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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Government archivists’ perceptions about their responsibilities to citizens and to government : "simply a matter of serving those around us"?

McClure, Susan Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
Government archivists serve more than one interest. They are responsible to citizens, as the source of democratic power, and they are responsible to government, as their employer, and as the creator of the records through which government is held accountable to citizens. This thesis explores the role that archives and archivists can play in support of democratic accountability, and traces the historical development of archivists' perceptions of that role. Examples of conflict between serving citizens and serving the state are explored to demonstrate the potential for conflict in the work of government archivists. How government archivists perceive their responsibilities determines the role that archivists and thus archives play in democratic society. It also determines how archivists deal with the conflicts that can arise because of the dual nature of their responsibilities. Seven government archivists were interviewed about their perceptions of their responsibilities and role as public servants in a democratic state, and about their experiences with incidents when their responsibilities were in conflict. The interviews also explored the following factors that determine how government archivists fulfil their role: the expectations and restrictions put on public servants; the level of professional autonomy granted to government archivists as public servants; the predominance of economic determinism within government administrations; the attitude of the archival profession toward activism and advocacy; and the need for a watchdog over government record-keeping. The findings of the interviews led to the conclusion that archivists need to articulate a strong, common language of purpose that emphasizes the importance of preserving and providing access to archives as the evidence of the actions of government administration. This strength, when accompanied by a clear understanding of the political nature of archival work, will help government archivists deal with the constraints and conflicts of their position within government and within society. / Arts, Faculty of / Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS), School of / Graduate

A survey of attitudes of Canadian graduates in archival studies toward the roles of social science research in their profession

McCarthy, Jane Bowe 05 1900 (has links)
Social science research is a form of inquiry which is useful in expanding the knowledge-base of a profession, but one which is not normally associated with the archival profession. The purpose of this study is to examine social science research as it applies to the Canadian archival profession in general, and to archivists who have graduated from the Master of Archival Studies (MAS) degree program, at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia. This study examines the attitudes of the first cadre of graduates of a degree program in archival studies in Canada towards the various roles that social science research plays in the development of their discipline and practice. A reading of the literature in the archival field reveals that social science research methods are infrequently employed by the profession in Canada, although there have been frequent calls for their adoption. Archivists are more familiar with and employ more often theoretical (deductive) and historical methods than empirical (inductive) methods. The study employs the methodology of a survey questionnaire to discover the training and application of social science research methodology that these graduates have experienced during their formal education and during their careers. All the respondents had either completed the MAS program or the course work towards the degree in the period, 1981-1994, and were working in the field at the time of the study. The study revealed that respondents support a research dimension for the field, although their support was inclusive of other types of research more common to the archival studies (theoretical, historical, scholarly, and archival), and not specifically directed to scientific research. 33% of respondents expressed an interest in learning about research methods, while 39% said that they were somewhat interested. There was also a correlation between those respondents who had taken a course in research methods and their knowledge of and support for this type of research in the archival profession. Likewise, there was also evidence to support that respondents without the knowledge of research methods were as confident in their ability to conduct a research project or assist on a research team led by someone else, as were their colleagues who had taken the course. The qualitative data yields evidence of at least a few scientific research projects being conducted in the archival workplace, particularly user or reference surveys and conservation surveys. The study concludes that there is a role for both pre-appointment and continuing education programs to foster greater understanding and use of social science methods in all facets of the profession's research endeavours. Social science research methods are not only applicable to archival studies, they are beneficial and necessary to the development of the Canadian archival profession. The thesis recommends that archivists should have, at the very least, an appreciation of research methods and a discerning eye for what constitutes good research. / Arts, Faculty of / Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS), School of / Graduate

Copyright in the Real World: Making Archival Material Available on the Internet

Dryden, Jean Elizabeth 31 July 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the practices of Canadian repositories in making their archival holdings available on the Internet to see whether they are more or less restrictive than copyright law requires. The Internet provides an opportunity to make archival material more widely accessible; however, repositories’ copyright practices in making their holdings available online may affect the extent to which wider access to archival material is actually achieved. The study employed four different sources of evidence, i.e., the website content of 154 Canadian repositories whose websites feature archival material from the repository’s holdings; copyright policy and procedure documents of those repositories; 106 responses to a questionnaire sent to the staff of those repositories; and 22 interviews with repository staff members. In terms of selection for online access, the study found that the repositories studied prefer to select items that are perceived to incur little risk of copyright infringement (because the copyright has expired or because the repository owns the copyright), or items that require few or no resources to investigate copyright status or obtain copyright authorizations. Thus, with regard to selection, repositories were more restrictive than the law required, largely due to lack of resources. Although repositories have no legal or professional obligation to enforce others’ copyright interests, they nonetheless attempt to control further uses of their online holdings through the use of technical measures (e.g., low resolution images, watermarks, etc.) or non-technical measures (e.g., conditions placed on further uses), for reasons not necessarily related to copyright. Overall, the study found that repositories’ practices in making their holding available online were more restrictive than copyright law envisages. While this may be due to factors other than copyright, access to online documentary heritage may be limited as a result.

