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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gebruik van Beck se kognitiewe terapie by sekondêre skoolleerders met subkliniese depressie / The use of Beck's cognitive therapy for secondary school learners with subclinical depression

Davel, Jaqualine Cecile Flower 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Uit 'n literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek wat onderneem is, blyk dit dat 15-40% van alle adolessente subkliniese depressie ervaar. Veranderinge en toenemende druk en eise eie aan die adolessente-fase, bring by baie adolessente depressiewe gevoelens mee. Ten spyte van hierdie omstandighede is daar egter ook baie adolessente wat hierdie fase van ontwikkeling sonder enige noemenswaardige probleme deurloop. Aaron Beck is van mening dat dit nie die omstandighede opsigself is wat tot depressie aanleiding gee nie, maar wel die betekenis wat individue aan omstandighede gee. Beck noem dat depressiewe persone tot irrasionele oortuigings, foutiewe inligting-prosessering en disfunksionele outomatiese gedagtes geneig is. Om hierdie probleem aan te spreek is ses adolessente, wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, aan Beck se kognitiewe terapie onderwerp. Die primere doel van Beck se terapie is die regstelling van bogenoemde disfunksionele kognisies. Die gevolgtrekking is dat wanneer adolessente wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, se disfunksionele kognisies reggestel word, hulle depressiewe gevoelens opgehef word. / From a literature study and empirical research which was undertaken, it seems that 15-40% of all adolescents experience subclinical depression. Changes and increasing pressure and demands, typical of the adolescent phase, causes many adolescents to experience depressing emotions. In spite of these circumstances there are also many adolescents who go through this phase in development without any significant problems. Aaron Beck is of opinion that it is not the circumstances in and of itself that lead to depression but rather the meaning that individuals attached to these circumstances. Beck mentions that depressive people are inclined to irrational beliefs, erroneous information-processing and dysfunctional automatic thoughts. To address this problem, six adolescents who experience subclinical depression, were subjected to Beck's cognitive therapy. The primary target of Beck's therapy is the correction of above mentioned dysfunctional cognitions. The conclusion is that when the dysfunctional cognitions of adolescents who experience subclinical depression can be corrected, their depressive feelings will diminish. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

憂鬱與日常生活的心境一致想法:日程紀錄研究 / Depression and mood congruent thoughts in everyday life:A diary study

黃柏僩 Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖將日程紀錄法的研究典範應用於憂鬱的心理病理研究,聚焦於兩研究問題:(一)探討個體的憂鬱症狀與其日常生活正/負向情感傾向的關係,以及該正/負向情感傾向如何影響其每日的正/負向想法;(二)根據「素質-壓力模式」的觀點,探討個體於日常生活中展現的情感傾向與認知特性,在控制住基準點的憂鬱症狀後,是否仍可顯著預測個體處於壓力狀態的憂鬱症狀。93名大學生完整參與本研究,問卷評估包括基準點的憂鬱症狀、日程紀錄期間的每日正/負向情感與正/負向想法、以及其期中考期間的憂鬱症狀。研究顯示憂鬱個體展現較低的正向情感傾向與較強的負向情感傾向,而個體的正/負向情感傾向與狀態可顯著預測其正/負向想法,且情感傾向與狀態對想法存在顯著的交互作用;另外,個體於日常生活展現的平均負向想法與正向情感傾向,在控制住基準點的症狀後,仍可顯著預測其處於壓力的憂鬱症狀。最後,我們則探討本研究對心理病理與治療的意涵。 / The authors attempted using diary method paradigm to study psychopathology of depression. The study focused on two questions: (1) explore the relationship between individuals’ depressive symptoms and their tendency of positive/ negative affect, and how the tendency of affect impact their daily positive/ negative thoughts; (2) according to the view of diathesis-stress model, explore how the affective tendency and cognitive characteristics exhibited in daily life could predict their depressive symptoms under stress after the initial symptoms are controlled. 93 participants finished all questionnaires, including initial depressive symptoms, daily positive/ negative affect, positive/ negative thoughts, and depressive symptoms under midterm examination. The results showed that depression is related to low positive affect and high negative affect. Individuals’ tendency and state of positive/ negative affect could predict their daily positive/ negative thoughts, and there exist a significant interaction effect between tendency and state to thoughts. Further, individuals’ tendency of positive affect and average negative could predict their depressive symptoms under stress after the initial symptoms are controlled. Finally, the implications for psychopathology and therapy are discussed.

