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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technický audit veřejných vodovodů / Technical Audit of Public Water Supply Systems

Večeřa, Milan January 2014 (has links)
Thesis deals with the technical audit of public water supply. The first part is devoted to the current state of the problem in the Czech Republic and abroad. The thesis describes the methodology developed by ÚVHO FAST Brno, which is used to evaluate technical condition of selected parts of the water supply infrastructure. In the practical part of the thesis, methodology is used in the preparation of a technical audit for the water supply of village Boršice, which is operated by Slovácké vodárny a kanalizace, a. s.. The last part of the thesis consists of a design of a structure of software application.

Technický audit vodojemů / Technical Audit of Water Tanks

Šlesinger, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to design a methodology for technical audit of water tanks. The first part presents basic information on water tanks, followed by a brief summary of Czech legislation related to developing water tank renewal financing plans. The key part of the thesis is designing the structure of TEAA water tanks module, which will be included in TEA Water methodology, being developed at Institute of Municipal Water Management. The module under proposal is implemented as a MS Excel application, which is used to assess selected water tanks. The assessment results are compared to results obtained using TEA Water web application, which implements a draft of the TEAA module from October 2014, and to the results obtained using TAWAT.xls application.

Development and validation of the HarsMeth NP methodology for the assessment of chemical reaction hazards.

