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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do absoluto em Spinoza : fundamentos para a ação individual

Fachinelli, Lucas Sartor 29 June 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo encontrar a relação entre a unidade de Deus conceituado por Spinoza e a pluralidade de possibilidades de ação humana. Para chegar a tal ponto, é analisado o problema denominado por alguns comentadores como a passagem dos modos e atributos infinitos (de Deus) para os modos finitos. Este ponto se dá por não existir uma clareza nas partes finais da primeira sessão da Ética de Spinoza, deixando em aberto diversas interpretações possíveis. De posse desta análise são apresentados os conceitos chaves para o trabalho que foi realizado, entre eles a teoria da informação e análises matemáticas sobre o infinito, culminando na apresentação do conceito de entropia, que consiste na energia da possibilidade. O trabalho demonstra, com uma abordagem na teoria da ação, como é possível a partir de um Deus, através da lei da entropia, existir um mundo de infinitos modos (coisas) finitos. Conclui-se por fim, que da mesma forma da existência finita dos modos, as ações humanas estão em um reino do possível, não sendo totalmente determinadas, mas todas com causas possíveis e previsíveis, seja em Deus, seja nos afetos humanos. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq. / This dissertation aims to find the relationship between the unity of God as conceived by Spinoza and the plurality of possibilities of human action. To reach this point, the problem called by a few commentators as the passage from infinite modes and atributes (of God) to finite modes is analyzed. This is because there is no clarity in the final parts of the first session of the Ethics, leaving several possible interpretations. The second part presents the key concepts for the work that has been done, among them information theory and mathematical analyzes on infinity, culminating in the presentation of the concept of entropy, which consists of the energy of possibility. The essay demonstrates, with an approach on action theory, how it is possible from one God, through the law of entropy, to exist a world of infinite finite modes (things). In conclusion, in the same way as the existence of finite modes, human actions are in a realm of the possible, not being totally determined, but all with possible and foreseeable causes, whether from God or from the human's affections.

La lecture deleuzienne de Spinoza : ou comment Deleuze inscrit sa philosophie de la différence dans l'histoire de la philosophie

Lapointe, Francis 24 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse propose de suivre la lecture deleuzienne de Spinoza afin de montrer comment Deleuze inscrit sa philosophie de la différence dans l'histoire de la philosophie et de la métaphysique. Loin d'être condescendant envers l'histoire de cette discipline, Deleuze légitime sa conception bi-univoque de la différence à l'aide du parallélisme entre la Nature naturante et la Nature naturée de Spinoza. La différenciation de l'actuel (les modes, l'événement) se fait dans la différentiation du virtuel et c'est en procédant de la sorte que Deleuze participe de plain-pied à la tradition immanentiste de la philosophie où l'être se dit seulement de la différence qu'il exprime. Plus encore, cette thèse explique comment Deleuze reprend les principes de cette métaphysique immanentiste pour établir sa conception de la subjectivité. Là aussi, sa lecture de Spinoza est essentielle, car en affirmant la non-substantialisation de l'âme comme le fait Spinoza, Deleuze peut attaquer, à la racine, les fondements épistémologiques des philosophies du sujet de son époque (existentialisme et phénoménologie en tête). Pour Deleuze, cette conception modale de l'âme et de la subjectivité appuie, métaphysiquement parlant, une épistémologie fondée sur la passivité du sujet. Loin d'être le fondement de la vérité des idées, la conscience d'un moi dans l'âme est, pour Deleuze, un résultat synthétisé, jamais une fonction synthétisante. En ce sens, l'ultime réduction de la philosophie n'est plus l'ego cogito cartésien, mais consiste à reconnaître la fêlure du Je. Deleuze construit ainsi, en envisageant la place de l'imagination dans la puissance de connaître l'âme, une autre épistémologie que celle du sujet fondateur transcendantal ou transcendant. Pour lui, le constat est clair : comment pouvons-nous croire que nous sommes responsables de l'idée que nous formons de nous-mêmes (et s'établir sur celle-ci pour fonder, épistémologiquement, nos idées sur les choses) si nous ne savons même pas ce que peut notre corps, ni comment celui-ci peut affecter et être affecté par notre âme ? Ce principe de « l'inconnu du corps » relativise l'éminence de l'âme et inscrit Deleuze à la fois dans l'une des plus importantes batailles philosophiques de la Modernité (celle de Spinoza contre Descartes) et dans la crise de la subjectivité qui caractérise la pensée française au moment des années soixante. Mots clés : Deleuze ; Spinoza ; Descartes ; histoire de la philosophie ; métaphysique ; épistémologie ; subjectivité ; différence ; actuel ; virtuel ; Je fêlé ; corps ; imagination ; éthologie.

