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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de la ventilation liquide totale hypothermisante sur le syndrome post-arrêt cardiaque chez le lapin / [Study of the total liquid ventilation hypothermisante on the syndrome cardiac post-cardiac arrest to the rabbit]

Darbera, Lys 29 November 2013 (has links)
Chaque année, l’arrêt cardiaque extra-hospitalier, plus communément appelé mort subite, est responsable de plus de 40 000 décès en France. Le plus souvent, cela constitue l’ultime complication d’un infarctus du myocarde ou d’autres maladies cardiovasculaires. Le développement des méthodes de réanimation cardio-pulmonaire (RCP), leur diffusion publique et l’amélioration de la prise en charge pré-hospitalière (« chaîne de survie ») ontpermis une forte augmentation du pourcentage de patients réanimés après un arrêt cardiaque depuis une trentaine d’années. Malheureusement, la reprise d’une activité circulatoire spontanée ne constitue que la première étape de cette prise en charge et la majorité des patients décèdent dans les jours suivants de défaillances multiviscérales regroupées sous le nom de « syndrome post-arrêt cardiaque » 2. Seule une minorité de patients peut i fine survivire et sortirt de l’hôpital après une bonne récupération neurologique. Depuis de nombreuses années, les chercheurs tentent donc de découvrir des stratégies cardioprotectrices et neuroprotectrices dont l’application permettrait d’améliorer le pronostic de ces patients. / Summary not transmitted

"En galning råkade finnas i staden" : En kvalitativ framinganalys av Aftonbladets gestaltning av gärningsmannen bakom skolattacken i Trollhättan

Yngvesson, Anton, Tisjö, Lindah January 2016 (has links)
On October 22, 2015, a masked man entered the primary school Kronan in Trollhättan and stabbed three people to death with a knife and a sword. Shortly after the attack the perpetrator was shot to death by the police. The event received a great deal of spatial attention in Swedish media and has been called the worst school attack in Swedish history. The twenty-one-year-old perpetrator had grown up in Trollhättan and it is his origin that is of interest in this study. The aim of this study is to examine how a perpetrator of native origin is portrayed in a Swedish medium. Previous research, which shows that there is a difference between how a perpetrator of native origin is portrayed compared to a foreign one, is used as background. According to these studies media often focuses on the perpetrator’s ethnicity and descent if the person is of foreign origin. Through a qualitative framing analysis we examine how the perpetrator in Trollhättan is portrayed in Sweden’s largest news website, namely aftonbladet.se. We explore how the perpetrator's ethnicity and origin are expressed and which of the perpetrator's characteristics are focused on by Aftonbladet. Through framing analysis we also explore how the perpetrator is portrayed from an us-and-them perspective, and how ideas and concepts are personalized through him. The results of this study show that the male perpetrator who is of native origin in the case Trollhättan is portrayed as a lone maniac who committed an act of evil and that Aftonbladet focused on his personal circumstances, for example that he had issues socializing.

A victimological investigation of farm attacks with specific reference to farmers’ perceptions of their susceptibility, the consequences of attacks for farmers and the coping strategies applied by them after victimisation

