Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iis"" "subject:"iris""
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Direito administrativo sancionador e o crime de insider trading / Punitive administrative law and insider trading crime.Heidi Rosa Florencio Neves 28 May 2013 (has links)
O objeto da dissertação é a regulamentação do uso indevido de informação privilegiada no mercado de capitais. Discute-se no texto qual seria a melhor maneira de reprimir a conduta praticada pelo insider trading, concluindo-se que o sistema ideal seria não mais a dupla repressão como ocorre atualmente, mas sim a separação entre as esferas administrativa e penal. A primeira julgaria as infrações de menor gravidade, deixando apenas as que efetivamente causassem potencialidade lesão grave ao bem jurídico sob a tutela do direito penal. Ante a necessidade de compreensão do contexto em que o delito de uso indevido de informação privilegiada ocorre, o trabalho inicia-se com um breve panorama do mercado de capitais, no qual se trata da formação do mercado de valores mobiliários, das bolsas de valores e das sociedades anônimas. Assim, no primeiro capítulo trata-se da regulamentação do mercado de capitais no Brasil, em especial, das Leis 6.385/1976, a qual regula o mercado de valores mobiliários brasileiro e traz a descrição do tipo penal do crime do insider trading no artigo 27-D, e da Lei 6.404/1976, que regula as sociedades anônimas no Brasil, e trata dos deveres de informar, de lealdade e de guardar sigilo impostos aos administradores das sociedades anônimas de capital aberto. No segundo capítulo, é feita inicialmente uma abordagem do que vem a ser o crime de insider trading e informação privilegiada, mencionando-se quais são argumentos contrários e a favor da repressão da conduta de utilização indevida de informação privilegiada. Na seqüência, faz-se uma breve análise da legislação estrangeira, com destaque para os países Estados Unidos da América, Espanha, Portugal e Itália. O terceiro capítulo trata da regulamentação do crime de insider trading no Brasil, iniciando-se com uma breve análise comparativa entre o tipo penal da legislação pátria e os das legislações estrangeiras estudadas no capítulo anterior. Em seguida, é analisada a tipicidade objetiva e subjetiva do tipo penal, concluindo-se que se trata de crime formal, que não admite tentativa e que se consuma no momento da utilização da 173 informação relevante ainda não divulgada ao mercado, independentemente da obtenção da vantagem indevida. Ainda no terceiro capítulo, trata-se do sujeito ativo e passivo do delito, concluindo-se que, de acordo com a redação do tipo penal, apenas quem tem o dever de manter sigilo pode ser responsabilizado criminalmente no Brasil pelo crime de insider trading, e que o sujeito passivo é a coletividade, a sociedade como um todo. Esse capítulo traz também o debate existente, sobretudo na doutrina estrangeira, de qual seria o bem jurídico tutelado pelo crime em comento. Dentre todas os possíveis bem jurídicos aventados, conclui-se que apenas a igualdade entre os investidores e a confiança no mercado de capitais são dignos de tutela penal e justificam a intervenção dessa esfera do direito. O quarto capítulo trata da relação existente entre o direito penal econômico e o crime de insider trading. Além de tratar das características do direito penal econômico, o capítulo traz críticas à expansão do direito penal moderno e trata da ineficiência da utilização da esfera penal para proteger de forma eficaz os delitos da moderna criminalidade econômica. O quinto e último capítulo trata justamente do título do trabalho: Direito Administrativo Sancionador e o Crime de Insider Trading. Nesse capítulo, explica-se o modelo proposto para sancionar a utilização indevida de informação privilegiada, iniciando-se por tratar da definição de direito administrativo sancionador e sua distinção entre o direito penal. Na seqüência trata-se da possível configuração de bis in idem existente atualmente com a aplicação de sanção administrativa e penal para o mesmo fato, para o mesmo sujeito e com o mesmo fundamento. Trata-se ainda do fortalecimento da CVM como agência reguladora para regulamentar, fiscalizar e punir com eficiência as utilização indevida de informação privilegiada, deixando para o direito penal apenas as infrações capazes de colocar em risco o mercado de capitais. Por fim, são expostas as conclusões do trabalho. / The object of this dissertation is the regulation of the misuse of privileged information in the capital market. It is discussed in the text which would be the best way to repress the conduct practiced by insider trading, concluding that the ideal system would be no more the double repression as currently occurs, but a single repression in administrative or criminal sphere according to the seriousness of the offense. The first would judge the lesser gravity infractions, leaving only those that actually caused any serious injury to the good under the legal protection of criminal law. Before the need to understand the context in which the offense of misuse of privileged information occurs, the dissertation begins with a brief overview of