Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biometri"" "subject:"riometri""
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To start this vehicle, please verify yourself : Security and privacy, where shall we draw the line?Björk, Hanna, Hagemann, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
<p>Different security issues are a top subject around the world, especially since the terror threats seem to intensify. In the same time, the transport industry suffer from problems with smuggling and theft of valuable goods. One way to increase the security might be to have a verification system installed in commercial trucks, in order to assure that the driver is the proper one.</p><p>This thesis has two purposes. One is to find appropriate methods for driver verification and build a prototype of a verification system which can be used for testing and further development. The other is to study how truck drivers perceive such a system and how their conception goes along with the growing demand for higher security. The present work is the result of a cooperation between an engineer and a cognitive scientist. The thesis focuses on the transport industry and was performed for Volvo Technology Corporation (VTEC), Gothenburg, Sweden.</p><p>Eleven available verification methods were studied. To enable a well-based selection of methods to implement in the prototype, inquiries and interviews with truck drivers and haulage contractors were carried out to complement the theoretical study.</p><p>One regular and three biometric verification methods were chosen for the test; fingerprint verification, face recognition, voice recognition and PIN verification. These methods were put together to a prototype system that was implemented in a truck simulator. A graphical user interface was developed in order to make the system user friendly. The prototype system was tested by 18 truck drivers. They were thoroughly interviewed before and after the test in order to retrieve their background, expectations and opinions as well as their perceptions and experiences of the test.</p><p>Most of the test participants were positive to the prototype system. Even though they did not feel a need for it today they believed it to “be the future”. However, some participants felt uncomfortable with the system since they felt controlled by it. It became clear how important it is to have a system that respect the users’ privacy and to assure that the users are well informed about how the system is used. Some of the technology used for the verification system requires more development to fit in the automotive context, but it is considered to be possible to achieve a secure and robust system.</p>
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Biometrics : Attitudes and factors influencing a breakthrough in Sweden / Biometri : Attityder och faktorer som påverkar ett genombrott i SverigeBrobeck, Stefan, Folkman, Tobias January 2005 (has links)
<p>Biometrics is a collection of methods for identifying and authorizing individuals with something they are, or do. It is considered to be one of the most secure technologies for security, both physical and logical. Security is something very important for organizations today, but yet there has been a low interest in investing in biometrics for security in Sweden.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis has been to establish factors to why biometrics has not been implementedto any large extent, even though the technology has been around for long. We have evaluated the attitudes and views of individuals, as well as company leaders. Problem and questions with biometrics that often are discussed are privacy concerns, costs and ROI (return on investment) and user acceptance. Foremost there is a concern about the costs of implementing such a solution, although some claim that money can be saved by avoiding the costs in more traditional security methods, such as password administration and in security cards.</p><p>There is a range of different technologies to use, such as facial-scan, voice-scan and the most mature and well known technique, finger-scan which has been around for a long time, especially for identifying criminals. All these techniques have there positive and negative sides, often measured in different levels of universality, uniqueness, permanence and collectability, e.g. eye-scan has a high uniqueness, facial-scan has a high universability and signature-scan has a low permanence level.</p><p>We have collected our data through interviews with companies and suppliers of biometric systems as well as a questionnaire given to private persons. By interpreting the data in a qualitative way we have made our analysis and reached a conclusion.</p><p>Our result shows that a cost related to biometric solutions is the largest reason why investments have been absent. This verifies the results of other authors, that the cost is the largest obstacle. Another important factor is that companies believe that biometrics is for organizations with a very high security need. Further our result show that individuals are positive towards biometrics.</p> / <p>Biometri är ett samlingsnamn för tekniker som identifierar och auktoriserar individer, antingen något de är eller gör. Biometri anses vara en av de säkraste teknologierna för säkerhet, både fysisk och logisk. Säkerhet är något som är mycket viktigt för organisationer i dagens läge, men än så länge så har investeringar i biometriska säkerhetslösningar i Sverige uteblivit. Syftet med denna magisteruppsats har varit att fastställa faktorer som bidrar till att biometriska lösningar inte har blivit implementerade i någon större utsträckning, trots att teknologin har funnits länge. Vi har utvärderat individers samt företagsledares attityder och synsätt angående biometri.