Sales Saborit, Jaime 20 December 2007 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquest treball es centra en el desenvolupament, comprovació i millora d'una metodologia per l'assessorament del perill tèrmic de les reaccions químiques, orientada especialment a les petites i mitjanes empreses. La metodologia està basada en un sistema de llistes de comprovació per identificar els perills, així com en altres eines senzilles d'entendre per a personal no expert en seguretat. Els orígens del desenvolupament de la metodologia es basen en dos eines existents, HarsMeth i Check Cards for Runaway. S'han pres diferents enfocaments per tal d'aconseguir una metodologia d'assessorament fiable. En primer lloc s'ha verificat l'eficàcia d'ambdues metodologies en diferents empreses dedicades al desenvolupament de productes de química fina, per determinar els punts forts i els punts febles de cada una de elles, i per aprofitar els avantatges identificats per tal de crear una unica metodologia anomenada HarsMeth version 2. A continuació, s'ha provat aquesta versió exhaustivament en dos empreses químiques per tal de millorarla, detectant fallades i allargant les llistes de comprovació amb la finalitat de cobrir el màxim número possible de qüestions per l'assessorament. Altres activitats s'han centrat en el desenvolupament d'eines per a la determinació teòrica de entalpies de reacció i per la identificació de perills tèrmics en equips de procés. La versió final de la metodologia que s'ha desenvolupat, anomenada HarsMeth New Process, està estructurada per tal de realitzar l'assessorament seguint els passos lògics en el desenvolupament d'un procés químic, començant per el disseny de la reacció química en el laboratori, seguit per l'anàlisi de la estabilitat i compatibilitat dels reactius, l'anàlisi de la perillositat de la reacció, l'escalat del procés, i la determinació de les mesures de seguretat necessàries per implementar el procés a escala industrial en funció dels perills identificats anteriorment. Un altre estratègia seguida per millorar la metodologia ha estat analitzar els accidents químics inclosos en la base de dades MARS amb la finalitat de determinar lliçons per aprendre dels accidents, així com per identificar quins aspectes de la metodologia haurien ajudat a prevenir els accidents, i a posar de relleu quins aspectes de la seguretat quimica s'han de tenir especialment en compte a les indústries de procés. / El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en el desarrollo, comprobación y mejora de una metodología para el asesoramiento del peligro térmico de las reacciones químicas, orientada especialmente a las pequeñas y medianas empresas. La metodología está basada en un sistema de listas de comprobación para identificar los peligros, así como en otras herramientas fáciles de entender para personal no experto en seguridad. Los orígenes del desarrollo de la metodología se basan en dos herramientas existentes, HarsMeth y Check Cards for Runaway. Se han seguido diferentes enfoques para llegar a una metodología de asesoramiento fiable. En primer lugar se ha verificado la eficacia de ambas metodologías en diferentes empresas dedicadas al desarrollo de productos de química fina, para determinar las fuerzas y debilidades de cada una de ellas, y para aprovechar las ventajas identificadas para crear una única metodología llamada HarsMeth version 2. A continuación, se ha probado esta versión exhaustivamente en dos empresas químicas para mejorarla, detectando fallos y expandiendo las listas de comprobación con el fin de cubrir el máximo número de cuestiones posibles en el asesoramiento. Otras actividades se han centrado en el desarrollo de herramientas para la determinación teórica de entalpías de reacción y para la identificación de peligros térmicos en equipos de proceso. La versión final de la metodología que se ha desarrollado, llamada HarsMeth New Process, está estructurada para realizar el asesoramiento siguiendo los pasos lógicos del desarrollo de un proceso químico, empezando por el diseño de la reacción química en el laboratorio, siguiendo con el análisis de la estabilidad y compatibilidad de los reactivos, el análisis de la peligrosidad de la reacción, el escalado del proceso y la determinación de medidas de seguridad necesarias para implementar el proceso a escala industrial en función de los peligros identificados anteriormente. Otra estrategia seguida para mejorar la metodología ha sido analizar los accidentes químicos incluidos en la base de datos MARS con el fin de determinar lecciones a aprender de los accidentes, así como identificar qué aspectos cubiertos por la metodología podrían haber ayudado a prevenir los accidentes, y a enfatizar qué aspectos de la seguridad química deben tener especialmente presentes las industrias de proceso. / The aim of this work is focused on the development, testing and improvement of a methodology for the assessment of thermal hazards of chemical reactions, mainly oriented to be used at small and medium enterprises. The methodology consists on a checklist based system to identify thermal hazards, including tools easy to be followed by non experts in the field of safety. The origins of the development are two already existing tools known as HarsMeth and Check Cards for Runaway. Different approaches have been followed in order to come up with a reliable assessment tool. In the first place, the two mentioned methodologies were tested at different companies working on fine chemical production, which gave the possibility to determine strengths and weaknesses for both methodologies, and to profit from the identified strengths to combine them to create one single tool called HarsMeth version 2. Later, this version was thoroughly tested at two different companies to improve it, by detecting flaws and expanding the checklists in order to cover as many issues as possible in the assessment. Further work performed aimed at the development of tools for the theoretical estimation of reaction enthalpies and for the identification of thermal hazards in process equipment. A final version of the methodology was produced, called HarsMeth New Process, structured to perform the hazard assessment at every step followed in the development of a chemical process, starting from the design of the chemical reaction at the laboratory, followed by the study of stability and compatibility of the reactants involved, the bench scale analysis of the synthesis path chosen, the scale up of the process and the determination of the necessary safety measures for the implementation of the process at industrial scale in accordance with the hazards identified. Another strategy followed in order to improve the methodology has been to analyse the chemical accidents reported to the MARS database in order to establish lessons learned from such accidents, and to identify what topics of the methodology could have helped to prevent the accidents and to emphasize what aspects of chemical safety need to be taken into account by the process industries.

Climate vulnerability assessment methodology : Agriculture under climate change in the Nordic region / Metodologi för bedömning av klimatsårbarhet : Nordiskt jordbruk i ett förändrat klimat

