Spelling suggestions: "subject:"belonging"" "subject:"elonging""
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Perceptions of social workers regarding life story work with children in child and youth care centres / Kathrine Helen GutscheGutsche, Kathrine Helen January 2013 (has links)
This study focuses on social workers‟ perceptions regarding life story work with children in child and
youth care centres in South Africa. Life story work is an established form of intervention utilized by
social workers with children in care mostly in the United Kingdom. Limited research has been conducted
on the subject in South Africa. The research hoped to discover how social workers perceive life story
work as a therapeutic intervention technique to be utilized with children in child and youth care centres.
Qualitative descriptive design was conducted inductively, through semi-structured interviews and one
focus group discussion. A total of six registered social workers at registered child and youth care centres
in the Northern and Southern suburbs of Cape Town in the Western Province of South Africa were
purposefully selected to participate in this study. All of the interviews and the focus group were audiorecorded.
Recordings were transcribed by the researcher to ascertain certain emerging themes and
categories. Thematic data analysis was utilized to transform the transcribed data into meaningful
information. The principles and strategies for enhancing the trustworthiness of the data were done through
crystallisation. The findings of the study revealed that social workers initially perceive life story work as
time-consuming and are unaware of what the concept truly entails, but once examples were shown to the
social workers, they recognised that they were using some of the activities already and perceived life
story work as valuable, effective and essential in child and youth care centres. Life story work was
perceived as useful for identity formation, a sense of belonging, relationship-building and family
reunification services, for example. It was discovered that the social workers were utilising aspects of life
story work, but that there is a shortage of social workers to act as facilitators to possibly complete life
story work processes with each child in child and youth care centres. The recommendation was, therefore,
made that childcare workers be trained in life story work in order for it to be implemented in child and
youth care centres effectively. Further research studies were, therefore, recommended to ascertain how
life story work could be practically implemented as a holistic programme with the children in child and
youth care centres. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Eliciting the views of disabled young people on friendship and belonging : authentic voices for action research engaging schools in change towards social inclusionHoskin, Claire January 2010 (has links)
This small-scale study is positioned within a social constructionist interpretive paradigm using a mixed methodology employing principles of adapted grounded theory, simple scale-based questionnaires and action research. Fourteen disabled young people from one specialist and three secondary mainstream settings were interviewed using semi-structured interviews to gain their views on friendship and belonging in schools. Three groups of parents, TAs, SENCos and allied education professionals engaged in action research to examine these views, their own views and values and those of disabled young people in their families and schools in order to better understand the sensitivities and subtleties of successful social inclusion and to consider change to whole school practice. The limitations that non-disabled adults unwittingly ‘construct’ that act as barriers to friendship and social inclusion were explicitly recognised in this interpretive research as a contribution to informing practice and theory in this domain. Paper One focuses on the views of young people and the meaning and importance they placed on friendship and social relationships in their lives. Findings included that young people in specialist and mainstream setting highly valued friendships but that sustaining friendships in the wider community was often problematic for those participants who attended schools outside their local community. This mainly affected the specialist setting students but was also recognised as an issue by some of the mainstream parents who lived outside the catchment area. Findings also revealed that young people gained their sense of belonging from the positive relationships they formed with TAs and teachers as well as friends. In order for friendship and positive social inclusion to develop, however, participants required schools to provide a supportive environment of accessible rooms, doors and lifts and adults who trusted them to have the competency and agency to manage their social times and spaces with choice and autonomy. The issue of ‘surplus visibility’ was highlighted by disabled young people who spoke of an experience of school where lack of choice concerning where and with whom to spend break times limited their friendship opportunities and sense of well-being and inclusion. This was compounded by an expectation of compliance by adults and automatic assumption of their belonging to a disabled group despite differences of sex, gender or common interests. The participants valued genuine connection through humour, interests and social support and were active in seeking private time for talking with friends. Schools that provided a range of highly social or quieter, more private, locations for students were highly valued. Paper Two describes using these views as stimulus for action research to bring about change towards improved social inclusion. Groups of parents, senior management, SENCos, TAs and other education professionals met formally three times over a four month period. These groups examined vignettes selected from data from paper one, engaged in debate and discussions, interviewed disabled young people themselves, formulated key concept maps leading to revised theoretical frameworks, reflected and evaluated the process of the action research and considered practice change or further research. This stage was a continued process of seeking to hear authentic voices, in depth discussion and reflection on what we were learning from disabled young people combined with our own knowledge, values, and beliefs. This led to the development of conceptual models and practical change intentions to promote social inclusion. Intentions to change included •Developing alternative social rooms with minimal TA presence •Including disabled young people in TA selection processes •Involving parents in reviewing the school inclusion policy •Establishing a regular parents’ support group •A commitment to keep listening to young people’s voices and preferences on key matters rather than ‘assuming that we already know!’ •Lengthening the lunch break in the specialist setting to ensure time for socialising and friendship building These commitments to change demonstrated that schools were able to engage successfully in the action research process, valued parents’contributions further and were willing to change practice towards greater social inclusion of disabled young people and parents.