</p><p>Frågor och problem som ofta relateras till biometri är personligintegritet, kostnader och avkastning på investering samt användaracceptans. Framförallt är det osäkerheten kring kostnaderna av en implementering av en biometrisklösning. Det finns även de som hävdar att biometriska lösningar kan spara pengar jämfört med traditionella system därför att man undviker till exempel lösenordsadministration och passerkort.</p><p>Det finns en rad olika tekniker att använda, exempelvis ansiktsavläsning, röstigenkänning och den mest mogna och kända tekniken, fingeravtrycksläsning som har existerat en längre tid, framförallt för att identifiera kriminella. Det finns positiva och negativa sidor med alla dessa tekniker, de mäts oftast i olika nivåer av hur många som kan använda det, hur unikt biometrin är, beständighet och hur biometrin samlas in.</p><p>Genom intervjuer med företag och leverantörer av biometriska lösningar samt en utdelad enkät till privat personer har vi samlat in data. Vi har sedan tolkat data kvalitativt och utfört vår analys och slutligen kommit fram till ett resultat.</p><p>Vårt resultat har visat att kostnader relaterade till biometriska system är det största skälet till varför investeringar har uteblivit. Detta bekräftar vad många andra författare tidigare har funnit, att kostnaderna är det största hindret. En annan viktig faktor är att företag anser att biometri är något för verksamheter som kräver den allra högsta säkerheten. Vidare har individer en positiv inställning till biometri.</p>
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Konsumentens attityd till innovationer : En studie om fingeravtrycksläsare i mobiltelefonerHaglund, Fredrik, Turunen, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
Den här studien handlar om konsumenters adoption av fingeravtrycksläsare i mobiltelefoner. Att implementera fingeravtryck som en verifieringsmetod har blivit allt vanligare i mobiltelefoner. Under 2013 lanserades iPhone 5S med fingeravtrycksläsare. Därefter har två företag lanserat teknologin i sina premiumtelefon, Samsung Galaxy S5 och HTC One Max. Det har även blivit möjligt att utföra betalningar genom PayPal med hjälp av teknologin och snart kommer det även att gå att betala på Alibaba.com, vilket är en kinesisk variant av eBay. Utöver det nämnt ovan går det att låsa upp, skydda bilder och meddelanden med sitt fingeravtryck. I och med denna pågående spridning av tekniken anser vi det nödvändigt att studera vad som påverkar konsumenten vid adoption av denna teknik i nämnda kontext. Detta är nödvändigt att undersöka för att bidra med relevant information till företag som är involverade i denna steknik i olika sammanhang, därmed har vi antagit ett företagsperspektiv i vår studie. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativundersökning, där 207 st. respondenter fick svara på en enkät med attitydbaserade påståenden relaterade till fingeravtrycksläsare. Frågorna i enkäten är baserade på teorier som tidigare har använts i andra studier som behandlar adoption av teknik, t ex mobilhandel, 3G och internetbank etc. De teorier vi har använt oss utav i vår studie är technology acceptance model, diffusion of innovations, the motivational model och self-service technologies. Resultaten från vår undersökning visade att den relativa fördelen, observation, testmöjlighet, användbarhet, bristande förtroende och upplevd risk hade en betydande påverkan på attityden till fingeravtrycksläsare. Den beroende faktorn attityd till fingeravtrycksläsare består av påståendena från motivationsmodellen samt våra attitydpåståenden som är inkluderade i undersökningen. Resultaten ger oss och relevanta företag en bild av vad som behöver arbetas på för att fler konsumenter skall adoptera fingeravtrycksläsare i sin mobiltelefon. Det vill säga att företag bör lägga marknadsföring på användarbarheten och visa upp den relativa fördelen för att övertyga individer att börja använda teknologin. Genom att det blir vanligare att observera fingeravtrycksläsare i vardagen kommer det att påverka adoptionen positivt. Det fanns en faktor som visade en negativ påverkan på adoptionen, denna faktor var individens bristande förtroende och upplevda risk till fingeravtrycksläsare. Med hjälp av den här informationen kan företag se till att införa lönsamma åtgärder, åtgärder som till exempel att marknadsföra samt utveckla teknologin för att därefter visa att det finns en god säkerhet i fingeravtrycksläsare. Detta kan uppnås genom att se till att budskapet finner konsumenterna genom t ex marknadsföring. Genom att implementera åtgärder som eventuellt kan öka graden av konsumenters adoption av fingeravtrycksläsare gynnas både tillverkaren av sensorn och mobiltelefontillverkaren genom en möjlig ökad försäljning. Vi har även inkluderat ett bonusmaterial i vårt arbete bestående av resultat som vi fick efter att ha samkört teorierna ovan som oberoende faktorer och motivationsmodellen som beroende faktor. Motivationsmodellen förklarar situationsengagemang och beståendeengagemang för en produkt. Det visade sig att för att få konsumenten att ha ett bestående engagemang krävs det att den relativa fördelen framhävs och att konsumenterna försäkras om att användning av fingeravtrycksläsare är säkert, detta höjer i sin tur förtroendet för tekniken. / This study is about the consumer adoption of fingerprint readers in cell phones. The implementation of