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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação e caracterização funcional de genes da subfamília Ammonium Transporter 2 (AMT2) de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) / Identification and functional characterization of genes from the Ammonium Transporter subfamily 2 (AMT2) in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)

Alessandra Koltun 26 August 2016 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) desempenha um papel de grande importância no cenário socioeconômico brasileiro, e representa 42% da matriz energética renovável do país. A expansão da área de cultivo da cana-de-açúcar para solos marginais e a necessidade de manutenção da alta produtividade dessa cultura tem levado à maior aplicação de fertilizantes a base de nitrogênio (N). Tal fato aliado à baixa responsividade da cana-de-açúcar a fertilizantes nitrogenados acarreta altos custos econômicos e ambientais. O amônio é a fonte preferencial de N para essa gramínea, sendo que pouco se conhece sobre a funcionalidade dos transportadores de NH4+ pertencentes à família gênica AMT (AMMONIUM TRANSPORTER). Neste contexto, é relevante esclarecer os mecanismos que influenciam na eficiência do uso de N (NUE), visando reduzir o impacto econômico e ambiental da aplicação dos fertilizantes nitrogenados nos sistemas agrícolas. Dessa forma, esse trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização molecular e funcional de membros da subfamília AMT2 de cana-de-açúcar através de expressão heteróloga em mutantes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae (cepa 31019b) e Arabidopsis thaliana (qko), defectivos no transporte de amônio. As sequências gênicas e promotoras de ScAMT2;1 e ScAMT3;3A foram identificadas em biblioteca de BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) de cana-de-açúcar (cultivar \'R570\'). Análises de expressão gênica de ScAMT2;1 e ScAMT3;3A em cana-de-açúcar demonstraram uma expressão preferencial em raízes e em folhas maduras, respectivamente, e que estes genes são regulados de maneira distinta entre si e entre os órgãos, de acordo com o desenvolvimento e com o status de N da planta. A complementação de levedura com os AMT2 de cana-de-açúcar demonstrou que estes genes restauram o crescimento do mutante, sendo que ScAMT2;1 permite maior absorção de amônio; porém o experimento não indicou sensibilidade dessas proteínas ao metilamônio (análogo tóxico ao amônio). Experimentos de localização da expressão órgão/tecido específico em arabidopsis selvagem \'Col-0\', utilizando os promotores de ScAMT2;1 ou ScAMT3;3A fusionados a GUS ou GFP, demonstraram que esses AMTs são preferencialmente expressos na região da endoderme/periciclo e vascular das células das raízes e região vascular da parte aérea, sendo regulados pela disponibilidade e fonte de N. Plantas de arabidopsis qko superexpressando ScAMT2;1, ScAMT3;3A ou transformadas com ScAMT2;1 dirigido por seu promotor endógeno, crescidas in vitro com amônio como fonte exclusiva de N, apresentaram um aumento significativo na produção de biomassa em relação a qko não transformada, principalmente para ScAMT2;1, indicando que essas proteínas são capazes de transportar amônio e complementar o mutante. Dados de influxo e acúmulo de 15N-amônio in vivo em raízes e parte aérea de plantas qko superexpressando ScAMT2;1 ou ScAMT3;3A demonstraram que ScAMT2;1 atua na absorção de amônio pelas raízes e provavelmente do carregamento do xilema, enquanto ScAMT3;3A está possivelmente envolvida na remobilização de amônio na parte aérea, podendo atuar aditivamente na absorção de NH4+ em raízes sob alto amônio. Esses resultados indicam que os transportadores ScAMT2;1 e ScAMT3;3A de cana-de-açúcar são funcionais, atuando com propriedades e funções distintas no transporte de amônio nessa gramínea e de acordo com a disponibilidade de N. / Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) plays a major role in the Brazilian socio-economic scenario, and represents 42% of renewable energy sources in the country. The expansion of sugarcane cultivation to marginal lands and the requirement to maintain high yields have led to increased application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer. This fact, coupled with the low response of sugarcane to N fertilization, entails high economic and environmental costs. Ammonium is the preferred source of N by this grass; however, little is known about the functionality of NH4+ transporters belonging to the AMT gene family (AMMONIUM TRANSPORTER). In this context, it is important to clarify the mechanisms that affect the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in order to reduce the economic and environmental impact of the application of N fertilizers in agricultural systems. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct the molecular and functional characterization of members of the AMT2 subfamily from sugarcane by heterologous expression in mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain 31019b) and Arabidopsis thaliana (qko), both defective in ammonium transport. Gene and regulatory region sequences of ScAMT2;1 and ScAMT3;3A were identified in a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of sugarcane (cultivar \'R570\'). Expression analysis of ScAMT2;1 and ScAMT3;3A in sugarcane showed a preferential expression in roots and mature leaves, respectively, and indicated a distinct expression pattern between genes and organs according to the ontogeny and the N status of the plant. The yeast complementation with AMT2 of sugarcane demonstrated that these genes restore the mutant growth, with ScAMT2;1 enabling higher ammonium absorption; however, the experiment did not indicate sensitivity to methylammonium (toxic ammonium analog). Arabidopsis wild type \'Col-0\' transformed with the promoter region of ScAMT2;1 or ScAMT3;3A directing the expression of GUS or GFP, demonstrated preferential expression in the endodermis/pericycle regions of roots and vascular region in shoots, being regulated by the availability and source of N. Arabidopsis qko overexpressing ScAMT2;1, ScAMT3;3A or transformed with ScAMT2;1 driven by its endogenous promoter, grown in vitro with ammonium as the sole source of nitrogen, showed a significant increase in biomass production compared to untransformed qko, especially for ScAMT2;1, indicating that these proteins are capable of transporting ammonium and complementing the mutant. Data of 15N-ammonium influx and accumulation in vivo in roots and shoots of qko plants overexpressing ScAMT2;1 or ScAMT3;3A showed that ScAMT2;1 acts in ammonium uptake by roots and probably in the xylem loading, while ScAMT3;3A is possibly involved in ammonium remobilization in shoots, and may act additively in the absorption of NH4+ in roots under high ammonium. These results indicate that ScAMT2;1 and ScAMT3;3A from sugarcane are functional, working with distinct properties and functions in ammonium transport according to the availability of N

Desenvolvimento de comprimidos de liberação prolongada de nimesulida contendo ferrita para avaliação do trânsito gastrintestinal por meio de técnica biomagnética / Development of prolonged release tablets of nimesulide containing ferrite for evaluation of gastrointestinal transit by means of biomagnetic technique.