Role Gdaňsku v zahraniční politice nacistického Německa, 1933-1939 / The City of Danzig in the Foreign Policy of the Nazi Germany, 1933-1939

Bandžuch, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is an evolution of the Free city of Danzig in 1930's and the role it played in German and Polish politics during the aforemetioned period consecutively to the evolution of the situation in the city of Danzig in 1920's. The particular elementary processes of the Free city of Danzig's nazification are described here as well as key moments that fundamentally affected the city's standing within the local as well as international political environment. The thesis also focuses on the analysis of the Polish and German foreign policy's influence over the power ballance between relevant actors and to which extent the situation in Danzig contributed to the increase of tensions between Poland and Germany, which in the end led to the beginning of the WWII. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

正負向未來思考、行為激發/抑制系統與憂鬱症狀間模式之初探 / The Exploratory Model of Positive and Negative Future Thinking, Behavioral Activation/Inhibition Systems, and Depressive Symptons

胡肇勳 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文根據無望感的相關理論,以三種方式探討貝氏無望感量表內的正負向期待為一個概念的兩面,或是表徵兩種不同的概念。首先,本論文進行探索性與驗證性因素分析,以考驗一與二因素模式的模式適合度。再者,MacLeod與Byrne(1996)認為兩類未來思考對憂鬱症狀的影響是相互獨立運作,但可能有過於簡化的限制,故本論文提出四種的可能模式並加以檢驗。最後,根據Trew(2011)所提出的整合性模式,提出行為抑制與激發系統導致憂鬱症狀之兩種競爭模式,檢驗無望感或正負向未來思考在此模式中所扮演的中介角色,以及兩個系統之機制間有互動的可能性。主要的研究結果如下:(1)探索性與驗證性因素結果均支持貝氏無望感量表的二因素結構,並以正負向未來思考加以命名;(2)支持模式二的假設,負向未來思考為正向未來思考與憂鬱症狀間的部分中介變項,但正向未來思考並非是負向未來思考與憂鬱症狀間的部分中介變項;(3)競爭模式二具備較佳的模式適合度,支持Trew(2011)認為憂鬱症時須同時注意BAS與BIS各自不同影響途徑的觀點,亦彰顯正向未來思考的保護因子角色;(4)更重要的是,支持無望感量表中正負向期待內容應被視為兩種不同且各自存在的概念。最後並提出本論文研究限制與對憂鬱症的臨床理論與實務上之建議。 / This study investigated the relation between the positive and negative expectations assessed in Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) by three ways. First, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to test the goodness of fit of one-factor and two-factor models. Besides, MacLeod and Byrne (1996) stated that two kinds of future thinkings influenced the depressive symptoms independently, but this statement had some limitations. Therefore, this study proposed four models to test the hypotheses. Based on Trew ‘s (2011) integrated model, two competing models illustrating the relations among BAS, BIS and depression were proposed to examine the mediation effect of hopelessness or future thinkings. The main results were: (1) the two-factor model of BHS was supported in exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses; (2) the second model was supported that negative future thinking was the partial mediator between depression and positive future thinking; (3) the competing model 2 had the better goodness of fit, supporting that BAS and BIS had important but different pathways to influence the development of depression, and positive future thinking played the protective role in this process; (4) Most importantly, the perspective that the positive and negative expectations assessed in BHS should be treated as two different kinds of constructs respectively was supported. Finally, the limitations of this study and the suggestions for the theories and clinical treatment of depression were discussed.

