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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspens (Aspius aspius) lekvandring och lekhabitat utnyttjande i Glumman.

Olsson, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Aspen är en karpartad fiskart och lite är känt om dess ekologi, på rödlistan har den klassen nära hotad (ArtDatabanken 2012). I värmländska Glumman, en ca två mil lång övergödd å belägen väster om Väse, vandrar aspen upp på våren för att leka vid Väse kyrka där den enda kända lekplatsen i ån finns. Tre vandringshinder finns i ån varav det nedersta är beläget ca 500 m från den kända lekplatsen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om asp som lyftes över det nedersta vandringshindret sökte sig till lekplatser högre upp i systemet och om de där lekte. Totalt radiomärktes tre asphanar varav två lyftes över det nedersta vandringshindret. Ingen av dem vandrade vidare uppströms för att undersöka möjligheterna till lek. Den asp som släpptes ut nedströms vandringshindret visade inte några tendenser på att vilja passera den kända lekplatsen och fortsätta mot vandringshindret. Leken skedde på det första lekområdet som aspen kommer till i Glumman. När aspen lämnat Glumman uppehöll de sig i sjön Panken. Den första aspen lämnade Panken efter 22 dagar, den andra efter 23 dagar, båda vandrade nedströms mot Vänern. Den tredje aspen var kvar i Panken vid studiens slut. En fiskväg förbi det första vandringshindret i Glumman skulle troligen inte vara det bästa sättet att gynna aspen på för tillfället. / The asp is a threatened cyprinid fish, of which little is known about its ecology (ArtDatabanken 2012). In Glumman, a nearly twenty kilometer long eutrophicated river located west of Väse in Värmland, asp migrate upstream for spawning in the spring to the only known spawning ground, located at Väse church. There are three migration barriers in the river, of which the lowermost is located about 500 m from the spawning ground. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether asp that were lifted over the lowermost migration barrier found their way to spawning grounds higher up in the system and if they spawned there. In total, two of three radio-tagged male asps were lifted above the lowermost migration barrier. None of them migrated further upstream, where they could explore opportunities for spawning. The asp that was placed downstream of the migration barriers did not swim upstream past the known spawning ground and continue to the migration barrier. Spawning occurred at the first spawning ground that the asps reached in Glumman. When the asps left Glumman they went into Lake Panken. The first one left LakePanken after 22 days, the second after 23 days and both migrated downstream towards LakeVänern. The third was still in LakePanken at the end of the study. A fishway at the lowermost migration barrier in Glumman is not likely the best way to help asp at the moment.

Importance of tannins for responses of aspen to anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment

