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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnlitteratur i förskolan

Larsson, Lena January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad förskollärare anser om barnlitteraturens betydelse, hur barnboken används i verksamheten och hur detta kan kopplas till läroplanen. Undersökningen bygger på litteraturstudier och kvalitativa intervjuer. Undersökningsgruppen består av fem verksamma förskollärare, vars ålder och arbetserfarenhet varierar.</p><p>Resultatet visar att pedagogerna främst använder barnlitteratur vid högläsningsstunder, då barnen ska vila. Lässtunden bearbetas genom samtal eller uppföljande aktiviteter. Även barnen använder litteraturen, då de på egen hand tittar och ”läser” i böckerna, enskilt eller tillsammans med andra. Enligt pedagogerna har barnlitteraturen stor betydelse för barns språkutveckling, den stimulerar fantasin och fungerar som ett stöd vid bearbetning av problem. Den har också ett kulturellt värde samt en avkopplande funktion. Pedagogerna anser därmed att arbetet med barnlitteraturen kan kopplas till läroplanen. Respondenternas svar stämmer väl överens med litteraturen.</p> / <p>The purpose of this paper is to investigate what pedagogues think about the importance of children’s literature, how children’s books are used in daily activities and how this correlates to the curriculum. This is done through literature studies and qualitative interviews. The survey group consists of five preschool teachers, whose age and work experience vary.</p><p>The result shows that the pedagogues mostly use literature when reading to the children, when they shall rest. The story time is followed up by discussion and different activities. The children also use literature, when they “read” and look in the books, individual or together. According to the pedagogues the children’s literature has great influence on language development, it stimulates imagination and works as a support in problem solving. It has also a cultural value and a relaxing function. With that, the pedagogues consider that the children´s literature correlates to the curriculum. The result corresponds to the literature well.</p>

Barnlitteratur i förskolan

Larsson, Lena January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad förskollärare anser om barnlitteraturens betydelse, hur barnboken används i verksamheten och hur detta kan kopplas till läroplanen. Undersökningen bygger på litteraturstudier och kvalitativa intervjuer. Undersökningsgruppen består av fem verksamma förskollärare, vars ålder och arbetserfarenhet varierar. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna främst använder barnlitteratur vid högläsningsstunder, då barnen ska vila. Lässtunden bearbetas genom samtal eller uppföljande aktiviteter. Även barnen använder litteraturen, då de på egen hand tittar och ”läser” i böckerna, enskilt eller tillsammans med andra. Enligt pedagogerna har barnlitteraturen stor betydelse för barns språkutveckling, den stimulerar fantasin och fungerar som ett stöd vid bearbetning av problem. Den har också ett kulturellt värde samt en avkopplande funktion. Pedagogerna anser därmed att arbetet med barnlitteraturen kan kopplas till läroplanen. Respondenternas svar stämmer väl överens med litteraturen. / The purpose of this paper is to investigate what pedagogues think about the importance of children’s literature, how children’s books are used in daily activities and how this correlates to the curriculum. This is done through literature studies and qualitative interviews. The survey group consists of five preschool teachers, whose age and work experience vary. The result shows that the pedagogues mostly use literature when reading to the children, when they shall rest. The story time is followed up by discussion and different activities. The children also use literature, when they “read” and look in the books, individual or together. According to the pedagogues the children’s literature has great influence on language development, it stimulates imagination and works as a support in problem solving. It has also a cultural value and a relaxing function. With that, the pedagogues consider that the children´s literature correlates to the curriculum. The result corresponds to the literature well.

När 600 kilo gräsätande klövdjur blir ett barn - Vilka retoriska medel används för att möjliggöra identifikationen mellan läsaren och Mamma Mu?