fingerprint verification methods in mobile phones has been increasing. In 2013 iPhone 5S was launched with a fingerprint reader. Since then the two companies have launched the technology in its premium phones, the Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One Max. It has also become possible to make payments through PayPal using the technology, and soon it will also be possible to make payments on Alibaba.com, which is a Chinese version of eBay. In addition to the mentioned fields of usage above, it is possible to unlock your cell phone, protect images and messages with your fingerprint. With this current diffusion of this technology, we believe it is necessary to study the factors that influence consumer adoption of this technology in this context. This is necessary to examine in order to provide relevant information to companies involved in this technology in different contexts, thus we have adopted a corporate perspective in our study. The study was a quantitative survey, where a number of 207 respondents were asked to answer a questionnaire with attitude -based claims related to the fingerprint reader. The survey questions are based on theories that have been used in other studies which consider adoption of technologies such as m-commerce, 3G and Internet banking etc. The theories that were used in our study are the technology acceptance model, diffusion of innovation, the motivational model and self-service technologies. The results of our study showed that the relative advantage, observation, testing capability, usability, lack of trust and perceived risk had all a significant impact on the attitude towards fingerprint readers. The dependent factor attitude towards fingerprint readers consists of the assertions of the motivation model and our attitude claims that are included in the survey. The results provide both us and relevant enterprises a picture of what needs to be worked on in order to get more consumers to adopt fingerprint readers on their cell phone. Therefore companies should put marketing on the usability and show the relative advantage to convince people to start using the technology. By becoming more common to observe the fingerprint reader in everyday life, it will affect adoption positively. There was one factor that showed a negative effect on the adoption, this factor was the individual's lack of trust and perceived risk towards the fingerprint reader. By using this information, companies can look at introducing profitable actions, actions such as to promote and develop the technology and then to show that there is a high level of security in the usage of fingerprint readers. This can be achieved by ensuring that the message finds consumers, this can be done by for example marketing. By implementing actions that could potentially increase the rate of consumer adoption of fingerprint readers, it benefits both the manufacturer of the sensor and the mobile phone manufacturer by a possible increase in sales. We have also included a bonus in our work consisting of results we got after we had reconciled the theories above as independent factors and the motivational model as a dependent factor. The motivational model explains the situation of commitment and enduring commitment to a product. It turned out that to get the consumer to have an enduring commitment it requires that the relative advantage is emphasized and that consumers are assured that the use of fingerprint readers is safe. This in turn enhances confidence in the technology.
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Biometri vid fysisk access : En jämförande studie mellan ansiktsigenkänning och fingeravtrycksavläsningHanner, Martin, Björk, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
In today’s society, people often find themselves in situations where they need to be identified;for example when we buy alcohol, need to use an ATM or log on to our e-mail account. The most common methods today that are used for these kinds of matters are antiquated, and in the meantime, criminals all over the world get more sophisticated. Companies invest billions every day in order to protect their interests. Maybe it’s time that we finally give biometrics the attention that it deserves. This essay aims to describe the biometric methods that are available today, find some of the most effective when it comes to physical access and make a comparison. Face recognition and fingerprint scanning will be described more thoroughly. Pros and cons will be analyzed and the theory will be linked to interviews with three Swedish organisations. / I dagens samhälle hamnar vi människor regelbundet i situationer där vi blir tvungna att identifiera oss. Det kan till exempelvis vara när vi köper alkohol, tar ut pengar eller loggar in på vårt e-mailkonto. De vanligaste metoderna, som idag används för dessa identifieringar, har funnits länge och är föråldrade och i takt med detta blir brottslingar världen allt mer sofistikerade. Dagligen investerar företag världen över miljarder för att skydda exempelvis data med hjälp av koder och andra mjukvaruinstallationer. Kanske är det istället dags för att vi ger biometrin en ordentlig chans. Den här uppsatsen syftar till att redogöra för de biometriska säkerhetsmetoder som finns tillgängliga, identifiera några av de effektivaste när det gäller fysisk access och jämföra dessa med varandra. Det är framförallt ansiktsigenkänning och fingeravtrycksavläsning som kommer att ges mycket plats i studien. För- och nackdelar kommer att tas upp och teorin kommer att kopplas till intervjuer gjorda med tre svenska företag.
