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A Study of Business Model on IC Design Industry in TaiwanChen, Chien-hung 24 June 2004 (has links)
The developing trend toward the integreation of many function in application market of semiconductor, makes the original business model of IC design industry to change. From open structure (named ¡§Wintel¡¨ structure) till today, what we can see it shows as transition stage. It will be end in the situation the all devices can interlink to each other. All of us don¡¦t know how long we will overcome this transition stage. But it really challenges the orginal business model of IC design industry. The business model of IC design industry changes along with the changing in product application market. In this study, we do analysis of IC design industry¡¦s business model by four dimensions¡Xmarket strategies, capabilities of technology, the types of organization, financial resources. We will discuss the differents between Taiwan and American IC design industry
In market strategy dimension, there are more and more difficults to distinguish between past strategy model including niche and volume strategies. Because the revolution of electronics application market, the better ways for Taiwan IC design industry to develop its market strategy are depending on capability focusing and the capture of market demend. When mentioning about the IC design skill, Taiwan IC design industry can choose several ways to cumulate its design capabilities according to the market strategy it chose.
About types of the organization, the combination of fabless and fabless is the trend. Also 1¡¦st tier IDM will be the key roles who dominate the future IC industry. More than all, fabless who belong to system assembly factory or fabless who belong to foundry will be the mainstream in the IC industry and in electronics application market, too. Depending on what kinds of organzation IC design companies chose, it will affect the ability when they rising money. These four factors interaction built the business model of the Taiwan IC design industry.
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Strategic Alliance and Supply Chain Integration for Taiwan IT Electronic Components DistributorsHuang, Si-Hai 27 October 2007 (has links)
Nowadays, IT technology changes rapidly and increasingly .The Global Competition makes the product life short and profit low ,which results in the enterprises competition advantage major relied on Supply Chain Management for Global Logistics Activities.
Under the structure of WTO (World Trade Organization), the world is flat; Global Enterprises Operation is deeply related to the SCM (Supply Chain Management). Outsourcing becomes the key way for enterprises operation, which integrates the industries Upper, Middle and Lower stream together, including ¡§Strategic Alliance¡¨ to collaborate with same and different industries to strengthen the competitive ability.
The Business Model of Taiwan IT industry is major for OEM/ ODM Manufacturing. To have low cost making, quick response on new product development for time to the market is a must, in which ¡§ IC Distributors¡¨ contribute a lot in IC Components Supplying, Planning, Execution, Management and VMI to make IC Components delivered on time without any shortage to Taiwan-based Customers for OEM/ODM Manufacturing. It is the key Successful Factor to Taiwan IT industry.
How to make the enterprises continuous going and make the ¡§Strategic Alliance¡¨ successfully is the cause and objective of the thesis study. It is for researching the applicable ¡§New Business Model¡¨ to adapt it to the Global Enterprise Operational Management.