Dalic, Zarko January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka retoriska medel som används för att möjliggöra identifikationen mellan läsaren och huvudkaraktären Mamma Mu.</p><p> Uppsatsen använder sig av teorier om berättelser och identifikation, framhållna av Jerome Bruner, Kenneth Burke, och Maria Nikolajeva. Eftersom uppsatsen rör sig inom ett nytt område har jag tagit fram en egen analysmodell. Den gör det möjligt att urskilja <em>identifikationstecken </em>utifrån kategorierna <em>yttre</em>, <em>inre</em>, och <em>aktiviteter</em>.</p><p>Slutsatsen är att det i boken tillämpas <em>antites </em>för att distansera Mamma Mu från hennes egentliga form och de andra korna; <em>imitatio </em>för att barnen ska kunna känna igen sig i Mamma Mus agerande; <em>topos </em>för att visa att Mamma Mu har samma intressen som läsaren, <em>upprepning </em>för att kontinuerligt bekräfta att Mamma Mu är ett barn; <em>entymem </em>för att läsaren ska själv komma till slutsatsen att Mamma Mu är ett barn.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay is to examine which rhetoric devices are being put in use to make possible the process of identification between the reader and the main character Mamma Moo.</p><p>The essay uses theories of narrative and identification represented by Jerome Bruner, Kenneth Burke, and Maria Nikolajeva. Because there is no previous research in the essays area, I have brought forward a new model to analyse the material. It is used to  discover <em>identification signs</em>, based on the categories <em>outer</em>, <em>inner</em>, and <em>activities</em>.</p><p>The conclusion is that the book utilizes <em>antitheses </em>to separate Mamma Moo from her original form and the other cows; <em>imitatio </em>to make it possible for the children to recognize themselves in Mamma Moos behaviour; <em>topos </em>to show that Mamma Moo has the same interests as the reader; <em>repetition </em>to continuously confirm that Mamma Moo is a child; <em>entymem </em>to make the reader come to the conclusion that Mamma Moo is a child.</p>

När 600 kilo gräsätande klövdjur blir ett barn - Vilka retoriska medel används för att möjliggöra identifikationen mellan läsaren och Mamma Mu?

Dalic, Zarko January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka retoriska medel som används för att möjliggöra identifikationen mellan läsaren och huvudkaraktären Mamma Mu.  Uppsatsen använder sig av teorier om berättelser och identifikation, framhållna av Jerome Bruner, Kenneth Burke, och Maria Nikolajeva. Eftersom uppsatsen rör sig inom ett nytt område har jag tagit fram en egen analysmodell. Den gör det möjligt att urskilja identifikationstecken utifrån kategorierna yttre, inre, och aktiviteter. Slutsatsen är att det i boken tillämpas antites för att distansera Mamma Mu från hennes egentliga form och de andra korna; imitatio för att barnen ska kunna känna igen sig i Mamma Mus agerande; topos för att visa att Mamma Mu har samma intressen som läsaren, upprepning för att kontinuerligt bekräfta att Mamma Mu är ett barn; entymem för att läsaren ska själv komma till slutsatsen att Mamma Mu är ett barn. / The purpose of this essay is to examine which rhetoric devices are being put in use to make possible the process of identification between the reader and the main character Mamma Moo. The essay uses theories of narrative and identification represented by Jerome Bruner, Kenneth Burke, and Maria Nikolajeva. Because there is no previous research in the essays area, I have brought forward a new model to analyse the material. It is used to  discover identification signs, based on the categories outer, inner, and activities. The conclusion is that the book utilizes antitheses to separate Mamma Moo from her original form and the other cows; imitatio to make it possible for the children to recognize themselves in Mamma Moos behaviour; topos to show that Mamma Moo has the same interests as the reader; repetition to continuously confirm that Mamma Moo is a child; entymem to make the reader come to the conclusion that Mamma Moo is a child.

Saga och verklighet : Barnboksproduktion i det postsovjetiska Lettland / Fairytale and Reality : Production of Children's Books in Post-Soviet Latvia

Kanematsu, Makiko January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to examine the production of children’s books for the Latvian-speaking population in Latvia and attempt to illustrate how the post-Soviet transformation has affected the conditions surrounding its development. To this end, the study investigates how the economic, political, and cultural aspects of the transformation are perceived and dealt with by actors active in children’s book production. The concept of the field of the production of children’s books as a subset of the broader field of cultural production is based on the term “literary system” as defined in the sociology of literature and the term “field” as defined in Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of cultural production. The fundamental theoretical standpoint of the study is based on social constructivist theory. The study also investigates the phenomena in the field from the aspect of sociopsychologist Michael Billig’s concept of “banal nationalism” and sociologist Daina Stukuls Eglitis’ model of “narratives of normality.” The material is based primarily on interviews conducted between 2003 and 2005 in Riga with the actors involved with the production of children’s books in Latvia, but also on data gathered from other sources. The results indicate that the role of the state and the commercial market are perceived and dealt with differently amongst the actors in the studied field, where opposing attitudes towards mass-market products indicate that children’s books can be seen as cultural products by some and as commercial products by others. The material further implies that the opinions of the interviewees about the role of children’s books in post-Soviet Latvia are closely related to their personal visions for the future of this newly-reborn independent nation. It is the various survival strategies adopted by the key actors in the field as a response to the changing conditions in the new era that ultimately constitute the transformation of the field.