Lumbar spine surgery, results and factors predicting outcome in working-aged patients

Järvimäki, V. (Voitto) 13 March 2018 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of lumbar spine surgery and determine which factors modify outcome. A follow-up questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI, the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) and the Oswestry Low Back Disability Questionnaire (ODI) were sent to working-aged patients who had undergone lumbar spine surgery in the Oulu University Hospital between June, 2005 and May, 2008. Those with a BDI ≥ 10 were further classified into either non-melancholic (NmDS) or melancholic depression (MDS) groups. Potential spinal cord stimulation (SCS) candidates were interviewed via telephone. The postal survey was sent to 814 patients, of which 537 (66%) replied. Of these, 361 had undergone disc surgery, 85 stabilizing surgery and 91 decompression. Pain intensity was milder, the frequency of pain more rare, functional disability minimal and quality of life better after disc surgery compared to stabilizing surgery and decompression, which are technically more demanding operations and the patients’ condition are often more serious. Altogether, 213 patients presented with depressive symptoms (DS) defined as having a BDI ≥ 10, and these were further classified into NmDS (n = 153) and MDS (n = 60) subtypes. ODI differed between DS subtypes: those without DS had minimal, NmDS moderate and MDS severe functional disability. Pain was more frequent and more intense among DS patients. In particular, MDS patients suffered from pain, used more pain medication, but received less benefit from it. Disc surgery patients were divided according to body mass index (BMI): normal, pre-obese and obese. Pre-obese and obese patients gained weight during the follow-up. Obese patients had more DS and a worse functional outcome than normal-weighted or pre-obese patients. Of the entire cohort (n = 814), 21 patients received SCS. Eleven respondents underwent SCS treatment after they had replied. Features predicting SCS treatment were daily or continuous pain, higher pain intensity with predominant radicular pain, more severe pain-related functional disability, more DS and reduced benefit from pain medication. The time between lumbar surgery and implantation of a SCS device was extensive. Based on data from phone interviews, it appears that SCS was not offered to all potential candidates. In conclusion, the outcome of lumbar spine surgery was good after disc surgery but less favourable after more demanding stabilizing surgery or decompression. DS, especially of the MDS subtype, and obesity were more often seen in patients with a poorer surgical outcome. SCS treatment was used late and only for patients with very severe pain. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli arvioida tuloksia lannerangan kirurgiassa ja kartoittaa tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat leikkaustulokseen. Seurantakysely, Beckin depressio¬kysely (BDI), SF-36 elämänlaatukysely ja Oswestryn toiminta¬kyky¬kysely (ODI), lähetettiin työikäisille Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa kesäkuu 2005 - maaliskuu 2008 alaselkäleikatuille potilaille. Beckin depressioasteikko > 10 luokiteltiin ei-melankolisesti masentuneisiin (NmDS) ja melankolisesti masen¬tuneisiin (MDS). Mahdolliset takajuostestimulaatio (TJS) -ehdokkaat haastateltiin puhelimitse. Postikysely lähetettiin 814 potilaalle, joista 537 (66%) vastasi. Näistä 361:lle tehtiin välilevytyräleikkaus, 85:lle stabiloiva leikkaus ja 91:lle juurikanavan avarrusleikkaus. Välilevytyräleikatuilla kipu oli lievempää, harvemmin esiintyvää, toiminnallinen haitta vähäisempää ja elämänlaatu parempaa verrattuna potilaisiin, joille tehtiin vaativampi stabiloiva tai juurikanavan avarrusleikkaus. Kaikkiaan 213 potilaalla oli depressio-oireita (DS, BDI ≥ 10) ja nämä luokiteltiin edelleen NmDS (n = 153) ja MDS (n = 60) alaryhmiin. ODI erottui eri DS alatyyppien välillä: ei-DS-potilailla oli minimaalinen, NmDS-potilailla kohtuullinen ja MDS-potilailla vaikea toiminnallinen haitta. Kipua oli useammin ja voimakkaampana DS-potilailla. Erityisesti MDS-potilaat kärsivät kivuista, käyttivät enemmän kipulääkkeitä ja hyötyivät niistä vähemmän. Välilevytyräleikatut luokiteltiin painoindeksin (BMI) pohjalta normaaleihin, ylipainoisiin ja lihaviin. Ylipainoiset ja lihavat lihoivat seuranta-aikana. Lihavilla potilailla oli enemmän masennusta ja huonompi toiminnallinen tulos verrattuna normaaleihin ja ylipainoisiin. Koko tutkimusryhmässä (n = 814) 21 potilasta oli saanut TJS:n. Yksitoista vastaajaa sai TJS:n kyselytutkimuksen jälkeen. TJS:n saaneilla oli päivittäistä tai jatkuvaa, kovempaa ja pääasiassa jalkaan säteilevää kipua. Kipu aiheutti enemmän toiminnallista haittaa, enemmän masennusta ja nämä saivat vähemmän apua kipulääkityksestä. Aika leikkauksen ja TJS:n asennuksen välillä oli pitkä. Puhelinhaastattelun avulla saatu tieto osoittaa, ettei TJS-hoitoa tarjota kaikille potentiaalisille hyötyjille. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että välilevytyräleikkauksen jälkeen tulos oli hyvä ja vaativampien stabiloivan ja juurikanavan avarrusleikkauksen jälkeen heikompi. DS, etenkin MDS ja lihavuus korostuivat huonommin toipuneissa. TJS-hoitoa käytettiin vain vaikeimmille tapauksille ja odotusajat olivat pitkät.

