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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydrogen-Abstraction, Energy Transfer and Exciplex Formation in Photoactive Systems Based on Bile Acids

Miró Richart, Paula 16 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] Bile acids are a family of amphiphilic steroids that play a pivotal role in physiological functions such as elimination of cholesterol or solubilization of lipids. Chemically, they share a steroidal skeleton with an unusual cis fusion between rings A and B, a short lateral chain ending in a carboxylic acid moiety and different number of hydroxyl groups on the alpha-face. Hence, bile acids offer a versatile architecture that can be used to investigate photophysical processes of interest such as hydrogen atom transfer, through-bond energy trasfer, through-bond exciplex formation and DNA photodamage-related reactions. First, unmodified bile acids have been used to evaluate hydrogen atom trasfer to benzophenone-like triplet carbonyls. Dehydrogenation of bile acids at positions C-3 and/or C-7 by a radical-mediated mechanism from the excited state of benzophenone has been demonstrated. Moreover, synthesized lithocholic acid derivatives including benzophenone or carbazole as donors and a naphthalene, biphenyl or thymine as acceptors have been employed to investigate through-bond energy transfer and exciplex formation processes. Thus, energy transfer from benzophenone to naphthalene or biphenyl and extended through-bond exciplex formation in benzophenone/naphthalene and benzophenone/biphenyl linked systems has been demostrated by laser flash photolysis. Finally, bile acid derivatives incorporating one benzophenone and two thymine units with different degrees of freedom have been prepared to investigate the photochemical formation of oxetanes or thymine dimers. Photosensitized formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers through the generation of a delocalized triplet excited state has been demonstrated in intermolecular systems, while oxetane formation is observed when the degrees of freedom are reduced. / [ES] Los ácidos biliares son una familia de esteroides anfifílicos que juegan un papel clave en diferentes funciones fisiológicas tales como la eliminación del colesterol o la solubilización de lípidos. Su estructura química está constituida por un esqueleto esteroideo con una fusión cis poco común entre los anillos A y B, una cadena lateral corta que termina con una función ácida y un número variable de grupos hidroxilo en la cara alfa. Por tanto, los ácidos biliares ofrecen una estructura versátil que puede ser utilizada para investigar procesos fotofísicos de interés como abstracción de hidrógeno, transferencia de energía y formación de exciplejos a larga distancia o reacciones relacionadas con el daño fotoinducido al ADN. En esta Tesis, en primer lugar, los ácidos biliares naturales se han utilizado para evaluar la abstracción de hidrógeno a carbonilos triplete en compuestos derivados de la benzofenona, demostrándose la deshidrogenación de los ácidos biliares en las posiciones C-3 y/o C-7 por un mecanismo radicalario desde el mencionado triplete de la benzofenona. En segundo lugar, se han preparado derivados de ácido litocólico que incluyen los dadores benzofenona o carbazol y los aceptores naftaleno, bifenilo o timina, que a continuación se han utilizado para investigar los procesos de transferencia de energía y formación de exciplejo intramolecular a larga distancia. De hecho, en los sistemas benzofenona/naftaleno y benzofenona/bifenilo, se demostró por fotólisis de destello láser la transferencia de energía desde benzofenona a naftaleno o bifenilo y la formación de exciplejo a larga distancia. Por último, se han preparado derivados de ácidos bliares que incorporan una unidad de benzofenona y dos de timina en diferentes posiciones del esqueleto para investigar la influencia de los diferentes grados de libertad en la formación fotosensibilizada de oxetanos o dímeros de timina. Gracias a ellos, se ha demostrado la formación fotosensibilizada de dímeros ciclobutánicos pirimidínicos a través de la generación de estados excitados triplete deslocalizados en sistemas en los que la benzofenona es intermolecular, mientras que se observa formación de oxetanos cuando los grados de libertad se ven reducidos. / [CA] Els àcids biliars són una família d'esteroides anfifílics que juguen un paper clau en funcions fisiològiques com l'eliminació del colesterol o la solubilització de lípids. La seua estructura química està constituïda per un esquelet esteroïdal amb una fusió cis entre els anells A i B poc comuna, una cadena lateral curta que acaba amb una funció àcida i un nombre diferent de grups hidroxil en la cara alfa. D'aquesta manera, els àcids biliars ofereixen una estructura versàtil que pot ser utilitzada per investigar processos fotofísics d'interès com abstracció d'hidrogen, transferència d'energia i formació de exciplexes a llarga distància o reaccions relacionades amb el dany a l'ADN induït per llum. En primer lloc, els àcids biliars naturals s'han utilitzat per avaluar la abstracció d'hidrogen a carbonils triplets derivats de la benzofenona, demostrant-se la deshidrogenació dels àcids biliars en les posicions C-3 i/o C-7 per un mecanisme radicalari des de l'estat excitat de la benzofenona. A més, derivats d'àcid litocòlic que inclouen els donadors benzofenona o carbazol i els acceptors naftalé, bifenil o timina s'han utilitzat per investigar els processos de transferència d'energia i formació de exciplexe a llarga distància. En els sistemes benzofenona /naftalé i benzofenona/bifenil la fotòlisis làser va demostrar la transferència d'energia des de benzofenona a naftalé o bifenil i la formació d'exciplexe a llarga distància. Finalment, per tal d'investigar la formació fotosensibilitzada d'oxetans o dímers de timina, s'han preparat derivats d'àcids bliars que incorporen una unitat de benzofenona i dues de timina amb diferents graus de llibertat. La formació fotosensibilitzada de dímers ciclobutànics pirimidínics mitjançant la generació d'estats excitats triplet deslocalitzats ha estat demostrada en sistemes intermoleculars, mentre que la formació d'oxetans s'observa quan els graus de llibertat es veuen reduïts. / Miró Richart, P. (2016). Hydrogen-Abstraction, Energy Transfer and Exciplex Formation in Photoactive Systems Based on Bile Acids [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64084

Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243 Alleviates Bile Acid Stress Response in Clostridium ramosum and Anaerostipes caccae by Transformation of Bile Acids

