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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Selected List of Music for Solo Clarinet and Clarinet with Piano by Taiwanese Female Composers Composed between 1986 and 2015: The Investigation of a Neglected Repertory with an Annotated Bibliography

Wang, Yi-Wen 05 1900 (has links)
Clarinet works by Taiwanese female composers are not well researched or catalogued, and to date, and no comprehensive research codifies this subcategory in Taiwan or elsewhere. A comprehensive research and bibliography is necessary to the international community. It is hoped that through this annotated bibliography, readers will gain a deeper understanding of this genre. This study contains a brief history of Taiwan's Western music history, the female composers' history in Taiwan, and literature review. A total of twenty compositions by eighteen different Taiwanese female composers are discussed in the annotated bibliography, including thirteen for unaccompanied clarinet and seven for clarinet and piano. Information includes a brief biography of the composer, the date of composition, duration, premiere, dedication, commission, location of the score, difficulty and commentary on the piece.

French royal acts printed before 1601

Kim, Lauren J. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is a study of royal acts printed in French before 1601. The kingdom of France is a natural place to begin a study of royal acts. It possessed one of the oldest judicial systems in Europe, which had been established during the reign of St Louis (1226-1270). By the sixteenth century, French kings were able to issue royal acts without any concern as to the distribution of their decrees. In addition, France was one of the leading printing centres in Europe. This research provides the first detailed analysis of this neglected category of texts, and examines the acts’ significance in French legal, political and printing culture. The analysis of royal acts reveals three key historical practices regarding the role of printing in judiciary matters and public affairs. The first is how the French crown communicated to the public. Chapters one and two discuss the royal process of dissemination of edicts and the language of royal acts. The second is how printers and publishers manoeuvred between the large number of royal promulgations and public demand. An overview of the printing industry of royal acts is provided in chapter three and the printers of these official documents are covered in chapter four. The study of royal acts also indicates which edicts were published frequently. The last two chapters examine the content of royal decrees and discuss the most reprinted acts. Chapter five explores the period before 1561 and the final chapter discusses the last forty years of the century. An appendix of all royal acts printed before 1601, which is the basis of my research for this study, is included. It is the first comprehensive catalogue of its kind and contains nearly six thousand entries of surviving royal acts printed before 1601.

Мисао Николаја Тимченка о српској књижевности 20. века / Misao Nikolaja Timčenka o srpskoj književnosti 20. veka / “Nikolai Timchenko’s thought on Serbian literatureof the 20th century

Bedov Dragana 05 July 2016 (has links)
<p>У раду је представљен најзначајнији део<br />књижевног опуса Николаја Тимченка,<br />књижевног историчара и критичара, есејисте<br />и филозофа и указано је на вредност,<br />домете и актуелност његове мисли о српској<br />књижевности 20. века.</p> / <p>U radu je predstavljen najznačajniji deo<br />književnog opusa Nikolaja Timčenka,<br />književnog istoričara i kritičara, esejiste<br />i filozofa i ukazano je na vrednost,<br />domete i aktuelnost njegove misli o srpskoj<br />književnosti 20. veka.</p> / <p>The work presents the most important part of<br />the literary opus of Nikolai Timchenko, literary<br />historian and critic, essayist and philosopher,<br />and points to the value, reach and actuality of his<br />thought on Serbian literature of the 20th century.</p>

Imprenta y prácticas poéticas en la sociedad cordobesa del Bajo Barroco (1650-1750) / Imprimerie et pratiques poétiques au sein de la société cordouane du Bas Baroque (1650-1750) / Printing and poetical practices in the society in Cordova in Low Baroque (1650-1750)