Psycholog a bariatrická léčba obezity / Psychologist and bariatric treatment of obesity

Herlesová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
Psychologist and bariatric tretment of obesity PhDr.Jitka Herlesová Tutor: PhDr.Tamara Hrachovinová, CSc. Abstract The aim of the dissertation thesis is to map psychosocial characteristics associated with obesity and their changes after bariatric surgery. The Empirical part follows the points settled in the Theoretical part. Obesity is a disease, whose prevalence rises. Bariatric and metabolic surgery is one of the most effective treatment of obesity and its comorbidities. The mental diseases are associated with high levels of obesity. The standard part of pre-bariatric examination is the psychological assessment. Several changes accompany the weight loss after bariatric surgery, such as normalization of psychosocial functioning, the decrease of mental disorders but in some cases the changes might be also negative. The Empirical part focuses on the psychosocial characteristics of bariatric surgery candidates assessed during the psychological evaluation and the changes after operation. The data from semi-structured psychological interview, Three factor eating questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory-II, Obesity Weight Loss Quality of Life and Weight Related Symptom Measure were evaluated. The changes after surgery were assessed after 6, 12 and 24 months. Statistically significant differences were ascertained...

Postpartum depression and maternal adjustment: An investigation into some risk factors

Hargovan, Dhaksha C. January 1994 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / The aim of the present study was to determine whether it was possible to identify changes in levels of postpartum depression and maternal adjustment and attitude in primiparae before and after birth. It aimed, furthermore, at assessing certain risk factors that could provide an understanding of the etiological factors (causes, determinants) influencing postpartum levels of depression and maternal adjustment and attitude. The study focused on risk factors among married and unmarried primiparae (first time mothers), with a view to establishing vulnerability profiles of the respective groups. The specific risk factors that formed part of the investigation were social support, personality (neuroticism) and life events. All the subjects investigated were recruited from the Mitchells Plain Maternity and Obstetrics Unit. A sample of 70 subjects, in the third trimester of pregnancy, voluntarily participated in the first part of this study. Of these, 26 belonged to the married group and 44 belonged to the unmarried group. As a result of the attrition factor, 57 subjects constituted the final sample for analysis. The final sample comprised 20 married and 37 unmarried subjects. Subjects were followed up four to eight weeks postpartum. Results revealed that there were no significant changes in levels of depression between the married and unmarried groups, either before or after delivery. Of significance was that with the event of birth, the depression scores amongst women rated high in neuroticism decreased significantly. Married women with high social support satisfaction scores were found to have low depression scores. Similarly, married women who experienced fewer negative life events had lower levels of depression than did the unmarried women who experienced fewer negative life events. The maternal adjustment and attitude scores did not change before or after birth, except in the married group. The married group showed a significant increase in scores on the maternal adjustment and attitude scores after the birth of the child. Regarding personality (neuroticism), the high neuroticism scorers had significantly lower maternal adjustment and attitude than did the low neuroticism scorers. As was the case with social support and depression, married women with high social support had a higher maternal adjustment and attitude. A significant effect of negative life events on maternal adjustment and attitude was only found for the married women (after delivery) who experienced a low number of life events. A stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed, in order to yield a model in which the depression and maternal adjustment and attitude scores would be predicted by risk factors. The finding of this analysis for both depression and maternal attitude and adjustment was not significant. Social Identity theory was suggested as a possible interpretation of these results. Future research which views social identity as a factor in understanding postpartum depression and maternal adjustment and attitude has been proposed .

