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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Webserver-Techniken (eingebettete Interpreter mod_perl, mod_dtcl ...)

Schmidt, Jürgen 08 May 2000 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme (Fakultaet fuer Informatik) der TU Chemnitz. Workshop-Thema: Infrastruktur der ¨Digitalen Universitaet¨ Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, dynamische Web Inhalte zu erzeugen. Dieser Vortrag soll einen Überblick über Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten auf der Serverseite geben. Mit Hinblick auf Performance werden im Vergleich zum CGI eingebettete Interpreter beleuchtet und spezielle Scriptsprachen wie PHP,Perl oder Tcl genannnt.

The COMQUAD Component Container Architecture and Contract Negotiation

Göbel, Steffen, Pohl, Christoph, Aigner, Ronald, Pohlack, Martin, Röttger, Simone, Zschaler, Steffen 22 November 2012 (has links)
Component-based applications require runtime support to be able to guarantee non-functional properties. This report proposes an architecture for a real-time-capable, component-based runtime environment, which allows to separate non-functional and functional concerns in component-based software development. The architecture is presented with particular focus on three key issues: the conceptual architecture, an approach including implementation issues for splitting the runtime environment into a real-time-capable and a real-time-incapable part, and details of contract negotiation. The latter includes selecting component implementations for instantiantion based on their non-functional properties.

Entwicklung von Energiemaissorten für die Mischkultur mit Stangenbohnen / Development of biogas maize cultivars for intercropping with climbing beans

