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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using internet-enabled remote instrumentation for research and training in physics: evaluation ofdifferent diffusion barriers for silver metallization.

Majiet, Siradz. January 2007 (has links)
<p><font face="Times-Roman"> <p align="left">The growth of the Internet has led to many interesting developments for both educational and commercial purposes. In this project an attempt was made to use the Internet for a research purpose to facilitate the determination of the thermal stability of diffusion barriers. Another purpose of this thesis is to investigate the teaching and training use of the Internet through the development of online interactive tools and activities as well as materials. The training aspects are mentioned as it is hoped that this thesis can serve as a form of documentation of the use of the Internet, while the central part was the determination of thermal stability of TiN, TaN and TiW diffusion <font face="Times-Roman">barriers on Ag.</font></p> </font></p>

The Study of Reverberation in the Sizih Bay Marine Test Field

Lin, Yu-Te 28 July 2011 (has links)
Reverberation is the phenomenon when the sound source transmits and causes scattering in active sonar system. This kind of effects often produced in the waveguide, resulting signal interference and signal mask issues. Reverberation can affect the signal to noise ratio, thus understanding the characteristic of environmental reverberation is important. In recent years, there were many studies for the Sizihwan Bay Marine Test Field (MTF), including environmental surveys, Harbor defense and acoustic inversion, however the issue related to reverberation has not been explored. The purpose of this study is to research reverberation in the MTF and focusing on volume reverberation and surface reverberation. In the past, the experiment of Underwater Intruder Detection with active sonar system demonstrated the reverberation in Kaohsiung second harbor. Therefore, this research is about using the experimental data to questions about volume reverberation. Results show, volume reverberation in the port area caused by ship, boundaries, current, impurities in water and biota. On the other hand surface reverberation, this study focusing on numerical simulation, match the results of experimental. Numerical results of RMS height, correlation length and frequency affect the reverberation intensity, but it does not identify the phenomenon of reverberation in experimental results, mainly is the intensity of the source is not enough. This study combined with simulation and experiment, and overviewed the reverberation properties in MTF. Also provided suggestions for following studies.

Radiation Response of Strained Silicon-Germanium Superlattices

Martin, Michael Scott 2010 May 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of strain in the accumulation of crystalline defects created by ion irradiation. Previous studies state that strained Si1xGex is more easily amorphized by ion irradiation than unstrained, bulk Si in a periodic superlattice structure; however, the reason for preferential amorphization of the strained Si1xGex layer in the periodic structure of strained and unstrained layers is not well understood. In this study, various ion irradiations will be carried out on SiGe strained layer superlattices grown on (100)-orientation bulk Si by low temperature molecular beam epitaxy. The samples under investigation are 50 nm surface Si0:8Ge0:2/bulk Si and 50 nm surface Si/60 nm Si0:8Ge0:2/bulk Si. Defects will be created in both surface and buried SiGe strained layers by medium and high energy light ion irradiation. The amount of permanently displaced atoms will be quantified by channeling Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. The amorphization model, the path to permanent damage creation, of bulk Si and surface strained SiGe will be investigated. The strain in surface and buried Si0:8Ge0:2 layers will be measured by comparison to bulk Si with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry by a novel technique, channeling analysis by multi-axial Rutherford backscatter- ing spectrometry, and the limitations of measuring strain by this technique will be explored. Results of this study indicated that the amorphization model, the number of ion collision cascades that must overlap to cause permanent damage, of strained Si0:8Ge0:2 is similar to that of bulk Si, suggesting that point defect recombination is less efficient in strained Si0:8Ge0:2. Additionally, a surface strained Si0:8Ge0:2 is less stable under ion irradiation than buried strained Si0:8Ge0:2. Repeated analysis by multi-axial channeling Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, which requires high fluence of 2 MeV He ions, proved destructive to the surface strained Si0:8Ge0:2 layer.

