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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Min förändrade kropp : Patienters kroppsuppfattning efter en fetmaoperation / My Changed Body : Patients' body image after bariatric surgery

Mohamed Saleban, Sainab, Osman, Fadumo January 2016 (has links)
I Sverige har frekvensen av fetma fördubblats sedan 1980-talet och fortsätter att öka. Individer med fetma tenderar att ha en negativ kroppsuppfattning i större utsträckning än normalviktiga personer. Patienters kroppsuppfattning efter fetmaoperation är komplex och är ett mindre utforskat område som behövs belysas. Syftet var att belysa vuxna patienters kroppsuppfattning efter en fetmaoperation. En allmän litteraturstudie genomfördes och tio vetenskapliga artiklar användes i resultatet. I resultatet framkom tre teman och fem kategorier. Följande teman var; Kroppsuppfattning relaterat till viktförlust, kroppsuppfattning relaterat till överflödig hud samt kroppsuppfattning relaterat till omgivningen. Kategorierna var; Den egna kroppen uppfattades positivt, den egna kroppen uppfattades negativt, överflödig hud uppfattades positivt och negativt, överflödig hud orsakade skamkänslor samt positiv och negativ verbal respons från omgivningen. Resultatet visar att fetmaoperationens påverkan på patienters kroppsuppfattning är individuell. Det behövs vidare forskning för att avgöra de bakomliggande orsakerna till att vissa patienter får en positiv kroppsuppfattning medan andra präglas av en negativ kroppsuppfattning postoperativt. Fortsatt forskning kan underlätta sjuksköterskor identifiering av patienters individuella behov i avsikt att utföra hälsofrämjande omvårdnadsåtgärder. / The incidence of obesity has doubled in Sweden since 1980 and is still increasing. Individuals with obesity tends to have more of a negative body image than individuals with normal weight status. The body image of patients that have undergone bariatric surgery is complex and has not sufficiently been researched, therefore clarification is needed. The aim was to illustrate an adult patient’s body image after a bariatric surgery. A litterature study was conducted and ten scientific articles were used as a basis for the results. Three themes and five categories emerged. The themes were; Body image related to weight loss, Body image related to excessive skin and Body image related to ones surrounding. The categories were; The own body was percieved positively, The own body was percieved negatively, Excessive skin was percieved positively and negatively, Excessive skin caused feelings of shame and Positive and Negative verbal response from ones surrounding. The result shows that bariatric surgery’s impact on the patient’s body image is individual. Further scientific research is needed to determine the underlying causes to why some patients’ acquires a positive body image and to why other patients’ acquires a negative body image. Further research can help nurses to identify the patients’ individual needs in order to implement health promoting nursing interventions.

Personers psykosociala upplevelser efter en överviktskirurgi : en litteraturstudie

Lund, Rebecca, Listam, Sophia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt är en folksjukdom som ökar globalt, vilket ökar risken för andra sjukdomar. Det finns flera olika operationsmetoder som genomförs för att hjälpa patienter att gå ner i vikt när det inte klarar av detta på egen hand. Efter operationen kan det uppstå konsekvenser som patienterna inte har räknat med. Det är därför viktigt som sjuksköterska att känna till dessa för att förbereda patienten. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva den vuxna personens psykosociala upplevelser efter en överviktskirurgi, samt vilka datainsamlingsmetoder som användes i de valda artiklarna. Metod: Studien utformades efter en deskriptiv design och sammanställdes från 13 vetenskapliga artiklar, med åtta kvantitativa och fem kvalitativa artiklar som hämtades från databasen PubMed. Artiklarna granskades av båda författarna och sedan sammanställdes. Huvudresultat: Studien visade att personer erfarar positiva upplevelser efter överviktskirurgin men även många negativa, som de inte hade räknat med. Deltagarna upplevde ett bättre psykiskt välbefinnande, de kände sig attraktiv och mer socialt accepterad i samhället, men de upplevde även negativa förändringar med kroppen som påverkade dem psykosocialt. Slutsats: Viktnedgången efter överviktskirurgin upplevdes både positivt och negativt. Personerna i studien visade ett beroende av omgivningens åsikter om deras utseende. Detta upplevdes som ett problem och skapade en sämre psykisk hälsa och hämmade personerna psykosocialt. / Background: Obesity is an endemic disease that increases globally, and it brings risk for other diseases. There are differently surgical methods implement to help patients to lose weight when they can't handle it by themselves. There are some complications that can arise after the surgery that the patients have not seen before surgery, that's why it is important for the nurse to give the patients information before they decide to go through with the surgery. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe adult’s psychosocial experiences after gastric bypass and find the data collection methods that was used in the selected articles. Method: The study was formed after a descriptive design and compiled by 13 scientific articles, eight quantitative and five qualitative articles retrieved from the database PubMed. The articles have been reviewed by the two authors and then compiled. Main Results: The study showed that people felt positive experience after the obesity surgery but many had negative experience, that they did not expect. The participants experienced improved mental wellbeing and felt attractive again and they felt more socially accepted in the society. They also felt negative changes with the new body that affects them psychosocial. Conclusion: Weight loss after an obesity surgery experienced in both positive and negative ways. People in this study was dependent of what other people thought about their body image. These experiences was a problem and it creates an even worse mental health and it inhibits people psychosocially.

