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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Littératie médiatique et petite enfance. Appropriation de contenus audiovisuels par des jeunes enfants non-lisants et sourds

Kounakou, Komi 03 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse s'appuie sur le concept de littératie médiatique. Après l'avoir défini, elle s'emploie à le mettre en œuvre pour les enfants non-lisants (2 à 7 ans) du Togo et/ou sourds (7 à 12 ans) de France. Partant de l'hypothèse que les contenus médiatiques peuvent contribuer au développement, aux apprentissages et à la culture de ces enfants, l'analyse infocommunicationnelle des mécanismes d'appropriation de ces contenus est effectuée pour ces deux populations cibles. L'étude mobilise ainsi des expérimentations de terrain au Togo et en France.La première partie fait un état des lieux rapide des différents dispositifs médiatiquesd'interaction et d'apprentissage destinés aux enfants des deux pays de référence. Cette revue préliminaire des terrains d'étude montre que les politiques et les dispositifs de communication propres à notre cible restent insuffisants d'une part, et que le champ est très peu abordé dans les travaux antérieurs d'autre part.La deuxième partie se penche sur le cadre théorique de la littératie médiatique et précise sa conceptualisation dans le champ des sciences de l'information et de la communication. Le protocole VI.A.G.E est alors élaboré pour évaluer le processus d'appropriation de contenus médiatiques auprès des enfants.La troisième partie est consacrée au dépouillement des trois expérimentations de terrain menées au Togo (visionnage expérimental du film Kirikou et la sorcière) et en France (visioguide sur DVD et i-Pad, et interaction sur écran géant tactile, notamment au Musée du Quai Branly). Leurs résultats respectifs sont exposés. Un bilan général clôt la thèse : il récapitule les apports de la recherche à l'analyse de la littératie chez les enfants et trace quelques perspectives pour des travaux futurs.

Les archives dans l'art de Robert Rauschenberg

Lacombe, Anne-Marie 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire adopte une perspective archivistique afin d'examiner l'art de Robert Rauschenberg, un artiste américain ayant fait ses débuts sur la scène artistique new-yorkaise des années soixante. Il est pertinent de voir les stratégies d’appropriation des artistes des années soixante, dont faisait partie Rauschenberg, comme ayant « mis la table » pour le mouvement des artistes allant puiser dans les archives pour leur pratique artistique, mouvement qui s'est développé depuis la fin des années quatre-vingt et le début des années quatre-vingt-dix. L'ensemble des rapports de l'artiste avec les archives est d'abord étudié. Ensuite, une lecture archivistique d'un corpus d'oeuvres est réalisée afin de mieux comprendre les particularités de l'utilisation des archives par Rauschenberg. Les conditions d'utilisation des archives sont relevées ainsi que la conception des archives comme mémoire, pour se terminer avec les rapports entre les archives et la photographie. / This thesis takes an archival perspective in order to examine the work of Robert Rauschenberg, an American artist who gained notoriety in the New-York art scene of the sixties. It is relevant to see appropriation art strategies by artists like Rauschenberg as a way of having « set up the table » for the archival art movement that would follow, starting in the late eighties and early nineties. The artist's connexions with the archives are first studied. Then, an archival reading of a corpus of his artworks is conducted in order to learn about his particular use of the archives. The conditions of use are raised, along with the conception of archives as memory and, at last, the relationship between archives and photography.

The individual development plan as tool and practice in Swedish compulsory school