Hoppe, Christopher 23 July 2015 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Biogasgewinnung in Deutschland wurde Mais schnell zum beliebtesten Substrat für den Einsatz in Biogasanlagen. Die damit verbundene, rasante Steigerung der Maisanbaufläche wurde mit Einführung des „Maisdeckels“ (EEG 2012, § 27) vorerst gestoppt. Dieser begrenzt die Nutzung von Mais und Getreidekorn als Substrat in Biogasanlagen (mit Inbetriebnahme nach 1.1.2012) bei 60 % sofern ein Anspruch auf Förderung bestehen soll. Dennoch ist die Akzeptanz des Maisanbaus in der Öffentlichkeit stark gesunken und wird unter dem Begriff „Vermaisung“ mit einer Vielzahl negativer Aspekte diskutiert. Hierzu gehören neben ökologische Folgen, wie Biodiversitätsverlust und Grünlandumbrüchen auch ökonomische wie eine Erhöhung der Pachtpreise und ethische Argumente wie der „Teller oder Tank“ Konflikt. Um zukünftig sowohl ökonomischen als auch ökologischen Ansprüchen zu genügen, bietet der Maisanbau mit Stangenbohnen in Mischkultur eine interessante Alternative. Die Stangenbohnen bieten eine Nahrungsquelle für Bestäuberinsekten und das Potential die Stickstoffdüngung in der Mischkultur zu reduzieren. Zur Nahrungsmittelproduktion ist dieses System in den Tropen weit verbreitet und auch in Deutschland konnte es auf Anhieb in Vorversuchen zur Biomasseproduktion sehr hohe Erträge erzielen. Die vielversprechenden ersten Erfahrungen führen zu der Frage, ob spezielle Maisgenotypen und –zuchtprogramme sinnvoll sind, welche die Erträge weiter steigern können, oder ob die gängigen Maissorten geeignet sind. Hierzu wurden zunächst 2012 180 Testhybriden (90 Flintlinien mit einem Denttester sowie 90 Dentlinien mit einem Flinttester) sowohl im Reinanbau (10 Maispflanzen /m²) als auch in Mischkultur (7,5 Maispflanzen/m²) mit der Stangenbohnensorte „Neckarkönigin“ (7,5 Bohnenpflanzen/m²) an drei Standorten (Göttingen, Einbeck, Grucking) angebaut, von denen lediglich Einbeck auswertbar war. Aufgrund der Gesamttrockenmasseleistung ihrer Testkreuzungen wurden für jedes Anbausystem die besten 20 Flint- und 20 Dentlinien selektiert. Die Bohnenertragsanteile lagen auf Grund der Frühreife der „Neckarkönigin“ bei durchschnittlich nur 5 % und resultierten in der Aufnahme der Bohnensorten „Bobis a grano nero“ und „Anellino verde“ in die Versuche der Mischkultur im folgenden Jahr. Die selektierten Maislinien wurden im Winterzuchtgarten erneut mit einem Tester des anderen Genpools gekreuzt und 2013 in dem Anbausystem angebaut, in dem sie im Vorjahr selektiert wurden. Der Anbau erfolge an drei Standorten (Göttingen, Einbeck, Eutingen). Auf Grund der schlechten Frühjahrswitterung konnten nur die Versuche in Göttingen und Einbeck auswertet werden. Die Bohnenertragsanteile 2013 lagen bei durchschnittlich nur 2 %, jedoch konnte sich „Anellino verde“ durch eine ausgeprägte Spätreife auszeichnen. Aus den 20 Testhybriden je Genpool und Anbausystem wurden die besten 5 Flint- bzw. Dentlinien je Anbausystem selektiert. Bei den Flintlinien aus der Mischkultur wurde aus versuchstechnischen Gründen nur 4 Linien selektiert. Im Winterzuchtgarten wurden die 5 Flint- und Dentlinien, welche im Reinanbau selektiert wurden, faktoriell miteinander gekreuzt. Gleiches gilt für die 4 Flint- und 5 Dentlinien aus der Mischkultur. So entstanden 45 Experimentalhybriden, welche im letzten Versuchsjahr 2014 sowohl in Reinanbau mit 7,5 Maispflanzen/m² und 10 Maispflanzen/m² als auch in Mischkultur mit „Anellino verde“ (7,5 Maispflanzen/m² und 10 Bohnenpflanzen/m²) an den Standorten Göttingen, Einbeck und Eutingen untersucht wurden. In diesem Jahr konnten Bohnenertragsanteile von bis zu 13 % erreicht werden. In der Maiszüchtung werden bei der Selektion der Trockenmasseertrag und der Trockensubstanzgehalt betrachtet. Zur Berechnung des erwarteten Selektionserfolges wurde daher mit dem reifekorrigierten Ertrag (RekoE) ein Merkmal berechnet, welches Trockenmasseertrag und Trockensubstanzgehalt berücksichtigt. Für dieses Merkmal zeigen 2012 signifikante Maisgenotyp x Anbausystem Interaktionen, dass ein spezielles Zuchtprogramm zur Entwicklung von Maissorten für den Anbau in Mischkultur sinnvoll sein kann. Allerdings lagen die genetischen Korrelationen zwischen RekoE im Reinanbau und RekoE in Mischkultur bei 0,76 – 0,83. Diese hohen Korrelationen lassen eine indirekte Selektion auf Mischkultureignung des Maises attraktiv erscheinen. Hierbei würde im Reinanbau indirekt auf das Zielmerkmal (Mischkultureignung) selektiert. Unter Berücksichtigung, dass eine Selektion in Mischkultur (direkte Selektion) zusätzliche Ressourcen verlangt und Mais ohnehin im Reinanbau in der praktischen Maiszüchtung getestet wird, konnte kein Vorteil auf Seiten der direkten Selektion gegenüber der Selektion im Reinanbau (indirekte Selektion) bei den Flinttesthybriden ermittelt werden. Bei den Denttesthybriden hingegen konnten Vorteile einer direkten Selektion ermittelt werden, da in der Mischkultur die Heritabilität um 0,08 höher war als im Reinanbau. 2014 konnten keine Maisgenotyp x Anbausystem Interaktionen nachgewiesen werden und die Schätzwerte für die genetischen Korrelationen zwischen Reinanbau und Mischkultur lagen bei 1. Dies führt zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass wahrscheinlich kein eigenständiges Zuchtprogramm für Mais in Mischkultur zu rechtfertigen ist. Stattdessen könnte zunächst im Reinanbau eine Vorselektion stattfinden mit einer abschließenden Prüfung in Mischkultur. Obwohl in den Versuchen nur geringe Bohnenanteile realisiert wurden, resultierten aus den in Mischkultur selektierten Linien einige sehr leistungsstarke Hybriden. Für die zukünftige Etablierung der Mischkultur von Mais und Bohnen zur Biomasseproduktion gilt es nun auf Seiten der Bohne das genetische Potential für dieses Anbausystem zu untersuchen und zu nutzen. Erste Begleitversuche im Rahmen dieser Arbeit haben gezeigt, dass hier ein enormes Potential liegt.

Tiametoxam em plantas de cana-de-açúcar, feijoeiro, soja, laranjeira e cafeeiro: parâmetros de desenvolvimento e aspectos bioquímicos / Thiamethoxan on sugar cane, common bean, soybean, citrus and coffee plants: parameters of development and biochemical aspects

