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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

System Art : Inquiring the Artistic Potential of Interactive Systems through Formalist Approach

Kontorovič, Alisa January 2024 (has links)
This article introduces the concept of System Art and lays a foundation for creating a cohesive and functional framework for artistic interactive system analysis. The paper applies Russian Formalist theory for that purpose, explores the existing literature that covers such topics as Art Games and Videogame Formalism, and identifies the gaps in the currently existing works that should be addressed before building such framework: the lack of clearly defined interactive system elements, the lack of artistic device categorization, the lack of understanding of the role meaning plays in an artistic piece, and the lack of understanding different types of Defamiliarization effect – a notion proposed by Russian Formalists (Shklovsky, 2015) and adapted to games by Mitchell (2016). This article builds a foundation for creating an artistic system-oriented analysis theory, that would in turn be able to become a part of a bigger framework for studying digital games as an interdisciplinary form of artistic expression.

The Politics of Immateriality and 'The Dematerialization of Art'

Duffy, Owen J, JR 01 January 2016 (has links)
This study constitutes the first critical history of dematerialization. Coined by critics Lucy Lippard and John Chandler in their 1968 essay, “The Dematerialization of Art,” this term was initially used to describe an emergent “ultra-conceptual” art that would render art objects obsolete by emphasizing the thinking process over material form. Lippard and Chandler believed dematerialization would thwart the commodification of art. Despite Lippard admitting in 1973 that art had not dematerialized into unmediated information or experience, the term has since entered art historians’ lexicons as a standard means to characterize Conceptual Art. While art historians have debated the implications of dematerialization and its actuality, they have yet to examine closely Lippard and Chandler’s foundational essay, which has been anthologized in truncated form. If dematerialization was not intrinsic to Conceptual Art, what was it? By closely analyzing “The Dematerialization of Art” and Lippard and Chandler’s other overlooked collaborative essays, this dissertation will shed light on the genealogy of dematerialization by contending they were not describing a trend limited to what is now considered Conceptual Art. By investigating the socio-historical connections of dematerialization, this dissertation will advance a more far-reaching view of the ideology of dematerialization, a cultural misrecognition that the world should be propelled toward immateriality that is located at the intersection of particle physics, environmental sustainability, science-fiction, neoliberal politics, and other discourses. This analysis then focuses on three case studies that examine singular works of art over a twenty-year period: Eva Hesse’s Laocoön (1966), James Turrell’s Skyspace I (1974), and Anish Kapoor’s 1000 Names (1979-85). In doing so, this dissertation will accomplish two objectives. First, it looks at how these works materially respond to the ideology of dematerialization and provide a means for charting how this cultural desire unfolds across space and time. Second, this dissertation contends that contrary to Lippard and Chandler’s prognostication, dematerialization—and immateriality—does not correlate to emancipation from capitalization. Rather, it will be shown that dematerialization, its rhetoric, and its strategies can actually be enlisted into the service of the commoditizing forces Lippard and Chandler hoped it would escape.

Stuart Davis's Early Theoretical Writing, 1918–1923: Realism, Cubism, and Dada

Andrus, Timothy G 01 January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation provides the first in-depth examination of American artist Stuart Davis’s early theoretical writings made between 1918 and 1923. These writings are seminal documents in his artistic development. They lay the foundation for the creation of some of his most important works, inlcuding his groundbreaking Tobacco paintings of 1921 to his renowned Egg Beater series of 1927–1928, which Davis claimed set the direction for all his subsequent artistic output. One of the key ideas in these early writings is Davis’s concept of realism. This study traces the origin of Davis’s realism to his interaction with a network of ideas arising from cubism, symbolism, New York dada, and anarchist philosophy. In doing so, this study considers how Davis’s notion of realism informed both the development of his style and his iconography in his works of the 1920s.

Corps et âme en mouvement. Expression et signification du mouvement dans la peinture de vases en Grèce ancienne (Ve s. av. J.-C.). Ivresse, possession divine et mort / Representation and Significance of Body and Soul in Motion - Manifestation of Divine Possession, Intoxication and Death in Ancient Greek Vase Painting (5th. C. B.C).