Nouveauté et éternité : instaurations spinozistes éditées par Johannes Climacus

Di Vita, Michael 19 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire est le fruit d’une enquête sur le problème de la nouveauté dans la philosophie de Spinoza. Je me suis intéressé à la critique que ce dernier fait des nouveautés un peu partout dans ses oeuvres, et, au fur et à mesure où j’avançais dans mes recherches, j’ai compris que si la nouveauté devait figurer au sein du système spinoziste, ce n’était pas en tant que nouveauté objective, mais en tant que nouveauté radicale, inscrite au coeur même de l’expérience de la béatitude éternelle. Le paradoxe de la nouveauté et de l’éternité est donc devenu l’objet principal de mon enquête. C’est lui que j’ai découvert et expérimenté à quelques endroits de l’Éthique et du Traité de la réforme de l’entendement. Or les différentes expressions de ce paradoxe m’ont peu à peu amené à modifier mon problème initial, car le paradoxe à partir duquel j’ai abordé le problème de la béatitude renvoyait de diverses manières à l’écriture de Spinoza, laquelle réfléchit activement le problème de la nouveauté en tant qu’elle s’inscrit essentiellement dans le parcours qu’effectue le lecteur dans sa quête de la béatitude. Ce sont alors les stratégies d’écriture informant le rapport du lecteur à la nouveauté que j’ai essayé de comprendre comme autant de moyens philosophiques que Spinoza a forgés pour le lecteur désirant atteindre une nouvelle sagesse, et qui, épris de ses affects, oscille perpétuellement entre l’admiration de la béatitude et la fiction de la nouveauté ou sa critique, ayant peine à viser la cible de son désir. Du coup mon enquête sur le problème de la nouveauté s’est transformée en la réflexion de mon propre désir d’enquêter sur la nouveauté dans la pensée spinoziste. Car si Spinoza est attentif aux causes qui nous déterminent à désirer la béatitude, il me fallait aussi me tourner vers le problème de l’écriture en participant à l’instauration du champ des désirs, non plus du point de vue de Spinoza, mais du mien, passant ainsi du rôle de commentateur transparent à celui d’expérimentateur multiple résolument inclus dans son enquête réflexive. Pour réfléchir ce rapport personnel à la nouveauté en philosophie, et afin d’exposer les modalités du sentiment et des désirs sous-jacents à ma décision de prendre le système de Spinoza comme objet de recherche et de pratique, il m’a paru nécessaire de recourir moi-même à la fiction, laquelle éclate au carrefour du paradoxe de la nouveauté et de l’éternité de la béatitude. C’est la fiction qui a permis à cette enquête de se différencier en quelques-uns de ses aspects, par exemple en fabriquant des rôles et des formes de discours qui cherchent à répondre aux multiples modulations du paradoxe. Pourquoi choisir Spinoza comme maître, demandera-t-on, et non d’autres philosophes ? La réponse est contingente ; bien que j’aie tâché d’en tirer nécessité en rapportant ce choix aux autres influences se mouvant à la source de mon enquête. En auscultant mon sentiment, le philosophe Johannes Climacus, une voix constitutive de la polyphonie kierkegaardienne que j’aime bien, est apparu en sa qualité de maître en concurrence avec Spinoza, l’autre voix bien définie de cette enquête. Le paradoxe de la nouveauté et de l’éternité est au fondement de toute l’entreprise philosophique de Climacus, et c’est pour cette raison qu’il m’a semblé nécessaire de le faire apparaître pour lui-même, en tant que maître et diagnosticien d’un disciple, M.D., lequel est fictif et pourtant non moins réel que le sont les oeuvres de Spinoza et de Climacus. L’enquête est alors passée d’un mode subjectif à une pluralité de modes de pensée ou de personnages auxquels la vérité n’appartient à aucun d’entre eux pris séparément, un peu comme les propositions et autres modes de discours dans l’Éthique qui n’ont de puissance qu’en leur champ de rencontres. La fiction est au principe de la structure de ce champ et il aurait été de mauvais goût que mon enquête cherche à la neutraliser ou à la supprimer. La raison pour laquelle j’ai décidé de mélanger mon entreprise avec la fiction est donc fournie par le déploiement du paradoxe de la nouveauté et de l’éternité. Il va de soi qu’elle ne peut faire l’objet d’un résumé. Seulement les personnages et la mise en scène pourront justifier cette propension à la fiction, et, peut-être, réussiront-ils également à relancer le lecteur dans le jeu de ses propres réflexions quant à son désir de produire de la nouveauté en philosophie. Car ce n’est que de cela qu’il s’agit dans ce mémoire à multiples points de vue : comment réfléchir et comprendre la nouveauté qui peut-être s’avère nécessaire pour notre propre quête de sagesse éternelle ? Ici se forme le film essentiellement inachevé de cette tentative paradoxale qui ne m’appartient plus ; j’espère que le lecteur acceptera d’y mettre du sien et d’y jouer son autorité privée.