Pereira, Marcelo Andrade 12 April 2010 (has links)
Inseticidas e fungicidas geralmente são estudados quanto a sua eficiência no controle de pragas e doenças, entretanto podem provocar efeitos fisiológicos pouco conhecidos capazes de influenciar o desenvolvimento das culturas. O tiametoxam é um inseticida sistêmico do grupo dos neonicotinóides, da família nitroguanidina, que atua no receptor nicotínico acetilcolina de insetos, danificando o sistema nervoso dos mesmos, levando-os à morte. Este inseticida, largamente utilizado no controle de pragas iniciais e insetos sugadores, apresenta efeito bioativador, uma vez que mesmo na ausência da pragas, promove aumento em vigor e desenvolvimento nas plantas tratadas. Acredita-se que os efeitos do tiametoxam em plantas são indiretos, pois atuam na expressão dos genes responsáveis pela síntese e ativação de enzimas metabólicas, relacionadas ao crescimento da planta, alterando a produção de aminoácidos e precursores de hormônios vegetais. Existem alguns trabalhos com tiametoxam com o objetivo de verificar seus efeitos no metabolismo e desenvolvimento das plantas, mas os resultados ainda não são claros, evidenciando forte interação entre cultivares, épocas, condições de estresse e disponibilidade de nutrientes. Em função da grande utilização do inseticida tiametoxam na agricultura brasileira, o estudo deste agroquímico, no sentido de alterar o metabolismo e desenvolvimento de plantas, constitui-se de grande importância na agregação de informações à literatura biológica e agronômica. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar o efeito da aplicação de tiametoxam em plantas de cana-de-açúcar, feijoeiro, soja, laranjeira e cafeeiro, em diferentes doses e formas de aplicação (tratamento de sementes, pulverização foliar e aplicação no solo), sobre parâmetros de desenvolvimento (área foliar, massa seca de folhas e raízes, comprimento radicular) e aspectos bioquímicos (teores foliares de nutrientes e atividade enzimática). Os experimentos foram realizados em vasos, no Horto Experimental do Departamento de Ciências Biológicas da ESALQ/USP. Concluiu-se que a aplicação de tiametoxam em pulverização foliar, em cana-deaçúcar, aumenta a área foliar e o comprimento das raízes, amplia a espessura do córtex da raiz, incrementa o diâmetro do cilindro vascular e aumenta o número de metaxilemas; em feijoeiro, em tratamento de sementes, aumenta a área foliar, a massa seca da parte aérea e a atividade da nitrato redutase em folhas e em pulverização foliar aumenta a atividade da nitrato redutase e a atividade da fenilalanina amônia-liase em folhas; em soja, em tratamento de sementes, aumenta a área foliar, massa seca e comprimento das raízes e os teores foliares de cálcio e magnésio, e em pulverização foliar, reduz os teores de fósforo e cálcio, mas aumenta os teores de potássio; em mudas de laranjeira, aplicado no solo, aumenta a área foliar, a massa seca das folhas, a massa seca do caule e ramos e a área foliar média, mas reduz os teores foliares de nitrogênio, fósforo e enxofre; em mudas de café arábica, aplicado na raiz, aumenta o número de folhas, a massa seca de raízes finas e o comprimento das raízes. / Insecticides and fungicides are often studied to their efficiency in controlling pests and diseases, however can cause physiological effects little known that can affect crop growth. Thiamethoxan is a systemic insecticide from the neonicotinoid group, nitroguanidine family, which acts on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of insects, damaging their nervous system, leading them to death. This insecticide, that is widely used for controlling pests and sucking insects, has bioactivator effect, since even in the absence of pests, promotes an increase in vigor and development in treated plants. It is believed that the effects of thiamethoxan in plants are indirect, because it acts in the genes expression responsible for metabolic enzymes activation and synthesis, related to plant growth, by modifying amino acids and plant hormones precursors production. There is a number of studies with thiamethoxan in the way to determine the effects on metabolism and development of plants, but the results are not clear, showing strong interaction between cultivars, stress conditions and nutrient availability. Due to the wide use of the insecticide thiamethoxan in Brazilian agriculture, the study of this insecticide in order to know the metabolism changes in the plants, brings a great importance in the collection of knowledge to the agronomic and biological literature. The objectives of this study was to evaluate the effect of thiamethoxan on sugar cane, common beans, soy, orange and coffee plants with different doses and forms of application (seed treatment, foliar spray and soil application) on developmental parameters (leaf area, dry mass of leaves and roots, root length) and biochemical aspects (nutrient content and enzymatic activity). The experiments were conducted in pots in the ESALQ / USP, Experimental Field of Biological Sciences Department. It was concluded that the application of thiamethoxan as foliar spray on sugar cane, increases leaf area and root length, increases the thickness of the cortex of the root, increases the diameter of the vascular cylinder and increases the number of vessels; in bean for seed treatment, increases the leaf area, dry mass of shoots and the activity of nitrate reductase in leaves, and foliar spray increases the activity of nitrate reductase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in leaves; in soybean, in seeds treatment, increases leaf area, dry weight of roots, root length and foliar calcium and magnesium, and foliar spray, reduces the amount of phosphorus and calcium, but increased levels of potassium; in orange trees, applicated on the soil, increases the leaf area, leaf area average, leaves dry mass, stems and branches dry mass, but reduces the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur in the leaf; in arabica coffee seedlings, applied at the root, increases the number of leaves, fine roots dry mass and length of roots.