Ruberlan de Oliveira Santos 13 April 2018 (has links)
As Formas Farmacêuticas de Liberação Prolongada (FFLP) têm sido uma alternativa eficaz na terapia, pois proporcionam maior adesão do paciente ao tratamento em função da redução da frequência de dosagem ao longo do dia, sendo sua principal característica, a modulação da liberação/dissolução do fármaco. Entretanto, esta etapa pode ser influenciada por diferentes fatores, dentre eles: os físico-químicos relacionados ao fármaco; os farmacêuticos, principalmente relacionados aos excipientes empregados e às técnicas de obtenção da forma farmacêutica (FF) e os fisiológicos do trato gastrintestinal (TGI), como por exemplo, o pH dos líquidos do TGI, o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico, a motilidade intestinal, entre outros. Desse modo, a avaliação do trânsito da FF no TGI, após a sua administração, permite uma melhor compreensão dos fatores que podem afetar as etapas de liberação/dissolução do fármaco in vivo. Dentre as técnicas empregadas com esse objetivo, destacam-se: a cintilografia e os métodos biomagnéticos. A Biosusceptometria de Corrente Alternada (BAC) é um método biomagnético que tem se mostrado promissor para este tipo de estudo, por ser não invasivo, portátil, livre de radiação ionizante, e por apresentar acurácia e versatilidade. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos, desenvolver e caracterizar sob o aspecto biofarmacotécnico in vitro, um sistema de liberação prolongada contendo nimesulida (fármaco-modelo) e marcador magnético (ferrita), visando obtenção de ferramenta para avaliação do trânsito gastrintestinal por meio de técnica biomagnética. Para isto foram desenvolvidas quatro formulações de comprimidos de liberação prolongada contendo nimesulida, ferrita e diferentes concentrações de hidroxipropilmetilcelulose (HPMC): NF1 (30% HPMC); NF2 (23% HPMC); NF3 (17% HPMC) e NF4 (10% HPMC). Essas foram avaliadas quanto ao comportamento de dissolução por meio de ensaios com aparato 4 e avaliação da cinética e da eficiência de dissolução (ED%). Posteriormente, estudos biomagnéticos, in vitro e in vivo, foram conduzidos com emprego da técnica de BAC para a formulação selecionada. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as 04 formulações desenvolvidas apresentaram porcentagens de dissolução distintas em função das diferentes concentrações de HPMC (NF1 = 13,2%; NF2 = 40,1%; NF3 = 72,5% e NF4 = 91,5%). A formulação NF4, com menor concentração de HPMC, foi escolhida para os estudos por meio de BAC em função dos resultados de ED% (54,3%) e por apresentar comportamento mais próximo de uma formulação de liberação prolongada. Em relação aos resultados de BAC in vitro, destaca-se que a formulação NF4 (10%HPMC) apresentou aumento de área magnética de forma independente do pH do meio, sugerindo que a hidratação/intumescimento da HPMC independe do pH. Em relação à avaliação do trânsito intestinal (estudo in vivo) foram obtidos os seguintes dados: Tempo médio de Residência Gástrica (TTR) - 89 minutos; Tempo médio do Trânsito Orocecal (TTO) - 313 minutos e Tempo médio do Trânsito Intestinal (TTI) - 224 minutos. Os dados de BAC in vivo permitiram observar que o aumento de área magnética atingiu um platô em cerca de 80 minutos após a administração da formulação NF4. A comparação dos dados de BAC in vitro e BAC in vivo, relacionados ao trânsito gastrintestinal, indica que a formulação NF4, após apresentar o ápice de intumescimento, foi capaz de manter sua estrutura permanente ao longo do TGI, favorecendo assim a liberação modulada do fármaco. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a formulação desenvolvida foi eficiente para avaliar e caracterizar o trânsito no TGI por meio da técnica de BAC e também permitiram uma estimativa do comportamento do fármaco em relação a solubilidade em cada porção do TGI, proporcionando assim uma ferramenta adequada para avaliação do trânsito do TGI e desenvolvimento de FFLP. / Extended Release (ER) dosage forms have been an effective alternative in therapy, since they provide greater patient adherence to treatment as a function of the reduction of the frequency of dosing throughout the day, its main characteristic being the release / dissolution modulation of the drug. However, this stage can be influenced by different factors, among them: the physical and chemical related to the drug; the pharmacists, mainly related to the excipients employed and the techniques of obtaining the form dosage and the physiological ones of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract), as for example, the pH of the liquid of the GI tract, gastric emptying time, intestinal motility, among others. Thus, assessment of dosage forms transit in GI tract after its administration allows a better understanding of the factors that may affect the drug release / dissolution steps in vivo. Among the techniques used for this purpose, the following stand out: scintigraphy and biomagnetic methods. Alternating Current Biosensiometry (ACB) is a biomagnetic method that has shown promise for this type of study, since it is non-invasive, portable, free of ionizing radiation, and because of its accuracy and versatility. In view of the above, the aim of this work was to develop and characterize a sustained release system containing nimesulide (study drug) and magnetic marker (ferrite) under the in vitro biopharmaceutical aspect, aiming to obtain a tool to evaluate the GI tract transit through means of biomagnetic technique. For this, four formulations of extended release tablets containing nimesulide, ferrite and different concentrations of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC): NF1 (30% HPMC) were developed; NF2 (23% HPMC); NF3 (17% HPMC) and NF4 (10% HPMC). These were evaluated for dissolution behavior by apparatus 4, assays and kinetics and dissolution efficiency (ED%). Subsequently, biomagnetic studies, in vitro and in vivo, were conducted using the ACB technique for the selected formulation. The results showed that the formulations developed showed different percentages of dissolution as a function of the different concentrations of HPMC (NF1 = 13.2%, NF2 = 40.1%, NF3 = 72.5% and NF4 = 91.5%). The NF4 formulation, with a lower concentration of HPMC, was chosen for the ACB studies as a function of ED% results (54,3%) and because of the behavior of a sustained release formulation. In relation to the in vitro ACB results, the NF4 formulation (10% HPMC) showed an increase in magnetic area independently of the pH of the medium, suggesting that the HPMC hydration / swelling is independent of pH. In relation to intestinal transit evaluation (in vivo study) the following data were obtained: Mean Time of Gastric Residency (TTR) - 89 minutes; Mean Time of Orocecal Transit (OCTT) - 313 minutes and Mean Time of lntestinal Transit (TTI) - 224 minutes. ACB data in vivo showed that the increase in magnetic area reached a plateau in about 80 minutes after administration of the NF4 formulation. Comparison of in vitro ACB and ACB data in vivo, related to gastrointestinal transit, indicates that the NF4 formulation, after showing the swelling apex, was able to maintain its permanent structure throughout the GI tract, thus favoring the modulated release of the drug. The obtained results demonstrated that the developed formulation was efficient to evaluate and characterize the transit in the GI tract by means of the ACB technique and allowed a prediction of the behavior of the drug in relation to the solubility in each portion of the GI tract, thus providing a suitable tool for evaluation of the GI tract transit and the development of sustained release formulation.

