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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A moral responsibility or an extra burden?:a study on global education as part of Finnish basic education

Pudas, A.-K. (Anna-Kaisa) 04 August 2015 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation focuses on global education (GE) and on its implementation in lower level basic education in Finland. The aim of my research was to investigate the present position of GE in basic education schools; identify the practices and problem areas in the implementation of GE; find practical solutions to facilitate the implementation; and consequently, to contribute to subsequent decision making regarding successful integration of GE in national basic education in Finland. The research may best be described as a pragmatic, qualitative dominant mixed research study that also had at the beginning features of action research. GE has served as my theoretical foundation and social learning theory has been used for studying teaching and learning from GE perspective. The main research methods were content analysis of the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2004) and the GE 2010 programme and research questionnaires that were sent to basic education principals, teachers, and pupils to collect data from the field. A study on textbook research has also been conducted and representatives of the two main textbook publishers in Finland were interviewed for the research. The main findings of the research suggest that GE is not systematically implemented in basic education schools in Finland even though many of the areas of GE are considered important. The main problems in implementation were seen to be the lack of conceptual clarity and the fact that GE was perceived as an additional burden for the schools rather than as an integral part of all school activities. As GE was not an explicit part of the official curriculum, it was not considered mandatory and the schools were not sufficiently resourced for teaching it. All in all, the findings focus on discussing the operational culture of schools and the role of diverse transactions in realising the aims of GE. The role of educational policy documents and the relationship between national and local curricula is found to be complex on many levels. Efficient policy implementation needs attention. This dissertation also gives suggestions on how to improve the current situation. These include clarifying the GE concept, including GE explicitly in the curriculum, defining the short-term objectives and assessment policies, training teachers and principals, resourcing the schools and teachers appropriately to teach GE. / Tiivistelmä Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen aiheena on globaalikasvatus ja sen täytäntöönpano suomalaisen perusopetuksen alakouluissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartuttaa tietoa globaalikasvatuksen teoreettisesta perustasta ja nykyisistä käytännöistä erityisesti Suomen kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli selvittää perusopetuksen globaalikasvatuksen tila, tunnistaa ongelmakohdat globaalikasvatuksen täytäntöönpanossa, löytää käytännön ratkaisuja täytäntöönpanon helpottamiseksi sekä täten myötävaikuttaa päätöksentekoon, jolla globaalikasvatus saadaan onnistuneesti yhdistettyä kansalliseen perusopetukseen Suomessa. Tutkimusta voi parhaiten kuvailla pragmaattisena, pääasiallisesti kvalitatiivisena ”mixed research” -tutkimuksena, jossa alussa oli myös toimintatutkimuksen piirteitä. Globaalikasvatus muodostaa työni teoreettisen perustan ja sosiaalisen oppimisen teoriaa on käytetty tutkittaessa opettamista ja oppimista globaalikasvatuksen näkökulmasta. Pääasiallisina tutkimusmetodeina on käytetty sisällönanalyysia, jolla on analysoitu Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteita 2004 ja Kansainvälisyyskasvatus 2010 -ohjelmaa sekä tutkimuskyselyitä, joilla kerättiin tietoa perusopetusta antavien koulujen rehtoreilta, opettajilta ja oppilailta. Lisäksi tutkimusta varten on haastateltu kahden suurimman oppikirjavalmistajan edustajia sekä analysoitu tutkimuksia, joita on tehty Suomen perusopetuksen oppikirjoista. Tutkimuksen päätulokset osoittavat, että globaalikasvatusta ei ole systemaattisesti huomioitu Suomen perusopetusta antavissa kouluissa, vaikka monia globaalikasvatukseen kuuluvia aihealueita pidetäänkin perusopetukselle tärkeinä. Suurimmiksi ongelmiksi kentällä nähdään käsitteen tuntemattomuus ja epämääräisyys sekä se, että globaalikasvatusta ei liitetä kiinteästi kaikkeen koulun toimintaan. Sen sijaan se nähdään ylimääräisenä satunnaisena lisänä, jolla ei ole keskeistä roolia kouluissa. Koska globaalikasvatus ei eksplisiittisesti ole osa virallista opetussuunnitelmaa, sitä ei pidetty ensisijaisen velvoittavana eikä globaalikasvatuksen toteuttamiseen katsottu olevan riittävästi resursseja. Kaiken kaikkiaan tuloksissa pohditaan kouluyhteisön toimintakulttuuria ja moninaisten vuorovaikutusten roolia globaalikasvatuksen tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Tärkeäksi muodostuu myös koulutuspoliittisten asiakirjojen asema sekä valtakunnallisen ja koulukohtaisesti toteutetun opetussuunnitelman suhde globaalikasvatuksen toteuttamisessa. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetään tilanteeseen parannusehdotuksia. Ehdotuksiin sisältyy käsitteen avaaminen, kiinteän yhteyden rakentaminen opetussuunnitelman ja käytännön välille, globaalikasvatuskompetenssien ja niihin liittyvien arviointiperiaatteiden määritteleminen, opettajankoulutuksen ja koulun johtajien koulutuksen kehittäminen sekä koulujen ja opettajien varustaminen globaalikasvatusta varten.

Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelma 2000-luvulla—uudistus paikallisina prosesseina kahdessa kaupungissa

Holappa, A.-S. (Arja-Sisko) 06 November 2007 (has links)
Abstract The object of the study is the curriculum reform in basic education in the 2000's as local interpretations. The objective of the study is to create an image on how local municipal processes were formed and what kind of discourses in terms of educational policy, public administration and local level occurred. The empirical data of the study was collected in two cities, Oulu and Raahe, during 2002–2005. Part of the data was created in the processes and its so-called natural corpus whereby part of the material was acquired for the study. The analysis of the data was based on the constructionist approach, in which language is perceived as a social matter and in which the contextuality of meanings is recognized. In this case, the theoretical background of the study and earlier research on the curricula theory and practice, as well as research on the status and development of the school system form a part of qualitative hermeneutic interpretation. Characteristics of both action and ethnographic research can be seen in the study. Curricula have been used to direct the Finnish education for approximately one hundred years. The method of implementation has however changed in such a way that curriculum does not hold an established status in comprehensive schools. The unestablished status of curriculum can be seen also in this study. The concept of curriculum was defined in a number of different ways in the subjects' speech. Local processes differed from each other and experiences from previous reforms were not utilized. However, the teachers, principals and administrative personnel participating in the processes had a positive attitude towards the reform. The study will focus on how curriculum is defined in the subjects' speech concerning the school, municipality and department of education. The speech emphasises co-operation. The idea of up-to-date school and teachership could be maintained through curriculum work. Speech concerning the reform of the school emphasised the uniformity of comprehensive schools, which is linked with co-operation between different school levels, curriculum co-operation and school common to all pupils. The speech also highlighted the individuality of pupils. Speech concerning the municipality and the department of education raised the issues of multi-professionalism and regionality. Local strategic planning was raised in both processes. The example from Oulu shows that curriculum work may function as a tool for implementing the strategy of the department of education. This signifies a change in the administrative culture that has strengthened the position of local interpretation. The study also examined the subjects' speech in the perspective of educational policy discourses of the previous decade. In addition to national and local goals, international aspects can be identified. On the basis of this interpretation, operators in curriculum work were identified and named the voice of expertise and education, voice of developing local administration and voice of market economy. The voice of market economy is loud because it also affects the attitudes of the experts and developing local administration. In the background, conflicting assumptions on the society, individual and leadership can be perceived. These conflicts can be approached as alternatives in current discussion in which teaching personnel should also become more consciously involved. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen kohteena on 2000-luvun opetussuunnitelmauudistus perusopetuksessa paikallisina tulkintoina. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ollut luoda kuvaa siitä, millaiseksi paikalliset kuntaprosessit muodostuivat ja millaisia koulutuspoliittisia, julkishallinnollisia ja paikallisia diskursseja niissä ilmeni. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto on koottu kahdessa kaupungissa, Oulussa ja Raahessa, vuosien 2002–2005 aikana. Osa aineistoa on prosesseissa syntynyttä ns. luonnollista aineistoa ja osa tutkimusta varten hankittua. Tutkimusaineiston analyysi perustuu konstruktionistiseen lähestymistapaan, jossa kieli ymmärretään yhteiskunnallisena asiana ja jossa tunnustetaan merkitysten kontekstuaalisuus. Tällöin myös tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta, opetussuunnitelmateoriaa ja käytäntöjä tarkasteleva aiempi tutkimus sekä koulun tilaa ja kehittymistä kuvaava tutkimus, ovat osa kvalitatiivista hermeneuttista tulkintaa. Tutkimuksessa voi nähdä sekä toimintatutkimuksen että etnografisen tutkimuksen piirteitä. Opetussuunnitelmilla on pyritty ohjaamaan suomalaista koulua noin sadan vuoden ajan. Toteuttamisen tapa on kuitenkin vaihdellut niin, ettei opetussuunnitelmalla ole vakiintunutta asemaa peruskoulussa. Vakiintumattomuus näkyy myös tässä tutkimuksessa. Opetussuunnitelmakäsitys määrittyi hyvin monin eri tavoin osallistujien puheessa. Paikalliset prosessit erosivat toisistaan, eikä niissä hyödynnetty edellisten uudistusten kokemuksia. Prosesseihin osallistuneet opettajat, rehtorit ja hallinnon henkilöstö ottivat uudistuksen kuitenkin myönteisesti vastaan. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan millaiseksi opetussuunnitelma määrittyy osallistujien koulua, kuntaa ja opetustoimea koskevassa puheessa. Puheessa korostui yhteistyö. Opetussuunnitelmatyöllä voitiin ylläpitää ajantasaisen koulun ja opettajuuden ihannetta. Koulua koskevassa muutospuheessa korostui peruskoulun yhtenäisyys, joka liitettiin kouluasteiden yhteistyöhön ja opetussuunnitelmayhteistyöhön sekä kaikille oppilaille yhteiseen kouluun. Puhe korosti oppilaiden yksilöllisyyttä. Kuntaa ja opetustoimea koskevassa puheessa nousivat esille moniammatillisuus ja seutukunnallisuus. Paikallinen strateginen suunnittelu nousi esille molemmissa prosesseissa. Oulun esimerkki osoittaa, että opetussuunnitelmatyö voi toimia opetustoimen strategian toteuttamisen välineenä. Tämä kertoo hallintokulttuurin muutoksesta, joka on vahvistanut paikallista tulkintaa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös osallistujien puhetta suhteessa edellisen vuosikymmenen koulutuspoliittisiin diskursseihin. Puheessa voi erottaa kansallisten ja paikallisten tavoitteiden lisäksi kansainvälisiä vaikutteita. Tämän tulkinnan kautta erottuvat opetussuunnitelmatyössä vaikuttavat toimijatahot, jotka tutkimuksessa nimetään asiantuntijuuden ja sivistyksen ääneksi, kehittyvän paikallishallinnon ääneksi sekä markkinatalouden ääneksi. Markkinatalouden ääni on kantava, sillä se vaikuttaa myös asiantuntijoiden asenteissa ja kehittyvässä paikallishallinnossa. Sen taustalla voi kuitenkin nähdä ristiriitaisia oletuksia yhteiskunnasta, yksilöstä ja johtamisesta. Näitä ristiriitoja voi lähestyä ajankohtaisen keskustelun vaihtoehtoina, jossa myös opetushenkilöstön tulisi olla entistä tietoisemmin mukana.

