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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A two-level Probabilistic Risk Assessment of cascading failures leading to blackout in transmission power systems

Henneaux, Pierre 19 September 2013 (has links)
In our society, private and industrial activities increasingly rest on the implicit assumption that electricity is available at any time and at an affordable price. Even if operational data and feedback from the electrical sector is very positive, a residual risk of blackout or undesired load shedding in critical zones remains. The occurrence of such a situation is likely to entail major direct and indirect economical consequences, as observed in recent blackouts. Assessing this residual risk and identifying scenarios likely to lead to these feared situations is crucial to control and optimally reduce this risk of blackout or major system disturbance. The objective of this PhD thesis is to develop a methodology able to reveal scenarios leading to a blackout or a major system disturbance and to estimate their frequencies and their consequences with a satisfactory accuracy.<p><p>A blackout is a collapse of the electrical grid on a large area, leading to a power cutoff, and is due to a cascading failure. Such a cascade is composed of two phases: a slow cascade, starting with the occurrence of an initiating event and displaying characteristic times between successive events from minutes to hours, and a fast cascade, displaying characteristic times between successive events from milliseconds to tens of seconds. In cascading failures, there is a strong coupling between events: the loss of an element increases the stress on other elements and, hence, the probability to have another failure. It appears that probabilistic methods proposed previously do not consider correctly these dependencies between failures, mainly because the two very different phases are analyzed with the same model. Thus, there is a need to develop a conceptually satisfying probabilistic approach, able to take into account all kinds of dependencies, by using different models for the slow and the fast cascades. This is the aim of this PhD thesis.<p><p>This work first focuses on the level-I which is the analysis of the slow cascade progression up to the transition to the fast cascade. We propose to adapt dynamic reliability, an integrated approach of Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) developed initially for the nuclear sector, to the case of transmission power systems. This methodology will account for the double interaction between power system dynamics and state transitions of the grid elements. This PhD thesis also introduces the development of the level-II to analyze the fast cascade, up to the transition towards an operational state with load shedding or a blackout. The proposed method is applied to two test systems. Results show that thermal effects can play an important role in cascading failures, during the first phase. They also show that the level-II analysis after the level-I is necessary to have an estimation of the loss of supplied power that a scenario can lead to: two types of level-I scenarios with a similar frequency can induce very different risks (in terms of loss of supplied power) and blackout frequencies. The level-III, i.e. the restoration process analysis, is however needed to have an estimation of the risk in terms of loss of supplied energy. This PhD thesis also presents several perspectives to improve the approach in order to scale up applications to real grids.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Der Stromausfall in München

Schubert, Daniel Kurt Josef, Meyer, Thomas, von Selasinsky, Alexander, Schmidt, Adriane, Thuß, Sebastian, Erdmann, Niels, Erndt, Mark 01 October 2013 (has links)
Mit dem Forschungsprojekt wurde das Ziel verfolgt, den Einfluss des Münchner Stromausfalls im Winter 2012 auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für Versorgungssicherheit sowie auf die Akzeptanz für Erneuerbare Energien zu untersuchen. Das Ausfallereignis in München bot sich in besonderer Weise für eine Untersuchung an, da etwa die Hälfte des Stadtgebiets betroffen war, sodass eine Trennung nach beeinträchtigten und nicht-beeinträchtigen Haushalten aus einer nahezu homogenen Stichprobe ermöglicht wurde. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht eine repräsentative Bevölkerungsumfrage, die zwei Monate nach dem Ausfallereignis durchgeführt wurde. Dazu wurden über das Telefonlabor der Technischen Universität Dresden 526 Personen aus Münchner Privathaushalten befragt. Nach unseren Befunden beeinflusst eine kleine Versorgungsunterbrechung, wie in München, die Einstellung hinsichtlich der Erneuerbaren Energien nur unwesentlich. Allerdings können wir mit Hilfe der kontingenten Bewertungsmethode einen signifikanten Einfluss des Ausfalls auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für eine sichere Versorgung nachweisen. Darüber ergeben sich aus unserer Studie Erkenntnisse für die Umsetzung der Energiewende: Beispielsweise wurde der Wert für die letzte gelieferte Kilowattstunde Strom (Value of Lost Load), das Last-Abschaltpotenzial von Haushalten sowie die Akzeptanz der Höhe der EEG-Umlage ermittelt.