Efficient bit encoding in backscatter wireless systems

Graf, Patrick Anthony 08 April 2010 (has links)
As the size and power consumption of microelectronic circuits continues to decrease, passively-powered sensors promise to come to the forefront of commercial electronics. One of the most promising technologies that could realize this goal is backscatter sensing. Backscatter sensors could harvest power from and modulate data onto an impinging carrier waveform. Currently radio frequency identification (RFID) technology passively powers itself and transmits statically stored data. However, this technology has two major weaknesses: lack of resiliency against narrowband interference and slow data rates. Both of these issues could be detrimental in sensing applications. This thesis will lay out a method for addressing both of these weaknesses through a unique application of spread spectrum encoding. Instead of spread spectrum being viewed as the multiplication of an already encoded data sequence with a periodic pseudorandom sequence, each sequence could be viewed in an aperiodic manner, where a single period of a pseudorandom sequence represents a data symbol. In this manner, backscatter sensors not only benefit from the increased resiliency that spread spectrum provides, but also can have higher data rates, since multiple bits can be encoded on a single symbol and multiple nodes can be read simultaneously, using spread spectrum multiple access techniques. In this thesis, 63-chip and 255-chip Kasami sequences, as well as 127-chip Gold sequences, will be analyzed for their use in various aperiodic direct sequence spread spectrum/multiple access system configurations (systems that have up to three nodes and use up to four different aperiodic sequences per node to represent different symbols). For each different configuration, near-"ideal" code configurations/rotations will be determined for use in the system.

Signal constellations of a retrodirective array phase modulator

Koo, Gregory Andre 05 April 2011 (has links)
A quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) retrodirective array phase modulator (RAPM) was designed and fabricated to characterize its backscatter signal constellation when placed near objects with varying conductivities and relative permittivities. The signal constellations produced when the RAPM was placed near objects were compared to a constellation in free space to determine relative magnitude and phase changes. When conductors and high permittivity dielectrics were placed close behind the RAPM, constellation points were found to shrink in magnitude by up to twenty percent and shift in phase by up to eight degrees. When conductors were placed between the RAPM and an interrogator, the signal constellation was found to collapse, shrinking by up to 95.6 percent. For materials similar to free space, minimal constellation shrinkage resulted, but signal constellation rotation by up to 68 degrees occurred. The power consumption of a RAPM was also characterized and found to decrease as the number of bits per symbol increased. This result demonstrates that in comparison to conventional backscatter tags, which implement one bit per symbol, the RAPM can implement a greater number of bits per symbol, reduce its power consumption, and increase its range in a passive backscatter communication system. To characterize the beamwidth of the RAPM's retrodirective array, a radar cross section (RCS) measurement of the RAPM was performed over a scan angle range of -90 to +90 degrees. The structural component generated by the RAPM's patch antenna ground plane was found to dominate the antenna mode of the retrodirective array. As a result, a novel homodyne receiver based RCS measurement was performed to filter out the structural RCS component and measure the pure antenna mode of the RAPM.

Development and characterization of a tunable ultrafast X-ray source via Inverse-Compton-Scattering