En sista utväg? - Gastric bypass och psykisk hälsa

Bergman, Björn, Bucht, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt och fetma är ett folkhälsoproblem i Sverige och har ökat kraftigt de senaste decennierna. Fetmakirurgi i allmänhet och gastric bypass (GBP) i synnerhet är effektiva sätt att gå ner i vikt när traditionella metoder inte hjälper. Det är väl känt att den fysiska dimensionen av livskvaliteten förbättras efter operationen men den psykiska dimensionen är mer oklar. Syfte: Att undersöka hur den psykiska hälsan påverkas hos vuxna personer som genomgått GBP. Metod: En litteraturöversikt gjordes efter sökningar i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. 14 artiklar med kvalitativ eller kvantitativ design valdes ut. Resultat: Hälften av artiklarna visade på minskad depression och ångest efter operationen. Samtliga artiklar som undersökte självmord och självskadebeteende hittade en ökning postoperativt. Två av sju artiklar visade på förbättringar i Mental Component Summary (MCS) enligt frågeformuläret SF-36 efter operationen. För mental hälsa visade fem artiklar statistiskt signifikanta förbättringar efter operationen. Alla kvalitativa artiklar visade på en stor förändring i det dagliga livet efter operationen. Förändringen kunde uttrycka sig både positivt och negativt. Till exempel kunde de positiva upplevelserna vara en känsla av ett nytt liv. De negativa upplevelserna som kunde förekomma var överskottshud, dumping-syndrom samt diskrepans i kroppsuppfattningen. Slutsats: Sammanfattningsvis har detta arbete kommit fram till att det saknas ett entydigt svar på hur den psykiska hälsan påverkas av GBP. / Background: Obesity is a public health issue that has been increasing in Sweden the last few decades. Bariatric surgery and gastric bypass (GBP) in particular are effective in achieving weight loss and is growing in numbers. It is well known that gastric bypass has a positive influence on the physical domain of the quality of life. However, the effect that gastric bypass has on the mental health remains uncertain. Aim: To investigate how the mental health is affected in adults that undergo GBP. Method: A literature review was made after searches in databases PubMed and CINAHL. 14 articles with qualitative and quantitative design were chosen. Results: Half of the articles showed a decrease in depression and anxiety after surgery. All of the articles investigating suicide and self-harm found a postoperative increase. Two out of seven articles showed improvement in the Mental Component Summary (MCS) according to the questionnaire SF-36 after surgery. As for mental health, five out of six articles showed a significant improvement after surgery. All of the qualitative data proved great differences in daily life. These changes were both positive and negative, where the positive changes were a feeling of a new life. The negative changes were excess skin folds, dumping syndrome and a discrepancy in body image.  Conclusions: In conclusion, this essay states that there is no substantial evidence on how mental health is affected by GBP.

Patienters upplevelser efter en överviktsoperation

Fridman, Jane January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Överviktsoperationer ökar i stadig takt med att övervikt och fetma ökar. Samtidigt beskriver patienterna upplevelser av en stigmatiserad  livsvärld som påverkar deras självbild och självidentitet. Patienterna erbjuds olika behandlingsmetoder som kost, fysisk aktivitet och förändrade  beteendemönster. Men den slutliga behandlingsformen blir ofta kirurgisk metod som innebär att minska magsäcken med målet att reducera vikt och ge patienterna möjlighet till en god livsstil.                  Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser efter en överviktsoperation. Metod: En litteraturstudie med nio kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Resultatet framkom som tre kategorier som belyser patienters upplevelser efter en överviktsoperation: Förändrade känslor till kroppen, Förändrat ätbeteende, Sociala reaktioner och förändringar. Slutsats: Eftersom upplevelserna av överviktsopererade patienters livsstilsförändring är varierande, är stöd och hjälp av vårdpersonal ett behov som behöver utvecklas.