Wiréhn, Lotten January 2017 (has links)
Food security and climate change mitigation are crucial missions for the agricultural sector and for global work on sustainable development. Concurrently, agricultural production is directly dependent on climatic conditions, making climate change adaptation strategies essential for the agricultural sector. There is consequently a need for researchers, planners, and practitioners to better understand how, why, and to what extent agriculture is vulnerable to climate change. Such analyses involve challenges in relation to the complex social– ecological character of the agricultural system and to the multiple conceptualizations and approaches used in analysing vulnerability. The aim of this thesis is to identify how vulnerability assessments can be used to represent climate-related vulnerability in Nordic agriculture, in order to advance the methodological development of indicator-based and geographic visualization methods. The following research questions are addressed: (i) How can agricultural vulnerability to climate change and variability in the Nordic countries be characterized? (ii) How do selections, definitions, and emphases of indicators influence how vulnerability is assessed? (iii) How do estimates of vulnerability vary depending on the methods used in assessments? (iv) How can geographic visualization be applied in integrated vulnerability assessments? This thesis analyses and applies various vulnerability assessment approaches in the context of Nordic agriculture. This thesis demonstrates that various methods for composing vulnerability indices result in significantly different outcomes, despite using the same set of indicators. A conceptual framework for geographic visualization approaches to vulnerability assessments was developed for the purpose of creating transparent and interactive assessments regarding the indicating variables, methods and assumptions applied, i.e., opening up the ‘black box’ of composite indices. This framework served as the foundation for developing the AgroExplore geographic visualization tool. The tool enables the user to interactively select, categorize, and weight indicators as well as to explore the data and the spatial patterns of the indicators and indices. AgroExplore was used in focus group settings with experts in the Swedish agricultural sector. The visualization-supported dialogue results confirm the difficulty of selecting and constructing indicators, including different perceptions of what indicators actually indicate, the assumption of linear relationships between the indicators and vulnerability, and, consequently, that the direction of the relationship is predefined for each indicator. This thesis further points at the inherent complexity of agricultural challenges and opportunities in the context of climate change as such. It is specifically emphasized that agricultural adaptation policies and measures involve trade-offs between various environmental and socio–economic objectives, and that their implementation could furthermore entail unintended consequences, i.e., potential maladaptive outcomes. Nevertheless, it proved difficult to validate indicators due to, e.g. matters of scale and data availability. While heavy precipitation and other extreme weather events are perceived as the most relevant drivers of climate vulnerability by the agricultural experts participating in this study, statistical analyses of historical data identified few significant relationships between crop yield losses and heavy precipitation. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to the method development of composite indices and indicator-based vulnerability assessment. A key conclusion is that assessments are method dependent and that indicator selection is related to aspects such as the system’s spatial scale and location as well as to indicator thresholds and defined relationships with vulnerability, recognizing the contextual dependency of agricultural vulnerability. Consequently, given the practicality of indicator-based methods, I stress with this thesis that future vulnerability studies must take into account and be transparent about the principles and limitations of indicator-based assessment methods in order to ensure their usefulness, validity, and relevance for guiding adaptation strategies. / För jordbrukssektorn och global hållbar utveckling i stort är matsäkerhet och mitigering av klimatförändringar viktiga angelägenheter. Samtidigt är jordbruksproduktionen ofta direkt beroende av klimatförhållanden, vilket gör klimatanpassningsstrategier