Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bankruptcy."" "subject:"ankruptcy.""
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The Bankruptcy Rules in Linear Ordered Structures / The Bankruptcy Rules in Linear Ordered StructuresMuchna, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The bankruptcy problem involves the distribution of perfectly divisible goods. Particular attention is paid to the situations, where the amount of goods available is not enough to cover the demand. An example of real life situations that can be solved using various bankruptcy rules may be a division of a heritage or when a company goes bankrupt and its estates are sold to satisfy interested parties' claims. This paper introduces to the problem a linear structure of the participants, meaning that participants are now satisfied one after another in a preset order. It applies the equal awards (CEA) and the equal losses (CEL) solutions on the revised problem. Since their axiomatization is no longer valid, both solutions are extended and new characterizations are given in the thesis. The thesis contains a series of original proofs for both extended solutions and whole problem is examined in the setting of the well-known river sharing problem.
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Finanční řízení společnosti STUDENT AGENCY, s.r.o. / Financial management of STUDENT AGENCY s.r.o.Malý, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
Main aim of this work is to evaluace the financial situation of STUDENT AGENCY s.r.o. from 2006 to 2010 with the help of financial analysis. Another goal of this thesis is to find main indicators, which has the ability to influence key results of the company. Last goal is to find restrictions, which can limit this key results and find shortcomings, where should company focus on.
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Konkursprognostisering : En empirisk studie av småföretag i Sverige / Bankruptcy forecasting : An empirical study of small businesses in SwedenNorrbelius, Therese, Linder, Carina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Corporate failures pose a problem for banks, investors, customers, employees andinsurers. With a multivariate discrimination method, the study aims to find the specificfinancial ratios that most accurate reveals a company's financial health, which is ofinterest to all of the above parties. The data consist of 1042 Swedish small enterprisesand 30 different financial ratios between the years 2005‐2007. The result shows thatbankrupt firms three years before bankruptcy have a disadvantaged capital structurewith poor solvency and high debt. The year before bankruptcy, profitability and liquiditydeclined for bankruptcy group, and rates vary considerably in comparison with thesurviving companies. Our model can correctly classify 91,2 % of the total sample one yearbefore bankruptcy.</p> / <p>Företagskonkurser är dyrt för samhället och utgör ett problem för bland annat banker,investerare, kunder, anställda, försäkringsbolag och leverantörer. Studien syftar till attfinna de specifika nyckeltal vilka avslöjar ett företags finansiella hälsa, vilket är av intresseför alla ovanstående parter. Med en kvantitativ multivariat analysmetod har 30 olikanyckeltal från sammanlagt 1042 svenska mindre aktiebolag mellan åren 2005 och 2007studerats.Resultatet visar att konkursföretagen tre år innan konkurs har en missgynnandekapitalstruktur med svag soliditet och hög skuldsättning. Året innan konkurs harlönsamheten och likviditeten minskat för konkursgruppen och talen uppvisar storaskillnader i jämförelse med de överlevande företagen. Modellen klassificerar 91,2 % avföretagen korrekt ett år innan konkurs.</p>
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Konkursprognostisering : En empirisk studie av småföretag i Sverige / Bankruptcy forecasting : An empirical study of small businesses in SwedenNorrbelius, Therese, Linder, Carina January 2009 (has links)
Corporate failures pose a problem for banks, investors, customers, employees andinsurers. With a multivariate discrimination method, the study aims to find the specificfinancial ratios that most accurate reveals a company's financial health, which is ofinterest to all of the above parties. The data consist of 1042 Swedish small enterprisesand 30 different financial ratios between the years 2005‐2007. The result shows thatbankrupt firms three years before bankruptcy have a disadvantaged capital structurewith poor solvency and high debt. The year before bankruptcy, profitability and liquiditydeclined for bankruptcy group, and rates vary considerably in comparison with thesurviving companies. Our model can correctly classify 91,2 % of the total sample one yearbefore bankruptcy. / Företagskonkurser är dyrt för samhället och utgör ett problem för bland annat banker,investerare, kunder, anställda, försäkringsbolag och leverantörer. Studien syftar till attfinna de specifika nyckeltal vilka avslöjar ett företags finansiella hälsa, vilket är av intresseför alla ovanstående parter. Med en kvantitativ multivariat analysmetod har 30 olikanyckeltal från sammanlagt 1042 svenska mindre aktiebolag mellan åren 2005 och 2007studerats.Resultatet visar att konkursföretagen tre år innan konkurs har en missgynnandekapitalstruktur med svag soliditet och hög skuldsättning. Året innan konkurs harlönsamheten och likviditeten minskat för konkursgruppen och talen uppvisar storaskillnader i jämförelse med de överlevande företagen. Modellen klassificerar 91,2 % avföretagen korrekt ett år innan konkurs.