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Biometric Authentication and Penetration of SmartphonesAronsson, Erik January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to examine the function and vulnerabilities of biometric systemsintegrated in smartphones, as well as techniques for circumventing the securityof these systems. These techniques are then used against a selection of smart-phones in order to gauge the resilience of their biometric security. The function,vulnerabilities, and techniques associated with these systems are compiled usinga literature study of published papers and books on the subject. The performedexperiments apply these techniques in the form of presentation attacks directed atthe fingerprint-, face- and iris recognition systems of the examined smartphones.The result of the experiments showed significant differences between the differentsmartphones, where some exhibited flawless security and others showed significantsecurity flaws. Both fingerprint and face recognition systems were successfullycircumvented, while none of the iris recognition systems were breached. No clearlink could be observed between the cost of the device and success rate of attacks,while only devices using the Android operating system were breached. The resultsundeniably showed that some smartphones are vulnerable to the employed tech-niques. It also showed that some of the tested devices had managed to implementmeasures to counteract the applied presentation attacks. The root cause of thevulnerabilities showcased in the experiment is due to the fact that biometric traitscan be copied and reproduced, highlighting a basic flaw of such systems.
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Användares perspektiv på Single Sign On, biometri och lösenordshanterareLjungberg, Robert, Björnström, Ludvig January 2022 (has links)
Eftersom användningen av lösenord och behovet av skyddade konton alltjämt växer i dagenssamhälle växer också frågan om IT-säkerhet. Webbsidor och appar på mobilen kan krävainloggningar som skyddar den information som ligger där. Det finns många tillvägagångssättvid inloggning, egna lösenord som man memorerar har länge varit ett självklart sätt logga inpå. Detta skapar dock osäkerhet då lösenord ofta upprepas på flera olika webbplatser ellerkonton. Flera lösningar finns idag för detta, Single Sign On (SSO), biometri ochlösenordshanterare. Dessa inloggningsmetoder används alltmer, men av växlandeanledningar. Människor vill att saker ska gå fort och att det sker med högbekvämlighetsfaktor, samtidigt som de vill skydda sin information från attacker eller förlustav denna. Var går egentligen gränsen och hur spelar detta roll i valet avregistrerings/inloggningsmetod? Den låga svarsfrekvensen för denna studie innebär attresultaten i denna undersökning inte anses pålitliga. Detta är en kvantitativ studie somundersöker användares syn på Single Sign On och biometri som ett alternativ tilllösenordshanterare. Detta är en kvantitativ studie som undersöker användares syn på Single Sign On och biometrisom ett alternativ till lösenordshanterare.