Daniel, Taiana Husila Gomes 29 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2019-02-26T11:28:38Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Taiana Huslia Gomes Daniel.pdf: 2854921 bytes, checksum: 558ae7bad090562fb907f55b5c80bd02 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-02-26T11:28:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Taiana Huslia Gomes Daniel.pdf: 2854921 bytes, checksum: 558ae7bad090562fb907f55b5c80bd02 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-11-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os nanocristais de amido são partículas de tamanho nanométrico que vêm recebendo atenção por parte dos pesquisadores pois são abundantes, biodegradáveis, não tóxicos e apresentam relativo baixo custo. Essas nanopartículas cristalinas podem ser utilizadas como estabilizantes de emulsões Pickering, sistemas onde o tamanho das partículas é fator primordial para a estabilidade. Entretanto, a forte tendência dessas partículas em formar agregados de tamanho micrométrico limita a aplicação tecnológica. Desta forma, a oxidação química com hipoclorito de sódio pode ser uma alternativa para minimizar esse comportamento indesejado. Os amidos de mandioca e de milho são abundantes e baratos, enquanto o amido de feijão, apesar de ter características tecnológicas interessantes e promissoras, ainda não é extraído comercialmente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar nanocristais produzidos a partir de amidos de mandioca, de feijão e de milho, proceder a oxidação dos nanocristais e utilizá-los como estabilizadores de emulsões Pickering. Os nanocristais foram obtidos por hidrólise com ácido sulfúrico e oxidados com hipoclorito de sódio. As emulsões foram preparadas utilizando-se óleo de soja e água. O amido de feijão foi o mais resistente à hidrólise, seguido dos amidos de milho e de mandioca. Em ambas as fontes botânicas a hidrólise ácida diminuiu consideravelmente o conteúdo de amilose nas nanopartículas. A oxidação aumentou o potencial zeta de todos os nanocristais, além de diminuir a polidispersividade. Por meio da espectroscopia na região do infravermelho médio detectou-se um pico a 1735 cm-1 característico dos grupos carboxilas livres (forma ácida – COOH), típico de amidos oxidados. Os amidos de mandioca e de milho apresentaram padrão cristalino tipo A, assim como seus nanocristais. Contudo, foi observado no feijão padrão cristalino tipo C - A, que permaneceu no nanocristal; por meio da oxidação, entretanto, o padrão foi alterado para o tipo A. Após a hidrólise, a cristalinidade relativa aumentou para todas as amostras, porém com a oxidação a mesma diminuiu, exceto para o amido de feijão que resultou em efeito contrário. As amostras oxidadas apresentaram maior estabilidade coloidal, quando comparadas com as não oxidadas. Os nanocristais não apresentaram pico endotérmico detectável pela análise de DSC (Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial). Na análise de microscopia os nanocristais exibiram formas redondas ou ovais, independentemente da origem do amido, mesmo após terem sido submetidos à oxidação. Em geral a oxidação dos nanocristais melhorou o índice de emulsão das amostras, independente da fonte botânica de origem, além disso o índice foi maior para as amostras com maior proporção de óleo em relação com as com maior fração de água. Contudo o aumento da fase oleosa aumentou o diâmetro médio das gotículas. O valor de PDI variou de 1,6, para emulsão com proporções de água e óleo 1:1 estabilizada com 5% nanocristal de mandioca oxidado, até 3,5, para emulsão com proporção de água e óleo 1:3 estabilizada com 1% de nanocristal de feijão oxidado. / The nanocrystals of starch are particles of nanometric size that have been studied, since they are abundant, biodegradable, non-toxic and with relative low cost. However, the tendency to form micrometricsize aggregates limits the technological application; therefore, chemical oxidation with sodium hypochlorite may be an alternative for limiting such unwanted behavior. These nanocrystals can be used as stabilizers for Pickering emulsions, systems where particle size is a prime factor for stability. Cassava and maize starches are abundant and cheap, while bean starch, although an interesting and promising technological product, is not yet commercially available. The present work had as objective the production and characterization of nanocrystals from cassava, bean and corn starches, following chemical oxidation of the nanocrystals and using them as emulsion stabilizers. The nanocrystals were obtained by hydrolysis with sulfuric acid and oxidized with sodium hypochlorite. The emulsions were prepared using soybean oil and water. Bean starch was less susceptible to hydrolysis, followed by maize and cassava starches. In both botanical sources the acid hydrolysis greatly reduced the amylose content in the nanoparticles. Oxidation increased the zeta potential of all the nanocrystals, besides the value of polydispersity decreased. A peak at 1,735 cm-1 was detected by means of mid-infrared spectroscopy, which is characteristic of the free carboxyl group (acid form - COOH), expected on oxidized starches. Cassava and corn starches have Atype crystallinity pattern, as their nanocrystals. For bean starch, the original C-Atype crystallinity pattern remained for the non-oxidized nanocrystals but changed for A-type after oxidation. After hydrolysis, the relative crystallinity increased for nanocrystals, but decreased after oxidation. The exception was for bean starch that resulted in oxidized nanocrystals with higher relative crystallinity. Oxidized samples are considered as colloidal when compared to non-oxidized ones. Nanocrystals did not show detectable endothermic peak on DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) analysis. The microscopic analysis of the nanocrystals showed round or oval particles, independently of the botanical source and of oxidation treatment. In general, the oxidation of nanocrystals improved their emulsification index. The emulsification index was higher for the emulsions with larger amounts of oil, even though the average diameter of the droplets increased in this situation. The polydispersity index ranged from 1.6 for 1: 1 (water to oil ratio), stabilized with 5% oxidized cassava nanocrystal, up to 3.5 for 1: 3 (water to oil ratio), stabilized with 1% of oxidized bean nanocrystal.