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Kalaureia 1894 : A Cultural History of the First Swedish Excavation in GreeceBerg, Ingrid January 2016 (has links)
The excavation of the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia in 1894 marks the beginning of Swedish archaeological fieldwork in Greece. During a couple of hot summer months, two philologists from Uppsala University, Sam Wide (1861-1918) and Lennart Kjellberg (1857-1936), worked in the sanctuary together with the architect Sven Kristenson (1858-1937), the Greek foreman Pankalos and around twenty local workmen. In 1997, the Swedish Institute at Athens began new excavations at the sanctuary. This thesis examines the beginnings of Swedish fieldwork in Greece. Within the framework of a cultural history of archaeology, inspired by archaeological ethnography and the New Cultural History, it explores how archaeology functioned as a cultural practice in the late nineteenth century. A micro-historical methodology makes use of a wide array of different source material connected to the excavation of 1894, its prelude and aftermath. The thesis takes the theoretical position that the premises for archaeological knowledge production are outcomes of contemporary power structures and cultural politics. Through an analysis of how the archaeologists constructed their self-images through a set of idealized stereotypes of bourgeois masculinity, academic politics of belonging is highlighted. The politics of belonging existed also on a national level, where the Swedish archaeologists entered into a competition with other foreign actors to claim heritage sites in Greece. The idealization of classical Greece as a birthplace of Western values, in combination with contemporary colonial and racist cultural frameworks in Europe, created particular gazes through which the modern country was appropriated and judged. These factors all shaped the practices through which archaeological knowledge was created at Kalaureia. Some excavations tend to have extensive afterlives through the production of histories of archaeology. Therefore, this thesis also explores the representations of the 1894 excavation in the historiography of Swedish classical archaeology. It highlights the strategies by which the excavation at Kalaureia has served to legitimize further Swedish engagements in Greek archaeology, and explores the way in which historiography shapes our professional identities.
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Inégalités en santé et vie de quartier : le sentiment d'appartenance comme déterminant de la santé chez des femmes vivant dans le quartier Hochelaga-MaisonneuveSalomon, Karine 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’inscrit dans un contexte où les inégalités sociales ne cessent d’augmenter. Dans les sociétés occidentales, le fossé entre les riches et les pauvres se creuse de plus en plus et celui-ci influence les inégalités de santé. À Montréal, il existe un écart d’espérance de vie de plus de dix ans entre les résidents des quartiers les plus riches et ceux des plus pauvres. Ce mémoire se penche sur ce phénomène en s’attardant aux liens entre les inégalités de santé et le sentiment d’appartenance des résidentes d’Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. À travers l’analyse d’un corpus de données recueillies par une recension des écrits, par des entretiens semi-dirigés ainsi que par des séances d’observations participantes, des pistes de réflexion à ce sujet s’en dégagent. Après avoir exposé une recension des écrits brossant les principaux concepts utilisés dans ce mémoire, ainsi qu’un cadre méthodologique décrivant la cueillette de données et le contexte de l’étude, la perception qu’ont les répondantes de leur santé, ainsi que les facteurs y contribuant sont adressés. Les inégalités de santé étant comprises au-delà de leur aspect individuel, ce projet met de l’avant l’importance des environnements physique et social ainsi que des dynamiques d’inclusion et d’exclusion sur la création de celles-ci. / This thesis was conducted amidst a context of growing social inequalities. In our western societies the gap between rich and poor is widening which influence health inequalities. In Montreal, there is a ten year gap in life expectancy between rich and poor. This thesis is linking health inequalities with a sense of belonging of women living in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, an area of Montreal. Through datas, gathered by litterature review, interviews and participant observation, we opened up areas to think about our theme. First of all, we write a literature review which describes the basic concepts as health, sense of belongings and social inclusion or exclusion, of this project. The methodology is explained through data collection and the context of the study. After, health is studied through women’s perception and factors which are contributing to it. The fourth chapter is studying the impact of physical and social environment on health. Finally, social exclusions are linked with health inequalities. Consequently, this project is not only understanding health inequalities by their individual aspects.