Jensen Pedersen, Kristian, Haange, Sven-Bastiaan, Žížalová, Katerina, Viehof, Alina, Clavel, Thomas, Lenicek, Martin, Engelmann, Beatrice, Wick, Lukas Y., Schaap, Frank G., Jehmlich, Nico, Rolle-Kampczyk, Ulrike, von Bergen, Martin 12 June 2024 (has links)
Bile acids are crucial for the uptake of dietary lipids and can shape the gut-microbiome composition. This latter function is associated with the toxicity of bile acids and can be modulated by bile acid modifying bacteria such as Eggerthella lenta, but the molecular details of the interaction of bacteria depending on bile acid modifications are not well understood. In order to unravel the molecular response to bile acids and their metabolites, we cultivated eight strains from a human intestinal microbiome model alone and in co-culture with Eggerthella lenta in the presence of cholic acid (CA) and deoxycholic acid (DCA). We observed growth inhibition of particularly gram-positive strains such as Clostridium ramosum and the gram-variable Anaerostipes cacae by CA and DCA stress. C. ramosum was alleviated through co-culturing with Eggerthella lenta. We approached effects on the membrane by zeta potential and genotoxic and metabolic effects by (meta)proteomic and metabolomic analyses. Co-culturing with Eggerthella lenta decreased both CA and DCA by the formation of oxidized and epimerized bile acids. Eggerthella lenta also produces microbial bile salt conjugates in a co-cultured species-specific manner. This study highlights how the interaction with other bacteria can influence the functionality of bacteria.

Mechanisms generating biliary lipid specificity / lipid transport in the apical and basolateral domain of the plasma membrane of differentiated HepG2 cells

Tannert, Astrid 18 December 2003 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den molekularen Prozessen der Lipidanreicherung in der Gallenflüssigkeit. Leberzellen (Hepatozyten) sind polare Zellen, die für die Sekretion der Gallenflüssigkeit verantwortlich sind. Die Anbindung an den Blutkreislauf besteht über die basolaterale Membran. Durch die gegenüberliegende, sogenannte apikale Membran werden zwischen benachbarten Leberzellen tubuläre Stukturen (bile canaliculi, BC) gebildet, in die die Gallenflüssigkeit abgesondert wird. Daher wird diese Membran auch als Canalicularmembran (CM) bezeichnet. Die Gallenflüssigkeit besitzt hinsichtlich ihrer Lipidzusammensetzung eine bemerkenswerte Spezifität. Obwohl der Anteil von Phosphatidylcholin (PC) an den Phospholipiden der CM nur 35% beträgt, macht es 95% der Phospholipide der Gallenflüssigkeit aus. Mögliche Mechanismen, die zur Spezifität der Lipidsekretion in die Gallenflüssigkeit führen, werden untersucht und diskutiert. Phospholipide werden aus der äußeren Lamelle der CM durch Gallensalze herausgelöst. Die Wechselwirkung von Gallensalzen mit Phospholipiden ist kopfgruppenunspezifisch. Eine Solubilisierung von Phosphatidylserin (PS) und Phosphatidylethanolamin (PE) durch Gallensalze könnte durch die Wirkung einer Aminophospholipidtranslokase (APLT) verhindert werden, die diese Lipide aktiv auf die zytoplasmatische Seite der Membran pumpt. Zur Überprüfung dieser Hypothese wurden Versuche durchgeführt, um die Aktivität einer APLT in der CM nachzuweisen. Dabei wurde die Hepatomazelllinie HepG2 eingesetzt, die in der Lage ist, Canalicularvakuolen (BC) zu bilden. Zunächst wurde die Einwärtsbewegung einer Reihe fluoreszierender Lipidanaloga mit unterschiedlicher Affinität zur APLT charakterisiert. Dies geschah an der basolateralen Membran von HepG2 Zellen, wo eine APLT-Aktivität bereits bekannt ist. Die Aufnahme geeigneter APLT-Substrate konnte durch den APLT-Inhibitor Suramin reduziert werden. Ebenso wurde die Affinität eines Paares von PS-Analoga bestätigt, von denen Diether PS ein "schlechtes" und Diacyl PS ein "gutes" APLT-Substrat darstellt. Im zweiten Schritt wurde die Anreicherung der gleichen Analoga in BC von HepG2 Zellen untersucht. Es ergab sich eine auffallende Korrelation zwischen einer APLT vermittelten Aufnahme von Phospholipidanaloga an der basolateralen Membran und dem Fehlen dieser Analoga im Lumen der BC. Wenn Zellen mit Phospholipiden markiert wurden, die keine oder nur "schlechte" APLT-Substrate darstellen, erschienen die BC stark fluoreszierend. Diese Beobachtungen zeigen, dass eine APLT-Aktivität in der CM von Hepatozyten vorhanden ist, welche das Fehlen der Aminophospholipide in der Gallenflüssigkeit erklärt. Ein zweiter Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Rolle von MDR-Proteinen (wie MDR3) bei der Lipidsekretion in die Gallenflüssigkeit. Aufgrund bisheriger Arbeiten wird vermutet, dass MDR3 daran als spezifischer Membrantransporter für PC beteiligt ist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte jedoch gezeigt werden, dass verschiedene MDR-Inhibitoren die Anreicherung fluoreszierender Phospholipidanaloga in den BC von HepG2 Zellen nur wenig reduzieren. Diese Beobachtung kann unter der Annahme erklärt werden, dass MDR3 eher für die Exposition von PC an der lumenalen Seite der CM verantwortlich ist, als für den Tranport von PC über die Membran. Solche "Liftase"-Aktivität von MDR3 könnte endogenes PC der Detergenzwirkung von Gallensalzen zugänglich machen, ein Prozess, der für die hydrophileren fluoreszierenden PC-Analoga nicht nötig ist. Im dritten Teil wird