Polimorfismo e expressão de genes de celulose sintase em eucalyptus / Polymorphism and expression of cellulose synthase genes in eucalyptus

Trigueiro, Elaine Lima January 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-08-06T15:10:39Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Elaine Lima Trigueiro.pdf: 2172405 bytes, checksum: 872d4e471b17e830b4eafc478bfb3cf5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-06T15:10:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Elaine Lima Trigueiro.pdf: 2172405 bytes, checksum: 872d4e471b17e830b4eafc478bfb3cf5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Cellulose is one of the most important and the most abundant biopolymer on the planet, playing a key role on the evolutionary history of plants. Important advances have been made in recent years, in particular on the identification of genes and co- expressed genes for the formation of cellulose in the primary and secondary cellular walls of plants. In addition to its biological relevance, cellulose has a great economic importance, not only in Brazil but in the world, especially due to the production of cellulose and paper from Eucalyptus. The high levels of production and competition in the international market are guaranteed by great investments, which are carried through by the forestal sector, in particular by the Genolyptus Project – Brazilian Network for Research on Eucalyptus Genome. This project is the result of a collective effort of companies involved on the production of cellulose and paper and various public research institutions. Their main goal is to identify and characterize genes involved in wood formation with the intent to genetically improve Eucalyptus. Based on this goal, this work was developed with two objectives. The first is doing a preliminary characterization of the cellulose synthase gene in Eucalyptus, which is associated with the synthesis of the secondary cellular wall and is orthologous to the gene EgCeA2, of E. grandis. The second objective is to study the linkage disequilibrium in another gene of cellulose synthase, orthologous to the EgCesA3 gene, sampled from a wild population of E. urophylla. Regarding the CesA2 gene, an exonic region with 427bp was sequenced from DNA samples of 12 individuals from different species and geographic regions. The next step was to proceed with an analysis to detect polymorphism which gave an estimate of three SNPs synonymous along the contig, with an estimated π = 0.00212 diversity index. A clone containing the CesA2 gene was identified through a selection from a BAC library generated in the scope of the Genolyptus Project. This clone gives the prospect for the development of a minute characterization of this gene structure in Eucalyptus. Additionally, concerning the CesA3 gene, the sequencing of 32 individuals allowed for the formation of a 770bp contig with a π = 0.00185 diversity index and detection of nine polymorphic loci distributed in intron and exon regions and at the 3’-UTR of the gene. The analysis of the extension of linkage disequilibrium in the CesA3 gene suggests that SNPs tend to be in strong linkage disequilibrium at a distance of approximately 600bp. The knowledge of the position of the SNPs in the genes CesA2 and CesA3 makes possible the use of these markers in future studies of genetic mapping. The lack of non-synonymous SNPs in exon regions ensures that cellulose is in fact a very important polymer for plant survival. Hence its synthesis machinery presents highly conserved characteristics and so mutations in regions with effective transcription tend mostly to be deleterious and therefore would not be fixed. Moreover, the analysis of CesA gene expression in different species of Eucalyptus, was made from two boardings: “Digital Differential Display”, from different libraries of ESTs and microarrays, optimized in the scope of the Genolyptus project. The analysis with data of microarrays showed less sensible in the detention of the distinguishing expression, probably had to the calls “crossed relations”. / A celulose é um dos biopolímeros mais importantes do planeta, sendo também o mais abundante, e sem dúvida uma característica chave na história evolutiva das plantas. Contudo, sua biossíntese e regulação ainda não são bem compreendidas, embora avanços importantes tenham ocorrido nos últimos anos, sobretudo na identificação de genes e grupos de genes co-expressos para a formação de celulose na parede celular primária e secundária de vegetais. Além de sua relevância biológica, a celulose possui uma grande importância econômica no Brasil e no mundo, com destaque para a produção de celulose e papel a partir de Eucalyptus. Para garantir os elevados níveis de produtividade e competitividade no mercado internacional, grandes investimentos têm sido realizados pelo setor florestal, destacando-se o Projeto Genolyptus – Rede Brasileira de Pesquisa do Genoma de Eucalyptus, fruto de um esforço de empresas do setor de produção de celulose e papel, e de diversas instituições públicas de pesquisa, que têm, dentre outros objetivos, o intuito de identificar e caracterizar genes envolvidos na formação da madeira, para, no futuro, usar essa informação no melhoramento genético do Eucalyptus. Nesse contexto, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de realizar uma caracterização preliminar de um gene de celulose sintase em Eucalyptus, que está relacionado à síntese da parede celular secundária, sendo ortólogo ao gene EgCesA2, de E. grandis, bem como estudar o desequilíbrio de ligação em outro gene de celulose sintase, ortólogo ao gene EgCesA3, em uma amostra de uma população natural de E. urophylla. Em relação ao gene CesA2, foi seqüenciada uma região exônica do gene, formada por 427pb, a partir de amostras de DNA de 12 indivíduos de diferentes espécies e regiões geográficas. Procedeu-se a uma análise de detecção de polimorfismo, e estimou-se a ocorrência de três SNPs sinônimos ao longo do contig. Foi estimado um índice de diversidade π= 0,00212. Foi feita também uma triagem em uma biblioteca de BAC, gerada no âmbito do Projeto Genolyptus, e foi identificado o clone que contém o gene CesA2, o que permitirá o desenvolvimento futuro de caracterização minuciosa da estrutura deste gene em Eucalyptus. Em relação ao gene CesA3, a partir do seqüenciamento de 32 indivíduos, formou-se um contig de 770pb, e foi encontrado um índice de diversidade π= 0,00185. Foi possível a detecção de nove locos polimórficos distribuídos em regiões intrônicas, exônicas, e de 3’-UTR do gene. A análise de extensão do desequilíbrio de ligação dentro do gene CesA3 sugere que os SNPs tendem a se encontrar em forte desequilíbrio a uma distância de aproximadamente 600pb. O conhecimento da posição dos SNPs nos genes CesA2 e CesA3 viabiliza a utilização destas marcas em futuros estudos de mapeamento genético. A existência de SNPs sinônimos nas regiões exônicas seqüenciadas corrobora com a idéia de que a celulose é um polímero muito importante à sobrevivência da planta, e, portanto, sua maquinaria de síntese apresenta características bastante conservadas, de modo que mutações em regiões efetivamente transcritas tenderiam a ser deletérias e não seriam fixadas. Além disso, foi feita uma análise da expressão gênica dos genes CesA em diferentes espécies de Eucalyptus, a partir de duas abordagens: a “Digital Differential Display”, a partir de diferente bibliotecas de ESTs e os microarrays, otimizados no âmbito do projeto Genolyptus. A análise com dados de microarrays revelou-se menos sensível na detecção da expressão diferencial, provavelmente devido às chamadas “relações cruzadas”.

