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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produção, fisiologia e qualidade pós-colheita da alface ‘Elba’ produzida sob adubação foliar com Spirulina platensis. / Production and lettuce postharvest quality 'Elba' produced applying foliar based on Spirulina platensis.

SILVA, Débora Samara Oliveira e. 17 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-17T18:00:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DÉBORA SAMARA OLIVEIRA E SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGHT 2015..pdf: 2291176 bytes, checksum: 68508f58ce13106f63abc44d962e1a93 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-17T18:00:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DÉBORA SAMARA OLIVEIRA E SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGHT 2015..pdf: 2291176 bytes, checksum: 68508f58ce13106f63abc44d962e1a93 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-30 / A alface (Lactuca sativa L.) é a hortaliça folhosa mais produzida e consumida no Brasil, no entanto, necessita receber nutrientes que permitem o seu desenvolvimento. Desta forma, tornam-se necessários estudos sobre o uso de fontes orgânicas de adubo, como os biofertilizantes, e sua influência sobre os aspectos morfofisiológicos e de qualidade. Neste sentido, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de Spirufert® (fertilizante orgânico simples classe “A”, marca Tamanduá) sob a produção, fisiologia e qualidade póscolheita da alface „Elba‟. O experimento foi realizado em duas etapas no Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia Agroalimentar, em Pombal-PB. Na primeira etapa, estudou-se em condições de campo, no delineamento em blocos casualizados, o efeito de seis concentrações do Spirufert ® (0, 1,5, 3,0, 4,5, 6,0 e 7,5 %) distribuídos em seis blocos, sob aspectos de produção e fisiologia das mudas de alface. Na segunda etapa, analisada em laboratório, adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com seis repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas pelas seis concentrações de Spirufert®, aplicadas durante o cultivo da alface, e as subparcelas, pelas épocas de avaliação (por ocasião da colheita e 24h após a permanência das alfaces sob prateleira em ambiente climatizado a 26°C). Não houve efeito significativo das concentrações de Spirufert® para as variáveis, número de folhas (NF), massa fresca da parte aérea (MFPA), altura de plantas (AP) e diâmetro da copa (DC), massa seca (MSPA), umidade (UMPA), massa fresca do sistema radicular (MFSR), comprimento de raiz (CR), massa seca do sistema radicular (MSSR), massa fresca total da planta (MFTP) e massa seca total da planta (MSTP) da parte aérea das plantas de alface. Da mesma forma, as concentrações de Spirufert® testadas não alteram o teor de N, P, K e Na, fotossíntese, concentração interna de CO2 e condutância estomática da parte aérea da alface. Houve efeito significativo entre as concentrações de Spirufert ® e as épocas de avaliação, no dia da colheita e 24h após a colheita da alface para a maioria das variáveis analisadas. Constatou-se maior média de SS na dose 4,5% de Spirufert®, na ordem de 4,16%, porém redução deste valor após 24h, em que se observou sinais de senescência nas alfaces, constatados pelo aumento da acidez titulável. Na dose 4,5% de Spirufert®, também observouse uma boa relação SS/AT e elevado teor de clorofila total, mesmo após 24 h, fato que possibilitou a manutenção da coloração verde nas folhas, característica apreciada pelo consumidor, por ocasião da aquisição. / Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is the most widely produced and consumed leafy vegetable in Brazil, however, needs to receive nutrients that allow its development. In this way, it becomes necessary studies on the use of organic sources of fertilizer, such as biofertilizers, and its influence on the morphophysiological aspects and quality. In this sense, the objective was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of Spirufert® (simple organic fertilizer class "A", anteater brand) in the production, physiology and lettuce postharvest quality 'Elba'. The experiment was conducted in two stages in the Science and Technology Centre Agrifood in Pombal-PB. In the first stage, was studied under field conditions in a randomized block design, the effect of six concentrations Spirufert ® (0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 and 7.5%) distributed in six blocks, under aspects of production and physiology of lettuce seedlings. In the second stage, was analyzed in a laboratory, adopted a completely randomized design in split plot with six replications. The plots were made by the six concentrations of Spirufert®, applied for the cultivation of lettuce, and the subplots, the evaluation periods (at harvest and 24 hours after the permanence of lettuce under shelf in air-conditioned environment at 26 ° C). There was no significant effect of Spirufert® concentrations for the variables, number of leaves (NF), fresh weight of aerial part (MFPA), plant height (PH) and crown diameter (DC), dry matter (MSPA), humidity (umpa), fresh weight of the root system (MFSR), root length (CR), dry mass of the root system (MSSR), fresh pasta total plant (MPTP) and total dry mass of the plant (MSTP) of the aerial part lettuce plants. Similarly, the Spirufert® concentrations tested did not alter the content of N, P, K and Na, photosynthesis, internal CO2 concentration and stomatal conductance of the aerial part of lettuce. Significant differences were found between the Spirufert ® concentrations and the evaluation periods, the day of harvest and 24h after the lettuce harvest for most variables. It was found SS higher average dose 4.5% of Spirufert® in the order of 4.16%, but this value reduction after 24 hours, it was observed that the lettuce signs of senescence, evidenced by increased acidity. At a dose of 4.5% Spirufert® also there was a good SS / TA ratio and high content of chlorophyll, even after 24 h, a fact that enabled the maintenance of green color in the leaves, characteristic appreciated by the consumer on the occasion the acquisition.

