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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unintentional Artefacts : Recycling data through the looking-glass

Pennerup Nilsson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Is data material? Is it feasible to recycle information and bring it into the physical world? How do a thousand dental surgeries look when they take shape and become part of an object? Big data is the oil of the twenty-first century; we have an abundance of it. There are several possible implications of data collecting, and we are currently waiting to discover the environmental cost of some. In spite of this, relatively little of the data is really used. Unintentional Artefacts, is a degree project which attempts to look at data from a different perspective and invite everyone to look beyond the facts. There is a world of potential forms hidden in information. The methodology is illustrated through the conceptual design of three sneakers. Each shoe is transformed into a new shape by recycled information, originating from root canals, library trips, and recreational fishing.

Vad styr i stunden? En studie om användande av artefakter och stödpersoner i undervisning inom inriktning träningsskola. Triggers for pedagogical decisions. A study of the use of artefacts and supporters in training of students with learning disabilities

Klefbeck, Kamilla January 2015 (has links)
This study is about education of students with profound intellectual disabilities, in Sweden the training school (Sw. Träningsskola), where one or more of the students also have autism spectrum disorders. The training school is characterized by individualized forms of teaching. The study is looking into what triggers is affecting the supportive networks decisions, during sessions. In the study all staff in the team, teachers as well as assistants is titled supporters. The national framework for research is showing that teachers in special schools are facing new challenges for improvements. Knowledge-orientation and caretaking are of equal importance for improved learning. Research shows that variation might be useful for enlightenment for students with ASD. All teaching, especially in the training schools, the close encounter, as well as perspectives of relationship, is pointed out. International research emphasizes knowledge in methodology, personal treatment and evaluation of methods for improved communication, as well as the students influence in the pedagogical planning. Focus of this study is to investigate what triggers the actions of the supporter in the training session. The theoretical framework is drawn out of a socio-cultural perspective. The use of artefacts and the relational perspective is tested against respondent’s testimonies. Methodology in use is a mixed method with results from questionnaires and interviews locked together, to create both depth and breadth, in a step by step exploration of supporter’s actions. Analysis of results shows that the supporters actions to some extent is guided by authorization and competence, but that “one to one” sessions outward boundaries, which both pose a danger and an opportunity for the students improvements of knowledge. The use of artefacts is comprehensive. Results show an example of a widening of the approach to tools / aids and even nature is described as significant for the teaching environment. The criticism for passivity that training school receives can be reduced by the compassion of the supporter since the supporter´s attention gives the student variations and possibilities for choice. The discussion in this study points out a possibility to see the importance of both using and setting out markers for the supporters efforts, which could improve mediation for the student when using a relationship between student and supporter. In further studies, observations in combination with focus groups can be made for greater depth, strength and validity, for the improvement of the practice in training school.

The Organic Material Culture of Western Ulster: An Ethno-historical and Heritage Science Approach

McElhinney, Peter J. January 2019 (has links)
This research attempts to describe the material culture of the Gaelic labouring classes living in western Ulster in the Late Medieval period. The research combines ethnohistorical contextual and technical scientific analysis of ‘chance’ finds discovered in the region’s bogs. Technical analysis dates fifteen museum objects, characterises the materials from which they were made, and explores their cultural significance. Absolute dating indicates that one third of the 15 objects analysed relate to the Gaelic lordships of late medieval western Ulster, with the remainder reflecting aspects of Iron Age and Post-Medieval material culture and related cultural pracrices. Contextual analysis of the later medieval objects and their find locations provides new insights into Gaelic Irish culture and landscape interactions in this period and place. In addition, the research explores the trajectory of indigenous materiality in western Ulster beyond the Late Medieval period. To this end, the thesis examines the relationship between Late Medieval indigenous materiality, and the folk material culture that emerges in western Ulster in the Modern period. / Heritage Consortium, Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK)

Då jag förstår : En fallstudie om flerspråkiga och nyanlända elevers meningsskapande i och erfarenheter av naturvetenskaplig undervisning på mellanstadiet / Then I understand : A case study about multilingual and newly arrived students' meaning making in and experiences of science education in elementary school.