Mapeamento cromossômico do maracujá-azedo (Passiflora edulis Sims, Passifloraceae)

SADER, Mariela Analía 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Santana (rafael.silvasantana@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-27T17:11:37Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertacao-2016 Mariela Sader.pdf: 1705519 bytes, checksum: 88403c5afd27ce740e32a563b44b06b3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-27T17:11:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertacao-2016 Mariela Sader.pdf: 1705519 bytes, checksum: 88403c5afd27ce740e32a563b44b06b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / CNPQ / O gênero Passiflora é o maior da família Passifloraceae, sendo formado por aproximadamente 500 espécies. Tem origem na América tropical, apresentando mais de 135 espécies nativas do Brasil. Dentre as principais espécies do gênero, destaca-se o maracujáazedo, Passiflora edulis Sims, em virtude de seu interesse comercial principalmente como planta frutífera. Apesar de avanços no conhecimento genético e genômico, não é possível o reconhecimento de cada um de seus nove pares cromossômicos. Uma estratégia que auxilia na definição do cariótipo é o desenvolvimento de marcadores específicos para cada par cromossômico, que podem ser obtidos a partir da hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH) de sequências genômicas clonadas em cromossomos artificiais de bactérias (BACs). No presente trabalho, 27 BACs contendo genes ou regiões gênicas de Passiflora foram utilizados como sondas para a construção de um mapa físico do maracujá-azedo por BAC-FISHintegrando a localização de sequências únicas e repetidas.Destes, 12 clones puderam ser mapeados, permitindo a identificação com marcas únicas de oito dos pares cromossômicos, sendo o par cinco identificado com o DNAr 5S. Além disso, foi demonstrada a distribuição dispersa de retroelementos Ty1-copia, Ty3-gypsy e LINE. Os resultados do presente trabalho corroboram a importância da FISH na caracterização e identificação cromossômicas, tanto com sequências repetitivas quanto com clones com grandes insertos como sonda (BAC-FISH), propiciando o desenvolvimento de marcadores cromossomo-específicos e um mapa citogenético para o maracujá-azedo. / Passiflora is the largest genus of the Passifloraceae family, and includes about 500 species. It originates in tropical America and more than 135 species are native to Brazil. Among the main species of the genus, the sour passion-fruit Passiflora edulis Simsis of great importance because of their commercial interest, primarily as fruitful plant. Despite the advances in genetic and genomicknowledge, it has not been possible to distinguish eachone of his nine chromosome pairs. One strategy that helps karyotype definition is the development of markers specific for each chromosome pair, which can be obtained from fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) of cloned genomic sequences in bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs). In this study, 27 BACs containing genes or gene regions of Passiflora were used as probes to construct a physical map of the sour passion-fruit using BAC-FISH. Subsequently, 12 clones have been mapped allowing the identification of eight chromosome pairs with unique signal, the fifthpair being identified by the 5S rDNA. Furthermore, a dispersed distribution of retrotransposons Ty1-copia, Ty3-gypsy and LINE was demonstrated. The results of this study confirm the importance of FISH in chromosome characterization and identification, using both repetitive sequences and clones with large inserts as probe (BACFISH), promoting the development of chromosome-specific markers and a cytogenetic map for the sour passion-fruit.