Hirsh, Åsa January 2013 (has links)
Since 2006 Swedish compulsory school teachers are required to use individual developmentplans (IDPs) as part of their assessment practices. The IDP has developed through two major reforms and is currently about to undergo a third in which requirements for documentation are to be reduced. The original purpose of IDP was formative: a document containing targets and strategies for the student's future learning was to be drawn up at the parent-pupil-teacher meetingeach semester. The 2008 reform added requirements for written summative assessments/grade-like symbols to be used in the plan. This thesis aims to generate knowledge of the IDP as a tool in terms of what characterizes IDP documents as well as teachers' descriptions of continuous IDP work. It contains four articles. The first two are based on 379 collected IDP documents from all stages of compulsoryschool, and the last two build on interviews with 15 teachers. Throughout, qualitative content analysis has been used for processing data. The analytical framework comprises Latour's conceptual pair inscription – translation, Wartofsky's notions of primary/secondary/tertiary artifacts, and Wertsch's distinction between mastery and appropriation, which together provide an overall framework for understanding how the IDP becomes a contextually shaped tool that mediates teachers' actions in practice. Moreover, the activity theoretical concept of contradictionis used to understand and discuss dilemmas teachers experience in relation to IDP. In article 1, targets and strategies for future learning given to students are investigated and discussed in relation to definitions of formative assessment. Concepts were derived from the data and used for creating a typology of target and strategy types related either to being aspects (students' behavior/attitudes/personalities) or to subject matter learning. In article 2, the distribution of being and learning targets to boys and girls, respectively, is investigated. The results point to a significant gendered difference in the distribution of being targets. Possible reasons for the gendered distribution are discussed from a doing-gender perspective, and the proportion of being targets in IDPs is discussed from an assessment validity point of view. In article 3, teachers' continuous work with IDPs is explored, and it is suggested that IDP work develops in relation to perceived purposes and the contextual conditions framing teachers' work. Three qualitatively different ways of perceiving and working with IDP are described in a typology. Article 4 elaborates on dilemmas that teachers experience in relation to IDP, concerning time, communication, and assessment. A tentative categorization of dilemma management strategies is also presented. Results are synthesized in the final part of the thesis, where the ways in which documents are written and IDP work is carried out are discussed as being shaped in the intersection between rules and guidelines at national, municipal and local school level, and companies creating solutions for IDP documentation. Various purposes are to be achieved with the help of the IDP, which makes it a potential field of tension that is not always easy for teachers to navigate. Several IDP-related difficulties, but also opportunities and affordances, are visualized in the studies of this thesis. / <p>Svensk sammanfattning: s. 111-126.</p>

Les territoires de vie des 75 ans et plus à Paris : quel environnement urbain pour une qualité de vie durable ?

Hallier-Nader, Brigitte 15 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le vieillissement de la population et la gérontocroisssance sont ancrés sur le territoire national. A Paris, le vieillissement démographique est moins prononcé, mais il s'accompagne d'une augmentation régulière des 85 ans et plus. Cette évolution démographique fait apparaître d'une part l'augmentation de l'espérance de vie en bonne santé et de l'autre, l'augmentation du nombre de personnes dépendantes avec des enjeux politiques, économiques, sociaux, sanitaires et sociétaux. Le vieillissement en bonne santé est au coeur des politiques publiques pour prévenir la perte d'autonomie. Avec l'avancée en âge, le maintien de la mobilité et des sociabilités est essentiel pour conserver son autonomie et son appropriation du territoire de vie. Les trois quarts des 75 ans et plus sont valides, autonomes, et font le choix de rester le plus longtemps possible à leur domicile. Ce constat est essentiel pour mener à bien une politique territoriale du " bien vieillir " et assurer à tous une qualité de vie. L'étude menée dans le 14ème arrondissement à Paris met en relation les pratiques spatiales des 75 ans et plus, leur perception de l'espace et leur représentation du territoire sous la forme de cartes mentales. Elle souligne les disparités socio-spatiales entre les aînés, l'accentuation des besoins lors du rétrécissement de l'espace au grand âge et les dysfonctionnements territoriaux contribuant à l'isolement socio-spatial des personnes âgées. Ce diagnostic à échelle locale identifie des besoins dont les réponses concernent l'ensemble des acteurs du vieillissement du quartier, de l'arrondissement, de la ville et de l'Etat

Préoccupations et agencements dans les contextes d'activité domestique. Contribution à la conception de situations informatiques diffuses, appropriables et énergétiquement efficaces