Minimumkrav för ett CI-system

Kiendys, Petrus, Al-Zara, Shadi January 2015 (has links)
När en grupp utvecklare jobbar med samma kodbas kan konflikter uppstå med avseende på implementationen av moduler eller delsystem som varje utvecklare individuellt jobbar på. Dessa konflikter måste snabbt lösas för att projektet ska fortskrida och inte stagnera. Utvecklare som sällan kommunicerar framför ofta okompatibla moduler eller delsystem som kan vara svåra eller omöjliga att integrera i kodbasen, detta leder ofta till s.k. “integration hell” där det kan ta väldigt lång tid att anpassa ny kod till en befintlig kodbas.En strategi som man kan ta till är “continuous integration”, ett arbetssätt som erbjuder en rad fördelar när man jobbar i grupp på en gemensam kodbas. Continuous integration är möjligt att tillämpa utan verktyg eftersom detta är ett arbetssätt. Däremot kan processen stödjas av ett s.k. “CI-system” som är något av en teknisk implementation eller påtagligt införlivande och stöd för arbetsmetoden “continuous integration”.Denna rapport syftar till att ge en inblick i vad ett CI-system är och vad den principiellt består av. Vi undersöker vad ett CI-system absolut måste bestå av genom en litteraturundersökning och en marknadsundersökning. Vi ställer upp dessa beståndsdelar som “funktionella” och “icke-funktionella” krav för ett typiskt CI-system. Vi kan på så vis kvantifiera och kategorisera olika komponenter och funktionaliteter som bör innefattas i ett typiskt CI-system. I denna rapport finns även ett bihang som visar hur man kommer igång med att bygga en egen CI-server mha. CI-systemmjukvaran “TeamCity”.Slutsatsen av vår rapport är att CI-system är ett viktigt redskap som kan underlätta mjukvaruutveckling. Med hjälp av CI-system kan man stödja utvecklingsprocessen genom att bl.a. förhindra integrationsproblem, automatisera vissa delar av arbetsprocessen (kompilering av källkod, testning av mjukvara, notifikation om stabilitet av kodbas och distribution av färdig mjukvara) samt snabbt hitta och lösa integrationsfel. / When a group of developers work on the same code base, conflicts may arise regarding the implementation of modules or subsystems that developers individually work on. These conflicts have to be resolved quickly in order for the project to advance at a steady pace. Developers who do not communicate changes or other necessary deviations may find themselves in a situation where new or modified modules or subsystems are impossible or very difficult to integrate into the mainline code-base. This often leads to so called “integration hell” where it could take huge amounts of time to adapt new code into the current state of the code-base. One strategy, which can be deployed to counteract this trend is called “continuous integration”. This practice offers a wide range of advantages when a group of developers collaborates on writing clean and stable code. Continuous integration can be put into practice without the use of any tools as it is a “way to do things” rather than an actual tool. With that said, it is possible to support the practice with a tangible tool called a CI-system.This study aims to give insight into the makings of a CI-system and what it fundamentally consists of and has to be able to do. A study of contemporary research reports regarding the subject and a survey was performed in order to substantiate claims and conclusions. Core characteristics of CI-systems are grouped into “functional requirements” and “non-functional requirements (quality attributes)”. By doing this, it is possible to quantify and categorize various core components and functionalities of a typical CI-system. This study also contains an attachment which provides instructions of how to get started with implementing your own CI-server using the CI-system software ”TeamCity”. The conclusion of this study is that a CI-system is an important tool that enables a more efficient software development process. By making use of CI-systems developers can refine the development process by preventing integration problems, automating some parts of the work process (build, test, feedback, deployment) and quickly finding and solving integration issues.