Collantes Sánchez, Carlos María 22 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse, centrée sur l'étude de la poésie imprimée à Cordoue entre 1650-1750, est conçue comme une avancée dans le champ de recherche laissé libre ente la tradition positiviste et les innovations dans le domaine de l'interprétation, notamment dans la sociologie des textes et l'exploitation des oeuvres. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le renouvellement qui s’est produit ces dernières années dans ce domaine et qui a fait progresser les études grâce à une nouvelle dimension de nature interdisciplinaire, au-delà des clivages entre les anciennes méthodologies d'études littéraires et leur analyse des textes basée sur la stylistique, et par l’attention accordée aux processus matériels, comme l'impression et la diffusion du livre, la sociologie des relations auteurs/lecteurs, et les réseaux ainsi formés. Pour développer cette recherche, je bénéficierai d’une double direction, celle du professeur Pedro Ruiz Pérez (PHEBO) de l'Université de Cordoue (Espagne), spécialiste de poésie, et de celle du professeur Jean-Marc Buiguès (AMERIBER) de l'Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, spécialiste de l’imprimerie, de l’édition et de la sociologie des auteurs. Le cadre conceptuel de départ pose qu’il est préférable de ne pas séparer les champs de travail de l'analyse de la poésie, de l'histoire de l'édition, des réseaux de sociabilité et des ressources fournies par les nouvelles technologies. Le modèle méthodologique prend appui sur ces approches et s’articule en une double ligne de travail : le développement d’un corpus (inexistant à ce jour) basé sur les outils des humanités numériques (bases de données, corpus numérisé, etc.) et d'autre part sur le modèle d'analyse mis à l'essai dans les travaux sur l'imprimerie et la poésie, développés respectivement par les deux directeurs. La combinaison des deux permet une approche nouvelle des questions liées à la production, la circulation et la lecture des textes et à leur valeur dans un champ littéraire en développement. / The present thesis, focusing on the study of the poetry printed in Cordova between 1650-1750, it´s an advance in the field opened between the positivist tradition and the innovations in the area of the interpretation, including the sociology of the texts and of the functioning of the works. In the recent years a renovation has appeared in this field, in which the present thesis registers, advancing in a consideration of character to interdisciplinary that it overcomes the existing distances between the former methodologies of the literary studies and his analysis of the texts in stylistic way, with his attention to the material processes, as those of the press and the traffic of the book and the sociology with the relations of authors and readers and the networks that they formed. For the development of the investigation I have the direction from the University of Cordova of Prof. Pedro Ruiz Perez (PHEBO) and for the specialization in press and edition and sociology with Jean-Marc Buiguès (AMERIBER) and the University of Bordeaux 3 Montaigne. This is the start point of the conceptual frame, that considers the convenience of not separating the own work camps of the analysis of the poetry, the history of the edition, the networks of sociology and the resources provided by the new technologies. The methodological model starts of these expositions and takes form of a double line of work: Creation of a bibliography (non-existent up to the date) with support in the tools of the digital humanities (databases, digitized corpuses, etc.) and, of another part, the model of analysis tested in the work on press and poetry, fields respectively developed by both mentioned directors. The conjunction of both allows an new approximation of the questions related to the production, traffic and reading of the texts and his value in a literary field in development. / La presente tesis se centra en el estudio y repertorio de la poesía impresa en Córdoba entre 1650-1750. Se plantea como un avance metodológico en el campo de la tradición positivista y la recepción poética, a partir de la bibliografía y la sociología de los textos. La investigación se inscribe en el marco de cotutela internacional entre la Universidad de Córdoba y l´Université Bordeaux Montaigne, siendo los codirectores de la misma el Prof. Pedro Ruiz Pérez (PHEBO) y el Prof. Jean-Marc Buiguès (AMERIBER), respectivamente. Este trabajo avanza sobre una consideración de carácter interdisciplinar que aúne las metodologías de la literatura, la bibliografía y las Humanidades digitales. Se focaliza la atención en la poesía impresa, atendiendo a los procesos materiales, como la manufactura de las obras mediante la imprenta, la circulación del libro y la red de relaciones sociales-literarias entre autores, lectores e impresores. Radica aquí el marco conceptual de salida, que considera la conveniencia de no separar los campos de trabajo propios del análisis de la poesía, la historia de la edición, las redes de sociabilidad y los recursos proporcionados por las nuevas tecnologías. El modelo metodológico arranca de estos planteamientos y se plasma en la elaboración del repertorio catalográfico que albergue a todas las ediciones impresas que contengan algún verso (inexistente hasta la fecha), un directorio biográfico de todos los agentes literarios que intervengan en la producción de la obra y dos bases de datos relacionales que contenga dicha información, concebidas dentro del marco de las Humanidades Digitales. Esto permitirá un nuevo acercamiento a las cuestiones relacionadas con la producción, circulación y recepción de la poesía. En resumen, esta investigación dotará de las herramientas necesarias para definir la práctica del verso en la sociedad bajobarroca cordobesa.