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"Community means the world to me" : an ethnographic study of a public house and bowling clubGlen, Ian J. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is an ethnographic study of two local institutions within the community of Fallin which explores how twenty-four men understand, maintain and reproduce community and belonging. Throughout, the thesis suggests that the past acts as a stable reference point for the men to deal with social change. The Bowling Club and the Pub are suggested as being sanctuaries for this type of collective remembering to take place as they still reflect a mode of life associated with the past. It is argued that imagined histories were recollected, recreated and maintained through the power of storytelling and sharing experiences to the younger generations or outsiders (Blenkinsopp, 2012; Homans, 1974). This thesis suggests that perceived threats from outsiders only serve to further galvanise the central values of their community (Cohen, 1985; Homans, 1974). Chapter Two provides a review of the literature and theoretical concepts which sets out the academic foundations of this thesis. The work of Bourdieu shapes the theoretical, methodological and reflexive nature of this project. Chapter Three introduces the ethnographic method which gives this study an in-depth account of the narratives and identities of the men in this project. Chapter Four outlines the reflexive nature of the author’s relationship with the community, the Bowling Club and The Goth and how this affects the interpretations presented in this thesis. Chapter Five provides the reader with descriptive and demographic data of the community of Fallin and the research sites. Chapters Six and Seven analyse the data and directly answer the research question through interpreting interview data and using field notes. Concluding in Chapter Eight, this thesis suggests that the version of community that the men helped to reproduce and maintain is strongly associated with a historical working-class mode of life. This thesis suggests that these local institutions reproduce historical notions of community and belonging through outside forces and incomers challenging this traditional mode of life. Of particular interest is how the younger men in the study often adopt this shared habitus and learn how to be a man through regular interactions in The Goth and the Bowling Club.
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L’intégration des Nord-Coréens en Corée du Sud : la persistance de la division dans les représentations identitairesMorin-Dion, Anne-Marie 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à comprendre la problématique de l’intégration des migrants Nord-Coréens en Corée du Sud à travers l’analyse de la dynamique des relations entre Nord et Sud-Coréens. Les objectifs particuliers sont d’identifier un processus d’ethnicisation dans la nation coréenne, de déterminer la place des cultures nord et sud-coréennes dans l’identité coréenne et de définir la reconfiguration identitaire nécessaire afin d’accéder à la reconnaissance du groupe majoritaire. Un séjour en Corée du Sud a été effectué en septembre 2010 afin de réaliser quatre entrevues avec des Nord-Coréens, en plus de rencontrer les gens travaillant dans des organismes promouvant l’intégration des Nord-Coréens en Corée du Sud. L’analyse des données a permis de comprendre de quelle manière la division de la nation coréenne persiste et comment elle influence le processus d’intégration des Nord-Coréens. En premier lieu, l’appartenance au groupe Hanminjok (nation coréenne) est conférée, mais la mise en relief de « marqueurs culturels » contraint l’accessibilité au groupe majoritaire. Deuxièmement, la présence de discours essentialistes exacerbent des représentations sociales négatives qui entravent l’intégration sociale et symbolique à la société sud-coréenne. Finalement, les résultats démontrent que le manque de liens sociaux entre Nord et Sud-Coréens tient une part importante dans la problématique de l’intégration, en plus de nuire à l’accessibilité au marché du travail ce qui compromet l’intégration économique. / This Master’s thesis aims at furthering the understanding of the integration process of North Korean migrants into South Korean society, through the analysis of the relationships between North and South Koreans. The specific objectives hereof are to identify an ethnicisation process, to define the place of North and South Korean culture in the Korean identity and to identify the identity reconfiguration necessary in order to access the recognition of the majority group. Fieldwork was completed in South Korea in September 2010, allowing for the interview of four North Koreans and the meeting of people working in organisations promoting North Korean integration into South Korea. The data analysis led us to a better understanding of how the division of the Korean nation is persisting and how it is influencing the integration process of North Koreans in South Korea. In the first place, belonging to the group Hanminjok (Korean nation) is granted, but the prominence of “ethnic markers” is restraining accessibility of North Koreans to the majority group. Secondly, the presence of essentialist discourses is deepening negative social representations which are deleterious to the social and symbolic integration of North Koreans into South Korean society. Finally, the results show that the lack of social relations between North and South Koreans plays a major role in the problematics of integration and is compromising accessibility to employment and therefore to economic integration.