Genomic studies in Passiflora edulis (Passifloraceae) / Estudos genômicos em Passiflora edulis (Passifloraceae)

Costa, Zirlane Portugal da 31 October 2018 (has links)
Passiflora edulis, popularly known in Brazil as sour passion fruit is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Passiflora, and is of economic importance in Brazil for industrial production of juice and fresh fruit for consumption. Despite its economic importance, little research has been conducted on this species, even on the most basic aspects. To fill in this gap, our group conducted various genetic studies, including estimating levels of molecular polymorphism, studying quantitative loci that control fruit yield and quality, and mapping genes conferring resistance to bacterial spot disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis. In addition, to enhance our knowledge of the P. edulis genome, a genomic library inserted into bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) has been constructed (82,944 clones, with coverage of 6× the species\' haploid genome). The library is kept at the French Plant Genomic Resources Center (CNRGV/INRA) in Toulouse. Initially, some 10,000 BES (BAC-end sequences) were sequenced, generating approximately 6.2 Mb of genomic information and providing an initial overview of P. edulis genome in terms of gene content and repeat sequences. With the aim of obtaining more comprehensive information, it was decided to select around 100 BAC inserts for complete sequencing. The aim of this study was to carry out genomic analysis in order to elucidate the structural and functional annotation of the genes, and identify and characterize transposable elements. The data generated by fully sequencing 10.4 Mb of P. edulis provide a rich source of information which has been taken full advantage of in this doctoral thesis. / Passiflora edulis, popularmente conhecido como maracujá azedo, é a espécie do gênero Passiflora mais cultivada, tendo importância econômica no Brasil tanto para a produção de suco industrializado quanto para o consumo da fruta fresca. Apesar da relevância da espécie, faltam pesquisas, principalmente nas áreas básicas. Para superar isso, nosso grupo tem realizado diversos estudos genéticos que incluem a estimativa dos níveis de polimorfismos moleculares, o estudo de locos quantitativos envolvidos no controle da produção e qualidade dos frutos e o mapeamento de genes de resistência à mancha bacteriana causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis. Além disso, para conhecer o genoma de P. edulis, foi construída uma biblioteca genômica inserida em BACs (82.944 clones, com cobertura de 6× do genoma haploide da espécie) que é mantida no CNRGV/INRA em Toulouse, França. Inicialmente, cerca de 10.000 BES (BAC-end sequences) foram sequenciadas, gerando aproximadamente 6,2 Mb de informação genômica, fornecendo a primeira visão do genoma de P. edulis sobre o conteúdo de genes e da porção repetitiva. Com o objetivo de obter informações mais completas, decidiu-se selecionar cerca de 100 insertos de BACs para o sequenciamento completo. A análise genômica realizada, especialmente a anotação estrutural e funcional dos genes e a identificação e caracterização dos elementos de transposição, constituíram os objetivos deste estudo. Os dados gerados pelo sequenciamento completo de 10.4 Mb de P. edulis representam uma fonte rica de informações que foram exploradas nesta tese de doutorado.

Caractérisation génomique de facteurs impliqués dans la qualité organoleptique du fruit chez le pêcher (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch)