Western Cape Education Department (WCED) teacher in-service development programmes with the emphasis on teaching and learning and the holistic development of learners

Martin, Jennifer Priscilla January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / There is global interest in teacher education as a strategy for national development. More specifically, emphasis is placed on teachers as the driving force behind educational provision which is central to achieving high standards of learner achievement. This study focused on teacher in-service development and its role for effective teaching and learning towards the holistic development of learners. Extensive social inequalities, along the lines of race, still exist in South Africa almost twenty years into the new dispensation. This is evident by the vast majority of impoverished schools in previously disadvantaged areas. Learners at these schools experience a range of barriers to learning which impede teaching and learning. Consequently, teachers at these schools are confronted with a tensionfilled task: having to be sensitive to the needs of these learners, whilst at the same having to ensure their success. This is reflected in Department of Education (DoE) policies which emphasises principles of social transformation for redress and equity, coupled with the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills for the benefit of individuals in South Africa, as well as global trends. As a quantitative data collection method in this mixed method study, 55 teachers (of which 26 responded) from two schools, were asked to complete a questionnaire on the effectiveness of teacher in-service development programmes towards the holistic development of learners. Qualitative data collection methods entailed interviewing a principal of one of the schools; a social worker from the area; as well as a district officer from the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). In addition, relevant DoE policies were reviewed. Findings reflect that teachers at impoverished schools are confronted with a range of challenges presented by learners in the classrooms. The findings also indicate that even though DoE policies reflect a commitment to teacher development, the in-service programmes offered to teachers mostly do not reflect the needs of teachers for the holistic development of learners. In instances where inservice programmes do assist with the holistic development of learners, findings indicate that the implementation thereof is challenging due to the high teacher: learner ratio and limited resources. Thus, recommendations include the periodic monitoring and review of long-term DoE teacher development initiatives whilst short term measures incorporate giving attention to impediments like lack of parental support and behavioural challenge. Long term measures, which are strongly recommended, encompass systemic change that facilitates the working together of a number of governmental departments. In so doing, educational reform takes on a society wide form, as it is evident that on its own it cannot abate poverty and the related effects. Thus, the DoE’s vision of education for social transformation towards redress and equity, as well as economic growth for individuals and South Africa is more plausible. These recommendations create a vital space for future research.

