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Bankų krizės poveikis ekonomikos augimui Centrinėje Europoje / Banking crisis impact on economic growth in Central EuropeRuikaitė, Laura 03 July 2012 (has links)
Finansų krizė, kuri prasidėjo 2007 m. vasarą JAV, parodė, kad problemos, užgriuvusios vieną banką, gali išplisti visame finansų sektoriuje ir toli peržengti vienos šalies ribas. Bankai yra vieni pagrindinių dalyvių finansų sistemoje ir, kai jie nebegali atlikti savo pagrindinių funkcijų, ekonomikos augimas komplikuojasi. Bankų krizių aktualumas nemenksta jau seniai. Tai iš dalies sąlygoja šių krizių dažnumas. Kita vertus, ne mažiau aktualus ir jų tyrinėjimas. Yra suvokiama, jog praeitų krizių scenarijų supratimas gali šalims padėti pasimokyti iš praeities klaidų, išvengti krizių pasikartojimo ateityje. Atskirų šalių bankų krizių atvejų nagrinėjimai padeda geriau suprasti ryšį tarp bankų veiklos ir ekonomikos raidos. Bankų krizių įtaką šalies ekonomikai būtina išsiaiškinti užtikrinant bankų sektoriaus stabilumą, taip pat bankų krizių įtakos analizė padeda geriau nustatyti, kurie ekonomikos sektoriai krizės metu yra labiau pažeidžiami ir įgalina imtis prevencinių priemonių.
Darbe sprendžiama problema – ar bankų krizės vienodai veikia skirtingo išsivystymo lygio šalių ekonomikos augimą?
Tyrimo objektas: Atskirų Centrinės Europos atskirų šalių bankų krizės 1990-1998 m. poveikis ekonomikos augimui.
Tyrimo tikslas: Įvertinti bankų krizės poveikį ekonomikos augimui, analizuojant atskirų šalių krizės padarinius. Siekiant įgyvendinti tyrimo tikslą, išsikelti šie uždaviniai:
1. Apžvelgti krizės teoriją ir taikomuosius tyrimus;
2. Išskirti bankų krizės atsiradimo priežastis bei jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The financial crises that began in USA 2007 summer has showed that the problems appeared in one bank can spread throughout the financial sector and far beyond the limits of one country. Banks are key players in the financial system and, when they can no longer perform its basic functions, economic growth becomes complicated. Banking crises is the most popular issue. This is in part determined by the frequency of crises. It is known that understanding of last crises scenario can help countries to learn from past mistakes how to avoid recurrence in future crises. Studies of individual countries experience related with banking crises helps to understand relationship between banks‘ activity and economic development. It is necessary to clarify banking crises impact on economic in case to ensure the stability of the banking sector as well as to determine which sectors of the economy during the crisis are more vulnerable and it enable to take prevention measures.
Main problem of final master’s work – do bank crises similar influence economic growth of countries with different development level?
The object of research: banking crises in 1990-1998 impact on economic growth in selected Central Europe countries.
The purpose of work: to evaluate banking crises impact on economic growth by analysing crises consequences appeared in individual countries.
Tasks of the work:
