using dialysis and characterized by TEM, UV-visible, NMR and TG analysis. Organic AuNPs, exhibiting different surface properties, were impregnated into SBA-15 mesoporous silica. Adsorption isotherms and nitrogen adsorption/desorption studies were in good agreement with the homogeneous distribution of AuNPs and the significant incorporation into the porosity. Finally, exploration of the targeted applications was started. The use of organic AuNPs for alkene oxidation tends to improve the selectivity of manganese salt catalyst. In the biomedical field, the aqueous AuNPs exhibited good dispersibility into biocompatible aqueous solvents. First in-vitro assays involving human sarcoma cells line showed limited cytotoxicity and good cellular uptake.
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Geometric-based reasoning system for project planning utilizing AI and CAD technologiesMorad, Ayman Ahmed 06 June 2008 (has links)
Traditional planning and scheduling techniques have played an important role is system analysis over the last three decades. They provide construction planners with mathematical models to simulate the construction process as an aid in planning and control of complex projects. Although these techniques have been widely used by the construction industry, they possess many limitations.
Researchers and practitioners in the construction industry have followed two directions to overcome most of the limitations of current planning techniques. The first direction has been concentrated on the utilization of state-of-the-art Computer Aided Design (CAD) and 3D computer modeling technology. The objective of their work is to interactively generate and visually simulate the construction process on graphics display. The second direction has been influenced by the potential capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to accomplish “Automated Planning”. This group has utilized knowledge-based and expert systems to automatically generate construction plans.
The research proposed here presents a geometric-based reasoning system called KNOW-PLAN. The system integrates CAD and 3D computer modeling technology with AI technology to automatically generate and simulate construction plans. The system, therefore, can be classified as a third alternative in approaching the planning problem.
The research seeks to utilize geometric data to provide a dynamic sequencing for project planning. The research utilizes object location and object interaction with other objects as the primary source of reasoning for the project plan. The interaction of objects is based on a classification of objects with relation to connection types among them, the zones in which the objects are located, and relationships between the classes with which the objects are associated.
To accomplish the objectives of the research, an overall model called the KNOW-PLAN model has been formulated. This model is formulated to demonstrate theoretically the feasibility of implementing such a model in real-life. The implementation effort has been concentrated on the development of the crucial components of the KNOW-PLAN model using advanced computer applications. The implementation at this level is referred to as the KNOW-PLAN prototype system. / Ph. D.
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The 2010 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Seminar Series: 9th Workshop ProceedingsSheriff, Ray E. 14 April 2010 (has links)
Yes / This is the ninth workshop to be organised under the postgraduate programmes in electrical and electronic engineering (EEE). The workshop concludes the Research Seminar Series, which has provided a platform for disseminating the latest research activities in related technologies through its weekly seminars. The EEE courses cover a broad range of technologies and this is reflected in the variety of topics presented during the workshop. In total, forty-four papers have been selected for the proceedings, which have been divided into eight sections. The workshop aims to be as close to a `real¿ event as possible. Hence, authors have responded to a Call for Papers with an abstract, prior to the submission of the final paper. This has been a novel experience for many, if not all of the contributors. As usual, authors have taken up the challenge with enthusiasm, resulting in a collection of papers that reflects today¿s research challenges. / School of Engineering, Design and Technology
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Penetration Testing and PrivacyAssessment of Top-RankedHealth and Fitness Apps : An Empirical Study / Penetrationstestning och Integritetsbedömning av Toppklassade Hälso-och Fitnessappar : En Empirisk StudieForsberg, Albin January 2024 (has links)
Mobile health applications (mHealth apps), particularly in the health and fitness category, have experienced an increase in popularity due to their convenience and availability. However, this widespread adoption has raised concerns regarding the security and privacy of user data within these apps. This study investigates the security and privacy risks associated with ten top-ranked Android health and fitness apps, a set which accounts for 237 million downloads. By utilizing tools such as MobSF, Qualys SSL, and CLAUDETTE, we performed a static, dynamic, server-side, and privacy policy analysis in order to gain comprehensive insights into the security and privacy posture of the investigated mobile health and fitness apps. The results from the analysis revealed vulnerabilities in coding practices, hardcoded sensitive information, insecure encryption configurations, misconfiguration, and extensive domain communication. For instance, our analysis revealed that all apps stored their database API key directly in the code, with eight apps additionally exposing the database URL. Furthermore, six apps employed insecure encryption methods, such as CBC mode with PKCS5/PKCS7 padding (five apps) and ECB mode (two apps).In total, the apps interacted with 404 distinct domains. Notably, two apps communicated with more than 230 domains each, while a third app connected with over 100 domains. Despite these findings, developers demonstrated improved awareness and proficiency in addressing privacy and security risks compared to previous studies in the field. The study underscores the importance of continuous research to comprehensively understand the security and privacy landscape of health and fitness apps.