Guibourdenche, Julien 04 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de notre thèse est de contribuer à la conception de situations informatiques diffuses efficaces énergétiquement et appropriables par les habitants au quotidien. Pour cela, à partir d'une approche centrée sur l'activité, nous caractérisons les contextes d'activité quotidienne, ce qui permet d'élaborer nos principes de conception et des scénarios. Cette recherche est menée en référence au cadre du " cours d'action " (Theureau, 2004) ainsi qu'à une approche critique et située (e.g., Barad, 2007; Suchman, 2007) de l'agentivité physique sous-tendant l'action collective, via la notion de " cours d'agencement ". Les spécificités de l'informatique diffuse (e.g., en réseau disséminé dans l'environnement) et des situations domestiques investiguées (e.g., plusieurs pièces et étages) nous amènent à créer une méthodologie pour l'analyse formelle du collectif et les scénarios : le format " multi-portées ". Sur ces bases, nous caractérisons les contextes d'activité de plusieurs familles vivant dans des maisons à forte consommation énergétique. Nos résultats mettent en évidence les préoccupations des habitants, les jeux de suspension/actualisation à travers le temps, ou de préoccupations multiples à l'instant " t " et les anticipations qui les structurent. Nous caractérisons également des contextes d'articulations collectives, montrant que les membres de la famille sont engagés dans des préoccupations à la fois similaires et différentes, oscillant entre convergence et divergence à différentes échelles de temps. Enfin, nous comparons 85 agencements du collectif dans l'habitat et les types d' " (im)possibilités " perceptives et pratiques qui en émergent entre humains, objets et espaces physiques. Ces résultats permettent d'alimenter notre modèle de conception de situations informatiques diffuses appropriables et efficaces énergétiquement. Après avoir présenté les orientations et principes de conception généraux, nous construisons des scénarios collectifs d'" interactions incidentes/intentionnelles " (Dix, 2002) entre humains et réseaux, puis nous définissons comment le futur système devra fonctionner afin d'être appropriable et efficace énergétiquement. Ce travail montre qu'il est possible et nécessaire de concevoir l'efficience énergétique des réseaux socio-techniques tout en donnant des possibilités d'action et d'appropriation à l'humain.

The development of a new expropriation framework for South Africa / by Bianca Breedt

Breedt, Bianca January 2009 (has links)
The word expropriation is used in South Africa to describe the process whereby a public authority or institution takes property from a private person for public purposes against payment of compensation. The current Act regulating expropriations in South Africa is known as the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975. However, it has three primary inconsistencies with the Constitution. Firstly it predates the Constitution - therefore, it does not infuse the values of equality, human dignity and the achievement of freedom. Secondly it is not consistent with comparable modem statutes elsewhere in the world. The last issue is that this Act is inconsistent with the Constitution in the sense that the Act only provides for expropriation for public purposes and the Constitution provides for expropriation in the public interest as well as for a public purpose. For these reasons it is crucial to establish a new legislative framework. In an attempt to rectify the above difficulties, an expropriation policy and a draft Bill were introduced. The primary purpose of the Bill is to harmonise the considerable amount of legislation in South Africa on the subject of expropriation, and to fill the gaps of the current Act. However, the new proposed Bill was referred back to cabinet as it had various difficulties. According to newspaper commentators, one of these reasons was that market value would not be used when determining the amount of compensation. This is not true, as market value is one of the listed factors in section 25(3) of the Constitution, and it is provided for in the Bill. Another reason was that the role of the courts will also be restricted in the new Bill. Parties will no longer be able to refer disputes concerning the amount of compensation to court. Once again this is not true, the courts role is only restricted in the sense that it would no be able to determine the amount of compensation as provided for in the Constitution, but will only be allowed to approve or decline the amount the Minister determined. This is one of the aspects that may be debatable constitutionally. After an in-depth study of the proposed Bill, the author came to the conclusion that there are actually only three aspects that might be unconstitutional namely; the definition of public interest which is to be included that widens the capacity to expropriate; departure from the notice procedure; and the fact that the courts may no longer determine the amount of compensation, but only approve or decline. Expropriation is one of the most important tools to speed up land reform in South Africa, and it is, therefore, of the utmost importance that the procedure must take place in a fair, equitable and constitutional manner. The purpose of this study will be to identify the aspects which result in expropriations that is not done on this basis, to scrutinize them and to make recommendations to these aspects. / Thesis (LL.M. (Law)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