Vivências de uma prática pedagógica integral na perspectiva espinosana

Braga, Gisele Pandolfo January 2006 (has links)
Desde a Modernidade, a Educação vem pautando suas práticas no racionalismo exacerbado, excluindo da vida do aluno a sensibilidade e a emoção. Os resultados deste culto à divisão mente/corpo se fazem presentes hoje na sociedade através do sentimento de incompletude e de busca do ser humano, da crescente violência e indiferença da sociedade, e da desvalorização das questões referentes à ética e à espiritualidade. Como uma tentativa de resgate da completude do Ser, e do alcance da conseqüente cura da sociedade, surge um novo paradigma, o qual busca a reintegração mente-corpo através da abordagem multidimensional do homem e da educação integral. Este trabalho de pesquisa enfoca o Projeto de Potencialização e Enriquecimento – PROPEN – do Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre, o qual é direcionado a alunos que apresentam indicadores de altas habilidades e que, através das contribuições desta nova proposta educacional, a abordagem holística, ampliou seu fazer pedagógico de modo a contemplar não apenas o lado racional do aluno, mas sim o seu Ser integral – seus aspectos mental, físico, emocional e espiritual. Tomando como base do trabalho as Ferramentas para Pensar de Edward de Bono e o legado filosófico que Espinosa nos deixou em sua Ética, esta investigação busca analisar algumas atividades propostas por este projeto aos seus alunos, a fim de esclarecer seus reflexos, seu alcance e sua validade. Como instrumentos de pesquisa foram utilizadas bioeletrografias registradas antes e depois das atividades propostas, as quais são analisadas sob a luz da Semiótica, e a análise de questionários respondidos pelos alunos e por seus pais. Os achados desta pesquisa apontam que a educação pelo sensível e pelo autoconhecimento, através de práticas que buscam a integração mente-corpo, configura-se em uma contribuição positiva para a formação do indivíduo como um todo, ampliando sua perspectiva em relação a si mesmo e aos seus semelhantes. / Since Modernity, Education has been developing its practice based on exaggerated rationalism, excluding sensitivity and emotion from students’ life. The results of this cult of mind/body division can be seen today through man’s feeling of incompleteness and search, through increasing violence and indifference in society and through the devaluation of questions concerning ethics and spirituality. As an attempt to rescue the completeness of the Being, and the consequent cure for society, a new paradigm rises, one which searches for mind-body integration through the multidimensional approach of man and integral education. This research focus on Projeto de Potencialização e Enriquecimento (Enrichment and Potential Development Project) – PROPEN – held by Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre ( Porto Alegre Military School), which is directed to students who present traits indicative of talent potential, and which has broadened its pedagogical practice, through the contributions of holistic approach in order to encompass not only the rational side of students but also their whole Being – their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. Taking as basis for work development the Thinking Tools created by Edward de Bono and the legacy that Spinoza left us in his Ethics, this investigation aims at analyzing some activities proposed by this Project to its participants, in order to throw light on its reflections, reach and validity. Kirlian photographies taken before and after the activities proposed, which are analyzed in the light of Semiotics, and the analysis of questionnaires answered by the students and by their parents were used as research instruments. The findings of this research suggest that the education that searches for the development of sensitivity and self-knowledge, by means of practices that aim at mind-body integration, contributes positively to the growth of the person as a whole, broadening their perspective in relation to themselves and to others alike.