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Estudo dos polimorfismos das regiões hipervariáveis HV1 e HV2 do DNA mitocondrial da população brasileira aplicado à identificação humana / Polymorphism study of hypervariable regions HV1 and HV2 of the mitochondrial DNA of the population applied to human identificationChen, Bety 03 September 2003 (has links)
Com o intuito de avaliar os polimorfismos de mtDNA e a diversidade genética na população brasileira, foram estudados 84 indivíduos não aparentados: 49 caucasóides e 35 negróides da região sudeste do Brasil. As amostras de sangue obtidas por punção da polpa digital foram colocadas em papel de filtro e o mtDNA extraído pelo método orgânico. Foram amplificadas as regiões hipervariáveis HV1 a partir do nucleotídeo 16.051 até 16.365 e HV2 entre os nucleotídeos 71 e 340. O fragmento foi purificado e após a reação de seqüenciamento, as fitas sense e anti-sense foram alinhadas com a seqüência de Anderson e sobrepostas para confirmação. Foram encontradas 108 posições contendo transições, 15 transversões, 11 deleções e 4 inserções. Nove regiões apresentaram duas variantes de seqüência polimórfica. A maioria das seqüências foi observada uma única vez e em 84 indivíduos foram observados 80 haplótipos distintos. O índice de diversidade genética e a probabilidade de semelhança entre duas seqüências escolhidas ao acaso foram respectivamente de 0,9714 e 0,0286 para os negróides e de 0,9788 e 0,0212 para os caucasóides. Ao realizar análise pareada dos haplótipos, a média de nucleotídeos diferentes entre as seqüências foi de 14,36 ± 5,68 bases em um total de 3.486 pares comparados, indicando uma alta diversidade entre haplótipos nesta população. Os resultados demonstraram que o mtDNA é informativo para identificação humana e o conhecimento da freqüência dos haplótipos na população de interesse tem utilidade significativa na aplicação Forense, principalmente para se avaliar estatisticamente os resultados, fornecendo maior precisão, exatidão e dados contundentes nas investigações. / In order to evaluate the mtDNA polymorphism and demonstrate the sequence diversity in Brazilians, we established a database of 84 unrelated individuals, 49 Caucasians and 35 negroids from the southeast of Brazil. The samples were collected on a whatman paper by finger punction, the mtDNA was extracted by organic method and hipervariable regions, HV1 from 16.051 to 16.365 bp and HV2 from 71 to 340 bp were amplified. Both sense and anti-sense strands were sequenced. When compared to Anderson sequence, 108 transitions, 15 transversions, 11 deletions and 4 insertions were found. Nine positions exhibited two variants of polymorphic sequence. The majority of the sequences were observed once, and in 84 sequences, 80 haplotypes were observed. The sequence diversity and the probability for two individuals randomly matching over two hypervariable regions were 0.9714 and 0.0286 for persons of color and 0.9788 and 0.0212 for Caucasians. In pair wise comparison, the mean sequence difference of 14,36 ± 5,68 nucleotides over 3,486 pairs compared, indicates a high diversity in this population. The data demonstrates that mtDNA sequencing can be informative in forensic cases, but it is of crucial importance to know the frequency of the mtDNA haplotypes to statistically evaluate the results.