Kommunikation med barn: Skapandet av en bilderbok : En litteraturundersökning om bilderboksriktlinjer samt tillverkning av en bilderbok / Communication with Children: The Creation of a Children’s Book : A Literature Study about Guidelines for Children’s Picture Books and the creation of a picture book

Oldenburg, Diana January 2013 (has links)
Many people believe that the analogue picture book is a dying media due to the increase of digital media. Contrary to popular belief, the publishing of children’s book in Sweden is continually increasing, which makes mapping the field quite significant. But to regulate the creation of a children’s picture book is problematic, because one does not want to impede the personal style of the writer or the illustrator of the children’s book. If the children’s book creator has an understanding of how to better communicate with children, the children’s book might have a grater impact on the child. Little research has been performed on what one should think about when creating a children’s book, which makes this study highly relevant. My approach to the problem was to make a literature review over preceding research and to test the different directives, by creating an original children’s picture book and then testing the book, and thereby the directives, on the targeted audience. Consequently the picture book and the associated data gathered, suggest 20 design guidelines for picture books for children between 3 and 6 years. Each subcategory, of the guidelines suggested, should be investigated to confirm validity and reliability. / Att digitala medier tar allt större plats i människors liv har lett till att många tror att den analoga barnboken är ett utdöende medium. Dock har utgivningen av analoga barnböcker ökat i Sverige de senaste åren, vilket indikerar motsatsen. Detta gör att en kartläggning av ämnesområdet både blir relevant och angeläget. Däremot är det problematiskt att ta fram riktlinjer för bilderboken då riktlinjerna inte bör hämma barnbokskapares personliga stil, utan snarare underlätta för dem. Min tro är att om barnboksskapare vet hur de på bästa sätt kan kommunicera med barn, kan barnboken göra ett djupare intryck på barnet. Det finns inte mycket forskning om vad man som barnboksförfattare eller illustratör bör tänka på vid skapandet av en barnbok, vilket gör denna studie betydelsefull. Studien genomfördes genom att jag gjorde en litteraturgenomgång av tidigare forskning samt testade de teorier som forskningen föreslår genom att använda mig av dem vid skapandet av en egen bilderbok. Därefter testade jag bilderboken på målgruppen för att se om bilderboken var barnanpassad. Min undersökning resulterade i 20 designriktlinjer för skapandet av en bilderbok för barn mellan 3 och 6 år. Riktlinjerna är indelade i tre underkategorier: format och layout, bilduppbyggnad och text. Den praktiska delen av mitt arbete är en bilderbok som bygger på dessa riktlinjer. Min förhoppning är att genom att följa dessa designriktlinjer blir barnboksskapare mer medvetna om hur deras barnbok bättre kan kommunicera med barn.

'n Esteties-kreatiewe herinterpretasie van Pieter en die Wolf deur Sergey Prokofiëf / Elma de Kock