Karlsson Malik, Disa January 2017 (has links)
Dagens svenska samhälle innefattar ett stort kulturellt kapital och en omfattande språkflora. Den språkrikedom som finns i vår omgivning kan direkt avspeglas i klassrummet där nästintill alla landets klassrum är flerspråkiga. Studien ämnar undersöka vilka hjälpmedel flerspråkiga och nyanlända elever i mellanstadiet har tillgång till i det naturvetenskapliga klassrummet som har direkt betydelse för sin språk- och kunskapsutveckling. Studien syftar även till att belysa dessa elevers egna perspektiv på naturvetenskapsundervisningen i ordinarie klasser. Dataunderlaget består av elevsamtal och genomgångar under elevernas möten med artefakter från två olika klasser inom samma område norr om Stockholm. Dessa videoinspelade observationer kompletterades med fokusgruppsintervjuer där eleverna reflekterade över sin undervisning. I studien möter eleverna i den ena klassen ett naturvetenskapligt innehåll rörande kemiförsök medan den andra klassen möter ett naturvetenskapligt innehåll rörande ett skolgemensamt tema om kropp och hälsa. Dataunderlaget analyserades utifrån ett praktiskt epistemologiskt perspektiv och kring begreppen artefakt, translanguaging och kontinuitet. Resultatet visar att de kommunikativa artefakterna såsom filmer, bilder och gestikulerande, men även andra hjälpmedel såsom digitala lexikon ger de flerspråkiga eleverna möjlighet att föra informella samtal med samspråkiga och olikspråkiga elever. Detta leder till ett meningsskapande inom naturvetenskap och bidrar till en såväl språklig som kunskapsmässig utveckling. Sammantaget har detta en viktig roll i utformandet av en språkinriktad naturvetenskapsundervisning. Förhoppningen är att denna studie ska bidra med upptäckter som uppmuntrar lärare att anpassa sin undervisning och följaktligen höja kvalitéten på flerspråkiga elevers undervisning i naturvetenskap.

Contribution à l'histoire de la métallurgie antique en Mésopotamie septentrionale au IIIe millénaire av. J.-C.

Chénier, Nadine 25 April 2018 (has links)
Tell 'Atij, tell Gudeda et tell Qara Quzaq sont trois sites archéologiques situés en Syrie du Nord et datant du troisième millénaire av. J.-C. Alors que le sous-sol de la Syrie est dépourvu de ressources minières, de petits objets métalliques, en apparence en cuivre, ont toutefois été trouvés lors des fouilles de ces sites. Or, à cette époque, les sources d'approvisionnement en cuivre les plus proches se trouvaient en Turquie. Notre recherche a donc comme objectif d'identifier la provenance du métal ayant servi à la fabrication des artefacts métalliques découverts sur ces trois chantiers de fouilles. Pour ce faire, on a effectué des analyses chimiques sur les objets concernés. L'analyse de la composition chimique élémentaire à la microsonde électronique a permis de connaître avec quels métaux ont été fabriqués les objets. L'analyse isotopique du plomb a permis d'identifier les sources de minerais en Anatolie ayant pu approvisionner les trois sites en question. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2014

Lärares erfarenheter av arbete med läsförståelse på gymnasiesärskolans nationella program / Teachers experience of work with reading comprehension at upper secondary special school national programs

Ahlin, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore teachers’ experience of teaching reading comprehension at upper secondary special school national programs. To find out the answers to the purpose and research issues a written interview via the Internet where fourteen teachers answered   a questionnaire with open questions. I have analyzed the responses using the concepts scaffolding and artefacts taken from the sociocultural perspective. The summarized result show that teachers work with teaching strategies for pupils to assimilate text with understanding. The teachers have a central role in this form of co- learning and acts as a support in the students reading comprehension learning. Teachers are also working to support students learning by making adjustments such as easy- to-read texts and support of speech and images. In the teaching teachers use artefacts as well as they scaffold the pupils in the learning of reading comprehension. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur några lärare på gymnasiesärskolans nationella program beskriver sina erfarenheter av att arbeta med att stödja elevers läsförståelse. För att få svar på syftet och forskningsfrågorna genomfördes en skriftlig intervju via internet där fjorton lärare svarade på intervjufrågor med öppna frågor. Svaren analyseras genom att använda begreppen scaffolding och artefakter som är hämtade från det sociokulturella perspektivet. Det sammanfattande resultatet visar att lärare arbetar med att undervisa i läsförståelsestrategier för att elever skall ta till sig text med förståelse. Lärarna i studien har en central roll i detta samspel och de fungerar som stöd i elevernas läsförståelseundervisning. Lärarna arbetar även med att stötta elevers läsning genom att göra anpassningar genom att använda anpassade och lättlästa texter samt stöd av talsyntes och bilder. Lärarna använder artefakter såväl som att de stöttar elevernas lärande genom scaffolding i elevernas läsförståelseundervisning.