Jochmann, Axel 14 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Ultrashort, nearly monochromatic hard X-ray pulses enrich the understanding of the dynamics and function of matter, e.g., the motion of atomic structures associated with ultrafast phase transitions, structural dynamics and (bio)chemical reactions. Inverse Compton backscattering of intense laser pulses from relativistic electrons not only allows for the generation of bright X-ray pulses which can be used in a pump-probe experiment, but also for the investigation of the electron beam dynamics at the interaction point. The focus of this PhD work lies on the detailed understanding of the kinematics during the interaction of the relativistic electron bunch and the laser pulse in order to quantify the influence of various experiment parameters on the emitted X-ray radiation. The experiment was conducted at the ELBE center for high power radiation sources using the ELBE superconducting linear accelerator and the DRACO Ti:sapphire laser system. The combination of both these state-of-the-art apparatuses guaranteed the control and stability of the interacting beam parameters throughout the measurement. The emitted X-ray spectra were detected with a pixelated detector of 1024 by 256 elements (each 26μm by 26μm) to achieve an unprecedented spatial and energy resolution for a full characterization of the emitted spectrum to reveal parameter influences and correlations of both interacting beams. In this work the influence of the electron beam energy, electron beam emittance, the laser bandwidth and the energy-angle-correlation on the spectra of the backscattered X-rays is quantified. A rigorous statistical analysis comparing experimental data to ab-initio 3D simulations enabled, e.g., the extraction of the angular distribution of electrons with 1.5% accuracy and, in total, provides predictive capability for the future high brightness hard X-ray source PHOENIX (Photon electron collider for Narrow bandwidth Intense X-rays) and potential all optical gamma-ray sources. The results will serve as a milestone and starting point for the scaling of the X-ray flux based on available interaction parameters of an ultrashort bright X-ray source at the ELBE center for high power radiation sources. The knowledge of the spatial and spectral distribution of photons from an inverse Compton scattering source is essential in designing future experiments as well as for tailoring the X-ray spectral properties to an experimental need. / Ultrakurze, quasi-monochromatische harte Röntgenpulse erweitern das Verständnis für die dynamischen Prozesse und funktionalen Zusammenhänge in Materie, beispielsweise die Dynamik in atomaren Strukturen bei ultraschnellen Phasenübergängen, Gitterbewegungen und (bio)chemischen Reaktionen. Compton-Rückstreuung erlaubt die Erzeugung der für ein pump-probe-Experiment benötigten intensiven Röntgenpulse und ermöglicht gleichzeitig einen Einblick in die komplexen kinematischen Prozesse während der Wechselwirkung von Elektronen und Photonen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, ein quantitatives Verständnis der verschiedenen experimentellen Einflüsse auf die emittierte Röntgenstrahlung bei der Streuung von Laserphotonen an relativistischen Elektronen zu entwickeln. Die Experimente wurden am ELBE - Zentrum für Hochleistungs-Strahlenquellen des Helmholtz-Zentrums Dresden - Rossendorf durchgeführt. Der verwendete supraleitende Linearbschleuniger ELBE und der auf Titan-Saphir basierende Hochleistungslaser DRACO garantieren ein Höchstmaß an Kontrolle und Stabilität der experimentellen Bedingungen. Zur Messung der emittierten Röntgenstrahlung wurde ein Siliziumdetektor mit 1024x256 Pixeln (Pixelgröße 26μm × 26μm) verwendet, welcher für eine bisher nicht erreichte spektrale und räumliche Auflösung sorgt. Die so erfolgte vollständige Charakterisierung der Energie-Winkel-Beziehung erlaubt Rückschlüsse auf Parametereinflüsse und Korrelationen von Elektronen- und Laserstrahl. Eine umfassende statistische Analyse, bei der ab-initio 3D Simulationen mit den experimentellen Daten verglichen und ausgewertet wurden, ermöglichte u.a. die Bestimmung der Elektronenstrahldivergenz mit einer Genauigkeit von 1.5% und erlaubt Vorhersagen zur zu erwartenden Strahlung der zukünftigen brillianten Röntgenquelle PHOENIX (Photon electron collider for Narrow bandwidth Intense X-rays) und potentiellen lasergetriebenen Gammastrahlungsquellen. Die Ergebnisse dienen als Fixpunkt für die Skalierung des erwarteten Photonenflusses der Röntgenquelle für die verfügbaren Ausgangsgrößen am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf. Das Wissen um die räumliche und spektrale Verteilung der Röntgenstrahlung ist entscheidend für die Planung zukünftiger Experimente sowie zur Anpassung der Quelle an experimentelle Bedürfnisse.