Boudehri, Karima 22 September 2009 (has links)
La qualité du fruit est un critère incontournable de sélection chez les Rosacées fruitières, et l’acidité constitue une composante majeure de la qualité organoleptique. Toutefois, les mécanismes physiologiques et moléculaires contrôlant l'acidité des fruits restent mal connus. Chez le pêcher, le caractère non acide du fruit est contrôlé par le locus D. Une descendance F2 de 208 individus issus d'un croisement entre une variété de pêche non acide ‘Ferjalou Jalousia®’ et une variété de nectarine normalement acide, ‘Fantasia’ (JxF) a été analysée pour différents caractères agronomiques dont l’acidité du fruit. Cette descendance a servi à la réalisation d’une carte génétique et ainsi à la localisation du locus D sur le groupe de liaison 5 (GL5). Ce locus co-localise avec des QTL à effet majeur impliqués dans l’acidité titrable, le pH, la teneur en acides organiques ainsi que des QTL à effet plus faible pour la teneur en sucres solubles. De nombreux gènes candidats impliqués dans la synthèse des acides organiques, la dégradation et le stockage vacuolaire avaient été précédemment étudiés. Cependant, aucun gène candidat n’a encore été cartographié dans la région du locus D, excluant ainsi leur rôle direct dans le contrôle de l’acidité du fruit. Ceci s’explique par la complexité des voies métaboliques des acides organiques et par l’implication de transporteurs, de canaux et de pompes à protons qui rendent l'identification du ou des gène(s) associés au locus D plus complexe par une approche gène candidat. Par conséquent, une approche de clonage positionnel a été menée dans la présente étude afin d’identifier le ou les gène(s) intervenant dans le contrôle de l’acidité du fruit chez le pêcher dans le but de comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires et physiologiques sous-jacents. La recherche de marqueurs liés au locus D a été réalisée par BSA-AFLP. Trente quatre marqueurs AFLP ont été cartographiés sur le GL5 et les six marqueurs les plus proches ont été convertis en marqueurs SCAR codominants. Une carte génétique fine de la région contenant le locus D a ensuite été réalisée à partir d’une descendance F2 élargie à 1 718 individus et à l’aide des six marqueurs SCAR et de trois marqueurs microsatellites précédemment cartographiés dans cette région. L’ensemble des données de génotypage et de phénotypage des individus ayant subi un événement de recombinaison dans la région du locus d’intérêt, a permis la localisation précise du locus D dans un intervalle de 0,4 cM. En parallèle, une banque BAC d’une couverture estimée à 15 fois la taille du génome haploïde du pêcher a été réalisée et son criblage a permis d’évaluer le rapport distance physique/distance génétique dans cette région à 250 kb/cM. Après deux étapes de marche sur le chromosome, une carte physique de la région a été construite en intégrant 16 marqueurs issus du séquençage d’extrémités de BAC. Un clone BAC de 98 kb contenant l’allèle D et un autre de 78 kb contenant l’allèle d ont été séquencés. L’annotation des séquences des deux allèles a mis en évidence onze gènes candidats. De nouveaux marqueurs développés à partir des séquences de ces deux BAC ont ensuite permis de préciser la localisation du locus d’intérêt dans un intervalle de 16 kb. Dans cette région deux gènes ont été identifiés : un gène de résistance et un gène codant pour un transporteur. Une approche transcriptionnelle a été initiée en complément du clonage positionnel afin de fournir un premier élément pouvant confirmer l’implication d’un ou plusieurs gène(s) candidat(s) positionnel(s) dans l’acidité du fruit chez le pêcher. / Acidity is an essential component of the organoleptic quality of fleshy fruits. However, the physiological and molecular mechanisms that control fruit acidity remain unclear. In peach low-acidity is determined at the D locus by the dominant allele. A peach progeny of 208 F2 individuals obtained from a cross between ‘Ferjalou Jalousia®’ (a low-acid peach) and ‘Fantasia’ (a normally acid nectarine) varieties (JxF) was analyzed for several agronomical traits. This peach F2 progeny segregating for several mendelian traits, was analyzed for fruit quality traits including fruit acidity and used for the construction of a genetic linkage map. The D locus was mapped to the proximal end of linkage group 5 (LG5) and co-localized with major QTLs involved in the control of fruit pH, titratable acidity and organic acid concentration and minor QTLs for sugar concentration. Several candidate genes involved in organic acids synthesis, degradation or vacuolar storage have previously been studied. However, none of these candidate genes were located on in the region of the D locus, excluding their direct role in the control of fruit acidity by the D locus. The complexity of organic acids metabolic pathways as well as the involvement of transporters and channels and related proton pumps has hampered, so far, the identification of the gene(s) associated to the D locus using a candidate gene approach. Thus, in order to investigate the molecular and physiological bases of fruit acidity in peach, a positional cloning strategy of the D locus was undertaken for the isolation of the gene(s) underlying this trait. Using a BSA-AFLP method, 34 AFLP markers were mapped to the LG5, and the six nearest markers were transformed into codominant SCAR markers. These SCAR markers and three previously mapped SSR markers were used to genotype an F2 segregating progeny extended to 1,718 F2 individuals. A high-resolution map of the D locus was realized after genotyping and phenotyping recombinant individuals. Using these recombinant plants we delimited the D locus to a genetic interval of 0.4 cM. We also constructed a peach BAC library with a covering estimated at 15 x the peach haploid genome. The screening of the BAC library with tightly linked markers indicated that 1 cM corresponds to 250 kb at the vicinity of the D locus and allowed the construction of the physical map in two walks integrating 16 markers obtained from the BACends sequences. Two BAC clones harbouring the D locus were identified and sequenced; one BAC clone of 98 kb containing the D dominant allele and another one of 78 kb containing the d recessive allele. Eleven predicted genes were found in the sequenced region. A new set of markers was developed which allowed the localization of the D locus in a 16 kb interval. In this region, two genes were identified: a resistance gene and a gene encoding for a transporter. A transcriptional approach was initiated in addition to the positional cloning strategy to provide a first element which could confirm the involvement of one or more identified positional candidate gene(s) in the control of peach fruit acidity.

Characterization of the isoproturon degrading community : from the field to the genes / Isoproturon