Management of fusarium wilt diseases using non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum, and silicon and Trichoderma harzianum (ECO-T®)

Kidane, Eyob Gebrezgiabher. January 2008 (has links)
In the genus Fusarium are many important plant pathogens. The diversity of hosts the genus attacks, the number of pathogenic taxa and the range of habitats in which they cause disease are the greatest in plant pathology. One important species complex within the genus Fusarium is Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. This species complex consists more than 80 pathogenic forma specialis and is particularly difficult to control. The fungi can survive in soil for decades as specialized spores, known as chlamydospores. Interestingly, however, this species complex also contains beneficial non-pathogenic forms that can be exploited to manage Fusarium wilt diseases. In this study, the ability of non-pathogenic F. oxysporum strains, Trichoderma harzianum Rifai Eco-T®, soluble silicon, and their combination was evaluated on two important crops, banana (Musa sp. L.) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), for their potential to suppress pathogenic strains of F. oxysporum. The ability of these crops to take up and accumulate silicon in their organs, and its effect on low temperature stress was also investigated. Several endophytic fungi, mainly Fusarium spp. and bacteria, were isolated from healthy mature banana plants. After preliminary and secondary in vivo screening tests against F. oxysporum f.sp. phaseoli on beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Outeniqua, two non-pathogenic F. oxysporum strains were selected for further testing. These two non-pathogenic F. oxysporum strains were found to colonize banana (Musa sp.) cv. Cavendish Williams and bean plants, and to suppress Fusarium wilt of these crops. In order to improve the efficacy of these biocontrol fungi, soluble silicon was introduced. The relationship between plant mineral nutrition and plant diseases have been reported by several authors. Plants take up silicon equivalent to some macronutrients, although it is not widely recognized as an essential element. In this study, we established that roots, the target plant organ for soilborne plant pathogens, accumulated the greatest quantity of silicon of any plant organs when fertilized with high concentrations of silicon. On the other hand, the corm and stem accumulated the least silicon. Such observations contradict the concept of passive uptake of silicon via the transpiration stream in these plants as the only uptake mechanism. The prophylactic properties of silicon have been documented for many crops against a variety of diseases. In vitro bioassay tests of silicon against these wilt pathogens showed that silicon can be toxic to Fusarium wilt fungi at high concentrations (>7840 mg .-1), resulting in complete inhibition of hyphal growth, spore germination and sporulation. However, low concentrations of silicon (<490 mg .-1) encouraged hyphal growth. Silicon fertilization of banana and beans significantly reduced disease severity of these crops by reducing the impact of the Fusarium wilt pathogens on these crops. However, it could not prevent infection of plants from the wilt pathogens on its own. Synergistic responses were obtained from combined applications of silicon and non-pathogenic F. oxysporum strains against Fusarium wilt of banana. Combinations of silicon with the non-pathogenic F. oxysporum strains significantly suppressed disease severity of Fusarium wilt of banana, caused by F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense (E.F. Smith) Snyder & Hansen, better than applications of either control measure on their own. Banana production in the subtropical regions frequently suffer from chilling injury, and from extreme variations between night and day temperatures. Such stress predisposes banana plants to Fusarium wilt disease. Silicon, on the other hand, is emerging as important mineral in the physiology of many plants, ameliorating a variety of biotic and abiotic stress factors. We established that silicon fertilization of banana plants significantly reduced chilling injury of banana plants. Membrane permeability, lipid peroxidation (MDA level) and proline levels were higher in silicon-untreated plants than the treated ones, all of which demonstrated the stress alleviating effect of silicon. Low temperatures damage the cell membrane of susceptible plants and cause desiccation or dehydration of these cells. Levels of sucrose and raffinose, recognized as cryoprotectants, were significantly higher in silicon-amended banana plants than unamended plants. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.