Investigation of doppler features resulting from wind turbine scattering

Naqvi, Aale R. 14 February 2011 (has links)
The rapid growth in the number of large wind farms has raised serious concerns about their effects on existing radar systems. The large size and rotational movement of the turbine blades can give rise to significant Doppler clutters, which interfere with the detection of moving targets such as aircraft and storms. A previous Air Force study has collected and analyzed the time-varying radar cross section resulting from the blade rotation of a single 1.5 MW turbine. However, multiple interactions taking place in a turbine were not studied in detail. Multiple interactions could play an important role in the propagation of radar signals through wind farms. This thesis sets out to more closely examine the various Doppler features resulting from the scattering due to a single turbine. Backscattered and forward scattered data are measured at Ku-band from various wind turbine models using a motorized turntable in the laboratory. The tested models include a 1:160 scale model turbine, a 3-arm wire model turbine, and a small wind turbine from Bergey Windpower with 2’ blades. The data are processed based on the short-time Fourier transform in order to relate the resulting time-varying Doppler features to various scattering mechanisms. The experimental findings are corroborated by simulations performed using the Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC). Furthermore, we propose a post-processing general method to reduce the intensity of the turbine scattered data. This method is applied to filter out simulated Doppler clutter from two different simulation techniques. First, the method is applied to remove the simulated Doppler clutter from the point scatterer model. Next, the algorithm is applied to simulated backscattered data generated using a high-frequency ray tracing code, Ahilo. / text

Using internet-enabled remote instrumentation for research and training in physics: evaluation ofdifferent diffusion barriers for silver metallization.

Majiet, Siradz. January 2007 (has links)
<p><font face="Times-Roman"> <p align="left">The growth of the Internet has led to many interesting developments for both educational and commercial purposes. In this project an attempt was made to use the Internet for a research purpose to facilitate the determination of the thermal stability of diffusion barriers. Another purpose of this thesis is to investigate the teaching and training use of the Internet through the development of online interactive tools and activities as well as materials. The training aspects are mentioned as it is hoped that this thesis can serve as a form of documentation of the use of the Internet, while the central part was the determination of thermal stability of TiN, TaN and TiW diffusion <font face="Times-Roman">barriers on Ag.</font></p> </font></p>

Passive RFID characterization based on radar cross section and backscatter power

Tohin, Md Razoun Siddiky January 2014 (has links)
With the ever growing application requirements for wireless power transmission in recent years, use of Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band via passive RFID technology escalates quickly. However, limited read range and outdoor interference has always been a great obstacle for various RFID applications. Escalating power transmission at the tag to identify and amplify received power under flawless conditions of electromagnetic theory do not provide estimates of read-rates, which bring major limitations to RFID system performance. Therefore, discovering the reason behind these problems and assessing the performance of backscatter power to improve the system performance remains as a crying need.   Implying radar cross section (RCS) mechanism into RFID can enhance the system performance at a larger extent, as passive RFID works same as radar at far field range by detecting backscatter signal from target object. Antenna radiation pattern and co located interference effect are vital considerations for RFID propagation mechanism and tag read range optimization. Consequently, the robust performance of transmitting and receiving antenna will provide a better RCS value when we get them in good agreement with experimental results.   This thesis provides analytical framework for backscatter performance modeling and suggest techniques to enhance the efficiency of reader to tag to reader performance. It explores uncertainties associated with certain parameters like antenna far field radiation property, antenna spacing, optimal backscatter power and communication range, which implies scattering efficiency of the tag and establish a relationship between the measured and predicted values of tag read-rate probabilities. Comparing measurement patterns in both outdoor and in an-echoic chamber, finally it determines method to increase efficiency at power transmission and reception end. Obtained results will encourage the future researchers to design, analyze and enhance the backscattered passive RFID systems at a larger scenario.

Development and Characterization of a tunable ultrafast X-ray source via Inverse Compton Scattering