1. To overview crisis theory and research.
2. To distinguish the causes and consequences of banking crises.
3. To... [to full text]
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A contabilidade a valor justo e a crise financeira mundial / Fair value accounting and the global financial crisisEric Barreto de Oliveira 28 September 2009 (has links)
A contabilidade a valor justo tem sido discutida desde meados do século passado; porém, tomou força maior a partir de publicações recentes do FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) e do IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). Mais recentemente, em resposta à crise global de 2008, inicialmente chamada de crise do subprime, a SEC (Securities Exchange Comission), o FASB e o IASB rediscutiram exaustivamente este critério de mensuração, com o objetivo de detectar falhas que poderiam ter deflagrado ou agravado a crise, e também a fim de esclarecer como o valor justo deve ser estimado no caso de mercados ilíquidos ou ausência de um mercado ativo. Esta dissertação questiona se, na visão de especialistas em economia e mercado financeiro, a contabilidade a valor justo teve papel decisivo na deflagração ou agravamento da crise financeira mundial. A primeira parte deste trabalho se desenvolve primariamente com base nos pronunciamentos do IASB e do FASB sobre o valor justo na contabilidade, e tem por finalidade a revisão de alguns conceitos sobre mensuração e, principalmente, buscar o entendimento da teoria e da aplicabilidade da contabilidade baseada em valores de mercado. Na segunda parte, são estudadas diferentes teorias sobre a crise, culminando no assunto a contabilidade e a crise financeira mundial. A parte empírica do trabalho consiste na realização de entrevistas com grandes especialistas em economia e mercado financeiro. O estudo é concluído com base não só nas entrevistas, mas também nos estudos recentes da SEC, do IASB e do FASB, e na literatura sobre a crise, que evidenciam que, entre diversos fatores que podem ter levado o mundo a esta crise, a contabilidade a valor justo teve papel pouco relevante. Pelo contrário, ainda colaborou com um diagnóstico mais rápido. / The fair value accounting has been discussed since the middle of last century, however, it became stronger after recent publications of FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) and IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). More recently, in response to the global crisis of 2008, initially called as subprime crisis, SEC (Securities Exchange Commission), FASB and IASB have rediscussed a lot this measurement criterion, with the objective of detecting flaws that could have started off or worsened the crisis, and also explain how the fair value should be estimated in case of non-liquid markets or in the absence of an active market. This dissertation asks, from economy and financial market specialists point of view, if the fair value accounting had a decisive role in the explosion or in the aggravation of the global crisis. The first part of this job is developed primarily based on IASB and FASB pronouncements about fair value accounting, with the purpose of reviewing some concepts about measurement and, mainly, look for an understanding of the theory and applicability of an accounting based on market values. In the second part, different theories about crisis are studied, culminating in the subject fair value accounting and the global crisis. The empiric part of the job consists of interviews with great specialists in economy and financial market. The study is concluded based not only on the interviews, but also on the recent studies of SEC, IASB and FASB, and on the literature about crisis, that evidence that, among several factors that might have led the world to this crisis, the fair value accounting had a small relevant role. Instead, the fair value collaborated yet with a faster diagnosis.
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Propagação e combate à crise de liquidez bancária: o caso da minicrise de liquidez de 2004 / Propagation and combat of banking liquidity crisis: the case of the small crisis of 2004Carlos Ahmar 20 October 2006 (has links)
A intervenção no Banco Santos, em novembro de 2004, propiciou o surgimento de uma crise de liquidez em um segmento bem delimitado do mercado bancário brasileiro. O presente estudo procurou caracterizar e dimensionar o fenômeno com base em dados contábeis e informações publicamente disponíveis de 84 instituições do mercado. Utilizou-se a análise gráfica associada à análise de correlação para avaliar o comportamento dos saldos das contas Depósitos antes e após a intervenção. Como resultado, os bancos foram segregados em 5 grupos. O grupo que agregou os maiores bancos do mercado passou a ser o grupo de controle para a análise. A delimitação do grupo dos bancos, presumivelmente, contagiados (grupo de estudo) possibilitou avaliar a evolução dos resgates de depósitos e o papel das carteiras de crédito e de títulos como provedoras de liquidez. A análise realçou a importância dos depósitos compulsórios sobre depósitos a prazo como reserva de liquidez. Determinou-se também o volume de créditos cedidos ao longo do período. Concluiu-se que houve uma mudança no perfil das carteiras de crédito dos bancos afetados, com um aumento do percentual aprovisionado para risco de crédito, aproximando-o dos valores do grupo de controle, que utiliza critérios mais conservadores. Procurou-se, por fim, cotejar os eventos observados e as características do sistema financeiro brasileiro com o arcabouço teórico e empírico existente, principalmente em relação a dois aspectos: fundamentos que justificam o exercício da supervisão bancária e teoria das cascatas de informações analisada no âmbito das corridas bancárias. / The intervention on a small bank (banco Santos), in November 2004, has provoked a liquidity crisis on a specific segment of the Brazilian banking market. The objective of this case study has been to assess and characterize the phenomenon, based on balance sheet data and public information about 84 financial institutions of the market. Through graphical analysis associated with statistical correlation analysis, the behavior of the deposit account, before and after the intervention, was determined. As a result banks have been classified on five different groups. The group with the biggest banks was designed as the control group and banks that have showed loss of deposits and could have been, potentially, affected by a liquidity crisis were denominated as study group. The definition of the, presumable, contaminated group of banks has permitted to assess the evolution of deposits? withdraws as well as the role of the credit and security portfolios as providers of liquidity. The analysis has shown the importance of the reserve requirements over time deposits as a liquidity reservoir. It has also been determined the volume of credit transferred along the period of analysis. The conclusion is that the credit loss provision has augmented, getting closer to the values of the control group that uses more conservative provision standards. This study has also evaluated the observed events and the characteristics of the Brazilian financial system, with theoretical and experimental background, mainly focusing two aspects: fundaments that justify the exercise of banking supervision and the theory of information cascades on basis of the bank runs.