Agronomic performance of wild mustard in an intercropping with green beans.

Phiri, Nathan. January 2005 (has links)
Wild mustard (Brassica spp.) is used as an edible wild leafy vegetable by indigenous people in South Africa. The potential of wild leafy vegetables in agriculture is not well understood, because there is generally no agronomic research on their production practices. The objective of this study was to examine the performance of three wild mustard species (herein referred to as I, K and M) over four cropping seasons in an intercropping system with green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Imbali). The crops were grown with and without organic fertiliser under dryland conditions at two sites (The University of KwaZulu-Natal Research Farm, Ukulinga and in a rural area of Umbumbulu, KwaZulu-Natal within the farmers' locality) during autumn, winter, spring and summer of 2004 to 2005. Plant development (leaf number, plant height and fresh biomass) during the first six weeks after sowing and seed yield were used to determine agronomic performance of each species. Nutrient status of the rhizosphere soil was determined at 42 days after sowing for each species to determine what effect growing the species would have on mineral availability. Wild mustard production significantly (P < 0.01) performed better at Ukulinga than Umbumbulu. Polyculture was beneficial for wild mustard leaf accumulation and green bean production as determined by land equivalent ratios greater than one for all species combinations, regardless of fertiliser application. Cool environmental conditions occurring in autumn and spring were more favourable (P < 0.05) for wild mustard and green bean biomass accumulation than summer and winter conditions. However, wild mustard seed yield was highest in winter compared with autumn and spring, and there was no measurable seed production in summer. Soil analysis results at 42 days after sowing showed an increase in P, K, Cu and Mg in the rhizosphere of wild mustard without organic fertiliser. Polyculture improved Zn, Cu, Mn and K in wild mustard leaf tissue. It is concluded that wild mustard can be grown as a leafy vegetable throughout the year, but it requires cool environmental conditions to enhance seed yield. Species M significantly yielded better biomass and seeds than species I and K during all the seasons. However, species K performed the least in all aspects. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Aplicação do adesivo poliuretano derivado do óleo de mamona na obtenção de painéis de madeira colados lateralmente / Application of polyurethane adhesive derived fromcastor oil in obtaing side edge glued panels

Mölleken, Richard Eduard 26 October 2017 (has links)
Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná / Devido a preocupações com o meio ambiente e aos avanços tecnológicos na área química e florestal, alternativas tecnológicas são buscadas para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Os painéis de madeira colados lateralmente, EGP, possibilitam a otimização do uso de recursos florestais e são compostos por sarrafos de madeira unidos através de ligação adesiva nas laterais e de topos, sendo avaliados segundo a norma EN-13353. Esses painéis podem ser fabricados com adesivo poliacetato de vinila, PVAc e emulsão polimérica de isocianato, EPI, que são provenientes do petróleo. O adesivo de poliuretano derivado do óleo da mamona é uma alternativa para substituir estes adesivos, pois é um material que não possui solvente, é biodegradável e procedente de matéria-prima renovável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o adesivo poliuretano que procede do óleo de mamona para a produção de painéis colados lateralmente. Foram utilizadas as espécies de Pinus taeda e Tectona grandis para a colagem com o adesivo de poliuretano e comparados com os adesivos PVAc e EPI, com prensagens em diferentes tempos, proporções de poliol e pré- polímero e diferentes gramaturas submetidas a condicionamentos de acordo com a norma EN-13353 para a avaliação da qualidade de colagem de painéis de madeira sólida. Todos os corpos de prova foram avaliados pelo ensaio de cisalhamento na linha de cola. Observou-se que o tempo mais indicado para a produção de EGP com o adesivo PU para a espécie Pinus taeda foi de 4 horas, com proporção de 1:0,7 e gramatura de 180 g/m² e para espécie Tectona grandis foi de 4 horas, com proporção de 1:0,7 e gramatura de 120 g/m², sendo que todos os valores atenderam à norma para painéis colados lateralmente EN-13353 e foram superiores aos valores obtidos com adesivos PVAc e EPI. / Due to concerns about the environment and technological advances in the chemical and forestry area, technological alternatives are sought for the development of new products. The Edge Glued Panels, EGP, enable the optimization of the use of forest resources and are composed of wood joints joined by adhesive bonding on the sides and tops and evaluated according to EN-13353.These panels can be manufactured with vinyl polyacetate adhesive, PVAc and emulsion polymer isocyanate, epoxy, which are derived from petroleum. The polyurethane adhesive derived from castor oil is an alternative to replace these adhesives, since it is a material that has no solvent, is biodegradable and derived from renewable raw material. The objective of this work was to evaluate the polyurethane adhesive derived from castor oil for the production of Edge Glued Panels. The Pinus taeda and Tectona grandis species were used for bonding with the polyurethane adhesive and compared with the PVAc and EPI adhesives, with pressings at different times, proportions of polyol and prepolymer and different weights subjected to conditioning according to standard EN-13353 for the evaluation of the bonding quality of solid wood panels. All the specimens were evaluated by the shear test on the glue line. It was observed that the time most suitable to produce EGP with the PU adhesive for Pinus taeda was 4 hours, with a ratio of 1: 0.7 and weight of 180 g / m² and for Tectona grandis species it was 4 hours, with a ratio of 1: 0.7 and 120 g / m², where all values met the standard for laterally bonded panels EN-13353, and were higher than the values obtained with PVAc and EPI adhesives.