The case study of¡¨ Strategic Alliance and Supply Chain Integration for Taiwan IC Distributor¡¨ is a ¡§New Business Model¡¨, which makes Taiwan IC Distributors globalization efficiently and effectively to provide ¡§System Total Solution¡¨ with ¡§Resource Integration¡¨ supplying activities to assist Taiwan IT manufacturers to get the OEM/ODM Business successfully from the beginning stage of ¡§Design-in¡¨ to the¡¨ Mass Production.¡¨
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A business model shaped by technology : A case study of EMI RecordsSjöberg, Johan, Tapper, Adam January 2009 (has links)
<p>How the record company EMI records have change thier business model due to technological improvements.</p>
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Advanced technology innovation mapping tool to support technology commercializationFelkl, Jakub, 1982- 18 February 2014 (has links)
This work outlines an Innovation Gap in technology commercialization
and presents a novel tool, the Advanced Technology Innovation Mapping (ATIM) tool to
address this gap. The tool aims to support technology commercialization in early stages
of & prior to the New Product Development Process. The dissertation includes a detailed
rationale, description, history, similar and originating methods for this tool based on
Value Engineering and Function Maps for Design. This work also demonstrates on
several example studies the use of the tool and evaluates via an exploratory study the
usefulness of the tool. Research tests the tool in educational and training programs at the
University of Texas at Austin and finds that the tool improves user understating of
majority of important factors for technology commercialization (customer, technology,
development activities). User feedback supports these conclusions. In the future the tool
could be further expanded, more standardized and improved. Additionally, the work
proposes further ways to study the tool in different settings and with groups of different
sizes beyond this early exploratory study. / text
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Energitjänst för efterfrågeflexibilitet : Som leder till en effektivare elnätsanvändning / Energy service for demand-side flexibility : Resulting in a more efficient use of the electrical gridNilsson, Martin, Samuelsson, Simon January 2015 (has links)
The load in the electricity grid fluctuates during the day and between seasons. As a distribution system operator (DSO), an uneven load profile leads to increased transmission losses and unnecessary high costs for subscribing power from the feeding grid. Efficiency measures and a more even power consumption by the end-users, could therefore lead to that a DSO can achieve lower costs for power-subscription from the feeding grid and transmission losses, but also implies a lowered cap of total revenues. As a step towards implementing the EU energy efficiency directive, the Energy Markets Inspectorate (Ei) have developed two economic incentives which enables for DSOs to profit economically from cost reductions related to transmission losses and feeding grid. For this reason the electricity suppliers Storuman Energi and Affärsverken Energi sees a possibility to offer a load shift-service to low voltage DSOs using the flexibility in the demand of electrically heated households. The aim of this study is therefore to demonstrate how a service such as this one can be valued in the Swedish electricity market. The task at hand was examined by conducting a survey of the values of demand-side flexibility, as well as an investigation of how the costs for the end-user and incentives for the DSO are affected by flexibility. A review of the values associated with demand-side flexibility has been conducted for electricity suppliers, DSOs and end-users. With regard to the DSOs, the main value is connected to the new economic incentives from Ei, whose potential depends on the properties of the grid and the tariff for the feeding grid. Other values related to operation and delivery reliability can also be achieved. The main values for electricity suppliers are a lowered risk for unbalance following as a consequence of better knowledge of their end-users’ usage, and also the possibility to profit by offering a load shift-service. The values for end-users have been divided between cost reductions and system benefits, both of which are regarded to compensate the remuneration end-users require to offer their flexibility. By adapting consumption after the spot market price or the grid tariff, lowered costs for electricity can be achieved. The end-users can also appreciate system-benefits such as the facilitation for intermittent renewable electricity production, electric vehicles and reducing the societal dependency on expensive fossil-fuelled power generation as positive. They do on the other hand regard a possible depreciation of the heat comfort, data confidentiality and reduced control over one’s own electricity consumption