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Développement du sentiment d'appartenance à une équipe sportive et persévérance scolaire : le cas des jeunes du programme «Bien dans mes baskets»Langlois, Marc 07 1900 (has links)
«Bien dans mes Baskets» (BdmB) est un programme d’intervention psychosociale utilisant le basketball parascolaire comme outil de prévention du décrochage scolaire et de la délinquance chez des adolescents en difficulté ou présentant plusieurs facteurs de risque. Le programme a comme objectifs généraux de prévenir le décrochage scolaire, la délinquance et l’exclusion sociale. La présente étude a comme principaux objectifs d’explorer le processus de construction du sentiment d’appartenance à l’équipe et à l’école des athlètes-étudiants participant au programme BdmB et d’examiner le lien entre le sentiment d’appartenance à l’équipe et à l’école chez ces derniers.
Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés auprès d’un échantillon aléatoire de 21 athlètes-étudiants de sexe masculin inscrits dans le programme BdmB. Nous avons choisis au hasard sept athlètes-étudiants dans trois équipes de catégories d’âge différentes (atome, cadet et juvénile) afin de mettre en évidence la progression potentielle du sentiment d’appartenance dans le temps. Le verbatim des entretiens enregistrés a été transcrit afin de procéder à une analyse inspirée de la théorisation ancrée.
Les résultats permettent l’identification de trois conditions qui paraissent jouer un rôle déterminant dans la construction du sentiment d’appartenance, soit : 1) le partage d’expériences communes significatives, 2) la valorisation de la pratique du basketball au sein de BdmB, et 3) le climat de l’équipe et du programme. Ces conditions découlent de l’interaction et du cumul de nombreux facteurs individuels et interpersonnels ainsi que de facteurs liés au programme. Pour certains athlètes-étudiants, le basketball parascolaire semble même favoriser la motivation scolaire. Pour plusieurs, le sentiment d’appartenance à l’équipe est indissociable du sentiment d’appartenance à l’école. / "Bien dans mes Baskets" (BdmB) is a psychosocial intervention program using basketball as a tool to prevent school dropout and delinquency among adolescents in difficulty or at risk. The general goals of the program are to prevent school dropout, delinquency and social exclusion. This study has two main objectives: 1) investigate the construction process of a sense of belonging to the team and to the school among athlete-students participating in BdmB, and 2) explore the potential connection between the basketball players' sense of team belonging and sense of school belonging.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of 21 male student-athletes enrolled in the program BdmB. We randomly selected seven student-athletes in three teams of different age categories (atome, cadet and juvénile) to highlight the potential progression of the sense of belonging over time. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim in order to conduct an analysis inspired by grounded theory.
The results allow the identification of three conditions that appear to play a key role in the construction of a sense of belonging: 1) the sharing of meaningful group experiences, 2) the valorization of playing basketball in BdmB, and 3) the team and program climate. These conditions arise from the interaction and combination of many individual factors, interpersonal factors and program factors. For some athlete-students, afterschool basketball seems to encourage academic motivation. For most of the athlete-students, their sense of team belonging is tantamount to their sense of school belonging.