Necessidades hídricas das culturas milho e feijão-caupi influenciadas pelas mudanças climáticas no semiárido nordestino / Requirements water of cowpea and maize in climate change conditions in the semiarid the brazilian northeast

Cavalcante Junior, Edmilson Gomes 23 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-16T13:26:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EdmilsonGCJ_TESE.pdf: 1238641 bytes, checksum: c62279e4779d7be7e1b7cf7803e4392c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The overall objective of this study was to assess the impacts that climate change may lead to the development and evapotranspiration of maize and cowpea in the Brazilian semiarid region. The study was conducted in the municipalities of Apodi, Ipanguaçu and Mossoro, the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The determination of crop evapotranspiration, in its different phases, was held by lysimeters of weighing. To check the influence of climate change on culture water consumption were simulated changes in the temperature and relative humidity of the air, through the PRECIS climate model. We evaluated two scenarios of emissions based on the report Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: a pessimist called A2 and optimistic B2. The corn crop coefficient suffered greater influence of climate change, because culture has a higher size compared to the reference culture thereby its aerodynamic properties were more influenced by the reduction in relative humidity simulated by the model. Temperatures will be well above the limit tolerated by crops, which could have a negative impact on their development and productivity. With rising temperatures, both cultures have their reduced cycle. The reduction in the cycle also cause a decrease in the total evaporation of the cultures. With the additions expected in air temperature and the decrease in relative humidity , the daily evapotranspiration rate will be higher and will direct effect on irrigation systems, because even occurring a reduction in total evapotranspiration , will require a greater intensity of irrigation to meet the daily demand of crops / O objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi verificar os impactos que as mudanças climáticas podem provocar sobre o desenvolvimento e a evapotranspiração do milho e do feijão-caupi, no semiárido brasileiro. O trabalho foi desenvolvido nos municípios de Apodi, Ipanguaçu e Mossoró, pertencentes ao estado do Rio Grande do Norte. A determinação da evapotranspiração da cultura, em suas diferentes fases, foi realizada através de lisímetros de pesagem. Para verificar a influência das mudanças climáticas sobre o consumo hídrico da cultura foram simuladas alterações na temperatura e na umidade relativa do ar, através do modelo climático PRECIS. Foram avaliados dois cenários de emissões baseados no relatório do IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change): um pessimista denominado A2 e um otimista B2. O coeficiente de cultivo do milho sofreu maior influência das mudanças climáticas, pois a cultura apresenta um porte mais elevado, em comparação com a cultura de referência, com isso, suas propriedades aerodinâmicas foram mais influenciadas pela redução da umidade relativa simulada pelo modelo. As temperaturas ficarão muito acima do limite tolerado pelas culturas, o que poderá repercutir negativamente no seu desenvolvimento e consequentemente no rendimento. Com o aumento nas temperaturas, ambas as culturas terão seus ciclos reduzidos. A redução no ciclo também provocará uma diminuição na evapotranspiração total das culturas. Com os acréscimos esperados na temperatura do ar e a redução na umidade relativa, a taxa diária da evapotranspiração ficará maior e apresentará efeito direto sobre os sistemas de irrigação, pois mesmo ocorrendo uma redução na evapotranspiração total, necessitarão de uma maior intensidade de irrigação para atender a demanda diária das culturas

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de filmes poliméricos de amido de milho nativo e modificado com incorporação de fibras de bagaço de cana e óleos vegetais. / Development and characterization of polymer films of native and modified corn with the incorporation of sugarcane bagasse fibers and vegetable oils