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Seleção de características para reconhecimento biométrico baseado em sinais de eletrocardiograma / Feature selection for biometric recognition based on electrocardiogram signalsTeodoro, Felipe Gustavo Silva 22 June 2016 (has links)
O campo da Biometria abarca uma grande variedade de tecnologias usadas para identificar e verificar a identidade de uma pessoa por meio da mensuração e análise de vários aspectos físicos e/ou comportamentais do ser humano. Diversas modalidades biométricas têm sido propostas para reconhecimento de pessoas, como impressões digitais, íris, face e voz. Estas modalidades biométricas possuem características distintas em termos de desempenho, mensurabilidade e aceitabilidade. Uma questão a ser considerada com a aplicação de sistemas biométricos em mundo real é sua robustez a ataques por circunvenção, repetição e ofuscação. Esses ataques estão se tornando cada vez mais frequentes e questionamentos estão sendo levantados a respeito dos níveis de segurança que esta tecnologia pode oferecer. Recentemente, sinais biomédicos, como eletrocardiograma (ECG), eletroencefalograma (EEG) e eletromiograma (EMG) têm sido estudados para uso em problemas envolvendo reconhecimento biométrico. A formação do sinal do ECG é uma função da anatomia estrutural e funcional do coração e dos seus tecidos circundantes. Portanto, o ECG de um indivíduo exibe padrão cardíaco único e não pode ser facilmente forjado ou duplicado, o que tem motivado a sua utilização em sistemas de identificação. Entretanto, a quantidade de características que podem ser extraídas destes sinais é muito grande. A seleção de característica tem se tornado o foco de muitas pesquisas em áreas em que bases de dados formadas por dezenas ou centenas de milhares de características estão disponíveis. Seleção de característica ajuda na compreensão dos dados, reduzindo o custo computacional, reduzindo o efeito da maldição da dimensionalidade e melhorando o desempenho do preditor. O foco da seleção de característica é selecionar um subconjunto de característica a partir dos dados de entrada, que pode descrever de forma eficiente os dados de entrada ao mesmo tempo reduzir os efeitos de ruídos ou características irrelevantes e ainda proporcionar bons resultados de predição. O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o impacto de algumas técnicas de seleção de característica tais como, Busca Gulosa, Seleção \\textit, Algoritmo Genético, Algoritmo Memético, Otimização por Enxame de Partículas sobre o desempenho alcançado pelos sistemas biométricos baseado em ECG. Os classificadores utilizados foram $k$-Vizinhos mais Próximos, Máquinas de Vetores Suporte, Floresta de Caminhos Ótimos e classificador baseado em distância mínima. Os resultados demonstram que existe um subconjunto de características extraídas do sinal de ECG capaz de fornecer altas taxas de reconhecimento / The field of biometrics includes a variety of technologies used to identify and verify the identity of a person by measuring and analyzing various physical and/or behavioral aspects of the human being. Several biometric modalities have been proposed for recognition of people, such as fingerprints, iris, face and speech. These biometric modalities have distinct characteristics in terms of performance, measurability and acceptability. One issue to be considered with the application of biometric systems in real world is its robustness to attacks by circumvention, spoof and obfuscation. These attacks are becoming more frequent and more questions are being raised about the levels of security that this technology can offer. Recently, biomedical signals, as electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyogram (EMG) have been studied for use in problems involving biometric recognition. The ECG signal formation is a function of structural and functional anatomy of the heart and its surrounding tissues. Therefore, the ECG of an individual exhibits unique cardiac pattern and cannot be easily forged or duplicated, that have motivated its use in various identification systems. However, the amount of features that can be extracted from this signal is very large. The feature selection has become the focus of much research in areas where databases formed by tens or hundreds of thousands of features are available. Feature Selection helps in understanding data, reducing computation requirement, reducing the effect of curse of dimensionality and improving the predictor performance. The focus of feature selection is to select a subset of features from the input which can efficiently describe the input data while reducing effects from noise or irrelevant features and still provide good prediction results. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the impact of some feature selection techniques, such as, greedy search, Backward Selection, Genetic Algorithm, Memetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization on the performance achieved by biometric systems based on ECG. The classifiers used were $k$-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines, Optimum-Path Forest and minimum distance classifier. The results demonstrate that there is a subset of features extracted from the ECG signal capable of providing high recognition rates
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Seleção de características para reconhecimento biométrico baseado em sinais de eletrocardiograma / Feature selection for biometric recognition based on electrocardiogram signalsFelipe Gustavo Silva Teodoro 22 June 2016 (has links)
O campo da Biometria abarca uma grande variedade de tecnologias usadas para identificar e verificar a identidade de uma pessoa por meio da mensuração e análise de vários aspectos físicos e/ou comportamentais do ser humano. Diversas modalidades biométricas têm sido propostas para reconhecimento de pessoas, como impressões digitais, íris, face e voz. Estas modalidades biométricas possuem características distintas em termos de desempenho, mensurabilidade e aceitabilidade. Uma questão a ser considerada com a aplicação de sistemas biométricos em mundo real é sua robustez a ataques por circunvenção, repetição e ofuscação. Esses ataques estão se tornando cada vez mais frequentes e questionamentos estão sendo levantados a respeito dos níveis de segurança que esta tecnologia pode oferecer. Recentemente, sinais biomédicos, como eletrocardiograma (ECG), eletroencefalograma (EEG) e eletromiograma (EMG) têm sido estudados para uso em problemas envolvendo reconhecimento biométrico. A formação do sinal do ECG é