Strategies for facilitating learning in Adult Basic Education and Training

Machobane, Amohelang Masibongile 13 September 2010 (has links)
This study examines the strategies used by facilitators at Adult Basic Education and Training Centre in order to determine whether the facilitators are responsive to adult learning principle and practices. If inappropriate strategies for the facilitation of learning are used, adult learners are likely to become bored, frustrated, overwhelmed or unable to cope with the challenges of learning. This may contribute to the high drop-out rate that many adult education programmes face. The failure to retain adult learners in ABET programmes may result in adult learners relapsing into illiteracy, which then poses a problem as the overarching goal of the South African government is to eradicate illiteracy. This study aims at answering the following research questions: <ul> <li>What are the perceptions of adult learners of the facilitation of learning in the programmes they are enrolled for?</li> <li>What are the strategies used by ABET facilitators to promote cooperative learning?</il> <li>How do ABET facilitators promote self-directed learning among adult learners?</li> </ul> The theoretical framework on which this study is based is constructivism. Constructivist theory advocates a paradigm shift from traditional methods of teaching to a more learner-centred approach of instruction and learning. Thus, constructivist theory embraces Outcomes-based Education that emphasises that active participation by learners should be the backbone of all learning activities. Both facilitators and learners are required to focus on the outcomes that should be achieved during each learning activity. This study employs a mixed-methods approach that includes quantitative and qualitative research methods. The research design for this study is the case study method. The population of this study comprises adult learners and facilitators at Gaegolelwe Adult Centre. A simple random sampling was used to select forty-seven adult learners to participate in this study. Convenience sampling was used to select 4 facilitators. The methods of data collection used were questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and observations. The findings of this study are the following: <ul> <li>Facilitators at Gaegolelwe Adult Centre cater moderately for learners with different learning styles.</li> <li>Learners are engaged in different learning activities, such as completing tasks individually, in pairs or in groups and are involved in research orientated activities in order to discover things for themselves.</li> <li>Facilitators promote active participation during learning opportunities.</li> <li>Most adult learners demonstrate responsibility towards their own work. However, some do not, and this may be attributed to many competing social roles that must be balanced against the demands of learning.</li> <li>Learners are challenged to develop critical thinking, problem-solving and higher order reasoning skills.</li> <li>Cooperative learning as one strategy of facilitating learning is not utilised to the maximum.</li> <li>It has been observed that the lecture method is predominantly used by facilitators; this is not in line with constructivist learning theory as the latter emphasises the use of different methods of facilitation in order to accommodate learners with diverse learning styles.</li> </ul> The following recommendations have been made: <ul> <li>Facilitators with extensive teaching experience should be engaged to facilitate adult learning. However, they should be educated and trained in methods of facilitating adult learners.</li> <li>Male adults need to be mobilised through mass literacy campaigns to join ABET programmes.</li> <li>Learners should be given the opportunity to make an input in the development of strategies for facilitating learning.</li></ul> Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Early Childhood Education / unrestricted

Politique de recrutement des enseignants non fonctionnaires et qualité de l'éducation de base au Sénégal : quels enseignements vers l'Education Pour Tous (EPT)? / Impact of the contractual teacher's recrutment policy on the quality of primary education in Sénégal : what lessons for Education for all ?

