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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chronic Stress and Well-Being: Testing Mindfulness as a Proposed Method to Decrease Stress in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Gillies, Madeline M 08 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Parenting is a demanding role that encompasses many responsibilities and challenges. When a child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, there are additional demands on the parent's time, energy, and financial resources, which likely leads to increased levels of chronic stress for parents. This dissertation examines the differences in chronic stress levels between parents who have children with autism and parents who do not, using hair cortisol concentration (HCC) as a benchmark. This dissertation also explores reducing parental stress by introducing a mindfulness intervention. Participants (n = 68) were recruited and divided into two groups: Parents of children who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and parents of neurotypical (NT) children. It was hypothesized that parents of ASD children would have higher stress levels than parents of NT children, that parents who participate in the intervention would have a reduction in stress, and that parents of ASD children would benefit more from the intervention compared to parents of NT children. The intervention consisted of an online, self-compassion-based mindfulness course that was introduced to parents. To examine the course's effectiveness in reducing stress for parents who completed (or at least began) the course, baseline, pre-, and post-mindfulness data were collected using self-report questionnaires and hair cortisol concentration levels. Questionnaire data demonstrated higher levels of stress in parents of children with autism as compared to parents of neurotypical children. However, the mindfulness course did not demonstrate effective stress reduction for parents in every self-report measure, though cortisol levels did decrease for both groups following the intervention. Evidence suggests that the course was effective in increasing feelings of self-compassion and increasing perception of flourishing, Additionally, cortisol levels decreased significantly in parents after participating in the mindfulness course. By investigating stress in parents of children with autism and exploring mindfulness as a possible resource for stress reduction, this dissertation contributes to the broader discourse on family well-being and mental health. It is my hope that insights garnered from this research will inform the development of supportive frameworks that empower families, foster resilience, and ultimately enhance the quality of life for children with autism and their parents.

Attachment in school-age children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: moving to the level of representations to meet their needs

Giannotti, Michele 13 February 2020 (has links)
Despite a large body of research has investigated child attachment during middle childhood, only a limited number of studies has focused on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Additionally. The few studies available on this topic have exclusively used self-reported measures to assess quality of attachment, overlooking the role of internal representations, which are considered to play a fundamental role since attachment is internalized. Therefore, no studies examined the way in which child attachment representations are associated with child diagnosis, parenting and caregiving environment in ASD. In the first study, we assessed attachment representations in children with ASD, Learning Disabilities (LD) and Typical development (TD). In particular, we investigated possible group differences on perceived attachment to parents, self-protective strategies and quality of attachment implicit representations using the Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation (DMM). The Study 2 focused on the caregiving environment and its influence on child attachment implicit representations. To this aim, we assessed parenting stress and parental style in mothers and fathers of children with ASD and TD, examining whether parents of children with ASD differ from those of matched TD group. Secondly, we examined which caregiving environment dimensions contribute significantly in predicting at-risk attachment representations, assessing separately the contribution of maternal and paternal parenting stress and parental interactive social style. In the third study maternal and paternal attachment style were assessed to test the hypothesis of attachment continuity across generations. Firstly, we investigated whether parents of children of ASD reported higher level of attachment-related avoidance/anxiety compared to their TD counterpart. Next, the associations between attachment style of both mothers and fathers and quality of child attachment representations was tested, by examining the moderation effect of child ASD diagnosis. The Study 4 investigated the role of other potential child attachment predictors. Due higher co-occurrence of ASD and difficulties in identifying, describing and distinguishing one’s own feelings, the predictive effect of alexithymia on child explicit attachment representations was tested. Moreover, we also examined whether children with ASD reported higher level of alexithymia compared to controls. The Study 1 showed that children with ASD are able to develop secure and coherent attachment implicit representations, albeit with a lesser extent compared to typically developing children. They were able to engage the attachment interview, confirming the suitability of this method in this clinical sample. Importantly, children with ASD showed high-risk attachment implicit representations and greater presence of unresolved trauma and modifiers, despite no differences emerged on perceived attachment to parents. The lack of group difference on perceived attachment suggested that implicit and explicit attachment representations of children with ASD originate from different sources of information. It is plausible that low reflective functioning, impaired metacognition as well as altered psychobiological processes of children with ASD contributed to attachment maladaptive information processing. Secondly, we replicated the well-established finding of higher parenting distress in parents of children with ASD compared to controls also in fathers. Moreover, the Study 2 documented less didactic and limit/setting style in parents of children with ASD. In accordance to a bidirectional perspective, these parenting behaviors were interpreted as parental functional responses to adapt to child unusual social-communication. Interestingly, data revealed a significant effect of maternal parenting stress and social exchange style on child attachment implicit representations. Thus, the study supports the coexistence of both child-driven and parent-driven effects in the context of parent-child relationship in ASD. Similarly, the Study 3 documented that children with ASD who have an insecurely attached primary caregiver showed at-risk attachment implicit representations. In other words, the continuity of attachment security across generations revealed a clear effect in ASD, suggesting that these children may be more susceptible to this mechanism compared to controls. In addition, parents of children with ASD reported higher attachment-related avoidance in comparison to their TD counterpart. This difference could be associated to the significant couple adjustment associated to the impact of rear a child with ASD. In addition, the Study 4 showed that alexithymia, but not ASD predicts perceived attachment to parents highlighting the different nature of attachment explicit and implicit representation. Moreover, our results confirmed higher co-occurrence of alexithymia and ASD also in school-age, extending literature on adulthood. Our findings pointed out that children with ASD (without intellectual disability) showed higher rates of at-risk self-protective strategies (attachment pattern). These results may be related to several factors associated with ASD symptoms, such as the more frequent disruptions of interpersonal exchanges with the caregiver across development, the difficulties in social information processing and reflective functioning. The higher exposure to adverse childhood experience (e.g. bullying), may explained the higher occurrence of unresolved trauma in these children. Up to date, to the best of our knowledge, these are the first studies on group differences and parental predictors of attachment implicit representations in school-age children with ASD. Therefore, these studies brought initial data to ASD literature on attachment representations, suggesting that these children are at increased risk of developing maladaptive information processing. Limitations of the studies and clinical implications are discussed.