Treinamento físico como tratamento para atenuar a perda óssea em mulheres submetidas à derivação gástrica em Y de Roux: um estudo clínico randomizado / Exercise training as a treatment to attenuate bone loss in women underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a randomized controlled trial

Murai, Igor Hisashi 05 June 2019 (has links)
A cirurgia bariátrica é o tratamento de primeira escolha para a obesidade mórbida, uma vez que o tratamento clínico convencional apresenta baixa eficácia em produzir uma perda de peso significativa e, consequentemente, melhorar as comorbidades associadas à essa condição clínica. Contudo, estudos demonstram uma perda óssea relevante induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica, a qual pode aumentar o risco de fraturas em longo prazo. Diante disso, este estudo clínico randomizado teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos do treinamento físico sobre a saúde óssea em mulheres submetidas à cirurgia bariátrica pela técnica de derivação gástrica em Y de Roux. Antes da intervenção cirúrgica, as pacientes realizaram avaliações de diversos parâmetros ósseos e capacidade física, e foram alocadas aleatoriamente nos grupos treinamento físico (RYGB+TF) ou tratamento convencional (RYGB). Três meses após a cirurgia, ambos os grupos foram reavaliados e iniciaram os tratamentos com duração de 6 meses. Nove meses após o início do estudo, as pacientes efetuaram novamente todas as avaliações. Os resultados demonstram que a cirurgia bariátrica reduziu significantemente o peso corporal, IMC, porcentagem de gordura, tecido adiposo visceral e massa magra (P<0,001 para todas as variáveis) em ambos os grupos. O procedimento cirúrgico induziu uma perda significante na densidade mineral óssea areal (aDMO) do fêmur total, colo de fêmur, rádio distal e corpo total nos dois grupos (P<0,001 para todos os parâmetros). Constatou-se aumentos significantes dos marcadores de remodelação óssea CTX e P1NP, bem como das proteínas esclerostina e osteopontina (P<0,05 para todos os marcadores) após a intervenção cirúrgica nos grupos RYGB e RYGB+TF. A cirurgia acarretou efeitos deletérios sobre alguns parâmetros da microarquitetura do rádio distal das pacientes, tais como a redução na espessura cortical (Ct.Th) (P=0,001) e o aumento da porosidade cortical (Ct.Po) (P=0,009). A capacidade física e funcionalidade de ambos os grupos foram negativamente afetadas pela cirurgia (P<0,001 para todas as variáveis). De modo importante, o treinamento físico mitigou a redução percentual da aDMO do fêmur total (P=0,009), colo de fêmur (P=0,007), rádio distal (P=0,038) e massa magra (P=0,048) em comparação ao tratamento convencional. Atenuações significantes ocasionadas pelo treinamento físico foram observadas para o CTX (P=0,002), P1NP (P=0,024) e esclerostina (P=0,046). O grupo RYGB+TF experimentou uma menor redução percentual da densidade mineral óssea volumétrica cortical (Ct.vDMO) do rádio distal em comparação ao grupo RYGB (P=0,024). As pacientes expostas ao treinamento físico melhoraram significantemente a força muscular de membros superiores (P=0,002) e inferiores (P<0,001), bem como desempenharam melhor os testes funcionais de Sentar e Levantar (P<0,001) e Timed Up and Go (P=0,007) em relação às pacientes que receberam o tratamento convencional. Diante desses achados, concluímos que o treinamento físico supervisionado com duração de 6 meses foi eficaz em atenuar a redução induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica dos parâmetros relacionados à saúde óssea de mulheres, bem como melhorar a capacidade física e funcionalidade desta população / Bariatric surgery is the treatment of choice for morbid obesity, since conventional treatment yields low efficacy in producing a significant weight loss and, consequently, improves obesity-related comorbidities. Nevertheless, some studies demonstrate a bariatric surgeryinduced bone loss, which may increase the long-term risk of fractures. In light of this, the aim of this randomized controlled trial was to investigate the effects of exercise training on bone health in women underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Before surgical intervention, bone parameters and physical capacity were assessed, and patients were randomly assigned into bariatric surgery plus exercise training group (RYGB+TF) or bariatric surgery (RYGB). Three months after surgery, both groups were re-assessed and underwent a 6-month exercise training program or standard of care. Nine months after surgery, patients were re-evaluated. As a result of surgery, body weight, BMI, fat percentage, visceral adipose tissue, and lean mass significantly decreased in both groups (P<0.001 for all variables). Bariatric surgery induced a significant areal bone mineral density (aBMD) loss at the total hip, femoral neck, distal radius, and whole body in both groups (P<0.001 for all sites). Bone turnover markers (i.e. CTX and P1NP), as well as sclerostin and osteopontin significantly increased after surgery in RYGB and RYGB+TF (P<0.05 for all markers). After the surgery, cortical thickness was significantly reduced in both groups (P=0.001). At the same site, cortical porosity was significantly increased after surgical procedure (P=0.009). Physical and functional capacity were negatively affected by surgery in both groups (P<0.001 for all variables). Importantly, exercise training significantly mitigated percent loss of aBMD at the total hip (P=0.009), femoral neck (P=0.007), distal radius (P=0.038), and lean mass (P=0.048) compared to standard of care. Exercise also attenuated CTX (P=0.002), P1NP (P=0.024), and sclerostin (P=0.046). A significantly reduced percent loss in cortical volumetric bone mineral density (Ct.vBMD) at the distal radius was observed in RYGB+TF group compared to RYGB (P=0.024). Patients underwent exercise training significantly improved upper-limb muscular strength (P=0.002), lower-limb muscular strength (P<0.001), as well as Sit-to-Stand test (P<0.001) and Timed Up and Go test (P=0.007) compared to individuals who received standard of care. Thus, we conclude that a 6-month, supervised exercise training program was capable of attenuating bariatric surgery-induced bone loss, as well as improves physical and functional capacity in women

