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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teoria da resposta ao item : aplicação na avaliação da intensidade de sintomas depressivos

Castro, Stela Maris de Jezus January 2008 (has links)
A depressão é uma doença com alta prevalência no mundo todo e se manifesta através de diversos sintomas observáveis, os chamados sintomas depressivos. Determinar a intensidade dos sintomas depressivos pode ser importante para verificar o estágio da depressão e avaliar seu desfecho, e quanto mais acurada e rápida for esta medida mais benefícios podem ser alcançados. A intensidade dos sintomas depressivos é um traço latente que pode ser medido através de instrumentos compostos por itens representativos destes sintomas observáveis, como o Inventário de Depressão Beck (BDI). É importante que a metodologia para analisar instrumentos do tipo do BDI considere que nem todos os sintomas depressivos têm a mesma importância em relação ao traço latente que pretendem medir. A Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI) compreende um grupo de modelos lineares generalizados e procedimentos estatísticos associados, que descrevem a associação entre o nível de um indivíduo sobre o traço latente e a probabilidade de uma resposta a um item. Estes modelos têm como uma de suas características especiais que os níveis estimados do traço latente sendo medido incorporam as diferenças em discriminação e gravidade de cada item constante no instrumento de medida, isto é, os itens entram com diferentes pesos na estimativa do traço latente dos indivíduos avaliados. OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho tem por objetivo mostrar a potencialidade dos modelos da TRI e o total aproveitamento das informações quando do uso destes modelos na análise de dados oriundos do BDI para a medida de intensidade de sintomas depressivos. MÉTODO: Os dados são provenientes de um estudo transversal conduzido para realizar a adaptação, normatização e validação para o português das Escalas Beck, em um estudo conduzido pela Dra. Jurema Alcides Cunha (PUCRS) e publicado em 2001; os modelos TRI utilizados na análise destes dados foram o modelo de Resposta Gradual de Samejima (1969) e o modelo para Itens Constrangedores de Cúri (2006). RESULTADOS: Os sintomas depressivos que melhor discriminam a população quanto ao nível de intensidade de sintomas depressivos são sentimento de fracasso, insatisfações, tristeza, auto-aversão, indecisão, dificuldade de trabalhar e pessimismo; e os que menos discriminam são perda de peso, irritabilidade e auto-acusações. Os sintomas mais graves são perda de peso, retraimento social, idéias suicidas, sentimento de fracasso apenas para as mulheres e perda da libido apenas para os homens (estes dois últimos são itens com funcionamento diferencial). CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo mostrou os inúmeros ganhos advindos da utilização de modelos TRI na avaliação da intensidade de sintomas depressivos, pois sua utilização aproveita totalmente a informação, considerando o perfil de cada indivíduo que responde ao instrumento, contribuindo na identificação daqueles que apresentam potencial depressivo. / CONTEXT: Depression is a disease with high prevalence worldwide and manifests itself through various symptoms observed, so-called depressive symptoms. To determine the intensity of depressive symptoms may be important to determine the stage of depression and evaluate its outcome, and the more rapid and accurate is this more benefits can be achieved. The intensity of depressive symptoms is a latent trait that can be measured by instruments consisting of items representative of observable symptoms, as the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). It is important that the methodology for analyzing instruments of the type of BDI considers that not all depressive symptoms have the same importance in relation to the latent trait they wish to measure. The Item Response Theory (IRT) comprises a group of generalized linear models and statistical procedures involved, which describe the association between the level of an individual on the latent trait and the likelihood of a response to an item. These models have as one of its special characteristics that the estimated levels of latent trait being measured incorporate the differences in discrimination and severity of each item contained in the measuring instrument, that is, those items come with different weights in the estimation of latent trait of individuals evaluated. OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to show the capability of the models of the IRR and total utilization of information when using these models to analyze data from the BDI to measure the intensity of depressive symptoms. METHOD: The data come from a cross-sectional study conducted for the adaptation, standardization and validation of Beck scales for the portuguese, in a study conducted by Dr. Alcides Jurema Cunha (PUCRS) and published in 2001; the TRI models used in the analysis of these data was the Graded-Response model of Samejima (1969) and the model IRT for embarrassing items of Cúri (2006).RESULTS: The depressive symptoms that best depict the population about the level of intensity of depressive symptoms are feeling of failure, dissatisfaction, sadness, self-hatred, indecision, difficulty of work and pessimism; and those who are less discriminating are weight loss, irritability and self-accusations. The symptoms are more severe weight loss, social withdrawal, suicidal thoughts, feelings of failure only for women and loss of libido only for men (the latter two items are working with differential functioning). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the many gains resulting from use of IRT models in the assessment of the intensity of depressive symptoms, because their use completely takes the information, considering the profile of each person who responds to the instrument, helping to identify those which have the potential depression.