Hussain, Sabir 14 September 2010 (has links)
L’usage répété d’isoproturon (IPU) en agriculture pour contrôler développement de plantes adventices dans les cultures céréalières a non seulement abouti à la contamination du sol et des ressources en eaux mais également à l’adaptation de la microflore du sol à la dégradation accélérée de cet herbicide appartenant à la famille des phénylurées. A l’heure actuelle, les mécanismes microbiens impliqués dans cette adaptation ne sont pas encore parfaitement élucidés. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette étude était d’explorer les processus et les facteurs impliqués dans la biodégradation de l’isoproturon, et ce, depuis l’échelle agricole de la parcelle jusqu’à celle des gènes codant cette fonction dans des populations microbienne dégradantes.L’étude réalisée à partir d’une parcelle expérimentale du domaine d’Epoisses, cultivée selon une rotation blé d’hiver/ orge / colza, a montré que, suite à l’usage répété d’IPU, la microflore du sol s’était adaptée à sa minéralisation. Des analyses réalisées à l’aide d’outils statistiques et géostatistiques ont révélé l’existence d’une variabilité spatiale de la minéralisation de l’IPU au sein de la parcelle agricole. Celle-ci s’est révélée être non seulement corrélée avec différents caractéristiques physicochimiques du sol (C/N, CEC, …) mais également avec le plan d’épandage des pesticides au cours de la rotation culturale.Afin de mieux étudier les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de la minéralisation de l’IPU, une culture bactérienne ainsi qu’une souche (Sphingomonas sp. SH) minéralisant l’IPU ont été isolées par enrichissement à partir de deux sols différents, tous deux adaptés à la biodégradation accélérée de l’IPU. La culture bactérienne et la souche pure ont toutes deux montré un métabolisme spécifique pour la dégradation de l’IPU, étant capables de dégrader l’IPU et ses principaux métabolites mais aucun des autres herbicides de la famille des phénylurées. La culture bactérienne et la souche présentaient une activité dégradante optimale à pH7,5 et étaient affectées par des pH inférieurs et supérieurs à cette valeur optimale. Sur la base des métabolites accumulés lors de la dégradation de l’IPU, nous avons proposé que l’IPU serait dégradé par deux déméthylations successives, suivi par la coupure de la chaine urée aboutissant à l’accumulation de 4-isopropylaniline, et finalement la minéralisation du cycle phényl.Afin d’identifier les gènes impliqués dans la minéralisation de l’IPU, une banque de clones BAC a été réalisée à partir de l’ADN génomique purifié de la culture bactérienne. Bien que le crible fonctionnel réalisé n’a pas permis d’identifier de BAC capable de dégrader l’IPU ou l’un de ses métabolites, un criblage moléculaire par PCR ciblant la séquence catA codant la catéchol 1,2-dioxygénase, nous a permis d’identifier trois BACs. Le pyroséquençage des ces 3 BACs et l’agrégation des séquences correspondantes ont permis d’identifier un fragment génomique de 33 kb présentant notamment l’opéron cat impliqué dans le clivage ortho du cycle phényl du catéchol. De ce fait nous avons émis l’hypothèse selon laquelle la 4-isopropylaniline formée lors de la dégradation de l’IPU pourrait être minéralisée par le clivage ortho du catéchol, un intermédiaire clef de la voie des beta-kétoadipates. Ceci nous a donc permis de proposer une voie métabolique pour la voie basse de la dégradation de l’IPU qui, jusqu’alors, n’avait pas encore été décrite. / Frequent use of phenylurea herbicide isoproturon (IPU) in agricultural fields has resulted not only in the contamination of the natural resources including soil and water but also in the adaptation of the soil microflora to its rapid degradation. However, up to now, the mechanisms underlying this microbial adaptation are not well elucidated. The aim of this study was to explore the processes and factors implicated in IPU degradation from the agricultural field to the genes coding for catabolic genes. The study carried out at the experimental field of Epoisses cropped with a winter wheat / barley / rape seed crop rotation indicated that as a result of its periodically repeated use, the soil microflora adapted to IPU mineralization activity. Further analysis using exploratory and geostatistical tools demonstrated the existence of spatial variability in IPU mineralization activity at the field scale which was correlated not only with several soil physico-chemical parameters like organic matter content, CEC and C/N ratio but also with the pesticide application plan over a three year crop rotation. In order to get further insight into underlying mechanisms, an IPU mineralizing bacterial culture and strain Sphingomonas sp. SH were isolated through enrichment cultures performed from two different adapted soils. Both had the catabolic activities highly specific for the mineralization of IPU and its metabolites but none of other structurally related phenylurea herbicides. IPU metabolic activity of both the mixed culture and the strain SH was found to be affected by pH with optimal activity taking place at pH 7.5. Based on the accumulation of different known metabolites during mineralization kinetics, IPU metabolic pathway was proposed to be initiated by two successive demethylations, followed by cleavage of the urea side chain resulting in the accumulation of 4-isopropylaniline, and ultimately the mineralization of the phenyl ring. In order to identify the genes involved in IPU degradation, BAC clone library was established from the genomic DNA of the bacterial culture. Although, the functional screening did not yield in identifying any BAC clone able to degrade IPU or its known metabolites, the PCR based screening led us to identify a cat gene cluster involved in ortho-cleavage of the phenyl ring of catechol through beta-ketoadipate pathway. Based on this finding, it was hypothesized that phenyl ring of 4-isopropylaniline formed during IPU transformation might be mineralized through ortho-cleavage of catechol. This finding allowed us to propose the lower IPU metabolic pathway which was not yet described.

Contribution à l'étude du système BAC "Biofilm Associated Cluster" chez Pseudomanas aeruginosa. / Contribution to the study of BAC "Biofilm Associated Cluster" in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Saffiedine, Brahim 03 July 2019 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) est une bactérie Gram négatif, pathogène opportuniste, impliquée dans un grand nombre d’infections nosocomiales. Cette bactérie est aussi le principal micro-organisme responsable des surinfections broncho-pulmonaires chez les patients atteints de mucoviscidose. Cette prééminence est due en partie à la capacité de PA à former des biofilms, ce qui lui confèrent une résistance exceptionnelle aux antimicrobiens. Au sein de notre laboratoire, une analyse protéomique différentielle a permis de démontrer, en 2004, l’existence d’un protéome spécifique lorsque la bactérie se développe en mode biofilm. Parmi les protéines spécifiquement exprimées en mode biofilm, la protéine hypothétique PA3731 a été plus particulièrement étudiée. Cette protéine est impliquée dans la formation de biofilm, la production de rhamnolipides, la résistance à la tobramycine et la mobilité de type « swarming ». Des recherches bioinformatiques ont montré que le gène pA3731 appartient à un cluster de 4 gènes allant de pA3729 à pA3732 (système BAC), qui pourraient être impliqués dans l’élaboration et/ou la régulation d’un même système protéique. Cette hypothèse a constitué le point de départ de ce travail de thèse. La présente étude a permis de confirmer l’implication du système BAC dans la formation du biofilm, la résistance aux antibiotiques et la production de rhamnolipides chez PA. Les études protéomiques ont mis en évidence l’implication de ce système dans l’expression de la pompe MexEF-OprN, de la porine OprD, et dans la régulation du Quorum Sensing. Des études intéractomiques, menées en parallèle, ont montré une forte interaction entre la protéine PA3731 et PA3732. Ces études ont également permis de valider une forte interaction entre ces protéines et les rhamnolipides. L’ensemble de ces résultats nous permettent d’avancer une hypothèse quant à l’implication du système BAC dans le transport des rhamnolipides vers le milieu extracellulaire. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is a Gram-negative bacterium, opportunistic pathogen, involved in a large number of nosocomial infections. This microorganism is also the main infectious agent involved in bronchopulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis patients. This pre-eminence is partly due to the ability of PA to form biofilms, which confers to the bacterial cells an increased resistance to antibiotics. In our laboratory, a differential proteomic analysis allowed to demonstrate in 2004, the existence of a specific proteome when the bacterium grows in the biofilm mode. This study allowed identifying about 40 proteins, specifically accumulated when bacteria adhere to a surface. Among these proteins, the hypothetical protein PA3731 has been particularly investigated. This protein is involved in the biofilm formation, the rhamnolipids production, the resistance to tobramycin and the swarming mobility. Bioinformatic research showed that the pA3731 gene belongs to a cluster of 4 genes ranging from pA3729 to pA3732 (BAC system), which could be involved in the development and / or regulation of the same protein system. This hypothesis was the starting point of this thesis work. The present study confirmed the involvement of the BAC system in the biofilm formation, the antibiotic resistance and the rhamnolipid production in PA. Proteomic studies highlighted the implication of this system in the expression of the MexEF-OprN pump and that of the OprD porin, and in the regulation of Quorum Sensing. Interactomic investigations, conducted in parallel, showed a strong interaction between PA3731 and PA3732 proteins. These studies have also pointed out a strong interaction between these proteins and rhamnolipids. All these results suggest that the BAC system could play a major role in the transfer of rhamnolipids to the extracellular environment.