Bandau, Franziska January 2016 (has links)
Boreal forests are often strongly nitrogen (N) limited. However, human activities are leading to increased N inputs into these ecosystems, through atmospheric N deposition and forest fertilization. N input into boreal forests can promote net primary productivity, increase herbivore and pathogen damage, and shift plant species composition and community structure. Genetic diversity has been suggested as a key mechanism to promote a plant species’ stability within communities in response to environmental change. Within any plant population, specific traits (e.g. growth and defense traits) can vary substantially among individuals, and a greater variation in traits may increase chances for the persistence of at least some individuals of a population, when environmental conditions change. One aspect of plant chemistry that can greatly vary among different genotypes (GTs) are condensed tannin (CTs). These secondary metabolites have been suggested to affect plant performance in many ways, e.g. through influencing plant growth, the interactions of plants with herbivores and pathogens, and through affecting litter decomposition, and hence the return of nutrients to plants. To investigate how genotypic variation in foliar CT production may mediate the effects that anthropogenic N enrichment can have on plant performance and litter decomposition, I performed a series of experiments. For these experiments, aspen (Populus tremula) GTs with contrasting abilities to produce foliar CTs (i.e. low- vs. high-tannin producers) were grown under 3 N conditions, representing ambient N (+0 kg ha-1), upper level atmospheric N deposition (+15 kg ha-1), and forest fertilization rates (+150 kg ha-1). This general experimental set-up was once established in a field-like environment, from which natural enemies were excluded, and once in a field, in which enemies were present. In my first two studies, I investigated tissue chemistry and plant performance in both environments. I observed that foliar CT levels decreased in response to N in the enemy‑free environment (study I), but increased with added N when enemies were present (study II). These opposing responses to N may be explained by differences in soil N availability in the two environments, or by induction of CTs after enemy attack. Enemy damage generally increased in response to N, and was higher in low-tannin than in high-tannin plants across all N levels. Plant growth of high‑tannin plants was restricted under ambient and low N conditions, probably due to a trade-off between growth and defense. This growth constraint for high‑tannin plants was weakened, when high amounts of N were added (study I and II), and when enemy levels were sufficiently high, so that benefits gained through defense could outweigh the costs of defense production (study II). Despite those general responses of low- and high‑tannin producers to added N, I also observed a number of individual responses of GTs to N addition, which in some case were not connected to the intrinsic ability of the GTs to produce foliar CTs. In study III, gene expression levels in young leaves and phenolic pools of the plants that were grown in the enemy‑free environment were studied. This study revealed that gene control over the regulation of the phenylpropanoid pathway (PPP) was distributed across the entire pathway. Moreover, PPP gene expression was higher in high-tannin GTs than in low‑tannin GTs, particularly under ambient N. At the low N level, gene expressions declined for both low- and high-tannin producers, whereas at the high N level expression at the beginning and the end of the PPP was upregulated and difference between tannin groups disappeared. Furthermore, this study showed that phenolic pools were frequently uncorrelated, and that phenolic pools were only to some extent related to tannin production and gene expression. In study IV, I investigated the decomposability of litter from the field plants. I found that N enrichment generally decreased mass loss, but there was substantial genetic variation in decomposition rates, and GTs were differentially responsive to added N. Study IV further showed that CTs only had a weak effect on decomposition, and other traits, such as specific leaf area and the lignin:N ratio, could better explain genotypic difference in mass loss. Furthermore, N addition caused a shift in which traits most strongly influenced decomposition rates. Collectively, the result of these studies highlight the importance of genetic diversity to promote the stability of species in environments that