Diop, Aliou 14 June 2011 (has links)
Au début des années 1990, le Sénégal, à l'instar de nombreux pays d'Afrique subsaharienne, était confronté à une baisse de sa couverture scolaire au primaire. Malgré les nombreuses mesures prises pour accroître l'offre scolaire à moindre coût (création des classes à double flux, renforcement des classes multigrades, création des écoles de formation des instituteurs qui forment en un an au lieu de quatre ans comme précédemment, augmentation du recrutement d'instituteurs adjoints, etc.), cette baisse s'est poursuivie jusqu'en 1994. Pour renverser cette tendance à la baisse, les autorités ont alors fait appel à des enseignants non fonctionnaires (volontaires de l‟éducation et maîtres contractuels). Comparés à leurs collègues titulaires, ces « nouveaux enseignants » ont reçu une formation professionnelle de courte durée et sont employés dans des conditions moins favorables. De plus, leurs salaires sont considérablement plus faibles que dans la fonction publique. Ces conditions conduisent selon certains discours à un manque de motivation doublé de lacunes importantes sur le plan des compétences professionnelles, le tout pouvant avoir un impact très négatif sur la qualité de l'éducation. Après avoir resitué les enjeux actuels de l‟école sénégalaise, dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l'évaluation de l'impact de cette politique de recrutement des enseignants non fonctionnaires sur la qualité de l'enseignement primaire, ceci en utilisant les données issues des enquêtes PASEC réalisées en 2006/2007 et en appliquant les méthodes d'impact quasi expérimentales. La difficulté empirique de l'évaluation d'impact réside ici dans l'estimation du contrefactuel. En effet, il n'est pas possible d'observer chaque élève membre d'une classe tenue par un enseignant non-fonctionnaire (volontaire de l'éducation et maître contractuel) dans la situation où il aurait été membre d'un groupe pédagogique confié à un maître titulaire. Pour contourner cette difficulté, nous recourons aux techniques d'observation appariées proposées par Rubin (1974). Nos résultats montrent qu'en deuxième année, les enseignants titulaires sont plus efficaces que les maîtres contractuels pour transmettre les connaissances aux élèves. En cinquième année, ce sont les maîtres contractuels qui sont plus performants. Quant aux volontaires de l'éducation, ils ne se démarquent pas significativement des titulaires dans les deux niveaux d'études considérés. / In the early 1990s, like in many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Senegal was also facing a decrease in the gross school enrolment ratio (GER). Despite the numerous measures taken for increasing GER at lower cost (creation of double shift classes, strengthening of multi-grade classes, creation of training schools which train teachers curriculum in one year instead of four as previously, increased recruitment of assistant teachers, etc.), this decline continued until 1994. In order to reverse this downward trend, the government recruited non-civil servant teachers (education volunteers and contract teachers). Compared to their tenured colleagues, these "new teachers" received a short duration professional training and employed under less favorable conditions (without tenure and other social advantages). Moreover, the wages they earn are considerably lower than those in the public services. These conditions lead to low motivation and significant deficiencies of skills, and consequently imply a negative impact on the quality of education. After relocating the current issues of Senegalese school, in this thesis we evaluate the impact of the contractual teachers‟ recruitment policy on the quality of primary education by using data from PASEC surveys that was conducted in school year 2006/2007 and by applying the quasi-experimental impact method. In this study, the empirical difficulty of evaluating the impact lies in estimating the counterfactual. Indeed, it is not possible to observe each student of a class taught by “non-civil servant teachers” in a situation where the student was a member a class ruled by a civil servant teacher. To avoid this difficulty, we use the matched observational techniques proposed by Rubin (1974). Our results show in the second grade, civil servants are more effective than contract teachers in transmitting knowledge to students. On the other hand for the fifth grade, contract teachers are more efficient for pupil‟s results. The performance of volunteer teachers is not significantly different from the civil servant teachers at both educational levels.

The education sector as an essential service

Adams, Anton John January 2011 (has links)
Because of the impact of teacher strikes on education there has been a call to declare the teacher‟s profession an essential service and thus prohibit them from striking. This call was made by the Democratic Alliance (DA). The Democratic Alliance arguments in their application to the Essential Services Committee was based on the fact that education in South Africa is in a crisis and the life-altering inconvenience this caused for children. The combined teacher unions in the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) expressed their concerns over the DA‟s call for education to be declared an Essential Service. The Bill of Rights grants every employee the fundamental right to strike. This is an absolute and should always be exercised under certain controlled conditions, as stipulated by the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995. Convention 87 of the International Labour Organising (ILO) recognises the right of trade unions, as an organisation of workers set up to further and defend their interest (Article 10), to formulate their programs and organise their activities (Article 3); this means that unions have the right to negotiate with employers and to express their views on economic and social issues affecting the occupational interest of their members. This constitutes the position that the right to strike is one of the legitimate and indeed essential means available to workers for furthering and defending their occupational interest. Balanced against the right of every teacher to strike is the right of everyone to have a basic education as set out in section 29 of the Constitution. In terms of section 29(1)(a) everyone has a right, enforceable against the state, to basic education. This creates a strong positive right. Aspects of the right to education are found in human rights treaties and declarations. This right to education is contained in article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) which states that “everyone has the right to education”. The International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural v Rights of 1966 covers the right to education comprehensively, especially article 13 and 14. In 1989 the Convention on the Rights of the Child further confirmed this right. The right to a basic education is further enhanced by section 28(2) of the Constitution “(a) child‟s best interest is of paramount importance in every matter concerning the child”. It is significant to note that in 2007 the Constitutional Court elevated the “best interest” principle to a right. This implies that the best interest of the child would be the decisive factor in each matter that affects the child. In deciding to declare the teaching profession as an essential service constitutional rights must be balanced. These are the right to strike, the right to a basic education and the best interest of the child principle.