Copyright in the Real World: Making Archival Material Available on the Internet

Dryden, Jean Elizabeth 31 July 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the practices of Canadian repositories in making their archival holdings available on the Internet to see whether they are more or less restrictive than copyright law requires. The Internet provides an opportunity to make archival material more widely accessible; however, repositories’ copyright practices in making their holdings available online may affect the extent to which wider access to archival material is actually achieved. The study employed four different sources of evidence, i.e., the website content of 154 Canadian repositories whose websites feature archival material from the repository’s holdings; copyright policy and procedure documents of those repositories; 106 responses to a questionnaire sent to the staff of those repositories; and 22 interviews with repository staff members. In terms of selection for online access, the study found that the repositories studied prefer to select items that are perceived to incur little risk of copyright infringement (because the copyright has expired or because the repository owns the copyright), or items that require few or no resources to investigate copyright status or obtain copyright authorizations. Thus, with regard to selection, repositories were more restrictive than the law required, largely due to lack of resources. Although repositories have no legal or professional obligation to enforce others’ copyright interests, they nonetheless attempt to control further uses of their online holdings through the use of technical measures (e.g., low resolution images, watermarks, etc.) or non-technical measures (e.g., conditions placed on further uses), for reasons not necessarily related to copyright. Overall, the study found that repositories’ practices in making their holding available online were more restrictive than copyright law envisages. While this may be due to factors other than copyright, access to online documentary heritage may be limited as a result.

Morgondagens arkiv : Om arkivhantering i framtiden / The Archives of Tomorrow : About Archiving in the Future

Larsson, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to create a future scenario of what archiving might look like in the future. The main theory used in the study comes from future studies, but also a theory about the social impact of technology on work were used. The questions that were analysed were about the tasks of the archivist, the appearance of the archival institution, collaboration with other LAM institutions, knowledge requirements for the archivist and the amount of archivist positions. The method used in the study was scenario writing, which derives from future studies. The source material consisted among other things of regulations and laws related to archiving together with some archival manuals. The tasks of the future archivist will probably consist of the same tasks as those of present archivists who work with digital archiving, even though archivists probably forever also will have to work a little with paper records. The future archival institution will probably retain its paper records and keep its digital records on digital storage media. The digital records will probably be accessed on the Internet. The cooperation between archives, libraries and museums will probably be more developed in the future, even though they won't grow together totally. Archival education in the future will probably consist of two year master's programs. There are not much suggesting that the amount of archival jobs would decline in the future. This is a two years master's thesis in archival science. / Arkiv, bibliotek och museer i det framtida samhället