Handelsförbudet för insynspersoner : En analys av art. 19 p. 11 MAR och dess funktionalitet / The trading prohibition for insiders : An analysis of art. 19 p. 11 MAR and its functionality

Bobeck, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Insiderlagstiftning är ett lagstiftningsområde som de senaste decennierna kraftigt utvecklats i de flesta rättssystem. Insiderlagstiftning består oftast utav en komplex samling lagregler och inte sällan finns det i samlingen bestämmelser specifikt gällande för personer med insynsställning i börsnoterade bolag. I EU-rättslig och i svensk rätt har det genom åren figurerat flera olika varianter av insiderregleringar. Därmed har också de specifika bestämmelserna för insynspersoner varierat. Nuvarande bestämmelse för insynspersoner regleras i art. 19 p. 11 MAR, där det stadgas att dessa insynspersoner är förbjudna att utföra några transaktioner kopplat till det egna bolagets aktie under en period om 30 dagar före bolagets offentliggörande av en finansiell rapport. Regeln syftar till att försöka utjämna det informationsövertag insynspersoner har jämtemot andra investerare genom att förhindra insynspersoner från att utföra transaktioner under vissa tidsperioder, då icke-offentliggjord bolagsinformation kan ha ett stort monetärt värde. Det kan ifrågasättas om den nuvarande regleringen i art. 19 p. 11 MAR är utformad effektivt eller om den är i behov av förändring för att på bättre sätt uppfylla dess syfte.   Inom det amerikanska, federala rättssystemet används det parallellt flera alternativa bestämmelser för att försöka stävja samma sak som regeln i art. 19 p. 11 MAR syftar till att göra. I uppsatsen visas tre exempel på alternativa regleringar från den amerikanska rätten, som alla syftar till att minska insiderhandeln.   I uppsatsen påvisas att den nuvarande regleringen i art. 19 p. 11 MAR brister i dess utformning, då den nuvarande lydelsen kvarlämnar möjligheter för insynspersoner att undslippa bestämmelsen. För att minska risken för att insynspersoner utnyttjar bristerna i regleringen torde regleringens utformning förändras. För att vidare minska riskerna för att insiderhandel begås av personer i ledande ställningar torde också nämnda reglering kompletteras med ytterligare bestämmelser.

Bezpečnostní studie výpadků elektrické energie na území obce z rozšířenou působností České Budějovice / Safety Study of Electricity Blackouts in the municipality České Budějovice

ŠARVAIC, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
Electrical energy is a very important part of our society. Every household needs electrical energy for its daily routine, every company needs it for its production, our entire society can not do without electrical energy, it is literally the spine, the alpha and omega of everything. Modern products, such as mobile phones, storage media, computer sets, but also light, all of this is possible thanks to electrical energy, which is an integral part of life and no one can imagine a life without it anymore. Electrical energy is very important for the operation of a country, it is integrated in critical infrastructure and an electrical power blackout will endanger everything across our society. It is for this reason that society should learn to use electricity sparingly, and it also should ready itself for the possibility of a blackout coming at any moment, hitting anyone. The topic of this thesis is electrical energy. The thesis explores the question whether the Police of the Czech Republic is capable of an appropriate response in the event of a blackout in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice and whether the readiness for such an event is high. The goal of the work is the creation of a safety study on possible risks in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice. The research question of the thesis has been articulated as "In what manner will the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice be secured in the event of a electrical power blackout?" In its theoretical part, the thesis discusses crisis control in general, the terms Crisis Situation, Regional Crisis Plan, Crisis Command are explained, components of the integrated rescue services (IZS) and their main activities are listed, the definition of responsibilities of the hetman and the scope of his authority within the IZS, his conduct during threat periods, the explanation of terms such as infrastructure and critical infrastructure. The current legislature in all the mentioned fields is listed here. The next part deals with electrical energy, how it is created, what types of power plants produce electricity, electric power transmission and distribution networks, what companies produce and distribute electrical energy, the activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, regulatory authority and state energy inspection activities, the activity of energy producers in the event of an electrical power failure during a crisis threat period or when a crisis situation arises, the activity of electrical energy operators when a crises situation arises, the activity territorial administration authorities during crisis situation threat periods and when crises arise. The practical part of the thesis discusses police procedures in extraordinary events, the number of district departments in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice, approximate numbers of police officers in the district departments, the definition of basic procedures within Police Law. The research part of the thesis focuses on the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice, which contains various companies, selected for this thesis, which are compared using multiple-criteria assessment, with regards to possible safety risks in the extraordinary event of an electrical power blackout. The next point of the research was the approaching of experts from the ranks of the Police of the Czech Republic, Regional Section České Budějovice, who were then asked about police readiness, police material supplies, possible reinforcements which could secure buildings in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice, in the event of an electrical power blackout. The conclusion of this thesis focuses on the research question, which was to the effect of "Safety Study for the Event of an Electrical Power Blackout on the Wider Area Municipality of České Budějovice".