die Rolle von Sphingolipiden und die Bildung von "Rafts" in der CM behandelt. Solche Membrandomänen sollten die Solubilisierung von Spingolipiden in die Gallenflüssigkeit verhindern. Eine Anreicherung fluoreszierender Sphingolipidanaloga in den BC wurde jedoch nachgewiesen, was darauf hindeutet, dass die verwendeten Analoga das Verhalten endogener Sphingolipide in der CM nicht korrekt wiederspiegeln. Im abschließenden Teil dieser Arbeit wurden die Grundlagen für eine Methode zur Aufklärung der physikochemischen Prozesse der Lipidsekretion an der Canalicularmembran gelegt. Die starke Umgebungsabhängigkeit der Fluoreszenzlebensdauer für verschiedene fluoreszierende Lipidanaloga wurde in einer Reihe von Modellumgebungen analysiert und deren Nutzbarkeit für die Vorhersage der Lipidorganisation geprüft. Insbesondere wurde die Wechselwirkung verschiedener Gallensalze mit Lipidanaloga und der Fluoreszenzresonanzenergietransfer zwischen verschiedenen Lipidanaloga charakterisiert. Diese Daten sind Ausgangsbasis für die mikroskopische Charakterisierung der Organisation von Lipidanaloga in den BC in vivo. / This thesis addresses the molecular processes which are important in the formation of bile fluid. The polar liver cells (hepatocytes) secrete the bile fluid at their apical (canalicular) membrane into tubular bile canaliculi (BC) which are formed between adjacent cells. The basolateral membrane of hepatocytes faces the blood vessel. Bile fluid possesses a remarkable specificity regarding its lipid composition. Even though phosphatidylcholine (PC) contributes to only 35% of the phospholipids in the canalicular membrane, it constitutes 95% of biliary phospholipids. In this thesis possible mechanism that might lead to the specificity in biliary lipid secretion are analysed and discussed. Phospholipids are secreted from the outer leaflet of the canalicular membrane into bile by the effect of bile salts. The interaction of bile salts with phospholipids was shown to be independent of the phospholipid headgroup. Solubilisation of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) by bile salts could be prevented by the action of an aminophospholipid translocase (APLT) which actively pumps these lipids to the cytoplasmic leaflet of the membrane. Experiments to demonstrate a canalicular APLT activity were performed to proof this hypothesis. For this, the hepatoma cell line HepG2 which is able to polarise and to form a canalicular vacuole (BC) was utilised. A panel of fluorescent lipid analogues with different affinities to this transporter was used and first characterised at the basolateral membrane of HepG2 cells, where an APLT activity was already demonstrated. The rapid APLT mediated uptake of aminophospholipid analogues representing appropriate substrates of APLT was reduced by applying the inhibitor suramin. The affinity of a pair of PS analogues with diether NBD-PS as a poor APLT substrate and diacyl NBD-PS representing a suitable substrate was confirmed. In a next step the enrichment of the same phospholipid analogues in the BC was investigated. There was a striking correlation between APLT mediated uptake of phospholipid analogues at the basolateral membrane and absence of these analogues from the BC. In the case of phospholipid analogues that were no or poor substrates of APLT the BC appeared highly fluorescent, indicating that indeed a canalicular APLT is responsible and sufficient for biliary absence of aminophospholipids. Further experiments were aimed on the investigation of the role of MDR proteins (as MDR3) in biliary lipid secretion. It has been proposed that MDR3, which is crucial for biliary phospholipid secretion, acts as a specific flippase for PC. However, different MDR inhibitors did not completely abolish the enrichment of fluorescent phospholipid analogues in the BC in this study. This observation can be explained assuming that MDR3 is responsible for the exposure of PC at the lumenal side of the canalicular membrane rather than for its transport across the membrane. Such a "liftase" activity of MDR could make endogenous PC accessible to the detergent bile salts which is not necessary for its more hydrophilic fluorescent analogues. The third part of this thesis addressed the role of sphingolipids and the formation of detergent resistant rafts in the canalicular membrane. Rafts are thought to prevent sphingolipid solubilisation into bile. Fluorescent sphingolipid analogues were found to enrich in the BC even at low temperatures, however. These experiments suggest that the applied analogues might not suitably represent the majority of sphingolipids in the canalicular membrane. The final part of this study provides the basis for a method to investigate the physico-chemical processes occurring during lipid secretion at the canalicular membrane. The sensitivity of fluorescence life times on environmental changes was analysed using fluorescent lipid analogues in a set of model environments and its utility for predicting biliary lipid organisation is discussed. Especially the interaction of different bile salts with lipid analogues and fluorescence energy transfer between distinct lipid analogues was characterised. These data can be utilised for characterisation of the organisation of biliary enriched lipid analogues in vivo at a microscopic level in future.