Biogödningsmedel från sjögräs och tång : Ekonomiska förutsättningar att ersätta handelsgödsel / Biofertilizer from seaweed : Economic conditions to replace commercial fertilizers

Rudaya, Lisaveta, Skantz, Madeleine January 2022 (has links)
Världsbefolkningens tillväxt sätter stort tryck på livsmedelsproduktionen. För att bemöta den ökande efterfrågan på mat förbrukas stora mängder handelsgödsel i syftet att stimulera tillväxten hos grödor och öka jordbruksmarkens bördighet. Överkonsumtion av gödsel inom jordbruket har bidragit till växtnäringsläckage och eutrofieringen av Östersjön. En konsekvens av övergödning är ökad tillväxt av sjögräs och tång. Särskilt stora mängder av ilandflutet sjögräs och tång (även kallat släke) ansamlas på Gotlands stränder. Dessa makroalger är rika på mineraler och näringsämnen, som dessutom är viktiga för växternas ämnesomsättning och tillväxt. Genom att samla in och använda släke som gödsel kan näringen som algerna tagit upp återföras till marken och därmed återvinnas. För att öka intresset för släke som biogödsel är det därför viktigt att alternativet är ekonomiskt lönsamt och konkurrenskraftigt på gödselmarknaden.  Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka förutsättningar biogödningsmedel från släke har att bli ett ekonomiskt hållbart alternativ till handelsgödsel. Med en litteraturstudie som utgångspunkt är målet att skapa en modell för att jämföra priset på släkegödsel och handelsgödsel. Resultatet visade att handelsgödsel, för tillfället, betraktas som en mer attraktiv marknadsvara än släkegödsel. Trots vissa begränsningar bedöms släkegödsel ha potential att konkurrera med handelsgödsel och förhoppningsvis stärka sin position på gödselmarknaden i framtiden. Exempelvis genom att blanda in släke med konstgödsel för att minska näringstillförseln till havet och återvinna näringen som redan finns i jordbrukskretsloppet. / Rapid world population growth has caused excessive pressure on the food industry. To meet the increasing demand for food a substantial amount of commercial fertilizer is used to stimulate the growth of crops and boost the fertility of agricultural lands. Overconsumption of fertilizers has contributed to nutrient leakage and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. Consequently, the phenomenon has led to increased growth of seaweed and seagrass, particularly in the coastal areas of Gotland where it accumulates after being washed up from the sea (also called beach-wrack). These macroalgae are rich in minerals and nutrients, which are important for the plants' metabolism and growth. By collecting and using beach-wrack as a biofertilizer, the nutrient uptake by algae can therefore be returned to the soil and thus recycled. To enable the use of biofertilizers from beach-wrack within agricultural practices, it needs to be economically profitable and competitive on the market of commercial fertilizers.  This study aims to investigate the preconditions for biofertilizers from beach-wrack to become an economically sustainable alternative to commercial fertilizers. With a literature study as a basis, the goal is to create a model for comparing the price of beach-wrack fertilizer and commercial fertilizers. The result showed that commercial fertilizers are considered to be more attractive on the fertilizer market than beach-wrack fertilizer. Despite the limitations of algae-biofertilizer, beach-wrack could have the potential to compete with commercial fertilizer alternatives in the future and hopefully strengthen its position on the fertilizer market. For instance, by mixing the beach-wrack with mineral fertilizers, thus reducing the supply of nutrients to the sea, and recycling the nutrients that are already present in the agricultural cycle.