Dos livros e da leitura no claustro: elementos de história monástica, de história cultural e de bibliografia histórica para estudo da biblioteca-livraria do mosteiro de São Bento de São Paulo (sécs. XVI-XVIII) / About books and reading in the cloister: elements of monastic history, cultural history and historical bibliography for the study of the old library of Saint Benedicts monastery of São Paulo (16th-18th century)

Araujo, Andre de 24 November 2008 (has links)
A propósito do valor histórico e da importância da Biblioteca do Mosteiro de São Bento de São Paulo pela conservação de um singular patrimônio bibliográfico, pretendemos compreender fragmentos de sua história a partir da bibliografia histórica e da cultura monástica entre livros, leituras e bibliotecas. Para tanto, a pesquisa se desenvolveu em três linhas de investigação: a primeira, a análise de obras e de documentos que nos permitiram resgatar aspectos históricos e culturais que proporcionaram a formação da Biblioteca- Livraria no contexto do monaquismo beneditino; a segunda, o estudo da bibliografia histórica e da cultura monástica de livros e de leitores em uma perspectiva de longa duração e dialética com a Biblioteca-Livraria e a sua Coleção de Livros Antigos; e a terceira, a elaboração do Catálogo da Coleção de Livros Antigos da Biblioteca-Livraria do Mosteiro e a identificação de alguns de seus objetos bibliográficos, assim como dos princípios de organização destes. A partir do estudo realizado, entendemos que entre os monges beneditinos sempre houve diversos sinais de uma reflexão e orientação profunda a respeito de bibliotecas e de livros e que a própria Biblioteca-Livraria é reflexo da mentalidade beneditina e emblema mesmo da instituição monástica, de modo que os aspectos espirituais, históricos e culturais do monaquismo beneditino constituem elementos configuradores das etapas de formação de sua identidade bibliográfica e informacional. / Concerning the historical significance of the Library of Saint Benedicts Monastery of São Paulo in its conservation of a unique bibliographical heritage we intend to understand fragments of its history. Our approach is from a point of view of the historical bibliography and the monastic culture found in books, readings and libraries. Within that framework, the research was developed along three lines of investigation: the first one, the analysis of books and documents that allow us to rescue the cultural and historical aspects that provided for the formation of the Old Library in the context of Benedictine monasticism; the second, the study of the historical bibliography and the monastic culture of books and readers from a long term and dialectic perspective with the Old Library and its Old Books Collection; and the third, the elaboration of a Catalogue of the Old Books Collection of the Monasterys Old Library and the identification of some of its bibliographical objects, as well as the principles of their organization. We understand, from the research we conducted, that among the Benedictines there has always been various signs of reflection and profound orientation regarding libraries and books and that the Old Library itself is a consequence of the Benedictine mind-set and an emblem of the monastic institution, so that the spiritual, historical and cultural aspects of the Benedictine monasticism constitute elements of the phases of formation of its bibliographical and informational identity.

Dos livros e da leitura no claustro: elementos de história monástica, de história cultural e de bibliografia histórica para estudo da biblioteca-livraria do mosteiro de São Bento de São Paulo (sécs. XVI-XVIII) / About books and reading in the cloister: elements of monastic history, cultural history and historical bibliography for the study of the old library of Saint Benedicts monastery of São Paulo (16th-18th century)