Bile Acid Based Supramolecular Gels, Semiconductor Nanocrystals And Soft Hybrid Materials

Chakrabarty, Arkajyoti 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Chapter 1. General Introduction This chapter gives an introduction to supramolecular organo/hydrogels and the related bile acid chemistry touching upon the gelation properties of the bile acid derivatives. Diverse applications of the supramolecular gels are illustrated with several examples. In the concluding section of this chapter, a brief introduction on the semiconductor nanocrystals is provided. Finally, the content of the thesis is outlined. Chapter 2. Bile Acid Derived Novel Organo/hydrogelators Part 1. Bile Acid Derived Organo/hydrogelators With a Basic Side Chain Cationic analogues of bile acids which showed remarkable gelation properties in water were reported from our laboratory. This led us to investigate the aggregation behaviour of some of the lithocholic and deoxycholic acid derivatives having a basic side-chain. Figure 1. Bile acid based organo/hydrogelators containing a basic side-chain. In this part, an organogelator 1 and a hydrogelator 2 derived from parent bile acids have been described with respect to their gelation properties, morphology, thermal and mechanical stability of the gels. The organo/hydrogels were shown to be responsive to acid-base stimuli as the organogel formed only in the protonated state and the hydrogel formed in the neutral form of the tertiary amines. The xerogel fibres obtained from the organogel were found to be solid-like and stable up to 200 oC as confirmed by variable temperature polarizing optical microscopy. The non-fluorescent organogel was doped with a fluorescent dye (coumarin 153) to design a novel dye-organogel composite material which was investigated with laser scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy showing the dye molecules were uniformly deposited on the organogel fibres. Part 2. Serendipitous Organogelation by Dimeric Bile Acid Esters This section highlights our work on the organogelators based on a number of dimeric esters consisting of different bile acid units. Figure 2. The three different dimeric bile acid esters as organogelators. In this part, three bile acid derived dimeric esters (1, 2 and 3) were shown to possess organogelation properties in aromatic and halogenated aromatic solvents. We studied the morphological features and rheological properties of these organogels. Next, the organogel matrix was exploited to generate and stabilize gold nanoparticles and prepare AuNP/gel hybrid material. Chapter 3. Cholate Hydrogels and Soft Gel-nanoparticle Hybrid Materials Sodium cholate does not form gel in water under any condition as compared to other sodium salts of other bile acids such as sodium deoxycholate and lithocholate which show pH-dependent gelation behaviour. Figure 3. Metal cholate hydrogels derived from sodium cholate and a variety of metal ions. In this chapter, super hydrogelation of sodium cholate induced by a variety of metal ions (Ca2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Hg2+ and Ag+) is highlighted with respect to their morphology and mechanical strength/stability. The calcium cholate supramolecular system showed the presence of helically twisted nanofibres which were utilised in the synthesis of soft hybrid materials containing metal (Au and Ag) and metal sulphide (CdS, ZnS, HgS, etc.) nanoparticles. Chapter 4. Cadmium Deoxycholate and Highly Luminescent CdSe Nanocrystals Bile acid derivatives have very high chemical and thermal stability owing to the presence of a rigid steroidal nucleus. We explored the possibility of utilizing the bile salt derived from Cd as a metal complexes as precursor to high quality nanocrystals (NCs) which can only be accessed at high temperatures (>200 oC). Figure 4. Synthesis of high quality CdSe NCs from cadmium deoxycholate. In this chapter, the synthesis of high quality CdSe nanocrystals is discussed using a novel bile acid based precursor: cadmium salt of 7-deoxycholic acid, which has high thermal stability and can be conveniently used at very high temperatures (>300 oC) required for the synthesis of high quality nanocrystals. Syntheses were done both by ‘injection’ and ‘non-injection’ modes. The as-prepared nanocrystals have high photoluminescence quantum yield, multiple excitons, narrow size-distributions and zinc blende/wurtzite crystalline cores. Appendix. Steroidal Thiols in Design of Novel Quantum dot (QD)/Gel Hybrid Materials Bile acid derived steroidal thiols were reported to be efficient capping agents for silver and gold nanoparticles from our laboratory. So, we wanted to check whether they could stabilize the semiconductor nanocrystals as well. Figure 5. Steroidal thiols as stabilizers of semiconductor quantum dots. In this short report, we describe the efficient capping by bile acid derived thiols of group II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals/quantum dots (QDs) (CdS, CdSe). After synthesizing the thiol capped QDs, we tried to disperse the capped nanoparticles into the gel fibres. The hybrid gels showed the presence of nanoparticles inside the fibres as observed by transmission electron microscopy, although the photoluminescence of the QDs was very low in the gel matrix, which might be due to the inefficient surface passivation of the nanoparticles in the gel.

Mechanisms and Biological Costs of Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Peptides

Lofton Tomenius, Hava January 2016 (has links)
The global increasing problem of antibiotic resistance necessarily drives the pursuit and discovery of new antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) initially seemed like promising new drug candidates. Already members of the innate immune system, it was assumed that they would be bioactive and non-toxic. Their common trait for fundamental, non-specific mode of action also seemed likely to reduce resistance development. In this thesis, we demonstrate the ease with which two species of pathogenic bacteria, the gram-negative Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium), and the gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), can gain increased tolerance and stable resistance to various AMPs. By serially passaging each bacterial species separately under increasing AMP selection pressure we observed increasing AMP tolerance. Resulting in independent bacterial lineages exposed to four different AMPs (including a two-AMP combination) that exhibited 2 to 16-fold increases in MIC. Substantial cross-resistance between the AMPs was observed. Additionally, the S. aureus mutants were found to be cross-resistant to human beta-defensins 1, 2, 3, and 4. The LPS molecule, with mutations in the waaY, pmrB and phoP genes, was the principal target for S. typhimurium resistance development. The main target for S. aureus remained elusive. Reduced membrane potential was a common change for two of the mutants, but not for the others. All sequenced mutants had one or more mutations in various stress response pathways. Fitness of the resistant mutants was assayed by growth rate analysis and in vitro virulence factor testing (e.g. survival response to bile, superoxide, acidic pH). Furthermore an in vivo survival/virulence test involving a mouse competition experiment (S. typhimurium) and sepsis model (S. aureus) was performed. In the absence of AMPs there was often little or no fitness reduction in the mutants. Our results suggest that AMP resistance mechanisms do not irrevocably weaken either species with regard to virulence characteristics or survival within the host. In light of these findings, we suggest that the progression of therapeutic use of AMPs should proceed with great caution since otherwise we might select for AMP resistant mutants that are more resistant to our innate host defenses and thereby potentially more virulent.

A histological and morphometric assessment of endocrine and ductular proliferation in the adult rat pancreas using an occlusive pancreatic duct ligation model