Genetické pozadí obezity a její léčba bariatrickou chirurgií / The genetic background of obesity and its treatment with bariatric surgery

Lischková, Olga January 2016 (has links)
Obesity is a frequent metabolic disease that causes many other health and socioeconomic complications. Obesity arises due to excessive energy intake and decrease in energy expenditure, which is a conseqence of contemporary lifestyle. Moreover, obesity has a strong genetic component. Common obesity is polygenic, multifactorial disease, in which individual genes interact with each other and with environmental factors. Genome-wide association studies, conducted between 2006-09, led to the discovery of dozens of gene loci that predispose individuals to obesity. The strongest signals were registered for polymorphisms in FTO (fat mass and obesity-associated) and near a gene MC4R (melanocortin 4 receptor). However, the contributions of these variations on the phenotype of obesity are very small, therefore, it is necessary to validate the results of such robust studies. It is very important to uncover the effects of genetic variants for understanding the molecular mechanisms of energy metabolism. The studies presented in this thesis refer about the impact of polymorphisms in selected genes on anthropometric and metabolic parameters of the patients of the Institute of Endocrinology and of healthy volunteers who underwent functional tests. Our cohort includes a representative sample of Czech children (COPAT...

Avaliação neuropsicológica de pacientes obesos pré e pós cirurgia bariátrica / Neuropsychological evaluation of obese patients before and after bariatric surgery

Meghelli, Bruna Lopes 05 April 2019 (has links)
Observa-se um desempenho cognitivo abaixo da média na população obesa. A cirurgia bariátrica e a consequente perda de tecido adiposo parecem ter efeitos positivos sobre o funcionamento cognitivo. Objetivo: Avaliar o desempenho cognitivo e o estado nutricional do paciente pré e pós cirurgia bariátrica Metodologia: Foram incluídos 22 pacientes do ambulatório de Cirurgia Bariátrica do HCFMRP-USP, que foram submetidos à avaliação neuropsicológica composta de testes psicológicos de atenção, memória e velocidade de processamento de informação em dois momentos: período pré-cirúrgico (1 a 2 dias antes da cirurgia bariátrica) e pós cirúrgico (de 6 a 12 meses). A avaliação do estado nutricional foi feita a partir de exames coletados rotineiramente pela equipe, em períodos pré e pós-cirúrgico. Os dados obtidos foram comparados entre os períodos pré e pós e analisados estatisticamente. Resultados: A perda de excesso de tecido adiposo e a melhora no estado nutricional do paciente foi acompanhada de uma melhora no desempenho cognitivo. Observouse melhora no desempenho da atenção para o cartão 2 do teste Stroop e da velocidade de processamento para os subtestes Códigos e Procurando Símbolos no teste WAIS. Houve redução de ferritina, gama GT, ácido úrico, proteínas totais e triglicérideos e aumento de ácido fólico sérico, volume corpuscular médio, HDL. Conclusão: Este estudo sugere que a cirurgia bariátrica tem como efeito a melhora no desempenho cognitivo. Observam-se alguns indícios de que a diminuição dos marcadores de processo inflamatório pode estar correlacionada com a melhora cognitiva dos pacientes. A melhora do desempenho, no entanto, não foi suficiente para atingir a média da população. O estado nutricional, apesar de ter sofrido alterações, foi considerado estável clinicamente / It was observed that the obese population is more likely to present cognitive impairment. Bariatric surgery and its consequently lost of adipose tissue seems like to have positive effects in cognitive performance. Objective: Evaluate the patient´s cognitive performance and his nutritional aspects before and after bariatric surgery. Methodology: 22 patients from Bariatric Surgery Service HCFMRP-SP were included. The neuropsychological evaluation was composed by psychological tests (attention, memory and information processing), and it was applied in two moments: preoperative (1-2 days before surgery) and pos surgery (6-12 months). The exams for the nutritional assessment were collected before and after bariatric surgery. The data were compared and analyzed. Results: Cognitive improvment in attention was observed in card 2 Stroop test and in information processing in the subtests Coding and Simbol Searching, from WAIS test. There was a reduction in ferritin, GT Gama, uric acid, total proteins and triglycerides and increase in serum folic acid, mean corpuscular volume, HDL. Conclusão: Bariatric surgery improve cognitive performance. Increase in inflamatory markers may be relates with cognitve improvment. However, the group did\'nt reach médium average after bariatri surgery. The group was considered clinically stable for the nutritional changes