mycket centrala för sektorn. Forskare, planerare och aktörer behöver förstå hur, varför och i vilken omfattning jordbruket är sårbart inför klimatförändringar. Sådana analyser inbegriper även de utmaningar som skapas genom jordbrukets komplexa socio-ekologiska karaktär, och de många utgångspunkter och tillvägagångssätt som används för att bedöma sårbarhet. Syftet med denna avhandling är att identifiera hur sårbarhetsbedömningar kan representera klimatrelaterad sårbarhet i nordiskt jordbruk, och i och med detta har avhandlingen som avsikt att utveckla metodologin för indikatorbaserade- och geografiska visualiseringsmetoder. Följande forskningsfrågor avhandlas: (i) Hur kan det nordiska jordbrukets sårbarhet inför klimatvariation och förändringar karaktäriseras? (ii) Hur påverkar urval, definitioner och betoningar av indikatorer bedömningar av sårbarhet? (iii) Hur varierar uppskattningar med bedömningsmetod? (iv) Hur kan geografisk visualisering användas i integrerade såbarhetsbedömningar? För att svara på dessa frågor analyseras och tillämpas olika tillvägagångssätt att bedöma sårbarhet inom nordiskt jordbruk. Avhandlingen visar att olika metoder för sårbarhetskompositindex resulterar i signifikanta skillnader mellan index, trots att samma indikatorer och data används. Ett konceptuellt ramverk för sårberhetsbedömningar där geografisk visualisering används, har utvecklats för att möjliggöra transparens avseende till exempel. vilka variabler, metoder och antaganden som används i kompositindex. Detta ramverk har följaktligen legat till grund för att utveckla ett geografiskt visualiseringsverktyg – AgroExplore. Verktyget möjliggör interaktivitet där användaren kan välja, kategorisera och vikta indikatorer, och dessutom utforska data och spatiala mönster av indikatorer och kompositindex. AgroExplore användes i denna avhandling för att stödja fokusgruppdialoger med experter inom den svenska jordbrukssektorn. Resultaten från dessa workshops bekräftar svårigheten med att välja och skapa indikatorer. Dessa svårigheter innefattar olika uppfattningar om vad indikatorer representerar, antagandet om linjära samband mellan indikatorerna och sårbarhet, och följaktligen att sambandens riktning är fördefinierade för respektive indikator. Utöver de konceptuella och metodologiska utmaningarna med sårbarhetsbedömningar visar avhandlingen på komplexa svårigheter och möjligheter för jordbruket vid klimatförändringar. Särskilt framhålls att klimatanpassningspolitik och åtgärder inom jordbruket medför konflikter och avvägningar mellan olika miljö- och socio-ekonomiska mål. Implementering av sådana anpassningsåtgärder kan vidare innebära oönskade konsekvenser, så kallad missanpassning. Trots ökad kunskap gällande nordiska jordbrukets sårbarhet inför klimatförändringar har det visats sig vara svårt att statistiskt validera indikatorer på grund av, exempelvis, skalproblematik och datatillgänglighet. Samtidigt som experterna ansåg att kraftig nederbörd och andra extrema väderhändelser är de mest relevanta drivkrafterna till klimatsårbarhet visar den statistiska analysen av historiska data på få signifikanta samband mellan förlorad skördeavkastning och kraftig nederbörd. Denna avhandling bidrar till metodutveckling av kompositindex och indikatorbaserade metoder för sårbarhetsbedömningar. En viktig slutsats är att bedömningar är metodberoende och att valet av indikatorer är relaterat till aspekter såsom systemets utbredning och den spatiala skalan av bedömningen. Även indikatorernas tröskelvärden och hur deras relation till sårbarhet är definierade anses vara viktiga faktorer som påverkar hur indikatorer representerar sårbarhet, vilket visar på sårbarhetsbedömningars kontextuella beroende. I och med de rådande bristerna hos indikatorbaserade metoder, som bland annat har identifierats i denna avhandling, vill jag framhålla vikten av att sårbarhetsbedömningar bör vara transparanta gällande den tillämpade metodens principer, antaganden och begräsningar. Detta för att säkerställa användbarhet, giltighet och relevans, om metoden och bedömningen ska ligga till grund för anpassningsstrategier hos såväl politiker, planerare och lantbrukare. / <p>This is deliverable of the Nordic Centre of Excellence for Strategic Adaptation Research (NORD-STAR), funded by the Nordic Top-level Research Initiative Sub-programme ‘Effects Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change’.</p><p>The work has also been supported by the Swedish Research Council FORMAS under Grant No. 2013-1557 ‘Identifying thresholds for maladaptation in Nordic agriculture’</p>