Vivências de uma prática pedagógica integral na perspectiva espinosana

Braga, Gisele Pandolfo January 2006 (has links)
Desde a Modernidade, a Educação vem pautando suas práticas no racionalismo exacerbado, excluindo da vida do aluno a sensibilidade e a emoção. Os resultados deste culto à divisão mente/corpo se fazem presentes hoje na sociedade através do sentimento de incompletude e de busca do ser humano, da crescente violência e indiferença da sociedade, e da desvalorização das questões referentes à ética e à espiritualidade. Como uma tentativa de resgate da completude do Ser, e do alcance da conseqüente cura da sociedade, surge um novo paradigma, o qual busca a reintegração mente-corpo através da abordagem multidimensional do homem e da educação integral. Este trabalho de pesquisa enfoca o Projeto de Potencialização e Enriquecimento – PROPEN – do Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre, o qual é direcionado a alunos que apresentam indicadores de altas habilidades e que, através das contribuições desta nova proposta educacional, a abordagem holística, ampliou seu fazer pedagógico de modo a contemplar não apenas o lado racional do aluno, mas sim o seu Ser integral – seus aspectos mental, físico, emocional e espiritual. Tomando como base do trabalho as Ferramentas para Pensar de Edward de Bono e o legado filosófico que Espinosa nos deixou em sua Ética, esta investigação busca analisar algumas atividades propostas por este projeto aos seus alunos, a fim de esclarecer seus reflexos, seu alcance e sua validade. Como instrumentos de pesquisa foram utilizadas bioeletrografias registradas antes e depois das atividades propostas, as quais são analisadas sob a luz da Semiótica, e a análise de questionários respondidos pelos alunos e por seus pais. Os achados desta pesquisa apontam que a educação pelo sensível e pelo autoconhecimento, através de práticas que buscam a integração mente-corpo, configura-se em uma contribuição positiva para a formação do indivíduo como um todo, ampliando sua perspectiva em relação a si mesmo e aos seus semelhantes. / Since Modernity, Education has been developing its practice based on exaggerated rationalism, excluding sensitivity and emotion from students’ life. The results of this cult of mind/body division can be seen today through man’s feeling of incompleteness and search, through increasing violence and indifference in society and through the devaluation of questions concerning ethics and spirituality. As an attempt to rescue the completeness of the Being, and the consequent cure for society, a new paradigm rises, one which searches for mind-body integration through the multidimensional approach of man and integral education. This research focus on Projeto de Potencialização e Enriquecimento (Enrichment and Potential Development Project) – PROPEN – held by Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre ( Porto Alegre Military School), which is directed to students who present traits indicative of talent potential, and which has broadened its pedagogical practice, through the contributions of holistic approach in order to encompass not only the rational side of students but also their whole Being – their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. Taking as basis for work development the Thinking Tools created by Edward de Bono and the legacy that Spinoza left us in his Ethics, this investigation aims at analyzing some activities proposed by this Project to its participants, in order to throw light on its reflections, reach and validity. Kirlian photographies taken before and after the activities proposed, which are analyzed in the light of Semiotics, and the analysis of questionnaires answered by the students and by their parents were used as research instruments. The findings of this research suggest that the education that searches for the development of sensitivity and self-knowledge, by means of practices that aim at mind-body integration, contributes positively to the growth of the person as a whole, broadening their perspective in relation to themselves and to others alike.