Approche psychologique de la résilience chez les personnes en situation d’obésité sévère candidates à une chirurgie bariatrique : étude des effets d’une prise en charge multidisciplinaire avant chirurgie / Psychological approach to resilience among people with severe obesity seeking bariatric surgery : effect study of a multidisciplinary care before surgery

Mathieu, Joris 21 September 2018 (has links)
Les candidats à la chirurgie bariatrique ont une trajectoire biopsychosociale singulière : obésité très sévère ou compliquée, psychopathologies fréquentes et histoires de vie difficiles et traumatiques. Considérant le traitement médical comme un échec, ils voient la chirurgie comme l’ultime solution. Le concept de résilience permet d’aborder la fragilité psychique et sociale de ces personnes. Les objectifs principaux de l’étude visent à mieux cerner leurs fonctionnements psychiques et à identifier leurs évolutions au cours d’un parcours de préparation à la chirurgie bariatrique, selon une approche semi-quantitative d’inspiration psychodynamique. Deux cents sujets candidats à la chirurgie bariatrique (153 femmes et 47 hommes ; âge : 43,5 ± 11,74 ans ; IMC : 45,54 ± 7,19 kg/m²) ont été recrutés au début de leurs parcours de préparation au CHRU de Nancy. Ce parcours qui dure un an est basé sur un abord cognitivo-comportemental et propose des ateliers collectifs d’éducation thérapeutique.Trois méthodologies ont été utilisées au début et à la fin de ce parcours pour explorer les différentes dimensions de la résilience dans le contexte de l’obésité sévère : des entretiens cliniques de recherche, des données projectives (102 protocoles Rorschach) et des auto-questionnaires permettant d’apprécier la qualité de vie (EQVOD et SF-36), les Troubles des Conduites Alimentaires (TCA) (DEBQ et BES), les psychopathologies (HAD et MINI), les mécanismes de coping (Briefcope), l’alexithymie (TAS), et la résilience (RSA). Le processus de résilience est inexistant en début de parcours. Les résultats indiquent que les sujets présentent une faible qualité de vie ainsi que de nombreuses psychopathologies : compulsions alimentaires (62,89 %, dont 56,6 % de Binge Eating Disorder (BED)), dépressions (15 %), anxiétés (34,5 %) ou encore addictions (29,5 %). Un nombre important d’événements de vie difficiles et traumatiques est relevé : 86 % des sujets ont un vécu polytraumatique remontant majoritairement à l’enfance et l’adolescence. Les réponses paradoxales données par certains sujets aux auto-questionnaires permettent de les classer selon un profil comportemental dit "discordant" (sous-évaluation du binge eating à la BES et surévaluation de la résilience à la RSA) qui se caractérise par un défaut de mentalisation relevé à l’entretien clinique et au Rorschach. Une nette amélioration de l’ensemble des indicateurs est constatée à la fin du parcours. La qualité de vie des sujets, notamment psychique, augmente. La prévalence des psychopathologies, elle, diminue fortement, avec des réductions significatives des TCA en termes de fréquence (64,78 %) et d’intensité (13,21 % avec forte compulsivité), des dépressions (3,14 %), de l’anxiété (8,18 %) et des comportements addictifs (13,84 %). Enfin, les difficultés de mentalisation ont régressé, bien que la majorité des sujets présente toujours une absence de processus résilient juste avant la chirurgie. Les sujets