Unterschiedliche Autoregulation am PU.1 Lokus in B -Zellen und myeloischen Zellen

Leddin, Mathias 21 June 2011 (has links)
Als Schlüsselfaktor des hämatopoietischen Systems spielt PU.1 eine ent-scheidende Rolle in der Entwicklung der meisten hämatopoietischen Li-nien. Das PU.1 Expressionslevel bestimmt das Differenzierungspotential hämatopoietischer Stammzellen und Vorläufer. In den unterschiedlichen Zelltypen werden verschiedene Expressionsstärken etabliert. Wie diese zelltypischen Expressionslevel vonPU.1 generiert werden, ist bisher weit-gehend unbekannt. In der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit wurde mit Hilfe eines transgenen Maus-modells die cis-regulatorische Einheit von PU.1 definiert, um mit nachfol-genden molekularbiologischen und genomweiten Ansätzen Mechanismen der zellspezifischen Regulation von PU.1 zu aufzuzeigen. Die Definition der cis-regulatorischen Einheit von PU.1 erfolgte mit Hilfe eines transgenen Mausmodells, welches ein humanes PU.1 BAC Kons-trukt trägt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass humanes und murines PU.1 substituierbar sind und den gleichen Regulationsmechanismen unterlie-gen. Mit Hilfe genomweite DNaseI hypersensitivity Analysen, Methylie-rungs- und Bindungsstudien konnte ein neuer Regulationsmechanismus beschrieben werden, der eine spezifische kombinatorische Interaktion verschiedener cis-regulatorischer Elemente erfordert. Durch Reportergenassays in verschiedenen Zelltypen war es möglich, einen myeloischen Enhancer zu identifizieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass PU.1 mit zelltyp-spezifischen Transkriptionsfaktoren interagiert, um unterschiedliche Bindungsmuster an seinen regulatorischen Elementen zu etablieren. Dadurch kommt es zu den spezifischen Expressionstärken von PU.1 / The transcription factor PU.1 occupies a central role in controlling myeloid and early B cell development and its correct lineage-specific expression is critical for the differentiation choice of hematopoietic progenitors. However, little is known of how this tissue-specific pattern is established. We previously identified an upstream regulatory cis-element (URE) whose targeted deletion in mice decreases PU.1 expression and causes leukemia. We show here that the URE alone is insufficient to confer physiological PU.1 expression, but requires the cooperation with other, previously unidentified elements. Using a combination of transgenic studies, global chromatin assays and detailed molecular analyses we present evidence that PU.1 is regulated by a novel mechanism involving cross-talk between different cis-elements together with lineage-restricted autoregulation. In this model, PU.1 regulates its expression in B cells and macrophages by differentially associating with cell-type specific transcription factors at one of its cis-regulatory elements to establish differential activity patterns at other elements.

Functional Aspects of Peripheral and Spinal Cord Neurons Involved in Itch and Pain

Aresh, Bejan January 2016 (has links)
We have investigated the role of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (mGluR7) and the gastrin releasing peptide receptor (Grpr) population that are involved at different levels of itch transmission. We found that mGuR7 deficient mice displayed an anaphylaxis-like behavior when provoked with histamine. Analysis of blood revealed elevated plasma levels of histamine and mouse mast cell protease-1 (mMCP1), two indicators of anaphylaxis, in mGluR7 deficient mice compared with control mice. Inhibition of the neurokinin 1 receptor, by preventing binding of the corresponding ligand substance P (SP), prior to provocation with histamine prevented the development of anaphylaxis in mGluR7 deficient animals. However, blocking GRPR (gastrin releasing peptide receptor) only resulted in decreased itch levels in mGluR7 deficient mice but did not prevent the systemic anaphylaxis-like behavior. Our findings indicate that mGluR7 normally functions as a brake on histaminergic itch that is mediated through GRPR as well as anaphylaxis through Substance P. Grpr has previously been shown to mediate both histaminergic and non-histaminergic itch but little is known about the GRPR neuronal population. We used a BAC cloning strategy to construct a Grpr-Cre line, which we crossed with the reporter lines tdTomato and Viaat-egfp as well as with Vglut2-lox. We could conclude that Grpr-Cre neurons are mainly excitatory interneurons located in lamina II-IV, that convey itch using VGLUT2-mediated glutamatergic transmission to the next, currently unknown, step in the labeled line of chemical itch. To eventually deduce the function of the endogenous opioids dynorphin and enkephalin, which are hypothesized to be involved in gating pain and itch in the spinal cord, we constructed two Cre lines using BAC cloning that targeted the precursor proteins preprodynorphin and preproenkephalin, respectively. Preprodynorphin-Cre neurons were mainly located in lamina II-IV and overlapped to 47% with Vglut2 mRNA, while the co-expression with the inhibitory markers Viaat-egfp and PAX2 was 13% and 28% respectively in the spinal cord. Preproenkephalin neurons were more localized to lamina III in the dorsal horn, furthermore single cell analysis showed that they overlapped to 94% with Vglut2 mRNA while 7% and 13% expressed Viaat-egfp and PAX2 respectively.

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