uma função da anatomia estrutural e funcional do coração e dos seus tecidos circundantes. Portanto, o ECG de um indivíduo exibe padrão cardíaco único e não pode ser facilmente forjado ou duplicado, o que tem motivado a sua utilização em sistemas de identificação. Entretanto, a quantidade de características que podem ser extraídas destes sinais é muito grande. A seleção de característica tem se tornado o foco de muitas pesquisas em áreas em que bases de dados formadas por dezenas ou centenas de milhares de características estão disponíveis. Seleção de característica ajuda na compreensão dos dados, reduzindo o custo computacional, reduzindo o efeito da maldição da dimensionalidade e melhorando o desempenho do preditor. O foco da seleção de característica é selecionar um subconjunto de característica a partir dos dados de entrada, que pode descrever de forma eficiente os dados de entrada ao mesmo tempo reduzir os efeitos de ruídos ou características irrelevantes e ainda proporcionar bons resultados de predição. O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o impacto de algumas técnicas de seleção de característica tais como, Busca Gulosa, Seleção \\textit, Algoritmo Genético, Algoritmo Memético, Otimização por Enxame de Partículas sobre o desempenho alcançado pelos sistemas biométricos baseado em ECG. Os classificadores utilizados foram $k$-Vizinhos mais Próximos, Máquinas de Vetores Suporte, Floresta de Caminhos Ótimos e classificador baseado em distância mínima. Os resultados demonstram que existe um subconjunto de características extraídas do sinal de ECG capaz de fornecer altas taxas de reconhecimento / The field of biometrics includes a variety of technologies used to identify and verify the identity of a person by measuring and analyzing various physical and/or behavioral aspects of the human being. Several biometric modalities have been proposed for recognition of people, such as fingerprints, iris, face and speech. These biometric modalities have distinct characteristics in terms of performance, measurability and acceptability. One issue to be considered with the application of biometric systems in real world is its robustness to attacks by circumvention, spoof and obfuscation. These attacks are becoming more frequent and more questions are being raised about the levels of security that this technology can offer. Recently, biomedical signals, as electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyogram (EMG) have been studied for use in problems involving biometric recognition. The ECG signal formation is a function of structural and functional anatomy of the heart and its surrounding tissues. Therefore, the ECG of an individual exhibits unique cardiac pattern and cannot be easily forged or duplicated, that have motivated its use in various identification systems. However, the amount of features that can be extracted from this signal is very large. The feature selection has become the focus of much research in areas where databases formed by tens or hundreds of thousands of features are available. Feature Selection helps in understanding data, reducing computation requirement, reducing the effect of curse of dimensionality and improving the predictor performance. The focus of feature selection is to select a subset of features from the input which can efficiently describe the input data while reducing effects from noise or irrelevant features and still provide good prediction results. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the impact of some feature selection techniques, such as, greedy search, Backward Selection, Genetic Algorithm, Memetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization on the performance achieved by biometric systems based on ECG. The classifiers used were $k$-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines, Optimum-Path Forest and minimum distance classifier. The results demonstrate that there is a subset of features extracted from the ECG signal capable of providing high recognition rates
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To start this vehicle, please verify yourself : Security and privacy, where shall we draw the line?Björk, Hanna, Hagemann, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
Different security issues are a top subject around the world, especially since the terror threats seem to intensify. In the same time, the transport industry suffer from problems with smuggling and theft of valuable goods. One way to increase the security might be to have a verification system installed in commercial trucks, in order to assure that the driver is the proper one. This thesis has two purposes. One is to find appropriate methods for driver verification and build a prototype of a verification system which can be used for testing and further development. The other is to study how truck drivers perceive such a system and how their conception goes along with the growing demand for higher security. The present work is the result of a cooperation between an engineer and a cognitive scientist. The thesis focuses on the transport industry and was performed for Volvo Technology Corporation (VTEC), Gothenburg, Sweden. Eleven available verification methods were studied. To enable a well-based selection of methods to implement in the prototype, inquiries and interviews with truck drivers and haulage contractors were carried out to complement the theoretical study. One regular and three biometric verification methods were chosen for the test; fingerprint verification, face recognition, voice recognition and PIN verification. These methods were put together to a prototype system that was implemented in a truck simulator. A graphical user interface was developed in order to make the system user friendly. The prototype system was tested by 18 truck drivers. They were thoroughly interviewed before and after the test in order to retrieve their background, expectations and opinions as well as their perceptions and experiences of the test. Most of the test participants were positive to the prototype system. Even though they did not feel a need for it today they believed it to “be the future”. However, some participants felt uncomfortable with the system since they felt controlled by it. It became clear how important it is to have a system that respect the users’ privacy and to assure that the users are well informed about how the system is used. Some of the technology used for the verification system requires more development to fit in the automotive context, but it is considered to be possible to achieve a secure and robust system.