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L’influence de la mobilité sur la construction du sentiment d’appartenance territoriale : le cas de l’arrondissement Plateau-Mont-RoyalLavallée, Brigitte 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur l’étude du développement d’un sentiment d’appartenance à l’échelle d’un quartier dans un contexte de croissance de la mobilité des individus. À travers ce travail, il s’agit d’observer les formes que prend ce sentiment alors que les limites du territoire quotidien ne cessent d’être repoussées et que les individus sont de moins en moins ancrés de façon permanente sur un territoire. Dès lors, la pertinence du quartier est remise en cause. L’étude a pris pour cadre d’analyse l’arrondissement Plateau-Mont-Royal en raison de son caractère atypique et exemplaire en matière de forte mobilité de ses résidants et de la perception d’un sentiment d’appartenance territoriale marqué. Afin d’alimenter la réflexion, des entretiens ont été réalisés auprès de dix résidants de l’arrondissement recrutés lors d’un rendez-vous citoyen. Ces rencontres ont permis de comprendre que la mobilité des résidants ne répond pas à la tangente de la croissance observée. La flexibilité et la liberté d’avoir le choix de quitter son lieu de résidence sont des aptitudes valorisées, mais l’ancrage demeure prisé. Cette divergence s’inscrit dans une démarche particulière; celle de vivre selon un mode de vie où l’espace du quartier est priorisé à travers la mobilité quotidienne. Dans ce contexte, le sentiment d’appartenance se développe en direction d’un mode de vie, honorant un ensemble de valeurs, plutôt qu’à un territoire. Selon cette approche, l’arrondissement Plateau-Mont-Royal joue le second rôle; il représente le catalyseur et la vitrine de ce mode de vie, facilitant ainsi le regroupement des individus sous des valeurs communes. / This master’s thesis focuses on the study of the development of a sense of belonging to a neighborhood in the context of increasing mobility of people. Through this work, we will observe the forms taken by this sense of belonging while the boundaries of everyday life are constantly being pushed and that people are less anchored permanently on territory. Therefore, the relevance of the neighborhood is questionable. The study took for its analytical framework the Plateau-Mont-Royal borough because of its unusual nature, because it is an actual model in terms of high mobility of its residents, and because it is a perceived significant sense of place. To foster reflection, interviews were conducted with ten borough residents recruited during a citizen’s meeting. These interviews helped to understand that the mobility of residents does not meet the tangent of the growth. The flexibility and freedom to have the choice to leave a place of residence are valued skills, but the residential stability remains sought after. This discrepancy is part of a particular approach, that of living in a lifestyle where the neighborhood is prioritized through daily mobility. In this context, the sense of belonging is developed for the lifestyle, promoting a set of values rather than a place. Under this approach, the Plateau-Mont-Royal borough is playing a second role, representing a catalyst and a showcase for this lifestyle, thus facilitating the coming together of people in shared values.
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La participation politique des immigrants au QuébecGuersan, Daniel 05 1900 (has links)
Comment expliquer la spécificité de la participation politique des immigrants au Québec, alors qu’elle échappe aux explications usuelles ?
Si une multitude de facteurs expliquent bien la participation politique dans un cadre général comme le produit d’une rationalité individuelle, rationalité vers laquelle nos politiques sont orienté, ces facteurs peinent empiriquement à saisir pourquoi les immigrants participent et pourquoi ils évitent certains espaces politiques.
Plutôt que de reprendre une approche fondée sur une rationalité cognitive ce travail suggère de compléter les approches classiques par celles de la psychologie sociale, et de choisir un spectre original axé sur les facteurs de développement d’un sentiment d’appartenance au Québec socio-affectif.
Deux intérêts majeurs accompagnent cette démarche.
En premier lieu, elle permet d’inclure le rôle des émotions dans la compréhension de la participation politique et ouvre la voie à des explications complémentaires jusqu'alors négligées.
En second lieu, elle permet de séparer la dimension identitaire de la dimension affective, encore fusionnées dans la plupart des approches. En cela elle offre au chercheur un nouveau cadre conceptuel qui permet la prise en compte du poids des affects dans l’étude de la participation politique, dans des cas atypiques tels que l’immigration ou les sociétés en mutation rapide.
Enfin, la recherche effectuée dans ce mémoire permet d’éclaircir le comportement politique des immigrants du Québec en démontrant l’échec des politiques d’intégration à développer un sentiment d’appartenance chez ses arrivants. / How to understand specificities of political participation in the case of Quebec’s immigrants, as it evades from usual explanations? If a multitude of factors explain well the political participation in the common case, the main explanation feats with personal rationality. Politics are usually oriented by this statement. Still, these factors hardly give an empirical explanation of why does immigrants participate or avoid some public spaces. Instead of taking the classical approach, based on cognitive rationality, this paper suggests completing usual explanations statements through the original mediation of socio-affective factors of Quebecoise belonging development. Such a demarche gives policy science two advancements. First, it opens the way to the inclusion of emotions for a better understanding of political participation and gives complementary explanations, largely forsaken. Secondly, it set a separation between id dimension and affective dimensions, still fused in most approaches. This way gives new statements to the researchers which open the way to a better consideration of the weight of affective explanations in the study of political participation in atypical cases like immigration and fast changing societies. At last, our research explains the political behaviour of Quebecoise immigrants by establishing Quebec’s integration policies inability to create a Quebecoise belonging.