experience anthropogenic change. / Boreala skogar är ofta mycket kväve (N) begränsade. Men mänskliga aktiviteter leder till ökad N tillförsel i dessa ekosystem, både genom depostition av N från atmosfären och skogsgödsling. N-tillförsel i boreala skogar kan främja netto primärproduktionen men även leda till ökade skador från naturliga fiender (herbivorer och patogener) samt skiftningar i växtartsammansättning. Genetisk mångfald har föreslagits som en viktig mekanism för att främja en växtarts stabilitet inom samhällen som upplever miljöförändringar. Inom varje växtpopulation kan specifika egenskaper (t.ex. tillväxt och försvar) varierar kraftigt mellan individer och en större variation i egenskaper kan öka chanserna för att åtminstone några individer från en population överlever ifall miljöförhållandena förändras. En aspekt av växtkemi som i hög grad kan variera mellan olika genotyper (GT) är bladens kondenserade tanniner (KT). Dessa sekundära metaboliter har föreslagits påverka växtens prestationsförmåga på många sätt, t.ex. genom att påverka tillväxt, interaktioner mellan växter och herbivorer eller patogener och genom att påverka förna nedbrytning, och följaktligen återbördandet av näringsämnen till kretsloppet. För att undersöka hur genotypiska variation i KT produktion kan påverka de effekter som antopogent N kan ha på växtens prestationsförmåga och förna nedbrytning, utförde jag en serie experiment. Jag studerade olika asp (Populus tremula) GT med olika förmåga att producera KT (låg- och hög-tannin producenter). Växterna odlades i tre olika N förhållanden, som representerade ambient N nivå (+0 kg ha-1), atmosfärisk N deposition = låg nivå (+15 kg ha-1), och skogsgödsling = hög nivå (150 kg ha‑1). Dessa GT etablerades i en fält-liknande miljö där naturliga fiender uteslutits och i ett fält där naturliga fiender var närvarande. I mina första två studierna undersökte jag vävnadskemi och växternas prestationsförmåga i de båda miljöerna. Jag observerade att KT nivåerna sjönk till följd av N‑tillsats i den fiende-fria miljön (studie I), men ökade med N-tillsats ifall fiender var närvarande (studie II). Dessa motsatta reaktioner på N-tillsats kan förklaras av skillnader i N-tillgång mellan de två odlingsplatserna eller genom ökad KT produktion som respons på angrepp. Skador orsakade av herbivorer och patogener ökade generellt till följd av N‑tillsats och var högre i låg-tannin än i hög‑tannin producerande GT oavsett N‑förhållande. Tillväxten hos växter från hög‑tannin GT begränsades i ambient- och låg N-tillsats förhållanden, troligen på grund av att avvägning mellan tillväxt och försvar förskjutits emot försvar. Den begränsade tillväxten i hög-tannin växter minskade om stora mängder N tillsattes (studie I och II) och om antalet fiender var tillräckligt högt så att nyttan av försvaret kunde uppväga kostnaderna för försvarsproduktionen (studie II). Trots dessa generella respons hos låg- och hög-tannin GT till följd av N‑tillsats observerade jag även ett antal individuella respons hos GT som i vissa fall var orelaterade till växters förmåga att producera KT. I studie III undersöktes genuttrycksnivåer och fenolinnehåll i blad från växter som odladats i en miljö där naturliga fiender exkluderats. Denna studie visade att fenylpropanoidsyntesvägen (FPV) regleras genom kontroll av många av de undersökta FPV-generna. Dessutom var FPV genuttryck högre i hög-tannin GT än i låg-tannin GT, särskilt vid ambient N. Vid låg N-tillsats minskade genuttrycket av FPV-gener i både låg- och hög-tannin producenter, medan hög N-tillgång ledde till att gener i början och slutet av FPV uppreglerades och till att skillnaderna mellan tannin grupperna försvann. Dessutom visade studien att de separata fenol-poolerna ofta var okorrelerade med varandra och att fenol-poolerna bara till viss del var korrelerade med KT produktion och FPV-genutryck. I studie IV undersökte jag nedbrytningshastigheten för förnan från fältodlade aspar. Jag upptäckte att N-tillsats generellt minskade viktförlusten men att det fanns en betydande genetisk variation mellan GT och att dessa även var olika mottagliga för tillsatt N. Studie IV visade vidare att KT endast hade en svag effekt på nedbrytning och att andra egenskaper såsom specifik bladyta och lignin:N ratio kunde bättre förklara den genotypiska skillnaden i viktförlust. Dessutom orsakade N‑tillsats en förskjutning av vilka egenskaper som mest påverkade förnans nedbrytningshastighet. Sammanfattningsvis visar mina studier på vikten av genetisk mångfald för att främja växtartens stabilitet i miljöer som upplever antropogena förändringar.