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Disciplina de mercado e as acumulações contábeis discricionárias / Discipline the market and the discretionary accruals accountingDarcio Alves Marcondes 22 December 2008 (has links)
Os depositantes, ao aplicarem seus recursos nos bancos, delegam a estes a função de monitoramento dos tomadores de empréstimos e, com isso, podem concentrar seus esforços em monitorar a instituição bancária. A disciplina de mercado ex-post é exercida na eventualidade de os bancos assumirem riscos excessivos, e de os depositantes, ao serem informados de tal fato, serem capazes de agir no sentido de disciplinar os bancos, seja pela requisição de taxas de juros mais elevadas, seja pelo saque de seus depósitos. A disciplina de mercado ex-ante é exercida sobre os gestores dos bancos que, conhecedores das conseqüências de assumirem riscos excessivos para suas instituições, preferem não tomar essa atitude. Um dos veículos de informação para o exercício do monitoramento, e subsídio para as ações de disciplinamento, são os demonstrativos contábeis divulgados periodicamente. A aplicação dos princípios contábeis faculta ao gestor o exercício da discricionariedade na apuração das acumulações contábeis, accruals. Essa possibilidade permite que a discricionariedade seja exercida de forma oportunística, prática conhecida genericamente na literatura contábil como manipulação contábil / gerenciamento de resultados, com o propósito de iludir o usuário da informação contábil e levar à obtenção de benefícios tanto para os bancos como pessoalmente para seus gestores. O objetivo desta tese foi verificar a existência de evidências empíricas de que as acumulações contábeis discricionárias influenciam o exercício da disciplina de mercado exercida pelos depositantes dos bancos brasileiros. O estudo efetuou a separação das acumulações contábeis não-discricionárias e discricionárias por meio da utilização das variáveis de despesas e saldo de provisão para créditos de liquidação duvidosa, saldo e sua variação das operações de crédito, saldo e sua variação das operações em atraso, operações registradas como prejuízo e, além disso, inova com a consideração do risco das operações de crédito por meio da utilização, como proxy do risco, da taxa de juros das operações de crédito. Utiliza modelos econométricos para avaliar a influência das acumulações contábeis discricionárias na disciplina de mercado, por meio da utilização das variáveis de taxa de juros e variação dos volumes de depósitos, índice de alavancagem, despesas de provisão para créditos de liquidação duvidosa, despesas de pessoal, razão das receitas de prestação de serviço e outras despesas administrativas, retorno dos ativos e seu desvio da média amostral e liquidez, além de variáveis de controle. Quanto à formulação teórica, recorreu-se, sob o aspecto econômico, à teoria do monitoramento delegado; sob o aspecto contábil, à abordagem positiva da contabilidade; e, por fim, sob o aspecto econométrico, ao método generalizado dos momentos sistêmico (GMM-sis). Obtiveram-se dados públicos e próprios do Banco Central do Brasil, relativos a 102 bancos, os quais foram tratados para contemplar os efeitos de escala das instituições por meio de normalizações pelos ativos totais e créditos totais, onde aplicável e, também, os efeitos inflacionários, por meio do deflacionamento pelo IPCA. Nos resultados obtidos, foram encontrados indícios da existência da prática de disciplina de mercado por parte dos depositantes, conforme estudos já realizados no Brasil. Também foram encontrados indícios de que a prática de manipulação contábil efetuada por meio das acumulações contábeis discricionárias tem influência no exercício da disciplina de mercado, no sentido de reduzir as taxas de juros negociadas entre os bancos e os depositantes, ocasionando transferência de renda dos depositantes para os bancos. Isso significa que os gestores dos bancos logram êxito ao manipularem os resultados contábeis, por meio da utilização das acumulações contábeis discricionárias, e iludem os depositantes ao obterem taxas de juros inferiores às que deveriam ser pagas. Isto sugere que o mercado não é eficiente para tratar as informações contábeis publicadas pelos bancos. / When the depositors invest their money in the banks they delegate the monitoring function of the borrowers to the bank and can concentrate their efforts in monitoring the banks. The market discipline ex-post occurs in the event of the bank taking excessive risks and, knowing that, the depositors can act in the sense of disciplining the banks by requiring greater interest rates or withdrawing their deposits. The market discipline ex-ante occurs when the bank managers, knowing the consequences of assuming excessive risks, decide not take them. One of the vehicles of information to exercise such monitoring, and subside the actions to discipline the banks, are the accounting reports periodically published. The use of the accounting principles allows the managers to calculate the accruals discretionary. This possibility facilitates the use of the discretionarity in an opportunistic way, known in the literature as accounting