Toillon, Valérie 01 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier l’expression du mouvement dans la peinture grecque ancienne, ici la peinture de vases, source très riche concernant l’univers visuel des Grecs de l’antiquité, et plus particulièrement le lien qui unit les émotions aux mouvements corporels. Les théories anciennes à propos de la représentation figurée sont unanimes : l’objet de la peinture est l’être humain et le peintre, dès les mythes qui relatent la création de la peinture et plus généralement des arts plastiques (sculpture et modelage), se doit de représenter le vivant sous tous ses aspects, extérieur comme intérieur; autrement dit, le corps humain apparaît comme le moyen le plus efficace pour exprimer et transmettre les émotions qui l’animent, par les mouvements ou les attitudes que le corps adopte ou encore les expressions faciales. Ce constat s’applique à l’expression des états émotionnels intenses ou altérés comme par exemple : les modifications qu’entraînent la consommation de vin, une action divine comme la possession par un dieu ou encore l’imminence de la mort. Il faut, pour mieux comprendre ces phénomènes, se tourner vers la conception ancienne de l’âme (θυμός et/ou ψυχή), qui dès l’époque homérique est conçue comme le siège des sentiments mais aussi comme un souffle qui entre et sort du corps. C’est une notion primordiale pour saisir la nature des mouvements qui animent les personnages figurés en proie à l’ivresse, sous le joug d’une possession divine ou sur le point de mourir : dans chacun de ces cas, l’âme est sollicitée d’une manière ou d’une autre, soit que ses liens avec le corps se trouvent relâchés ou qu’elle quitte temporairement ou définitivement le corps. Il apparaît que l’expression de ces états particuliers, dans l’imagerie grecque ancienne, n’ignore pas de tels concepts que ce soit à propos du but fixé à l’art ou sur la relation que l’âme entretient avec le corps : les mouvements corporels expriment clairement un état qui sort de l’ordinaire par l’orientation des corps, les gestes, les actions et les expressions faciales et ne semblent pas se borner à la figuration d’une simple réaction physiologique. Il s’agira également d’établir un lien entre les images anciennes et les théories modernes développées à propos de la figuration des mouvements dans l’art : le but étant de montrer que les peintres de vases privilégiaient bien plus l’expressivité, dans le but d’illustrer un concept, une idée, plutôt que de rendre compte d’une parfaite réalité / This thesis proposes to study the expression and depiction of movement in ancient Greek painting, specifically vase painting. While illustrating the very rich and unique source of the visual world of ancient Greece, the emphasis is kept on the link which unites the emotions to the body movements, gesture or posture. Theories about ancient pictorial representations are unanimous on the subject of painting the human figure. From the myths concerning the creation of painting and visual arts (sculpture & modeling), the artist must portray and illustrate the living in all aspects, external and internal. Using the human figure and representation of the anatomy, appears to be the most effective way to convey the emotions and feelings that animate the body through the depiction of gesture, posture or facial expression. This portrayal applies to the expression of intense emotion or altered state of being such as: the over consumption of wine, being possessed by a god (divine action) or the imminence of death. For a better understanding of the portrayal of this phenomenon, it is necessary to turn to the origin of the ancient Greek idea of the soul (θυμός or/and ψυχή). From the Homeric age this concept can be understood as the basis of sentiment and emotion and can be seen as natural as a breath which enters and exits the body. This notion is of key importance, to understand the origin of movement that brings to life the characters depicted in the images, whether consumed by drunkenness, under the yoke of divine possession or about to die. In each case, the soul is solicited, in one way or another, whether in its temporary or permanent separation or dissociative state from the body. Whether the aim is set out in art or in the relationship that the soul maintains with the body, Ancient Greek imagery does not ignore such concepts as the expression of these intense emotional and altered states whatsoever. Bodily movements clearly articulate an out of the ordinary state by the orientation of the body, gestures, actions and facial expressions and does not seem to be limited to the representation of only a physiological reaction. A link will be established between ancient images and modern theories developed on the subject of representation of movement in art. The objective: To demonstrate that the artists who adorned ancient vases favored the illustration of a concept or an idea, by imagination and expressivity, above the reporting of a perfect reality

Pintura e fotografia (Andy Warhol e Gerhard Richter) / Painting and photography (Andy Warhol and Gerhard Richter)