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Biometrics : Attitudes and factors influencing a breakthrough in Sweden / Biometri : Attityder och faktorer som påverkar ett genombrott i SverigeBrobeck, Stefan, Folkman, Tobias January 2005 (has links)
Biometrics is a collection of methods for identifying and authorizing individuals with something they are, or do. It is considered to be one of the most secure technologies for security, both physical and logical. Security is something very important for organizations today, but yet there has been a low interest in investing in biometrics for security in Sweden. The purpose of this thesis has been to establish factors to why biometrics has not been implementedto any large extent, even though the technology has been around for long. We have evaluated the attitudes and views of individuals, as well as company leaders. Problem and questions with biometrics that often are discussed are privacy concerns, costs and ROI (return on investment) and user acceptance. Foremost there is a concern about the costs of implementing such a solution, although some claim that money can be saved by avoiding the costs in more traditional security methods, such as password administration and in security cards. There is a range of different technologies to use, such as facial-scan, voice-scan and the most mature and well known technique, finger-scan which has been around for a long time, especially for identifying criminals. All these techniques have there positive and negative sides, often measured in different levels of universality, uniqueness, permanence and collectability, e.g. eye-scan has a high uniqueness, facial-scan has a high universability and signature-scan has a low permanence level. We have collected our data through interviews with companies and suppliers of biometric systems as well as a questionnaire given to private persons. By interpreting the data in a qualitative way we have made our analysis and reached a conclusion. Our result shows that a cost related to biometric solutions is the largest reason why investments have been absent. This verifies the results of other authors, that the cost is the largest obstacle. Another important factor is that companies believe that biometrics is for organizations with a very high security need. Further our result show that individuals are positive towards biometrics. / Biometri är ett samlingsnamn för tekniker som identifierar och auktoriserar individer, antingen något de är eller gör. Biometri anses vara en av de säkraste teknologierna för säkerhet, både fysisk och logisk. Säkerhet är något som är mycket viktigt för organisationer i dagens läge, men än så länge så har investeringar i biometriska säkerhetslösningar i Sverige uteblivit. Syftet med denna magisteruppsats har varit att fastställa faktorer som bidrar till att biometriska lösningar inte har blivit implementerade i någon större utsträckning, trots att teknologin har funnits länge. Vi har utvärderat individers samt företagsledares attityder och synsätt angående biometri. Frågor och problem som ofta relateras till biometri är personligintegritet, kostnader och avkastning på investering samt användaracceptans. Framförallt är det osäkerheten kring kostnaderna av en implementering av en biometrisklösning. Det finns även de som hävdar att biometriska lösningar kan spara pengar jämfört med traditionella system därför att man undviker till exempel lösenordsadministration och passerkort. Det finns en rad olika tekniker att använda, exempelvis ansiktsavläsning, röstigenkänning och den mest mogna och kända tekniken, fingeravtrycksläsning som har existerat en längre tid, framförallt för att identifiera kriminella. Det finns positiva och negativa sidor med alla dessa tekniker, de mäts oftast i olika nivåer av hur många som kan använda det, hur unikt biometrin är, beständighet och hur biometrin samlas in. Genom intervjuer med företag och leverantörer av biometriska lösningar samt en utdelad enkät till privat personer har vi samlat in data. Vi har sedan tolkat data kvalitativt och utfört vår analys och slutligen kommit fram till ett resultat. Vårt resultat har visat att kostnader relaterade till biometriska system är det största skälet till varför investeringar har uteblivit. Detta bekräftar vad många andra författare tidigare har funnit, att kostnaderna är det största hindret. En annan viktig faktor är att företag anser att biometri är något för verksamheter som kräver den allra högsta säkerheten. Vidare har individer en positiv inställning till biometri.
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