as negative. If the service can be bundled with equipment which yields other values, such as an increased heat comfort, the end-users’ demand for remuneration can decrease. To explore what effects demand-side flexibility can have on the electricity costs of end-users and the economic incentives for DSOs, a case study is conducted in the electricity distribution grid of Karlskrona. Through review of previous studies, a potential for demand reductions was established and used as input in the case study. It can be determined that the incentive for a more even load profile constitutes a substantially greater share of the total incentives, compared to the incentive for reduced distribution losses. It is further concluded that a fairly large part of the incentives can be achieved by controlling the end-users on only a few occasions each year. It is also established that the cost reductions for end-users can match their demand for remuneration. A future scenario with more electrical vehicles connected to the grid for charging, greatly increases the possible benefits for both the DSO and end-users. Through the investigation of different possible designs for the energy service, it is recommended that the demand side management of end-users is placed in the hands of an electricity supplier responsible for balancing the consumption of the end-users. A procurement-procedure is deemed problematicfollowing the risk for unproportional use of resources and time. As a result of this, the energy service should not be traded directly between DSOs and electricity suppliers. Instead, it is proposed that the DSO develops a time-differentiated tariff, after which the electricity supplier can adapt the end-users’ consumption. Since the results indicate that controlling the end-users consumption on just a few occasions is sufficient to yield large benefits for the DSO, a grid-tariff with critical peak pricing is recommended. This tariff employs a high price for shorter periods of time when the grid load is peaking and a rebated price during all other occasions. This opens up for controlling the use during the other days according to the spot market price. As the electricity supplier grants the end-user lowered costs for both the electricity grid and trading, they have the opportunity to apply a charge for the service. Both the DSO, end-user and electricity supplier is presumed to improve their profitability with this design. When implementing the energy service, a couple of aspects are important to shed light on. The grid-tariff of the end-user and the tariff for the feeding grid needs to be synchronized with each other, to stimulate the same type of load shifts. It should also be noted that the possible gain from the incentives will decrease as demand side management-measures is taken since the reference-level from which a comparison is made improves. Another interesting aspect is that the regulation stipulates that only a certain percentage of the cost reductions will result in incentives, thus limiting the amount of profitable measures. Since the costs and revenues between the actors in the transmission system (low and medium voltage DSOs and the TSO) are interdependent, the revenue loss for the medium voltage DSO resulting from the cost reduction for the low voltage DSO, can result in a recoil effect. Lastly, a widespread introduction of control equipment to end-users can facilitate other uses for the demand-side flexibility. / Belastningen i elnätet varierar under dagen och mellan olika säsonger. Att som nätägare ha en ojämn belastning i sitt nät leder till ökade nätförluster och onödigt höga kostnader för att abonnera effekt från det överliggande nätet. Effektiviseringar i nätet och ett jämnare effektuttag av användarna kan därmed leda till att en nätägare kan erhålla minskade kostnader för abonnerad effekt från överliggande nät och nätförluster, men innebär också en sänkt intäktsram för nätägaren. Vid implementering av EU:s energieffektiviseringsdirektiv har Energimarknadsinspektionen tagit fram två ekonomiska incitament som möjliggör för nätägare att dra nytta av kostnadsminskningar för nätförluster och överliggande nät. Av denna anledning ser elhandelsbolagen Storuman Energi och Affärsverken Energi möjligheter att, med hjälp av efterfrågeflexibilitet hos framförallt eluppvärmda hushåll, erbjuda en laststyrningstjänst till lokalnätsnätägare. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att demonstrera hur en tjänst som denna kan värdesättas av aktörerna på den svenska elmarknaden. Frågan behandlas genom att undersöka vilka värden efterfrågeflexibilitet kan ge upphov till, exempelvis hur slutanvändares elkostnader och nätägares ekonomiska incitament påverkas av efterfrågeflexibilitet. En inventering har gjorts av efterfrågeflexibilitetens värde för elhandlare, nätägare och slutanvändare. För nätägare bedöms de huvudsakliga värdena finnas kring de nya ekonomiska incitamenten, vars potential beror på nätets förutsättningar och regionnätstariffen. Det finns också nyttor kopplade till driftsäkerhet och leveranskvalitet. Elhandlare kan dra nytta av en lägre risk för obalans genom att de får bättre uppfattning om sina kunders användningsmönster, samt möjligheten att även debitera för utförd laststyrningstjänst. För slutanvändare har värdena delats upp i kostnadsminskningar och systemnyttor. Båda dessa anses kunna kompensera för de krav på ersättning som slutanvändare har för att bidra med sin flexibilitet. Genom anpassning efter exempelvis spotpris eller en nättariff kan lägre kostnader för elhandel respektive nät erhållas. Vad gäller systemnyttor kan följder som att exempelvis främja intermittent förnybar elproduktion, underlätta införande av en eldriven fordonsflotta samt att minska beroendet av dyra fossileldade produktionsslag ses som positiva. Å andra sidan bedöms en upplevd risk för försämrad värmekomfort och datasekretess samt minskad kontroll över sin användning spela in som negativa värden. Om tjänsten kan paketeras tillsammans med utrustning som även ger andra mervärden, exempelvis möjliggör en ökad värmekomfort, kan slutanvändares ersättningskrav minska. För att utreda vilken konkret påverkan efterfrågeflexibilitet kan ha på slutanvändares elkostnader och nätägares ekonomiska incitament görs en undersökning i Karlskronas lokalnät. Där appliceras den potential för efterfrågeflexibilitet som tidigare studier visat på. Det konstateras att incitamentet för jämnare nätbelastning visar betydligt större potential än det för minskade nätförluster samt att en stor del av incitamenten går att erhålla genom att styra endast ett fåtal tillfällen varje år. Vidare pekar resultatet på att slutanvändares kostnadsminskningar kan nå upp i nivåer som motsvarar deras ersättningskrav. Ett framtidsscenario med fler elfordon ger mycket större ekonomisk potential för både nätägare och slutanvändare. Efter att ha utrett olika alternativa utformningar för energitjänsten föreslås att passiv efterfrågeflexibilitet tillämpas genom att laststyrning av slutanvändare sker av en elhandlande aggregator med balansansvar. Ett upphandlingsförfarande bedöms medföra risk för stor resurs- och tidsåtgång, varför handel av tjänsten inte bör äga rum mellan elhandlare och nätägare. Men för att elhandlare ändå ska kunna ta del av värdet från de ekonomiska incitamenten föreslås att nätägaren tar fram en tidsdifferentierad nättariff, vilken elhandlaren kan laststyra slutanvändare efter. Då resultatet pekar på att styrning under endast ett fåtal tillfällen är erforderligt kan en nättariff av typen spetspristariff tillämpas, där kostnaden för effektuttag kraftigt stiger när belastningen är hög i nätet. Då möjliggörs styrning efter exempelvis spotpris de tillfällen som inte är nödvändiga att styra med hänsyn till nätet, eftersom kostnaden för effektuttag då är låg. Genom att elhandlare på så sätt kan erbjuda slutanvändare lägre kostnader för både nät och elhandel har de möjlighet att debitera slutanvändare en avgift för utförd tjänst. Med denna utformning anses både nätägare, elhandlare och slutanvändare kunna nå en ökad lönsamhet. Vid införandet av energitjänsten är ett antal aspekter viktiga att belysa. Slutanvändares nättariff och lokalnätets tariff för överliggande nät spelar en viktig roll då de behöver stimulera till att samma styrning utförs, exempelvis om det är fördelaktigt att styrning sker ofta eller mer sällan. Då incitamentens nivå bestäms utifrån en referensperiod kommer möjlig avkastning att avta i takt med att förbättringar görs. I nätregleringen är det fastställt att bara en viss del av kostnadsbesparingarna erhålls i form av de ekonomiska incitamenten, vilket innebär att vilka åtgärder som är lönsamma begränsas. Genom att kostnader och intäkter är tätt sammankopplade mellan aktörerna i elnätet (lokal-, region- och stamnät) kan regionnätets intäktsbortfall till följd av lokalnätets lägre kostnader, ge upphov till rekyleffekter. Att storskaligt installera styrutrustning hos slutanvändare kan också möjliggöra andra användningsområden, med andra ord skapas det en plattform för efterfrågeflexibilitet.
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Essays on ad-supported business model competition, cost asymmetry and forward tradingKe, Xuqing 17 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation explores several aspects of the theory in industrial organization.
The first chapter builds a model with two cost asymmetric firms who not only have Cournot competition in the spot market but also have the opportunity to trade forward contracts. It is shown that with forward trading, low cost firm not always produces more than high cost firm. In an interior equilibrium, both total output and consumer welfare increase compared to the case without forward trading. When cost function is linear, forward trading is socially beneficial in that low cost firm has higher market share as well as profit share, and that total output, consumer welfare and social welfare increase.