Vestigios de Espinosa na produção literaria de Goethe

Fontanella, Marco Antonio Rassolin 04 November 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Marcio Orlando Seligmann-Silva / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T21:18:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fontanella_MarcoAntonioRassolin_D.pdf: 1011102 bytes, checksum: e6ae69edd0c4b03860c27f41c7fba517 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Doutorado / Historia e Historiografia Literaria / Doutor em Teoria e História Literária

Passive Life: Vitalism and British Fiction, 1820-1880

Newby, Diana Rose January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation charts a lineage of nineteenth-century British literary interventions into the arena of science and philosophy jointly known as vitalism. Intended in part as a contribution to the history of science, Passive Life reconstructs the largely forgotten genealogy of a robust tradition of Victorian-era materialist vitalism, or vital materialism: the theory that a principle of life inheres in all physical matter. I connect this scientific trend to a concurrent surge of cultural engagement with the seventeenth-century philosophy of Baruch Spinoza, whose monist doctrine received renewed attention as experimental developments in biology, physics, physiology, and epidemiology increasingly supported a vital materialist account of the nature of life. Through readings of novels by Mary Shelley, Harriet Martineau, and George Eliot, I position these three women writers as key figures in vitalism’s cultural reception. By attending to the thematic resonances between their novels and materialist vitalism’s major principles and provocations, Passive Life traces the narrative arc of Victorian vitalism, deepening and expanding extant scholarly accounts of the rich interchange among literature and science in the nineteenth century. Moving beyond reception history, however, this dissertation argues that the novels of Shelley, Martineau, and Eliot worked to construct critical interpretations of vitalist theory with a shared emphasis on passivity as a fundamental feature of life. Through innovative techniques of description and characterization, their fiction locates the passivity of life at the level of the material body, in its inherent contingency, fluidity, and impressibility. The view of embodied subjectivity that thus emerges from these novels complicates the liberal humanist model that rose to predominance in Victorian culture and privileged an active, self-determining subject. Within the counter-tradition to which Shelley, Martineau, and Eliot belonged, the idea of “passive life” occasioned pressing ethical and political quandaries involving the relationships between self and other and between subject and environment. On the one hand, treating embodied life as passive pointed speculatively toward more liberated, open-ended, and mutually sustaining forms of communal being. On the other hand, “passive life” also suggested the vulnerability and precarity of bodies helplessly exposed to their material and affective surroundings, raising important questions regarding intention, obligation, and accountability. How do we live well in a world where so many other embodied lives impress upon our own? Can pain and harm be prevented in such a world? What habits of perception and practices of sociality might be evolved and adapted to the realities of passive life? In confronting these questions, nineteenth-century British fiction provides conceptual frameworks well suited to interrogating the political and ethical implications of the twenty-first-century new materialist turn.