Integrability Evaluation Methodology for Building Integrated Photovoltaic's (BIPV) : A Study in Indian Climatic Conditions

Eranki, Gayathri Aaditya January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
India’s geographical location renders it with ample solar-energy potential ranging from 4-7 kWh/m2 daily and 2,300–3,200 sunshine hours annually. The diverse nature of human settlements (scattered low-rise to dense high-rise) in India is one of the unexplored avenues of harnessing solar energy through electricity generation using photovoltaic (PV) technology. Solar energy is a promising alternative that carries adequate potential to support the growing energy demands of India’s burgeoning population. A previous study estimates, by the year 2070, with 425 million households (of which utilizing only 20 %), about 90 TWh of electrical energy can be generated utilizing solar energy. PV is viable for onsite distributed (decentralized) power generation offering advantages of size and scale variability, modularity, relatively low maintenance and integration into buildings (no additional demand land). The application of solar PV technology as the building envelope viz., walls, façade, fenestration, roof and skylights is termed Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV). Apart from generating electricity, PV has to also function as a building envelope, which makes BIPV systems unique. Even with a gradual rise in the number of BIPV installations across the world over the years, a common consensus on their evaluation has not yet been developed. Unlike PV in a ground mounted system, its application in buildings as an envelope has huge implications on both PV and building performance. The functions of PV as a building material translates well beyond electricity generation alone and would also have to look into various aspects like the thermal comfort, weather proofing, structural rigidity, natural lighting, thermal insulation, shading, noise protection safety and aesthetics. To integrate PV into a residential building successfully serving the purpose (given the low energy densities of PV and initial cost), would also mean considering factors like the buildings electricity requirement and economic viability. As many studies have revealed, 40% of electricity consumed in a building is utilized for maintaining indoor thermal comfort. Tropical regions, such as India, are generally characterized by high temperatures and humidity attributed to good sunlight, therefore, the externality considered for this study has been the impact of BIPV on the thermal comfort. Passive designs need to regulate the buildings solar exposure by integrating a combination of appropriate thermal massing, material selection, space orientation and natural ventilation. On the other hand, PV design primarily aims to maximize solar to generate maximum energy. The design requirements for climate-responsive building design may thus infringe upon those required for optimal PV performance. Regulating indoor thermal comfort in tropical regions poses a particular challenge under such conditions, as the indoor temperature is likely to be sensitive to external temperature variations. In addition, given current performance efficiencies for various PVs, high initial cost and space requirement, it is also crucial to ascertain PV’s ability to efficiently support buildings energy requirement. Thus, BIPV would require addressing, concurrently, design requirements for energy-efficient building performance, effective PV integration, and societal feasibility. A real time roof integrated BIPV system (5.25 kW) installed at the Center for Sustainable Technologies at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore has been studied for its PV and building thermal performance. The study aims at understanding a BIPV system (based on crystalline silicon) from the technical (climate-responsiveness and PV performance), social (energy requirement and energy efficiency) and economical (costs and benefits) grounds and identifies relevant factors to quantify performance of any BIPV system. A methodology for BIPV evaluation has been proposed (Integrability Methodology), especially for urban localities, which can also be adopted for various PV configurations, building typologies and climatic zones. In the process, a novel parameter (thermal comfort energy) to evaluate the thermal performance of naturally ventilated buildings combining climate-responsiveness and thermal comfort aspects has also been developed. An Integrability Index has also been devised, integrating various building performance factors, to evaluate and compare the performance of BIPV structures. The methodology has been applied to the 5.25 kW BIPV system and the index has been computed to be 0.17 (on a scale of 0 – 1). An insulated BIPV system (building applied photovoltaic system) has been found to be favorable for the climate of Bangalore than BIPV. BIPV systems have also been compared across three different climates (Bangalore, Shillong and Delhi) and given the consideration of the same system for comparison, the system in Delhi is predicted to have a higher Integrability than the other two systems. The current research work is a maiden effort, that aims at developing and testing a framework to evaluate BIPV systems comprising technical, social and economic factors.

Теоретические основы управления проектами и сравнительный анализ методик оценки качества инвестиционно-строительного проекта : магистерская диссертация / Theoretical foundations of project management and comparative analysis of methods for assessing the quality of an investment and construction project

Винокуров, Д. С., Vinokurov, D. S. January 2023 (has links)
Во введении обоснована актуальность темы ВКР, определены объект и предмет исследования, сформулирована цель работы, поставлены задачи, которые необходимо решить для достижения цели исследования, обозначена степень разработанности темы, показана научная новизна результатов проведенного исследования. В первой главе на основе анализа теоретических основ управления проектами показано, что знание их необходимо для корректной оценки качества инвестиционно-строительного проекта (ИСП). Во второй главе на основе анализа показателей качества решений проектно-конструкторской документации, показано, что для оценки качества ИСП целесообразно рассматривать: проектные решения, проектно-конструкторскую деятельность и исполнение проектной документации. В третьей главе описаны методики оценки качества инвестиционно-строительного проекта, проведен сравнительный анализ методик на основе их применения на примере конкретного объекта капитального строительства (физкультурно-спортивный комплекс). В заключении приведены результаты, полученные в ходе исследования, и основные выводы по ВКР. / In the introduction the relevance of the final qualifying work is substantiated, the object and subject of research are defined, the purpose of the work is formulated, tasks are set, the scientific novelty of research is shown. In the first chapter it is shown based on the analysis of the theoretical foundations of project management that knowledge of them is necessary for a correct assessment of the quality of an investment construction project. In the second chapter it is shown based on the analysis of the quality indicators of design documentation solutions that it is advisable to consider: design solutions, design activities and execution of design documentation to assess the quality of an investment construction project. The third chapter describes the methods of assessing the quality of an investment and construction project, a comparative analysis of the methods based on their application on the example of a specific object of capital construction (a sports complex). In conclusion, the results obtained during the study and the main conclusions on the work are presented.