capital markets, in which it comes to the formation of the securities market, stock exchange, as well as corporations. Thus, the first chapter deals with (i) the regulation of the capital market in Brazil, in particular regarding Law 6.385/1976, which regulates the securities market of Brazil and contains a description of the type of criminal offense of insider trading, and (ii) the Federal Act 6.404/1976, which regulates corporations in Brazil and provides the duties to inform, loyalty and confidentiality imposed on directors of stock companies. In the second chapter, it is initially provided an approach of the concept of the insider trading crime, mentioning what are the arguments against and in favor of its repression. Subsequently, there is a brief analysis of foreign law, particularly the legislation of the United States of America, Spain, Portugal and Italy. The third chapter deals with the regulation of the insider trading crime in Brazil, beginning with a brief comparative analysis of criminal hyphotesis provided by Brazilian law and the foreign legislation analyzed in the previous chapter. Then, it is analysed the objective and subjective elements of the criminal hypothesis, concluding that it is a formal crime, which admits no attempt and that occurs at the time of use of relevant information not yet disclosed to the market, independently of obtaining improper benefit. The fourth chapter deals with the relationship between economic crime and insider trading crime. Besides approaching characteristics of the economic criminal law, the chapter provides critics to the expansion of modern criminal law and deals with the inefficiency of using the criminal sphere to protect society against the crimes of modern economic criminality. The fifth and final chapter deals with the relationship between punitive administrative law and insider trading crime. In this chapter it is explained the model proposed to penalize the misuse of inside information, starting with the definition of punitive administrative law and its distinction from criminal law. Following reference is to the possible configuration of bis in idem currently existing in the application of the criminal and administrative sanction for the same offense, same individual and on the same basis. In addition, it is also discussed the strengthening of the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission) as the regulatory agency authorized to regulate, inspect and punish effectively the misuse of inside information, leaving to the penal sphere only the criminal law offenses that are entitled to put the capital market in risk. Finally, the dissertation conclusions are exposed.
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Development of Schiff base electrochemical sensors for the evaluation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous mediumWard, Meryck January 2017 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / A novel monomer (N,N'-Bis-(1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylene)-benzene-1,2-diamine-BPPD) was
derived from the condensation reaction between o-phenylenediamine and a pyrrole derivative. The
monomer was polymerized electrochemically to produce the new polymer material -
polymerized(N,N'-Bis-(1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylene)-benzene-1,2-diamine) PBPPD. This novel
polymer material was deposited at the surface of a screen-printed carbon electrode, as a thin film,
in the development of chemical sensors for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs). The monomer material was characterized in terms of its optical (spectroscopy) and
thermal properties. The polymer material was characterized in terms of its surface morphology
and its redox electrochemistry. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to
confirm the azomethine bond formation during the condensation reaction of an aldehyde and
primary amine derivative. / 2020-08-31
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Análisis crítico de Artículo 195 bis Ley del TránsitoSoto Aguilera, Natalia Paz January 2016 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / El siguiente trabajo de investigación analiza el artículo 195bis de la Ley del Tránsito, introducido por la ley Emilia (2014). Este artículo incorpora un nuevo delito; la negativa injustificada a someterse a exámenes corporales y otras pruebas científicas con el objeto de determinar la presencia de alcohol y sustancias sicotrópicas o estupefacientes en el organismo.
El objeto de este análisis es determinar si este artículo contraviene a ciertos principios constitucionales como la garantía de no autoincriminación, y también si está en concordancia con los principios básicos del derecho penal como lo es la responsabilidad, culpabilidad y causalidad, detectar si presenta problemas en este análisis y plantear una solución al respecto. Para esto, primero analizare el artículo en cuestión, identificando inquietudes que se puedan presentar; luego revisare la concordancia del artículo con el principio de no autoincriminación y; por último, analizare la concordancia de este artículo con principios relevantes del derecho penal chileno.