Teoria da resposta ao item : aplicação na avaliação da intensidade de sintomas depressivos

Castro, Stela Maris de Jezus January 2008 (has links)
A depressão é uma doença com alta prevalência no mundo todo e se manifesta através de diversos sintomas observáveis, os chamados sintomas depressivos. Determinar a intensidade dos sintomas depressivos pode ser importante para verificar o estágio da depressão e avaliar seu desfecho, e quanto mais acurada e rápida for esta medida mais benefícios podem ser alcançados. A intensidade dos sintomas depressivos é um traço latente que pode ser medido através de instrumentos compostos por itens representativos destes sintomas observáveis, como o Inventário de Depressão Beck (BDI). É importante que a metodologia para analisar instrumentos do tipo do BDI considere que nem todos os sintomas depressivos têm a mesma importância em relação ao traço latente que pretendem medir. A Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI) compreende um grupo de modelos lineares generalizados e procedimentos estatísticos associados, que descrevem a associação entre o nível de um indivíduo sobre o traço latente e a probabilidade de uma resposta a um item. Estes modelos têm como uma de suas características especiais que os níveis estimados do traço latente sendo medido incorporam as diferenças em discriminação e gravidade de cada item constante no instrumento de medida, isto é, os itens entram com diferentes pesos na estimativa do traço latente dos indivíduos avaliados. OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho tem por objetivo mostrar a potencialidade dos modelos da TRI e o total aproveitamento das informações quando do uso destes modelos na análise de dados oriundos do BDI para a medida de intensidade de sintomas depressivos. MÉTODO: Os dados são provenientes de um estudo transversal conduzido para realizar a adaptação, normatização e validação para o português das Escalas Beck, em um estudo conduzido pela Dra. Jurema Alcides Cunha (PUCRS) e publicado em 2001; os modelos TRI utilizados na análise destes dados foram o modelo de Resposta Gradual de Samejima (1969) e o modelo para Itens Constrangedores de Cúri (2006). RESULTADOS: Os sintomas depressivos que melhor discriminam a população quanto ao nível de intensidade de sintomas depressivos são sentimento de fracasso, insatisfações, tristeza, auto-aversão, indecisão, dificuldade de trabalhar e pessimismo; e os que menos discriminam são perda de peso, irritabilidade e auto-acusações. Os sintomas mais graves são perda de peso, retraimento social, idéias suicidas, sentimento de fracasso apenas para as mulheres e perda da libido apenas para os homens (estes dois últimos são itens com funcionamento diferencial). CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo mostrou os inúmeros ganhos advindos da utilização de modelos TRI na avaliação da intensidade de sintomas depressivos, pois sua utilização aproveita totalmente a informação, considerando o perfil de cada indivíduo que responde ao instrumento, contribuindo na identificação daqueles que apresentam potencial depressivo. / CONTEXT: Depression is a disease with high prevalence worldwide and manifests itself through various symptoms observed, so-called depressive symptoms. To determine the intensity of depressive symptoms may be important to determine the stage of depression and evaluate its outcome, and the more rapid and accurate is this more benefits can be achieved. The intensity of depressive symptoms is a latent trait that can be measured by instruments consisting of items representative of observable symptoms, as the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). It is important that the methodology for analyzing instruments of the type of BDI considers that not all depressive symptoms have the same importance in relation to the latent trait they wish to measure. The Item Response Theory (IRT) comprises a group of generalized linear models and statistical procedures involved, which describe the association between the level of an individual on the latent trait and the likelihood of a response to an item. These models have as one of its special characteristics that the estimated levels of latent trait being measured incorporate the differences in discrimination and severity of each item contained in the measuring instrument, that is, those items come with different weights in the estimation of latent trait of individuals evaluated. OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to show the capability of the models of the IRR and total utilization of information when using these models to analyze data from the BDI to measure the intensity of depressive symptoms. METHOD: The data come from a cross-sectional study conducted for the adaptation, standardization and validation of Beck scales for the portuguese, in a study conducted by Dr. Alcides Jurema Cunha (PUCRS) and published in 2001; the TRI models used in the analysis of these data was the Graded-Response model of Samejima (1969) and the model IRT for embarrassing items of Cúri (2006).RESULTS: The depressive symptoms that best depict the population about the level of intensity of depressive symptoms are feeling of failure, dissatisfaction, sadness, self-hatred, indecision, difficulty of work and pessimism; and those who are less discriminating are weight loss, irritability and self-accusations. The symptoms are more severe weight loss, social withdrawal, suicidal thoughts, feelings of failure only for women and loss of libido only for men (the latter two items are working with differential functioning). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the many gains resulting from use of IRT models in the assessment of the intensity of depressive symptoms, because their use completely takes the information, considering the profile of each person who responds to the instrument, helping to identify those which have the potential depression.