Andre de Araujo 24 November 2008 (has links)
A propósito do valor histórico e da importância da Biblioteca do Mosteiro de São Bento de São Paulo pela conservação de um singular patrimônio bibliográfico, pretendemos compreender fragmentos de sua história a partir da bibliografia histórica e da cultura monástica entre livros, leituras e bibliotecas. Para tanto, a pesquisa se desenvolveu em três linhas de investigação: a primeira, a análise de obras e de documentos que nos permitiram resgatar aspectos históricos e culturais que proporcionaram a formação da Biblioteca- Livraria no contexto do monaquismo beneditino; a segunda, o estudo da bibliografia histórica e da cultura monástica de livros e de leitores em uma perspectiva de longa duração e dialética com a Biblioteca-Livraria e a sua Coleção de Livros Antigos; e a terceira, a elaboração do Catálogo da Coleção de Livros Antigos da Biblioteca-Livraria do Mosteiro e a identificação de alguns de seus objetos bibliográficos, assim como dos princípios de organização destes. A partir do estudo realizado, entendemos que entre os monges beneditinos sempre houve diversos sinais de uma reflexão e orientação profunda a respeito de bibliotecas e de livros e que a própria Biblioteca-Livraria é reflexo da mentalidade beneditina e emblema mesmo da instituição monástica, de modo que os aspectos espirituais, históricos e culturais do monaquismo beneditino constituem elementos configuradores das etapas de formação de sua identidade bibliográfica e informacional. / Concerning the historical significance of the Library of Saint Benedicts Monastery of São Paulo in its conservation of a unique bibliographical heritage we intend to understand fragments of its history. Our approach is from a point of view of the historical bibliography and the monastic culture found in books, readings and libraries. Within that framework, the research was developed along three lines of investigation: the first one, the analysis of books and documents that allow us to rescue the cultural and historical aspects that provided for the formation of the Old Library in the context of Benedictine monasticism; the second, the study of the historical bibliography and the monastic culture of books and readers from a long term and dialectic perspective with the Old Library and its Old Books Collection; and the third, the elaboration of a Catalogue of the Old Books Collection of the Monasterys Old Library and the identification of some of its bibliographical objects, as well as the principles of their organization. We understand, from the research we conducted, that among the Benedictines there has always been various signs of reflection and profound orientation regarding libraries and books and that the Old Library itself is a consequence of the Benedictine mind-set and an emblem of the monastic institution, so that the spiritual, historical and cultural aspects of the Benedictine monasticism constitute elements of the phases of formation of its bibliographical and informational identity.

Publishing Swinburne : the poet, his publishers and critics

Simmonds, Clive January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the publishing history of Algernon Charles Swinburne during his lifetime (1837-1909). The first chapter presents a detailed narrative from his first book in 1860 to the mid 1870s: it includes the scandal of 'Poems and Ballads' in 1866; his subsequent relations with the somewhat dubious John Camden Hotten; and then his search to find another publisher who was to be Andrew Chatto, with whom Swinburne published for the rest of his life. It is followed by a chapter which looks at the tidal wave of criticism generated by Poems and Ballads but which continued long after, and shows how Swinburne responded. The third and central chapter turns to consider the periodical press, important throughout his career not just for reviewing but also as a very significant medium for publishing poetry. Chapter 4 on marketing looks closely at the business of producing and of selling Swinburne’s output. Finally Chapter 5 deals with some aspects of his career after the move to Putney, and shows that while Theodore Watts, his friend and in effect his agent, was making conscious efforts to reshape the poet, some of Swinburne’s interests were moving with the tide of public taste; how this was demonstrated in particular by his volume of Selections and how his poetic oeuvre was finally consolidated in the Collected Edition at the end of his life. The thesis shows that popular interest was mainly on his earlier poetry, and suggests his high contemporary reputation (which was not fully reflected in sales) was maintained by the periodical press.

Die Rolle der Universitätsbibliothek als Open Access Manager der Technischen Universität Chemnitz / The Library's role in the management of Open Access at the Technische Universität Chemnitz

Blumtritt, Ute, Bauschmann, Martin 04 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz – als zentrale Informations-Service-Einrichtung der TU – stellt sich der wandelnden Entwicklung in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie durch die Möglichkeiten des Internets. Der Anteil der im Open Access veröffentlichten Artikel steigt weltweit. An der TU Chemnitz waren es 2014 bereits 10% des Gesamtartikelaufkommens. Das Open-Access-Team unterstützt die Wissenschaftler bei der Auswahl geeigneter Journale bzw. Verlage, berät bei der Klärung rechtlicher Fragen und bei der Finanzierung von Veröffentlichungen. Einfache Workflows, transparente Verfahren und standardisierte Softwareumgebungen kennzeichnen die Dienstleistung. Das Beratungs- und Marketingkonzept auf Basis der Qualitätssicherung, beinhaltet verschiedenste Kommunikationswege und vertieft damit das Verständnis und die Akzeptanz für die freie Verfügbarkeit wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse. / The University Library Chemnitz, as the central provider of information services at the TU Chemnitz, embraces the possibilities of the world wide web in changing the nature of information and communication patterns. The digital transformation is accompanied by the growth of Open Access publishing in the global scientific community. At the TU Chemnitz, 10 per cent of all research papers published in 2014 were immediately made available through Open Access. The Open Access Team of the University Library supports scientists and scholars by helping with the selection of suitable Open Access journals for publication, by funding Open Access publications and by providing guidance on licensing and legal technicalities. Clear and simple workflows, transparent procedures and standardised software platforms characterise the services activities. The consulting and marketing concept, through a distinct focus on quality assurance, serves to foster the comprehension and the acceptance for the free distribution of scientific knowledge among all members of the TU Chemnitz.