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Synthèse et vectorisation de biomolécules type Chalcone en vue d'une application anticancéreuse / Synthesis and vectorization of chalcone-type biomolecules for anticancer applicationRioux, Benjamin 15 December 2016 (has links)
La synthèse et la vectorisation d’agents anticancéreux constituent des axes de recherche majeurs du LCSN. De nombreux composés naturels possèdent des propriétés anticancéreuses, mais ils sont abandonnés en raison de leur manque de sélectivité vis-à-vis des cellules cancéreuses ou de leur faible biodisponibilité. Ainsi, un grand intérêt est actuellement porté sur le développement de médicaments spécifiquement vectorisés vers les cellules cancéreuses. Les vecteurs utilisés dans ce travail sont des dérivés de polyamines et des nano objets de type β-cyclodextrines / nanocristaux de cellulose (β-CD/CNCx). Les polyamines vont permettre un ciblage actif des cellules cancéreuses grâce au système de transport de polyamine (PTS) surexprimé dans ces cellules. Les nano objets vont cibler spécifiquement les tumeurs via un ciblage passif dû à l’effet EPR. Les principes actifs employés dans cette étude sont des flavonoïdes, et plus particulièrement des chalcones. En effet, les flavonoïdes, qui constituent une large famille de composés phénoliques naturels, sont connus pour leurs nombreux effets biologiques comme les activités antioxydantes, anti-inflammatoires et anti-prolifératives.L’intérêt du LCSN à la fois pour les chalcones et les agents anticancéreux nous a conduits à concevoir de nouveaux composés antiprolifératifs vectorisés. Ce travail présente dans un premier temps la synthèse de chalcones et l’obtention de dérivés couplés aux différents vecteurs décrits précédemment (motifs polyaminés,β-CD/CNCx) ; un travail sur la synthèse d’une bis-chalcone via le couplage de Suzuki est également exposé.L’ensemble des molécules obtenues est caractérisé par des analyses RMN 1H, 13C et HRMS. Dans une seconde partie, nous présentons l’ensemble des évaluations biologiques des composés précédemment obtenus. Ces évaluations sont réalisées par un test de viabilité cellulaire (test MTT) sur quatre lignées cancéreuses : deux colorectales (HT-29 et HCT-116) et deux prostatiques (PC-3 et DU-145). / Synthesis and vectorization of anticancer agents are major research themes of LCSN. Many natural compoundspossess anti-cancer properties, but they are dropped because of their lack of selectivity to cancer cells or theirlow bioavailability. Thus, great interest is currently focused on the development of drugs specifically vectorizedto cancer cells. The vectors used in this work are polyamine derivatives and nano-objects type β-cyclodextrin /cellulose nanocrystals (β-CD/CNCx). Polyamines allow active targeting of cancer cells through the polyaminetransport system (PTS) overexpressed in these cells. Nano-objects specifically target tumors using a passivetargeting due to the EPR effect. Drugs used in this study are flavonoids, especially chalcones. Indeed,flavonoids, which constitute a large family of natural phenolic compounds, are known for their numerousbiological effects such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activities. The interest of LCSNfor both chalcones and anticancer agents led us to design new vectorized anti-proliferative compounds. Firstly,this work shows the synthesis of chalcones and their derivatives coupled to various above-described vectors(polyamines units, β-CD/CNCx); a work on the synthesis of a bis-chalcone through the Suzuki coupling reactionis also exposed. All molecules obtained are characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and HRMS analysis. In thesecond part of this work, we present all biological evaluations of compounds previously obtained. Theseassessments are performed through a cell viability test (MTT test) on four cancer cell lines: two colorectal (HT-29 and HCT-116) and two prostate (PC-3 and DU-145) cell lines.
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Ligands polytopiques chiraux : autoassemblage et catalyse / Chiral polytopic ligands : self-assembly and catalysisTorres-Werlé, Maria de Lourdes 29 October 2013 (has links)
Les bisoxazolines de symétrie C2, ligands chiraux bidentates formés par deux cycles oxazolines séparés par un atome de carbone portant deux substituants identiques, font partie de ligands le plus utilisés en chimie de coordination et en catalyse asymétrique (homogène et hétérogène). Ce travail décrit la synthèse de treize ligands polytopiques chiraux comportant des unités bisoxazolines. Ces ligands ont été par la suite utilisés, d'une part, en tant que ligands chiraux pour la construction des catalyseurs auto-supportés de Cu(II)/ ligand polytopique (catalyseurs testés par la suite dans les réactions d' α-amination de β-cétoesters énantiosélective, de desymétrisation asymétrique par benzoylation de meso-diols, de dédoublement cinétique de rac-diols et dans la nitroaldolisation du nitrobenzaldehyde ou réaction de Henry); et d'autre part, en tant que briques deconstruction dans l'autoassemblage alterné et contrôlé de polymères de coordination métalloorganiques racémiques et énantiopurs. / Chiral C2-symmetric bis(oxazolines), bidentate ligands formed by two oxazoline rings separated by a carbon atom with two identical substituents, are one of the most popular types of chiral ligands which have already been successfully used in coordination chemistry and asymmetric catalysis (heterogeneous and homogeneous). This work describes the synthesis of thirteen polytopic chiral ligands bearing bis(oxazolines) moieties which have then been used, on the one hand, as chiral ligands for the construction of selfsupported Cu(II)/ polytopic ligand catalysts which were subsequently tested in the enantioselective α-hydrazination of β-ketoesters, the asymmetric desymmetrization of meso-diols by benzoylation and the kinetic resolution of rac-diols and the nitroaldolisation reaction (Henry reaction); and on the other hand, as organic building blocks for the controlled and alternate self-assembly of racemic and enantiopur metal-organic coordination polymers.