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Återställning av bankernas förmånsrätt 2009 : Kommer bankernas kreditgivning att förändras?Apell, Cecilia, Evertson, Helén January 2009 (has links)
Den första januari 2009 ändrades Förmånsrättslagen och bankerna har återigen fått särskild förmånsrätt med 100 procent vid utmätning och konkurs. Den lagändring som genomfördes 2004 innebar endast 55 procent och allmän förmånsrätt för bankerna och fick inte den effekt som regeringen önskat och det blev svårare för företag att låna pengar från banken. De alternativa finansieringsformerna ökade då bankerna inte längre hade samma säkerhet vid konkurser utan då fanns istället säkerheten i objektet. Genom de undersökningar som gjorts där resultat visat de negativa effekterna beslutades om att återställa bankernas förmånsrätt. Frågan är om återgången kommer att förändra bankernas kreditgivning. Genom de intervjuer som genomförts visar de konsekvenser som den tidigare lagen haft på kreditgivningen på att en återgång var nödvändig. I dagsläget ser det inte ut som den nya lagen kommer att påverka finansiärernas syn på krediter med företagshypotek utan de alternativa finansieringsformerna kommer att bestå. / January 1st 2009 the banks priority rights were restored to once again have special rights with 100 percent at distraint and bankruptcy. The change in Law of priority rights that carried through in 2004 meant only 55 percent and general priority rights. This did not have the desired effects. Instead it became more difficult for companies to get loans from the banks. The alternative financing forms were increasing as the banks no longer had the same security at bankruptcies. The security was instead the object. After research that showed the negative effects with the change in law 2004, the government decided to restore the priority rights of the banks. The question is whether the restoration will change the banks crediting process. The conducted interviews show that a regression was necessary. It does not look like the new law will affect the creditors view on crediting with chattel mortgage, the alternative financing forms will remain.
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Konkurser utan gränser? : En utvärdering av Altmans Z´-scoremodell på företag i Sverige / Bankruptcy without borders? : An Evaluation of Altman’s Z’-Score Model for Companies in Sweden.Metlik, Dan, Jakobsson, Sanna January 2011 (has links)
Purpose: To investigate if Altman´s Z´-score model, which calculates financial distress, can be applied on companies established in Sweden and if the financial crisis in 2008 made previously healthy companies go bankrupt. Methodology: Quantitative studies with a positivistic foundation. Empirical data will be collected in order to examine if there is generalizability among the studied objects. Conclusions will be made by comparing the empirical data with the theoretical foundation. Financial distress in firms will be measured. Theoretical perspectives: Altman´s Z´-score model, designed to predict financial distress in private firms. Empirical foundation: A selection of 93 private firms that have gone bankrupt in the years 2008, 2009 or 2010. The firms selected all have a turnover that exceeds 20 million SEK. The years examined will be 2005 to 2009. Conclusion: As this study is carried out, the conclusion is that Altman´s Z´-score model cannot be applied on companies established in Sweden.
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Marktaustrittsverfahren in Litauens Übergang von der Befehls- zur MarktwirtschaftSaupe, Simone 04 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Marktaustrittsprozesse und förmliche Konkurs- und Sanierungsverfahren gelten als grundlegende Elemente funktionsfähiger Marktwirtschaften und können in diesem Sinne als Indikatoren eines erfolgreichen Transformationsprozesses interpretiert werden. Diese Arbeit untersucht, unter welchen Bedingungen sie sich im litauischen Übergang von der Befehls- zur Marktwirtschaft herausbildeten. Es wird gezeigt, dass bereits die frühen Reformen der Liberalisierung und makroökonomischen Stabilisierung Marktaustritte hervorriefen. Diese waren fast ausschließlich informeller Natur. Angesicht seiner mangelhaften institutionellen Voraussetzungen war das Konkursrecht in der Frühphase der litauischen Transformation nicht in der Lage die Funktionen zu erfüllen, die ihm in reifen Marktwirtschaften zukommt. Seine strikte Anwendung hätte daher die wirtschaftliche Krise verstärken können. Erst als diese überwunden schien und sich zunehmend alle Elemente einer Wettbewerbsordnung etablierten, konnte und musste auch das Insolvenzsystem an Bedeutung und Funktionalität gewinnen.