Analyse de la compensation écologique comme instrument d'internalisation et de lutte contre l'érosion de la biodiversité marine : illustration par l'éolien en mer / Analysis of biodiversity offsetting as an internalization instrument to halt the erosion of marine biodiversity : illustration by offshore wind farms

Bas, Adeline 28 February 2017 (has links)
L’installation des énergies marines renouvelables s’effectue dans le respect des législations environnementales françaises. La séquence Eviter-Réduire-Compenser (ERC) est ainsi appliquée pour aboutir à une non-perte nette de biodiversité. L’objectif de la thèse est de questionner l’efficacité de cette séquence, et plus particulièrement celle de la compensation écologique, en tant qu’instrument d’internalisation et de lutte contre l’érosion de la biodiversité marine. Une approche empirique qualitative a ainsi été mise en oeuvre pour (i) identifier les facteurs écologiques et sociétaux ainsi que leurs caractéristiques théoriques qui doivent permettre à la compensation d’atteindre l’objectif de non-perte nette de biodiversité ; et (ii) contrôler si ces conditions sont vérifiées en pratique dans le cas de l’éolien en mer en Europe et en France. L’analyse met en avant les enjeux juridiques, institutionnels, méthodologiques et sociétaux à relever pour permettre à la compensation écologique d’atteindre son objectif. Sur la base de ce constat, une évaluation multicritères est proposée afin de renforcer les étapes d’évitement et de réduction pour finalement mieux définir les besoins de compensation écologique en mer. L’analyse met par ailleurs en évidence un glissement d’une compensation basée sur une équivalence écologique stricte à une compensation fondée sur une équivalence écologique relâchée. Les actions de compensation tendent à être plus généralistes et/ou davantage dirigées vers les services écosystémiques que sur les composantes des écosystèmes. Associées aux mesures d’accompagnement, elles peuvent contribuer à faciliter l’acceptabilité sociale d’un projet d’aménagement. / The installation of marine renewable energies is carried out in compliance with French environmental legislation. The mitigation hierarchy is thus applied to achieve an objective of no net loss of biodiversity. This thesis aims at questioning the effectiveness of the mitigation hierarchy and more specifically biodiversity offsetting as an internalization instrument to halt the erosion of marine biodiversity. We use a qualitative empirical approach to (i) identify the ecological and societal factors as well as their theoretical characteristics that are supposed to enable the offsets achieving the objective of no net loss of biodiversity; and (ii) control whether these conditions are verified in practice for the case of offshore wind farms in Europe and France. The analysis highlights the legal, institutional, methodological and societal issues to be addressed in order to enable biodiversity offsetting to achieve the no net loss priority. On the basis of this observation, a multi-criteria assessment is carried out to reinforce the avoidance and reduction steps of the mitigation hierarchy in order to better define offsetting needs. Ultimately, the analysis shows a shift in biodiversity offsetting based on a strict ecological equivalence to a biodiversity offsetting based on a released ecological equivalence. Offsetting actions tend to be more generalist and / or more directed to ecosystem services than to ecosystem components. Associated with accompanying measures, offsetting actions can help to increase the social acceptability of a development project.