Anaerobic digestion of horse manure : renewable energy and plant nutrients in a systems perspective

Hadin, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
In horse keeping horse manure is produced, which can be utilized as a fertilizer or considered a waste. Horse manure constitutes a resource in terms of both plant nutrients and energy. In addition energy policies and objectives aim at replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. The interest to improve resource recovery of horse manure increases due various incentives for renewable vehicle fuels, legal requirements on management of manure, and environmental impact from current horse manure management. This thesis aims at describing horse manure management in a life cycle perspective. This is made by (1) identifying factors in horse keeping affect­ing the possibility to use horse manure as a biogas feedstock and to recycle plant nutrients, (2) analysing factors in anaerobic digestion with influence on methane potential and biofertilizer nutrient content and (3) comparing the environmental impact from different horse manure treatment methods. Literature reviews, systematic combining, and simulations have been used as research methods. The results show that horse keeping activities such as feeding, indoor keeping, outdoor keeping and manure storage affect the amount and charac­teristics of horse manure and thereby also the possibilities for anaerobic digestion horse manure. Transport affects the collected amount and spread­ing affects loss of nutrients and nutrient recycling. Simulation results in­dicate the highest methane yield and energy balance from paper bedding, while straw and peat gave a higher nutrient content of the biofertilizer. The highest methane yield was achieved with a low rate of bedding, which in the cases of woodchips and paper is also preferable for plant nutrient recycling. Still, results indicate the best energy balance from anaerobic digestion with a high ratio of bedding. The environmental impact assessment indicates a reduction in global warming potential for anaerobic digestion compared to incineration or composting. / Vid hästhållning alstras hästgödsel som kan användas som växtnäring eller anses vara ett avfall. Hästgödsel utgör både en växtnäringsresurs och en energi resurs. Dessutom styr uppsatta energimål mot att förnybar energi ska ersätta fossila bränslen. Intresset för att öka resursutnyttjandet av hästgödsel ökar på grund av olika incitament för förnybara drivmedel, lagstiftning om gödselhantering och miljöpåverkan från dagens hantering av hästgödsel. I den här avhandlingen beskrivs hästgödselhantering i ett livscykel­perspektiv genom att (1) identifiera olika faktorer vid hästhållningen som påverkar möjligheten att utvinna biogas ur hästgödsel och återföra näringen till jordbruksmark, (2) analysera faktorer i biogasprocessen som påverkar den specifika metanmängden och innehållet av växtnäring i gödseln och (3) jämföra olika gödselhanteringsmetoders miljöpåverkan. Metoderna i avhan­dlingen har varit litteraturstudier, systematisk kombination av teori och em­piri samt simulering. Resultaten visar att utfodringen, om och hur hästarna hålls inomhus och utomhus och hur hästgödsel lagras påverkar mängden hästgödsel och dess egenskaper, och därmed också hur den fungerar som ett biogassubstrat. Trans­porterna har betydelse för hur mycket gödsel som kan samlas in och spridas, medan gödselspridningen påverkar näringsförluster och närings återföring. Resultaten från simuleringarna indikerar högst metanutbyte och bäst energi­balans från papper som strömaterial, medan halm och torv gav högre växt­näringsinnehåll i biogödseln. De högsta resultaten på specifik metanmängd nåddes med låg andel strö, vilket också var positivt för växtnäringsinnehållet vid scenarierna med spån och papper. Samtidigt indikerar resultaten att en hög andel strömaterial ger den bästa energibalansen. Miljöpåverkansbedöm­ningen indikerar att potentialen för klimatpåverkan minskar om hästgödsel behandlas i en biogasprocess jämfört med förbränning eller kompostering.

Desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia alternativa para a desidratação de lodos provenientes da biodigestão anaeróbia de resíduos orgânicos domésticos / Development of an alternative technology for the dehydration of sludge from anaerobic digestion of organic domestic waste

Scalcon, Araceli 24 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:08:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Araceli Scalcon.pdf: 1981802 bytes, checksum: 8de53061f9fcc454f3004f9c24477763 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Recent research has shown that the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and industrial can be treated through the process of digestion. These processes produce two types of products, biogas and sludge resulting from the digestion. The last one has a great potential for use as fertilizer, however, to ensure the quality of the product, is necessary a process for dehydration/drying it. In this context, the objective of this work was the development of an alternative technology for dewatering sludge from the digestion process. For this purpose, the methodology included conducting seven steps: 1) study to identify relevant variables, steps and parameters of the drying process of sludge; 2) characterization of the source of sludge; 3) qualitative and quantitative characterization of sludge; 4) analysis of the conventional methods, processes and technologies to dewatering sludge from digestion ; 5) develop/propose an alternative technology for the dehydration of sludge from the digestion; 6) building a prototype and operational tests/performance to analysis of the developed technology. The result of the study was an alternative technology with 10 attributes, the most relevant being the maximization of the use of solar energy, the convective effect of ultraviolet rays to microbiological inactivation, minimizing the influence of rainfall, ease of feeding and pullout of dewatered sludge with maximum efficiency (reduction of 96% moisture content). Alternative technology prevails in a simultaneous filtration system and solar drying techniques whose characteristics meet the requirements of patentability (novelty requirement, inventive step, and industrial application descriptive adequacy). / Recentes pesquisas têm demonstrado que a fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos domésticos e industriais pode ser tratada por meio dos processos de biodigestão. Nesses processos são obtidos dois tipos de produtos, o biogás e o lodo que resulta da biodigestão. Este último possui grande potencial de uso como fertilizante, porém, para garantir a qualidade deste é necessária a desidratação/secagem do mesmo. Nesse contexto o objetivo do trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia alternativa para a desidratação de lodos provenientes dos processos de biodigestão. Para essa finalidade, a metodologia contemplou a realização de seis etapas: 1) estudo para identificação de etapas, variáveis e parâmetros relevantes do processo de secagem dos lodos; 2) caracterização da fonte geradora de lodos; 3) caracterização qualitativa e quantitativa dos lodos; 4) análise dos métodos, processos e das tecnologias convencionais para a desidratação de lodos provenientes da biodigestão; 5) desenvolvimento/proposição de uma tecnologia alternativa para a desidratação dos lodos provenientes da biodigestão; e a 6) construção de um protótipo, testes operacionais e análise do desempenho da tecnologia desenvolvida. O resultado foi uma tecnologia alternativa com 10 atributos, sendo os mais relevantes a maximização do uso da energia solar, do efeito convectivo, dos raios ultravioleta para inativação microbiológica, minimizar a influencia das precipitações fluviais, facilidade na alimentação e na retirada do lodo desidratado com o máximo da eficiência (redução de 96% do teor de umidade). Na tecnologia alternativa prevalece um sistema simultâneo de filtração e secagem solar cujas características técnicas atendem os requisitos de patenteamento (requisito de novidade, atividade inventiva, suficiência descritiva e aplicação industrial).

Isolation and characterization of novel bacterial strains to alleviate abiotic stress in greenhouse ornamental crops

Nordstedt, Nathan P. 01 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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