Page, Benedict J. (Benedict John) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is synonymous with "B-cell failure". Ligation of the pancreatic duct distally to its confluence into the bile duct has been shown to induce endocrine tissue regeneration from a number of probable sources. The cells responsible for regeneration are supposed to possess either dormant pluripotent stem cell ability and/or the plasticity to undergo metaplasia to form new and surplus endocrine tissue able to replace pathologically and/or experimentally compromised pancreas. The sequence of events (cell lineage) during this process of neogenesis, has been the source of controversy for quite some time as various studies suggest that the cell lineage differs from in vivo and in vitro studies, according to experimental model and species of laboratory animal. The object of this study was to utilise an established experimental laboratory animal model to study islet morphological changes, neogenesis and or both in vivo. Further aims of the study were to determine the extent, sequence and magnitude of pancreatic duct ligation (PDL) induced endocrine neogenesis/morphogenesis in a laboratory rat model using occlusive pancreatic duct ligation. PDL's were performed on six groups of 25 normal adult Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (300g+) according to the method of Hultquist and Jonsson (1965). Experimental animals were sacrificed at 12 hr intervals from day one post-PDL to day 10 and every 24 hrs thereafter to day 14 as described by Wang, Klëppel, Bouwens (1995). Animals received BrdU (a thymidine marker and cell proliferation indicator) 50mglkg intraperitoneally as described by Wang et al. (1995), one hour prior to removal of the pancreas after which it was fixed in Bouin's solution and histologically processed. Seven consecutive 3-6 urn thick serial sections were sequentially stained with H & E, insulin (I), glucagon (G), somatostatin (ST), pancreatic polypeptide (PP), neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY) and peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY). Immunolabeling was done according to the method of Guesdon, Temynck , Avrameas (1979). Double immunolabeling for BrdU and each pancreatic peptide was performed on the sections on days 3,5, 7, 9 and 11 as described by Wang et al (1994). Cellular transformation between one and 3Yz days was characterised by simultaneous total deletion and/or transdifferentiation of the acinar compartment and the appearance of immunoreactive cells for I (11.53 ±1.5%), G (1.85 ±0.8%), pp (1.50 ±0.09%), and ST (1.96 ±0.24%). Changes in the endocrine composition in existing islets, occurred along a pathway that saw PP- and ST-cells invading the islet core, islet mantle glucagon deletion and random appearance of all endocrine cell types within the inter-islet interstitium on day 3Yz. Days 4 to 6Yz saw further endocrine expansion while days 7 to 14 were distinguished by islet reconstitution and consolidation. NPY immunoreactivity appeared on day 4Y2 and persisted intermittently throughout while PVV first appeared on day 4 and disappeared after day 7Yz. The results suggest that PDL firstly induced the development of endocrine tissue distributed haphazardly throughout the space previously occupied by acinar parenchyma. Secondly, the appearance of insulin is preceded by the appearance of PP, glucagon and somatostatin by 24-hours. A still to be determined proportion of the ligation induced endocrine formation appeared to be associated with existing islets, resulting in a number of very large islets, some of which might have secretory access through the glomerularlike capillary network known to occupy the islet core. The remainder appeared to form separate "new" islets, which have a dubious access to the blood stream. In conclusion, if it is true that the pancreas can regenerate some of its endocrine tissue then it has potential clinical implication for the stabilising of diabetes mellitus. Ligated exocrine pancreatic tissue, devoid of its acinar component, has been shown to contain notable quantities of insulin positive cells. This presents intriguing possibilities as an alternative for donor tissue, usually obtained from rat foetuses, during foetal rat pancreas transplantation studies. Pancreas tissue harvested from duct ligated rats could replace the foetal tissue currently used in the treatment of experimental diabetes mellitus in laboratory animals in this laboratory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Diabetes Mellitus is sinoniem met B-sel disfunksie. Endokriene regenerasie kan segmenteel bewerkstellig word deur eksperimentele afbinding van die pankreasbuis distaal tot sy samesmelting met die gemene galbuis. 'n Verskeidenheid van selle word vermoedelik by hierdie proses betrek. Dormante stamselle besit die vermoë en/of plastisiteit om 'n aantal vorms van metaplasie te ondergaan om nuwe en/of oortollige endokriene weefsel te vorm wat patologiese en/of eksperimenteel gekompromiseerde weefsel vervang. Die selontwikkelings volgorde wat tydens hierdie proses plaasvind is al vir 'n geruime tyd die middelpunt van 'n meningsverskil. Sommige studies dui daarop dat die in vivo selontwikkelingsvolgorde verskil van in vitro, volgens eksperimentele model en tipe proefdier gebruik. Die doel van die studie was die gebruik van 'n bestaande eksperimentele laboratorium proefdier model om pankreas eiland morfologiese verandering en/ofneogenese of beide in vivo te evalueer. Die oogmerk van die studie was om die omvang en volgorde van veranderings in die endokriene kompartement (neogenese/morfogenese) te bepaal deur gebruik te maak van 'n pankreas buis afbindings (PBA) model wat totale afsnyding van die buis tot gevolg het. PBA's is uitgevoer op ses groepe van 25 volwasse normale Sprague-Dawley (SD) laboratorium rotte (±300g) soos beskryf deur Hultquist en Jonsson (1965). Proefdiere is elke 12 uur geoffer vanaf dag een post-PBA tot dag tien en elke 24 uur daarna tot dag 14 soos beskryf deur Wang, Bouwens, Kloppel (1995) na die toediening van 50 mg/kg 5-Bromo-2-deoksi-uridien intraperitoneaal ('n selprolifererings aanduider) soos beskryf deur Wang et al. (1995). Die pankreas is werwyder, in Bouin se oplossing gefikseer en histologies geprosesseer. Sewe openvolgende seriesnitte (3-6 urn) is alternatiewelik gekleur met H & E, en immunositochemies, soos beskryf deur Guesdon, Terugnek, Avrameas (1979), vir insulien (I), glukagon (G), somatostatien (ST), pankreatiesepolipeptied (PP), neuropeptied tirosien (NPY) en peptied tirosien-tirosien (PYY). BrdU dubbel-immuunkleuring is ingesluit op dae 3,5, 7, 9 en 11 soos beskryf deur Wang et al. (1994). Sellulêre transformasie tussen dae een en 3~ dae is gekenmerk deur gelyktydige en totale uitwissing en/ofmetaplasie van die asinêre kompartement en die verskyning van selle immunorektiefvir I(11.53 ±1.5%), G (1.85 ±0.8%), PP (1.50 ±0.09%), ST (1.96 ±0.24%). Metaplasie was verantwoordelik vir merkbare veranderings in bestaande endokriene weefsel langs In transformasie weg waar eiland insulien kemselle vervang is deur PP- en ST-selle, glukagon buitelaag uitwissing en die toevallige verskyning van alle endokriene seltipes in the inter-eiland interstitium teen dag 3Y2. Dae 4Y2deur 6~ is gekenmerk deur verdere endokrinetoename terwyl dag 7 deur 14 gekenmerk is deur eiland hersamestelling en konsolidering. NPY immunoreaktiwiteit was vanaf dag 4~, met afwisseling, te bespeur terwyl PVV slegs tussen dae 4 en 7 In verskyning gemaak het. . Die resultate suggereer eerstens, PBA induseer die ontwikkeling van oortollige endokriene weefsel op In lukrake wyse versprei deur die ruimte voorheen deur asinêre parenchiem beset. Tweedens, dat die verskyning van insulien deur dié van PP, glukagon en somatostatien met minstens 24-uur voorafgegaan is. Die verhouding, van nuutgevormde endokriene weefsel wat met bestaande eilande assosieer om In aantal baie groot eilande te vorm, moet nog vasgestel word. Sulke strukture mag moontlik afskeidings toegang hê tot die bloedstroom, deur die glomerulusagtige kapillêre netwerk, in die eilandkern teenwoordig terwyl die oorblywende nuutgevormde endokrine weefsel "nuwe" apparte eilande vorm wat wel of gladnie toegang tot die bloedstroom mag hê nie. As gevolgtrekking, indien dit waar is dat volwasse pankreas eilandweefsel wel regenerasie kan ondergaan, dan het dit kliniese implikasie vir die stabilisering van diabetes mellitus. Weefsel verkry uit PBA bevat geen asinêre weefsel nie maar wel merkbare hoeveelhede endokriene weefsel, veral insulin positief. Dit bied dan interessante alternatiewe as skenker weefsel by fetal rot pankreas oorplantings. PBA en/of die oorplanting van pankreasbuis afgebinde weefsel, na in vitro weefsel kultuur, bied moontlikhede vir die behandeling van diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes-Induced Expression and Regulation of GLP-1 levels by Bile Acid Receptors (TGR5 & FXR)