A Comparison of Observation Systems for Monitoring Engagement in an Intervention Program

Linden, April D. 05 1900 (has links)
The measurement of engagement, or the interaction of a person with their environment, is an integral part of assessing the quality of an intervention program for young children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Researchers and practitioners can and do measure engagement in many ways on the individual and group level. The purpose of this methodological study was to compare three commonly used recording systems: individual partial interval, group momentary time sampling, and group partial interval. These recording methods were compared across three classes of engagement: social, instructional, and non-instructional in a clinical setting with children with autism. Results indicate that group measurement systems were not sensitive to individual changes in engagement when child behaviors were variable. The results are discussed in the context of behavior analytic conceptual systems and the relative utility and future research directions for behavior analytic practice and research with young children in group settings.

Speech-in-Noise Processing in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Anderson, Chelsea D. 08 1900 (has links)
Individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder often experience difficulty during speech-in-noise (SIN) processing tasks. However, it remains unclear how behavioral and cortical mechanisms of auditory processing explain variability in SIN performance in adults with ASD and their neurotypical counterparts. The proposed research explored variability in SIN as it relates to behavioral, perceptual, and objective measures of auditory processing. Results showed significant differences between groups in SIN thresholds. In addition, neurotypicals outperformed the ASD group on measures of sustained auditory attention characterized by reduced impulsivity, increased inhibition, and increased selective auditory attention. Individuals with ASD showed decreased acceptance of noise as compared to neurotypical peers. Overall, results highlighted auditory processing deficits in individuals with ASD that contribute to SIN performance.

Klinický obraz vývojové dysfázie v konceptu neurovývojových poruch / The clinical picture of developmental dysphasia in the concept of neuorodevelopmental disorders

Pospíšilová, Lenka January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Developmental dysphasia (DD) is a developmental language disorder with high prevalence, but also with low publication index and confusion of the terminology (including the Czech version of ICD - "speech" disorder instead of "language" disorder). The scientific view has passed the development from a symptom, through the specific nozologic unit to the current term Developmental language disorder (DLD) and its classification among a new category of diseases in ICD-11 (existing in DSM-5) called Neurodevelopmental disorders. Another disorder with the characteristic pathology in communication is the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) which is classified as a disease of the same category as DD. Compared to DD, it has a higher publication index, lower prevalence, and even more serious consequences. Three different domains that cause confusion, both in ASD and DD, are "speech", "language", and "communication". The same confusion applies to the current subtypes in ICD-11 with the term "functional language". In the Czech Republic there are very few studies dealing with the patients with DD, their profile of a clinic picture has not been processed so far. In spite of the increase of Czech research of ASD there is a missing speech, language, and communication profile of these individuals. This has...