"Avaliação de lesões malignas dos maxilares na presença de artefatos dentários metálicos utilizando a tomografia computadorizada" / Evaluation of malignant lesions of the maxillomandibular complex, on the presence of metallic artifacts using computed tomography.

Oliveira, Sibele Pereira de 22 November 2004 (has links)
O exame de tomografia computadorizada é um grande aliado na elaboração do diagnóstico, planejamento do tratamento e proservação de lesões malignas do complexo maxilomandibular. Em muitos casos é considerado o exame de eleição para estes fins. Um dos problemas que ocorrem com a TC, é o aparecimento de artefatos devido a restaurações metálicas, implantes osseointegrados ou dispositivos metálicos de fixação óssea. Estes artefatos atrapalham a interpretação das imagens, dificultando a visualização de lesões. O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar imagens de TC com seções de cortes axiais e coronais e determinar se o tipo de seção pode minimizar o problema dos artefatos metálicos dentários. Para isto, dois avaliadores calibrados analisaram 72 imagens (36 em cortes axiais e 36 em cortes coronais) e graduaram quais imagens eram mais bem interpretadas. Os resultados não mostraram diferenças significantes entre os cortes axiais e coronais para se chegar ao diagnóstico, na presença de artefatos metálicos na imagem, assim como demonstrou boa concordância entre os observadores. Conclui-se que a presença dos artefatos metálicos dentários não foi considerada suficiente para impedir a localização de neoplasias de tecido mole. Não foi detectada uma interferência maior de artefatos dentários metálicos tanto nas imagens axiais como nas coronais com relação à interpretação das lesões. A imagem coronal apresentou uma maior interferência em comparação com a imagem axial. Palavras-chave: tomografia computadorizada, artefatos metálicos, neoplasias malignas dos maxilares. / Computed tomography is an important tool to determinate the diagnosis, treatment and follow up malignant lesions of the maxillomandibular complex. In many cases, it is the election exam to all of these purposes. One problem with CT is the artifacts that appear in the presence of metallic restorations, implants and metallic fixation screws or plates. These artifacts lead to misinterpretations of the images, making difficult to visualize lesions in these areas. The aim of this research was to evaluate CT images with different sections (axial and coronal) e to determine if the type of section can minimize the problem of dental metallic artifacts. Two calibrate examiners (oral and maxillofacial radiologists) analyzed 72 images (36 in axial slices and 36 in coronal slices) and graduate which images were best viewed. The results attested that there were no significant differences between axial and coronal images to reach the diagnosis in the presence of dental metallic artifacts, and there were a good concordance with both examiners. We conclude that the presence of dental metallic artifacts wasn’t sufficient to disturb the precise location neoplasm of the soft tissue. It wasn’t detected any dental metallic interference possible to misdiagnosis neither on axial images nor on coronal images. Coronal images presented a higher interference when comparing with axial images.

Föremål och folktro i vikingatiden : Diskussion om dubbelgraven i Klinta, Köpings socken, Öland. / Artefacts and folklore in the iron age : A discussion about the double grave in Klinta, Köpings socken, Öland. Uppsala universitet.

Grahn, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
An iron age double grave containing a man and a woman has been found in Klinta, Köpings Parish, Öland, Sweden. Archaeologist have debated this grave and have begun to interpret the woman as a völva. The most famous artefact was found in the womans grave. It was an iron staff, Klintastaven. This staff have been the main focus when it comes to this grave but there were also three types of artifacts found with the bones: base metal artifacts covered in runes, amulets, as well as animal bones. This essay aims to analyse the artifacts from the grave and their relation to the Old Norse religion of Scandinavia and the research have established a connection between these artifacts and the Old Norse religion of Viking times.