présentant un profil "concordant" d’après les auto-questionnaires, connaissent une amélioration significativement plus importante à la plupart des indicateurs, par rapport aux sujets "discordants" / Candidates for bariatric surgery have a singular biopsychosocial trajectory: very severe or complicated obesity, frequent psychopathologies and difficult and traumatic life histories. Considering medical treatment as a failure, they see surgery as the ultimate solution. Resilience’s concept enables to come closer the psychic and social fragility of these people. The main objectives of the study are to pinpoint their psychic functioning and to identify their evolution during a healthcare pathway of preparation for bariatric surgery, using a semi-quantitative approach of psychodynamic inspiration. Two hundred subjects who are candidates for bariatric surgery (153 women and 47 men, age: 43.5 ± 11.74 years, BMI: 45.54 ± 7.19 kg/m2) were recruited at the beginning of their healthcare pathway of preparation at CHRU of Nancy. This one-year circuit is based on a cognitive-behavioral access and offers collective therapeutic education working group.Three methodologies were used at the beginning and end of this circuit in order to explore the different dimensions of resilience in severe obesity context: clinical research interviews, projective data (102 Rorschach protocols) and self-questionnaires enabling the quality of life (EQVOD and SF-36), eating disorders (ED) (DEBQ and BES), psychopathologies (HAD and MINI), coping mechanisms (Briefcope), alexithymia (TAS), and resilience (RSA) to be assessed.The resilience process is nonexistent at the beginning of the circuit. Results indicate that the subjects have a poor quality of life as well as many psychopathologies: food compulsions (62.89%, including 56.6% of Binge Eating Disorder (BED)), depressions (15%), anxieties (34, 5%) or addictions (29.5%). A significant number of difficult and traumatic life events is noted: 86% of the subjects have polytraumatic past life experiences mostly going back to childhood and adolescence periods.Paradoxical responses given by some subjects at self-questionnaires authorize them to be classified according to a behavioral profile known as "discordant" (underestimate of binge eating at BES and overvaluation of resilience at RSA) which is characterized by a deficit of mentalization identified at the clinical interview and at Rorschach.A clear improvement of all these indicators is certified at the end of this circuit. The quality of life of subjects, especially psychic, increase. The prevalence of psychopathologies, it, strongly decreases, with significant reductions in eating behavior disorders in terms of frequency (64.78%) and intensity (13.21% with sizable compulsivity), depressions (3.14%), anxiety (8.18%) and addictive behaviors (13.84%). Lastly, mentalization’s difficulties decreased, although the majority of subjects still have an absence of resilient process just before surgery. Subjects with a "consistent" profile according to the self-questionnaires, know a significant improvement in the majority of indicators, compared to "discordant" subjects

Avaliação de aspectos da resposta imune de pacientes com obesidade grau III antes e após cirurgia bariátrica / Evaluation of aspects of immune response of patients with grade III obesity after bariatric surgery