Effects of an Online Training in the Ziggurat Model on the Autism Knowledge of School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs)

Wilkerson, Wendy L. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a low-incidence disorder with high impacts on individuals, families, and society. School-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs) have tremendous responsibilities toward individuals with ASD, but pre-service SLPs are not adequately trained to fulfill these expectations. In order to reduce the widespread financial and social impact of ASD, school-based SLPs need to complete effective training to prepare them for the selection of established social-communication practices. One framework for the selection of individualized intervention is the Ziggurat Model (Aspy & Grossman, 2008). The following study used mixed methods to investigate the research question: “Does the ASD knowledge base of ASHA-certified school-based SLPs change when they complete an online training module based upon Aspy and Grossman’s Ziggurat Model? If so, what are those changes?” A pre-test post-test control group design demonstrated a significant difference in the experimental group’s and the control group’s pre-test post-test change scores, as demonstrated by an independent samples t-test (p=.039, 18df). Qualitative data analysis resulted in six themes. While the online training of Aspy and Grossman’s Ziggurat Model used in this study was an effective method with which to train school-based SLPs in using a comprehensive framework, more rigorous research is needed on this model relative to the selection of intervention.

Rôle de l’activation immune maternelle par le Streptocoque de groupe B dans la physiopathologie de l’autisme / Live group B Streptococcus-induced maternal immune activation: gender dichotomic chorioamnionitis and autistic-like traits in male offspring

Allard, Marie-Julie January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Le streptocoque de groupe B (SGB) est une bactérie commensale présente dans le tractus génito-urinaire de 10 à 30 % des femmes enceintes en santé. Ce pathogène est responsable de chorioamnionite, associée aux naissances prématurées et aux dommages cérébraux du nouveau-né. Les infections durant la grossesse, la chorioamnionite et la prématurité sont associées au développement de troubles du spectre de l’autisme. Notre hypothèse est qu’une exposition subclinique au SGB induit une réponse inflammatoire maternofoetale, menant à des troubles neurodéveloppementaux et comportementaux de type autistique dans la progéniture. L’objectif principal est d’étudier, à l’aide d’un nouveau modèle animal (rat) préclinique, les impacts d’une exposition au SGB en période prénatale sur le développement cérébral de la progéniture. Les rates Lewis gestantes sont injectées au jour de gestation 19 avec une dose de SGB de sérotype Ia (108 UFC/100µl) ou de saline. La réponse inflammatoire placentaire est caractérisée par immunohistochimie. Des tests comportementaux sont effectués entre les jours postnataux 7 et 40 afin d’évaluer la communication, le comportement exploratoire, l’intégration sensorielle et les interactions sociales. Une chorioamnionite dichotomique selon le genre est observée dans les placentas exposés au SGB, via une infiltration de cellules polymorphonucléaires. Cette infiltration est significativement plus proéminente dans les placentas associés aux fœtus mâles que ceux des fœtus femelles. Les mâles exposés au SGB ont un amincissement de la substance blanche cérébrale adjacente aux ventricules latéraux élargis. La progéniture mâle exposée au SGB présente des anomalies comportementales associées aux traits cardinaux des troubles du spectre de l’autisme, soit des déficits au niveau de la communication, des interactions sociales, du traitement de l’information sensorielle ainsi qu’au niveau d’autres comorbidités classiques de l’autisme, comme l’hyperactivité. Ces données démontrent pour la première fois que l’activation immune maternelle induite par l’infection au SGB joue un rôle dans l’induction d’anomalies neurodéveloppementales récapitulant celles observées chez les patients autistes, incluant la dichotomie de genre et le phénotype neurocomportemental. Ces résultats fournissent de nouvelles évidences en faveur du rôle dans la physiopathologie de l’autisme d’un facteur environnemental commun, et modifiable, d’inflammation gestationnelle. / Abstract : Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a commensal bacterium present in the vagina of 10 to 30% of healthy pregnant women. GBS is responsible for chorioamnionitis, which can cause preterm birth and cerebral injuries in the newborn most often in the absence of maternofetal pathogen translocation. Maternal infection, chorioamnionitis and preterm birth are associated to autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in the progeny. Our hypothesis is that GBS-induced gestational infection induces a maternofetal inflammatory response leading to neurodevelopmental impairments and ASD-like behaviour in the offspring. Our goal was to study, with a new preclinical animal model, the impacts of GBS-induced gestational inflammation on the neurodevelopmental features in the offspring. We characterized GBS-induced placental and neurobehavioural outcomes. Dams were exposed at gestational day 19 to live GBS or saline. The placental inflammatory response was studied by immunohistochemistry. Behavioural tests were performed between postnatal days 7 and 40 to assess communication, exploratory abilities, sensory integration and social interactions. GBS-exposed placentas displayed chorioamnionitis featured by infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells, which was significantly more prominent in males than in females. GBS-exposed males showed a reduced thickness of periventricular white matter. Male offspring exposed to GBS had early onset of cardinal ASD-like traits affecting social interaction, communication (ultrasonic vocalizations), treatment of sensory information (prepulse inhibition), preference toward mother cue (nest-seeking), and some other classic ASD comorbidities such as hyperactivity (open field). Overall, these data show for the first time that maternal immune activation due to live GBS plays a key role in the induction of neurodevelopmental abnormalities recapitulating those of human ASD, including gender dichotomy and neurobehavioural phenotype. These results provide new evidence in favor of the role of a common and modifiable infectious/inflammatory environmental factor in human ASD pathophysiology.

