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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Core Stability Training on Balance Testing in Young, Healthy Adults

Kahle, Nicole L. 26 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

MKH-Haase Charts of Binocular Vision Measurements: Repeatability and Validity of Associated Phoria and Stereotests

Alhassan, Mosaad January 2013 (has links)
Abstract Introduction: H.J.-Haase developed a systematic set of tests for evaluating binocular vision called the Pola Test. The Pola Test measures associated phoria and stereoacuity at distance and near using a variety of different targets for each. This testing method and interpretation is referred to as MKH-Haase (Measuring and Correcting Methodology after H.J.Haase ???the MKH) method. The MKH method is more commonly used in Germany and other European countries than English speaking countries. The MKH-Haase method has been considered a reliable method for prescribing prisms to symptomatic binocular vision patients. Purpose: To investigate the test-retest reliability of binocular vision measurements using the MKH-Haase series of tests that comprise the Pola Test. In addition, I will compare the Pola results with other associated phoria and stereoacuity tests used in North America. Methods: Thirty-four symptomatic and 40 asymptomatic subjects (based on a symptoms questionnaire) participated in this study. Associated phoria and stereoacuity with different tests, including the Pola Test at distance and near, were measured for those subjects on two different sessions. Not all of subjects were tested with all tests. Only 30 subjects in each group completed all of tests. The Pola Test protocol requires the associated phoria and stereoacuity to be measured twice within a session; once with the Polariods oriented with their axes at 45o and 135o and again with the axes switched. Results: Within and between-sessions repeatability of MKH-Haase associated phoria and stereoacuity tests results revealed that most of MKH-Haase associated phoria and stereoacuity tests showed good repeatability within and between-sessions at both distance and near. However, there were a few exceptions to this general finding. Distance horizontal associated phoria values for the Cross Test and Pointer Test at the first session, and the distance Double Pointer Test values at the second session showed some differences between the two views. Between-sessions repeatability of the associated phoria tests did not show any significant differences. For the stereoacuity tests, the differences between the two disparities were statistically significant at the first session for the symptomatic group Line Test and asymptomatic group Step Test. For the second session at distance, the differences were significant with Step Test for both groups. The differences between sessions for both disparities were not significant for most of tests. The symptomatic group???s Step Test for crossed disparity and asymptomatic group's Step Test for uncrossed disparity were exceptions. A repeated measures ANOVA test was conducted to compare different associated phoria tests. Horizontal associated phoria tests without central fusion lock were significantly different from those with central fusion lock at distance and near. Comparison of different stereoacuity tests was conducted by comparing the number of subjects who could identify specific stereothreshold values. Results showed that at both distance and near, there were no significant differences between contour and global stereoacuity tests based on number of subjects who could attain 60 sec of arc or better. Discussion and Conclusion: Most of MKH-Haase associated phoria and stereoacuity charts have reasonable within and between-sessions repeatability. However, some associated phoria tests showed some differences especially with subjects who had higher values. Although there was a significant difference between various horizontal associated phoria tests at distance and near, most of the values differed by around 0.50 ???. The exception was the difference between the Wesson Card and Disparometer. The Wesson card was more exo by 1.50 ??? than the Disparometer. Vertical associated phoria tests did not show any significant differences. Although MKH-Haase chart can measure local stereothreshold down to 10 sec of arc at distance, the AO Slide is easier to perceive. Random dot stereoacuity can be measured with MKH-Haase charts at distance down to 30 sec of arc. All of the contour stereoacuity tests are comparable at near. However, the MKH-Haase chart was easier to perceive. The Random Dot Randot test would be more useful for fast screening purposes. Random dot MKH-Haase test would be easier than TNO Test to measure random dot stereothreshold at near.

Hur påverkas balans och styrka i fotleden av upprepade fotledsstukningar? : En fältstudie på unga kvinnliga fotbolls- och basketspelare