Mesquita, Tiago dos Santos 04 October 2017 (has links)
Na segunda metade do século XX, a relação entre pintura e fotografia se modifica.. Pintores como Andy Warhol e Gerhard Richter partem de imagens ordinárias e esquemáticas como modelo para as suas pinturas. Warhol assume os procedimentos gráficos e seriais dos meios de comunicação de massa, Richter representa com óleo sobre tela a superfície e a luz da imagem fotográfica. Essas novas práticas têm impactos decisivos na história da arte. Esta tese pretende levantar as relações entre pintura e fotografia na obra de Warhol e Richter. Tentaremos relacioná-los com um contexto mais amplo da arte do pós-guerra na Europa e nos Estados Unidos e entender como isso sugere uma mudança no sentido da arte depois da década de 1960. / From mid 20th century, the relations between painting and photography changes. Painters like Andy Warhol and Gerhard Richter use ordinary and schematic images as a model for their paintings. Warhol assumes the graphic and serial procedures of the mass media, Richter represents with oil on canvas the surface and the light of the photographic image. These new practices have a decisive impacts on the history of art. This thesis aims to raise questions on the impact of the photography in the work of Warhol and Richter. We will try to relate them to a wider context of postwar art in Europe and the United States and to understand how this suggests a change in the direction of the visual arts after the 1960s.

Profanação de uma imagem do mundo: Mapa de Lopo Homem II, de Adriana Varejão / Profanation of a world image: Map of Lopo Homem II, by Adriana Varejão

Almeida, Eduardo Augusto Alves de 04 October 2018 (has links)
Esta tese defende que a arte pode profanar o real ao produzir suas realidades poéticas. Ou seja: a criação artística detém a potência de destituir regimes de visibilidade, dizibilidade e pensabilidade, dando a eles novos usos e os devolvendo ao domínio dos homens. A principal questão é saber como isso ocorre. Quer dizer: quais são essas operações da arte capazes de desativar mecanismos de subjetivação ao mesmo tempo em que produzem outros? Como isso se realiza e que saberes pode-se recolher daí? Toda esta investigação parte da pintura Mapa de Lopo Homem II, de Adriana Varejão. Seguimos suas pistas na companhia de pensadores da arte, da ciência e da filosofia, com destaque para Georges Didi-Huberman, Giorgio Agamben, Jacques Lacan, Jacques Rancière, Jean Baudrillard e Hal Foster, de maneira a produzir uma teoria crítica que colabore com a interpretação da arte hoje, num viés estético e político. Se parece lugarcomum dizer que a arte produz transformações culturais, o ponto desta tese é ligeiramente diferente: saber como a experiência estética pode transgredir a simbolização, fazendo irromper significados que desconstruam estruturas culturais, atentando contra a idealização da realidade em seus valores morais, econômicos, sociais, intelectuais etc. Interessa a nós o aspecto inesperado da realização artística, seu teor de insurgência, seu flerte com o esquizo. Enfim, queremos olhar para o que pode haver de destrutivo, paradoxal ou desestruturante na elaboração poética promovida pela arte visual e que resistências se levantam contra o processo. Para isso, nos inspiramos no conceito de Real lacaniano. E dizemos que a conformação artística é o mapa que se traça sobre o território numa profanação do real: sistematização ficcional e ilusória, síntese posta como realidade, representação interpretativa necessariamente parcial, insuficiente, faltosa. Que não consegue ser viva como a experiência, mas a revive, recria, interpreta, representa e reapresenta, toma-a para si e formaliza, desenha contornos, acumula camadas, esquematiza estrategicamente conforme seus próprios jogos de poder. / This thesis argues that art can desecrate the Real by producing poetic realities. This means that artistic creation has the power of deposing regimens of the visible, speakable and thinkable, of giving them new uses and of returning them to the realm of men. The main question is knowing how this happens. Which operations of art may deactivate some mechanisms of subjectivation at the same time that they produce others? How does this happen, and what knowledge can be acquired from that process? All this research originates from the painting Map of Lopo Homem II, by Adriana Varejão. We followed the paintings hints in the company of thinkers from the arts, sciences and philosophy fields, with special mention to Georges Didi-Huberman, Giorgio Agamben, Jacques Lacan, Jacques Rancière, Jean Baudrillard and Hal Foster, in order to produce a critical theory that could collaborate with the interpretation of art today, in an aesthetical and political point of view. If it seems commonplace to say that art produces cultural transformations, the point of this thesis is slightly different: it is to learn how the aesthetic experience can transgress symbolization, bursting meanings that deconstruct cultural structures, attacking the idealization of reality in its moral, economic, social, intellectual values, etc. We are interested in the unexpected aspect of artistic achievement, its insurgency content, its flirtation with the schizo. We want to look at what can be destructive, paradoxical or destructuring in the poetic elaboration promoted by visual art and which resistances arise against the process. For this, we are inspired by the Lacanian concept of the Real. And we say that the artistic conformation is the map drawn on the territory in a profanation of the real: fictional and illusory systematization, synthesis put as reality, necessarily partial interpretative representation, insufficient, lacking. That cannot be alive as an experience, but revives it, recreates it, interprets it, represents it and resubmit it, takes and formalizes it, draws contours, accumulates layers and strategically schematizes according to its own power plays.