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To Analyze the Bank Short-Term Lending Risk From the Working Capital Management by Using System Dynamics Method.Ko, Kuang-Ting 30 August 2004 (has links)
The cash conversion cycle which is a very important indicator measures how efficient a company manages its working capital. This indicator clearly points the effect of a company business operation from the cash flow point of view. Basically, it is an excellent systematic financial system that includes the function which will fully describe the important parts of daily operation behavior of a company.
According to this study, the cash conversion cycle can completely show the skeleton of working capital management and its own business operation character of a company. By using the cash conversion cycle as a base, the model of working capital management cycle is created from a system dynamics method. A close-tight and highly dependent relationship between revenue and profit growth rate with the cash conversion cycle is illustrated in this model by inputting some criteria. The illustration shows:
1.The cash conversion cycle will affect a company¡¦s profitability.
2.The cash conversion cycle will affect Cash flow shortage risk.
3.The cash conversion cycle focuses on the period of time between ¡§payment and receiving¡¨. When a company¡¦s revenue increases substantially but profit is not increased accordingly, the length of time between payments and receiving shows a gap is created by increasing cash payments on production but less increasing or decreasing cash receiving on sales. This gap will gradually cause cash outflow greater than cash inflow. Although the account indicates that the company is profitable, the company business operation will still suffer from the cash shortage eventually.
Of course, the company¡¦s strong refinancing ability may solve this problem. However, if the company has problem of refinancing and increasing its operation capital, the raising cash outflow from the gap will trigger off a counterintuitive of ¡§bankruptcy from the technical insolvency ¡§.
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Pricing Default And Financial Distress Risks In Foreign Currency-denominated Corporate Loans In TurkeyYilmaz, Aycan 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The globalization leads to integration of the economies worldwide. As the firms' / businesses also get integrated with each other, the financing choices of the firms diversify. Among these choices, the popularity and the share of foreign currency borrowing in total borrowing by non-financial firms increase in Turkey similar to the global developments. The main purpose of this thesis is to price the risks of default and financial distress due to foreign currency denominated loans of non-financial firms in Turkey. The valuation model of foreign currency corporate loans is established by two state variable option pricing model based on the study of Cox, Ingersoll and Ross. In our model, the main risk factors are identified as the exchange rate and the interest rate, which are the state variables of the main partial differential equation whose solution gives the value of the asset. The numerical results are tested for different parameters and for different economic environments. The findings show that interest rate fluctuations are more important both for the default and financial distress option values than the fluctuations in exchange rate. However, the effect of upside movements of exchange rate on the financial distress and default values is sharper than the downside movement effect of interest rate. Furthermore, high loan-to-value (LTV) foreign currency loans result in significantly high financial distress values that cannot be disregarded and can lead to default of the firm. To the best of our knowledge, this thesis is the first study that develops a structural model to evaluate foreign currency denominated corporate loans in an option-pricing framework.
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Återställning av bankernas förmånsrätt 2009 : Kommer bankernas kreditgivning att förändras?Apell, Cecilia, Evertson, Helén January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den första januari 2009 ändrades Förmånsrättslagen och bankerna har återigen fått särskild förmånsrätt med 100 procent vid utmätning och konkurs. Den lagändring som genomfördes 2004 innebar endast 55 procent och allmän förmånsrätt för bankerna och fick inte den effekt som regeringen önskat och det blev svårare för företag att låna pengar från banken. De alternativa finansieringsformerna ökade då bankerna inte längre hade samma säkerhet vid konkurser utan då fanns istället säkerheten i objektet. Genom de undersökningar som gjorts där resultat visat de negativa effekterna beslutades om att återställa bankernas förmånsrätt. Frågan är om återgången kommer att förändra bankernas kreditgivning. Genom de intervjuer som genomförts visar de konsekvenser som den tidigare lagen haft på kreditgivningen på att en återgång var nödvändig. I dagsläget ser det inte ut som den nya lagen kommer att påverka finansiärernas syn på krediter med företagshypotek utan de alternativa finansieringsformerna kommer att bestå.</p> / <p>January 1st 2009 the banks priority rights were restored to once again have special rights with 100 percent at distraint and bankruptcy. The change in Law of priority rights that carried through in 2004 meant only 55 percent and general priority rights. This did not have the desired effects. Instead it became more difficult for companies to get loans from the banks. The alternative financing forms were increasing as the banks no longer had the same security at bankruptcies. The security was instead the object. After research that showed the negative effects with the change in law 2004, the government decided to restore the priority rights of the banks. The question is whether the restoration will change the banks crediting process. The conducted interviews show that a regression was necessary. It does not look like the new law will affect the creditors view on crediting with chattel mortgage, the alternative financing forms will remain.</p>
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