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Potencial dos biflavonóides de Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze como antioxidantes e fotoprotetores / Potential of flavonoids Araucaria angustifolia (Sert.) O. Kuntze as antioxidants and sunscreensYamaguchi, Lydia Fumiko 26 November 2004 (has links)
A Araucaria angustifolia é uma conífera endêmica das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil sendo considerada uma espécie em extinção devido ao extenso extrativismo madeireiro. Atualmente, existem inúmeros projetos visando o reflorestamento e o uso sustentável deste pinheiro. Em vista destes pontos, o estudo das propriedades dos componentes das folhas com o intuito da utilização destes com fins comerciais tornou-se de extrema importância. As suas folhas foram submetidas à extração com solventes e foram identificados seis biflavonóides majoritários, dentre estes a amentoflavona e a ginkgetina, que são apontados como agentes contra inflamações e artrites. A fração rica de biflavonóides (BFF) extraída da araucaria foi testada frente a sua atividade em proteger contra danos em biomoléculas provocadas por espécies reativas de oxigênio, capacidade em quelar metais e proteção contra raios UV. A capacidade do BFF em proteger contra danos provocados por espécies reativas de oxigênio foi comparado com compostos conhecidamente antioxidantes, como o α-tocoferol, Trolox®, quercetina, rutina e com padrões de biflavonóides, a amentoflavona e ginkgetina. O BFF demonstrou que possui uma constante de supressão do 1O2 (50 x 106 M-1s-1), superior ao da quercetina (9 x 106 M-1s-1) e foi o mais eficiente na proteção contra quebras de simples fita em DNA plasmidial, provocado por esta espécie reativa. Ainda em relação à proteção de DNA plasmidial o BFF foi capaz de proteger também contra estes danos provocados através da reação de Fenton, apesar de não demonstrar a mesma eficiência da quercetina que mostrou ser um potente protetor destes danos. O BFF protegeu contra lipoperoxidação em lipossomos de fosfatidilcolina induzida por raios UV e reação de Fenton. Em análises realizadas com espectrometria de massas foi observada a formação de complexos destes biflavonóides com íons metálicos como ferro, cobre e alumínio que possuem um papel importante na formação de radicais livres. Em relação à capacidade fotoprotetora do BFF, este inibiu a formação de dímeros de pirimidina que são apontados como causadores de câncer de pele induzidos, principalmente por radiação UV-B. Esta ação protetora foi superior àquela conferida ao p-metoxicinamato de octila, um conhecido fotoprotetor. Com o intuito de permitir a solubilização do BFF em soluções aquosas e assim, avaliar a ação do BFF em células, incorporou-se o BFF em ciclodextrina. Essa inclusão favoreceu a incorporação de BFF em células CV1-P na concentração aproximada de 0,4 µg/ml após 24 horas de incubação. Essa concentração incorporada não demonstrou ser tóxica para as células no teste com MTT. Assim, o BFF tem despertado grande interesse em relação ao seu potencial na utilização nas mais variadas áreas como cosmética, alimentos e fitoterápicos. / Araucaria angustifolia is an endemic conifer in southern and southeastern Brazil endangered due the extensive loggings. Nowadays, there are several projects aiming the recovering of forest and the sustainable use of their products. Its needles contain six major amentoflavone-type biflavonoids, including amentoflavone, ginkgetin and tetra-O-methylamentoflavone, all reported to possess a variety of biological activities such as anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic activities. The organic fraction rich in biflavonoids (BFF) extracted from Araucaria was evaluated regarding its activity to protect against damage to biomolecules promoted by reactive oxygen species, its capacity to chelate ion metals and protection it affords against UV radiation. The ability of the BFF prevent oxidative damages was compared to antioxidants compounds, such as, α-tocopherol, Trolox®, quercetin, rutin and with standards of biflavonoids amentoflavone and ginkgetin. The BFF showed a higher 1O2 quenching rate (50 x 106 M-1s-1) than individual quercetin (9 x 106 M-1s-1). Accordingly, BFF was shown to strongly inhibit plasmid DNA single strand break (ssb) induced by 1O2 generated by NDPO2. On the other hand, BFF did not protect plasmid DNA against ssb triggered by the Fenton reaction as effectively as quercetin and rutin. BFF, quercetin and rutin were able to protect liposomes against peroxidative degradation caused by UV-irradiation. Since there is considerable evidence relating oxygen species with UV phospholipid degradation, the protective effect of quercetin and rutin is likely to result from their well-known scavenging activity against hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and superoxide anion radicals. Using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, metal (Fe3+, Cu2+ and Al3+) biflavonoids complexes were also detected and characterized. The sunlight UV region is believed to be largely responsible for the greatest damage to the skin including indution of the pirimidine dimers formation suggested to be implicated in skin cancer. BFF was able to diminish the formation of this photoproduct more efficiently tham octyl methoxycinnamate. Solubilization of BFF in aqueous solutions was performed using cyclodextrin, which allowed the incorporation of 0,4 g/ml of biflavonoids in CV1-P cells after 24 hours. In this conditions the BFF was not cytotoxic to CV1-P evaluated by the MTT assay.Altogether, these properties point BFF as an excellent candidate for successful employment as antioxidant compound in several systems.
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