Direito social à educação : análise das políticas para educação básica no município de Imperatriz-MA / Social right to education: Analysis of public policies for Basic Education in the municipality of ImperatrizMA

Ocionira Rodrigues Soares 06 November 2015 (has links)
Trata o presente trabalho do direito social à educação: análise das políticas públicas para Educação Básica no município de ImperatrizMA. No período entre 1990 a 2014, contextualiza-se a evolução dos indicadores de desenvolvimento humano, com ênfase para o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDH-M). Analisam-se as políticas públicas de Educação Básica no município de Imperatriz como fator de desenvolvimento regional, e alicerce para a qualidade de vida e as liberdades sociais. Objetiva-se no estudo, analisar o reflexo das políticas públicas de Educação Básica nos indicadores sociais e o efetivo cumprimento do direito à da Educação como fator de desenvolvimento regional no município de ImperatrizMA. O método da pesquisa é exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, e tem como delineamento a verificação documental, na legislação, das políticas públicas em Educação Básica, em Imperatriz. Resultados obtidos na pesquisa apontaram as influências das políticas públicas em Educação Básica nos indicadores sociais municipais. Percebeu-se que em Imperatriz-MA, embora os números apontem para uma evolução favorável até 2009, nas escolas que participam das avaliações do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB), isso não significa a realidade de todos os estabelecimentos escolares locais, pois em parte dessas escolas os indicadores são baixos. Em 2011 e 2013 o município pesquisado não atingiu as metas projetadas para o IDEB, o que denota a necessidade de maior atenção no quesito qualidade na Educação Básica. O IDHM de Imperatriz evoluiu positivamente a partir de 1990. Contudo no indicador da educação municipal a melhora ainda é insuficiente para as necessidades de universalização da Educação Básica até 2015. Comparado com os demais municípios do Maranhão, Imperatriz possui elevado IDHM, todavia, precisa intensificar as políticas públicas para atingir as metas dos planos educacionais no município pesquisado. Ainda que a dimensão Educação do IDHM imperatrizense tenha sido favorável a partir de 1990. / This is the present work of social right to education: analysis of public policies for basic education in the municipality of Imperatriz-MA. In the period between 1990 and 2014, contextualizes the evolution of the indicators of human development, with emphasis to the Municipal Human Development Index (IDH-M). It analyzes the public policies of Basic Education in the municipality of Imperatriz as a factor of regional development, and the foundation for the quality of life and the social freedoms. The objective is in study, analyze the reflection of public policies of Basic Education in the social indicators and the effective enforcement of the right to education as a factor of regional development in the municipality of Imperatriz-MA. The research method is exploratory, with qualitative approach, and has as experimental documentary verification, in legislation, public policies in Basic Education, at Imperatriz. Results obtained in this research pointed out the influences of public policies in Basic Education in the municipal social indicators. It was noticed that at Imperatriz-MA, although the numbers to suggest a favorable evolution until 2009, in schools that participate of the evaluations of the Index of Development of Basic Education(IDEB), this does not mean the reality of all establishments local school, because in part of these schools the indicators are low. In 2011 and 2013 the municipality studied do not has achieved the goals that were designed for the IDEB, denoting the need for greater attention at delivering Quality in Basic Education. The IDHM of Imperatriz evolved positively from 1990. However on the indicator of municipal education improvement is still inadequate for the needs of the universalization of basic education by 2015. Compared to the other municipalities of Maranhão, Empress has high IDHM, however, need to intensify the public policies to achieve the goals of educational plans in the municipality searched. Still that the education of IDHM imperatrizense dimension has been favorable from 1990.

O currículo da rede estadual paulista de ensino para a disciplina de história: análise, compreensão e crítica dos professores / São Paulo state schools curriculum for history: teachers analysis, understanding and criticism / El currículo de la red de enseñanza del estado paulista para la disciplina de historia: análisis, comprensión y crítica de los maestros