Uchycování spontánní dřevité vegetace na Sokolovských výsypkách / Spontaneous establishment of woody vegetation in post mining heaps near Sokolov

Reitschmiedová, Erika January 2015 (has links)
Surface coal mining heavily disrupts vast areas of landscape. Previous studies conducted in these areas reveal that succession processes on unreclaimed sites support close to nature community. It's crucial to understand and be able to predict these processes in order to include spontaneous succession into restoration plans. The aim of my thesis is to clarify establishment and dispersion mechanisms of dominant pioneer woody species willow (Salix caprea), birch (Betula pendula) and aspen (Populus tremula). Study carried out on unreclaimed sites on a large colliery spoil heap near the town of Sokolov. I have studied establishment and growth of pioneer woody species on both graded and ungraded sites, representation of individual woody pioneer species was on sites in different distance from the edge of the spoil heap, birch's population age structure and reproduction potential of willow in accordance to age. All pioneer woody species establish and grow better on ungraded sites. The amount of willow decreases while the number of aspen individuals remains the same and the amount of birch increases with growing distance from the edge of the spoil heap. Birch's population age reveals establishment of new individuals in favourable climatic conditions. Willow is reproductively capable at the age of 10 years...

Avaliação da qualidade da madeira das espécies Acacia crassicarpa, Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus nitens, Eucalyptus globulus e Populus tremuloides / Evaluation of the wood quality of species Acacia crassicarpa, Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus nitens, Eucalyptus globulus and Populus tremuloides

Antunes, Fernanda Schablatura 10 June 2009 (has links)
As madeiras utilizadas para produção de polpa celulósica podem ser divididas em dois grupos em função da fibra: folhosas (fibra curta) e coníferas (fibra longas), as espécies de folhosas são destinadas especialmente a papéis de escrita e impressão. As principais espécies de folhosas utilizadas para produção de polpa de fibra curta em outros países são o Eucalyptus globulus (Península Ibérica e Chile), Eucalyptus nitens (Chile), Populus tremuloides (Canadá), Acacia mangium, Acacia crassicarpa (Indonésia). Este projeto tem por objetivo: avaliar e comparar o desempenho de madeiras utilizadas mundialmente para produção de polpa celulósica de fibra curta considerando parâmetros de qualidade da madeira tais como composição química, densidade básica, características anatômicas da madeira; com objetivo de fornecer informações estratégicas para o setor nacional de celulose e papel, visando o conhecimento e posicionamento em competitividade destas madeiras no mercado mundial. Para a realização deste trabalho foram coletadas 5 árvores de cada espécie as quais foram utilizados cavacos cortados manualmente obtidos de discos; com relação à madeira foram determinadas densidade básica, composição química e dimensões de fibras. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente sendo comparadas as diferentes espécies referentes à qualidade da madeira. / Wood used for pulp production may be divided in two major groups regarding fiber function: hardwood (short fiber) and softwood (long fibers). Hardwood species are mainly designated to writing and printing papers. Hardwood principal species used for production of short fiber pulp in other countries are Eucalyptus globulus (Iberian Peninsula and Chile), Eucalyptus nitens (Chile), Populus tremuloides (Canada), Acacia mangium and Acacia crassicarpa (Indonesia). This study aimed to evaluate and compare the performance of the main woods used worldwide for short fiber pulp production regarding wood quality parameters such as chemical composition, basic density and wood anatomical properties, in order to provide strategic information for national pulp and paper industry, aiming the knowledge and competitiveness of these woods at worldwide market. To accomplish this study, 5 trees from each species were collected and wood chips were manually cut. In relation to the wood, basic density, chemical composition and fiber lengths were determined. The results were statistically analyzed and the different species were compared regarding wood quality.

Saproxylic beetles in Populus tremula fauna depots - how do you construct the best depot?

Selberg, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The biodiversity of saproxylic organisms and in the case of this study, saproxylic beetles, is dependent on the amount and quality of course woody debris (CWD) in the environment. Over the past decades the quantity of CWD in Swedish forests has increased, yet the quality has decreased, forests are managed and exploited, and old-growth forests are rarer. To counteract this, fauna depots, artificial piles of dead wood, can be placed to increase the amount and quality of habitat for saproxylic organisms. This study measured fauna depots of aspen CWD placed in Uppsala municipality to find which combination of qualities resulted in the highest species richness and abundance (diversity). A total of 242 beetles across 26 species were sampled using a bark sifter and Tullgren extraction funnels. The CWD qualities; number of logs, log diameter, sun exposure and decomposition level were measured. Log diameter was confirmed to be positively correlated with species richness supporting previous research. Decomposition was also positively correlated with species richness, but this not supported by previous research. Some qualities, like sun exposure, were unexpectedly not correlated and number of logs was negatively correlated. Only one red-listed species was found across all samples. Overall results were somewhat inconclusive but provide hints towards better practice in saproxylic beetle conservation, such as placing larger logs in the depots.

Avaliação da qualidade da madeira das espécies Acacia crassicarpa, Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus nitens, Eucalyptus globulus e Populus tremuloides / Evaluation of the wood quality of species Acacia crassicarpa, Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus nitens, Eucalyptus globulus and Populus tremuloides