Benediktsson, Philip, Söderqvist, Agnes January 2015 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om individer med bakgrund av upprepade fotledsstukningar har sämre balans och styrka jämfört med individer som har friska fotleder, samt om det skiljer sig i balans och styrka mellan dominant och icke-dominant fot. Författarnas hypotes är att kronisk instabilitet i fotleden är vanligt förekommande bland kvinnliga fotbolls- och basketspelare som lidit av upprepade fotledsstukningar under sin karriär. Följande tre frågeställningar undersöktes: (1) Har en individ med bakgrund av upprepade stukningar sämre resultat i balanstestet SEBT, jämfört med en individ utan tidigare fotledsproblem? (2) Har en individ med bakgrund av upprepade stukningar lägre styrka, jämfört med en individ utan tidigare fotledsproblem, i ett plantarflexionstest? (3) Skiljer sig resultaten i balans- och styrketestet mellan den dominanta- och den icke-dominanta foten? Metod: Balansförmågan testades genom att mäta räckvidden i en modifierad version av Star Excursion Balance Test. Styrkan uppskattades i ett kvalitativt plantarflexionstest där antal repetitioner räknades. Statistisk analys i STATISTICA genomfördes med ANOVA och students oberoende t-test. Testgruppen (n=10) bestod av individer som tidigare drabbats av upprepade stukningar och kontrollgruppen (n=5) bestod av individer med friska fotleder. Resultat: BI balanstestet visade ingefanns en signifikant skillnad mellan testgrupp och kontrollgrupp för dominant fot respektive icke dominant fot i riktningarna anterior,  och posteromedial och posterolateral (p<>0,05) samt för icke-dominant fot i riktningen posteromedial. Dock fanns ingen signifikant skillnad för den dominanta foten i riktningen posterolateral (p>0,5) samt för den icke-dominanta foten i riktningarna anterior och posterolateral. Resultatet för styrketestet visade inge på en signifikant skillnad mellan testgrupp och kontrollgrupp för både den dominanta och den icke-dominanta foten (p<>0,05). Det förekom ingen signifikant skillnad (p>0,5) i styrketestet eller i någon av riktningarna i balanstestet mellan den dominanta och den icke-dominanta foten för varken testgruppen eller kontrollgruppen. Resultatet visar på att SEBT i riktningen posteromedial, samt styrketestet på den dominanta foten är de mest relevanta testerna för framtida försök. Slutsats: (1) Fler testdeltagare i testgrupp och kontrollgrupp hade möjligtvis kunnat visa ettmer representativt resultat. En individ med bakgrund av upprepade stukningar har signifikant sämre resultat i balanstestet SEBT jämfört med en frisk fot i riktningarna anterior och posteromedial. (2) En individ med bakgrund av upprepade stukningar havisarrinte på ett signifikant sämre resultat i balanstestet SEBT ochett plantarflexionstest, jämfört med en individ med en frisk fot.i riktningarna anterior och posteromedial. En individ med bakgrund av upprepade stukningar har signifikant sämre resultat än en individ utan tidigare problem i ett plantarflexionstest. (3) Det är ingen signifikant skillnad mellan den dominanta foten och den icke-dominanta i resultaten för balans- eller styrketestet.

Efekt kompenzačních cvičení u hráčů ledního hokeje mladšího školního věku se zaměřením na hodnocení vybraných parametrů stability, koordinace a pohybových stereotypů / The effect of compensatory exercises in ice hockey players of younger school age with focus on the evaluation of selected parameters of stability, coordination and movement stereotypes

Tvrdík, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Title: The effect of compensatory exercises in ice hockey players of younger school age with focus on the evaluation of selected parameters of stability, coordination and movement stereotypes Objectives: The objective of this thesis was to verify the effect of compensatory exercises on stability, coordination and movement stereotypes in ice-hockey players of younger school age (8-12 years old). Specifically, the objective was to verify stated effect on dynamic stability, static stability of the trunk, execution of selected stereotypes, coordination and performance in specific test on ice. Methods: Data for this thesis were collected using quantitative form of research. The whole research population was composed of 75 probands with the average age of 10,3 years and who play actively ice-hockey. The population was composed of both sexes, males and females (boys and girls). Participants were divided into two groups - experimental (n = 43) and control (n = 32). To collect the values of measurements was used method of testing with clinical tests and to eliminate disturbing elements we also used the method of questionnaire. The values were collected in input and output sessions. The time spacing between those two measurements was 3 months. Between stated two measurements in experimental group took place...

The Effect of Ptellofemoral Pain Syndrome on the Hip and Knee Neuromuscular Control on Dynamic Postural Control Task

Goto, Shiho 28 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Between-session reliability of the star excursion balance test

Munro, Allan G., Herrington, L.C. 11 1900 (has links)
No / Objective To assess the learning effect, test–retest reliability and measurement error associated with the SEBT. Design Repeated-measures study. Setting Controlled university laboratory environment. Participants Twenty-two healthy recreational athletes (11 male age 22.3 ± 3.7 years, 11 female age 22.8 ± 3.1 years). Main Outcome Measures Repeated-measures ANOVA assessed learning affects. Intraclass correlations coefficients, standard error of measurement and smallest detectable difference values were calculated to assess reliability and measurement error. Results Results showed that excursion distances stabilised after four trials, therefore trials five to seven were analysed for reliability. Test–retest reliability for all reach directions was high, with intraclass correlation coefficients ranging from 0.84 to 0.92. 95% confidence intervals, standard error of measurement and smallest detectable difference ranged from 77.84 to 94.00, 2.21–2.94% and 6.13–8.15%, respectively. Conclusion These statistics will allow clinicians to evaluate whether changes in SEBT scores are due to change in an individual’s performance or random error. The findings of this study show that the SEBT is a reliable measure of lower limb function in healthy recreational athletes. Changes in normalised scores of at least 6–8% are needed to feel confident that a real change in SEBT performance has occurred.