Системы машинного перевода: сравнение качества перевода и возможностей их использования (на примере технической документации в металлургической отрасли) : магистерская диссертация / Machine Translation Systems: Translation Quality and Applicability Comparison (the Case of Technical Documents in Metallurgy)

Батуев, А. А., Batuev, A. A. January 2021 (has links)
Работа посвящена сравнению качества перевода технического текста с английского языка на русский, полученного с помощью различных систем машинного перевода (СМП), на примере научной статьи металлургической тематики “Fluid Dynamics Studies of Bottom-blown and Side-blown Copper Smelting Furnaces”. В первой части работы рассматриваются общие вопросы машинного и технического перевода: приводятся понятия машинного перевода и технического перевода, определяются основные способы и алгоритмы работы СМП, выделяются основные особенности и проблемы технического перевода. Особое внимание уделяется выявлению функциональных возможностей наиболее популярных сервисов машинного перевода, к которым относятся такие СМП как Google Translate, Яндекс Переводчик, Bing Microsoft Translator, SYSTRAN Translate, PROMT.One. Во второй части работы раскрываются особенности металлургической терминологии и специфика ее заимствования, разрабатывается методика оценки качества перевода технического текста металлургической направленности, проводится апробационное исследование переводов, выполненных с помощью различных систем машинного перевода и определяются перспективы использования СМП в металлургической отрасли. Большое внимание уделяется оценке качества переводов по представленным методикам, при этом все результаты приводятся в виде таблиц с указанием количества ошибок и итоговых баллов. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы на различных предприятиях металлургического сектора при работе с документацией на иностранных языках. / This paper is devoted to comparison of translation quality obtained as a result of using machine translation (MT) systems to translate technical documents from English into Russian in the case of a metallurgical article “Fluid Dynamics Studies of Bottom-blown and Side-blown Copper Smelting Furnaces”. The first part of the paper covers general issues of machine and technical translation, including concepts of machine and technical translation, the main operation methods and algorithms, and the main features of technical translation. Particular attention is paid to identification of core functionality of the most popular machine translation systems, which include Google Translate, Yandex Translate, Bing Microsoft Translator, SYSTRAN Translate, PROMT.One. The second part of the paper reveals the main features of metallurgical terminology and the specifics of its naturalization. It also contains several translation quality assessment methodologies and includes an analysis of machine translation quality. Moreover, it features the main prospects for using MT systems in metallurgy. Much attention is paid to translation quality assessment on methodologies presented in the paper. All the results are presented in the form of tables with the number of errors and final scores for each MT system. The results of the study may be used at various metallurgical enterprises working with documentation in foreign languages.

Анализ и оценка вероятности банкротства малого и среднего бизнеса : магистерская диссертация / Analysis and assessment of the probability of bankruptcy of small and medium-sized businesses

Ковалева, О. В., Kovaleva, O. V. January 2023 (has links)
Целью работы является Совершенствование методических основ оценки вероятности банкротства малого и среднего бизнеса. Особенностью данного подхода к оценке вероятности банкротства малого и среднего бизнеса в отличие от существующих является его постоянная качественная визуализация, благодаря которому повышается возможность отследить несостоятельность организации за долго до его наступления и в необходимых случаях вовремя применить меры по предотвращению финансовой несостоятельности предприятия. / The aim of the work is to improve the methodological foundations for assessing the probability of bankruptcy of small and medium-sized businesses. The peculiarity of this approach to assessing the probability of bankruptcy of small and medium-sized businesses, unlike existing ones, is its constant qualitative visualization, which increases the ability to track the insolvency of the organization long before it occurs and, if necessary, timely apply measures to prevent the financial insolvency of the enterprise.

Software process capability and maturity determination:BOOTSTRAP methodology and its evolution