Fernanda Schablatura Antunes 10 June 2009 (has links)
As madeiras utilizadas para produção de polpa celulósica podem ser divididas em dois grupos em função da fibra: folhosas (fibra curta) e coníferas (fibra longas), as espécies de folhosas são destinadas especialmente a papéis de escrita e impressão. As principais espécies de folhosas utilizadas para produção de polpa de fibra curta em outros países são o Eucalyptus globulus (Península Ibérica e Chile), Eucalyptus nitens (Chile), Populus tremuloides (Canadá), Acacia mangium, Acacia crassicarpa (Indonésia). Este projeto tem por objetivo: avaliar e comparar o desempenho de madeiras utilizadas mundialmente para produção de polpa celulósica de fibra curta considerando parâmetros de qualidade da madeira tais como composição química, densidade básica, características anatômicas da madeira; com objetivo de fornecer informações estratégicas para o setor nacional de celulose e papel, visando o conhecimento e posicionamento em competitividade destas madeiras no mercado mundial. Para a realização deste trabalho foram coletadas 5 árvores de cada espécie as quais foram utilizados cavacos cortados manualmente obtidos de discos; com relação à madeira foram determinadas densidade básica, composição química e dimensões de fibras. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente sendo comparadas as diferentes espécies referentes à qualidade da madeira. / Wood used for pulp production may be divided in two major groups regarding fiber function: hardwood (short fiber) and softwood (long fibers). Hardwood species are mainly designated to writing and printing papers. Hardwood principal species used for production of short fiber pulp in other countries are Eucalyptus globulus (Iberian Peninsula and Chile), Eucalyptus nitens (Chile), Populus tremuloides (Canada), Acacia mangium and Acacia crassicarpa (Indonesia). This study aimed to evaluate and compare the performance of the main woods used worldwide for short fiber pulp production regarding wood quality parameters such as chemical composition, basic density and wood anatomical properties, in order to provide strategic information for national pulp and paper industry, aiming the knowledge and competitiveness of these woods at worldwide market. To accomplish this study, 5 trees from each species were collected and wood chips were manually cut. In relation to the wood, basic density, chemical composition and fiber lengths were determined. The results were statistically analyzed and the different species were compared regarding wood quality.