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bewegungstherapeutischer Intervention bei Parkinsonpatienten

Augustijn, Julia 12 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die posturale Instabilität zählt zu den am meisten beeinträchtigenden Symptomen der Parkinson-Krankheit. Die Störung der motorischen Gleichgewichtskontrolle ist progressiv im Verlauf und weder durch medikamentöse noch durch operative Methoden zufriedenstellend einzudämmen. In der Bewegungstherapie werden häufig Gleichgewichtsübungen empfohlen, um ein Fortschreiten der körperlichen Einschränkungen zu verringern. Der aktuelle wissenschaftliche Stand lässt allerdings eine Einschätzung zur Effektivität von Gleichgewichtstraining bei Parkinsonpatienten kaum zu. Dies ist u. a. auf einen Mangel an geeigneten Testverfahren zur Beurteilung der posturalen Instabilität zurückzuführen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden die Auswirkungen eines 12-wöchigen Gleichgewichtstrainings bei Parkinsonpatienten auf die posturale Stabilität in einem umfassenden Testdesign, bestehend aus alltagsmotorischen, biomechanischen und subjektiven Testverfahren evaluiert. In nahezu allen eingesetzten Testverfahren zeigte sich ein mehr oder weniger deutlicher Trend zu einer Verbesserung der posturalen Stabilität. Durch den Einsatz einer Testbatterie konnte somit insgesamt von einem positiven Einfluss eines Gleichgewichtstrainings auf die posturale Stabilität von Parkinsonpatienten ausgegangen werden. Weiterhin werden zahlreiche positive Nebeneffekte bzgl. der allgemeinen Fitness, der psychischen und sozialen Situation durch ein zielgerichtetes Gruppentraining unter geschulter Anleitung vermutet.

Vliv smáčecích charakteristik na spolehlivost pájeného spoje / Solder Joint Reliability and Wetting Characteristics Influence

Labaj, Radek January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the methodology of testing the wetting characteristics for different material and process effects in the double-plated base material. Testing is performed by wetting balance method. There is designed procedure to calculate the angles on each side of the non-homogeneous material. The Design of Experiments method is used to interpret the results, by using this method are also interpreted electrical and mechanical properties of solder joints. The correlation with wetting characteristics is discussed.

Vliv množství pájky a izotermálního stárnutí na vodivost pájeného spoje / Solder Joint Conductivity - Influence of Solder Volume and Isothermal Aging

Mach, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis analyses electrical conductivity of lead-free solder joints. The test method design for monitoring the electrical conductivity of the soldered joint is described in the practical part. Simulated BGA package with four pin (BGA4) is used for experiments. Tested PCBs are subjected to isothermal aging and current load. During isothermal aging is measured electrical conductivity and optical microscope is used for intermetallic layer (IMC) growth observation. Two types of surface finish (OSP and ENIG) are used for tests and three diameters of solder terminal balls (solder alloy SAC405). The influence of the ratio area connection / solder volume (ratio S / V) on lead-free solder joints conductivity was evaluated.

Vliv vybraných manuálních technik na statickou a dynamickou posturální stabilitu u studentů fyzioterapie / The effect of chosen manual techniques on static and dynamic postural stability in physiotherapy students

Hrmová, Jana January 2020 (has links)
Title: The effect of chosen manual techniques on static and dynamic postural stability in physiotherapy students. Aims: The main aim of this study is to assess the effect of chosen manual techniques on participants' static and dynamic postural stability. Summary: The study was done from May to December 2019. A total of 100 subjects aged 19-38years took part in the study. Participants were randomly divided into two groups - experimental and control. Postural stability was measured by the following tests: Star Excursion Balance test, Unipedal Stance test, Timed Up and Go test and Sit to Stand test. These standardised measurements were taken before intervention, after intervention and a week from intervention. Experimental group undertook the intervention by manual techniques, which took 20 minutes. Outcomes were written into recording sheets. Final data were processed using Microsoft Excel 2013, IBM SPSS Statistics V26 and TIBCO Statistica 13.3.0. To calculate differences, the following statistical methods were used: Shapiro-Wilk test, independent T-test and Mann-Whitney U test. To measure effect size, Cohen's d was used. The level of statistical significance was determined to α = 0,05. The clinical significance was assessed by these levels: d = 0,2-0,49 (small effect), d = 0,5-0,79 (medium effect),...

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