Carmo, Karina Palmizani do 28 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-22T18:41:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMO_Karina_2016.pdf: 17584028 bytes, checksum: 692d8364ace6af7a9c25e92d72c514ec (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-22T18:43:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMO_Karina_2016.pdf: 17584028 bytes, checksum: 692d8364ace6af7a9c25e92d72c514ec (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-22T18:43:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMO_Karina_2016.pdf: 17584028 bytes, checksum: 692d8364ace6af7a9c25e92d72c514ec (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-22T18:43:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CARMO_Karina_2016.pdf: 17584028 bytes, checksum: 692d8364ace6af7a9c25e92d72c514ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A few years ago, several studies have been conducted to transformatio n of raw matter into renewable biodegradable materials, since it is necessary to rethink consumption and rationalize the use of packaging derived from synthetic polymers. Among these raw materials can be detached corn starch produced worldwide, with low cost and high potential for biodegradability. In this paper, aiming a possible application in biodegradable packaging, starch polymeric films were developed using native corn starch with the incorporation of 1 to 4% of fibers sugarcane bagasse from industrial wastes, 2.5, 5 and 10% of castor oil, and 2.5, 5% epoxidized soy bean oil, and modified corn starch films with the incorporation of 1 to 3% fibers sugarcane bagasse, and 2.5, 5 % of epoxidized soybean oil. Some mechanical and thermal analysis for characterization of the films were made. The mechanical p roperties were analyzed by tensile test in Dynamic-Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) equipment. Among the films tested in tension, they stood the native corn starch films that have the best tensile strength results (1.05 MPa) and elongation at break (77.66%), followed by the native starch containing film 3% fiber (0.81 MPa) and native starch films containing 2.5% epoxidized soybean oil (58.55%). The fractured samples were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Thermal an alysis of all kinds of developed films were made by Differential Scanning Calo rimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Thermogravimetric Analysis Derivative, where the DSC curves showed higher thermal stability for native starch films containing castor oil and epoxidized soybean, in which the thermal decomposition was observed between 270 and 291 o C, being higher than the temperatures of other films , and four stages of degradation for these films, and the others had only three stages of degradation. Native starch films with incorporation o f 3% fiber and 2.5% epoxidized soybean oil were buried in soils incubated for completion of the biodegradability test, and analysis of the emissions o f CO2, CH4, and N2O were performed by gas chromatography, it was possible to observe high CO2 emission rates in the first month of incubation for all films. After 90 days, the films were dug up, and the polymer matrix was completely biodegraded. / Há alguns anos, vários estudos têm sido realizados para transformação de matéria- prima de fontes renováveis em materiais biodegradáveis, visto que se faz necessário repensar o consumo e racionalizar a utilização de embalagens derivada s de polímeros sintéticos. Dentre estas matérias-primas pode ser destacado o amido de milho, produzido mundialmente com baixo custo e alto potencial de biodegradabilidade. Neste trabalho, visando uma possível aplicação em embalagens biodegradáveis, filmes poliméricos de amido foram desenvolvidos, utilizando amido de milho nativo, com a incorporação de 1 a 4% de fibras de bagaço de cana- de - açúcar proveniente de resíduos industriais, 2,5, 5 e 10% de óleo de mamona, e 2,5 e 5% de óleo de soja epoxidado, e filmes de amido de milho modificado com a incorporação de 1 a 3% de fibras de bagaço de cana, e 2,5 e 5% de óleo de soja epoxidado. Foram realizadas algumas análises mecânicas e térmicas para caracterização dos filmes. As propriedades mecânicas foram analisadas através de ensaio de tração em equipamento de Análise Térmica Dinâmico-Mecânica (DMT A). Dentre os filmes ensaiados em tração, se destacaram os filmes de amido de milho nativo que obtiveram os melhores resultados de resistência à tração (1,05 MPa) e a o alongamento na ruptura (77,66%), seguido do filme de amido nativo contendo 3% de fibras (0,81 MPa) e do filme de amido nativo contendo 2,5% de óleo de soja epoxidado (58,55%). As amostras fraturadas em tração foram analisadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Análises térmicas foram realizadas por Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Termogravimetria (TG) e Termogravimetria Derivada (DTG), onde as curvas de DSC mostraram maior estabilidade térmica para os filmes de amido nativo contendo óleos de mamona e de soja epoxidado, em que foi observada a decomposição térmica entre 270 e 291 o C, sendo mais elevadas que as temperaturas dos demais filmes, além de, quatro estágios de degradação para estes filmes, sendo que os demais obtiveram apenas três estágios de degradação. Filmes de amido nativo com incorporação de 3% de fibras e 2,5% de óleo de soja epoxidado, foram enterrados em solos incubados, para realização do teste de biodegradabilidade, e as análises das emissões do s gases CO 2 , CH 4 e N 2 O foram efetuadas por cromatografia gasosa, onde foi possível observar altas taxas de emissão de CO 2 no primeiro mês de incubação para todos os filmes. Após 90 dias, os filmes foram desenterrados, e a matriz polimérica foi totalmente biodegradada.

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