'The Emperor's New Clothes' Recordkeeping in a New Context

Kallberg, Maria January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines if and how information capture and documentation practices and the function of the public archive are changing in relation to archival concepts in contemporary administrative settings, as a result of e-government strategic development. The study aims for a holistic approach from the beginning of the life of the records to their long-term preservation. This research is situated in Sweden where the recordkeeping legislation takes a holistic approach: records management is understood as a dimension of the archival function and therefore records managers have not been recognised as a professional group, however recordkeeping practice involves two occupational groups: registrars and archivists. Swedish recordkeeping legislation is based on long administrative traditions in which the public right of free access to official documents is fundamental. Registration of official documents is important as the means of facilitating the citizens´ right to free access information and registrars are primarily responsible for this process, including classification. Archivists manage the full range of recordkeeping tasks, acting not only as custodians of repositories but also strategic experts on recordkeeping as well as auditing on behalf of the archival authority.  The archive legally consists of all the ‘official documents’ created or received in the organisation. This is an explorative and documented case study that used several local government bodies (municipalities) for the data collection by document analysis and interviews. Swedish municipalities are particularly interesting because they are autonomous in relation to the national government, with complex organisational structures consisting of several politically controlled committees and administrative departments that implement political decisions and provide services to the public. The National Archives does not have any supervisory role or monitoring function over local governments, but it does publish guidelines on recordkeeping. Nevertheless, the municipalities are controlled to a large extent by the implemented policies decided at national level by the Government and Parliament. Therefore, national initiatives regarding e-government have impacted on the municipalities’ recordkeeping. A theoretical lens combining archival science and theory of professions has been chosen to analyse the observed changes in practice. The thesis analyses the issue of recordkeeping awareness in three arenas: the legal arena; the political arena; and the workplace arena in the light of the records continuum model. The research findings demonstrate a gap between the legal and workplace arenas caused by lack of recordkeeping awareness primarily within the political arena. Despite the holistic view of keeping archives expressed in the recordkeeping legislation, observed practice appears closer to a life cycle model than proactive continuum thinking and planning.  A lack of recordkeeping legislation awareness in the wider organisation is potentially leading to a division between records management and archives management, jeopardising the continuum approach. Consequently registrars may in the future become more like records managers and archivists may be losing part of their professional jurisdiction. There is a strong focus on business benefits to the organisation rather than the wider view of democratic values and cultural heritage. As a result: archivists seem to suffer a lack of resources as well as skills in order to carry out their responsibilities. The future role of archival authorities such as the National Archives is unclear. / Just nu pågår en omdaning av den offentliga förvaltningskostymen för att möta politiska mål vad gäller utveckling av den offentliga sektorn med stöd av informationsteknologi. Denna avhandling undersöker konsekvenserna av en sådan ambition genom att använda den nuvarande offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftning som en referenspunkt i syfte att undersöka vad, varför och hur implementeringen sker. I Sverige utgör de allmänna handlingarna myndighetens arkiv och skall enligt rådande arkivlagsstiftning vårdas och förvaltas så att de tillgodoser behov rörande offentlighetsinsyn, rättskipning, förvaltning och forskningen. Det finns en lång förvaltningstradition och reglering kring registrering av allmänna handlingar relaterat till offentlighetsinsynen. Myndigheternas arkiv är per definition en del av det nationella kulturarvet. Allmänna handlingar är teknikoberoende, vilket medför att oavsett om handlingarna är pappersbundna eller digitala omfattas dessa av samma regelverk. Avhandlingen söker besvara frågan: Hur medvetna är offentliga organisationer om vikten av att hantera sina allmänna handlingar i det pågående e-förvaltningsarbetet på ett sådant sätt att de uppfyller kraven i offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftningen samt hur påverkas arkivariers och registratorers professionella status (positioner och arbetsutövning) inom organisationerna? Vidare analyseras relationen mellan nya strategiska initiativ avseende informationsfångst och arkivlagstiftningen. Avhandlingen förenar arkivvetenskap och professionsteori. En teoretisk analysmodell har skapats för analys av tre arenor: den legala, den politiska och arbetsplatsarenan vad gäller medvetenheten om de legala kraven gällande offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftningen. Förändringar avseende styrnings- och kontrollsystem på legal och politisk arena kan få konsekvenser, dels för synen på vad som definieras som arkiv, dels för professionerna (arkivarier och registratorer) på arbetsplatsarenan. Om professionerna minskar jurisdiktionen, dvs. länken mellan professionen och arbetet, riskerar de att bli marginaliserade. Avhandlingen baseras på fallstudier i svenska kommuner. Kommuner utgör till följd av den kommunala självstyrelsen inkluderande arkivorganisationen och mångfacetterande och komplexa organisationsstruktur intressanta studieobjekt. Datainsamlingen har skett via analys av dokument och intervjuer. Forskningsresultatet tyder på att det råder ett gap mellan den legala och verkställande arenan beroende på att de legala kraven inte beaktas tillräckligt på den politiska arenan, vilket i sin tur kan få konsekvenser för arkivets roll i samhället, inte minst när det gäller rättssäkerhet och demokrati. Arkivarier och registratorer finns företrädesvis representerade i hanteringen av traditionell arkiv- och dokumenthantering. Resurser liksom kompetens saknas dock när det gäller att arbeta strategiskt med e-förvaltningsfrågor. Omedvetenhet på politisk och verkställighetsnivå om vikten av att arbeta proaktivt med arkivfrågor resulterar i att professionerna exkluderas. Tillsyn kan ses som ett verktyg för att bibehålla och ytterligare stärka arkivariernas professionella jurisdiktion samt att bidra till en ökad medvetenhet i organisationerna. Fokus för e-förvaltningsutvecklingen har främst legat på verksamhetsnytta med betoning på den interna verksamhetsutvecklingen i organisationen, samt relationen till den enskilde medborgaren. Nya möjligheter att fånga och använda information väcker dock frågor kring informationens legala status i relation till offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftningen. Att strategiskt verka för offentlighetsinsyn och säkra informationen i ett vidare perspektiv som en del av ett kulturarv tycks inte ha samma dignitet. Arkivmyndigheternas framtida roll är oklar. Avhandlingen bidrar med ny kunskap om relationen e-förvaltningen och arkiv- och informationshantering ur ett praktiskt, legalt och arkivvetenskapligt perspektiv. Avhandlingen kan därför vara praktiskt användbar på politisk och verkställighetsnivå när det gäller att öka medvetenheten om dessa frågor i offentlig sektor. Avhandlingen bidrar även till teoriutveckling inom den arkivvetenskapliga forskningen genom kombinationen av det teoretiska ramverket med arkivteori och professionsteori. / <p>The result presented derives from four years of research conducted within the Centre of Digital Information Management (CEDIF) at Mid Sweden University. During this time I have been involved in two research projects; the CEDIF project and the GOINFO project. Without funding, this research had not been possible. Therefore, I would like to thank EU Objective 2, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, the County Administrative Board of Västernorrland, Härnösand Municipality, Sundsvall Municipality and Mid Sweden University – who all funded this research.</p> / CEDIF / GOINFO