The second chapter analyzes duopoly firms' choices among ad-free and ad-supported service with different advertising displays: mandatory advertising where ads are integrated with the main content and cannot be dismissed by users; or optional advertising where users are allowed to dismiss ads at will. The model also takes into account the effect of consumers' heterogeneous ad tastes on their contribution to ad revenues. The results reveal that ad revenues intensify competition, suppress equilibrium prices and profits, and diminish the differentiation effect.
The third chapter studies firms' business model choices and pricing decisions when they can choose to provide ad-free service, ad-supported service with cost-per-click (CPC) revenue model or cost-per-mille (CPM) revenue model, or a combination of them in monopoly or duopoly environment. It's shown that offering both types of ad-supported services is not an optimal strategy for a monopolist and that its optimal strategy is to vertically differentiate by providing an ad-supported service and an ad-free service. Furthermore, when the monopolist adopts the CPM-based ad revenue model, the price of the ad-supported service is more sensitive to increases in the marginal ad revenue than the case with the CPC-based model. In the equilibrium of competitive setting, exactly one firm offers an ad-supported service alone while the other firm offers the ad-free service with or without the same type of ad-supported service depending on the ad revenues. / text
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Internetinės žiniasklaidos verslo organizavimo aspektai: mažos šalies patirtis / Online media business organization peculiarities: small country caseMažeikienė, Giedrė 16 June 2008 (has links)
Internetinė žiniasklaida, kaip savarankiška verslo ir žiniasklaidos sritis, gyvuoja jau daugiau nei dešimtmetį Lietuvoje. Perėjusi įvairias vystymosi stadijas, šiuo metu ji yra viena iš pelningiausių verslo sričių bei svarbi reklamos rinkos dalis. Tą įrodo ir egzistuojantys teiginiai „jei tavęs nėra internete, tavęs nėra niekur“, ir gausiai besikuriančios viešųjų ryšių agentūros, besistengiančios bendradarbiauti su internetine žiniasklaida, ir vis augantis internetinės žiniasklaidos vartotojiškumas. Visi šie dalykai skatina verslininkus investuoti į internetą, sekti naujoves ir tobulinti internetines technologijas.
Žiniasklaidos ekonomika tyrinėja įvairius ekonominius veiksnius, kurie tiesiogiai daro įtaką žiniasklaidos projektui. Tyrinėjimo sritis yra labai plati, apimanti socialinius, kultūrinius ir ekonominius faktorius. Žiniasklaidos ekonomika tyrinėja žiniasklaidos koncentraciją, rinkos sąlygas, vartotojų poreikius, žiniasklaidos projektų pasiūlą, efektyvias ekonomikos strategijas ir kitas su žiniasklaidos verslu susijusias kryptis.
Kaip ir kiekviename versle, taip ir internetiniame galima išskirti kriterijus, kurie yra svarbūs, kuriant verslo modelį. Būtina išanalizuoti šalies rinką, kokie verslo modeliai yra efektyvūs, kurie nebeegzistuoja, kurie turi perspektyvas. Taip pat svarbu, ar kuriamam produktui arba paslaugai jau yra susiformavusi vartotojų grupė ir šis produktas yra pageidaujamas rinkoje.
Šio darbo objektas – internetinės žiniasklaidos verslo modeliai ir jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Online journalism, as independent business and journalism sphere, exists more than 10 years in Lithuania. Recently it has been one of the most profitable business branches and important branch of the advertisement market. Nowadays we have an expression such as „if you are not online, you do not exist“. More and more public relation organizations are being established and they are cooperating with online journalism organizations. Also we have growing usage of internet and online journalism. These aspects encourage businessmen to invest in the internet, look for the novelty and improve technology of the internet.