Moraes, Cristiane Martins Moulin de 28 November 2008 (has links)
Embora a obesidade esteja associada à disfunção imune, com incidência aumentada de infecções e alguns tipos de cânceres, há poucos estudos que avaliaram parâmetros imunológicos em pacientes obesos graves. Além disso, há um número limitado de trabalhos analisando o efeito da perda de peso sobre parâmetros imunológicos na obesidade grave. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência da perda de peso de pacientes com obesidade grau III submetidos à cirurgia de derivação gastrojejunal em Y de Roux (DGJYR) em parâmetros imunológicos. A produção de citocinas associadas com a resposta imune adquirida (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 e IFN-) e inata (TNF- e IL-6) por células mononucleares de sangue periférico (PBMC), o perfil das populações de linfócitos e a atividade citotóxica de células natural killer (NK), além de citocinas associadas a sua função e desenvolvimento (IL-12 e IL-18), foram avaliados em vinte e oito pacientes não diabéticos, sedentários, com obesidade grau III (20 mulheres e 8 homens, com média de idade de 39,9 ± 10,9 anos e IMC de 49,5 ± 7,1kg/m2) no pré-operatório e 6 meses após a cirurgia. As PBMC foram estimuladas com o mitógeno fitohemaglutinina (PHA) e as citocinas produzidas foram quantificadas por ELISA. O perfil das populações de linfócitos foi avaliado por citometria de fluxo. A citotoxicidade mediada por células NK foi determinada pelo ensaio de liberação de LDH por células alvo K562. A perda de peso foi de 35,3 ± 4,5 kg, com uma significativa redução no IMC seis meses após a cirurgia (-12,9 ± 0,9 kg/m2, p< 0,001). Nenhuma das populações de linfócitos analisadas apresentou modificação no 6º mês após a cirurgia. Observou-se aumento significativo da proliferação de linfócitos seis meses após a cirurgia (p= 0,0026). Houve aumento pósoperatório nas concentrações de IFN-, IL-12 e IL-18 produzidas por PBMC após estímulo com PHA, enquanto a IL-2 apresentou uma tendência ao aumento (p= 0,07). As demais citocinas não apresentaram variação significativa. A atividade citotóxica das células NK aumentou seis meses após a cirurgia [17,1 ± 14,7% no pré vs 51,8 ± 11,3% 6 meses pósoperatório, na proporção 40:1 (célula NK:célula alvo); p< 0,001], mostrando recuperação quando se compara aos valores obtidos em indivíduos controle, pareados por idade e sexo, de peso normal [proporção 40:1 (célula NK:célula alvo) de 45,4 ± 7,8%]. Houve aumento de atividade citotóxica em todos os pontos da curva no pós-operatório em cerca de 79% da amostra (22 pacientes). Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a perda de peso induzida por DGJYR aumenta a produção de algumas citocinas relacionadas com a função das células NK e melhora a sua atividade citotóxica. As alterações na função de células NK e do nível de citocinas envolvidas com a atividade destas células podem explicar a propensão ao desenvolvimento de infecções e cânceres associados com a obesidade. Os dados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que a cirurgia bariátrica pode ter impacto positivo sobre estes fatores. / Although obesity is related to immune dysfunction, with a higher incidence of infections and some types of cancer, few studies have evaluated immunological parameters in severely obese patients. Moreover, a limited set of studies have analyzed the effect of weight loss in immunological parameters in severely obese patients. Thus, the objective of this thesis was to evaluate the influence of weight loss induced by Roux en-Y gastric bypass in patients with grade III obesity in immunological parameters. The production of cytokines associated with acquired (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-) and innate (TNF- e IL-6) immune responses from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), the profile of lymphocytes populations and the cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells (NK), besides cytokines related with NK cell cytotoxic function and development (IL-12 e IL-18), were analyzed in 28 non-diabetic and sedentary patients with grade III obesity (20 women and 8 men, 39,9 ± 10,9 years and BMI 49,5 ± 7,1 kg/m2) before and 6 months after RYGB. PBMCs were stimulated with the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and cytokines were measure by ELISA. The profile of lymphocytes populations was evaluated by flow cytometry. NK cell cytotoxicity was determined by the lactate dehydrogenase release assay from K562 lysed target cells. The weight loss 6 months after surgery was 35.3±4.5 kg and there was a significant post-surgical decrease in BMI at this point (-12.9±0.9 kg/m2, p<0.001). No significant differences were found in the lymphocytes populations after surgery. It was observed a significant increase in the lymphocytes proliferation six months after surgery (p= 0.0026). There was also a post-surgical increase in the production of IFN-, IL-12 e IL-18 from PBMC stimulated with PHA, while there was a trend towards the increase of the IL-2 production (p=0.07). The other cytokines analyzed were not altered. Cytotoxic activity of NK cells was significantly enhanced 6 months after RYGB [17.1±14.7% before RYGB vs 51.8±11.3% at 6 months after, at effector to target cell (NK cell:K562 cell) ratio 40:1; p<0.001], and it was in the same range when compared to data obtained from controls with normal BMI matched for age and gender (45,4 ± 7,8% at NK cell:K562 cell ratio 40:1). There was a significant post-surgical improvement in all points of the cytotoxic activity curve in almost 79% of the sample (22 patients). In conclusion, the data obtained show that the weight loss induced by RYGB increases the production of cytokines related with NK cell cytotoxic function and improves its activity. The impairment in NK cells cytotoxic activity and cytokines observed in patients with severe obesity may explain their propensity to develop infections and cancer. Our data suggests that the weight loss induced by bariatric surgery can positively impact these factors.