Hornschuh, Veronica 28 July 2008 (has links)
Acts of violence on farms and smallholdings are continuing unabated in spite of the efforts of the government and the agricultural unions to quell attacks on members of the farming community. Although research has been done on various aspects of farm attacks, empirical information regarding farmers’ perceptions of their susceptibility to attacks, the consequences that are suffered and the coping strategies that farmers apply after victimisation, is limited to that contained in the Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Farm Attacks. In order to gain first-hand information with regard to this phenomenon, the researcher interviewed 15 direct victims of attacks on a one-on-one basis. All the attacks occurred in the Mpumalanga Province and the adjoining Nokeng Tsa Taemane region in the Gauteng Province. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, it was found that most of the respondents felt unsafe on their farms. In spite of this, they were all taken by surprise by their attackers. While the majority of the respondents believed that their homes were reasonably secure, financial and familial constraints prevented some from improving the guardianship on their farms. Those who had good security systems in their homes, were attacked outside or in the early evening before the systems were activated. The findings also revealed that the immediate reactions of victims of farm attacks do not differ fundamentally from those of other victims of crime. Reactions include surprise, fear of being killed, injured and/or raped and powerlessness. After the attacks they often experienced anger and bitterness. Analysis of the data furthermore indicated that physical injuries ranged from minor to serious injuries that necessitated hospitalisation. Emotional and social harm were also experienced by victims, causing them to be fearful and distrustful of black persons, as the attacks were all black on white. Farm attacks also had negative financial consequences for the victims. Capital that might have been used for other purposes had to be used to pay medical and funeral bills and upgrade security, especially since most victims feared re-victimisation. After the attacks some respondents preferred to relocate. While many of the respondents found it too costly to implement the necessary target hardening measures, avoidance behaviour in the form of alertness was identified as the most effective means of preventing victimisation in the future. Other avoidance tactics included feeding dogs in the afternoon when visibility is still good and sending employees out to establish the reason for the visit of black strangers who arrive on the farm without an appointment. Erroneous perceptions with regard to the motives for attacks and the profile of attackers, as well as complacency about security which often sets in because of the routine nature of farmers’ lifestyle, were identified as the main reasons for farmers’ susceptibility to victimisation. It was also found that the respondents’ coping strategies varied. While some relied on their Christian faith and the support of family and friends, others exerted their inner strength to regain their emotional equilibrium. On the basis of the above findings, recommendations were made regarding further research and measures that might be implemented by both the government and farmers to reduce the number of farm attacks. It was highlighted that factors such as hate speech, socio-economic conditions in rural areas, the acceleration of land reform and education deserve further attention. Farmers must guard against complacency and make informed decisions about security on the farms. As coping strategies vary, it was furthermore stated that victimised farmers need to persevere until they have assimilated the negative experience. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Estudo das habilidades técnicas do ataque na posição quatro do voleibol / The study of technical skills in volleyball attack from zone four

Marcos Augusto Rocha 23 April 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um modelo de habilidades técnicas do ataque da posição quatro e por meio do modelo, analisar o comportamento do ataque da posição quatro na categoria infanto-juvenil masculina. Para o primeiro objetivo, utilizou-se do método delphi, entrevistando-se em dois momentos distintos (1ª e 2ª etapas) 14 treinadores das seleções brasileiras de voleibol masculina e feminina. Enquanto que na primeira etapa foi delineada a estrutura do modelo, na segunda, foi possível elaborar o modelo propriamente dito a partir do nível esperado de consenso. Os resultados demonstraram que, para as onze situações de bloqueio, cento e setenta e duas habilidades técnicas foram relacionadas pelos treinadores, entre as quais, somente quatro (SBT1-I, SBT1-J, SBT3-A e SBT3-S) não alcançaram o critério de consenso estabelecido (média, moda, mediana igual ou superior a 4.0 e desvio padrão igual ou inferior a 0,65). Para o segundo objetivo, foram observados doze jogos em campeonatos mundiais dos anos 2005 e 2007, nos quais foram analisados valores de freqüência de ocorrência e eficácia. Os resultados mostraram maiores ocorrências nas situações de bloqueios duplos seguidas dos bloqueios simples e triplos. Quanto às habilidades técnicas, a corrida de aproximação em diagonal foi a mais utilizada pelos atacantes com opção de ataque direto. As habilidades com ataque explorando o bloqueio ocorreram com maior freqüência frente aos bloqueios duplos e triplos compactos. A análise de correlação de Spearman detectou baixo nível de associação entre freqüência de ocorrência e eficácia. Contudo, a análise de regressão logística (binária e multinomial) entre as habilidades mais freqüentes permitiu verificar que a SBD1-A foi a situação/habilidade que mais ocorreu, no entanto, com menores chances de sucesso entre a maioria das situações/habilidades investigadas. As habilidades técnicas empregadas nas situações de bloqueio simples obtiveram maiores chances de sucesso que as habilidades utilizadas nos bloqueios duplos. Os resultados destacaram o aspecto situacional do ataque, o qual revelou necessidade de aplicação de habilidades técnicas específicas em determinadas estruturas de bloqueio para se obter o sucesso / The objective of this study was to develop a model for attack technical skills in zone four and to analyze the performance of young players through this model. In the first case, through the delphi method and in two distinct moments (1st and 2nd phases), fourteen coaches of the Brazilian male and female teams were interviewed. The structure of the model was designed in the first phase and, by means of consensus, the model itself was eventually designed in the second phase. Results evidenced that 170 attack technical skills were reported by the coaches in eleven block situations, and only four (SBT1-I, SBT1-J, SBT3-A e SBT3-S) did not reach the consensus level (mean, mode, median equal or above 4.0 and standard deviation 0,65). In the second case, twelve games were analyzed during the world championships in years 2005 and 2007 in the frequency and efficacy of actions. The results from the analysis of attack performances from zone four during the world championships showed a larger number in double blocks followed by simple and triple blocks. As for technical skills, the type of run with diagonal approach was the most used by attack players with the option of direct attack. Techniques where attack explores blocking were most common in compact double and triple blocks. The Spearman correlation analysis showed no relation between frequency and efficacy. However, a logistic regression analysis (binary and multinomial) between the most frequent techniques evidenced that SBD1-A block/skill situation was the most frequent but least likely to success. Technical skills in simple block situations were more likely to be successful than those in double blocks. The results also highlighted the situational aspect of attack that requires specific technical skills for certain block structures to be successful

