Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blindness"" "subject:"bllindness""
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Reconfiguración de la jerarquía visual de los elementos gráficos en personas con discromatopsia / Reconfiguration of the visual Hierarchy of graphic elements in people with dyschromatopsiaBozzo Muro, Fiorella 28 November 2019 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar cómo la anomalía perceptiva del color reconfigura la jerarquía visual. Por ello, la hipótesis que se planteó fue que utilizar el contraste en otros elementos gráficos, además del color, permitirá que la gráfica sea mejor percibida por personas con discromatopsia.
La metodología utilizada fue, primero el cuestionario para obtener el porcentaje de medios más consumido por la muestra. Segundo, se adaptó el Checklist Sirius según los criterios que cumplían con los fundamentos de diseño de Wong. De esta forma, se recolectaron datos sobre los elementos de diseño que permiten que las personas con discromatopsia perciban con mayor efectividad el producto visual.
Los resultados reflejaron que las personas con discromatopsia no presentan diferencias de percepción en cuanto al logotipo de la página web analizada y la compresibilidad de las fotografías. Sin embargo, presentan diferencias entre 16,7% y 33,3% en cuanto a la legibilidad del texto, las zonas en blanco, el uso correcto del espacio visual, los íconos, las secciones de la página, la cantidad de contenido informativo y texturas.
En conclusión, se pudo confirmar que existen otros elementos visuales, además del color, que las personas con discromatopsia o tricromatopsia rojo - verde toman en cuenta para interpretar la información de la página web de El Comercio. Tanto la sobrecarga informativa y una interfaz limpia sin ruido visual, son relevantes para que la gráfica sea mejor percibida por personas con discromatopsia en comparación con personas sin anomalías perceptivas del color. / The objective of this investigation was to determine how the perceptual anomaly of color reconfigures the visual hierarchy. Therefore, the hypothesis that was raised was that using contrast in other graphic elements, in addition to color, will allow the graphic to be better perceived by people with dyschromatopsia.
The methodology used was, first the questionnaire to obtain the percentage of the media most consumed by the sample. Second, the Sirius Checklist was adapted according to the criteria that met Wong’s design fundamentals. In this way, data was collected on the design elements that allow people with dyschromatopsia to perceive the visual product more effectively.
The results showed that people with dyschromatopsia do not present differences in perception regarding the logo of the analysed website and the compressibility of the photographs. However, they show differences between 16,7% and 33,3% in terms of the readability of the text, the blank areas, the correct use of visual space, the icons, the sections of the page, the amount of informative content and textures.
In conclusion, it was possible to confirm that there are other visual elements, in addition to color, that people with dyschromatopsia take into account to interpret the information on the website elcomerio.pe. Both, the information overload and a clean interface without visual noise are relevant elements that contribute to make the graphic better perceived by people with dyschromatopsia compared to people without perceptual color abnormalities. / Trabajo de investigación
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ANTI-ADBLOCK : En kvalitativ studie om varför individer inte blockerar reklam på webbenAli, Aras Emil, Tuvshintugs, Dulguun January 2020 (has links)
Reklam anses vara lika gammal som mänskligheten och lika universell som kultur. Ur den synvinkeln är reklam en del av det sociala livet, där människor gör utbyten som gynnar båda parterna. Under de senaste decennierna har samma mänsklighet upplevt den digitala världens intensiva tillväxt, där idag nästan allt går att finna. Det har aldrig varit lättare för företag att inte enbart marknadsföra sig globalt men även ha omedelbara interaktioner med deras konsumenter. På andra sidan spektrumet spåras alla internetanvändare genom sin digitala resa med företag och organisationer som tittar på deras varje steg för att sedan presentera personligt anpassade annonser. Denna utveckling i teknik och annonser på internet har lett till att påträngande annonser har blivit ett frekvent klagomål kring internetmarknadsföring. Adblock är ett filtreringsverktyg (tillägg) som kan appliceras för att blockera reklam på webben. Verktyget kom till vid sekelskiftet och har snabbt blivit ett populärt tillägg till webbläsare. Många har kommit att ta del av dess fördelar med att blockera banderoller, pop-ups och videoannonser. Samtidigt som reklamundvikande inte enbart orsakar företagen enorma förluster kan det ytterligare skada webbplatserna samt alla andra parter inblandade. Dessutom kan en fortsatt ökning av annonsblockerare i slutändan leda till slutet av gratis digitalt innehåll. Vidare kan ett reklamundvikande ske kognitivt, beteendemässigt eller mekaniskt utan att nyttja annonsblockerare. Detta kan också resultera i kostnader för företag som producerar reklam på internet. Därav ansågs en studie utförd på icke-annonsblockerarnas synpunkt vara nödvändig för att förstå vilka faktorer det är som gör att man inte installerar och använder en annonsblockerare. Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga och belysa individers bakomliggande faktorer till varför de inte installerar annonsblockerare. Teorigenomgången av denna studie omfattar ämnen om varför människor installerar eller avböjer från att installera applikationer, automaticity, approach-avoidance theory, inattentional blindness, och banner blindness theory. Den analyserade data i studien samlades in genom en kvalitativ metod med 18 semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer som har en kännedom om annonsblockerare och som även har medvetet valt att inte tillämpa tillägget på webben. Studien avgränsade sig till att undersöka människors uppfattning och upplevelse mot banderoller, pop-ups och videoannonser på endast datorer. Studien har upptäckt att respondenterna bland annat inte upplever reklam som störande, att de är tekniskt okunniga eller att reklam upplevs som intressanta. Vidare undviker dock respondenterna redan reklam genom en vana och erfarenhet. Dessutom att de fokuserar på sina behov som huvudändamålet när de besöker webbsidor. Vidare hade webbsidors design och miljö en påverkan i närmande och undvikande av reklam. Denna data tolkades och sedan analyserades vara faktorer till varför man inte blockerar reklam. Slutligen har studien även upptäckt att banderoller beroende på dess design eller budskap är den mest positivt mottagna annonstypen. / Advertisement is considered as old as mankind and as universal as culture. In that sense it is a part of social life itself, where mutually beneficial exchanges are made. During the last couple of decades that same mankind has experienced the intense growth of the digital world, where today almost anything and everything can be found. It has never been easier for companies to not only market themselves globally but have instant interactions with their consumers. On the other side of the spectrum, all internet users are tracked throughout their digital journey with companies and organizations watching their every move to then present personalized advertisement. Thus, intrusion have become a frequent complaint associated with online marketing. Adblock is a filtering tool (extension) that can be applied to block out advertisement on the web. This tool came to be at the turn of the century and have rapidly become a popular addition to browsers. Many have come to take part of its benefits of blocking out banners, pop-ups and video ads alike. While ad avoidance is not only causing companies tremendous amounts of loss, it could further harm the websites that carry them, and all other parties involved. Furthermore, a continued increase of ad blockers could ultimately lead to the end of free digital contents altogether. Moreover, ad avoidance can still take place cognitively, behaviourally or mechanically without the use of an adblocker. This can also cause losses for the companies producing ads on the internet. Thereof, a study executed upon the non-ad blockers’ point of view is deemed necessary in order to understand what factors prevent the installation or use of an adblocker. The purpose of this study is to map out and highlight individuals’ underlying factors to why they do not install ad blockers. The literature review of this study covers the subjects of why people install or reject applications, automaticity, approach-avoidance theory, inattentional blindness, and banner blindness theory. The analysed data in the study was collected through a qualitative method with 18 semi-structured interviews with individuals who are not only aware of the existence of ad blockers but who have deliberately chosen not to make use of the extension. The study delimited itself to studying people’s perception and experience of banners, pop-ups and video ads through computers only. The study found that the respondents for instance do not experience ads as disruptive, that they are technologically inexpert or that ads are perceived as interesting. However, the respondents already do avoid ads through their habit and experience. Moreover, that they focus on their needs as their main purpose of visiting websites. Furthermore, websites’ design and environment did influence approaching or avoiding ads. This data was interpreted and analysed to be factors as to why people do not block ads. Finally, the study finds that banners depending on their design or message were the most positively received ad form.