”Maten är kass, men lärarna är snälla” : Recensioner av gymnasieskolor - ett beslutsunderlag för gymnasievalet på skolmarknaden / ”The food is crappy, but the teachers are kind” : Reviews of schools – basis for decision-making for upper secondary school election on a school market

Barakat, Mohammed, Östergren, Rolf January 2019 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en förståelse för vad det är elever som söker till gymnasieskolan kan tänkas möta då de läser recensionstexter. Syftet är således att kartlägga recensionssystemets omfattning och innehåll kvantitativt; vad som tas upp i recensionstexterna, samt att undersöka hur recensionstexterna är konstruerade. Avslutningsvis syftar uppsatsen till att diskutera recensionssystemet i en större samhällskontext - som ett resultat av och en del i vår samtid. Vilka ämnen och teman förekommer i recensionstexter av gymnasieskolor samt hur frekvent är förekomsten?  Hur värderas (positivt, negativt eller neutralt) de olika temana i recensionerna?  På vilket sätt är recensionstexterna konstruerade och hur kan det tolkas? På vilket sätt framträder en skolmarknadsdiskurs i recensionstexterna? Metod De kvantitativa frågorna undersöks genom en innehållsanalys av slumpmässigt utvalda recensioner på gymnasieskolor i Stockholms län. De förekomna orden kvantifieras och delas in i teman, kategorieroch subkategorier. En bedömning görs även utifrån om de förekomna orden lyfts i en positiv, negativ eller neutral kontext. Den kvalitativa delen utgörs av en textanalys inspirerad av diskursanalysen. Av ett antal utvalda recensioner, baserat på dess innehållsliga relevans, analyseras dessa semantiskt med diskursanalytiska verktyg. I diskussions- och analysdelen behandlas resultatet utifrån det teoretiska ramverket och tidigare forskning.  Resultat Av innehållsanalysen framgår att de vanligast förekommande temana var allmänna värdeomdömen om skolan, att kommentera lärare samt skolans upplägg och utbildningens kvalité. Det är även vanligt att sociala aspekter så som atmosfär och gemenskap lyfts fram i recensionerna. Av den kvalitativa delen framgår det att recensenterna uttrycker sig på ett sätt som speglar skolmarknadsdiskursen. I somliga fall framgår tydligt hur recensenten anammat skolmarknadsdiskursen. Slutsats Resultatet indikerar att recensionssystemet riskerar att generera segregerande effekter. Framförallt utifrån den asymmetriska tillgången av information och att skola och identitet knyts allt närmare varandra. Detta förtydligas och ställs på sin spets i hur recensionerna är konstruerade och kan, i vissa fall, tänkas vara svårare att bearbeta då gemene elev tenderar att se recensenter som objektiva (till skillnad från övrig tillgänglig information). / Aim The aim with this study is to explore what kind of information pupils, searching for upper secondary school, might get from reading reviews of schools. The purpose is thus to quantify the scope and content of the review system quantitatively; what is mentioned in the review texts, and to examine how the review are textually constructed. Finally, the paper aims to discuss the review system in a larger social context - as a result of and a part of our time. What topics occur in reviews of upper secondary schools and how frequent is the occurrence? How are the different themes in the reviews valued (positive, negative or neutral)? In what way are the review texts constructed and how can it be interpreted? In what way does a school market discourse appear in the reviews? Method The quantitative questions are examined through a content analysis on randomly selected reviews of upper secondary schools in Stockholm County. The words in question are quantified and divided into themes, categories and subcategories. An assessment is also made based on whether the existing words are lifted in a positive, negative or neutral context. The qualitative part consists of a text analysis inspired by the discourse analysis. From a number of selected reviews, based on its substantive relevance, these are semantically analyzed with discourse analytics tools. In a merged discussion and analysis section, the result is treated on the basis of the theoretical framework and previous research. Results The content analysis shows that the most common themes were general value reviews of the school, commenting on teachers and the school's structure and the quality of the education. It is also common to mention social aspects such as atmosphere and cohesion. From the qualitative part it appears that the reviewers express themselves in a way that reflects the school market discourse. In some cases, it is clear that the reviewer has adopted the school market discourse.  Conclusion The result indicates that the review system risks generating segregating effects. Especially based on the asymmetric availability of information and the fact that school and identity are getting more connected. This is clarified and put on its tip in how the reviews are constructed and, in some cases, may be more difficult to process when the common student tends to see reviewers as objective (in contrast to other available sources of information).

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