Souza, Émerson Francisco de 06 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-09T15:32:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Emerson Francisco De Souza.pdf: 847858 bytes, checksum: 9ecec83a05260166e1de3b30c9fd8530 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-09T15:32:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Emerson Francisco De Souza.pdf: 847858 bytes, checksum: 9ecec83a05260166e1de3b30c9fd8530 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-06 / The state government of São Paulo, through the State Secretary of Education, presented and implemented, in 2008, a new curriculum proposal for all schools in the state public school system. In 2010, this curriculum proposal became the official curriculum. This research object of study is the proposed curriculum for the subject of history. Our main concern is to try to understand how history teachers that work in state schools understand, analyze and incorporate the official curriculum objectives, and procedures, and educational concepts, and guidelines into their routine and school practice. Research sources are constituted of official documents that support the proposal such as the base document, the teacher's notebook and student's notebook, the regulatory framework produced by SEE-SP and a set of four interviews with history teachers. Interviews approach teachers’ educational background, their understanding of the curriculum debate, their analysis of the implementation process and how the proposals present in the curriculum have been incorporated in their daily work at school. In this process, the text initially presents different curriculum theories that inform the current debate to show the approximations and distances with the official curriculum. Following, it presents the official curriculum, its foundations, guidelines and structural axes. At the end, it presents history teachers speeches, specifically relating their training to their understanding of curriculum processes, their reading of the official curriculum, the criticism that manifest, the experiences built daily to deal with the curriculum. In the face of the findings in this research, it is clear that there is little understanding of the curricular debate among teachers and that resistance or acceptance they manifest in relation to the official curriculum is guided by a conception of education that they understand to be critical and disruptive of the official discourse. The practices that they report show critics to the curriculum objectives, specifically to its imposition and linking with the pedagogy of competencies. Teachers defend the need for the curriculum to be standardized across the school network. They incorporate the proposed content, although making remarks to the form of distribution and organization. / El gobierno del estado de São Paulo, por intermedio de la Secretaria del Estado de Educación, he presentado y puesto en práctica, en el año 2008, una nueva propuesta de plan de estudios para todas las escuelas del sistema de educación pública del estado. En 2010, esta propuesta curricular se convirtió en el currículo oficial. El objeto de estudio de esta investigación es el currículo propuesto para la disciplina de la historia. Nuestra principal preocupación es tratar de comprender cómo los profesores de esta disciplina que trabajan en las escuelas de la red estadual de enseñanza entenden, analizan e incorporan en su cotidiano y en la práctica escolar, los objetivos, procedimientos, conceptos y directrices educativas presentes en el currículo oficial. Las fuentes de investigación constituyense de documentos oficiales que apoyan la propuesta como el documento base, el cuaderno del profesor y cuaderno de estudiante, el marco normativo producido por la SEE-SP y un conjunto de cuatro entrevistas con maestros de historia. Las entrevistas discuten acerca de la formación de los maestros, el entendimento que tienen sobre el debate curricular, el análisis que hacen del proceso de implementación y cómo, en su trabajo diario en la escuela, se han incorporado las propuestas presentes en currículo. En este proceso, el texto presenta inicialmente diferentes conceptos de currículo que informan el debate actual con el fin de mostrar las proximidades y las distancias con el currículo oficial. A continuación, se presenta el currículo oficial, sus fundamentos, directrices y líneas de construcción. Al final, se presenta el discurso de los profesores de historia, específicamente cerca de la relación entre su formación y la comprensión del proceso curricular, la lectura que hacen del currículo oficial, la crítica que manifiestan, las experiencias que se crontroyen en el trato diario del plan de estudios. A la vista de los resultados de esta investigación, es posible afirmar que hay poca comprensión entre el profesorado del debate curricular, que la resistencia o la adhesión que manifiestan en relación al currículo oficial es guiada por una concepción de educación que los maestros entienden cómo crítica y contestadora del discurso oficial. Las prácticas que relatan muestran que se critican los objetivos del currículo, específicamente su imposición y vinculación con la pedagogía de las competencias, afirman la necesidad de que el currículo sea estandarizado en toda la red, que incorporan los contenidos propuestos, pero hacen críticas a la forma de distribución y organización. / O governo do Estado de São Paulo, por intermédio da Secretaria de Estado da Educação, apresentou e implementou, no ano de 2008, uma nova proposta curricular para todas as escolas da rede pública estadual de ensino. Em 2010, essa proposta curricular se tornou o currículo oficial. O objeto de estudo dessa pesquisa é o currículo proposto para a disciplina de história. Nossa preocupação central é procurar compreender a forma como os professores dessa disciplina que trabalham na rede estadual de ensino compreendem, analisam e incorporam em seu cotidiano e prática escolar, os objetivos, os procedimentos, as concepções de educação e as diretrizes presentes no currículo oficial. As fontes de pesquisa se constituem dos documentos oficiais que subsidiam a proposta, como o documento base, o caderno do professor e o caderno do aluno, do marco regulatório produzido pela SEE-SP e um conjunto de quatro entrevistas, feitas com professores da disciplina de história. As entrevistas discorrem sobre a formação dos docentes, a compreensão que possuem sobre o debate curricular, a análise que fazem do processo de implementação e como, em seu trabalho cotidiano na escola, as propostas presentes no currículo foram incorporadas. Nesse processo, o texto apresenta inicialmente diferentes concepções de currículo, que informam o debate atual, na perspectiva de mostrar proximidades e distanciamentos com o currículo oficial. Na sequência, apresenta o currículo oficial, seus fundamentos, diretrizes e eixos estruturantes. Ao final, apresenta a fala dos professores de história, especificamente sobre a relação entre sua formação e compreensão dos processos curriculares, a leitura que fazem do currículo oficial, as críticas que manifestam, as experiências que constroem ao lidar cotidianamente com o currículo. Diante dos achados dessa pesquisa, é possível afirmar que há pouca compreensão entre os professores do debate curricular, que a resistência ou adesão que manifestam em relação ao currículo oficial é orientada por uma concepção de educação, que eles entendem como crítica e contestadora do discurso oficial. As práticas que relatam mostram que se criticam os objetivos do currículo, especificamente sua imposição e vinculação com a pedagogia das competências, defendem a necessidade de que o currículo seja padronizado em toda rede, que incorporam os conteúdos propostos, embora façam ressalvas à forma de distribuição e organização.