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Neuropsychological Functioning of Adult Subjects with Diabetic Retinopathy Compared to a Normal Blind PopulationMcGee-Hall, Joanne M. (Joanne Moore) 08 1900 (has links)
To investigate the possibility that chronic diabetes mellitus was related to specific neuropsychological deficits, cognitive functioning was measured in subjects with diabetic retinopathy (without secondary disabilities), and in subjects classified as normal blind adults (also without secondary disabilities). The scores for the two groups were then compared.
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Neuropsychological Sequelae of Adult Subjects with Retinopathy of Prematurity Compared to Other Blind PopulationsO'Brien, Eugene Patrick 08 1900 (has links)
The blind have generally been considered to be a homogeneous population whose deficits arise from an interaction of loss of vision, age of onset and socialization. Sequelae are posited to exist merely due to the limiting effects of blindness on experience. This is believed to affect all blind persons equally regardless of cause of blindness provided that independent secondary disabilities do not exist. This study investigated the possibility that different causes of blindness are related to specific neuropsychological deficits which cannot be explained by the mere presence of blindness. It was found that neuropsychological differences existed among specific sub-populations of blind persons. These results suggested that the cause of blindness may be a marker for specific Central Nervous System involvement.
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Metaphors of vision and blindness in contemporary critical thoughtPopplestone, Catherina Aletta 22 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Key informants for peadiatric eye disease case finding in MadagascarChimeziri, Anderson 30 April 2020 (has links)
As at 2014, 19 million children aged < 16 years were visually impaired, 1.4 million of these children were blind and needed visual rehabilitation interventions. Surveys, mostly utilizing key informants (KI), have suggested that the prevalence of blindness in children in Sub Saharan Africa ranges between 2 -8 per 10,000 children. Childhood eye disease is rare and conditions are difficult to detect; thus, surveys to estimate the prevalence of blindness requires rigorous, costly and difficult methods to obtain reasonable estimates among children. Key informant programs, which engage the community in case finding, have been shown to be a reasonable alternative to large scale surveys and were used in Madagascar in 2014 by four regional eye care programmes. I propose to analyse the data generated from the programmes to quantify the prevalence of eye conditions among children and how the KIs performed. Method: The analysis will use data collected in a cross sectional approach. Statistical analysis will be conducted using Stata (15.0) statistical software. Data from all of the KI registers will be pooled and overall magnitude estimates calculated. KI productivity and sub-group analyses will include assessment of demographic characteristics of the children and the KI by age and sex. Ethical approval will be provided by the UCT Health Research and Ethics Committee and the Madagascar Ministry of Health. Discussion: The results from this study will help child eye health programmes to determine how best to use KI to better serve children with vision loss, and guide in the provision of eye services for children care.
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Disabled Epistemologies: Failures of Knowledge and Care in Shakespeares's Merchant of Venice and OthelloWambach, Amie Elisabeth 11 April 2021 (has links)
The presence of disabled characters like blind Gobbo in The Merchant of Venice and epileptic Othello are handy physical metaphors for the failures of epistemology that occur in both plays. Disability is often construed as a sort of saboteur of knowledge—disability of all kinds inhibiting the ability to perceive the world as an abled person would. But disability also produces a new, necessary sort of knowledge in order to survive and thrive in an unaccommodating world. A disabled epistemology suggests that knowing is contingent on individual, specific experience of the world. Tied to this issue of disabled epistemology is the issue of care—the field's emphasis on issues of relationality and reciprocity gels with disability's concerns about autonomy, self-determination, and accommodation. The ways in which care succeeds or fails informs us of the ways that disability intersects with class, race, and embodied knowledge. Gobbo is operating within a system that cares about him. Disabled beggars are subject to suspicion but expected to receive charity, and the embodied knowledge required to perform disability to an audience grants him access to that charity. On the other hand, because epilepsy and Otherness are compounded in Othello's society, to embrace embodied knowledge of his epilepsy is to become too foreign. To openly acknowledge and work with his disability would make him more socially vulnerable than he already is, but in ignoring it, Othello makes himself physically vulnerable. The dominant ideology cannot allow Othello to understand himself as disabled.