Barnbok om AST – Autismspektrumtillstånd : Processen bakom skapandet av en informativ barnbok / A Children’s Book About ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder : The process behind creating an informative children’s book

Appelgren, Linnéa, Oldhammer, Elina January 2016 (has links)
Idag finns det mycket litteratur om Autismspektrumtillstånd att läsa, men det mesta är riktat till dem som redan har diagnosen eller föräldrar och bekanta. Det finns även många med AST som själva har skrivit böcker om sin diagnos. Det som saknas är en bok för barn utan AST men som möter barn med AST i vardagen och därför valde vi att skapa en bok om AST för barn. Detta för att barn utan kunskap kanske inte vet hur de ska bemöta sina klasskompisar med diagnosen. På ett lärorikt sätt ska barn utan AST kunna läsa och uppleva boken för att få en ökad förståelse om vad det innebär att ha AST. En bakgrundsstudie genomfördes för att få en ökad förståelse för AST och hur man skriver en barnbok. En webbenkätundersökning genomfördes för att ta reda på människors generella uppfattning och kunskaper om AST. Därefter skapade vi en barnbok för målgruppen 7–9 år med all den bakgrundskunskap vi fick fram. Vi testade vår slutprodukt med klass 3A och 3B på Hälsinggårdsskolan i Falun. De fick själva läsa boken och svara på en enkät med frågor om vad de tyckte om boken och om de hade lärt sig något nytt. Testet av vår bokprototyp visade att målgruppen uppskattade bokprototypen och att de elever som deltog lärde sig något om AST. / Today you can read a lot about Autism spectrum disorder, but most of the literature is for the people that already have the diagnosis or the people around them and some of the books come from people who have the diagnosis themselves. What we think is missing on the market today is a book for children who meet people with ASD in everyday life. Therefore we created a children’s book about ASD. We believe it’s important for children without knowledge to understand their classmates with ASD. In an educational way they should be able to read and understand what it means to have ASD. A background study was made to gain a better understanding of ASD and how to write a children’s book. A survey was also made to find out people’s general perception and knowledge about ASD. After the background study we designed a children’s book for children in the age of 7–9 years. To test our bookprototype we met class 3A and 3B of Hälsinggårdsskolan in Falun. They got to read the book and afterwards they answered questions about what they learned and thought about the book. The test of our bookprototype showed that the audience appreciated the book and that they learned and had a better understanding of people with ASD.