LES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION DANS LES ENSEIGNEMENTS TECHNOLOGIQUES De l'organisation des savoirs aux conditions d'étude : didactique de la consultation d'information

Brandt-Pomares, Pascale 19 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
L'école se préoccupe de la transmission de savoirs qui ne se réfèrent pas tous à des corps de savoirs savants constitués, comme ceux des mathématiques, par exemple. Il en est ainsi de la recherche d'information via Internet qui prend une place grandissante dans de nombreuses pratiques sociales. Dans cette perspective, un enseignement de la consultation d'information a été introduit dans les programmes de technologie de la classe de 4e. La thèse a pour objet d'examiner la question des savoirs à transmettre et de l'organisation des modes de transmission-appropriation de ce nouvel objet d'enseignement. La consultation d'information relève d'une activité humaine qui s'organise autour de l'usage, et donc de l'instrumentalisation d'un outil. Nous connaissons la faiblesse des apprentissages fondés sur la seule maîtrise opératoire. Examiner les enjeux de la transposition didactique à partir de pratiques, suppose donc de s'extraire d'une approche exclusivement procédurale, pour, dans un premier temps, examiner la question de l'élaboration de savoirs experts en nous appuyant sur la genèse instrumentale et à partir d'analyse de pratiques. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au processus d'enseignement apprentissage. L'observation d'élèves nous a permis, au travers de leurs conceptions, de mesurer la distance qui sépare leurs pratiques de consultation d'information de celles d'experts et ainsi de qualifier les enjeux de l'apprentissage. L'analyse du travail des enseignants permet d'identifier les modes de transmission qu'ils utilisent pour cet enseignement et donc d'anticiper sur les probables difficultés des élèves. Ainsi, le croisement de ces analyses nous permet de qualifier le processus de transmission-appropriation d'un corpus de savoirs particuliers liés à la consultation d'information via Internet et, au final, de penser des aides au travail des enseignants dans une perspective d'ingénierie didactique.

The development of a new expropriation framework for South Africa / by Bianca Breedt

Breedt, Bianca January 2009 (has links)
The word expropriation is used in South Africa to describe the process whereby a public authority or institution takes property from a private person for public purposes against payment of compensation. The current Act regulating expropriations in South Africa is known as the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975. However, it has three primary inconsistencies with the Constitution. Firstly it predates the Constitution - therefore, it does not infuse the values of equality, human dignity and the achievement of freedom. Secondly it is not consistent with comparable modem statutes elsewhere in the world. The last issue is that this Act is inconsistent with the Constitution in the sense that the Act only provides for expropriation for public purposes and the Constitution provides for expropriation in the public interest as well as for a public purpose. For these reasons it is crucial to establish a new legislative framework. In an attempt to rectify the above difficulties, an expropriation policy and a draft Bill were introduced. The primary purpose of the Bill is to harmonise the considerable amount of legislation in South Africa on the subject of expropriation, and to fill the gaps of the current Act. However, the new proposed Bill was referred back to cabinet as it had various difficulties. According to newspaper commentators, one of these reasons was that market value would not be used when determining the amount of compensation. This is not true, as market value is one of the listed factors in section 25(3) of the Constitution, and it is provided for in the Bill. Another reason was that the role of the courts will also be restricted in the new Bill. Parties will no longer be able to refer disputes concerning the amount of compensation to court. Once again this is not true, the courts role is only restricted in the sense that it would no be able to determine the amount of compensation as provided for in the Constitution, but will only be allowed to approve or decline the amount the Minister determined. This is one of the aspects that may be debatable constitutionally. After an in-depth study of the proposed Bill, the author came to the conclusion that there are actually only three aspects that might be unconstitutional namely; the definition of public interest which is to be included that widens the capacity to expropriate; departure from the notice procedure; and the fact that the courts may no longer determine the amount of compensation, but only approve or decline. Expropriation is one of the most important tools to speed up land reform in South Africa, and it is, therefore, of the utmost importance that the procedure must take place in a fair, equitable and constitutional manner. The purpose of this study will be to identify the aspects which result in expropriations that is not done on this basis, to scrutinize them and to make recommendations to these aspects. / Thesis (LL.M. (Law)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Willing and Social Work Participation: Socio-Cultural Rationalisation in Industrial Organisation