De Kock, Elma January 2015 (has links)
Peter and the Wolf (1936) is a transmedial work based on a Russian fairy tale composed and written by Sergey Prokofiev . Prokofiev’s purpose with the work was amongst others to introduce children to the instruments of the symphony orchestra. This study examines the possibility of creating a new Afrikaans versification of the text in order to introduce this work to Afrikaans-speaking children. The creative product of the research consists of a picture book and a corresponding soundtrack together with the original music and a recitation of the text. The researcher cooperated with other artists in order to achieve the final product. Since the realisation of a creative product forms an integral part of this study, practice-based research has been utilised. The framework for practice-based research by Scrivener and Chapman (2004) has been used for the design of the study, the implementation thereof (theory and practice), as well as for the structure of the dissertation. The first step of the framework of Scrivener and Chapman (2004) entails the pre-project reflection, i.e. the identification of issues, as well as the concerns and interests of the researcher. It is important to the researcher that children are exposed to the instruments of the symphony orchestra, and she is also interested in picture books and fairy tales. Research revealed that there is no recent Afrikaans version of Peter and the Wolf. She consequently decided to do a versification of the text. The identification of the source domains relevant to the research theme and the creative project forms the second step of the framework. The initial source domains that were identified and studied were the theoretical concepts of intertextuality, intermediality and creative adaptation (Chapter 2). Peter and the Wolf originated as an intermedial work and thus the intermedial creative product is also a creative adaptation of the original work. As the study progressed, additional domains for research have been identified and examined. These are music, narrative poetry, children’s book illustrations, developmental psychology, cognitive narratology and information regarding the listener or reader (Chapter 3). Insight into the art forms and media can positively influence the progress of the creative product and can aid in creating an improved understanding of the intermedial effect of the total creative product. Because the target audience of the picture book is children between the ages of six and eight years, research was done on the developmental psychology of the child in the middle childhood years. In combination with this, cognitive narratology was studied to determine the reception of the creative product, and to assist with the analysis of the existing texts of Peter and the Wolf. Thereafter three existing editions of Peter and the Wolf were studied, based on the theoretical framework, and the intermedial interplay and creative possibilities for different medial combinations were examined (Chapter 4). These texts are: 1) a picture book, translated by Lydia Pienaar (1975); it is an equivalent translation of the original Russian text and has become a classical edition of the work in Afrikaans; 2) a poetic version by Philip de Vos of a performance text with the original music (2003); and 3) an alternative modern edition with musical arrangement, text and illustrations by Gavin Friday and Bono (2003). The latter combination of text, music, illustrations and recitation, was also used for the creative work in this study. Cycles of production and work reflection form part of the creative phase of practice-based research. In Chapter 5, the different phases of the versification process are discussed by analysing different versions of the manuscript. There is also a report on the co-operation with the other artists, and the development of the different media (the illustrations, the music realisation, the recitation and the sound mixing). In the post-project reflection the interplay between the theoretical research and the creative work was examined, as well as the contribution of the different research fields to the final creative project and the intermedial interplay between the different media that were used in the creative work. It was found that practice-based research is a very successful research method for a postgraduate study in which a creative project forms part of the study. The research method is not only advantageous for the development of the creative project, but also for thorough theoretical research. Furthermore, the researcher came to the conclusion that an improved understanding of the complex theoretical approaches develops when they are practically applied. This understanding is not necessarily based on theoretical research, but on the experience that was gained throughout this study. The creative product of this study can expand the horizon of the child in an intermedial way that will benefit the listener. Insight has been obtained on the way in which such a project can be undertaken. Furthermore, other intermedial projects can flow from this project. A translation of the poetic text can make this book and CD accessible to a large number of South African children. / MA (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

'n Esteties-kreatiewe herinterpretasie van Pieter en die Wolf deur Sergey Prokofiëf / Elma de Kock