Narrativas visuais: os ciclitas de Iberê Camargo / Visual narratives: the cyclists of Iberê Camargo

Peixoto, Alex Gomes 13 June 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho constitui-se em um estudo da série Ciclistas do Parque da Redenção, executada por Iberê Camargo durante a década de 1980. O objetivo é identificar elementos narrativos presentes na série, tendo como moldura teórica o ensaio O Narrador, de Walter Benjamin. O trabalho é desenvolvido em três capítulos: o primeiro volta-se à investigação da biografia do pintor, suas produções pictóricas e literárias e os contextos nos quais ele e sua obra se inserem; no segundo verificam-se propriedades do narrador e a narrativa sob o ponto de vista de Walter Benjamim; por último, é feita uma comparação entre as características do narrador benjaminiano e Iberê Camargo, bem como a identificação dos aspectos narrativos da série Ciclistas do Parque da Redenção. / This work consists in a study of the series Ciclistas do Parque da Redenção, executed by Iberê Camargo during the decade of 1980. The objective is to identify narrative elements in the series considering as theoretical frame the text The Storyteller of Walter Benjamin. This work is developed in three chapters: the first is dedicated to the biography of the painter, his pictorial and literary productions and the context in which the painter and his work are inserted; in the second the properties of the narrator and narrative are verified according to Walter Benjamins point of view; finally, a comparison between the characteristics of Benjamins narrator and Iberê Camargo is made, as well as the identification of the narrative aspects of the series Ciclistas do Parque da Redenção.

盧那察爾斯基之藝術思想探源 / On the Origins of Anatoly Lunacharsky’s Thoughts about Art

吳岱融, Wu, Tai Jung Unknown Date (has links)
盧那察爾斯基(Anatoly Lunacharsky, 1875-1933)於1917-1929年間擔任蘇聯教育人民委員部(Narkompros)首任委員,在任期間發表了大量關於藝術的文章及報告,其在蘇聯藝術發展史中扮演極為重要的角色,然而他以藝術達到社會主義理想的主張與正統馬克思主義的經濟決定論十分不同,他相信群眾意識才是推動革命的必要條件。而他從在俄國十月革命之前就抱持這種想法,因此曾一度主張將宗教與社會主義結合,使革命意識成為一種宗教情感而深植人心,而這種想法受到被極度反對宗教的列寧的嚴厲批評,隨後這種想法才轉向以藝術來實現。 在盧那察爾斯基思想中可見到實證主義(Positivism)、費爾巴哈(Ludwig Feuerbach)宗教哲學、尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)哲學與華格納(Richard Wagner)的色彩,這使盧那察爾斯基的藝術理論在眾多馬克思主義美學家中顯得獨樹一格,本論文主要透過盧那察爾斯基的著作,並加上中西學者對於盧那察爾斯基的研究,不以馬克思主義為中心來理解盧那察爾斯基的藝術思想,探討盧那察爾斯基對於藝術與革命的認知與實踐。 / Anatoly Lunacharsky(1875-1933) was the first Commissar of The People's Commissariat for Education(Narkompros) from 1917-1929. During his tenure, he published many articles and reports about the arts and played a very important role in the history of artistic development in the Soviet Union. However, his proposal to achieve the ideal of Socialism through the arts was very different from the orthodox economic determinism of Marxism. He believed that mass consciousness was a must to promote the revolution. He already held this idea long before the October Revolution in Russia. Thus, he once advocated combining religion and Socialism, making revolutionary consciousness into a religion deeply rooted in everyone’s mind. Nevertheless, this idea was severely criticized by Lenin, who was very opposed to religion. Afterward, Lunacharsky’s thoughts changed, turning instead to realize ideals through art. The influences of Positivism, Feuerbach’s philosophy of religion, Nietzsche’s philosophy and Wagner’s concept of art can be seen in Lunacharsky’s thought, making his views on art unique among Marxist aestheticians. In this paper, instead of understanding Lunacharsky’s theory of art in the context of Marxism, discussion will focus on Lunacharsky’s works and Chinese/Western scholars’ studies on Lunacharsky in order to learn more about Lunacharsky’s thoughts and practice of art and revolution.