Spengler, Joseph R 01 January 2017 (has links)
Diabetes Mellitus has continued to drastically affect the health of the world and many complications can prove fatal. As long as this metabolic disease persist, research discoveries will need to continue to be made so that patient outcomes and healthcare are dramatically enhanced. In recent years, GLP-1 has been the topic of conversation for diabetes research, due to its promising effects in promoting insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, bile acids and their receptors (TGR5 & FXR) have shown promise in their actions in the regulation of GLP-1, and thus glucose homeostasis. Here we have shown the detection and increased expression of TGR5 and GLP-1, and decreased expression of FXR in diabetic mouse intestinal mucosa tissues. We have also shown the detection and increased expression of these receptors in STC-1 cells. More importantly we have linked the connection of increased glucose concentration (hyperglycemia) to increased TGR5 activation to increased GLP-1 release, thus leading to increased insulin sensitivity and altered diabetic outcomes.

Modification d'acides biliaires à l'aide de polymères pour en moduler les propriétés d'agrégation

Giguère, Guillaume 10 1900 (has links)
Les polymères amphiphiles sont largement utilisés pour les applications biomédicales et pharmaceutiques. Afin d’améliorer les chances de biocompatibilité des nouveaux polymères que nous voulons développer, nous avons utilisé des composés naturels, les acides biliaires, comme produits de départ dans la synthèse de ces polymères. De nouveaux polymères anioniques amphiphiles dérivés de l’acide cholique ont été préparés par polymérisation radicalaire par transfert d’atomes. Par un contrôle rigoureux des conditions de polymérisation, des bras de poly(acide acrylique) de différentes longueurs ont été greffés sur le squelette de l’acide cholique. L’architecture moléculaire des polymères a été étudiée par spectroscopie 1H RMN et par spectrométrie de masse. Ces polymères en étoile formés par l’acide biliaire modifié sont capables de s’agréger dans l’eau même si les groupements hydroxyles ont été remplacés par des segments plus volumineux. Il a été observé que les liaisons ester entre le polymère et le cœur d’acide cholique sont sensibles à l’hydrolyse en solution aqueuse. Pour remédier au problème de stabilité en solution aqueuse et pour avoir, en même temps, des bras hydrophiles non ioniques et biocompatibles, de l’oxyde d’éthylène a été polymérisé sur l’acide cholique par polymérisation anionique. Les liaisons éther formées entre le polymère et les groupements hydroxyles de l’acide biliaire sont plus stables que les liaisons ester sur le polymère de poly(acide acrylique). Les conditions de réaction de la polymérisation anionique ont été optimisées et ont donné des polymères aux architectures et aux masses molaires contrôlées. Les nouveaux polymères forment des agrégats sphériques tel qu’observé par microscopie électronique à transmission avec des échantillons préparés par la méthode de fracture à froid. Leur morphologie est différente de celle des agrégats cylindriques formés par les acides biliaires. Avec la méthode optimisée pour la polymérisation anionique, l’éther d’allyle et glycidyle a été polymérisé sur un dérivé d’acide cholique, suivi par une thiolation des liaisons doubles pour introduire l’amine ou l’acide sur la chaîne polymère. Cette addition radicalaire est efficace à plus de 90%. Les polymères qui en résultent sont solubles dans l’eau et s’agrègent à une certaine concentration critique. Il est particulièrement intéressant d’observer la thermosensibilité des polymères ayant des groupements amine, laquelle peut être modulée en acétylant partiellement les amines, donnant des points nuages entre 15 et 48°C. / Amphiphilic polymers are very useful in biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. To improve the biocompatibility of such polymers, we chose to use natural compounds such as bile acids as the starting material in the synthesis of the polymers. New anionic polymers have been prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization. Poly(acrylic acid) arms of various lengths have been grafted onto a bile acid core. The molecular architecture has been confirmed by 1H NMR spectroscopy and by mass spectrometry. The star polymers obtained from modified bile acid can aggregate in water, even though the hydroxyl groups were replaced by bulkier chains. The ester linkages between the polymers and the bile acid core are prone to hydrolysis in aqueous solutions. In order to improve the stability of the polymers in aqueous solutions and to introduce neutral and biocompatible hydrophilic arms, ethylene oxide has been polymerized onto a cholic acid core by anionic polymerization. The ether linkages formed between the hydroxyl groups of the bile acid and the poly(ethylene glycol) are more stable than the ester linkages formed with the poly(acrylic acid) polymers. The reaction conditions for the anionic polymerization have been optimized and provided well-defined polymers with narrow molecular weight distributions. The new polymers formed spherical aggregates as shown by transmission electron microscopy with samples prepared by the freeze-fracture technique. Their morphology is different from those of the cylindrical aggregates formed by bile salts. With the optimized method for anionic polymerization, allyl glycidyl ether was grafted onto a derivative of cholic acid, followed by thiolation, a radical addition, of the allyl groups to introduce amine or carboxylic acid groups to the polymer chains. This radical addition had an efficiency of more than 90%. The resulting polymers were water-soluble and were found to aggregate above a certain critical concentration. It is particularly interesting to observe thermosensitivity of the star polymers bearing amine groups. The thermosensitivity of such polymers can be further tuned by partial acetylation of the amine groups, yielding polymers with cloud points in the temperature range from 15 to 48°C.