Perfil de aminoácidos livres no plasma de mulheres submetidas à cirurgia bariátrica / Plasma free amino acids profiling of patients undergoing bariatric surgery

Ferreira, Carolina Nicoletti 13 April 2012 (has links)
Devido às modificações na anatomia e fisiologia do trato gastrointestinal decorrente do procedimento cirúrgico, o pós-operatório da cirurgia bariátrica é acompanhado de significativa perda de peso e melhoras das comorbidades associadas à obesidade, entretanto, também é observado presença de deficiências vitamínico-minerais e de intolerâncias alimentares, principalmente a alimentos fontes de proteína. Por outro lado, os exames bioquímicos de proteína total e albumina não mostram alterações, e é baixa a presença de hipoalbuminemia relatada pela literatura. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil proteico de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica pela dosagem dos aminoácidos livres no plasma. Foi realizada avaliação nutricional incluindo antropometria (peso, estatura, circunferência abdominal, cálculo do índice de massa corporal) e composição corporal (bioimpedância elétrica), avaliação da ingestão alimentar (recordatório de 24 horas), dosagens das concentrações séricas de proteína total e albumina e das concentrações plasmáticas de aminoácidos (pelo método de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência) em 30 mulheres obesas antes e após 3, 6 e 12 meses da cirurgia bariátrica pela técnica de derivação gástrica em Y de Roux. Observou-se redução do peso durante todo o estudo, a maior perda ocorreu no primeiro trimestre no qual também se observou perda de massa magra. Houve redução da ingestão proteica no período pós-operatório, a qual se manteve abaixo dos valores recomendados (<0,8 g/kg/dia). Houve redução das concentrações de proteína total e albumina após 12 meses, entretanto os valores continuaram dentro da normalidade. O perfil aminoacídico mostrou aumento nas concentrações da maioria dos aminoácidos após 3 meses da cirurgia. Após 6 meses da cirurgia, houve redução das concentrações que se manteve até os 12 meses. No final do estudo foi observado que a maior parte dos pacientes apresentou deficiência para a maioria dos aminoácidos, principalmente para os essenciais. A dieta hipocalórica e hipoproteica do pós-operatório, acompanhada da rápida perda de peso inicial, pode promover o catabolismo da musculatura esquelética, aumentando os níveis de aminoácidos circulantes, objetivando suprir a síntese proteica hepática e a gliconeogênese. Assim, observa-se que dosagens de proteína total e albumina são questionáveis na avaliação do perfil proteico de pacientes pós cirurgia bariátrica, visto que, apesar dos valores de normalidade, há uma modificação do perfil de aminoácidos livres no plasma, caracterizado por deficiência para a maioria destes após 12 meses de cirurgia / Due to changes in the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract resulting from the surgical procedure, the postoperative period of bariatric surgery is accompanied by a significant weight loss and by improvement of the comorbidities associated with obesity. However, vitamin-mineral deficiencies and food intolerance are also observed, especially regarding foods that are protein sources. On the other hand, biochemical tests for total protein and albumin do not show any changes, and the presence of hypoalbuminemia reported in the literature is low. Thus, the objective of the present study was to assess the patients protein profile submitted to bariatric surgery by measuring free amino acids in plasma. 30 obese women before and 3, 6 and 12 months after bariatric surgery by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass were submitted to nutritional evaluation including anthropometry (weight, height, abdominal circumference, and body mass index calculation) and body composition (bioelectrical impedance), food intake evaluation (24-hour food recall), total protein and albumin serum concentrations and plasma amino acid concentrations by HPLC. Weight reduction was observed throughout the study, with the greatest loss occurring during the first trimester, when a loss of lean mass was also observed. There was a protein reduction intake during the postoperative period, which remained below recommended values (<0.8 g/kg/day). After 12 months, total protein and albumin concentrations were reduced, although their values were still within normal limits. The amino acid profile showed an increase in the concentrations of most amino acids by 3 months after surgery, whereas by 6 months there was a reduction of their concentrations which persisted up to 12 months. At the end of the study, most patients presented deficiencies of most amino acids, especially the essential ones. The low-calorie and low-protein postoperative diet, accompanied by the rapid early weight loss, may promote catabolism of skeletal muscles, increasing the levels of circulating amino acids in order to provide hepatic protein synthesis and neoglucogenesis. Thus, it can be seen that total protein and albumin measurements are questionable for the evaluation of the protein profile of patients after bariatric surgery because, despite normal values, there is a modification of the free amino acid profile in plasma, characterized by deficiency of most of them 12 months after surgery

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