The Art of Pleasing the Eye : Portraits by Nicolas de Largillierre and Spectatorship with Taste for Colour in the Early Eighteenth Century

Roussinova, Roussina January 2015 (has links)
This study examines the interaction between portraits by the exponent of French colourist painting Nicolas de Largillierre (1656–1745) and elite spectatorship in the early eighteenth century as enactment of the idea of painting as an art of pleasing the eye. As developed in the theory of art of Roger de Piles (1635–1709), the idea of painting as an art of pleasing the eye coexisted with the classicist view, which in turn emphasised the potential of painting to communicate discursive meanings and hence to engage the mind. The idea of painting as an art of pleasing the eye was associated with a taste that valued the pictorial effects of painting and related to the ideal of honnêteté, which expanded on the art of pleasing in polite society by means of external appearances as a sign of social distinction. The aim of the study is to explore how portraits by Nicolas de Largillierre address the spectator and how such paintings might have come to have meaning for spectators in the early eighteenth century. To do this, the study takes a performative approach and defines meaning as a product of the interplay of pictorial effects and spectatorial response, progressing from the initial encounter throughout the sustained exploration of the paintings. Building on close analyses of selected paintings and readings of texts that bear on issues of pictorial imitation, spectatorship and social interaction, the study brings into focus the interplay of cognitive and sensory activities, including verbal articulation and bodily movement, which come into play in the production of meanings through the act of spectatorial experience. The study also emphasises the interplay of the mimetic and the material aspects of the paintings as an important bearer of meanings and identifies several interrelated sites of tension in which the pictorial effectiveness of the portraits resides. The study concludes by suggesting that to infer such meanings, the spectator should be prepared to respond to the address of the paintings actively, by engaging the mind, the senses and the body. Such an interpretation of the interaction between portrait paintings and spectators proposes a complex view of the ways in which artistic and spectatorial practices in the early eighteenth century might have interacted to create meanings while reproducing at the same time social and aesthetic conventions and ideals, such as the art of pleasing the eye. / <p>Fulltexten går inte att ladda ned eller att skriva ut pga upphovsrättslliga skäl. Går endast att läsa på skärmen.</p>

Lévi-Strauss: a teoria da arte e a arte contemporânea / Levi-Strauss: art theory and contemporary art

Amanda Cozzi Lopes Pontes 14 July 2008 (has links)
Lévi-Strauss percebe na arte das sociedades modernas três diferenças fundamentais em relação à arte das chamadas sociedades primitivas, o academicismo, o representacionismo e o individualismo. De acordo com o autor, o impressionismo e o cubismo teriam, respectivamente, se voltado contra as duas primeiras características, podendo ser entendidos como movimentos revolucionários. Uma questão que se coloca nesta dissertação é em que medida a terceira característica, o individualismo, foi enfrentada por movimentos contemporâneos da arte, como arte conceitual, e como a estética de Lévi-Strauss poderia ser utilizada na compreensão de movimentos como a arte pop e a arte conceitual. / Levi-Straussart theory shows that modern and contemporary art have three differences which sets them apart from the so-called primitive arts. Those are: individualism, academicism, and representationism. According to the author, impressionism and cubism had each tried to overcome the two latter, because of that bei ng revolutionary movements One questions that remains and which is investigated in this work is in which measure the third difference, individualism, was faced and confronted by contemporary art movements such as conceptual art, and how Levi-Straussart theory could be usefull in an attempt to understand such movements.

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