The knowledge of impending heart attack and by-stander cardiopulmonary resuscitation among students at Turfloop Campus University of Limpopo South Africa

Nkoko, Koena Joseph January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MPH) -- University of Limpopo, 2007. / Aim of the study: To determine knowledge of CPR and heart attack or cardiac arrest signs and symptoms among university students. Study Design: A questionnaire based descriptive, cross – sectional study. Setting: University of Limpopo – Turfloop Campus in Limpopo Province of South Africa. Subjects: A total sample of 400 students participated in the study. The sample was selected randomly using simple random sampling techniques. Outcome measures: The faculty, age, gender and level of study were determined as well as the knowledge each student has on signs and symptoms of impending heart attack and CPR. Results: Of the 400 students only 26% (n=104) knew the signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack as well as out of hospital management of heart attack by performing CPR. There were differences between and within faculties, age groups, gender and level of study. Based on the Bonferroni test the student from faculty of Sciences, Health and Agriculture are more likely (p-value 0017) to know when to perform CPR compared to students from other faculties. Level of study is not associated (p-value 0128) with how much the students know about the timing and indications of CPR. Overall female students performed worse with 79% (n=123) responding incorrectly to the questions compared to 69% (n=169) males. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study it safely can be concluded that the students’ knowledge of signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack and CPR procedure is poor. It is therefore important for the university as a center of teaching and learning to consider including as part of university curriculum, basic life support v and first aid courses which include CPR. The inclusion of basic life support and first aid in university curriculum will prepare students to be able to effectively manage out of hospital heart attack and reduce mortality resulting from the latter. The findings of this study might to a certain extent be reflecting what the public’s knowledge on the subject is, hence the need for the policy makers to take serious note of the findings when public health promotion programmes are developed.


06 February 2013 (has links)
[pt] A matéria cinzenta periaquedutal dorsal (MCPD) é associada com comportamento defensivo e ataques de pânico em humanos. Estimulações elétricas da MCPD induzem a um repertório de defesa: o congelamento pré fuga, reação de fuga e congelamento pós fuga. Evidências já apresentadas suportam a hipótese que enquanto o congelamento pré fuga seria um modelo de ataque de pânico o congelamento pós fuga seria um modelo de transtorno de pânico. Os resultados no experimento 1 indicaram que as duas linhagens de animais selecionadas para alto (Carioca alto congelamento) e baixo (Carioca baixo congelamento) congelamento em resposta ao contexto associado com choque nas patas, demonstraram que embora a ansiedade antecipatória possa exercer um efeito inibitório na expressão do congelamento pré fuga e na reação de fuga, pode por sua vez facilitar o congelamento pós fuga. No experimento 2, o efeito de lesões eletrolíticas no Córtex Cingulado Anterior Rostral não alteraram o congelamento pré fuga e a reação de fuga, porém as mesmas exercem um efeito inibitório no congelamento pós fuga demonstrando que os tipos de congelamento no medo incondicionado são mediados por circuitarias de defesa independentes. No experimento 3, o efeito de lesões eletrolíticas no Córtex Cingulado Anterior Rostral (CCAr) aumentou a sensibilidade a dor (comportamento recuperativo) de animais submetidos ao teste de formalina no paradigma de analgesia condicionada demonstrando a importância do CCAr na modulação da circuitaria de dor. / [en] The dorsal portion of the periaqueductal Gray (DPAG) is notably associated with defensive behavior and panic attacks in humans. Electrical stimulation of the DPAG induces a repertoire of defense: dPAG-evoked freezing, escape reaction and dPAG post-stimulation freezing. Past evidence support the hypothesis that whereas dPAG-evoked freezing would serve as model of panic attack, the dPAG post-stimulation freezing appears to be a model of panic disorder. The experiment 1 used two lines of animals selectively bred for high (Carioca High-Freezing) and low (Carioca Low-Freezing) freezing in response to contextual cues associated with footshock. The results suggest that although anticipatory anxiety might exert an inhibitory effect on the dPAG-evoked freezing and escape reaction, it might also facilitate the dPAG post-stimulation freezing. The experiment 2 studied the effect of electrolytic lesions on rostral anterior cingulated cortex (rACC). The results of electrolytic lesions on rACC suggest that although rACC lesions did not change the dPAG-evoked freezing and escape threshold, it might exert an inhibitory effect on the dPAG post-stimulation freezing, reinforcing the hypothesis that dPAG-evoked freezing and dPAG post- stimulation freezing are modulated by two independent circuitry of defense. The experiment 3 studied pain sensibility of rACC lesioned animals submitted to formalin test on conditioned analgesia paradigm. The results suggest that rACC lesions might exert an inhibitory effect on conditioned analgesia and consequently exacerbates recuperative behavior. The results also support the hypothesis of the rule of rACC on pain modulation.