A construção da identidade do profissional da informação em Biblioteconomia partir do DASP, do IBBD e do IBICT: um estudo histórico a partir de fontes primárias das instituições no período 1930-­ 1950

Rangel, Thayron Rodrigues 26 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Priscilla Araujo (priscilla@ibict.br) on 2018-04-10T18:33:51Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação Thayron Rangel 2017.pdf: 18666311 bytes, checksum: d30e06a430f49a1b9ee0561c09a7674b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T18:33:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação Thayron Rangel 2017.pdf: 18666311 bytes, checksum: d30e06a430f49a1b9ee0561c09a7674b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-26 / Busca analisar o contexto de surgimento da criação do Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografia e Documentação (IBBD), bem como sua reflexividade na construção da identidade dos profissionais de informação em Biblioteconomia e Documentação. Compreendidas por fatores sociais, tecnológicos, culturais e demais interesses econômicos, as Políticas de informação se justapõem às linhas de força que corroboram a construção da identidade dos profissionais de informação, fluida e dinâmica. Os procedimentos metodológicos de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, foram realizados a partir de sete etapas que compreendem desde levantamento e pesquisa bibliográfica, a análise de documentos primários e realização de história oral e, a inserção no Projeto Memórias Cientificas: História Oral da Ciência da Informação no Brasil. Acredita-­se que com o desenvolvimento deste estudo, muitos outrosvirao, a fim de compreender o contexto e os fatores que moldaram a construção da identidade dos profissionais in loco, bem como o histórico do primeiro instituto de CI no Brasil. / As part of a current Master's dissertation, this article seeks to analyze the context for the emergence of information policies since the creation of the Bibliography and Documentation Brazilian Institute (IBBD), as well as its reflexivity in the construction of information professionals’ identity in the field of Librarianship and Documentation. Comprised by social, technological, cultural and economic interests, information policies juxtapose the lines of force that corroborate the construction of information professionals’ identity, fluid and dynamic. The methodological procedures of a qualitative and exploratory nature were carried out from eight stages, starting with bibliographical research, then primary documents analysis and collection of oral history, and finally, the insertion of this research in the Scientific Memories Project: Information Science Oral History in Brazil. It is believed that, by developing this study, it is possible to understand the context and the factors that shaped the construction of professionals identity in loco.

Publishing Swinburne : the poet, his publishers and critics

Simmonds, Clive January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the publishing history of Algernon Charles Swinburne during his lifetime (1837-1909). The first chapter presents a detailed narrative from his first book in 1860 to the mid 18705: it includes the scandal of Poems and Ballads in 1866; his subsequent relations with the somewhat dubious John Camden Hotten; and then his search to find another publisher who was to be Andrew Chatto, with whom Swinburne published for the rest of his life. It is followed by a chapter which looks at the tidal wave of criticism generated by Poems and Ballads but which continued long after, and shows how Swinburne responded. The third and central chapter turns to consider the periodical press, important throughout his career not just for reviewing but also as a very significant medium for publishing poetry. Chapter 4 on marketing looks closely at the business of producing and of selling Swinburne's output. Finally Chapter 5 deals with some aspects of his career after the move to Putney, and shows that while Theodore Watts, his friend and in effect his agent, was making conscious efforts to reshape the poet, some of Swinburne's interests were moving with the tide of public taste; how this was demonstrated in particular by his volume of Selections and how his poetic oeuvre was finally consolidated in the Collected Edition at the end of his life. The thesis shows that popular interest was mainly on his earlier poetry, and suggests his high contemporary reputation (which was not fully reflected in sales) was maintained by the periodical press.

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