Mintegui, Evelin Melo 11 August 2014 (has links)
This study sought to understand the profession of archivist's point of view of the sociology of professions. From a literature review on the topic of the professions, the concept of field of Pierre Bourdieu was critical to design the research object. So, looking up the field of archival science and profession, postings were collected on social networks from archivists in relation to his profession, as well as interviews with some individuals were performed. The documentary survey was also necessary to characterize the profession and its history in the country (Brazil). During the data analysis it was found that there was no possibility of designing the archival field, since this concept requires a certain independence. Once considered the field of information science, we chose the contemporary informative documentary field as a reference to locate archivistics (archival science) and the profession of archivist, competing with other areas of knowledge and professions which also take the files as its objects (historians, librarians). The analysis revealed strategies to strengthen both the knowledge area as the profession. / Este trabalho procurou compreender a profissão de arquivista do ponto de vista da sociologia das profissões. A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica em relação ao tema das profissões, o conceito de campo de Pierre Bourdieu foi fundamental para delineamento do objeto de pesquisa. Assim, procurava-se o campo da arquivologia e da profissão. Foram coletadas postagens nas redes sociais de arquivistas em relação à sua profissão, bem como foram realizadas entrevistas com alguns indivíduos. O levantamento documental também foi necessário para caracterizar a profissão e sua trajetória no país. Durante a análise dos dados verificou-se que não haveria possibilidade de uma concepção de campo da arquivologia, uma vez que este conceito requer certa independência. Depois de considerar-se o campo da ciência da informação, escolheu-se o campo informativo documental contemporâneo como referencia para localizar a arquivística e a profissão de arquivista, concorrendo com outras áreas de conhecimento e profissões que também tomam os arquivos como seus objetos (historiadores, bibliotecários). A análise revelou estratégias de fortalecimento tanto da área de conhecimento como da profissão.

Efeitos da Lei de Acesso à Informação: empregabilidade de arquivistas no setor público federal