manipulation / earnings management, with the objective to mislead the user of accounting information and obtain benefits to the bank or to its managers. The objective of this study is to verify the existence of empirical evidence that the discretionary accruals influence the exercise of the market discipline practiced by the depositors of Brazilian banks. The study separates the accounting accruals non-discretionary and discretionary using the variables of allowance and provision for loan losses, outstanding loans and its changes, non-performing credits and its changes, and credit write-offs. Also, it innovates by considering the risks of credit operations through the use of the loans interest rate as credits risk proxy. It utilizes econometric models to evaluate the influence of the discretionary accruals in the market discipline, by using variables of the deposits interest rates and volume changes, leverage index, provision for loan losses, payroll expenses, the ratio services revenue and other administrative expenses, return on assets and its deviation from sample average and other control variables. The theoretical approach utilizes the theory of delegate monitoring in the economics aspects, the positive accounting approach in the accounting aspects, and the systemic generalized method of moments (GMM-sis) in the econometric aspects. Banco Central do Brasils public and private data on 102 banks was used and processed to contemplate institutions scale effects, which were normalized by dividing them by total assets or by total loans where applicable and, to contemplate the inflations aspects, by deflating the data by consumer price index, IPCA. And in fact it were found evidence in the results obtained that there is a depositors market discipline practice, confirming studies done in Brazil, and that the accounting manipulation, through discretionary accruals, influence the market discipline in the sense of lowering the interest rates negotiated between the banks and the depositors, and thus allowing a transfer of wealth between them. This means that the banks managers are successful in manipulating the accounting results through discretionary accruals and mislead the depositors, which get interest rates lower than should be paid. This suggests that the market is not efficient to process the banks published accounting information.
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Les défaillances bancaires / Bank FailuresHascoët, Damien 06 November 2018 (has links)
En 1850, la banque Lehman Brothers est créée. Cette institution est considérée comme l’une des banques les plus prestigieuses du secteur bancaire international jusqu’au 15 septembre 2008. De cette faillite, les uns se souviennent d’une comparaison avec le jeudi noir de 1929, les autres analysent les causes d’une défaillance systémique des établissements bancaires. Les crises bancaires sont des phénomènes économiques récurrents. Elles entrainent des vagues de licenciements, la perte d’une épargne, le retrait des investisseurs, le frein du développement des économies nationales.Gérer le risque de défaillance bancaire oblige à connaître les acteurs et le fonctionnement du système bancaire. A travers un prisme volontairement historique, le développement de la norme supervisant ce secteur économique est mis en évidence. Sans solution de prévention contre les faillites, la quête est vaine. Pour ce faire, la puissance publique contraint les établissements bancaires à adapter leurs structures aux opérations spéculatives et à se doter de fonds propres. Parallèlement, des solutions doivent limiter les conflits d’intérêts issus des rémunérations du risque financier et de l’interdépendance des banques et des agences de notation. Sans prévention des risques, un traitement proportionné est la seule solution aux défaillances. Cette finalité laisse supposer l’application d’une norme relevant du droit commun. En effet, une banque en faillite peut être liquidée. Néanmoins, les enjeux financiers et l’internationalisation des relations interbancaires contraignent les Etats à développer un traitement de résolution unique. Dérogeant aux normes de droit commun, le traitement des défaillances résulte de procédures extra-judiciaires spéciales. Elles mettent en place des dispositifs efficaces rétablissant la viabilité de l’entité économique, conservant la stabilité du système bancaire et garantissant l’épargne des clients. Cette analyse des défaillances bancaires menée par l’auteur vise à considérer un phénomène économique juridiquement encadré par un droit autonome et éviter la survenance du risque de défaut. / In 1850, Lehman Brothers was created. This institution is considered as one of the most prestigious banks of the international banking sector until September 15, 2008. Some people compared this bankruptcy with the Black Thursday of 1929 whereas the others analyse the causes of a bank institutions systemic failure. Bank crisis is a recurrent economic phenomenon. It leads to waves of redundancies, loss of savings, withdrawal of investors, and brake of national economies development.Managing the risk of a bank failure requires the knowledge of the players