Jochmann, Axel 11 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Ultrashort, nearly monochromatic hard X-ray pulses enrich the understanding of the dynamics and function of matter, e.g., the motion of atomic structures associated with ultrafast phase transitions, structural dynamics and (bio)chemical reactions. Inverse Compton backscattering of intense laser pulses from relativistic electrons not only allows for the generation of bright X-ray pulses which can be used in a pumpprobe experiment, but also for the investigation of the electron beam dynamics at the interaction point. The focus of this PhD work lies on the detailed understanding of the kinematics during the interaction of the relativistic electron bunch and the laser pulse in order to quantify the influence of various experiment parameters on the emitted X-ray radiation. The experiment was conducted at the ELBE center for high power radiation sources using the ELBE superconducting linear accelerator and the DRACO Ti:sapphire laser system. The combination of both these state-of-the-art apparatuses guaranteed the control and stability of the interacting beam parameters throughout the measurement. The emitted X-ray spectra were detected with a pixelated detector of 1024 by 256 elements (each 26μm by 26μm) to achieve an unprecedented spatial and energy resolution for a full characterization of the emitted spectrum to reveal parameter influences and correlations of both interacting beams. In this work the influence of the electron beam energy, electron beam emittance, the laser bandwidth and the energy-anglecorrelation on the spectra of the backscattered X-rays is quantified. A rigorous statistical analysis comparing experimental data to ab-initio 3D simulations enabled, e.g., the extraction of the angular distribution of electrons with 1.5% accuracy and, in total, provides predictive capability for the future high brightness hard X-ray source PHOENIX (Photon electron collider for Narrow bandwidth Intense X-rays) and potential all optical gamma-ray sources. The results will serve as a milestone and starting point for the scaling of the Xray flux based on available interaction parameters of an ultrashort bright X-ray source at the ELBE center for high power radiation sources. The knowledge of the spatial and spectral distribution of photons from an inverse Compton scattering source is essential in designing future experiments as well as for tailoring the X-ray spectral properties to an experimental need. / Ultrakurze, quasi-monochromatische harte Röntgenpulse erweitern das Verständnis für die dynamischen Prozesse und funktionalen Zusammenhänge in Materie, beispielsweise die Dynamik in atomaren Strukturen bei ultraschnellen Phasenübergängen, Gitterbewegungen und (bio)chemischen Reaktionen. Compton-Rückstreuung erlaubt die Erzeugung der für ein pump-probe-Experiment benötigten intensiven Röntgenpulse und ermöglicht gleichzeitig einen Einblick in die komplexen kinematischen Prozesse während der Wechselwirkung von Elektronen und Photonen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, ein quantitatives Verständnis der verschiedenen experimentellen Einflüsse auf die emittierte Röntgenstrahlung bei der Streuung von Laserphotonen an relativistischen Elektronen zu entwickeln. Die Experimente wurden am ELBE - Zentrum für Hochleistungs-Strahlenquellen des Helmholtz-Zentrums Dresden - Rossendorf durchgeführt. Der verwendete supraleitende Linearbschleuniger ELBE und der auf Titan-Saphir basierende Hochleistungslaser DRACO garantieren ein Höchstmaß an Kontrolle und Stabilität der experimentellen Bedingungen. Zur Messung der emittierten Röntgenstrahlung wurde ein Siliziumdetektor mit 1024x256 Pixeln (Pixelgröße 26μm × 26μm) verwendet, welcher für eine bisher nicht erreichte spektrale und räumliche Auflösung sorgt. Die so erfolgte vollständige Charakterisierung der Energie-Winkel-Beziehung erlaubt Rückschlüsse auf Parametereinflüsse und Korrelationen von Elektronen- und Laserstrahl. Eine umfassende statistische Analyse, bei der ab-initio 3D Simulationen mit den experimentellen Daten verglichen und ausgewertet wurden, ermöglichte u.a. die Bestimmung der Elektronenstrahldivergenz mit einer Genauigkeit von 1.5% und erlaubt Vorhersagen zur zu erwartenden Strahlung der zukünftigen brillianten Röntgenquelle PHOENIX (Photon electron collider for Narrow bandwidth Intense X-rays) und potentiellen lasergetriebenen Gammastrahlungsquellen. Die Ergebnisse dienen als Fixpunkt für die Skalierung des erwarteten Photonenflusses der Röntgenquelle für die verfügbaren Ausgangsgrößen am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf. Das Wissen um die räumliche und spektrale Verteilung der Röntgenstrahlung ist entscheidend für die Planung zukünftiger Experimente sowie zur Anpassung der Quelle an experimentelle Bedürfnisse.

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