Análise crítica da matriz energética brasileira e a implementação de "Smart Grid"

Marcio Mandelman 03 September 2011 (has links)
A automação já é utilizada como ferramenta para se obter a eficiência energética. Este trabalho apresenta e quantifica a potencialidade desta ferramenta com objetivo de diminuir picos de energia, diminuindo também a necessidade de construir rapidamente novas usinas geradoras de energia elétrica, regulando a transmissão e distribuição desta energia, aproveitando recursos renováveis e sustentáveis, tudo isso através de um sistema que já existe implantado em vários países do mundo e tem todas as condições de ser implementado no Brasil. Este sistema é a rede inteligente de energia ou smart grid. Analisa, também, a matriz energética brasileira, apresenta anomalias ocorridas, como apagões regionais e nacionais, verifica a necessidade de energia elétrica para o crescimento do País, propõe soluções para o sistema energético nacional utilizando inovações tecnológicas, como a implantação do sistema smart grid na matriz energética, sempre objetivando melhor eficiência e qualidade da energia, levantando o comportamento dos usuários em busca da implementação destas inovações tecnológicas. A partir de idéias que rompam os paradigmas atuais de busca de energia através de grandes obras propõe este trabalho a mudança de hábito e procedimentos da população, das próprias empresas e dos órgãos públicos brasileiros buscando a diminuição da utilização da energia especialmente nos horários hoje considerados como picos, ou seja, aqueles que demandam a maior geração, transmissão e distribuição da energia utilizada. Apresenta também a necessidade de energia elétrica para desenvolvimento econômico do Brasil, agregando todas as inovações tecnológicas aos processos atuais, buscando minimizar a possibilidade da ocorrência de apagões, ocasionados por ineficiência técnica da matriz energética ou por racionamento de energia. / Automation is already used as a tool to achieve energy efficiency. This paper presents and quantifies the potential of this tool in order to reduce power surges, reducing the need rapidly build new electricity generating plants, transmission and regulating distribution of this energy, using renewable and sustainable resources, all through a system that is already deployed in several countries worldwide and has all the conditions to be implemented in Brazil. This system is the intelligent network of energy or "smart grid". It also analyzes the Brazilian energy matrix, has deficiencies occurred as a regional and national blackouts, there is need of electricity for the growth of the country, proposes solutions to national energy system, using technological innovations such as the deployment of the "smart grid" energy source, always aiming for better energy efficiency and quality, raising the behavior of users seeking the implementation of these technological innovations. From ideas that break current paradigms of seeking power through great works this paper proposes changes in the habits and procedures of the population, own businesses and public agencies are looking to decrease energy use especially in times like now considered "peaks", ie, those that demand the greatest generation, transmission and distribution of energy used. It also shows the need for electricity to Brazils economic development, adding all the technological innovations to the current processes in order to minimize the possibility of the occurrence of blackouts, caused by technical inefficiency of the energy or energy shortages.

Obnova napětí v oblasti Prostějova a Zlína / The voltage restoration in Prostějov and Zlín distribution area

Wasserbauer, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is description of critical situations in the electrical grid and the consequences which can be caused by these situations. Further possibilities of voltage recovery and ways how to reach the needed voltage are described. Another part is firstly about regulation electrical system and resources which are connected to this system. Secondly there is appraisal of possibility of connection new resource into distribution system 110 kV and conditions of connection new resources. The result of the thesis is description voltage recovery and the rules which have to be kept during critical situations.

Návrh schématu zajištěného napájení jaderného bloku pro řešení projektových i nadprojektových havárií / Project of nuclear power unit secure emergency power supply for design basis accident as well as for extension conditions

Žák, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The present Master´s thesis aims at designing an evolutionary scheme of secured power supply at nuclear power plants with VVER 440 reactors during design basis accidents as well as design extension conditions. In the first part of this thesis, concepts relating to the defence in depth of nuclear reactors, operating modes of the blocks as well as types and possibilities of electrical power supply and electric circuits of the block are defined. Although the present thesis deals with PWR 440 in general, special emphasis is put on the Czech NPP in Dukovany, where there are four PWR 440 reactors in operation, and on the possibilities for enhancing the defence in depth in this area. The second part of the thesis deals with the difference in station blackout definitions before and after Fukushima; not only the differences in situation evaluation are dealt with, but a solution is also proposed to make the system of secured power supply system during design basis accidents as well as design extension conditions more robust. This option has been selected out of a number of possibilities based on the evaluation of reliability, availability and cost-effectiveness of the proposal.