and the bank system functioning. Through a deliberate historical prism, the development of the standard overseeing this economic sector is highlighted. Without a solution of prevention against bankruptcy, the quest is futile. To do this, the public authorities force banks to adapt their structures to protect themselves from speculative operations and to acquire their own funds. At the same time, some solutions are to take into account to limit conflicts of interest arising from the financial risk remuneration and the interdependence of banks and rating agencies. In the absence of risk prevention, a treatment in proportion is the only solution to failures. This purpose suggests the application of a standard under common law. Indeed, a bankruptcy leads to liquidation. Nevertheless, the financial stakes and the internationalization of the interbank relations force the States to develop a single resolution treatment. In going against the ordinary law rules common law norms, the treatment of the bank failures results from special extra-judicial procedures. These procedures put in place effective mechanisms that restore the viability of the economic entity and contribute to maintain the stability of the bank system and to guarantee the savings of customers. This analysis of bank failures led by the author aims to consider an economic phenomenon legally governed by an autonomous law and to avoid the occurrence of the payment default risk.
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Ekonomická krize ve vybraných zemích EU: Španělsko a Irsko / The Economic Crisis in Specific EU Countries: Spain and IrelandPříhoda, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The thesis analyses and compares the economies of Spain and Ireland in the run up to and during the current economic and financial crisis. Firstly, the focus is on the pre-crisis period since the mid 90's, the causes and extent of the price bubble on the property markets, the caracter of lending boom and the indebtedness of the private sector. The end of the lending boom and conjuncture on the real estate markets in 2006-2007 had strong impact on real economy and the financial sector. Both countries currently pass through a three-level crisis: economic, banking and debt crisis. The aim of the thesis is to examine their causes, evolution and causal links. The paper also illustrates future perspectives of both countries in context of the membership in EMU and possible solutions to their current situation.
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Equacionamento das crises bancárias pós-1980: atuação dos Bancos Centrais e dos Tesouros em casos selecionados e comparação com o período 2007-2009Amora, Paulo Roberto Piccina 29 May 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-29 / This paper discusses some ideas and different opinions about recent systemic banking crises. The study builds a broad framework of this episodes pointing issues like the nature of banking crises; the actions and the economic policies put in place by governments to promote the settlement of the banking crises of Chile (in the 1980s) and Japan (in the 1990s); the pragmatic and static point of view of the International Monetary Fund about the recent banking crises / Este trabalho analisa e discute idéias e pontos de vista distintos em relação às crises bancárias sistêmicas recentes. O estudo elabora um quadro bem amplo dos episódios dessa natureza examinando questões como a natureza das crises bancárias; as ações e os mecanismos de intervenção econômica postos em prática pelos governos nacionais para promover o equacionamento das crises bancárias do Chile (na década de 1980) e do Japão (na década de 1990); a visão pragmática e tecnicista das crises bancárias recentes segundo os economistas do Fundo Monetário Internacional
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Intervenção estatal na resolução da crise bancária chilena nos anos 1980Fugulin, Paulo Jose Ache 23 May 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-23 / The strong growth of the Chilean economy in last the twenty years is related to the way the problems generated from the serious currency and financial crisis of 1981-84 were handled. The economic debate emphasized the responsible factors for the catastrophe, in special the unfortunate combination of the opening of the capital account, regulatory and institutional policies mistakes and deficiencies. Less attention was given to the management process and the overcoming of the crisis, based on the ample intervention of the public sector. The essay concentrates in the analysis of the state intervention towards the Chilean crisis, emphasizing its causes and discussing the instruments used and the incurred costs. It also sheds light on the conditions that had allowed the State s agility and the autonomy to distribute costs and concentrate losses, a process that differed from the stereotyped image of Chile as an omen of the Minimum State in Latin America / O vigoroso crescimento da economia chilena nos últimos vinte anos está ligado à forma como foram equacionados os problemas gerados pela grave crise cambial e financeira de 1981-84.