Una perspectiva spinoziana reactualizada en función del problema de la libertad

Rivas Diaz, Diego Alberto 13 May 2022 (has links)
En este trabajo, me propongo abordar, desde una óptica spinoziana reactualizada, algunos aspectos del problema del libre albedrío. Partiré de la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cuál es el tipo de libertad que rechaza y el tipo de libertad que defiende Spinoza? Para él, el libre albedrío no existe. El tipo de libertad que, desde su determinismo, defiende es el actuar en función del conocimiento de las causas de nuestros estados mentales. En efecto, Spinoza, por un lado, niega la existencia del libre albedrío porque lo considera como una ilusión. Según él, dado que somos conscientes de nuestros deseos y que podemos actuar en consecuencia, creemos tener libre albedrío; pero nuestros deseos tienen una serie de causas de las cuales no somos conscientes. Por otro lado, el tipo de libertad defendida por Spinoza está relacionada con el paso de ser pasivos a activos; esto es, tendemos a asociar, pre-reflexivamente, objetos exteriores con nuestras experiencias emocionales; pero si separamos el objeto de la emoción y, mediante un ejercicio reflexivo, conocemos las causas que generan tal emoción, estaríamos siendo agentes, pues esto nos permite actuar activamente en favor de nuestro conatus. He dividido este trabajo en tres capítulos. En el primero, deseo reconstruir, someramente, la crítica de Spinoza a la libertad como libre albedrío. En el segundo, voy a abordar la propuesta spinoziana de libertad. Finalmente, en el tercer capítulo, me voy a concentrar, a partir de una reactualización de la propuesta de Spinoza, en algunos aspectos de la discusión contemporánea sobre el problema de la libertad / In this investigation, I intend to address, from a spinozian perspective updated, some aspects of the problem of free will. I will start from the following question: What is the type of freedom that Spinoza rejects and the type of freedom that Spinoza defends? According to him, free will does not exist. The type of freedom that, from his deterministic position, he holds is to act based on the knowledge of the causes of our mental states. Indeed, Spinoza, on the one hand, denies the existence of free will because he regards it as an illusion. According to him, since we are aware of our desires and can act accordingly, we believe we have free will; but our desires have a series of causes of which we are not aware. On the other hand, the type of freedom defended by Spinoza is related to the passage from being passive to active; that is, we tend to associate, pre-reflectively, external objects with our emotional experiences; but if we separate the object from the emotion and, through a reflexive exercise, we know the causes that generate such emotion, we would be agents, since this allows us to act actively in favor of our conatus. I have divided this investigation into two chapters. In the first chapter, I briefly reconstruct Spinoza's critique of freedom as free will. In the second one, I am going to approach the spinozian proposal of freedom. Finally, in the third chapter, I am going to concentrate, based on a re-updating of Spinoza's proposal, on some aspects of the contemporary discussion on the problem of freedom.


LUCAS NAPOLI DOS SANTOS 21 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] O modelo teórico da chamada Escola de Psicossomática de Paris foi o que adquiriu maior prestígio no campo psicanalítico para a abordagem das doenças psicossomáticas. Tal modelo está alicerçado na tese de que o adoecimento físico é resultante de uma insuficiência do funcionamento mental, condição que faz com que o corpo se torne o escoadouro do acúmulo de excitações desencadeadas por uma experiência traumática. Fundamentada em uma análise crítica do modelo francês, a presente tese teve o objetivo principal de traçar o esboço de outro modelo psicanalítico de abordagem do adoecimento somático a partir de uma articulação entre contribuições de três autores da tradição psicanalítica (Sándor Ferenczi, Georg Groddeck e Donald Woods Winnicott) e alguns aportes extraídos da filosofia de Benedictus de Spinoza. Ao longo do trabalho, desenvolvemos articulações entre os quatro autores, destacando os elementos básicos da matriz de compreensão que estamos propondo, a saber: (1) corpo e psique são tomados como dois aspectos de uma realidade integral concebida como um sistema aberto em regime de permanente afetação mútua com o entorno; (2) todas as formas de adoecimento são concebidas como sendo psicossomáticas; (3) todas as formas de adoecimento são simbólicas no sentido de que são a expressão de processos de afetação psicossomática com o entorno, os quais se dão não apenas no corpo (em suas dimensões fisiológica e afetiva), mas também na psique, que se constitui num movimento de elaboração imaginativa da experiência corpórea. / [en] The model of the so-called Paris School of Psychosomatics was the one that acquired more prestige in the psychoanalytic field to approach the psychosomatic diseases. This model is based on the thesis that physical illness is the result of a insufficiency of mental functioning, a condition that causes the body to become the outlet for the accumulation of excitations triggered by a traumatic experience. Based on a critical analysis of the French model, the present thesis had the main objective of outlining another psychoanalytic model of approach to somatic illness based on an articulation between contributions of three authors of the psychoanalytic tradition (Sándor Ferenczi, Georg Groddeck and Donald Woods Winnicott) and some contributions extracted from the philosophy of Benedictus of Spinoza. Throughout the work, we developed articulations between the four authors, highlighting the basic elements of the framework that we are proposing, namely: (1) body and psyche are taken as two aspects of an integral reality conceived as an open system in regime of lasting mutual affection with the environment; (2) all forms of illness are conceived as being psychosomatic; (3) all forms of illness are symbolic in the sense that they are the expression of processes of psychosomatic affectation with the environment, which occur not only in the body (in its physiological and affective dimensions) but also in the psyche, which constitutes a movement of imaginative elaboration of the bodily experience.

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