The use of candida antarctica lipase B for the synthesis of macrocycles and polymers based on natural products

Champagne, Élyse 08 1900 (has links)
Les matériaux utilisés pour les applications biomédicales doivent être biocompatibles, et idéalement biodégradables. Les acides biliaires proviennent de sources naturelles et sont présents dans le corps humain. De plus, les polyetsers composés en partie de ces molécules possèdent des liens hydrolysables, une mémoire de forme thermique, et leur flexibilité peut être variée. Jusqu’à présent, la synthèse de ces matériaux exigeait l’utilisation de catalyseurs contenant des métaux de transition lourds pour l’étape de macrocyclisation. Puisque la polymérisation par ouverture de cycle nécessite des précurseurs cycliques, l’étape de lactonisation fut réalisée par voie enzymatique, au lieu d’utiliser des catalyseurs à plus grande toxicité. De plus, une seule étape enzymatique a pu remplacer deux étapes de synthèse organique, avec un rendement de 58 % et l’obtention d’un matériel transparent. Ces macrocycles nouvellement obtenus ont par la suite été polymérisés par ouverture de cycle, de façon similaire à la technique élaborée par notre groupe en 2013, tout en optimisant la durée de réaction. En 15 heures, une masse molaire relativement grande de 40 000 g/mol fut obtenue, tout en maintenant la dispersité sous 1.4 et la température de transition vitreuse à 12 °C. Pour valider le principe de cyclisation et de polymérisation enzymatique, les conditions optimales pour combiner l’acide thapsique et le 1,10-decanediol furent préalablement déterminées. Entre autres, la durée de réaction et la quantité d’enzyme nécessaire furent analysées. Les polymères semi-crystallins obtenus possèdent aussi de grandes masses molaires et de basses dispersités. Or, il est possible d’utiliser un enzyme à la fois pour la fermeture et pour l’ouverture de cycle de molécules rigides à cœur stéroïdal, telles que les acides biliaires. Cette synthèse permet la production de matériaux plus biocompatibles, tout en favorisant plusieurs principes de chimie verte. / Materials used in biomedical applications need to be biocompatible and ideally biodegradable. Bile acids are natural occurring compounds found in humans, and their polyesters possess hydrolyzable bonds, thermal shape memory and tunable flexibility. Until now, the synthetic pathway to obtain such materials required transition metal catalysts for the macrocyclization step, which is necessary to perform ring-opening polymerization (ROP). To circumvent the need for such catalysts, enzymatic ring closing was performed using lipases. Conveniently, two synthetic steps were replaced with a single step, using a renewable and reusable catalyst, with 58 % yield and a colorless product. The bile acid-containing macrocycles were then enzymatically polymerized as described in our previous work, while optimizing the reaction time. In 15 hours, relatively high Mw of 40 000 g/mol were obtained, while maintaining the dispersity ≤ 1.4 and a glass transition temperature of about 12 °C. As a proof-of-concept, conditions for the enzymatic ring closure of thapsic acid with 1,10-decanediol were determined beforehand. While optimizing for enzyme amount and reaction time, enzymatic ROP conditions to obtain di- and tetralactones from these monomers were established. The resulting semi-crystalline polymers also possess relatively high molecular weight and low dispersity. Hence, the use of lipases for both ring-closing and ring-opening reactions now shows potential for large, rigid moieties in addition to more mobile structures, using the same enzyme. This is a step towards the production of more biocompatible polymers, with a synthetic pathway that follows many green chemistry principles.

Uticaj soli žučnih kiselina na prodor i metabolizam simvastatina u probiotskim bakterijama / The influence of bile salts on simvastatin transport and metabolism in probiotic bacteria