Faifua, Denise Elizabeth January 2001 (has links)
In this thesis I interrogate the possibility of 'willing and social' work participation in industrial organisation. I draw on Habermas's (1976, 1979, 1984 & 1987) work to synthesise marxist and weberian ideas, and to derive a socio -cultural or cultural Marxist perspective on Capitalism. From this position I highlight the limitations of social action in theories of organisation and work. Moreover, I theoretically derive a model of work participation that acknowledges broader orientations to work. I interrogate that model of work participation in a study of four dominant forms of industrial organisation. Those organisations are SEQEB the South East Queensland Energy Board, Eagle Boy Pizzas in Queensland, the New South Sugar Milling Cooperative Ltd, and Budge -Ellis Staff Co-operative. Gathering data for this study involved both primary and secondary research. I used a comparative and longitudinal field research approach, unstructured interviews with an interview guide, and the collection of documents recommended by interviewees. I interviewed people working in the organisations and relevant government agencies. My research involved travel in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. Ultimately, I produce a sociologically informed model for the establishment of 'willing and social' work participation. I conclude work participation exists within the context of capitalism, and social relations - either formally free or free; that work participation is directly influenced by rational configurations of the world of work comprising economic, political and social worldviews; and I argue the dominance of a worldview depends on whether the political action premises of buffering and shoring successfully neutralise competing worldviews; and whether the moral dictums or espoused values of work are prescribed or invoked and result in the exploitation or deployment of internal values. My thesis points in the direction of further work on co-operative forms of organisation and work and their commonweal ideologies. In particular, my findings demonstrate a crowding out of co-operative forms and ideologies, not only by capitalist forms but also by trade union collectives. The type of research I suggest has the potential to increase the legitimation of co-operative forms of organisation. Although, the Australian co-operative movement has many achievements there remains the problem of establishing a socially progressive rationality that makes practical or operational sense to people at work. The emancipator ideal of willing and social work participation is intended to epitomise the goals of the enlightenment project, and to lead in that direction.

Innovation, Collaboration, and the International Firm

Hargreaves, Michael January 2004 (has links)
In the lead up to the Year 2000 dot.com crash of publicly traded high-technology equities, Information Communication Technology (ICT) Companies proudly displayed inter-firm allegiances on their newly created websites. These collaborative relationships were in reality licensing agreements to develop or market new products internationally. Phenomena associated with ICT product development - collaboration, innovation, and internationalisation - are the core tenets of the accompanying dissertation. Leading scholars have suggested these phenomena challenge conventional economic theories of the firm. This study commences with tracing the evolution of trade and production theories from absolute advantage through to competitive advantage and introduces the concepts of non-adversarial collaborative advantage. Within the framework of the technology cycle, this dissertation then seeks to answer why firms engage in international collaborative innovation. The cycle of technological innovation is investigated and this leads to postulating a period of technological overlap and its implications for collaboration. One of the shortcomings acknowledged in the literature is the generic application of the term collaboration to cover a wide scope of inter-firm agreements. Within the literature this is referred to as a problem of multidimensionality. A model is developed in this dissertation that identifies the choices available to the firm and addresses the problem of defining collaboration. The choices provided in the developed model are more complex than simply choosing between external and internal intermediate markets. As a separable form of industry organisation, the success rates of alliance collaboration are compared to Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) to validate issues of sustainability before examining the impact of location on innovation and collaboration. Again, theory is tested by recent events that require explanation. These events include the relocation of early stage foreign R&D to both developed and lesser-developed nations. The final chapter assesses the findings throughout this study and identifies separate and distinct roles for large and small firms in the international and collaborative commercialisation of new innovations. This central conclusion requires empirical validation and suggests the need investigate how firms shape the cycle of innovation from a reflected vantage point to the evolutionary perspective taken in this study. Further research is warranted because the literature on international innovation and collaboration is at an early stage and gaps in understanding remain.

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