O princípio da precaução no direito internacional do meio ambiente / The precautionary principle in international environmental law

Gabriela Bueno de Almeida Moraes 09 May 2011 (has links)
O propósito do princípio da precaução é evitar danos irreversíveis ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana ao permitir a ação preventiva, mesmo na ausência de certeza científica sobre as causas ou conseqüências de determinada atividade. A precaução é uma resposta às novas tecnologias e aos fenômenos que podem provocar impactos irreparáveis e incomensuráveis e que, portanto, precisam ser revistos pela comunidade internacional, Estados e indivíduos. Significa, também, envolver a participação popular nas decisões sobre quais riscos são aceitáveis em determinada sociedade e quais devem ser evitados. A base sociológica sob a qual está baseado o trabalho é a teoria de Ulrich Beck sobre a sociedade de risco global. O princípio da precaução é analisado sob os prismas dogmático e funcional: as principais características do princípio são apresentadas, bem como as críticas ao instituto; também são expostas as funções do princípio da precaução, sua eficácia social e status jurídico. A fim de explicar as dificuldades que circundam o tema dos princípios do direito internacional do meio ambiente, as principais teorias dos princípios são analisadas, concluindo-se que os princípios do DIMA necessitam de uma teoria própria. Na última parte, o trabalho procura demonstrar como o princípio da precaução pode ser operacionalizado através do fortalecimento institucional, sobretudo da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima. O tema das mudanças climáticas é paradigmático, já que exige ação internacional preventiva a fim de evitar os impactos do aquecimento global, mesmo face à inexistência de consenso científico sobre as causas e consequências desse fenômeno. Ao permitir maior participação democrática e abrir espaço para que a percepção pública sobre os riscos possa refletir em decisões jurídico-políticas, o arranjo institucional criado pela Convenção permite, ainda que com algumas falhas, uma discussão maior sobre os desafios que circundam o tema. Considerando os fundamentos da teoria de Beck sobre a modernização reflexiva, a origem política dos riscos e a democratização das discussões sobre eles, o papel da subpolítica na sociedade atual e a irreversibilidade de catástrofes ambientais, conclui-se que o princípio da precaução é indispensável ao direito e à política ao inserir a responsabilização a priori dos possíveis danos e a participação social nas decisões futuras / The purpose of the precautionary principle is to avoid irreversible damage to the environment and human health by allowing preventive action, even in the absence of scientific certainty regarding the causes or consequences of certain activity. Precaution is an answer to new technologies and phenomena that may promote irreparable and incommensurable impacts and, therefore, need to be reviewed beforehand by the international community, states and individuals. Furthermore, it nurtures popular participation in decision-making regarding what risks are acceptable in a given society and what risks should be avoided. The sociological foundation of this work is Ulrich Becks world risk society. The precautionary principle is analysed under the dogmatic and functional viewpoints: the principles main characteristics and critiques are presented, and I also explore the precautionary principles functions, social efficacy, and legal status. In order to explain the difficulties pertaining to the subject of international environmental law, this thesis analyzes the main theories on legal principles, and concludes that a more suitable theory for international environmental law principles is needed. In the last part, this work demonstrates how the precautionary principle can be operationalized through institutional strengthening, especially of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Climate change is a paradigmatic case, since it demands international preventive action in order to avoid the impacts of global warming, even in the absence of scientific consensus regarding its causes and consequences. By allowing greater democratic participation and by creating space for communication so that public perception can be reflected in legal and political decisions, the institutional arrangement created by the Convention allows for, if imperfectly, a wider discussion about the challenges of climate change. Considering the foundations of Becks theory about reflexive modernization, the political origin of risks and the democratization of discussions on risks, the role of subpolitics in modern society and irreversibility of environmental catastrophes, this work concludes that the precautionary principle is indispensable to law and politics by adding a priori responsibility of possible damages and social participation in future decisions.