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Microtransplantation of Rat Brain Neurolemma into Xenopus Laevis Oocytes to Study the Effect of Environmental Toxicants on Endogenous Voltage-Sensitive Ion ChannelsMurenzi, Edwin 11 July 2017 (has links)
Microtransplantation of mammalian neurolemma into Xenopus laevis oocytes has been used to study ion channels in terms of their structure and function in the central nervous system. Use of microtransplanted neurolemma is advantageous in that tissue can be obtained from various sources, ion channels and receptors are present in their native configuration and they can be used to evaluate numerous channelpathies caused by environmental toxicants. Here we show that Xenopus oocytes injected with fragments of rat brain neurolemma successfully express functional native ion channels that are assembled in their own plasma membrane. Using a high throughput two electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) electrophysiological system, currents that were sensitive to tetrodotoxin (TTX), omega-conotoxin MVIIC, and tetraethylammonium (TEA) were detected, indicating the presence of multiple voltage-sensitive ion channels (voltage-sensitive sodium, calcium and potassium channels, respectively). In this current research, a “proof-of-principle” experiment was conducted where TTX-sensitive voltage-sensitive sodium channel (VSSC) currents were measured. VSSCs are a well-established site of action for 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-di(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) but not for its non-toxic metabolite 1,1-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethene (DDE). A differential sensitivity of DDT versus DDE on TTX-sensitive sodium current in neurolemma-injected oocytes was determined. DDT elicited an increase in depolarization-dependent, TTX-sensitive sodium current while DDE had no significant effect. Additionally, DDT resulted in a slowing of sodium channel inactivation kinetics whereas DDE has no similar effect. These results are consistent with the findings obtained using heterologous expression of single isoforms of rat brain VSSCs by injecting cRNA into Xenopus oocytes. By demonstrating the classic structural activity relationship of DDT and DDE on mammalian voltage-gated sodium channels isolated in rat brain neurolemma, this study supports the use of automated high-throughput electrophysiology to study the effects of various environmental toxicants on multiple mammalian cellular targets. More importantly, using rat brain neurolemma ensures that the proteins of interest have been transcribed and have undergone all the necessary post-translational modifications before they were injected and expressed in the Xenopus oocytes which is not the case for traditional heterologous expression.
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Gunda Ulbricht/Olaf Glöckner (Hg.): Juden in SachsenGibas, Monika 09 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Aspectos jurídicos penales relevantes del artículo 288 bis del código penalRohde Iturra, Herbet January 2018 (has links)
Tesis (magíster en derecho penal) / Actividad Formativa Equivalente a Tesis (AFET) / La presente investigación propone un análisis de los tipos penales del inciso 1º y 2º del artículo 288 bis de nuestro Código Penal, especialmente en atención al elemento de la -—ausencia de—justificación razonable, contenida en el inciso 2º del citado artículo; delito que ha sido objeto de casi nulo análisis por la doctrina y la jurisprudencia. Así, se analiza el sentido, alcance y consecuencias jurídico penales de esta expresión, exponiendo las distintas posiciones que existen al respecto y sus consecuencias dogmáticas en el ámbito penal, en el sentido de intentar establecer si se trata de un requisito del tipo objetivo, una causal de justificación, una condición objetiva de punibilidad o bien un requisito de procesabilidad, expresando así nuestra postura al respecto, según la cual estamos en presencia de una auténtica causal de justificación y no en presencia de las otras alternativas enunciadas, refiriendo las razones que esgrimimos para adoptar tal posición y las consecuencias jurídico penales que de ello se derivan.
También nos adentramos en nuestra investigación en la aplicabilidad —o no— de esta causal de justificación a la hipótesis del inciso 1º del artículo 288 bis del Código Penal; respecto del lugar, momento y cómo debe proporcionarse esta justificación razonable; el eventual conflicto que, en principio, pudiera existir y presentarse entre el derecho a guardar silencio y esta justificación razonable que, a nuestro juicio, siempre será de cargo de la defensa probar; revisando, por último, el escaso tratamiento que le ha dado la jurisprudencia a este delito.