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Le développement positif des jeunes en contexte sportif parascolaire : évaluation du programme d’intervention psychosociale Bien dans mes BasketsSimard, Stéphanie 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif général de cette thèse était d’explorer le développement personnel de jeunes à risque de délinquance et de décrochage scolaire à travers leur participation à un programme d’intervention psychosociale nommé « Bien dans mes Baskets » (BdmB). Ce programme utilise le basketball parascolaire comme outil d’intervention et il a comme particularité qu’une bonne partie de ses entraineurs-intervenants détiennent une formation professionnelle en travail social ou domaines connexes.
Cette thèse présente les résultats de trois études faisant partie d’un projet de recherche plus vaste portant sur l’évaluation du programme BdmB. Une première étude a exploré le processus de transfert, à d’autres domaines d’activités, des habiletés de vie ciblées par le programme BdmB. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés auprès de 14 anciens participants et sept anciennes participantes du programme. Nos résultats suggèrent que trois principaux facteurs semblent avoir joué un rôle dans le processus de transfert des habiletés de vie développées au sein de BdmB, soit la présence de contextes favorisant l’apprentissage expérientiel, la valeur relative accordée aux différents domaines d’activités et la trajectoire de vie. Il ressort également de nos données qu’au-delà du processus de transfert sur une base individuelle, il est possible qu’un transfert puisse s’opérer dans la communauté.
L’objectif de la deuxième étude était d’explorer comment et dans quelle mesure les expériences au sein de BdmB ont pu servir de levier au processus d’empowerment. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés auprès de sept anciennes participantes de BdmB. Nos résultats suggèrent que la pratique sportive, combinée à une intervention psychosociale, peut contribuer au développement d’un plus grand contrôle sur sa vie. Cette amélioration serait la résultante cumulative de divers apprentissages, dont le développement et le transfert d’habiletés de vie et la capacité à résister aux influences externes négatives présentes dans leurs milieux de vie respectifs, ainsi que l’impact positif des expériences vécues au sein de BdmB sur la persévérance scolaire et les aspirations professionnelles.
Une troisième étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer l’impact du programme BdmB sur le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école et la perception de soutien social. Un devis quasi expérimental a été utilisé pour évaluer l’impact du programme auprès des athlètes-étudiants(es) actuels. Le groupe d’intervention était composé des athlètes-étudiants de BdmB et les groupes de comparaison étaient constitués des étudiants de la même école ne participant pas au programme et pratiquant ou non un autre sport. Les individus ont été sondés à deux reprises à l’aide d’un questionnaire auto administré sur une période de deux années scolaires. Les résultats de l’étude indiquent que le groupe BdmB a développé un meilleur sentiment d’appartenance et a perçu un meilleur soutien social par rapport aux groupes de comparaison. / The main objective of this thesis was to explore the personal development of youth at risk of delinquency and dropout through their involvement in a psychosocial intervention program named "Bien dans mes baskets" (BdmB). This program uses extracurricular basketball as an intervention tool among youth facing various difficulties. It is worth noting that almost all the coaches have professional training in social work or related fields.
This thesis presents the results of three studies as parts of a broader research project dealing with the evaluation of the BdmB program. The first study explored the transfer process of the life skills targeted by the BdmB program to other activity fields. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 men and seven women former athlete-students. Our results suggest that, throughout the adult life, three main factors seem to have played a role in the transfer process involving life skills developed as part of BdmB, namely the presence of contexts favoring experiential learning, the relative value granted to the different activity fields and the life trajectory. Our data also shows that beyond the transfer process on an individual scale, a transfer can also occur within the community.
The aim of the second study was to explore how participation in BdmB could foster the process of empowerment. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven former female participants of BdmB. Our results suggest that a team sport can lead to empowerment through positive socialization, especially when combined with psychosocial intervention. This improvement was most likely the result of cumulative learning experiences including the development and transfer of life skills, the capacity to resist negative external influences as well as the positive impact of experiences in BdmB on their academic aspirations and persistence.
The aim of the third study was to evaluate the impact of BdmB program on sense of belonging to school and the presence of social support. A quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate the impact of the program among current participants. The intervention group consisted of the athlete-students of BdmB and the comparison groups consisted of the students from the same school who are not participating in the program, and taking into account whether they are involved or not in sport participation. Individuals were surveyed two times using a self-administered questionnaire over a period of two academic years. Results indicate that the intervention group has developed a better sense of belonging to school and has a better social support compared to comparison groups.
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