O debate econômico enfatizou os fatores responsáveis pela catástrofe, em especial a combinação nefasta entre ampla abertura da conta de capitais, equívocos de política econômica e deficiências regulatórias e institucionais. Menos atenção foi dada ao processo de gerenciamento e superação da crise, baseado na ampla intervenção do setor público.
O trabalho se concentra na análise da intervenção estatal na crise chilena, destacando suas causas e discutindo os instrumentos utilizados e os custos incorridos. Também se preocupa em apontar as condições que permitiram a agilidade e a autonomia do Estado para distribuir custos e concentrar perdas e favorecimentos, processo que diverge da imagem estereotipada do Chile como arauto do Estado-Mínimo na América Latina
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Nigerian Banking Governance, Leadership Style, and Performance During the 2008-2009 Financial CrisisAgbato, Adeola Oluwayemi 01 January 2016 (has links)
The 2008-2009 global financial crisis of financial systems negatively affected about 30% of Nigerian banks, leading to profitability issues. The profitability issues led to operational challenges, downsizing, and liquidation of some banks. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between corporate governance structure, perception of leadership style, and bank performance. This study was grounded in agency theory and used survey and archival data. Survey data were collected from 11 participants employed by commercial banks located in Nigeria, using the Multifaceted Leadership Questionnaire. Corporate governance and bank performance data were collected from annual bank reports. The model as a whole was not able to significantly predict bank performance, F(2,11,) = .361, p = .708, R2 = .083. There was no relationship between corporate governance structure, employees' perception of leadership style of bank leaders, and performance of banks. When corporate governance is practiced in organizations, it strengthens the structure of the banks. Implementation of corporate governance mechanisms serves as an internal control mechanism and reduces agency conflicts by aligning the interests of management with the interests of owners.The results of this study could be of interest to bank leaders who need to understand the relationship between corporate governance structure, employees' perception of leadership styles, and bank performance. In some previous studies, corporate governance structure and perception of leadership style were found to impact positively on bank performance. A qualitative study to ascertain why the relationship studied is not significant in correlation could be most useful as a benefit to stakeholder's understanding.
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Essai sur la crise de la zone euro / Essai sur la crise de la zone euroCheng, Jin 26 September 2014 (has links)
Depuis son éruption en septembre 2009, la crise de la zone euro a été au centre de l'attention des économistes et des décideurs politiques. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de développer des modèles théoriques pertinents afin d'analyser les facteurs à l'origine de la crise jumelle des banques et de la dette souveraine dans une union monétaire avec une architecture institutionnelle globalement similaire de l'Union économique et monétaire avant 2012. Tout en mettant l'accent sur la vulnérabilité financière, nous explorons la relation entre le secteur bancaire, l'économie réelle et le budget du gouvernement dans le contexte d 'une union monétaire. Cette thèse se compose de quatre modèles théoriques de la crise bancaire, avec le premier illustrant la crise financière qui avait éclaté en 2008 dans les petites économies européennes en dehors de l 'UEM et les trois modèles suivants élucidant la situation de crise dans la zone euro en2009 jusqu'en 2012. / In this Ph. D. thesis, we analyze the conditions for the emergence and the aggravation of the recent crisis in Europe from 2008 to 2012. The major objective of this Ph. D. thesis is to develop theoretical models which will be effective in investigating the twin banking and sovereign debt crises in a monetary union with a broadly similar institutional design to the EMU before 2012. Different from 'traditional' financial crisis models that shed light on the role of the central bank in crisis policy response, the models developed in this thesis investigate and underline the importance of fiscal crisis management. White accentuating financial vulnerability, we explore the relationship between the banking sector, the realeconomy and the public budget in the context of a monetary union. This thesis consists of four theoretical models of the banking crisis, with the first framework depicting the financial crisis which burst in 2008 in small European economies outside the EMU and the next three models elucidating the crisis situation in the Eurozone from early 2009 until August 2012.
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