Đanić Maja 15 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Interindividualne razlike u sastavu i aktivnosti crevne mikroflore mogu uticati na metabolizam lekova kao i na njihov konačan terapijski odgovor. Simvastatin je lek iz grupe statina i karakteri&scaron;e ga izuzetno mala rastvorljivost u vodi, mala bioraspoloživost (&lt;5%) i velike interindividualne razlike u terapijskom odgovoru čiji uzroci nisu u potpunosti obja&scaron;njeni. Poslednjih godina velika pažnja se posvećuje ispitivanjima žučnih kiselina u razvoju novih farmaceutskih formulacija zbog svoje uloge u solubilizaciji i modifikaciji prodora lekova kroz biolo&scaron;ke membrane. Zbog svega navedenog, u fokusu na&scaron;eg istraživanja su bile potencijalne interakcije između simvastatina, probiotskih bakterija i žučnih kiselina o kojima se vrlo malo zna, a od izuzetne su važnosti, zbog mogućeg uticaja na farmakokinetske i farmakodinamske osobine simvastatina, pa samim tim i na konačan terapijski odgovor kod pacijenta.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita prodor i metabolizam simvastatina u probiotskim bakterijama kao i uticaj različitih žučnih kiselina na transport ovog leka u bakterijske ćelije. Takođe, cilj je bio da se ispita uticaj soli žučnih kiselina na distribucioni koeficijent simvastatina, kao i interakcije žučnih kiselina sa simvastatinom na nivou transportnih proteina probiotskih bakterija kako bi se objasnila priroda očekivanih interakcija.Identifikacija i kvantifikacija uzoraka vr&scaron;ena je metodom tečne hromatografije sa masenom spektrometrijom (LC-MS/MS). Kori&scaron;ćenjem programskih paketa VolSurf+ i Molinspiration, za identifikovane metabolite su izračunati molekulski deskriptori koji opisuju fizičko-hemijske i farmakokinetske osobine molekula. Određivanje distribucionog koeficijenta vr&scaron;eno je Shake-flask metodom. Interakcije žučnih kiselina sa simvastatinom na nivou transportnih proteina probiotskih bakterija ispitane su doking studijama pomoću SwissDock programa. Prilikom dvadesetčetvoročasovne inkubacije sa probiotskim bakterijama uočen je statistički značajan pad koncentracije simvastatina u ekstracelularnom sadržaju. Ukupan sadržaj simvastatina, kao zbir ekstracelulamog i intracelularnog sadržaja, je tokom čitavog ispitivanog perioda bio statistički značajno niži u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu bez probiotika navodeći na zaključak da se deo simvastatina tokom vremena metabolisao pod dejstvom enzima ispitivanih bakterija. Detektovano je i identifikovano 8 metaboličkih produkata simvastatina. Na osnovu izračunatih vrednosti molekulskih deskriptora, očekuje se da će metabolit M-452, koji predstavlja hidroksilovani produkt simvastatinske kiseline, pokazati najbolje rezultate u pogledu fizičko-hemijskih osobina i bioraspoloživosti u biolo&scaron;kom sistemu. Žučne kiseline nisu dovele do statistički značajne modifikacije transporta simvastatina u/iz probiotskih bakterija. Ipak, u nekim vremenskim tačkama primećena je ne&scaron;to veća koncentracija leka u ekstracelulamom prostoru u grupama sa žučnim kiselinama. Ove razlike se mogu delimično objasniti rezultatima određivanja distribucionog koeficijenta koji su pokazali da ispitivane žučne kiseline dovode do statistički značajnog smanjenja distribucionog koeficijenta simvastatina usled povećanja rastvorljivosti u vodenoj fazi. Rezultatima doking studija procenjeno je da ispitivane žučne kiseline imaju veći afinitet prema čak 80% multidrug transportera ispitivanih bakterija u odnosu na simvastatin &scaron;to govori o mogućnosti ostvarivanja interakcija žučnih kiselina sa ovim lekom na nivou transportnih proteina probiotskih bakterija. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da probiotske bakterije imaju ogroman uticaj na sudbinu simvastatina u biolo&scaron;kom sistemu. Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da probiotske bakterije ulaze u sastav normalne crevne flore i da svaki organizam poseduje specifičan bakterijski sastav, trebalo bi posvetiti vi&scaron;e pažnje ispitivanju njegovog uticaja na farmakokinetiku lekova. Neophodna su dalja in vivo ispitivanja kako bi se utvrdila potencijalna farmakolo&scaron;ka aktivnost identifikovanih metabolita simvastatina nastalih pod dejstvom enzimske aktivnosti probiotskih bakterija. Povećanje rastvorljivosti simvastatina pomoću žučnih kiselina otvara mogućnost za dalja istraživanja u cilju razvoja novih farmaceutskih formulacija sa pobolj&scaron;anom bioraspoloživosti i farmakokinetskim osobinama.</p> / <p>Interindividual differences in the composition and activity of the gut microflora may affect the metabolism of drugs as well as their final therapeutic response. Simvastatin is drug from the group of statins and has extremely low water solubility, low bioavailability (&lt;5%) and high interindividual differences in therapeutic response whose causes are not fully understood. In recent years, great attention has been paid to studies of bile acids in the development of new pharmaceutical formulations because of their role in the drug solubilization and modification of drug transport through biological membranes. Accordingly, interactions between simvastatin, probiotic bacteria and bile acids were the focus of our research due to great importance and potential influence on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of simvastatin, and therefore the final therapeutic response in the patients. The aim of the study was to investigate the simvastatin transport and metabolism in probiotic bacteria as well as the effect of various bile acids on drug transport into the bacterial cell. Additonally, the aim was to investigate the influence of bile salts on the distribution coefficient of simvastatin, and the interactions of bile acids with simvastatin at the level of probiotic transport proteins in order to elucidate the nature of expected interactions. Identification and quantification of samples were performed with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Molecular descriptors that describe the physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic properties of identified metabolites were calculated using the software packages VolSurf+ and Molinspiration. Determination of the distribution coefficient was performed using Shake-flask method. Interaction of bile acids with simvastatin at the level of bacterial transport proteins were studied using docking studies with SwissDock program. During the twenty-four hours of incubation with probiotic bacteria, simvastatin concentrations in the extracellular contet showed a statistically significant decrease. The total amount of simvastatin, as the sum of the extracellular and intracellular amount, during the whole study period, was significantly lower in comparison with control group without probiotics, suggesting that the part of simvastatin was metabolized by the enzymatic activity of studied bacteria. Accordingly, eight metabolic products of simvastatin were detected and identified. Based on the calculated values of molecular descriptors, it is expected that the metabolite M-452, which is the hydroxylated product of simvastatin acid, will show the best results in terms of physico-chemical properties and bioavailability in biological system. Bile acids did not show a significant influence on simvastatin transport into probiotic bacteria. However, in some time points, slightly higher drug concentrations in the extracellular medium in groups with bile acids were observed. These differences can be partly explained by the results of the determination of the distribution coefficients which showed that investigated bile acids lead to a statistically significant decrease in simvastatin distribution coefficient due to increased solubility in the aqueous phase. The results of docking studies estimated that studied bile acids have stronger affinities for the 80% of bacterial multidrug transporters compared to simvastatin indicating the possibility of achieving the interactions of bile acids with simvastatin at the level of transport proteins of probiotic bacteria. Based on the obtained results it could be concluded that probiotic bacteria have great influence on the fate of simvastatin in a biological system. Taking into account the fact that probiotic bacteria are the normal part of gut microflora and that each individual has specific bacterial fingerprint, more attention should be paid on studying its influence on drug pharmakocinetics. Further in vivo studies are required in order to determine potential pharmacological activity of identified simvastatin metabolites. Increased water solubility of simvastatin with bile acids may open the possibility for further investigations with the aim of development of new pharmaceutical formulation with improved bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties.</p>

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