Investigating depression and quality of life in adults diagnosed with HIV or AIDS

Loonat, Naadhira January 2009 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / HIV and AIDS are disease conditions that have led to high mortality rates in Southern Africa since the late 1970s. The socio-economic system has led to the unequal spread of resources’ and vulnerability and exposure to HIV is more prevalent in poorer communities. The added burden of life stresses cause for many to be isolated and stigmatised and are often not equipped with the necessary support and coping skills to deal with the magnitude of these circumstances. There is a high prevalence of mental disorders and especially depression amongst individuals infected with either HIV or AIDS. Research shows that stressful life events can impact HIV course progression and impacts the QoL of those infected with HIV or AIDS. Given the social and psychological context of HIV and AIDS, the aim of the study was to examine the relationship between depression and QoL in a sample of adults diagnosed with HIV or AIDS. This quantitative, cross-sectional study used the Becks Depression Inventory II (BDI II) and the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q), to measure the variables concerned. This battery of questionnaires was administered to a purposive sample of adult individuals diagnosed with HIV or AIDS residing in a previously disadvantaged area in the Cape Metropole region. Using SPSS, data was analysed and descriptive and inferential statistics were conducted. The study found that there were more women than men with HIV or AIDS that were found to be depressed (mild, moderate and severe depression). Furthermore, the depressive state increased when the progression of the disease increased. There were generally no significant differences in the QoL experienced within various areas of life and overall life satisfaction experienced. However, the QoL experienced in work was lower. There was a significant relationship between the depressed state and QoL and life satisfaction experienced in household duties and tasks. The contribution of this study includes informing the larger research project, with regards to future treatment regimes. It will update statistics on the prevalence of depression and QoL of adults diagnosed with HIV or AIDS in the area. This study is framed within a biopsychosocial model and is theoretically underpinned by Beck’s theory of depression. Key words: HIV, AIDS, adults, depression, quality of life (QoL), Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI II), Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q), Antiretrovirals (ARV’s), prevalence data, correlations. / South Africa

Towards a philosophical understanding of agile software methodologies : the case of Kuhn versus Popper

Northover, Mandy 24 February 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is original in using the contrasting ideas of two leading 20th century philosophers of science, Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn, to provide a philosophical understanding, firstly, of the shift from traditional software methodologies to the so-called Agile methodologies, and, secondly, of the values, principles and practices underlying the most prominent of the Agile methodologies, Extreme Programming (XP). This dissertation will take a revisionist approach, following Fuller—the founder of social epistemology—in reading Popper against Kuhn's epistemological hegemony. The investigations in this dissertation relate to two main branches of philosophy— epistemology and ethics. The epistemological part of this dissertation compares both Kuhn and Popper's alternative ideas of the development of scientific knowledge to the Agile methodologists' ideas of the development of software, in order to assess the extent to which Agile software development resembles a scientific discipline. The investigations relating to ethics in this dissertation transfer concepts from social engineering—in particular, Popper's distinction between piecemeal and utopian social engineering—to software engineering, in order to assess both the democratic and authoritarian aspects of Agile software development and management. The use of Kuhn's ideas of scientific revolutions and paradigm shift by several leading figures of the Agile software methodologies—most notably, Kent Beck, the leader of the most prominent Agile software methodology, Extreme Programming (XP)—to predict a fundamental shift from traditional to Agile software methodologies, is critically assessed in this dissertation. A systematic investigation into whether Kuhn's theory as a whole, can provide an adequate account of the day-to-day practice of Agile software development is also provided. As an alternative to the use of Kuhn's ideas, the critical rationalist philosophy of Karl Popper is investigated. On the one hand, this dissertation assesses whether the epistemological aspects of Popper's philosophy—especially his notions of falsificationism, evolutionary epistemology, and three worlds metaphysics—provide a suitable framework for understanding the philosophical basis of everyday Agile software development. On the other hand, the aspects of Popper's philosophy relating to ethics, which provide an ideal for scientific practice in an open society, are investigated in order to determine whether they coincide with the avowedly democratic values of Agile software methodologies. The investigations in this dissertation led to the following conclusions. Firstly, Kuhn's ideas are useful in predicting the effects of the full-scale adoption of Agile methodologies, and they describe the way in which several leaders of the Agile methodologies promote their methodologies; they do not, however, account for the detailed methodological practice of Agile software development. Secondly, several aspects of Popper's philosophy, were found to be aligned with several aspects of Agile software development. In relation to epistemology, Popper's principle of falsificationism provides a criterion for understanding the rational and scientific basis of several Agile principles and practices, his evolutionary epistemology resembles the iterative-incremental design approach of Agile methodologies, and his three worlds metaphysical model provides an understanding of both the nature of software, and the approach advocated by the Agile methodologists' of creating and sharing knowledge. In relation to ethics, Popper's notion of an open society provides an understanding of the rational and ethical basis of the values underlying Agile software development and management, as well as the piecemeal adoption of Agile software methodologies. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Computer Science / unrestricted