De Kock, Elma January 2015 (has links)
Peter and the Wolf (1936) is a transmedial work based on a Russian fairy tale composed and written by Sergey Prokofiev . Prokofiev’s purpose with the work was amongst others to introduce children to the instruments of the symphony orchestra. This study examines the possibility of creating a new Afrikaans versification of the text in order to introduce this work to Afrikaans-speaking children. The creative product of the research consists of a picture book and a corresponding soundtrack together with the original music and a recitation of the text. The researcher cooperated with other artists in order to achieve the final product. Since the realisation of a creative product forms an integral part of this study, practice-based research has been utilised. The framework for practice-based research by Scrivener and Chapman (2004) has been used for the design of the study, the implementation thereof (theory and practice), as well as for the structure of the dissertation. The first step of the framework of Scrivener and Chapman (2004) entails the pre-project reflection, i.e. the identification of issues, as well as the concerns and interests of the researcher. It is important to the researcher that children are exposed to the instruments of the symphony orchestra, and she is also interested in picture books and fairy tales. Research revealed that there is no recent Afrikaans version of Peter and the Wolf. She consequently decided to do a versification of the text. The identification of the source domains relevant to the research theme and the creative project forms the second step of the framework. The initial source domains that were identified and studied were the theoretical concepts of intertextuality, intermediality and creative adaptation (Chapter 2). Peter and the Wolf originated as an intermedial work and thus the intermedial creative product is also a creative adaptation of the original work. As the study progressed, additional domains for research have been identified and examined. These are music, narrative poetry, children’s book illustrations, developmental psychology, cognitive narratology and information regarding the listener or reader (Chapter 3). Insight into the art forms and media can positively influence the progress of the creative product and can aid in creating an improved understanding of the intermedial effect of the total creative product. Because the target audience of the picture book is children between the ages of six and eight years, research was done on the developmental psychology of the child in the middle childhood years. In combination with this, cognitive narratology was studied to determine the reception of the creative product, and to assist with the analysis of the existing texts of Peter and the Wolf. Thereafter three existing editions of Peter and the Wolf were studied, based on the theoretical framework, and the intermedial interplay and creative possibilities for different medial combinations were examined (Chapter 4). These texts are: 1) a picture book, translated by Lydia Pienaar (1975); it is an equivalent translation of the original Russian text and has become a classical edition of the work in Afrikaans; 2) a poetic version by Philip de Vos of a performance text with the original music (2003); and 3) an alternative modern edition with musical arrangement, text and illustrations by Gavin Friday and Bono (2003). The latter combination of text, music, illustrations and recitation, was also used for the creative work in this study. Cycles of production and work reflection form part of the creative phase of practice-based research. In Chapter 5, the different phases of the versification process are discussed by analysing different versions of the manuscript. There is also a report on the co-operation with the other artists, and the development of the different media (the illustrations, the music realisation, the recitation and the sound mixing). In the post-project reflection the interplay between the theoretical research and the creative work was examined, as well as the contribution of the different research fields to the final creative project and the intermedial interplay between the different media that were used in the creative work. It was found that practice-based research is a very successful research method for a postgraduate study in which a creative project forms part of the study. The research method is not only advantageous for the development of the creative project, but also for thorough theoretical research. Furthermore, the researcher came to the conclusion that an improved understanding of the complex theoretical approaches develops when they are practically applied. This understanding is not necessarily based on theoretical research, but on the experience that was gained throughout this study. The creative product of this study can expand the horizon of the child in an intermedial way that will benefit the listener. Insight has been obtained on the way in which such a project can be undertaken. Furthermore, other intermedial projects can flow from this project. A translation of the poetic text can make this book and CD accessible to a large number of South African children. / MA (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Barnbok om AST – Autismspektrumtillstånd : Processen bakom skapandet av en informativ barnbok / A Children’s Book About ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder : The process behind creating an informative children’s book

Appelgren, Linnéa, Oldhammer, Elina January 2016 (has links)
Idag finns det mycket litteratur om Autismspektrumtillstånd att läsa, men det mesta är riktat till dem som redan har diagnosen eller föräldrar och bekanta. Det finns även många med AST som själva har skrivit böcker om sin diagnos. Det som saknas är en bok för barn utan AST men som möter barn med AST i vardagen och därför valde vi att skapa en bok om AST för barn. Detta för att barn utan kunskap kanske inte vet hur de ska bemöta sina klasskompisar med diagnosen. På ett lärorikt sätt ska barn utan AST kunna läsa och uppleva boken för att få en ökad förståelse om vad det innebär att ha AST. En bakgrundsstudie genomfördes för att få en ökad förståelse för AST och hur man skriver en barnbok. En webbenkätundersökning genomfördes för att ta reda på människors generella uppfattning och kunskaper om AST. Därefter skapade vi en barnbok för målgruppen 7–9 år med all den bakgrundskunskap vi fick fram. Vi testade vår slutprodukt med klass 3A och 3B på Hälsinggårdsskolan i Falun. De fick själva läsa boken och svara på en enkät med frågor om vad de tyckte om boken och om de hade lärt sig något nytt. Testet av vår bokprototyp visade att målgruppen uppskattade bokprototypen och att de elever som deltog lärde sig något om AST. / Today you can read a lot about Autism spectrum disorder, but most of the literature is for the people that already have the diagnosis or the people around them and some of the books come from people who have the diagnosis themselves. What we think is missing on the market today is a book for children who meet people with ASD in everyday life. Therefore we created a children’s book about ASD. We believe it’s important for children without knowledge to understand their classmates with ASD. In an educational way they should be able to read and understand what it means to have ASD. A background study was made to gain a better understanding of ASD and how to write a children’s book. A survey was also made to find out people’s general perception and knowledge about ASD. After the background study we designed a children’s book for children in the age of 7–9 years. To test our bookprototype we met class 3A and 3B of Hälsinggårdsskolan in Falun. They got to read the book and afterwards they answered questions about what they learned and thought about the book. The test of our bookprototype showed that the audience appreciated the book and that they learned and had a better understanding of people with ASD.

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