Xyloglucan-active enzymes : properties, structures and applications

Baumann, Martin J. January 2007 (has links)
Cellulosabaserade material är världens rikligast förekommande förnyelsebara råvara. Växters cellväggar är naturliga kompositmaterial där den kristallina cellulosan är inbäddad i en väv av hemicellulosa, strukturproteiner och lignin. Xyloglukaner är en viktig hemicellulosagrupp som omger och korslänkar den kristallina cellulosan i cellväggarna. I denna avhandling undersöks undersöks sambanden mellan struktur och funktion hos olika xyloglukan-aktiva enzymer. En modell för effektiv enzymatisk omvandling av biomassa ges av cellulosomen hos den anaeroba prokaryota organismen Clostridium thermocellum. Cellulosomen är ett proteinkomplex med hög molmassa och flera olika enzymaktiviteter, bl.a. det inverterande xyloglukan-endohydrolaset CtXGH74A. Proteinstrukturen för CtXGH74A har lösts i komplex med xyloglukanoligosackarider, som stabliliserar vissa loopar/slingor som är oordnade i apostrukturen. Ytterligare detaljerade kinetiska och produktananalyser har genomförts för att entydigt visa att CtXGH74A är ett endoxyloglukanas vars slutliga nedbrytningsprodukt är Glc4-baserade xyloglukanoligosackarider. Som jämförelse innehåller glykosidhydrolasfamilj 16 (GH16) såväl hydrolytiska endoxyloglukanaser som xyloglukantransglykosylaser (XETs) från växter. För att utreda vad som bestämmer förhållandet mellan transglykosylering och hydrolys i xyloglukanaktiva enzymer från familj GH 16 jämfördes struktur och kinetik hos ett strikt transglykosylas, PttXET16-34 från hybridasp, med ett nära besläktat hydrolytiskt enzym, NXG1 från krasse. I NXG1 identifierades en viktig förlängningsloop, som vid trunkering gav ett muterat enzym med högre transglykosyleringshastighet och minskad hydrolytisk aktivitet. Kinetikstudierna genomfördes med hjälp av nyutvecklade känsliga provmetoder med väldefinerade XGO:er och ett antal kromogena XGO-arylglykosider. En detaljerad förståelse av enzymologin inom GH16 möjliggjorde utvecklingen av en ny kemoenzymatisk metod för biomimetisk fiberytmodifiering med hjälp av PttXET16-34s translgykosyleringsaktivitet. Aminoalditolderivat av xyloglukanoligosackarider användes som nyckelintermediärer för att introducera ny kemisk funktionalitet hos xyloglukan, såsom kromoforer, reaktiva grupper, proteinligander och initiatorer för polymeriseringsreaktioner. Tekniken innebär ett nytt och mångsidigt verktyg för fiberytmodifiering. / Zellulosehaltige Materialien sind die häufigsten erneuerbaren Rohmaterialien auf der Welt. Pflanzenzellwände sind natürliche Kompositmaterialien, sie enthalten kristalline Zellulose, die in einer Matrix aus Hemizellulosen, Proteinen und Lignin eingebettet sind. Xyloglukane sind eine wichtige Gruppe der Hemizellulosen, sie ummanteln und verbinden Zellulose in der pflanzlichen Zellwand. In dieser Abhandlung werden Strukturen von drei Xyloglukanaktiven Enzymen in Beziehung zu ihrer Funktion untersucht. Ein Paradigma für effizienter Nutzung von Biomasse ist das Cellulosom des anaerob lebenden Bakteriums Clostridium thermocellum. Das Cellulosom ist ein hochmolekularer Komplex von Proteinen mit vielen verschiedenen Aktivitäten, darunter ist auch die invertierende Xyloglukan Endohydrolase CtXGH74A. Die Proteinstruktur von CtXGH74A wurde im Komplex mit Xyloglukanoligosacchariden (XGO) gelöst, welche ungeordnete Loops der apo-Struktur stabilisierten. Durch weitere detaillierte Analyse der Kinetik und Reaktionsprodukte konnte schlüssig gezeigt werden, daß CtXGH74A eine Endoglukanase ist, die Glc4-basierte XGO produziert. Im Vergleich dazu enthält die retentierende Glykosidhydrolasefamilie 16 (GH16) sowohl hydrolytische Endoxyloglukanasen als auch Transglykosidasen von Pflanzen. Um zu erklären welche Faktoren das Verhältnis zwischen Transglykosidase und Hydrolase Aktivität bei GH16 Xyloglukanaktiven Enzymen bestimmen wurde eine reine Transglykosidase PttXET16-34 von Hybridaspen mit einem nah verwandten hydrolytischen Enzym NXG1 von Kapuzinerkresse strukturell und kinetisch verglichen. Als Schlüsselstelle wurde eine Verlängerung eines Loops in NXG1 identifiziert, Verkürzung des Loops führte zu einer Mutante mit erhöhter Transglykosylierungsrate bei verminderter hydrolytischer Aktivität. Kinetische Studien wurden erleichtert durch neu entwickelte hochempfindliche Methoden für Aktivitätsmessung, die auf XGO oder chromogene Aryl-XGO als definierte Substrate zurückgreifen. Detailliertes Verständnis von GH16 Enzymologie hat den Weg für die Entwicklung für eine neuartige Methode für biomimetische Oberflächenmodifikation von Zellulosefibern geebnet, dafür wurde die transglykosylierende Aktivität von PttXET16-34 angewendet. Aminoalditol-derivate von XGO wurden als wichtigste Zwischenprodukte angewendet, um neue chemische Funktionalitäten in Xyloglukan einzuführen, darunter waren Chromophore, reaktive Gruppen, Proteinliganden und Initiatoren für Polymerisationsreaktionen. Die modifizierten Xyloglukane wurden an eine Reihe von verschiedenen Zellulosematerialien gebunden und veränderten die Oberflächeneigenschaften dramatisch. Diese Methode ist ein neues wertvolles Werkzeug für Oberflächenmodifikation von Zellulosen. / Cellulosic materials are the most abundant renewable resource in the world; plant cell walls are natural composite materials containing crystalline cellulose embedded in a matrix of hemicelluloses, structural proteins, and lignin. Xyloglucans are an important group of hemicelluloses, which coat and cross-link crystalline cellulose in the plant cell wall. In this thesis, structure-function relationships of a range of xyloglucan-active enzymes were examined. A paradigm for efficient enzymatic biomass utilization is the cellulosome of the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium thermocellum. The cellulosome is a high molecular weight complex of proteins with diverse enzyme activities, including the inverting xyloglucan endo-hydrolase CtXGH74A. The protein structure of CtXGH74A was solved in complex with xyloglucan oligosaccharides (XGOs) which stabilized disordered loops of the apo-structure. Further detailed kinetic and product analyses were used to conclusively demonstrate that CtXGH74A is an endo-xyloglucase that produces Glc4-based XGOs as limit digestion products. In comparison, the retaining glycoside hydrolase family 16 (GH16) contains hydrolytic endo-xyloglucanases as well as xyloglucan transglycosylases (XETs) from plants. To elucidate the determinants of the transglycosylase/hydrolysis ratio in GH16 xyloglucan-active enzymes, a strict transglycosylase, PttXET16-34 from hybrid aspen, was compared structurally and kinetically with the closely related hydrolytic enzyme NXG1 from nasturtium. A key loop extension was identified in NXG1, truncation of which yielded a mutant enzyme that exhibited an increased transglycosylase rate and reduced hydrolytic activity. Kinetic studies were facilitated by the development of new, sensitive assays using well-defined XGOs and a series of chromogenic XGO aryl-glycosides. A detailed understanding of GH16 xyloglucan enzymology has paved the way for the development of a novel chemo-enzymatic approach for biomimetic fiber surface modification, in which the transglycosylating activity of PttXET16-34 was employed. Aminoalditol derivates of XGOs were used as key intermediates to incorporate novel chemical functionality into xyloglucan, including chromophores, reactive groups, protein ligands, and initiators for polymerization reactions. The resulting modified xyloglucans were subsequently bound to a range of cellulose materials to radically alter surface properties. As such, the technology provides a novel, versatile toolkit for fiber surface modification. / QC 20100624