Media economics embodies theoretical and practical economic questions specific to media of all types. Field of research is very wide and includes social, cultural and economic factors. Media economics explores media concentration, conditions of market, consumers‘ needs, supply of media projects, effective strategies of economic and other fields.
In every business we can exclude criterions, which are important for business model. In the internet business are important these directions of research: what is the market of the country, which business models are effective and which ones do not exist, what are consumers needs, is this project is needed in the market and has its audience.
Subject of this work is business models of online journalism and their distribution in Lithuania. In this work is discussed, which business models are effective, what is contributed in... [to full text]
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Trees : the building blocks of a global bio-economyde la Roche, Ian 02 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Discontinuités téchnologiques et business models : analyse des mécanismes de transformation de l'industrie du médicamentSabatier, Valerie 11 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
En analysant les évolutions récentes de l'industrie du médicament, cette thèse apporte de nouveaux éléments, théoriques et empiriques, sur les mécanismes de transformation des industries de hautes technologies. Nous cherchons à comprendre pourquoi l'introduction de discontinuités technologiques ne conduit pas forcément au changement de l'industrie, et comment la logique dominante peut être remise en question. Pour répondre à cette problématique, nous utilisons une approche qualitative. Nous interrogeons des experts de l'industrie du médicament, et analysons onze études de cas d'entreprises de biotechnologies et de bioinformatique. Notre première contribution théorique est de proposer le concept de logique dominante pour compléter les travaux sur le cycle de vie des industries. Nous argumentons que les discontinuités technologiques sont une condition nécessaire, mais pas suffisante, du changement de phase d'une industrie. Le concept de logique dominante permet de prendre en compte les schémas généraux de création et de capture de valeur qui contraignent la stratégie des firmes évoluant dans l'industrie. Notre seconde contribution théorique est d'identifier quatre mécanismes de remise en cause de la logique dominante d'une industrie :nouvelles propositions de valeur, alliances avec de grandes entreprises d'autres industries, orchestration de réseaux, et portefeuilles de business models. Notre troisième contribution est managériale. Nous proposons un outil de la conception de la stratégie d'entreprise afin d'articuler promesses et risques, moyen et long terme. Enfin, notre quatrième contribution s'adresse aux managers et dirigeants de l'industrie du médicament. Nous leur suggérons quatre pistes de réflexion pour concevoir la stratégie de leur entreprise.
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移動式裝置數位行銷的商業模式-以法國Drcom公司為例 / Digital Marketing Business Model of Mobile Devices - A Case of French Company Drcom侯冠廷, Hou, Kuan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的個案公司Drcom,為一家法國的數位行銷及顧問公司,即是透過移動式裝置創造出的新商業模式,在醫療產業中使用E-detailing的方式為客戶提高業務銷售量。研究者透過在Drcom法國總部實習半年的方式,實地參與個案公司日常運作來進行研究。除了描寫Drcom實務上運作的情形外,本研究藉由Business Canvas的模型來分析Drcom的商業模式,架構出Drcom運作的各類商業元素,並描繪彼此間之關係。
最後,研究結論點出Drcom以移動式裝置進行數位行銷獲利的四個關鍵,並且就觀察到的問題,給予個案公司建議。 / Since smart phones and tablets launched to the market, the various mobile devices applications have changed the imagination and possibilities of human life. As a result, different business models are created. In the near future, the concept of Internet of Things will defineitely bring more impact on digital marketing and business model.
Drcom is a digital marketing and consulting company, specialized in pharmaceutical indusrty, and Drcom runs their business, which is e-detailing, through mobile devices. E-detailing is an efficient and effective business solution to sales in pharmaceutical industry. The researcher conducted the research by half year internship in person, and anlyzed the company by Business Canvas to clarify how the business model works and the relationship between business elements.
Lastly, the research comes to a four key factors concultion regarding how Drcom runs business through mobile devices, and finally would end up with several suggetions.
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