Costa, Ubirajara Carvalheira 10 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jussara Moore (jussaramoore@id.uff.br) on 2017-02-10T14:03:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Ubirajara Carvalheira Costa - 2015.pdf: 2398315 bytes, checksum: c24a487634ca2b33e16d74b847f3312c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jussara Moore (jussaramoore@id.uff.br) on 2017-02-10T15:35:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Ubirajara Carvalheira Costa - 2015.pdf: 2398315 bytes, checksum: c24a487634ca2b33e16d74b847f3312c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-10T15:35:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Ubirajara Carvalheira Costa - 2015.pdf: 2398315 bytes, checksum: c24a487634ca2b33e16d74b847f3312c (MD5) / Analisar e medir os possíveis impactos da Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI) - nº 12.527/2011 através da identificação de concursos públicos para arquivistas. Afirmar que a criação da LAI é uma oportunidade para o fortalecimento do Estado democrático de direito, perguntar sobre as estruturas administrativas e de pessoal para promover a gestão arquivística necessária ao acesso. Parte-se das noções e conceitos de políticas públicas, de acesso, das necessárias infraestruturas informacionais. Utiliza-se como metodologia o levantamento dos concursos para arquivistas no serviço público federal na fonte primária Diário Oficial da União - online, Seção III entre os anos de 2006 a 2014, por meio dos termos de recuperação: “arquivista”, “arquivologista”, “arquivólogo” e “Arquivologia”. Para apresentação dos resultados, são consolidados quadros e gráficos demonstrativos dos movimentos de seleção de arquivistas via concursos públicos. Os resultados detectam maior oferta de vagas nos anos 2006, 2008 e 2009, antes da LAI. As conclusões denotam um movimento de seleção de arquivistas maior nos anos em que a LAI vinha sendo discutida no âmbito da Presidência da República e da UNESCO. / Analyze and measures the possible impacts of the Information Access Act (LAI - Law No. 12,527/2011) through civil public concourse for archivists. Affirm that the creation of the LAI is an opportunity to strengthen the democratic State of law, ask about the administrative structures and staff to promote the archival management needed to provide to access. It starts with the ideas and concepts of public policies, access and the necessary informational infrastructure. It uses as methodology the survey of civil service exams for archivists in the federal public service, and as primary source the Official State Gazette, Section III, between years 2006-2014, through they researched in the online version (http://portal.in.gov.br) the following keywords: "archivist” and "Archival" in Portuguese version. To present the results were consolidated charts and graphs showing the staff drift via civil service exam and compare the enunciation of the needing for archivists. The results detect greater number of places in the years 2006, 2008 and 2009, before the LAI. The results show a selection of archivists move higher in years when the LAI was being discussed within the Presidency of the Republic and UNESCO.

Vita handskar på! : En studie i arkivariens syn på dess representation i dagens media. / White gloves on! : A study of archivists views of its representation in today’s media.

Eriksson, Viktoria January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate what archivists think about their representation in today´s media.  Popular Tv-shows and other kind of media are frequent users of archives and its contents. Without the archives, many popular TV-shows would not exist. Why is it that media shows a picture of the archives and archivists in a way that does not correspond reality? Through interviews with archivist and a person working with media, this study will look at what the archivist thinks about how they and their profession is represented in media and its consequences, and what medias viewpoint is. This study aims to answer 1) How is todays media depicting archives according to archivists? 2) What does the process look like when the archives collaborate with the media? 3) What is the archivist’s viewpoint on how their profession is depicted in media? 4) How does the media's image of the archives affect the daily work of the archivist? Previous research is more focused on how archivists and archives are depicted in film, this study focuses on the real archivists, their opinion and the pros and cons of medias use of archives.

Uppmärksammad eller bortglömd? : En undersökning av myndighetsarkivariers deltagande inom e-förvaltning / Recognized or forgotten? : A study of swedish government archivists participation within e-government.

Åkerlund, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the situation for archivists within the context of e-government in three Swedish authorities. The discussions that are brought up concern the archivists role, professional development and the perspective of information in the context of e-government. Since the purpose with this thesis was mainly concerning the situation for the archivists, the method chosen was a qualitative research method, and it was used in combination with interviews with the archivists at the chosen authorities. The results show that the archivists within the examined authorities are seen as experts on information management and legislation surrounding it. Problems connected to e-government are that they face prejudice about their capability concerning new technology and digital information. This problem has been handled differently within the authorities, change of official titles has been one tactic. Their tasks and professional development have been slightly changed as they are working in a higher capacity ahead of the information being created. The change that can be seen in the context of e-government is that archivists are being more visible within their work places, which can be correlated to the e-government that encourage team work and collaborations to create an efficient and accessible authority. What this means for the archivists is that they can use these collaborations to further their own projects and tasks within the organisation in a better way. Contrary to the belief that archivists can only manage information on paper the participants in this research prove they have adopted well to the way of e-government partly through the Record Continuum Model. They are aware about the different perspectives necessary for handling the new ways of structuring and seeing information, which became clear with the development and structure of e-archives within two of the authorities and the preparation for being connected for the third. Finally, this thesis shows that archivists are beginning to be able to compete with other departments and professions on the same terms and that they are starting to find their own place within the area of IT and information management. This is a two years master's thesis in archival science.

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