Systèmes de contrôle cardiovasculaire et respiratoire et leur interaction en période néonatale / Cardiovascular and respiratory control systems and their interaction in the neonatal period

Al Omar, Sally 19 December 2017 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse sont: i) de mettre au point de nouvelles techniques adaptées à la période néonatale d'analyse automatique des signaux physiologiques cardiaque (ECG) et respiratoire (RESP) afin d'étudier la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque (VFC) et respiratoire (VFR), ainsi que les interrelations cardiorespiratoires; ii) de les valider et de les utiliser sur des modèles ovins pour mieux comprendre les altérations du contrôle cardiorespiratoire dans des différentes situations expérimentales. Durant les expérimentations, les agneaux étaient non sédationnés et libres de leurs mouvements, ce qui rend le traitement des signaux ECG et RESP enregistrés durant plusieurs heures difficile, à cause des artefacts. D'abord, une chaîne de traitement semi-automatique des signaux a été proposée. Elle comprend l'élimination automatique des périodes artefactuelles, l'extraction des séries temporelles des segments propres de l'ECG et du signal RESP, l'application d'un test de stationnarité sur ces séries temporelles pour extraire les segments stationnaires et le calcul de différents indices de la VFC et la VFR obtenus en appliquant des analyses linéaires et non linéaires. Ces analyses ont été complétées par la mesure des interrelations cardiorespiratoires. Cette chaîne de traitement a permis d'étudier les effets de trois situations expérimentales sur le contrôle cardiorespiratoire. La première situation cherche à étudier l'exposition d'agneaux nouveau-nés à la fumée de cigarette durant les deux premières semaines de vie. Une importante altération des interrelations cardiorespiratoires a été mise en évidence, surtout au niveau de l'arythmie sinusale respiratoire et du couplage cardioventilatoire. Ce résultat inédit donne un éclairage nouveau sur la physiopathologie des effets de l'exposition à la fumée de cigarette en période néonatale, incluant en particulier le syndrome de la mort subite du nourrisson. La deuxième situation expérimentale examine l'hyperbilirubinémie (HB) des agneaux prématurés. Une HB modérée a été induite durant 17h par injection intraveineuse de bilirubine. Les effets de l'HB modérée sur la VFC, la VFR et les interrelations cardiorespiratoires ont été évalués sur 7 heures d'enregistrement au moment de l'HB (J0) et 72h plus tard (J3), après normalisation de la bilirubinémie. À J0, une augmentation de la variabilité accompagnée d'une augmentation des indices fréquentiels de la VFC a été observée indiquant une coactivation sympathovagale. Tous ces effets ont disparu à J3. Une diminution de la fréquence respiratoire a été retrouvé avec une augmentation de la VFR; ces effets étaient maintenus jusqu'à J3. Une augmentation de l'arythmie sinusale respiratoire, de la synchronisation et du nombre de RR dans une inspiration et une expiration a été observée. Ces deux derniers effets étaient toujours présents au jour 3. La troisième situation expérimentale concerne l'application nasale d'une pression positive continue (PPC) de 6 cmH2O à des agneaux nouveau-nés sains pendant 6 heures. Une augmentation de la fréquence cardiaque a été observée avec diminution des indices temporels et fréquentiels de la VFC et augmentation de la complexité des intervalles RR. De plus, un ralentissement de la respiration a été montré avec allongement de la durée de l'expiration et diminution de la VFR indiquant une stabilisation de la respiration. Enfin, la seule altération des interrelations cardiorespiratoires retrouvée était une augmentation du nombre de RR dans le cycle respiratoire attribuable à l'augmentation de la fréquence cardiaque et à la diminution de la fréquence respiratoire. L'interprétation des résultats a été approfondie en utilisant une approche à base de modèles pour représenter le comportement des systèmes cardiovasculaire, respiratoire et du baroréflexe artériel dans les conditions expérimentales. Celle-ci permet d'accéder à des variables physiologiques difficilement observables durant les expérimentations. / The objectives of this thesis are: i) to develop new techniques, adapted to the neonatal period, for the automatic analysis of cardiac (ECG) and respiratory (RESP) signals in order to study heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate variability (RRV), as well as cardiorespiratory interrelations; ii) to validate these techniques and use them on neonatal ovine models to better understand alterations in the cardiorespiratory control in experimental situations mimicking exposure to postnatal environmental tobacco smoke, hyperbilirubinemia in the premature infant and continuous positive airway pressure application. In the different experimental situations, the lambs were without sedation and moving freely; this makes the treatment of ECG and RESP signals recorded for several hours difficult because of artifacts. As a first step, a semi-automated signal processing approach has been proposed. It includes the automatic elimination of artefactual periods, the extraction of time series from the clean segments of the ECG and RESP signals, the performance of a stationarity test in order to extract stationary segments, the application of linear (in time and frequency domains) and nonlinear HRV and RRV analysis as well as the calculation of cardiorespiratory interrelations indices. This approach was validated and allowed to study the effects of three different experimental conditions on cardiorespiratory control. The first condition explored the effects of exposing newborn lambs to postnatal environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) for the first two weeks of life. Significant impairment of cardiorespiratory interrelations was demonstrated, particularly for respiratory sinus arrhythmia and cardioventilatory coupling. This novel result sheds new light on the physiopathology of the effects of ETS exposure in the neonatal period, particularly for sudden infant death syndrome. The second experimental situation corresponds to hyperbilirubinemia (HB) of premature lambs. Moderate HB was induced for 17h by intravenous injection of bilirubin. The effects of moderate HB on HRV, RRV and cardiorespiratory interrelationships were assessed over 7 hours of recording during acute HB (D0) and after 72h (D3), following normalization of bilirubinemia. On D0, an increase in HRV accompanied by an increase in frequency indices of HRV was observed, indicating sympathovagal coactivation. These effects were absent on D3. A decreased respiratory rate and an increase in RRV were noted on D0; these effects were maintained until D3. The study of cardiorespiratory interrelations showed an increase in respiratory sinus arrhythmia, phase synchronization and the number of RRs in inspiration and expiration. The latter effects were still observed on day 3. The third experimental situation concerns the nasal application of a continuous positive pressure (CPAP) of 6 cmH2O in healthy neonatal lambs for 6 hours. An increase in heart rate associated with a decrease in temporal and frequency indices of HRV and an increase in RR interval complexity was observed. In addition, we observed a decrease in respiratory rate accompanied by a prolonged expiration and a decreased RRV, indicating a stabilization of breathing. Finally, no alterations of cardiorespiratory interrelations were observed excepted an increase in the number of RRs in the respiratory cycle explained by the increased heart rate and decreased respiratory rate. To further understand these results, a model of cardiorespiratory coupling comprising three compartments mimicking the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the arterial baroreflex, was adapted to the conditions of the experiment. Results obtained with the model allowed to gain access to variables that were not measured during the experiments.