Neuropsychological outcomes, clinical characteristics and depression in a group with traumatic brain injury : a retrospective review

Joosub, Noorjehaan 06 September 2010 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a multi-faceted disease that affects individuals on physical, cognitive and emotional levels. The specific aims of this research are to explore the prevalence of depression and the relationship between depression, neuropsychological performance and clinical variables in a cohort with TBI. This is accomplished through the retrospective review of 75 neuropsychological reports containing information on clinical variables, performance on neuropsychological measures and Beck Depression Inventory- Second Edition (BDI-II) scores of individuals who had sustained a TBI. The neuropsychological domains assessed via the standardized neuropsychological measures were the domains of attention, concentration, memory, learning, non-verbal and abstract reasoning, manual dexterity, verbal recall, working memory, perception, psychomotor performance, incidental learning, concept formation and verbal fluency. These results were statistically analysed to determine relationships with depression and clinical variables. The investigations undertaken in this study signified particularly pertinent relationships in the interactions among the variables of interest. Higher education level was found to be extremely critical in assisting retention of cognitive abilities following a TBI. Primary language was also a significant differentiator of performance among tests. Age had contrasting effects, with increasing age being favourable on the Similarities Test and related to poorer performance on the Letter Cancellation Test. Increasing GCS scores were related to slower performance on the Letter Cancellation Test and decreased performance on the RAVLT Free Recall Test. Longer PTA duration was related to worse performance on the Matrix Reasoning Test. These results indicate that these indicators of injury severity did not correlate with cognitive performance in this sample after TBI. The high incidence of depression in this study confirms that major depression is a very common occurrence after TBI. This has widespread implications for patient and family counselling, and psychotropic interventions in treatment planning after TBI. Further research on the emotional and cognitive aspects of TBIs within the South African population is needed to supplement the lack of information currently available. It is recommended that further studies build on the current study by exploring larger samples, and using more stratification specificity in terms of the type of injury sustained as well as functional outcomes. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted

What are the factors that predict cigarette smoking among African-American adults?

Wilkins, Phyllis Elaine 01 January 1994 (has links)
The psychosocial and cultural predictors of cigarette smoking were examined among a sample of 175 African-American adults. Participants completed a self-report inventory containing the Beck Depression Inventory, the Perceived Stress Scale, the Speilberger State-Trait Anxiety, the African-American Acculturation Scale, and questions regarding their smoking, demographics, and risk-taking tendencies.

Rundbrief / Lehrstuhl für Religionsphilosophie und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft

19 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

From Suffragettes to Grandmothers: A Qualitative Textual Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Five Female Politicians in Utah's Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune

Cox, Holly M. 01 December 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines press coverage in the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune of five female politicians in Utah history: Martha Hughes Cannon (1896), Reva Beck Bosone (1948), Karen Shepherd (1992), Enid Greene Waldholtz (1994), and Olene S. Walker (2003). A total of 438 articles were reviewed using qualitative textual analysis. Coverage by candidate varied, though it was not in general overtly biased concerning candidate gender. However, the press did call attention to the gender of candidate and gendered commentary was present. The press also called attention to the rarity of women running for high political office and addressed the ability of candidates to balance the roles of wife/mother/homemaker with a political career. This thesis contributes to the overall understanding of newspaper coverage of female politicians and provides a window into the cultural as well as political history of Utah. Suggestions for further research about media coverage of female politicians are made.

Zpřístupňování judikatury pomocí veřejně přístupné počítačové sítě / Accessing judicature with electronic sources

Korhoň, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is the accessibility of electronic sources of judicature in the Czech Republic. The thesis deals with publicly as well as commercially accessible sources. The publicly accessible sources are represented by NALUS which is administered by the Constitutional court, the retrieval system of The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and the retrieval system of The Supreme Administrative Court. The commercially accessible sources are represented by the Beck online, ASPI and CODEXIS.All the sources taken into account are evaluated by the range of their content, the quality of search engine and user interface.

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