Kuvaja, P. (Pasi) 24 November 2012 (has links)
Abstract Software process assessment and improvement came under the spotlight in the discussion of software engineering when the Software Engineering Institute published the maturity model for software process capability determination in 1987. Since then, several new approaches and standards have been developed. This thesis introduces a European software process assessment and improvement methodology called BOOTSTRAP, which was initially developed in an ESPRIT project starting from lean and kaizen philosophy. The focus is on the evolution of methodology and how it was developed, using an experimental research approach. The work covers also enhancements to the methodology investigated in the SPICE, PROFES and TAPISTRY projects. The enhancements expand the original methodology into new specific application areas, keep it compliant with new quality standards and certification, improve the efficiency of the assessment method, enhance the focus from process to product and strengthen improvement monitoring and support. To address these areas, the new BOOTSTRAP methodology releases offer tailored and enhanced assessment reference models and enhanced assessment and improvement methods. The new features also facilitate more frequent and even continuous assessments with software measurement-based indicators. The thesis explains the origin and features of BOOTSTRAP software process assessment and improvement methodology and how it was developed for professional use. The discussion starts with the evolution of the methodology. Then the new trends and demands are introduced and new features of the BOOTSTRAP methodology described. The conclusion discusses how the methodology developed to be able successfully to support professional software process assessment, to align it with the evolution of software engineering, to adopt the features and requirements of the underlying standards in order to conform to the requirements set by ISO 15504 standard and to become validated in practice. / Tiivistelmä Ohjelmistoprosessin arvioinnista ja parantamisesta tuli ohjelmistotekniikan keskeinen kiinnostuksen kohde kun Carnegie-Mellon yliopiston ohjelmistotekniikan instituutti SEI julkaisi kypsyysmallinsa ohjelmistoprosessin kyvykkyyden arviointiin vuonna 1987. Siitä lähtien maailmalla on syntynyt lukuisa määrä uusia malleja ja standardeja tälle alueelle. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitellään eurooppalainen ohjelmistoprosessin arviointi- ja parantamismenetelmä BOOTSTRAP, joka kehitettiin alun perin Euroopan unionin ESPRIT tutkimusohjelman rahoittamassa projektissa lähtien japanilaisesta ohut-ajattelusta (Lean) ja sen jatkuvan parantamisen periaatteesta (Kaizen). Esitys keskittyy menetelmän kehittymiseen ja siihen miten menetelmä käytännössä kehitettiin käyttäen kokeellista tutkimustapaa teollisessa ympäristössä. Työ kattaa myös alkuperäiseen menetelmään tehdyt laajennukset, jotka syntyivät yhteistyössä SPICE, PROFES ja TAPISTRY projekteissa tehdyn tutkimuksen tuloksena. Tehdyt laajennukset mahdollistavat menetelmän käytön uusilla sovellusalueilla, takaavat menetelmän yhteensopivuuden alan laatu- ja sertifiointistandardien kanssa, parantavat menetelmän tehokkuutta, laajentavat menetelmän käyttöaluetta prosessin arvioinnista sisältämään myös tuotteen kehittämisen arvioinnin ja vahvistavat parantamisen seurantaa ja tukemista. Toteuttaakseen näiden uusien ominaisuuksien vaatimukset uudet BOOTSTRAP menetelmän julkistukset tarjoavat räätälöityjä ja laajennettuja mallikuvauksia arviointien tekemiseksi sekä entistä täydellisempiä lähestymistapoja arviointien suorittamiselle ja parantamiselle. Menetelmän uudet ominaisuudet mahdollistavat myös usein toistuvien arviointien suorittamisen ja jopa jatkuvan arvioinnin ohjelmisto-mittauksia hyödyntäen. Väitöskirjassa kuvataan yksityiskohtaisesti BOOTSTRAP menetelmän lähtö-kohdat ja ominaisuudet ja se kuinka menetelmä onnistuttiin kehittämään ammattimaiseen ohjelmistoprosessin arviointiin ja parantamiseen sopivaksi. Ensin kuvataan menetelmän kehittyminen ja sitten edetään alan uusien kehitystrendien ja vaatimusten esittelyyn siihen kuinka BOOTSTRAP menetelmä uudet ominaisuudet vastaavat näihin vaatimuksiin. Yhteenvedossa osoitetaan kuinka kehittämisessä onnistuttiin saamaan aikaan uusi menetelmä, joka sopii ammattimaiseen ohjelmistoprosessin arviointiin, vastaa kaikilta osin alan kehittymisen vaatimuksia, sisältää alan standardien vaatimukset täyttävät käytännössä koestetut ominaisuudet, jotka takaavat menetelmän vastaavuuden ISO 15504 standardin vaatimuksiin.

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