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Bi- und oligonukleare Komplexe basierend auf Metallorganischen pi-PinzettenStein, Thomas 07 May 2001 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden bi- und oligometallische Komplexe, die auf Bis(alkinyl)titanocen-Bausteinen (Metallorganische pi-Pinzetten) basieren, beschrieben. Dabei stehen Synthesestrategien und Untersuchungen zum Reaktionsverhalten sowie elektrochemische Eigenschaften der mehrkernigen Komplexe im Vordergrund. Bimetallische Ti-M-Systeme (M = Cu, Ag) können als Vorstufen zu höhernuklearen Spezies dienen. Die oligometallischen pi-Pinzetten-Komplexe sind entweder durch organische Ligandsysteme oder über anorganische Bausteine wie Halogenide oder Pseudohalogenide miteinander verknüpft. Über entsprechende Kupfer(I)- und Silber(I)-Pseudohalogenid-Komplexfragmente können Bis(akinyl)titanocen-M-Komplexe (M = Cu, Ag) mit bis zu neun Metallzentren in einer Verbindung realisiert werden. Je nach verbrückender Einheit werden dabei gewinkelte, lineare oder sternförmige Strukturen gebildet. Die gegenseitige elektrochemische Beeinflussung verschiedener Metallzentren in ausgewählten Komplexen wird cyclovoltammetrisch orientierend untersucht. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt in der Synthese und der Untersuchung thermischer Eigenschaften von Kupfer(I)-Alkin-Komplexen, die präparativ und finanziell mit moderatem Aufwand zugänglich sind. Über thermogravimetrische Untersuchungen können Rückschlüsse auf die Eignung solcher Verbindungen für den MOCVD-Prozeß getroffen werden.
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Synthese und Reaktionsverhalten Bis(alkinyl)-Metallocen-stabilisierter monomerer Organo-Kupfer(I)-VerbindungenFrosch, Wolfgang 07 May 2002 (has links)
Bibliographische Beschreibung und Referat
Frosch, W.
Synthese und Reaktionsverhalten Bis(alkinyl)-Metallocen-stabilisierter monomerer Organo-Kupfer(I)-Verbindungen
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften,
Dissertation, 2001, 103 Seiten.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Synthese und Reaktionsverhalten von hetero-metallischen Ti(IV)-Cu(I)-Komplexen
der Art {[Ti](CCR1)2}CuX {[Ti] = (h5-C5H4SiMe3)2Ti; R1 = einfach gebundener organischer Rest; X = anorganischer,
organischer oder metallorganischer Rest} beschrieben. Diese Verbindungen können zwei bis fünf Übergangsmetall-Atome
enthalten, welche durch verschiedene Komplex-Liganden und auf unterschiedliche Bindungsweise miteinander verknüpft
sind. Zentrale Bausteine der in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Komplexe sind die metallorganischen pi-Pinzetten
[Ti](CCR1)2 und der monomere Kupfer(I)-Methyl- Komplex {[Ti](CCR1)2}CuCH3. Letzterer kann in vielfältiger Weise zur
Synthese verschiedener bis(h2-alkin)-stabilisierter Kupfer(I)-Verbindungen verwendet werden, welche im besonderen
Interesse der vorliegenden Untersuchungen standen. Des Weiteren war das Augenmerk auf das Reaktionsverhalten von
[Ti](CCR1)2 gegenüber ÜM-Komplexen von Metallen der Gruppe 12 des Periodensystems der Elemente in verschiedenen
Oxidationsstufen gerichtet. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen lassen sich dabei in vier
Schwerpunkte gliedern:
1) Mehrfach Carboxylat-funktionalisierte Ti(IV)-Cu(I)-Komplexe: Synthese, Fest-körperstruktur und
2) Reaktion von Bis(alkinyl)-Titanocenen mit Metall-Verbindungen der Gruppe 10-12 des Periodensystems der Elemente.
3) Donor-funktionalisierte Bis(alkinyl)-Titanocene und deren Reaktionsverhalten.
4) Monomeres Kupfer(I)-Methyl als synthetisches Werkzeug: Synthese einer breiten Palette unterschiedlicher
metallorganisch, heterometallisch, pi-Systeme, Metallocene, Alkine, Bis(alkinyl)-Titanocene,
metallorganische pi-Pinzetten, Koordinationsverbindungen, Kupfer(I), monomere Kupfer(I)-Organyle.
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