Expectations of parent members of public school governing bodies regarding the appointment of additional staff

Van der Merwe, Munnik January 2013 (has links)
The biggest impact that school governing bodies (SGBs) could probably have on school governance is by the appointment of quality additional educators and non-educators at the school. The South African Schools Act (SASA) provides, in section 20, for a public school to establish and employ staff in such positions. The school, as juristic person, becomes the employer and not the SGB which only acts as the agent on behalf of the school. Through this qualitative study I aimed to explore the expectations of parent members of different school SGBs regarding the appointment of staff members that are additional to the post establishment in public schools. By making use of semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a literature review I wanted to contribute to a more profound understanding of parents’ expectations of their roles in SGBs and as to what they want to achieve through being involved in SGBs. Through this I hope to improve relationships between parent members, educator members of SGBs and the principal. I determined that all parent members of SGBs are directed by bona fide intentions in that they think that they can make the greatest contribution to the learning and teaching culture of the school through the appointment of additional staff in order to have a better learner to teacher ratio in the classroom and in so doing improve the quality of teaching and learning at the school. I also determined that the parents’ expectations do not differ from one type of school to another and that all parents, irrespective of race, gender, language or culture basically have the same expectations. I discovered that schools increasingly appoint retired staff in SGB posts in order to keep their expertise at the school. Schools also appoint student teachers in posts to assist teachers at the school. This is a huge advantage to education in that they are trained in their profession at no additional cost to the government. By taking the financial position and the curriculum requirements at the school into account parent members of SGBs see it their primary duty to make sufficient finances available to enable schools to appoint additional staff. This practice is perhaps the only way to ensure quality education to all learners. The lack of financial capabilities at most schools makes the correct use of this function unavailable to them. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

A Questão dos Conselhos Escolares da Escola Pública Brasileira /

Silva, Evaldo Eliezer da January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Hilda Maria Gonçaves da Silva / Resumo: A política educacional é regida por uma série de leis que a sancionam e que a regulamentam, a fim de torná-la exequível. Ela se insere no contexto de política universal, gratuita, não contributiva e compulsória, na questão da educação básica pública, a qual se estrutura em três níveis: educação infantil; fundamental de anos iniciais e anos finais; e ensino médio. Dentro deste âmbito, delineiam-se os Conselhos Escolares, que são órgãos colegiados de fundamental importância para a representatividade dos elementos constituintes da comunidade escolar e local, para que estes possam compartilhar o poder decisório e a corresponsabilidade da escola, por meio da gestão democrática. A perspectiva que traz este modelo de gestão se concentra na possibilidade de congregar os principais elementos que representam o arcabouço da política educacional, desvelando seus direitos, outorgando-lhes vez, voz e voto, com a finalidade de lhes permitir a participação política e social. O que caracteriza a participação política é o dever ético e a necessidade primordial da natureza humana na convivência em dada sociedade. O hábito da participação intensa e constante faz com que haja o impedimento de uma atuação injusta, por parte de alguns, em detrimento de todos. No entanto, acredita-se que os membros colegiados, na sua generalidade, não conhecem as atribuições que lhes são próprias e não exercem a efetiva participação nos Conselhos Escolares, os quais visam a garantia de um processo de melhoria da edu... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Educational policy is governed by a series of laws that sanction and regulate it, in order to make it enforceable. It is insered in the context of universal, free, non- contributory and compulsory policy, in the issue of public basic education, which is structured on three levels : child education ; primary years and final years ; and high school. Within this scope, the School Councils are outlined, which are collegiate bodies of fundamental importance for the representation of the constituent elements of the school and local community, so they can share the decision-making power and co-responsibility to the school through democratic management. The perspective that this management model brings focuses on the possibility of bringing together the main elements that represent the framework of educational policy, unveiling their rights, giving them time, voice and vote, in order to allow them to participate politically and socially. What characterizes political participation is the ethical duty and the primordial need for human nature to live together in a given society. That habit of intense and constant participation makes it possible for some to act unfairly to the detriment of all. However, it is believed that the collegiate members, in general, do not know their duties and do not exercises effective participation in School Councils, which aim to garantee a process of improving education, which is proposed for the formation of citizens, through the participation of the entir... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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