Intensely distributed nanoscience : co-ordinating scientific work in a large multi-sited cross-disciplinary nanomedical project

Roubert, Francois January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the study of biomedical scientific research work that is intensely distributed, i.e. socially distributed across multiple institutions, sites, and disciplines. Specifically, this PhD probes the ways in which scientists co-operating on multi-sited crossdisciplinary projects, design, use and maintain information-based resources to conduct and coordinate their experimental activities. The research focuses on the roles of information artefacts, i.e. the tools, media and devices used to store, track, display, and retrieve information in paper or electronic format, in helping the scientists integrate their activities to achieve concerted action. To examine how scientists in globally distributed settings organise and co-ordinate their scientific work using information artefacts, a multi-method multi-sited study informed by different ethnographic perspectives was conducted focused on a large European crossdisciplinary translational research project in nanodiagnostics. Situated interviews with project scientists, participant observations and participatory learning exercises were designed and deployed. From the data analysis, several abstractions were developed to represent how the joined utilisations of key information artefacts support the co-ordination of experimental activities. Subsequently, a framework was developed to highlight key interactional strategies that need to be managed by experimenters when using artefacts to organise their work cooperatively. This framework was then used as a guiding device to identify innovative ways to design future digital interactive systems to support the co-ordination of intensely distributed scientific work. From this study, several key findings came to light. We identify the role of the experimental protocol acts as a co-ordinative map that is co-designed dynamically to disseminate various instantiations of experimental executions across sites. We have also shed light on the ways the protocol, the lab book and the material log are used jointly to support the articulation of scientific work. The protocol and the lab book are used both locally and across co-operating sites to support four repeatability and reproducibility levels that are key to experimental validation. The use of the local protocol / lab book dyads at each site is further integrated with that of a centralised material log artefact to enable a system of exchange of scientific content (e.g. experimental processes, intermediate results and observations) and experimental materials (both physical materials and key information). We have found that this integration into a co-ordinative cluster supports awareness and the articulation of experimental activities both locally and across remote labs. From this understanding, we have derived several sensitising tensions to frame the strategies that scientific practitioners need to manage when designing their multi-sited experimental work and technologists should consider when designing systems to support them: (1) formalisation / flexibility; (2) articulability / local appropriateness; (3) scrutiny / tinkering; (4) accountability / applicability; (5) traceability / improvisation and (6) lastingness / immediacy. Lastly, based on these tensions, we have suggested a number of implications for the design of interactive information artefacts that can help manage both local and multi-sited co-ordination in intensely distributed scientific projects.

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