Alternative stories about a girl with autism spectrum disorder

Pentz, Christelle Marie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this research voyage of discovery, we story the voices of me (the research inquirer), my family and a teacher about our experience with a young woman with Autism Spectrum Disorder – my youngest sister Leyna.1 This is our attempt to give Leyna and (dis)ability a voice. Their voices have been silenced from research for too long. I try to explain a narrative research lens as a foundation for this document – one that views autism not as a disorder, but as a difference that needs to be embraced. People often live their lives according to the problem stories they tell themselves, and do not see the alternative stories that surround them every day. On this voyage I therefore tell our story to document the inspirational experiences that people with autism bring about in the lives of those supporting them. Little research that focuses on alternative stories about autism has been done on a global scale. Moreover, little research has been done on autism specifically in the South African context. This thesis relates the stories of the people involved in caring for my sister with autism. It brings a message of hope and suggests possibilities for future research voyages about autism. 1 Pseudonym / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie navorsingsontdekkingsreis vertel ons 'n storie deur verskeie stemme te laat hoor: ek, die navorsingsondersoeker, my gesin en 'n onderwyseres vertel 'n storie oor ons ervaringe met 'n jong vrou met Outisme Spektrum Versteuring – my jongste suster Leyna.2 Hierdie is ons onderneming om vir Leyna en gestremdheid 'n stem te gee. Te veel stemme is al te lank deur navorsing stilgemaak. Ek probeer die narratiewe navorsingslens te verduidelik as 'n grondslag vir hierdie dokument – een wat outisme nie as 'n versteuring sien nie, maar eerder as 'n verskil wat aangegryp en gerespekteer moet word. Mense leef dikwels hul lewens uit op grond van die probleemgesentreerde stories wat hulle aan hulself vertel, en sien nie die alternatiewe stories raak wat hulle daagliks omsluit nie. In hierdie reis vertel ek dus ons storie om die inspirerende ervarings wat mense met outisme in die mense wat hulle ondersteun teweeg bring, te dokumenteer. Min navorsing wat op die alternatiewe stories oor outisme fokus is tot op hede op 'n globale skaal gedoen. Verder is daar nog min navorsing oor outisme spesifiek in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks gedoen. Hierdie studie vertel die stories van die mense wat betrokke is in die versorging van my suster met outisme. Hiermee word 'n boodskap van hoop gebring en moontlikhede voorgestel vir toekomstige navorsingsreise oor outisme. 2 Skuilnaam is gebruik

The signing of deaf children with autism : lexical phonology and perspective-taking in the visual-spatial modality

Shield, Aaron Michael 06 October 2010 (has links)
This dissertation represents the first systematic study of the sign language of deaf children with autism. The signing of such children is of particular interest because of the unique ways that some of the known impairments of autism are likely to interact with sign language. In particular, the visual-spatial modality of sign requires signers to understand the visual perspectives of others, a skill which may require theory of mind, which is thought to be delayed in autism (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985). It is hypothesized that an impairment in visual perspective-taking could lead to phonological errors in American Sign Language (ASL), specifically in the parameters of palm orientation, movement, and location. Twenty-five deaf children and adolescents with autism (10 deaf-of-deaf and 15 deaf-of-hearing) between the ages of 4;7 and 20;3 as well as a control group of 13 typically-developing deaf-of-deaf children between the ages of 2;7 and 6;9 were observed in a series of studies, including naturalistic observation, lexical elicitation, fingerspelling, imitation of nonsense gestures, two visual perspective-taking tasks, and a novel sign learning task. The imitation task was also performed on a control group of 24 hearing, non-signing college students. Finally, four deaf mothers of deaf autistic children were interviewed about their children’s signing. Results showed that young deaf-of-deaf autistic children under the age of 10 are prone to making phonological errors involving the palm orientation parameter, substituting an inward palm for an outward palm and vice versa. There is very little evidence that such errors occur in the typical acquisition of ASL or any other sign language. These results indicate that deaf children with autism are impaired from an early age in a cognitive mechanism involved in the acquisition of sign language phonology, though it remains unclear which mechanism(s) might be responsible. This research demonstrates the importance of sign language research for a more complete understanding of autism, as well as the need for research into atypical populations for a better understanding of sign language linguistics. / text

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