Der Stromausfall in München: Einfluss auf Zahlungsbereitschaften für Versorgungssicherheit und auf die Akzeptanz Erneuerbarer Energien

Schubert, Daniel Kurt Josef, Meyer, Thomas, von Selasinsky, Alexander, Schmidt, Adriane, Thuß, Sebastian, Erdmann, Niels, Erndt, Mark 13 August 2015 (has links)
Mit dem Forschungsprojekt wurde das Ziel verfolgt, den Einfluss des Münchner Stromausfalls im Winter 2012 auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für Versorgungssicherheit sowie auf die Akzeptanz für Erneuerbare Energien zu untersuchen. Das Ausfallereignis in München bot sich in besonderer Weise für eine Untersuchung an, da etwa die Hälfte des Stadtgebiets betroffen war, sodass eine Trennung nach beeinträchtigten und nicht-beeinträchtigen Haushalten aus einer nahezu homogenen Stichprobe ermöglicht wurde. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht eine repräsentative Bevölkerungsumfrage, die zwei Monate nach dem Ausfallereignis durchgeführt wurde. Dazu wurden über das Telefonlabor der Technischen Universität Dresden 526 Personen aus Münchner Privathaushalten befragt. Nach unseren Befunden beeinflusst eine kleine Versorgungsunterbrechung, wie in München, die Einstellung hinsichtlich der Erneuerbaren Energien nur unwesentlich. Allerdings können wir mit Hilfe der kontingenten Bewertungsmethode einen signifikanten Einfluss des Ausfalls auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für eine sichere Versorgung nachweisen. Darüber ergeben sich aus unserer Studie Erkenntnisse für die Umsetzung der Energiewende: Beispielsweise wurde der Wert für die letzte gelieferte Kilowattstunde Strom (Value of Lost Load), das Last-Abschaltpotenzial von Haushalten sowie die Akzeptanz der Höhe der EEG-Umlage ermittelt.

Reflect to Connect- Teaching Critical Dialogue in a Pandemic: A Teacher Reflection Participatory Action Research

Cheng, Alice Yu-Chin January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Soft Energization and Blackout Recovery of Offshore Wind Farm Export System

Mile, Nicolas January 2022 (has links)
Power generation of the future will be dominated by renewable energy sources. This is a positive trend as society aims to improve sustainability, energy security, and reduce CO2 emissions. This progress however bears challenges for the power systems of the future. One area of particular concern is the blackstart recovery capability of the power systems following blackout events that disrupt electricity supply, as traditional blackstart suppliers have originated from unsustainable power sources. As new sustainable technologies are explored to fill the void, offshore wind power has been identified as a potential suitor to address future blackstart deficiencies. However, following a blackout event that leaves an offshore wind farm isolated, the current technology does not allow for start-up of the wind farm in an islanded mode without assistance from the onshore grid. Hence, a STATCOM with active power storage, known as an ES-STATCOM, is the proposed solution to energize the offshore wind farm to operate in an islanded mode, in preparation for assisting the onshore grid with blackstart. An EMT model and simulation of an ES-STATCOM with grid forming control capabilities and the surrounding offshore wind farm export system were developed in this thesis to assess the viability of the STATCOM solution in energization. The results are promising and show that the ES-STATCOM is in fact able to energize the offshore system to a stable voltage, while avoiding high order harmonics and large overvoltages that have the potential to cause damage to expensive subsea power system components. Ultimately, this thesis serves as a proof-of-concept for blackstart technology, providing useful insights towards the maturity of offshore wind-based blackstart providers of the future. / Framtidens elproduktion kommer att domineras av förnybara energikällor. Detta är en positiv trend eftersom samhället strävar efter att förbättra hållbarheten, tryggheten gällande energiförsörjning samt minska koldioxidutsläppen.. Denna utveckling innebär dock utmaningar för framtidens kraftsystem. Ett område som är särskilt oroande är kraftsystemens förmåga att återhämta sig efter blackout som stör elförsörjningen, eftersom de traditionella leverantörerna av ett strömavbrott har sitt ursprung i ohållbara kraftkällor. I takt med att man utforskar ny hållbar teknik för att fylla tomrummet har havsbaserad vindkraft identifierats som en potentiell kandidat för att åtgärda framtida brister vid svartstart. Efter ett strömavbrott som gör att en havsbaserad vindkraftpark blir isolerad från kraftnätet kan vindkraftparken inte startas upp i ett ö-läge utan hjälp från landnätet med nuvarande teknik. Därför föreslås en STATCOM med aktiv energilagring, en så kallad ES-STATCOM, som lösning för att ge energi till havsbaserade vindkraftparker så att de kan fungera i ö-läge, som en förberedelse för att hjälpa landnätet med svartstart. En EMT-modell och simulering av en ES-STATCOM med nätbildande kontrollfunktioner och det omgivande exportsystemet för havsbaserade vindkraftparker utvecklades i denna avhandling för att bedöma lönsamheten hos STATCOM-lösningen för energitillförsel. Resultaten är lovande och visar att ES-STATCOM kan försörja det havsbaserade systemet med den en energi som krävs för en stabil spänning, samtidigt som man undviker harmoniska övertoner av hög ordning och stora överspänningar som har potential att skada dyra komponenter i det havsbaserade kraftsystemet. I slutändan tjänar denna avhandling som ett proof-of-concept för blackstart-teknik och ger användbara insikter om hur mogna framtida leverantörer av svartstart-teknik för havsbaserad vindkraft är.

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