Complement 5 inhibition ameliorates hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury in mice, dominantly via the C5a-mediated cascade / 補体C5阻害は、主にC5a経路の抑制を介してマウス肝虚血再灌流障害を抑制する

Kusakabe, Jiro 27 July 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第22696号 / 医博第4640号 / 新制||医||1045(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 羽賀 博典, 教授 妹尾 浩, 教授 木村 剛 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DGAM


Ramesh, Chethan 10 April 2020 (has links)
As FPGA use becomes more diverse, the shared use of these devices becomes a security concern. Multi-tenant FPGAs that contain circuits from multiple independent sources or users will soon be prevalent in cloud and embedded computing environments. The recent discovery of a new attack vector using neighboring long wires in Xilinx SRAM FPGAs presents the possibility of covert information leakage from an unsuspecting user's circuit. The work makes two contributions that extend this finding. First, we rigorously evaluate several Intel SRAM FPGAs and confirm that long wire information leakage is also prevalent in these devices. Second, we present the first successful attack on an unsuspecting circuit in an FPGA using information passively obtained from neighboring long-lines. Information obtained from a single AES S-box input wire combined with analysis of encrypted output is used to rapidly expose an AES key. This attack is performed remotely without modifying the victim circuit, using electromagnetic probes or power measurements, or modifying the FPGA in any way. We show that our approach is effective for three different FPGA devices. Our results demonstrate that the attack can recover encryption keys from AES circuits running at 50MHz. Finally, we present results from the AES attack performed using a cloud FPGA in a Microsoft Project Catapult cluster. These experiments show the effect can be used to attack a remotely-accessed cloud FPGA.

Changing trends in the landscape of patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction (2001 to 2011): The Worcester Heart Attack Study

Mercado-Lubo, Regino 28 June 2019 (has links)
Background: During the past 50 years, novel diagnostic tools, interventional approaches, and population-wide changes in the major coronary risk factors have occurred. However, few studies have examined relatively recent trends in the demographic characteristics, clinical profile, and the short-term outcomes of patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) from the more generalizable perspective of a population-based investigation. Methods:We examined decade long trends (2001 to 2011) in patient’s demographic and clinical characteristics, treatment practices, and hospital outcomes among residents of the Worcester metropolitan area hospitalized with a validated initial AMI (n = 3,730) at all 11 greater Worcester medical centers during 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011. Results:The average age of the study population was 68.5 years and 56.9% were men. Patients hospitalized with a first AMI during the most recent study years were significantly younger (mean age = 69.9 in 2001/03; 65.2 in 2009/11), had lower serum troponin levels, and experienced a shorter hospital stay compared to patients hospitalized during the earliest study years. Hospitalized patients were more likely to received evidence-based medical management practices during the years under study. Multivariable-adjusted regression models showed a considerable decline over-time in the hospital death rate (9.6% in 2001/03; 6.5% in 2009/11), and a significant reduction in the proportion of patients who developed atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and ventricular fibrillation during their acute hospitalization. Conclusions: These results highlight the changing nature of patients hospitalized with an incident AMI, and reinforce the need for surveillance of AMI at the community level.

Just a Day

Tull, Zachary 01 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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