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Med barr och kottar i fickorna : Att utforska växter i förskoleklassen med variationsteori som grund / Pockets full of needles and cones : Exploring plants in the preschool class with variation theoryEnbuske, Petra January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie utgår från fenomenet plant blindness och hur det kan förebyggas med hjälp av undervisning om växter. Studien undersöker vilka kritiska aspekter elever i förskoleklassen måste urskilja för att lära sig se skillnader mellan olika växtarter. De frågeställningar som besvarades var vilka kritiska aspekter eleverna behövde urskilja för att se skillnad på gran och tall, hur undervisningen kan utformas för att eleverna ska på syn på dessa kritiska aspekter, samt vilka sorter växter elever i förskoleklassen kan berätta om. För att svara på detta har jag genomfört lektioner och intervjuer med elever i förskoleklass. Studien utgick från variationsteori och sociokulturell teori. Genom att använda och rikta elevernas uppmärksamhet mot variationsmönstret kontrastering kunde eleverna urskilja skillnaden mellan kottarna och barrens längd, kottens struktur samt hur barren sitter fast på grenen. Eleverna i förskoleklassen kunde berätta om två olika kategorier av växter, växter i hemmet/ätbara växter samt vanligt förekommande växter. Dessa resultat visar hur variationsteori kan användas i undervisning om växter i förskoleklassen.
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Evaluating the Potential of Using Passive RFID Technology as a Real Time Location Tracking System to Assist an Individual with a Visual ImpairmentTiulentino, Zachary Lim 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study evaluated the potential of using Passive Radiofrequency Identification [RFID] Technology as basis for a Real Time Location Tracking System [RTLTS] to assist an individual with a visual impairment participating in physical activities, such as basketball. While RTLTSs exist based upon other technologies, Passive RFID Technology had yet to be examined for its potential in such an application. In this study, a system was designed and modified, for Passive RFID Technology, in order to enhance the performance of the RTLTS. More specifically, the first iteration of the software code employed the use of multiple RFID antennas to cooperatively designate unique zones, which allowed for the identification of a user’s general position. A series of tests were then conducted to assess the system’s accuracy. In addition, it was determined whether or not factors, such as the addition of multiple tags identifying an object, change in the attenuation level and height level of the antenna, or the position of the tag, had a significant effect on the accuracy of the system. This study showed that the system’s greatest accuracy was obtained when six distinct Passive RFID tags were used to identify the object and when the antenna had a direct line of sight to the tags. Results also showed that these read accuracy rates were indeed comparable to other technologies. Therefore, there exists optimism in using Passive RFID technology as a basis for a RTLTS to assist an individual with a visual impairment.
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Social Accessibility for Students with Visual-Impairments: A Mixed-Methodological Study of Current Students at a Land-Grant and Regionally-Known University in Western VirginiaJohnson, Patrick Matthew 07 May 2010 (has links)
This paper presents findings from a study designed to identify skills and strategies students with visual impairments have developed to aid their social integration into higher education campus life. Attending college provides numerous learning opportunities outside the classroom. The study explores the process by which students at two universities in the Commonwealth of Virginia were able to identify, navigate, and participate in extra-curricular activities. Previous research by Roy & MacKay (2002) and Hodges & Keller (1999) provides a quantitative framework from which a qualitative tapestry was woven. A secondary purpose of the study was to verify the validity of Roy & MacKay's finding that the age that individuals first experience visual disability and the visibility of their visual impairment (the variance in their ability to appear sighted) are valid predictors of social integration of visually impaired students among college students.
This study is important for several reasons, including, (a) to help develop a more inclusive campus environment, (b) to identify factors that have influenced the selection of post-secondary educational experiences by visually-impaired students, and (c) to give a voice to visually impaired students to help administrators understand their needs and desires (Henderson, 2001). / Ph. D.
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