Einfluß einwandernder Espen (Populus tremuloides) auf den Stickstoffhaushalt nordamerikanischer Prärieökosysteme / Influence of Invading Aspen (Populus tremuloides) on the Nitrogen Cycle of North-American Prairie Ecosystems

Köchy, Martin 20 April 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Hibrido Populus tremuloides L. x Populus tremula L. x Betula pendula Roth mikrodauginimo in vitro sąlygų ištyrimas ir augalų regenerantų išauginimas / Hybrid Populus tremuloides L. x Populus tremula L. x Betula pendula Roth micropropagation in vitro condition exploration and regeneration plant nurture

Jusas, Mantas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Darbo objektas – naujai sukryžminti hibridinės drebulės (Populus tremuloides x Populus tremula) ir karpotojo beržo ( Betula pendula) hibridai. Darbo tikslas – Atlikti tolimąją hibridizaciją ir išauginti augalus-regenerantus nesubrendusių gemalų kultūroje bei įvertinti genetinę įvairovę. Darbo rezultatai. Sukryžminus gauta skirtingi hibridai. Jų įvairovė įvertinta APPD metodu. Išmatavus augimo tempus nustatyta, kad hibridai 16.2 ir 16.4 auga greičiau nei hibridinės drebulės klonai. Ištyrus adaptacijos nesterilioje aplinkoje sąlygas, nustatyta šaknijimosi tempai. Tyrimo metu pastebėta, kad ūgliukų sodinimas į durpių substratą Jiffi tabletėse su šaknimis ir be jų ilgesniam nei 3 mėnesių laikotarpiui, neturi augimo skirtumų. / Aim of the work: new crossbred hybrid aspen (Populus tremuloides x Populus tremula) and birch (Betula pendula) hybrids Objekt of the work: make long hybridization and grow up new regeneration plants in unformed embrio culture and rate genetical variation Results: After crossing get new hybrids. His variation rated by RAPD metod. After measure growing speed, set that hybrids 16.2 and 16.4 growing faster than hybriding aspen clons. In adaptation study set root growing speed. In study notice that plants with root and without in Jiffi tablet peat substratum after 3 month get same height .

Trembling aspen site index in relation to environmental measures of site quality

Klinka, Karel January 2001 (has links)
Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) is one of the most common tree species in the boreal and temperate forests of North America. It grows on many different sites and associates with a variety of tree species. In BC, aspen is frequent throughout all submontane and montane continental forested zones. Relationships between environmental factors and forest productivity have been the subjects of many studies. Most of these studies, using various topographic, soil, physical and chemical properties as independent variables, had limited success in accounting for the variation in SI over a large geographic area. The objectives of this study were (1) to quantify relationships between aspen SI and environmental factors at two spatial scales, and (2) to develop predictive SI models from easily measurable environmental factors.

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